HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 112487 MEETING AG'NUA I7 EM APPROVED AS PRESENTED BY CITY COUNCIL 12/8/87 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 24, 1987 The regular meeting of the Atatscadero City Council was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem Borgeson followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Bourbeau, Borgeson, Mackey, and Handshy It is noted that Mayor Norris is absent during the regular Council Session, but did attend the 6 :30 p.m. Closed Session. Mayor Pro Tem Borgeson states that Council held a closed session at 6:30 p.m. regarding personnel matters, with no action taken. Reverend John Taylor , Church of Christ, gives the meeting' s invocation. An appreciation plaque is presented to the "Friends of the Library" representative Sara Gronstad for their generous contri- butions towards the new branch library. A status report on the library followed, with an opening date supported by the County as March, 1988. No Council comment is given at this meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS The City/School Committee had met recently regarding the Atascadero Creek Bridge, with no conclusions to report. North Coastal Transit Committee is working on a new route to include__the__North _County.The San Luis Obispo Area Coordinating Council is presently reviewing County-wide transit unmet needs, with a meeting on same December 3. The Traffic Committee is begining a new approach of group site reviews of the city' s road system. The Police Facility Committee - There will be a special Council closed session reviewing this issue on November 30, 1987. Atascadero Lake Properties Committee - There will be a special Council closed session reviewing this issue on November 30, 1987 Tree Committee representatives met with building contractor representatives and their comments will be forwarded to the i full committee prior to schedulingbefore the Planning 9 Commission. PUBLIC COMMENT: Mr. Lou Arambollie, Atascadero resident, thanks the City and Gordon Davis for their excellent efforts on the Llano Road reconstruction. Ms. Bernice Hazbrook, Balboa Road resident, expresses her desire to have Council expedite the Police Department relocation. CONSENT CALENDAR: nmcnt Calendar items are as follow: 1. Approval of City Council Minutes - November 10, 1987 2. Authorization to Solicit Bid Proposals - Development of a Concession Area at Paloma Creek Park (Cont'd from 11/10/87) 3. Approval of the Finance Department Report - October, 1987 4. Approval of the City Treasurer ' s Report - October, 1987 5. Acknowledgement of Letter of Appreciation to Union Asphalt, Inc. - Donation Toward Tree Planting Adjacent to Paloma Creek Park 6. Approval of Tentative Parcel Map 21-87 - 8665 Portolla Approval to Resubdivide 2 Existing Developed Residential Lots Totaling 2.03 Acres into 4 Lots, Varying in Size from 22,990 Square Feet to 20,225 Square Feet - Gouf/Daniel Stewart 7. Approval of Tentative Parcel Map 29-87 - 10655 Realito Rd - Subdivision of 10.35 Acres into 2 Parcels of 7.34 and 3.06 Acres Each - Kinz 8. Approval of Tentative Tract Map 33-87 4555 E1 Camino Real - Converting a Commercial Complex Under Construction into 9 Commercial, Air-Space Condominium Units - Hull 9. Acceptance of Final Map 39-86 - 9359 Musselman - Norton/Cuesta Engineering 10. Acceptance of Final Tract Map 16-86 - 7635 - 7655 El Camino Real - Vaughn/Carlin/Cuesta Engineering Z_ Councilmember Borgeson removes Item A-6 from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion. MOTION: Councilmember Mackey moves approval of the Consent Calendar, excluding Item A-6; Councilmember Bourbeau seconds; Motion carries 4-0 (Mayor Norris absent) A-6 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 21-87 - 8665 PORTOLA - APPROVAL TO RESUBDIVIDE 2 EXISTING DEVELOPED RESIDENTIAL LOTS, TOTALING 2. 03 ACRES, VARYING IN SIZE FROM 20,401 SQUARE FEET TO 23,346 SQUARE FEET - GOUFF/DANIEL STEWART ENGINEERING Community Development Director Henry Engen states that the Planning Commission reviewed this issue on four occassions and approved a redesigned proposal. Mr. Engen notes that the site haQ kw- exishing homas and that: the appliGant is proposing four lots total. The westerly driveway easement width was modified from 20 feet to 14 feet by the Planning Commission to allow for an existing garage to remain undisturbed. The Fire Department has stated that the 12 foot paved driveway with 2 foot shoulders meets City requirements. Community Development Department staff and Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director, recommend retaining the 20 foot easement in that the design would likely lead to three lots being served. Thomas Gouff, Applicant, states that the County had originally approved a lot split on these parcels in 1978, but later, during City incorporation, the zoning was changed from 1/2 acre to 1 acre minimum. Mr. Gouff states that he proposes two driveways, with each serving two homes (to reduce traffic congestion) . He states that the City' s code requires a 12 foot driveway and he is proposing 14 feet. Councilmembers Bourbeau and Borgeson discuss their concerns for public safety and support the 20 foot wide driveway alternative. Council Member Handshy and Mackey support a 14 foot driveway proposal, as it meets the City' s code requirements. As Council has mixed opinions on this item, it is continued to the December 8, 1987, Council Meeting for review by the full Council, as Mayor Norris is absent during this meeting. B-1 UNDERGROUNDING OF PG&E UTILITIES (Cont'd from 10/27/870 A. PUBLIC HEARING B. RESOLUTION 118-87 - ESTABLISHMENT OF BOUNDARIES FOR UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING DISTRICT #2 3 Public Works Director Paul Sensibaugh reviews the boundaries proposed by PG&E and staff. Paul notes that this is the second public hearing on this issue. Staff did speak at a recent Business Improvement Association Meeting regarding this subject, as it affects the downtown area. Community Development Director Henry Engen clarifies that there is a $30 permit/inspection fee for utility hookups. Staff will be coordinating with B.I.A. representatives regarding process and timing of inspections. In response to questions, he notes that the fee is a normal inspection charge, but could be waived, if Council directs such. Wayne Cooper of PG&E, Jess Lee of Pacific Bell and Tom Hatchell of Falcon Cable T.V. are outside agencies staff representatives on this issue. B.I.A. representative Kirk Pearson states his support of this viable improvement to the downtown area. The B.I.A. intends to coordinate utility inspections with City staff. Mrs. Judy Mora, 5690 Traffic Way, who is included within the proposed boundaries, questions if all utility poles within the boundaries will be placed underground. Paul Sensibaugh clarifies that the boundaries set will not auto- matically determine thatO tility poles within it will be placed underground. Depending on bid results, some poles on outer perimeters may not be placed underground due to lack of funds. Paul clarifies also that if the two utility poles at the 5690 Traffic Way site are not placed underground, they will be relocated, at no charge to the property owner, by PG&E. MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves approval of Resolution 118-87; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries 4-0 (Mayor Norris absent) B-2 ATASCADERO UNMET TRANSIT NEEDS A. PUBLIC HEARING B. REPORT ON WEEKEND AND EVENING DIAL A RIDE TAXI SERVICE Ron De Carli, San Luis Obispo Council of Governments represent- ative, presents this item. He states that a portion of State sales taxes are used for transportation needs. Prior to utili- zation of these funds for road improvements, State law requires that public hearings be held to determine and meet all viable transit needs. After local imput, an additional public hearing will be held at the County seat on December 3, 1987. Atascadero presently has weekday Dial-A-Ride services and access to a county-wide handicapped service. All needs presented will 0 0 be later evaluated by the Area Council for acceptability/cost effectiveness, and thereafter acted upon. Determinations will be presented back to Council at a later date. It is clarified to Mr. Ed -Hecco that the Dial-A-Ride service provides a "main line" transit service, but does not prohibit an independent taxi service in the area. No other public comment is given. Councilmember Borgeson states that she has received a petition with approximately 50-75 signatures requesting weekend transit services, and requests this request be considered by the Area Coordinating Council. Public Works Director Paul Sensibaugh feels that a weekend taxi service, at thi time, iR not ally feasible in meeting minimum required fare box ratios, required by the State. Councilmember Mackey echos Councilmember Borgeson' s concern that a need does exist for weekend transit services, even if it may not be economically feasible at this time. MOTION: Councilmember Mackey moves that the Atascadero Transit Needs Report be forwarded to the San Luis Obispo Area Council for consideration as an unmet need, and request formal action, and that action be represented to City Council at a later date; Councilmember Bourbeau seconds; Motion carries 4-0 (Mayor Norris absent) C-1 FINDINGS FOR DENIAL - TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 27-87 - 7565 SOMBRILLA AVENUE (LOT 3 OF BLOCK E) - SUBDIVISION OF 2 PARCELS AT 1.46 ACRES INTO 3 LOTS, RANGING FROM 20,000 TO 23,100 SQUARE FEET EACH - BRINK/CUESTA ENGINEERING (Cont'd from 10/27 and 1 Council Meeting) Community Development Director Henry Engen reviews previous Council action, conceptually denying this proposal due to deensities, terrain unsuitability and inconsistencies with the General Plan. Staff has presented formal findings for denial, per Council request. John Falkenstein, Cuesta Engineering and applicant representative states that the applicant is not present at this meeting, and that he will later be re-proposing to a two lot lot-line- adjustment instead of the present three lot split. Henry Engen clarifies that there is presently two existing lots, and applicant would be re-proposing relocation of the existing boundary in a lot line adjustment. Council declines to comment on any alternate proposal at this time. t Alden Shires and Linda Shoff, Sombrilla Avenue residents support denial of the present three lot subdivision before Council due to additional impacts in densities and traffic hazards. MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves to Approve the Formal Findings for Denial presented by staff and denial of Tentative Parcel Map 27-87; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries 3-1 (Councilmember Handshy opposed and Mayor Norris absent) C-2 RESOLUTION 106-87 - AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTIONS 21-85 AND 112-86 - CITY MANAGER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT - F/Y 1987/88 (Cont'd from 10/27 and 11/10/87 Council Meetings) City Manager Minhaa3 Shelton gives; brief de-saription of proposed salary/benefit increases proposed, which provide an approximate 5% increase for fiscal year 1987/88. Joe Nyle, Atascadero resident, expresses his desire to have the City Manager replaced due to his past actions in City business. Joe Grissante, Atascadero resident, expresses a need in the City for more leadership and meeting the people' s needs. MOTION: Councilmember Mackey moves approval of Resolution 106-87; Councilmember Bourbeau seconds; Motion carries 4-0 (Mayor Norris absent) C-3 AWARD OF HISTORIC STRUCTURES REPORT TO ALICE CAREY ARCHITECTS -$8,500 Public Works Director states that after receiving a State Historical Preservation Grant for the Administration Building improvements, the State later placed a requirement for a Historic Structures Report, which will list all previous changes made to the building and address proposed improvements. Improvements made to date under this grant, include structural improvements and asbestos removal from some ceilings. Staff is waiting for State authority to allow the City to proceed with the mechanical (heating/air conditioning) improvements, while the report is being prepared. MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves to award the preparation of the Historic Structures Report to Alice Carey Architects for $8,500; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries 4-0 (Mayor Norris absent) C-4 RESOLUTION 113-87 - RATE INCREASE PROPOSAL BY WILMAR DISPOSAL FOR SOLID WASTE REMOVAL (Cont'd from 11/10/87) Administrative Services Director David Jorgensen reviews three 0 0 alternate proposals by staff to meet Council' s directives from the November 10 Council Meeting. No public comment is given on this item. Council reviews all alternate proposal merits. It is clarified that Wilmar Disposal Company will be providing a notice in it' s next bill that all 1 can pickup requests need to be re-applied for. It is further clarified by the Wilmar Disposal representative that Wilmar is also proposing a salary increase to it's employees of approximately five percent. MOTION: Councilmember Mackey moves approval of Resolution 113-87 with Alternative 3; Councilmember Handshy seconds; Motion carries 4-0 (Mayor Norris absent) D-1 RESOLUTION 117-87 - REDUCING SPEED LIMIT ON PORTOLLA ROAD TO 35 MILES PER HOUR In response to complaints received regarding an excessive speed limit on Portolla, a traffic survey was conducted and later presented to the Traffic Committee, who supported a speed reduction to 35 miles per hour. Paul Sensibaugh will present a proposal to the Traffic Committee to also reduce the speed limit to 35 miles per hour on San Gabriel and Santa Rosa Roads, per David Mann, San Gabriel resident, request. MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves to adopt Resolution 117-87; Councilmember Handshy seconds; Motion carries 4-0 (Mayor Norris absent) D-2 ATASCADERO LAKE PAVILION BUILDING - STATUS REPORT Community Development Director Henry Engen states that after a recent inspection of the Pavilion Building by City Inspectors, it was determined that the building, in it' s present condition, is unsafe for any activities. All activities have since relocated. Estimated costs for improvements to the building far exceed the $50 ,000 the City has budgeted for restoration. Ms. Laura Echo, El Camino Real resident, reviews the building' s historical significance, beautiful setting, and ample parking. She feels the building should be restored and not ignored. She further suggests the City to request volunteer help from the community for this worthy cause. Maggie Rice, Chamber of Commerce representative, feels the building should be preserved to maintain the character of the city. David, Lang feels this is a viable building to be restored by the City, as it, like the City Administration Building, 1 _ • 0 should receive preservation consideration, as part of Atascadero' s past. Robert Gummer, Pismo Avenue, reviews the building' s historical past, and volunteers to do an informal survey for citizen opinion on preserving the building. Mike Shelton, City Manager, clarifies that the item has been presented at this time to gather public input and to let the public know that present estimated renovation costs to the building exceed monies budgeted. Council discusses needed capital improvement priority list, and that it has no intent at this time to demolish the building. Council also discusses, as a side issue, the current use of thp Ranger Station at the park , which is- currently rented 013t MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves to stop all work on the Pavilion Building at this time; and to direct staff to bring back a feasibility study regarding use of the Ranger Station at Atascadero Lake Park; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries 4-0. (Mayor Norris absent) D-3 RESOLUTION 119-87 - PROPOSAL TO ACCEPT A PORTION OF SANTA ANNA ROAD, FROM SANTA LUCIA TO CORRIENTE, INTO THE CITY MAINTAINED STREET SYSTEM Public Works Director Paul Sensibaugh states that he has reviewed the project and supports the proposal to accept Santa Ana Road into the City' s maintained street system. He states that the road intersects with Santa Lucia, a maintained road, and the Corriente section, which will be proposed in the near future, will connect the other end with San Fernando, another City maintained street. Councilmember Borgeson expresses her concerns regarding the road's curves not being wide enough to allow vehicles to remain on the pavement, need for reflectors in certain areas, and a need for a guard rail at one location. She feels the road is difficult to drive, as built, and if accepted into the City' s maintained street system, increases the City' s liability. In response to questions, Paul Sensibaugh states that striping of roads is not enforced outside the Urban Services Boundary Line due to economics. Paul also clarifies that wider curve radius were not required by the City at the time the roadway was constructed, which have since been modified by the City. Councilmember Borgeson requests Mr. Sensibaugh to review the road deficiencies with developer Gordon Davis and negotiate improvements of such. cf 0 t MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves to continue this item to the December 8, 1987 Council Meeting due to a lack of a quorum and to allow additional review of the road; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries 3-0 (Councilmember Handshy and Mayor Norris absent) E-1 AUTHORIZATION TO SOLICIT PROPOSALS - REDESIGN OF SEPTIC TANK DUMP FACILITY Public Works Director Paul Sensibaugh reviews the proposed development of the sewer plant. It is noted that the Request for Proposals has been omitted from the staff report, which clearly defines what Council is being requested to art upon Council agrees to continue this item to the December 8 , 1987 Council Meeting to allow staff to submit the Request for Proposal for Council review. F-1 SALINAS RIVER SAND AND GRAVEL EXCAVATION STATUS REPORT In response to previous River Garden resident request for Council to help reduce impacts from Salinas River excavation projects, the Community Development staff has contacted the Water District, operators of the excavation project, regarding relocation. The Water Company is hesitant to relocate due to access. The Army Corps of Engineers were also contacted, who is the government authority regarding this location. They have stated that they will be contacting the Water Company regarding permits, etc. on their operations and responding back. Staff has met with representatives from the neighborhoods, and per Council request, will be mailing the document packet, presented to Council, to all residents in this area. F-1-b BURN DAY SCHEDULES Fire Chief Mike Hicks presents and supports proposed burn days for the new season. He feels that the burn periods help to reduce fire hazards in this rural area with large amounts of open space. The Environmental Health Department has done air pollution tests in the past, and not recommended eliminating burning to date. They did, however, suggest possible elimination of burning on parcels of one acre or less. The Fire Department is not able to enforce such a request at this time. °I It was stated that at one time burn permits were issued, but were discontinued due to lack of resources. Council agrees that there is still a definite need for burn periods, in spite of air pollution caused. The burn schedule has been published in the local newspaper. Burn days are not rescheduled due to weather restrictions because of excessive administrative work entailed. Meeting is adjourned at 11:30 p.m. to a Special Council Meeting on November 30, 1987. Submitted KA)5PN VAUGHAN De uty City Clerk 6�