HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 092287 (Approved as presentt the 10/13/87 Council Meetin ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 22, 1987 Atascadero Administration Building The regular meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Norris. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers Borgeson, Handshy, Mackey, Bourbeau, and Mayor Norris New E ployees Harry Parsi, Public Works Senior Civil Engineer , Bret Morris, Police Officer, and Cynthia Reid, Police Officer, are introduced to Council. Councilmember Bourbeau commends staff for completion of the bud- get report for fiscal year 1986/87 in a timely manner, and for the surplus of $600,000. Proclamations are presented to the City of Atascadero Fire and Police Department, and all outside agencies who contributed to the City's fire protection from the recent Los Altos fire. CITY COMMITTEE STATUS The Traffic Committee will meet tomorrow. The Police Committee has received appraisal and structural reports on Beno' s as a police facility site which will be presented to Council at a 'later time. The Bicentennial Committee will hold its celebration on Saturday, September 26 in 'front of the Administration Building. All are invited. PUBLIC COMMENT Sherry Baldner, Estrada Avenue, tells of a consistent neighbor— hood concern with disruptive neighborsoChief Mc Hale is requested by Council to consult with Ms. Baldner regarding this nuisance. Joe Nyle, Atascadero resident, ' presents "Mayor Survey" forms, which he has gathered from outside of local grocery stores, to the City Clerk. Terril Graham reviews current "granny housing" regulations in Atascadero, and requests Council to review the requirements] in a positive manner. for update . 1 Council directs the issue of "granny housing" to be reviewed in the General Plan update. A CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of City Council Minutes - August 25, 1987 2. Approval of City Council Minutes - September 8, 1987 3. Proclamation - Acknowledging October 4-10, 1987 as "National Mental Illness Awareness 'Week" 4. Proclamation - Acknowledging "American Business Women" - September 22, 1987 5. Resolution 102-87 - Authorization for Mayor to 'Enter into Agreement with San Luis Obispo Area Coordinating Council Joint Powers Agreement for Fiscal Year 1987/88 6. Denial of Claim by Erica Rip, et.al. - $25,000 - Personal Damages 7. Approval of Tentative Parcel Map 23-87 - 11605 San Marcos Road - Proposed Subdivision of 10.55 Acres into Two Lots of 5.2 Acres Each - Vaughan 8. Acceptance of Final Lot Line Adjustment 10-87 - 8435 Curbaril Shearer/Volbrecht Surveys 9. Acceptance of Final Tract Map 30-86 - 8375 Amapoa - Salmeron/ Cuesta Engineering 10. Acceptance of City Treasurer 's Report - August, 1987 11. Acceptance of City Finance Department Report - August, 1987 Item A-1, minutes of August 25, 1987 are removed from Consent Calendar for amendment. MOTION: -Councilmember Bourbeau moves to approve the Consent Calendar , except for Item A-1; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries unanimously MOTION: Councilmember Mackey moves approval of the Consent Calendar Item A-1, Minutes of the August 25, 1987 Council Meeting with amendments ; Councilmember Bourbeau seconds ; motion carries unanimously 2 B-1 ZONE CHANGE 11-87 - 8485 EL CORTE - INITIATED BY THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ORDINANCE 158 - REVERTING EXISTING ZONE DESIGNATION OF RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE FAMILY WITH PLANNED DEVELOPMENT #6 TO JHE PRIOR ZONING DESIGNATION OF RESIDENTIAL SINGLE PAMTTY+ , 1.5 TO 2. 5 ACRE MINIMUM LOT SIZE (FIRST READING) Due to applicant' s request, as he could not attend this meeting, this item is continued to October 13, 1987. It is noted that no public in attendance wished to speak to this item. B-2 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2A-87 AND ZONE CHANGE 4-87 8500 EL DORADO = LINDSE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION FOR DENIAL) Henry Engen, Community Development Director, states that the Planning Commission denied this proposal, as it would not offer a beneficial effect on the area. There was significant showing of residents against this proposal. It is clarified that the zoning presently offers 1/2 acre development. Staff states that higher densities could be achieved with additional road cirucilation. Donald Funk, applicant representative, reviews his proposal and possible alternate proposals which could be presented to increase traffic circulation and thus allowing higher densities. Council clarifies to Mr. Funk that it can address only the pro- posal before them and not other possibilities at this time. Adjacent neighbors Shelly Moss, Peggy Baskin, Greg Baskin, Ellen Bruce, and Janice Wilson all speak against higher densities on this site. Council discussion continues regarding concerns with higher density in this area. MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves to accept staff recommendation to deny General Plan Amendment 2A-87 and Zone Change 4-87; Councilmember Borgeson seconds; Motion carries unanimously B-3 REPORT ON 20,000 SQUARE FOOT LOTS AND FLAG LOT CONCENTRATIONS Per Council' s request, staff has reviewed the potential of new 20,000 square foot lots with a focus on flag lot concentration. 3 Henry Engen, Community Development Director , states that there nould ha an additinna 128-20,000 square foot lots developed with approximately 66 potential flag lots. C-1. AWARD OF PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT BID FOR UTILITY VEHICLE - SAM FERRANTE - SNIDER HI JET - $8,218.18 Bob Best, Park and Recreaton Director, states that the low bid of $8,218.18 by Sam Ferrante was under the $9,800 budgeted. Two bids were received. MOTION: Councilmember Mackey moves to award the bid for the Park Utility vehicle to Sam Ferrante for Snider Hi Jet for $8,218.18; Councilmember Bourbeau seconds; 1RwL C-2 AWARD OF BID FOR SANTA YSABEL ROAD RECONSTRUCTION - M.S. HEMRICK, INC. - $129,167.10 Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director, states that 5 bids were received. Staff is recommending awarding the bid to lowest bidder M.S. Hemrick for $129,167, which is over the budget ' allo- cation of $120,000. The remaining funding will be allocated from SB-300 funds, from gas tax carryover, and interest. The project life is expected to take 28 to 40 days. A Chamber of Commercerepresentative is invited to attend the pre-construction conference, as this road is called out to be used in the Colony Days parade return route. 1), MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves to award the Santa Ysabel Road Reconstruction Bid to M.S. Hemrick for $129,167.10; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries unanimously D-1 RESOLUTION 101-87 - PROPOSAL TO ACCEPT A PORTION OF GRAVES CREEK ROAD, FROM SANTA ANA TO SAN FERNANDO, INTO THE CITY - MAINTAINED ROAD SYSTEM GORDON T. DAVIS CATTLE COMPANY Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director recommends acceptance of the proposed section of road, as it meets all City requirements for acceptance. Discussions continue regarding city requirements for acceptance of roads into the system and the process. Councilmember Bourbeau feels that City future revenue sources should be considered regarding the maintenance of accepted roads into the system. City Attorney Jorgensen states that a road policy will be forth- 4 coming with an additional requirement that roads accepted will need to be- contiguous with existing maintained roads. D-2 RESOLUTION 95-87 - AUTHORIZATION FOR APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FROM COUNCIL CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT FOR 5,000 - ARSON REWARD Acting Fire Chief Mike Mc Cain supports the arson reward amount increase, as it adds additional incentive to help reduce arson fires. He notes that the City does pay for all outside help received in fighting fires. Council discusses recent fires, costs thereof, and ways of possibly reducing these costs through other government funding .. 95-87 appropriating $5, 000 arson reward; Council- member Mackey seconds; Motion carries unanimously D-3 RESOLUTION 99-87 - ESTABLISHMENT OF A POLICY STATEMENT FOR DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES AND ESTABLISHMENT OF A LIASON OFFICER, IN ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL REGULATIONS Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director states that this reso- lution is a requirement for receiving Federal grants and estab- lishes a policy statement that the City recognizes the hardships of individual small businesses. Staff representative is proposed to be the Public Works Director, as most related projects are of a Public Works Department nature. No public comment is given on this item. City Attorney Jorgensen expresses concerns regarding designation of a position prior to adopting the policy, and that various portions of the policy statement need to be confirmed prior to approval. MOTION: Councilmember Borgeson moves to continue Resolution 99-87 to the October -13 Council Meeting to allow staff to complete additional portions of the policy; Councilmember Bourbeau seconds; Motion carries unanimously D-4 RESOLUTION 96-87 APPROVAL OF THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AND THE ATASCADERO SERGEANTS SERVICE ORGANIZATION - FISCAL YEAR 1987/88 David Jorgensen, Administrative Services Director, states that negotiations have been completed and that the organization' s representative has signed the Memorandum of Understanding. Staff recommends adoption of Resolution 96-87 : 5 No public comment is given on this item. MOTION: Councilmember Borgeson moves approval of Resolution 96-87; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries unanimously D-5 RESOLUTION 97-87 ADOPTION OF SALARY CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE AND BENEFITS FOR MID - MANAGEMENT/PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES - FISCAL YEAR 1987/88 David Jorgensen, Administrative Services Director, states that negotiations have been completed and staff recommends the approval of Resolution 97-87. . MOTION: Councilmember Borgeson moves approval of Resolution 97-87; Councilmember Bourbeau seconds; Motion carries unanimously D-6 RESOLUTION 98-87 - AMENDMENT TO THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AND LOCAL 817 SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION, ATASCADERO CHAPTER CLERICAL BARGAINING UNIT David Jorgensen, Administrative Services Director, states that the Clerical Unit Memorandum of Understanding has been adopted. Staff is, however, recommending an amendment of Section 6.1.5, which will allow a range adjustment for Support Services Aides of 2.5% in January, 1988 and January, 1989. MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves approval of Resolution 98-87; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries unanimously E-1 RESOLUTION 100-87 EXTENSION OF PUBLIC SEWER SERVICE TO LOT 214, BLOCK NC (4525 NAVIDAD) AND INCORPORATING IT INTO THE BOUNDARIES OF SANITATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT #4 Paul Sensibaugh_, Public Works Director, recommends approval of this proposal. The lot in question is adjacent to a lot with sewer service (not on same street) and the area is known for septic problems. Sewer service extension to Navidad is not known at this time. The lot in question is uphill from the -sewer and gravity would have an affect on property on Colima. Staff clar- ifies that the applicant has been apprised of all costs involved and is agreeable. No public comment was given on this item. MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves approval of Resolution 100-87; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries unanimously 6 F-1 CITY COUNCIL COMMENT A. COUNCIL MEETING REARRANGEMENT All agree that the rearrangement _is acceptable. B. RECONSTITUTION OF THE CONTRACTOR'S COMMITTEE - NORRIS It is noted that the full Contractor 's Committee has not met for some time. The group was formed to review concerns and gaps that may form between City requirements and contractor 's concerns. A Councilmember Borgeson expresses her concerns with the breakdown of committees into smaller subcommittees, and questions this logic stating, "if you want a small committee, appoint a small committee". Councilmember Norris states that she will be attending the next Contractors Board Meeting and will verify full committee member- ship interest. C. MAYOR ELECTION SURVEY Council discusses the status of the survey. It is clarified that this survey is being done in an informal nature, and is to be used as an information gathering tool to get public opinion on this subject. It is noted that the survey will conclude September 30, and results will be presented at the following Council Meeting by the City Clerk. The Council meeting is adjourned at 10:45 and will reconvene on September 27 for a Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting. at 7:30 p.m. in the Administration Building Rotunda Room. Submitte by Kar aughan Depu y City Clerk 7