HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 020988 OMEETING AGENDA DAT rt Me (MINUTES APPROVED WITH CORRECTION, P. 9, 2/23/88) ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 1988 The regular meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order at 7 : 30 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Borgeson, Bourbeau, Mackey, Handshy, and Mayor Norris COUNCIL COMMENT: Mayor Norris announced that the Council had held a closed session regarding personnel matters, which began at 6:30 p.m. Councilmember Borgeson requests scheduling for the next Council Meeting regarding review procedures for conditional use permits related to large scale projects Mayor Norris requests Item F-1, Request for Special General Plan Amendment Hearing for Oak Tree Plaza (San Anselmo and Highway 101 ) , be reviewed by Council at this time rather than at the end of the ,agenda. REQUEST FOR SPECIAL GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT HEARING FOR OAK TREE PLAZA (SAN ANSELMO AND HIGHWAY 101) : Community Development Director Henry Engen states that the project, by Crossroads Development Company, is proposing to develop an 18 acre site as a shopping center. They are requesting a special General Plan Amendment Review cycle to change the land use designation from Suburban Single Family Residential to Retail Commercial with an urban service line extension to provide sewer to the site. Mr. Engen clarifies that the City presently has two General Plan Amendment cycles, but legally could have more. The next cycle application deadline is April 1, 1988 . As a side issue, it is noted that Beehive Mobile Homes have been granted a one year temporary use permit to place mobile homes on a portion of the above site, which is presently privately owned. 1 f I l I Councilmember Bourbeau clarifies to the audience that Council is not - reviewing the merits of this project at this time, but addressing the request for a special General Plan Amendment cycle. Dan Lloyd, Engineering Development Associates, representing the applicant, summarizes the types of retail shops proposed. He states that this will be the largest retail project in Atascadero. Mr. Lloyd further clarifies the need for a special General Plan Amendment cycle because if this proposal is placed with the other General Plan Amendment requests received by the City, it would be subject to time delays encountered by processing the other requests, as they do not advance through the process individually, but as a group. Mr. Williams, applicant, states his willingness to work with staff to do everything needed to ,make the proposed store an asset to the area. He clarifies that he does not intend to close his downtown location once the new site is developed. Mr. Richard Kirkpatrick, Monterey Court resident, voices his concerns regarding additional traffic impacts on surface roads to the San Anselmo Offramp, and to existing school traffic . He objects to changing the present land use from minor development into the largest commercial site in Atascadero. He also disagrees with granting a special General Plan Amendment cycle and bypassing the normal process . Joel Mann, Crossroads Development, representing the applicant, reviews public concerns regarding landscape screening, and 36 inch box tree planting proposed. He clarifies that the applicant wants to provide a retail environment to serve the north end of town that will not affect the downtown businesses and benefit the City of Atascadero. Henry Engen clarifies to John Mc Neil, resident, the process related to environmental review and project reporting. " Mr. Mc Neil urges no special review cycles . Mary Kirkpatrick, resident, feels this project will require maximum study and review due to it' s size and should not be hurried along. Celia Moss, resident, requests delaying decisions on this project till after the E .R.A. development study is completed for the city. George Highland, resident, states that the regular April General Plan Amendment cycle should not be impacted by reviewing this project beforehand. Kathy Williams, applicant, states that this proposed development 2 will highly consider adjacent residents and will try to meet all City requirements. Betsi Outland, adjacent property owner, requests Council not to grant a special review cycle for this proposal . Francis Grimes, adjacent resident, feels this proposal will remove the possibility for "piece meal development" on the site. Louis Borjes, Monterey Road resident, feels this proposal is better than previous projects proposed for this area. Councilmember Handshy feels this type of proposal is good for the area, but has concerns regarding deviating from the normal review process . He further expresses his concerns regarding Beehive Mobile Homes' temporary relocation to the site. Councilmember Bourbeau feels that granting a special review process -would be a precedenting action to accomodate large development for future proposals . He also feels that the applicant waiting for the normal cycle, beginning in April, should not be a great impact. Councilmember Bourbeau encourages staff to work with the applicants in the time prior to April 1 in preparing their application, etc . Councilmember Mackey feels that an extra cycle would allow additional time to review this project specifically. Mayor Norris feels that a third additional cycle would allow review of the project sooner. MOTION: Councilmember Borgeson requests staff to process this application as part of the April 1 General Plan Amendment Cycle; Councilmember Bourbeau seconds; Motion carries 4-1 (Mayor Norris opposed) A 1-8 CONSENT CALENDAR: The following are items listed on the Consent Calendar: 1 . Approval of January 26, 1988 Council Minutes 2 . Approval of Time Extension for Tentative Parcel Map 11-85 - 7150 Serena Kennedy/Stewart 3 . Approval of Surplus Miscellaneous City Vehicles : 3 • 0 A. Resolution 23-88 - Declaring the following vehicles as Surplus : 1961 Van Pelt Fire Truck 1979 Dodge 16 Passenger Van 1981 Chevrolet 16 Passenger Van 1980 Ford LTD (blue) 1980 ford LTD (blue/white) 1985 Ford LTD (blue/white) (wrecked) 1981 Chevy Impala Station Wagon B. Authorize Sealed Bid procedures for Disposal of Above Referenced Vehicles 4 . Approval of Resolution 17-88 - Designation of a Stop Sign at Intersection on Los Gatos Avenue at the Westbound Intersection with Flores Avenue 5 . Approval of Resolution 18-88 - Designation of a Stop Intersection on La Paz Lane at Atascadero Avenue 6 . Approval of Resolution 20-88 - Designatin of a No Parking Zone on the Sout er y Sl a of Santa Lucia road, Directly Across from the Catholic Church, the Entire Length of Lot 24 , Block HB 7 .. Approval of Resolution 14-88 - Calling and Giving Notice of Holding the June 7 , 1988 General Municipal Election 8 . Approval of Resolution 15-88 - Requesting the County Board of Supervisors to Consolidate the June 7 , 1988 General Municipal Election with the Statewide Primary Item A-4 , Resolution 17-88 - Designation of a Stop Sign Intersection on Los Gatos Avenue at the Westbound Intersection with Flores Avenue is removed from the Consent Calendar by Councilmember Borgeson for further review. After discussion and clarification between Council and Public Works Director Paul Sensibaugh regarding logic for the sign location at the intersection; the item is placed back on the Consent Calendar. MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves approval of the Consent Calendar, as presented; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries 5-0 4 i i I I I I I B-1 COMPREHENSIVE REWRITE OF THE CITY BUILDING CODES: I PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE 166 - AMENDMENT OF BUILDING REGULATIONS TO THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE, AND ADOPTING, BY REFERENCE, THE UNIFORM ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, 1985 EDITION (FIRST READING) Community Development Director Henry Engen states that this ordinance revision will be updating the existing ordinance with the latest legislation on codes . No public comment is given on this item. Staff and Council review various changes proposed without further changes requested. Chief Building Inspecor Bob Fielding notes that the code changes will not be retroactive. MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves to read Ordinance 166 by title only; Councilmember Borgeson seconds; Motion carries 5-0 MOTION: Councilmember Borgeson moves this action to constitute the first reading of ordinance 166; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries 5-0 MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves adoption of Ordinance 166; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries 5-0 B-2 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE - STATUS REPORT ON POSTAL SERVICE COMPLIANCE WITH CITY DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS Community Development Director Henry Engen reviews prior communications with the Postal Service representatives, and their reluctance to meet with staff regarding development conditions requested by the City, as they -claim no additional funds available. The Post Office has a tentative completion date of June/July, 1988 . Mr. Engen reviews possible actions the City could pursue if the Postal Service continues to ignore development conditions the City is requesting. 5 I I I j I Mr. Engen states that today he received a telephone call from the Postal Service Area Development Contracting officerforthis area, who has requested to meet with staff to further discuss this project. City Attorney Jeffrey Jorgensen clarifies that the Postal Service, falling under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government, is exempt from local laws, but must meet Federal Building Standards and their own review process . Any additional funding given by the Postal Authorities would be strictly voluntary to meet development conditions requested by the City. Fire Chief Hicks encourages staff and Council to continue pursuing negotiations with the Postal_ Service for additional safety development condition requests, as our obligation is to the people of Atascadero Council encourages staff to meet and negotiate with Postal Service representatives and report back to Council . C-1 ORDINANCE 163 —REVISED SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE (SECOND AND FINAL READING (CONT'D FROM 1/2 & 1/26/88) : Community Development Director Henry Engen states that the ordinance is being presented with changes made that were requested at the January 26 , 1988 Council Meeting. City Attorney Jeffrey Jorgensen clarifies that the Subdivision Regulations are largely dictated by the Subdivision Map Act, of which the City has no discretion over. The two areas the City does have discretion over would be flag lots and lot line adjustments . Staff clarifies that the appeal fee of $100 is not refundable to the applicant if his appeal is approved. The $100 fee relates more so to staff time/materials involved in preparing for an appeal. Regarding cable service, the ordinance gives the City discretionaryability to require cable where necessary, as cable does not service all of Atascadero due to topography, etc . No public comment is given on this item. MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves to read Ordinance 163 by title only; Councilmember Borgeson seconds; Motion carries 5-0 6 MOTION: Councilmember Borgeson moves to approve the second reading of Ordinance 163 and adopt the ordinance; Councilmember Bourbeau seconds; Motion carries 4-1 (Mayor Norris objects) MOTION: Councilmember Mackey moves to publish Ordinance 163 with a synopsis display advertisement rather than a whole ordinance printing; Councilmember Handshy seconds; Motion carries 5-0 C-2 ZONE CHANGE 14-87 - 11250/11350 EL CAMINO REAL- FREDERICK ORDINANCE 164 - AMENDMENT TO THE CITY ZONING MAPS FROM RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN TO NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL (CN) FH) (SECOND AND FINAL READING) (CONT'D FROM 1/26/88) : Community Development Director Henry Engen gives a brief review of this item, and that it now presented for final adoption. No public comment is given on this item. MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves to read ordinance 164 by title only; Councilmember Borgeson seconds; Motion carries 5-0 MOTION: Councilmember Borgeson moves to adopt ordinance 164 , by title only; Councilmember Handshy seconds; Motion carries 5-0 C-3 ZONE CHANGE 16-87 - EAST OF SOMBRILLA AND WEST OF VALLE AVE CITY OF ATASCADERO INITIATED: ORDINANCE 165 AMENDMENT TO THE CITY ZONING MAPS FROM RSF-K (HIGH DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY (20,000 SQUARE FEET WITH SEWER) TO -RSF-Y (MODERATE DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY) (1.0 ACRE WITH SEWER (SECOND AND FINAL READING) (CONT'D FROM 1/26/88 Community Development Director Henry Engen gives a brief review of past events on this proposal . No public comment is given. MOTION: Councilmember Borgeson moves to read Ordinance 165 by title only; Councilmember Bourbeau seconds; Motion carries 5-0 MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves to Adopt Ordinance 165; Councilmember Borgeson seconds; Motion carries 5-0 7 • • C-5 ATASCADERO LAKE PARK RANGER HOUSE NEEDS FEASIBILITY STUDY (CONT'D FROM 11/24/87 AND 1/26/88) : Park and Recreation Director Robert Best states that he has met with Mental Health representatives regarding a possible shared use of* the Ranger House, with a mutual agreement that this would only be feasible in a very limited use and that it is not good idea. An alternative discussed related to demolition of an old structure at the park and construct a facility to accomodate an activity building that would be larger than the Ranger House. Barbara Fisher, Mental Health Associates Director, reviews her concerns regarding a shared use of the Ranger House. She describes the service that is provided by her program to certain residents of Atascadero, and that it is a needed service. She also clarifies that she is mandated by State Law to offer her services in a home-like setting, and her concerns on relocating to a residential area. George Brudney, Mental Health Associates volunteer, states that Mental Health Associates have been operating out of the Ranger House for 10 years and feels the service is an asset to the community. Dug Chisolm, Phycologist, states that the service is a socialization program and opposes a move. John Harris, Parks and Recreation Commissioner, clarifies the issues related to this item in that the Mental Health Associates are on a short-term rental agreement for use of the Ranger House. with the demise of the Pavilion Building and shortage of other City facilities, the Park and Recreation Department is in need of additional space for classes The Ranger House is a recreational facility in a recreational area. If the City has need of a City-owned facility, it should be the priority use of the facility. Mr. Harris supports staff recommendation of terminating the present rental agreement and utilization of the building for City recreational functions . Councilmember Bourbeau discusses a need to renegotiate the present rental agreement to represent fair market value of the facility and to relocate recreational activities to other areas within Atascadero. Councilmember Borgeson supports Councilmember Bourbeau' s opinion and adds that the funds received from the rent should be utilized for purchase of a portable building located at the lake. Mayor Norris agrees that Mental Health Associates should remain at their present location. 8 9 0 MOTION: Councilmember Borgeson moves to direct staff to allow Mental Health Associates to remain in the Ranger House location, with an increased rent, which will be negotiated with staff, and directs staff to re-present to Council viable alternatives for recreational facilities; Councilmember Bourbeau seconds; Motion carries 5-0 C-4 AUTHORIZATION TO ACCEPT A PROPOSAL BY BECKER AND BELL CONSULTANTS TO CONDUCT A CITY MANAGER RECRUITMENT: City Manager Shelton- states that seven Executive Search Firms were contacted, and the City received four, proposals ranging from $6, 100 to $12 , 500 plus expenses . Staff recommends Council accept the proposal by Becker and Bell Consultants at $6, 100, as they fulfill the basic scope of services requested and were the low bid. They have an extensive background in personnel and are familiar with the City, as they do the City' s employee relation negotiations Councilmember Borgeson reviews the second lowest bid by Ralph Anderson and Associates for $9,000 . In her opinion this firm is much more qualified to provide the services requested, and that the Becker and Bell firm' s specialty is employee relations and not as an executive search firm. City Manager Shelton agrees with Councilmember Borgeson' s comments regarding the professionalism of Ralph Anderson and Associates and supports this choice also. George Highland, resident supports not accepting the Becker and Bell proposal, as executive searching is not their forte. Council further discusses the need to negotiate reasonable expenses that can be incurred by the consultants . P4eet3-�c�-ate MOTION: Councilmember Borgeson moves to accept the proposal by Ralph Anderson and Associates in the amount of $9,000 plus reasonable expenses; Councilmember Bourbeau seconds; Motion carries 4-1, * je1 �Ate -H�1�d �-314 -� with Mayor Norris opposed. * It is noted that Councilmember Handshy departs the Council meeting at this time. (* Above changes verified after correction announcement at 2/23/88 Council Meeting.) 9 E-1 PROPOSED SEWER ANNEXATION TO IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT #1 - MAC CORKLE: A. PUBLIC HEARING B. RESOLUTION 21-88 —EXTENSION OF PUBLIC SEWER SERVICE TO LOT 25, BLOCK YB (LARGA AVENUE) AND INCORPORATION OF THE AREA INTO THE BOUNDARIES OF IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NUMBER 1 Public Works Director Paul Sensibaugh feels that the proposed annexation is acceptable as it is located in an already defined "septic problem area" . He clarifies that this area has not yet been defined as a "Cease and Desist Area" . Mr. Sensibaugh submits a protest letter to Council by Patrick and Suzette Snyder, requesting a waiver of hookup till their septic system fails, as it is only 18 months old. Mr. Sensibaugh clarifies that Mr. Mc Corkle will be ,requesting a Reimbursement Agreement be set up (which has a life of 15 years) to help defray his initial extension costs . Mr. Sensibaugh states that when more people who hook up to sewer in a problem area, it reduces a possible future cease and desist area. It is noted that the applicant is not present, as it was expected that this would be a routine item. It is clarified that if a request for waiver is not granted, the extension costs would be divided equally by the number of lots affected. Costs are approximated from $4 ,000 to $6,000 . Council continues this item to the February 23, 1988 Council Meeting to allow staff to meet with the applicant regarding his desire to pursue his request in _ light of a Request for Waiver option to adjacent property owners . D-4 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR RECRUITMENTt A. AUTHORIZATION TO UTILIZE THE SERVICES OF PUBLIC SKILLS (LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES) FOR AN INTERIM ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR B. AUTHORIZATION TO BEGIN RECRUITMENT PROCESS FOR AN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR Due to the lateness of the hour, Council agrees to act on Park "A" only at this time and continue Part "B" to the February 23 , 1988 Council Meeting. 10 I MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves to authorize utilization of the services of Public Skills for an Interim Administrative Services Director; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries 4-0 D-1 RESOLUTION 16-88 - INCREASING THE SPEED LIMIT ON EL CAMINO REAL IN THE SOUTHBOUND LANES, BETWEEN SAN JACINTO AND I ROSARIO AVENUES: j Due to the lateness of the hour, this item is continued to the February 23 , 1988 Council Meeting without review. D-2 RESOLUTION 22-88 - PROPOSED ACCEPTANCE OF CORRIENTE ROAD INTO THE CITY OF ATASCADERO' S MAINTAINED STREET SYSTEM: Due to the lateness of the hour, this item is continued to the February 23, 1988 Council Meeting without review. D-3 RESOLUTION 19-88 - DESIGNATION OF A STOP INTERSECTION ON ATASCADERO AVENUE AT SANTA YNEZ AVENUE: Due to the lateness of the hour, this item is continued to the February 23, 1988 Council Meeting without review. City Attorney Jeffrey Jorgensen reviews the draft Beno' s purchase agreement with Council, which represents negotiations made thus far. He requests Council to revieview this agreement in detail, with special interest towards Beno' s special demands . The Atascadero City Council Meeting is adjourned at 11 : 50 p.m. to a Closed Session on February 14 , 1988 and a February 18 , 1988 Joint City/School District Meeting. Prepar d by: K en Vaughan Deputy City Clerk 11