HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 120887 EETIN AGE IDA ATE ITEIB --/ -- (APPROVED BY COUNCIL, WITH CORRECTION, NOTED P.6, 1/12/88) ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 8, 1987 The regular meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order at 7:45 p .m. by Mayor Norris, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. An invocation was given by Rev. Rollin Dexter . ROLL CALL: Present : Councilmembers Borgeson, Bourbeau, Mackey and Mayor Norris Absent : Councilman Handshy Staff Present : Mike Shelton, City Mgr . ; David Jorgensen, Admin. Svcs. Director ; Lt . Chuck Hazelton, APD; Bud McHale, APD Chief(*) ; Henry Engen, Commun. Devei . Director ; Paul Sensibaugh , Pub . Works Director ; Jeff Jorgensen, City Atty. ; Boyd Sharitz , City Clerk; Cindy Wilkins, Dep . City Clerk (* Arrived in time for B-1/D-1 discussion) Mayor Norris announced that Council held a closed session regarding litigation (Nash vs. Harmon) prior to the audit review, both previous to the regular meeting . Councilwoman Mackey wished all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year . CouncilmanBourbeaucongratulated Lt . Chuck Hazelton for his having recently passed the State Bar Exam. Councilman Bourbeau commented on a newspaper editorial relating to Agenda Item A-3, noting that the subject study (which is required by the State Office of Historic Preservation) has to be accomplished by an architect recognized by that office. COMMITTEE REPORTS The City/School Committee met last week and discussed the Lewis Ave. Bridge; the next meeting is scheduled for Dec . 16th . North Coastal Transit - nothing to report . SLO Area Coordinating Council met last Wednesday to discuss unmet transportation needs, which were addressed by the public . Traffic Committee- At a special meeting on Nov. 30, Council -1- appointed Chuck Bishop to this committee. The committee met last week and plan to go on a mobile tour on the third Wednesday in January, to meet again on the fourth Wednesday in January. Tom-Solid ---Waste Mgmt . Committee met last week ; Mayor Norris will present a report in January. She hopes some of the community service organizations will allow members of the Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Commissions to show films in Atascadero for the purpose of educating citizens about the hazards of certain household materials. Equal Opportunity Commission - nothing to report . Police Facility Committee - There are items on the agenda (B-1 & D-1 ) . Atas. Lake Acquisition Committee has not met since the last Council meeting The Tree Committee met last night with Joe Elkins, who expressed contractors ' concerns; the committee will next be meeting with Mr . Engen, Commun. Devel . Director , in response to those concerns. Bicentennial Committee - nothing to report . Pavilion Committee - nothing to report . Mayor Norris thanked those well wishers who contacted her or sent cards after her foot surgery last month . Mayor Norris announced the withdrawal of her claim against the City for damage to a sari from India. Mayor Norris suggested future discussion of possibly offering bonuses to employees who devise ways to save the City money. COMMUNITY FORUM Terry Graham, 6205 Conejo , reminded the Council of his request (sometime last Sept .) for a discussion of the issue of granny housing on an agenda; Mayor Norris noted that agendas have been very full . She directed that the subject be placed on the Council ' s first January regular meeting agenda. Al Sherman, 7340 Navajoa, expressed that Atascadero is seemingly being ' taken over by outsiders ' , saying he would like to see a stop in multi-family housing and to retain an agricultural nature. Rita Fernandez , 3650 Falda, encouraged enforcement of development requirements (e.g. , landscape requirements) as per building -2- • ! permit stipulations. Valkyrie Randall-Schuerman, 7406 Santa Ysabel , expressed discontent with prolonged construction on her street , noting inconveniences experienced because of it . Mr . Sensibaugh , Pub . Works Director , reviewed the tentative schedule of further work on the project . Ed Schuerman, 7406 Santa Ysabel , seconded the comments of the previous speaker . A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 . Approval of City Council Minutes November 24, 1987 2. Approval of Tentative Parcel Map 34-87 - 5450 Santa Fe Road subdivision of .97 acres into two parcels of 20,000 and 20,655 sq. ft. - Hill/Tartaglia/Hughes Engineering 3. Approval of contract agreement with Alice Carey Architects- $8,500 - Historic Structures Report (conceptually approved at 11/24/87 Council Meeting) Doug Lewis, resident , asked if it is customary that monetary items be approved in the Consent Calendar . Mayor Norris and City Atty. Jeff Jorgensen responded and reviewed criteria for the Consent Calendar . Mr . Shelton, City Mgr . , requested item A-3 be pulled for separate discussion. Councilwoman Mackey suggested reinstatement of the policy for persons speaking at the public podium to use the sign-in sheet for clarity and to assure proper spelling in the transcription of the minutes. Motion: By Councilwoman Mackey to approve the Consent Calendars minus A-3, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson; passed unanimously by roll-calls with Councilman Handshy absent, Mr . Sensibaugh , Pub. Works Director , noted changes to subject agreement : Pg . 2, Sec . B - The coordinator shall be the Director of Public Works; He noted all the deletions initialed by staff have been initialed by the architect ; Ree Exh . D (amendment to contract ) - Delete Art . 6 (6. 1 and 6.2) ; -3- ! Delete Art . 19 ( 19. 1 ) in its entirety. Motion: By Councilwoman Mackey to approve the contract agreement with Alice Carey Architects with amendments as stated , seconded by Councilman Bourbeau; passed unanimously by roll-call , with Councilman Handshy absent . B. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES/REPORTS 1 . Motion: By Councilwoman Borgeson to postpone B-1 discussion to be concurrent with Item D=`1 discussion, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed unanimously. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1 . Tentative Parcel Map 21-87 - 8665 Portola - Proposal to Re subdivide 2 existing developed residential lots, totaling 2.03 acres into 4 lots, varying in size from 20,401 sq. ft. to 23,346 sq. ft. - Gouff/Daniel Stewart (Cont 'd from 11/24/87 Council Meeting Consent Calendar) Mayor Norris stated Item C-1 continued until first meeting in January to permit consideration by the full City Council . 2. Resolution 119-87 - Proposal to accept a portion of Santa Ana Road, from Santa Lucia to Corriente, into the City maintained street system (Cont 'd from 11/24/87) Mr . Sensibaugh , Pub . Works Director , gave staff report and responded to questions from Council . At the Mayor ' s suggestion, he will discuss possible relocation of the utility pole from the edge of the roadway. Public Comment Gordon Davis, developer , responded to questions from Council as to why there are no shoulders on the road (nor on other old Atas. Colony roads) . Mr . Sensibaugh added comments regarding the radius of the many curves on the road . Terry Graham commented on the financial responsibility of the City to provide services to those currently in service areas. Arthur Reiter , 10150 San Marcos, asked where Santa Ana Rd . is located; staff demonstrated using overhead projector . -4- • i Al Sherman, resident , spoke in opposition to this road acceptance, feeling it should be upgraded to ' 87 standards first . John McNeil , resident , commented on the development over the years in the area in question, noting the care with which people drive there and that there have been very few accidents as a result , exhibiting pride in the rural character of our community. Ursula Luna, 10600 San Marcos, spoke in favor of adopting criteria to insure that the large lots in subject area will remain so in order to limit average traffic flow on the roads there. Russell Goodrich , 5825 Ridgeway Ct. , feels if the City starts straightening out its roads, it will go bankrupt , and that it ' s ridiculous to try to make high-speed roads in Atascadero . Dorothy McNeil , 3-F Meadows resident , stated one of the issues at time of City incorporation was better roads, and the assumption was that all roads would be accepted ; she favors all roads if this road is accepted . There was no further public comment , and the discussion came back to Council . Motion: By Councilwoman Mackey to approve Res. 119-87, seconded by Councilman Bourbeau; passed by 3: 1 roll-call , with Councilwoman Borgeson opposed and Councilman Handshy absent . COUNCIL RECESSED FOR A BREAK AT 9:03 P.M. MAYOR NORRIS CALLED THE MEETING BACK TO ORDER AT 9: 15 P.M. D. NEW BUSINESS 1 . Police Facility Committee status report regarding financing of Police Facility (This item moved from B-1 on agenda) 2. Authorization to enter into agreement with Ross, Levin & Maclntyre Architects an amount not to exceed '$800 - Beno 's site renovation cost estimate for a police facility (This item originally listed D-1 on agenda) Mr . Jorgensen, Admin. Svcs. Director , gave staff report, outlining the financial resources available to the City for financing a project of this size and he responded to questions from Council . At Councilwoman Borgeson ' s request , he reviewed cash currently on hand. -5- Chief McHale, APD (arrived 9:45 p .m. due to flight delay) , reviewed the chronological history of the police facility project and reviewed the department ' s space needs in relation to space available at the Beno ' s site under consideration. Using the overhead projector , he reviewed a preliminary sketch of how the interior might look if the Beno ' s site is purchased . Public Comment Sarah Gronstrand , resident, asked how much money is budgeted for the interior (furniture) needs in the facility; Chief McHale responded he feels the structure would be habitable by the department for approx . $500,000. Mrs. Gronstrand spoke in opposition to debt financing for this project . see -a and below) trsr��--#�I+e-e --€ - -- - -o-a ---f-e�=--- e---Rea-E�-- t�---r�r�e - be eta- . Russell Goodrich, resident , spoke in support of purchasing the Beno ' s site. Bryan Berry, representing the APD (APOA President ) , spoke to the needs of the department , characterizing the hazards and potential legal liabilities of performing police work in the current situation as "a time bomb waiting to go off" . T.A. Collins, 8730 Casanova, Pres. of Atas. Homeowners Assn. , spoke (as a private individual ) in support of the Beno ' s site for a police facility. He noted that he polled the Homeowners Assn. Board of Directors, who supported the idea of purchase of the Beno ' s property with modifications. Shirley Summers, 8120 Azucena, (who served for 7 years on the Planning Commission) spoke in support of the Beno ' s site for a police facility, feeling it ' s time to recognize the police as a priority that helped to incorporate Atascadero . She noted appropriate planning - includes support services as well as land use issues. Suzie VanBenthuysen, 8520 Casanova, representing the No . County Women ' s Shelter, seconded the commentsofthe previous speaker . Terry Graham, of Conejo Rd. , expressed opposition to expenditures for acquisition of the Beno ' s site, favoring continued use of the Admin. Bldg . offices until appropriate finances become available. John McNeil, 8755 Sierra Vista, commended the current Council, ( in response to some comments to the contrary by the previous speaker) for managing to raise the funds necessary to keep the City functioning in a very capable way. In view of the fact that (* Correction/deletion noted and_.agproved''at meeting of 1/12/88.) -6- we know we will experience continued development on the Central Coast , he strongly supports the Beno ' s proposal . Arthur Reiter , 10150 San Marcos, requested clarification of claims expressed by Mr . Graham regarding election results which relate to the community 's feelings about the police facility issue (54% opposed ) ; he asked , ( 1 ) what was the election year referred to, and (2) what was the specific issue? Rita Fernandes, 3650 Falda, spoke in support of the efforts of the City Council and commended the APD as "one of the best" ; she spoke in favor of acquisition of the Beno ' s site, agreeing with the comments of previous speakers Chief McHale, Officer Berry and Mrs. Summers. _ Ron Bressler , 3750 Arena, noted his employment as an investigator for the State Dept . of Alcoholic Beverage Control for over 15 years; he stated that he has never worked with a police department in a facility that is less conducive to professional police work than Atascadero ' s current facility. He urged Council to pursue the Beno ' s property. Chris Rogers, resident, past local Deputy Sheriff and current Senior Investigator in the District Attorney ' s office, spoke of the improfessional image of the APD because of its improper facility. He supports the Beno ' s site. Charles Lafitte, 12450 Viejo Camino, 31-year veteran of the Los Angeles PD, spoke in support of the Beno ' s site. Mike Kennedy, representing the SLO County Narcotics Task Force, noted problems encountered when working in the current APD offices, speaking in support of the Beno ' s site proposal . Blair Sims, APD Youth Services Officer , referred to Mr . Jorgensen ' s comment to the City Council to decide on a priority; he asked that police services be the Council ' s #1 priority, as care for the citizens of Atascadero is the department 's #1 priority. Barbara Reiter , 10150 San Marcos, addressed the payment schedule, hoping that "we can make a deal " in order to pay interest only for 5 years on the purchase price, using some cash for improvements so the APD can have a useful facility right away. She hopes the City can depend on fees from single-family development only for funding, fearing an increased need for fees from multi-family and commercial development . Ursula Luna, 10600 San Marcos, commended both the AFD and APD, feeling that their protection is the City ' s #1 priority. She supports the Beno ' s site. -7- Art Cunningham, 8495 E1 Dorado , noted the growth of Atascadero and expressed he feels the APD has been short-changed ; he feels police and fire protection are the City ' s two main priorities and supports relocating the APD. Motion: By Councilman Bourbeau to extend the meeting past 11 :00 p .m. , seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson; passed unanimously. Sgt . John Barlow, APD, noted the City ' s liability exposure with the APD operating out of the Admin. Bldg . and expressed the ongoing concerns of those in charge of daily police operations. Rollin Dexter, entering his Sth year as the Chaplain for the APD, praised the performance of the department in its current inadequate facility and spoke in support of relocating it from the Admin. Bldg . He presented each Councilmember with a 22 cal . round , urging them to "bite the bullet" and expend necessary funds to acquire the Beno ' s site. Joe Grisanti , resident, commended Chief McHale as "one of the best in California" and spoke in support of purchasing Beno ' s. He opposes general construction cost increases. Doug Lewis, resident , suggested , if Beno ' s is acquired , that consideration be given to constructing a southbound onramp from that location. Mike Tobey, 8193 San Dimas, veteran LAPD officer , spoke in support of a complete APD facility with no corners cut . Russell Goodrich clarified Mr . Graham' s comments referring to the ' 84 election, noting the 54% vote (relative to the police facility issue) was not a negative vote but an advisory response. Discussion came back to the Council and staff. Mr . Shelton, City Mgr . , noted that Item B-1 was intended as an information item for the City Council . Mayor Norris noted calls received today from probation officers, CDF representatives, and she read a letter delivered, today from Marie Singleton expressing SLO County Hot Line ' s support for a separate police facility. Discussion focused on Item D-1 . Chief McHale noted the approximate site renovation estimate for a police facility ($650,000, based on the architects known renovations of other sites and facilities in CA - not specific to Beno ' s) , saying that architects Ross, Levin & MacIntyre will submit the building to an estimator after the costs for the structure and more precise floor plans are determined . Council urged Chief McHale to secure more specific figures and attempt to report back by the Council 's first meeting in January. -8- There was no further public comment . Motion: By Councilwoman Borgeson to authorize the Police Chief to hire the services of Ross, Levin and MacIntyre Architects for the purpose of the development of a report which will more specifically estimate the renovation/remodeling costs of the Beno ' s store. Such study and report is not to exceed $800.00 total . Motion seconded by Councilman Bourbeau; passed by 4:0 roil-call , with Councilman Handshy absent . 3. Resolution 121-87 - Authorization to file application, in behalf of the North County Women's Shelter Orgn. , to the State Dept. of Housing and Community Development for Homeless Assistance Funds Totaling $500040 Mr . Shelton, City Mgr . , gave staff report . Public Comment Sue VanBenthuysen, Exec . Dir . of No . County Women ' s Shelter , noted needs for which grant funds are sought and urged Council approval . Motion: By Councilman Bourbeau to adopt Res. 121-87, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson; passed by 4:0 roll-call , with Councilman Handshy absent. 4. Resolution 120-87 — Opposing future shipment of rocket fuel t ro ah Atascadero City Limits via Highway 101 Mr . Shelton, City Mgr . , gave staff report . There was no public comment . Councilwoman Borgeson expressed appreciation to Mayor Norris and Mr . Shelton for their quick response to this issue. Motion: By Mayor Norris to adopt Res. 120-87, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson; passed by 4:0 roll-call , with Councilman Handshy absent . Motion: By Councilman Bourbeau to adjourn as City Council and convene as ACSD Board of Directors, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed unanimously. -9- r E. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT (ACSD) 1 . Authorization to solicit proposals - redesign of septic tank dumR facility (Cont 'd from 11/24/87) Mr . Sensibaugh , Pub. Works Director , gave staff report . There was no public comment . Motion: By Director Bourbeau that the Board accept the scope of services attached to the staff report and to authorize staff to request proposals for the redesign of the septic tank dump facility, seconded by Director Borgeson; passed by 4:0 roll call , with Director Handshy absent . Motion: By Director Bourbeau to adjourn as ACSD Board and reconvene as City Council , seconded by Director Borgeson; passed unanimously. F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION CITY COUNCIL - Councilman Bourbeau expressed concern over cancellation of Council ' s 12/22 meeting ; Mr . Shelton, City Mgr . , relayed staff ' s consensus that there are no time sensitive items pressing at this time. CITY CLERK - Mr . Sharitz thanked Mike Tobey and the APD for their care of him at the meeting a couple of weeks ago . MAYOR NORRIS WISHED ALL A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 11 :40 P.M. THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULED FOR TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1987, IS CANCELLED. THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING WILL BE HELD TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1987. MINUTES RECORDED BY: BOYD C. HARITZ, C' lerk PREPARED BY: CINDY WILKINS, Dep . City Clerk -10-