HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 011089 MEET AGENDA � � � DAT lLA`Z ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL 124 MINUTES Tuesday, January 10, 1989 rhe regular- meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order by Mayor Borgeson at 7:00 p .m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL, CALL.: Present : Councilmen Lilley, Shiers, Dexter- and CourciIwomen Mackey and Mayor- Borgeson Staff Present : Ray Windsor- , City Manager ; Boyd Sharitz , City Clerk ; Bud McHale , Police Chief-, Henry Engen, Commia1-11ty Development Director ; Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director ; and Jeff Jorgensen, City Attorney. CITY COUNCIL COMMENT Mayor- Borgeson on behalf of all the Council expressed a Happy New Year to the Staff', employer=s and the c i t i zees of Atas;cadero . Councilman Dexter expressed thanks on behalf of his wife who is recovering well . ** PROCLAMATION: "NATIONAL VOLUNTEER BLOOD DONOR MONTH" January 1989. Mayor Borgeson presented the proclamation to Albert Young who has donated 10 gallons of blood . Mr . Young urged everyone to donate blood this Friday at the Community Church . Councilman Dexter stated that $3,763 was collected locally for the Salvation Army, Also almost $300 was collected for the Armenian Relief. COMMITTEE REPORTS SLO AREA COORDINATING COUNCIL: Mayor Borgeson reported that they are meeting on Wednesday . They will be welcoming four new delegates : David Blakely, Biann Smith from Arroyo Grande, Dick Morro from Pismo Beach and Nick Russell from Paso Robles. There is one public hearing item on the regional transportation plan update which will be scheduled for adoption in February. There will also be four verbal presentations on Wednesday dealing with the California Clean Air Act , the Regional Ride Share Program, California Transportation Commission Annual Report to the Legislature and overall work program for the year . Under 1._ # 0 Transportation they will adopt the 19e9 Legislative Program and will have a verbal report on Community Interaction Program which is a pilot transit service status report . She will report to the council at the next meeting on what took place. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE: Councilwoman Mackey said she attended a meeting last Thursday. They are talking about the Closure of the Los Osos Landfill . There was a special meeting today regarding Cole Canyon expansion appeal . ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION: Mayor Borgeson said she had received a phone call regarding someone serving on this commission. Councilman Dexter will serve on this commission with Cou'nci. lmari Shiers as the alternate. Ray Windsor , City Manager , will send a letter regarding these appointments. POLICE FACILITY COMMITTEE: City Manager , Ray Windsor , said this will be addressed under Item D 5-0 of the Agenda. COMMUNITY FORUM Bruno Adamoli spoke regarding the pack of dogs that are running loose in Atascadero . He reported that a neighbor ' s calf had been killed by these dogs . When he called the police, department fie was told he had to call Animal Control in San Luis Obispo . Jeff Jorgensen, City Attorney, responded that the City contracts with the Department of Animal Regulations for the enforcement of all the dog laws in the City of Atascadero and the City does not have an independent ability to enforce dog violations. He suggests that in the future if he ,has a complaint about dogs running loose in the neighborhood that he should immediately contact the Department of Animal Regulation directly. Mayor Borgeson said that perhaps when the North County Government Center is on line, service will be improved . Cor.arncilman Lilley stated that when people do not feel that they are getting prompt service from the Department of Animal Regulations they should let staff know so that follow up can be made. Steve LaSalle spoke regarding the appeal procedures of different cities in San Luis Obispo County. Atascadero has the most stringent and most punitive appeal procedures. Doug Lewis asked about the status of the Lewis Avenue Bridge project; . Paul Sens.ibaugh said the bridge is under design right now with Wallace and Associates. __2_ f Sarah Gronstrand said she wanted to inform the Council about the accumulation of junk and garbage that is located just east of the library on Morro Road . Henry Engem, Community Development Director , said he would have staff check on it on Wednesday morning . I I Bernice Hazebrook , 7655 Balboa Rd . , spoke regarding the amount of debris she has from falling branches and trees. She wanted to Ifnow if she can burn or what would be the be-at way that citizens dispose of this tremendous amount of brush . Ray Windsor , City Manager , reported that an Emergency was declared and appealed to the State for some funding and also to the County for some help including equipment . So far we have been unable to obtain that . At this time he does not have an answer . Council may be asked for money to rent chippers in the future. This will be a council agenda item for the next meeting . Ms. Hazebrook: asked if she rented the chipper and cleans this up and then money is allocated will she be reimbur-sedT City Attot-ney, Jeff Jorgensen, said that financial obligation rests with the property owner . A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1 . December 13, 1988 Council Minutes 2. December 14, 19se Joint Council/Planning Commission Minutes 3. December 21 , 1988 Special City Council Minutes 4 . Finance Department Report - November 1988 5. City Treasurer ' s Report November 1988 6. Claim of Marie S. Brown ($75,000) - Recommend Denial 7. Claim of Rebecca Williams ($250,000) - Recommend Denial. e. Acceptance of Final Tract Map 1-88, 9730 and 9790 Las Lomas Road (Richard Montanaro ) 9. Approval of Tentative Tract Map 19-8B, 5900 Bajada Avenue ( David and Valerie Low) 10. Renewal of Blue Shield Vision Care 11 . Letter confirming Councilman Mackey' s Continuing to Serve on County Solid Waste Committee & Appointment to County Hazardous Waste Committee _3- 12. Absence of Councilmember Dexter on May 23, 1989 City Manager , Ray Windsor , indicated to council that Item 1 will need to be as the minutes for that meeting are riot available for this meeting . Councilwoman Mackey expressed concern about the lack of play space at the item A-9 project ; 10,000 square foot lots would be preferable. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey, seconded by Councilman Shiers to approve Consent Calendar Items A 2-12. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. S. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES: 1 . iiORDINANCE NO 184 - ZONE CHANGE 14-88, CLARIFYING THE 112 ACRE MINIMUM LOT SIZE STANDARD FOR LSF-X AND RSF-X SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS Henry Engen , Community Development Director , gave the staff report . John Falkenstein, Cuesta Engineering , asked if the council Hare sure that all the people within these zones know that; their- land is being rezoned . Council comments followed. 'MOTION: By Councilman Shiers, seconded by Councilman Dexter for adoption of Ordinance 184. Passed by Roll Call Vote with Councilwoman Mackey voting no . 2. ORDINANCE NO. 183 - AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 119 RELATING 'TO DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES MOTION: By Mayor Borgeson, seconded by Councilman Lilley to continue this item until the January 24th meeting . Passed unanimously. 3. RESOLUTION NO 1-89 - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 1A-89, 10785 & loe57 EL CAMINO REAL - REQUEST AMENDMENT OF THE LAND USE MAP OF THE GENERAL PLAN TO EXPAND THE URBAN SERVICES LINE Henry Engen, Community Development Director , gave staff report . During Public Comment Glen Lewis spoke on behalf of the Colombo Family. MOTION: By Councilman Lilley, seconded by Councilman Shiers to approve Resolution No . 1-89. Passed unanimously. I -4- `+ . TREE REMOVAL REQUEST: 95e2 LAUREL ROAD Henry Engen, Community Development Director , gave staff report . MOTION- By Councilwoman Mackey, seconded by Councilman Dexter to approve the removal of the heritage tree with mitigation measures as recommended by the arborist . Passed unanimously. 'At 5:20 p .m. Mayor Borgeson asked for a 10 minute recess . t 8:30 p .m. Mayor Borgeson called the Council back to order . C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1 . DOWNTOWN MASTER PLAN AND TASK FORCE Ray Windsor , City Manager- , gave the staff report . He asked that "Task Force" be changed to "Steering Committee Robert Prophet , 5355 Palma, encouraged the Council to make sure that the steering committee has areal say so on what goes on. Ray Windsor , City Manager , thanked Mr . Prophet for his excellent comments. D. NEW J BUSINESS 1 . ABANDON EASEMENT - CENTURY PLAZA Ray Windsor- , City Manager , requested that Council continue this item until the January 24th meeting . MOTION: By Mayor Borgeson, seconded by Councilman Dexter to continue the Abandon Easement - Century Plaza until the January 24th meeting . Passed unanimously. 2. REQUEST FOR INITIATION OF ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT - DANISH CARE CENTER Henry Engen, Community Development Director , gave the staff report indicating that CUP ' s for such facilities appeared the likely remedy to respond to this request Council comments followed. Mike Arrambide stated that skilled nursing facilities are highly regulated and the office of state wide funding in Sacramento actually acts as the building department and there are extremely stringent requirements in terms of the numbers of square feet per patient which would be allowable minimums as well as maximums. What goes on in the -5- I exterior of the building is certainly a function of this local body in terms of numbers of parking spaces and appearance. Anne Marie Kirkpatrick stated that if you are increasing the number of beds or residents, you will be increasing the number of workers, make it necessary for more parking . MOTION: By Councilman Dexter , seconded by Councilman Shiers to initiate, for review and consideration, a Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment relative to the residential density and development standards for group quarters. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. 3. APPROVAL OF PROPOSED CRITERIUM BICYCLE RACE. - MAY 7, 1989 Paul Sensibaugh , Public Works Director , gave a brief staff report. . Ray Windsor , City Manager , if Council authorizes this any additional costs will come out of the department ' s budget and he will work the department to see how that is handled . Jori; Ramirez , representative for the North County Cycling Club , said his group is anxious to be working with the Parks and Recreation Department on this upcoming event . Maggie Rice from the Chamber of Commerce Office asked that Council seriously consider this joint effort . (Mayor Borgeson thanked Georgia Ramirez and Paula canton for their- past efforts on special events including races. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey, seconded by Councilman Shiers to approve the permit for the Criterium Bicycle Race on May 7, 1989 and to allow the departmental budget to cover the City costs. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. 4. SEPTIC FAILURE - 5201 JUAREZ - REQUEST FOR RELIEF Staff report was given by Paul Sensibaugh , Public Works Director . John Falkenstein, Cuesta Engineering , representing Mr . Carrick stated Mr . Carrick is in escrow to sell his house and was unable to get a certification for his septic. system. Mr . Carrick applied for a permit to rebuild the septic system on November 1 . Last week Mr . Carrick ' s contractor began work on the project , unfortunately through -6- miscommunication between Mr . Carrick and his contractor no one picked up the permit that was available at the Bldg. Department counter . Therefore his project was red tagged . They were then notified that the lot was located in the sewer district and therefore under the ordinance he must connect to the sewer . Also , tree protection is being required . Jeff Jorgensen, City Attorney, asked Mr . Falkenstein if his client would agree that when the sewer does in fact become available through some future project , at that time the septic system would be abandoned and the house would be connected to the sewer . Mr . Falkenstein said that would be acceptable. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter , seconded by Councilman Lilley to approve a waiver for the above property until sewer service becomes available, at which time the property must comply with the City Code for connection requirements. This will also be included in the Escrow instructions . Passed unanimously by roll call vote. 5. STATUS REPORT OF VARIOUS PROJECTS AND REQUEST FOR STUDY SESSIONS Staff report was given by Ray Windsor and Henry Engen. Council comments followed. MOTION: By Mayor Borgeson, seconded by Councilman Lilley the consensus of the council. is to pursue enforcement against the more flagrant violations of the sign ordinance and place as a low priority enforcement of merchandise displays pending further study of amendments to the Sign ordinance. Passed unanimously. A' joint meeting with the Planning Commission will be held on January 17 at 7:30 p .m. regarding the General Plan update. A joint meeting with the Planning Commission will be held on January 25 at 7:30 p .m. to review proposed Tree Ordinance revisions . A meeting will be held on January 31 to discuss financing of major capital improvements and direction to proceed . This meeting will be held at 5:00 p .m. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION: City Manager : Ray Windsor- said they aped to meet as a group and discuss the top three projects which are the Police Facility, the Lake Pavilion/ community center and the lake park lots purchase. Are they still -7- the highest priorities and if so how do you wish to proceed in terms of financing . The resignation of Mike Lara from the Parks and Recreation Commission needs to be acknowledged and he needs direction from Council to direct him to come back with the appropriate certificate of recognition for Mike ' s past service on this commission. Council needs to discuss in the near future as to how they want to handle the replacement or whether or not you want to reduce the number on that commission. This will be an agenda item for the next meeting . MEETING ADJOURNED AT 10:25 P.M. TO A CLOSED SESSION. CLOSED SESSION ADJOURNED AT 10:45 p.M. MINUTES RECORDED BY BOYD�6- SWARIT�, CITY PREPARED BY I LGE G A RA RF.?, PUTY C CLERK i r a J i i i