HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 102787 c ATASCADERO' CITYCOUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 27, 1987 The regular meeting of the Atatscadero City Council was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Mayor Norris, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: resen ounce mem ers Bourbeau, Borgeson, Mackey, Handshy, and Mayor Norris COMMITTEE REPORTS The Traffic Committee is to meet Wednesday, October 28, 1987. The public is invited to attend. The Tree Ordinance Committee met last week and will meet again, Thursday, October 29th regarding streamlining the draft ordin- ance. The Police Facility Commi-ttee is currently negotiating a purchase amount with the owners of Beno' s. Council invites all to attend the "Hotline" Bowl-A-Thon on November 7 at 4:30 and support this worthy cause. Bill Heath is presented with a Plaque of Appreciation from the City Council for his membership on the City' s Traffic Committee. PUBLIC COMMENT: Rav Jansen, Country Club Drive resident, gives a, presentation on "Peace and Justice Week" and requests all to reflect on practical ways to be a "peace maker". Terril Graham, Atascadero resident, reviews his concerns on past City actions, and the City' s resulting reduction of credibility. Daniel Bolton makes a request for speed limit sign posting on San Benito due to safety hazards to school children. Staff is directed by Council to present this proposal to the City' s Traffic Committee for consideration, and to contact Mr. Bolton regarding it' s determination. CONSENT CALENDAR: Consent Calendar Items are as follow: 1. Approval of City Council Minutes - October 13, 1987 2. Acceptance of Finance Department Report - September, 1987 3. Acceptance of City Treasurer ' s Report - September, 1987 4. Approval of Tentative Parcel Map 22-85 Time Extension Request - 6905 E1 Camino Real - E1 Camino Associates (Century Plaza) / Cuesta Engineering 5. Approval of Tentative Parcel Map 23-85 Time Extension Request - 5495 Traffic Way - Carroll 6. Approval of Tentative Parcel Map 27-87 - 7565 Sombrilla Ave - (Lot 3 of Block E) - Subdivision of Two Parcels at 1.46 Acres into 3 Lots, ranging from 20,000 - 23 ,100 Feet Each Square F Brink /Cuesta Engineering q . 7. Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 18-87 - 8255 Graves Creek Road Pollard/Cuesta Engineering 8. Resolution 112-87 - Rotunda Room Rental Policy Amendment 9. Authorization for Tree Lighting Ceremonies by Hospice - Sunken Gardens 10. Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 33-86 - 3980 E1 Camino Real K-Mart I - Item A 6 is removed from the Consent Calendar, for separate action,, by Alden Shelens, Sombrilla Avenue MOTION: Council Member Bourbeau moves approval of Consent Calendar Items 1-10 with - the exception of A 6 - P Council Member Borgeson seconds; Motion - carries unanimously A-6 APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 27-87 - 7565 SOMBRILLA AVENUE (LOT 3 OF BLOCK E)-" - SUBDIVISION OF TWO PARCELS AT 1.46 ACRES INTO 3 LOTS, RANGING FROM 20 ,000 - 23,100 - SQUARE FEET EACH - BRINK CUESTA ENGINEERING Ralph Brink, Applicant, states that his proposal conforms to City requirements, the sites are suitable for the proposed develop- ment, and that the. Planning Commission approved this item unanimously. Community Development Director Henry Engen states that the applicant previously revised his project, per Planning Commission recommendations, due to proposed excessive grading and tree removal. The revised proposal stipulates development to be located under the 950-foot elevation. Alden Shelens, Sombrilla resident, states that the proposal would increase the densities proposed for this area and impact the narrow street. He also notes that this proposal violates the City' s required "depth to width ratio" . He does not feel this proposal is compatible with the City's General Plan's ethics to maintain a rural character in Atascadero. Linda Hoff, Sombrilla resident, presents a petition with 16 signatures objecting to this proposal, as it opposes the rural character of the neighborhood, and that the houses would be too close together. She has concerns regarding neighborhood "density saturation" . Henry Engen clarifies that the depth to width ratio requirement was waived due to the rear portion of the lots being restricted from development because of. steep terrain. It is clarified that Council could place a development require ment specifying staggered building locations. Council discusses their concerns regarding this project not meet- ing the character of the neighborhood, density increases, and type of structures proposed. MOTION: Council Member Borgeson moves preliminary denial of Tentative Parcel Map 27-87 with Findings for Denial to be presented at the November 10, 1987 Council Meeting; Mayor Norris seconds; Motion carries 3-2 (Councilmembers Bourbeau and Handshy opposed) B-1 APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A PRIVATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ON 2. 07 ACRES 9148 PALOMAR Community Development Director Henry Engen reviews the proposal for a private school, with a maximum of 32 children, for one year . The school proposes to operate four days per week, from 8:30 to 2:30 p.m. Staff originally recommended approval of this proposal. The Planning Commission recommended denial due to traffic impacts to the narrow access roads, and public opposition voiced at the meeting. Public Works Director Paul Sensibaugh, states that his recommen- dation is that the proposed traffic impacts to this area would not be considered significant enough to deny this proposal. He will request the City' s Traffic Committee to address the place- ment of curve sign posting on these roads. Jan Thompquist, School Director, provides Council with a visual showing of people in attendance supporting this proosal (large volume of people present) . She reviews the concerns noted between the previous pre-school and the proposed private school. The school and parents are aware of the neighborhoods concerns and are willing to carpool and utilize various routes to reduce vehicle impacts. John Ocktobeken provides Council with an informal traffic survey of the area, showing very low current use. Neil. Newman, Palomar resident, presents a petition to Council with 50 names opposing this proposal. The opposition feels that the previous pre-school was overwhelming to the neighborhood. Linda Smith, local resident, expresses safety concerns for neighborhood children walking to the bus stop, etc. by increased traffic. Larry Durable, property owner, states that due to previous Conditional Use Permit given for a pre-school use; he renovated the residence, at considerable expense. He was unaware his Use Permit expired. During the life span of the pre-school, he never received complaints from neighbors. Refusal of this Use Permit request would render his facility unsellable without major re-renovation. Council discusses the site location providing good buffer zone between adjacent properties, the previous operation, and that the public may comment as to continued use of the school after one year. It is Council's consensus that traffic is not an over- whelming issue regarding this area. MOTION: Council Member Bourbeau moves to uphold the appeal and approve Conditional Use Permit 5-87 at 9148 Palomar, subject to staff' s Findings of Approval; Council Member Borgeson seconds; Motion carries unanimously A 15 minute break is provided at this time. Council Member Handshy excuses himself from the Council Meeting. B-2 UNDERGROUNDING OF PG&E UTILITIES = PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED BOUNDARIES Public Works Director Paul Sensibaugh states that the Advisory Committee has proposed boundaries from E1 Camino Real to Olmeda and from Atascadero Creek to Traffic Way. Rule 20 Funds inclusive to the year 1990, allocated from PG&E to the City, total $730,000 for undergrounding utilities. The boundaries may be expanded to include from Olmeda to the Creek, if funds allow. The proposed area falls within the Business Improvement Area boundaries. This item will be placed on the Council' s November 24th agenda with a resolution to confirm boundaries. Proposed costs to individual property owners are discussed. It is clarified that the project will fund line extensions from the main line to individual buildings. The telephone and cable companies are requried by law to be included in undergrounding, with costs not passed on to property owners. Wayne Cooper, PG&E representative, clarifies that property owners will need to contract with private electrical contractors to adapt the building' s electrical boxes to underground hookup. Cost for this hookup couldbe a minimum of $200 and up depending on size of the electrical panel. It is clarified that there is no Assessment District to assist property owners for payment their costs not covered by Rule 20 funds. Property owners are encouraged to obtain appraisals for electrical hook up costs prior to the next review of this item on November 24th. It is determined that City staff will post a map in the City' s lobby to help notify the public, and will continue placement of public hearing notices in the newspaper . C-1 ZONE CHANGE 11-87 - 8485 EL CORTE CITY OF ATASCADERO INITIATED ORDINANCE 158 - REVERTING EXISTING ZONING DESIGNATION OF RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE FAMILY WITH PLANNED DEVELOPMENT RMF4 (PD6) TO PRIOR ZONING DESIGNATION OF RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, RSF-Z, 1.5-2. 5 ACRE MINIMUM LOT SIZE (Cont'd from 10/13/87 Council Meeting) (Second and Final Reading) Community Development Director Henry Engen reviews this project' s history and Council's previous action to revert the present zoning back to it' s original designation. No public comment is given on this item. MOTION: Council Member Mackey moves approval of Ordinance 158 and. passage of the second and final reading; Council Member Bourbeau seconds; Motion carries 4-0 (Council Member Handshy absent) C-2 ZONE CHANGE 12-87 - 8750 EL CAMINO REAL - GENZONE ORDINANCE 161 - REVISING INDUSTRIAL PARK ZONING DESIGNATION TO COMMERCIAL SERVICE - (Cont'd from 10/13/87 Council Meeting) (Second and Final Reading) Community Development Director Henry Engen reviews the ordinance and past history of this proposal. No public comment is given on this item. 160TIONr Council Member u-rben» mncseS to- _rea-d- P ante by title only; Council Member Borgeson seconds; motion carries 4-0 (Council Member Handshy absent) MOTION: Council Member Bourbeau moves adoption of Ordinance 161 and Passage of it's second and final reading; Council Member Mackey seconds; Motion carries 4-0 (Council Member Handshy absent) C-3 ZONE CHANGE 9-87 / TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 10-87 - 6875 TECORIDA - WOODGLEN LTD/CUESTA ENGINEERING ORDINANCE 160 - AMENDING EXISTING ZONING OF RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE FAMILY, 16 UNITS/ACRE WITH A FLOOD HAZARD OVERLAY TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE FAMILY, 16 UNITS/ACRE WITH A FLOOD HAZARD AND PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY (Cont'd from 10/13/87) (Second and Final Reading) TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 10-87 - SUBDIVISON OF 1.2 ACRES WITH 3 LOTS INTO 9 LOTS OF VARYING SIZES FROM 3,968 TO 7,074 SQUARE FEET AND ESTABLISHMENT OF "LOS ARBOLES AS A PRIVATE STREET NAME (Cont'd from 7 87) Community Development Director Henry Engen states that this application is requesting a 9 lot small subdivision, whereas the present zoning allows 10 apartment units. The request allows less units on the property and provides for individual ownership as single family residences. He feels the single family approach is more compatible with adjacent development. Mike Bewsey, applicant representative, states that the original proposal of 15 units has been revised to 9. He notes that improvements to the property regarding drainage would be more elaborate with the single family development (underground piping with additional paving to Tecorida) . He feels the project will offer affordable housing. It is noted by Mr. Bewsey that trees located on the site will not be affected by proposed fill due to their elevation. No public comment is given on this item. Councilmembers discuss their concerns -regarding the proposal being too dense, and that it does not meet overwhelming benefit criteria to justify a planned development zone change. MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves Deny Zone Change 9-87 and not adopt Ordinance 160 and T.T.M. 10-87; Councilmember Borgeson seconds; Motion carries 4-0. (Councilmember Handshy absent) C-4 PROPOSED SURPLUS OF CITY-OWNED LOT ON SYCAMORE ROAD (LOT 4, BLOCK H) (CONT'D FROM 7/14/87) The Planning Commission recommended the surplus of the Sycamore Road site, but to allow an easement for emergency access to the river. The Public Works Department agrees with surplus of the property, after 'Public Works no longer requires access (approximately 1 year).. The Park and Recreation Commission agrees with the surplus proposal, but requests monies from the sale be earmarked for recreational opportunities within the City. No public comment is given on this item. MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau declares the above property surplus, and directs staff to surplus it after the Public Works Department no longer requires access; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries 4-0. (Councilmember Handshy absent) D-1 AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH VANDENBERGHE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY TO ALLOW TEMPORARY ACCESS ACROSS CITY PROPERTY AT PALOMA CREEK PARK Bob Best, Parks and Recreation Director , reviews the proposed access easement requested by Vandenberghe Construction. The easement will be used to service the apartment construction project adjacent to the park. The State has authorized this easement, and safety concerns have been mitigated with the provision of a chain link fence along the easement. The Vandenberghe Construction Company has offered to either cement around a restroom facility at the park (reduce drainage into the restroom) or pave the service _road. Either proposal is estimated at $7,000. T T Council discusses the proposal and determines that one of the above park improvements would not sufficiently benefit the City and it' s citizens because of impacts by the proposal. Council further states that it would be acceptable to the agreement if Vandenberghe Construction agrees to complying with both of the above improvements. MOTION: Councilmember Borgeson directs an agreement amendment, reflecting the provision of concrete improvements around the restroom facility and the paving of the service road to the parking lot, with flexibility for improvement completion date; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries 4-0 (Councilmember Handshy absent) Due to lateness of the hour, this item is continued to the 11/10/87 Council Meeting. E-1 AWARD OF T.V. MONITORING PORTION OF THE INFLOW AND INFILTRATION BID Public Works Director Paul Sensibaugh recommends Council authorize the above bid to Eagle Cam of San Luis Obispo in the amount of $35,640 or $.25/foot per foot. No public comment given on this item. MOTION: Director Bourbeau moves to award the T.V. Monitoring portion of the Inflow and Infiltration Bid to Eagle Cam for $35,640 or $.25 per foot; Director Borgeson seconds; Motion carries 4-0. (Director Handshy absent) CITY COUNCIL COMMENT: Regarding awarding of bids, the City Attorney states that Council is required to award bids to the lowest bidder unless there is sufficient deviation not to (which is reviewed on a case-by-case basis) . It is clarified that the desire to utilize a local contractor is not considered sufficient deviation. Regarding the Pavilion Building, City staff has inspected the building and determined it to be unsafe. Activities ongoing in the building have been curtailed. Costs are being reviewed to bring the building up to code. It is determined that Councilmembers Mackey and Borgeson will serve on the "Pavilion Committee" to determine future use/renovation of the building. The Council Meeting is adjourned at 11:30 p.m. Submitted by: x�/7vz",/ ��)J)VL- I N VAUGHAN D puty City Clerk