HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 030888 �� AGENDA ITEM i (MINUTES APPROVED BY COUNCIL, AS WRITTEN, 3/22/88) ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 8, 1988 The regular meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order at 7:30 p .m. , followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present : Councilmembers Borgeson, Bourbeau, Handshy, Mackey and Mayor Norris Absent : None Staff Present : Mike Shelton, City Mgr . ; Paul Sensibaugh , Pub . Wks. Dir . ; Bud McHale, Police Chief; Steve DeCamp , Sr . Planner ; Bob Best , Parks & Rec . Dir . ; Jeff Jorgensen, City Atty. ; Boyd Sharitz , City Clerk; Cindy Wilkins, Dep . City Clerk COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilwoman Mackey announced that Atascadero has been designated as a "Tree City U.S.A. One of the requirements is that we have an Arbor Day. Council will reach a consensus as to a date before the next Council meeting . Councilman Bourbeau, regarding memo to Council from Mr . Engen, Comm. Devel. Dir . , requested a study session for Council discus- sion of nuisance abatement (as opposed the citation process) . Mayor Norris issued two proclamations; "Camp Fire Birthday Week" , March 13-20, 1988, accepted by Nancy Crawford on behalf of Camp Fire; Council and staff were presented with gifts of Camp Fire candy from children. "American Assn. of University Women Week" , March 6-12, 1988, accepted by Harriet Hughes for the AAUW. Coun- cilwoman Mackey urged citizens to visit the literature censorship display that Harriet put together in a dis- play case outside the museum. 1 COMMITTEE REPORTS Tree Committee - Councilwoman Mackey noted that the Planning Commission recommended approval of the new tree ordinance, and it will be before the City Council at their next meeting. There were no further committee reports. COMMUNITY FORUM There were no public comments. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 . Approval of Feb. 22, 1988 Special Joint Council/AUSD Board Meeting Minutes 2. Approval of Feb. 23, 1988 Regular Council Minutes 3. Approval of TPM 44-87 1909 Traffic Way (James Johnson/ Cuesta Engineering) 4. Purchase of surveying and engineering vehicle: a. Adoption of Res. No. 26-88 - Authorizing City to purchase vehicles through State of CA cooperative purchasing agency b. Authorize purchase of Jeep Cherokee vehicle through State of CA cooperative purchasing bid Motion: By Councilwoman Mackey to approve the Consent Calendar , seconded by Councilwoman Horgeson; passed unanimously by roll-call . B. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES/REPORTS 1 . Escuela del Rio - Request for waiver of Development Impact Tax and fees Mr . DeCamp , Sr . Planner , gave staff report . Public Comment Judie Magonacelaya, Pres. , Atas. Committee for Education, spoke in support of this request , noting their dependence on State funding and private fund-raising efforts. She also noted that this is the only program for developmentally disabled adults in Atascadero . 2 0 ' I I Sarah Gronstrand , resident , urged Council waiver of fees, noting the valuable services provided by Escuela del Rio to the com- munity. I Motion: By Councilman Bourbeau that Council make the necessary finding (as per staff report ) and grant the request for a waiver of fees, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson; passed unanimously by roll call . C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1 . Authorization to enter into Contract of Employment for Interim Administrative Services Director (Cont 'd from 2/9 and 2/23/88) Mr . Shelton, City Mgr . , gave staff report and introduced Mr . Bramble to Council . Council discussion followed relating to Mr . Bramble ' s salary under the proposed contract , as well as to per diem for temporary lodging expenses. Public Comment Joe Knyal , resident , expressed that potential candidates should have been interviewed by the Council Ursula Luna, 10600 San Marcos, agreed with the comments of the previous speaker . Councilwoman Borgeson asked several questions of Mr . Bramble relating to his background and qualifications for this position, and he responded from the podium. Motion: By Councilman Bourbeau that Council authorize the Mayor to enter into agreement with John M. Bramble to provide contractual services as Interim Admini- strative Services Director , seconded by Councilman Handshy; passed by 3:2 roll-call , with Council- woman Borgeson and Mayor Norris opposed C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 2. Status Report by City Atty. regarding Beno 's purchase agree- ment negotiations - Verbal Mr . Jorgensen, City Atty. , gave staff report outlining ( four ) significant changes to the draft Purchase Agreement and Escrow 3 Instructions previously transmitted to Council . There was no public comment . Motion: By Councilwoman Borgeson that Council authorize staff to prepare final draft Purchase Agreement to submit to the sellers to sign and to bring before Council at the next available Council meeting , seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed by 4: 1 roll-call , with Councilman Handshy opposed . 3. E1 Camino Real and West Mall traffic signal Right-of-Way Agreement with Mr. & Mrs. Hen Hoff Mr . Sensibaugh , Pub . Wks. Dir . gave staff report . There was no public comment . Motion: By Councilman Handshy to adopt staff recommenda- tion to approve the proposed agreement between the City and Ben Hoff, Inc . and Ben Hoff Trust , sec- onded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed unanimously by roll-call . COUNCIL RECESSED FOR BREAK AT 8:30 P.M. MEETING WAS CALLED BACK TO ORDER AT 8:45 P.M. D. NEW BUSINESS 1 . Receive reports from Recreation Dept. (requested by Council at 2/23/88 meeting): a. Use of Paloma Creek Phase II baseball diamonds b. Cost for use of lights by Atas. Babe Ruth at Alvord Field Red Item "a" : Mr . Best , Parks & Rec. Dir . , gave staff report . He noted he and P & R Commission Chmn. Mike Lara met with Little League (L.L. ) representatives ( including Mr . Sherwin and Vic Smart ) last Thursday, as well as separate discussions between Mr . Lara and the representatives to discuss concerns expressed . Dis- cussion with Council ensued . Public Comment Larry Sherwin, representing Atas. L.L. , expressed agreement with Mr . Best to refer this matter to the P & R Commission; however , he noted that if issues cannot be resolved in a reasonable amount of time, the L.L. will be back before the Council . 4 I Patrick Newser ( ? ) , resident and member of L.L. Board , expressed the League ' s concern that Council address this issue and not push it aside. Vic Smart , V.P. Atas. L.L. Minor League Divn. , feels equitable scheduling can be worked out through the efforts of the non- profit organizations, the P & R Commission and the Rec . Dept . Sarah Gronstrand , resident , noted her discussion with an indivi- dual in charge of girls ' softball , who relayed that she had not heard about the recent meetings to discuss concerns. Dave Ryan, player agent for Atas. L.L. , promoted the concerns further , noting that the League is all volunteer -- "as is the City Council " -- and would appreciate the Council ' s help . Motion: By Councilman Handshy that Council adopt staff recommendation to refer this item to the Parks & Recreation Commission to receive staff report , direct staff to meet with Little League represen- tatives to further explore apparent scheduling conflicts, and that staff receive the Commission ' s recommendation for forwarding to Council . Motion seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed unanimously. Mr . Best was requested to provide a progress report next month after the Commission ' s discussion at its next regular meeting . Re: Item "b Mr . Best gave staff report and responded to questions from Council . Public Comment Mike Lara, P & R Commission Chmn. , suggested PG & E be requested to donate services to replace lights, as they have proper per- sonnel and equipment, which would eliminate a liability concern. Jim Gibbons, representing Atas. Babe Ruth, expressed agreement with the suggested $4 per hour charge for use of lights, but would like a specific replacement cost determined due to avail- ability of limited funds. Motion: By Councilman Handshy that Council , ( 1 ) Authorize the Parks & Rec . Dir . to establish an hourly rate for light usage based on actual electric cost per PG & E; this basic rate will be the hourly rate charged to Babe Ruth Baseball , and (2) any lights which need to be replaced during the season will be the responsibility of Babe Ruth Baseball . Motion seconded by Councilman Bourbeau; passed unanimously by roll-call . 5 2. Authorization to solicit request for proposals - Lewis Ave. Bridge design Mr . Sensibaugh , Pub . Wks. Dir . , gave staff report and discussion with Council ensued relating to funding . There was no public comment . Motion: By Councilman Bourbeau to adopt staff recommenda- tion and direct staff to request a minimum of three and a maximum of ten proposals for the design of the Lewis Ave. Bridge, including the design of a pedestrian bridge and a connector street between Lewis and Palma Avenues, seconded by Councilman Handshy; passed unanimously by roll- call . E. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT 1 . Award of Sewer Master Plan Engineering Agmt. to CH2M Hill in an amount not to exceed $24%900 Mr . Sensibaugh , Pub . Wks. Dir . , requested continuance to the next meeting . MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:20 P.M. MINUTES RECORDED BY: BOYD C. SHARITZ, Ci erk PREPARED BY: CINDY WILKINS, Dep . City Clerk 6