HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 090887 (APPROVED AS PRESENTED SHE 9/22/87 COUNCIL MEETI MINUTES SEPTEMBER 8, 1987 Atascadero Administration Building The regular meeting of the Atascadero City Council is called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Norris ROLL CALL Pre-sent: eouncilmembers Borgeaon, Handshy, Mackey, Bourbeau - and Mayor Norris Mayor Norris announces that there was a closed Council Session prior to this meeting, with not all items discussed fully. Council will adjourn tonight's regular meeting into closed Council Session regarding litigation issues, if time permits. _ Mayor Norris announces the "Bells Across America and "World Literacy Day" Proclamations. CITY COMMITTEES STATUS The City/School Committee has received consultant reports regard- ing Atascadero Creek Bridge placement alternatives. A Crossing Guard has- been placed at Monterey Road School. The Bicentennial Committee will be holding a City event September 19th at 3:00 p.m. on the front steps of City Hall. The event will be combined with the Historical Society' s 20th Anniversary of the opening of the Museum. All are invited to attend. The North Coastal Transit Committee met and are recommending two Dial-A-Ride buses for Atascadero. The committee will meet again on September 23 at 3:15. COUNCIL COMMENT Councilmember Handshy requests to change his "yes" vote to a "no" vote_ on Item C-3 of the August 25, 1987 Council Meeting (Ordinance . 156, Second and Final Reading) Amendment of Zoning from Residential Suburban to Residential Single Family, l Acre Minimum General Plan Amendment 2B-87/Zone Change 5-87 8430 Santa Rosa Road Messer/Cuesta Engineering) City Attorney Jorgensen confirms that a vote on an ordinance from a previous Council Meeting cannot be amended. 1 Joe Nyle, Atascadero resident, questions the City's misuse of funds ($7,000) for the defense of Council Members in a a recent lawsuit. Maggie Rice, Colony Days representative, announces the 14th Annual Colony Days event in October. Planning Commissioner Eric Michielssen states that he was named in the Graham Lawsuit, and feels the City should provide legal services for elected officials. Joe Nyle responds to Mr. Michielssen's"comment, agreeing that the City should provide legal services to elected officials for their actions as elected officials, but not for their actions as individuals. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of City Council• Minutes- - August 25,- 1987 - 2. Tentative Parcel Map 24-87 - 9122 Atascadero Avenue - Subdivision of One Parcel of 1. 433 Acres into Three Lots of 21,700 , 20,000, and 20, 200 Square Feet Each - O'Bannon/Cuesta Engineering 3. Tentative Tract Map 13-87 - 8519 El Dorado Road - Proposed Subdivision of Six Parcels Totaling 6 . 81 Acres into Twelve Lots Containing Approximately 20 ,000 Square Feet Each - Peterson Development Corporation (Steve Devencenzi) 4. Denial of Proposed Lot Line Adjustment 13-87 - 7905 Marchant To Adjust the Property Line Between Two Existing Lots of Record Kling/Cuesta Engineering 5. Acceptance of Final Tract Map 20-86 - 8305 Coromar - Molina/ Twin Cities Engineering 6. Proclamation - Acknowledgement of September 8, 1987, as "World Literacy Day" 7. Proclamation - Acknowledgement of September , October, November, and December, 1987, as "Good Neighbor Months" Item A-1 is continued to the September 22, 1987 Council Meeting for action. 2 items A-2, _ A-4 are removed fur further discussion MOTION: Councilmember Borgeson moves for approval of the Consent Calendar, except Items A-1 through A-4; Councilmember Mackey seconds; motion carries B-1 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2G-87 - ARCHITECURAL REVIEW STANDARDS ELEMENT AMENDMENT - INITIATED BY THE CITY OF ATASCADERO Continued from 8/25/87) PUBIC HEARING RESOLUTION 88-87 - AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL PLAN TEXT OF THE COMMUNITY APPEARANCE AND STANDARDS ELEMENT REFERENCE TO A DESIGN REVIEW COMMISSION This item was continued from the August 25, 1987 Council Meeting for staff to rewrite the resolution to allow retaining an option of utilizing an Appearance Review Manual or Design Review Commission. Hal Hays, Appearance Review Committee member, endorses the "either/or concept for manual or committee on proposed struc- ture review. No Council comment was given on this item. MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves approval of Resolution 88-87 and General Plan Amendment 2G-87; Council- member Mackey seconds; Motion carries unanimously C-1 COUNCILRECONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 81-87 PROPOSED VACATION OF A PORTION OF CURBARIL, ADJACENT TO 9404 . CURBARIL - (Cont'd from 8/11/87) It is clarified that no action was taken on this item at the August 11, 1987 Council Meeting due to confusion of the exact property boundary lines. Henry Engen, Community Development Director states that the applicant Charles Gray is proposing to merge the excess Curbaril , right-of-way with his adjoining property. Council is requested by staff to make a conceptual approval only, allowing staff and applicant time to negotiate conditions. and re-present Resolution 81-87 for Council action at a later date-, No Council or public comment was given on this item.__ MOTION: Councilmember Borgeson moves approval of Resolution 81-87 conceptually, and requests staff to nego- tiate conditions of agreement with applicant and re-present Resolution 81-87 for final action; Councilmember Bourbeau seconds; Motion carries unan- imously 3 D-1 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 26-87 11300 VIEJO CAMINO - PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF 27.01 ACRES INTO FOUR LOTS OF 8.52, 4,23, 6.59 AND 7.67 ACRES EACH BORDEAUX HOUSE (YAMABE HORN Henry Engen, Community Development Director states that this item is a follow-up to the applicant's original proposal, which was acted on by Council previously. The applicant is requesting authorization to sell four parcels for private ownership. He also states that C.C.and R. requirements and maintenance agree- ments on all common areas have been reviewed by the City Attorney. No public comment is received on this item. MOTION: Councilmember Mackey moves approval of Tentative Parcel Map 26-87; Councilmember Handshy seconds; Motion carries 4-1 (Mayor Norris opposed) D-2 AUTHORIZATION TO SOLICIT PROPOSALS HISTORIC STRUCTURES REPORT (HISTORIC PRESERVATION GRANT REQUIREMENT) Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director noted that the Historic Preservation Grant was received by the City two years ago in the amount of $300,000 with a City match of $270,000. To date the structural renovations and asbestos removal have been completed. The next phase, heating/ventalation, has been held up since November, 1986 by the State, with objections to the installation of vents (exposed vent system or modifying the building interior to install) . Since this time, the State has requested a Historic Structures Report to review past and proposed renovations on a room-by-room basis. Staff is unaware of impacts that may result from this type of report or how long a the report would take to prepare. Staff recommends that Council authorize staff to solicitproposalsfor the report, and later determine whether the City wishes to pursue such a study. Paul clarifies that $80,000 of grant funds have been spent thus far. Councilmember Mackey feels the Historical Society would be bene- ficial in providing information that would be needed for this report. Michael Shelton, City Manager summarizes the building' s present condition with resulting unsatisfactory working conditions, and feels this subject needs to be addressed and acted upon as soon as possible. 4 it is determined by Council that a letter from the council should be prepared and submitted to the State Historic Preservation Office and to the City's legislative representatives reflecting the City Council's position regarding this subject. No public comment was given on this item. MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeauauthorizes staff to solicit Requests for Proposals for an Historic Structures Report and transmit letters from Council to the State Historic Preservation Office and legis- lative representatives; Councilmember Borgeson seconds; Motion carries unanimously D-3 RESOLUTION 93-87 - APPROVAL TO PURCHASE DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE - IBM HARDWARE / DLH SOFTWARE David Jorgensen, Administrative Services Director, referenced a consultant study prepared in 1985 on the City' s computer system, which showed the current system as under utilized, with poor software, and over utilized in word processing. Staff further clarifies software/hardware inefficiencies by application and department needs. Council authorized staff to solicit for porposals for computer hardware and software in April, 1987. Two bids were received for both hardware and software by I.B.M. and Hewlett Packard and cor- responding software. After various computer exhibits and nego- tiations, staff recommends the I.B.M. hardware with DLH/INE soft- ware at a cost of $96 ,154. It is noted that the present computer system would later be sold through a secondary market. Council reviews proposed computer costs and annual payments. Discussion continues regarding requests by Parks and Recreation Department and Community Development for hardware/software that was not originally approved in the 19`87/88 budget process. Staff clarifies a need for all departments to utilize the same word processing equipment to allow inter-departmental acces- sibility. MOTION: Councilmember Borgeson moves to approve Resolution 93-87, with amendment exempting additional funds for Parks & Recreation Department's request for two personal computers and one printer; Mayor Norris seconds; Motion fails 2-3 (Councilmembers Bourbeau, Handshy and Mackey opposed) 5 moves ap rova ot Resolution 93-87; Councilmember Handshy seconds; Motion carries unanimously D-4 RESOLUTION 92-87 - APPROVAL OF LEASE PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH SECURITY PACIFIC MERCHANT BANK FOR DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT/RELATED SOFTWARE ($96,154) , NEW FIRE TRUCK ($137,318.76) , AND REFINANCING OF EXISTING FIRE TRUCK David Jorgensen, Administrative Services Director, recommends Council authorizing financing of the proposed computer system, authorized new Fire Engine, and refinancing of the fire engine purchased in 1985. Interest rate will be 7. 07% with an annual cosi "off $7" $2-4.40. It is noted that -the --proposed agreements have been previously reviewed by the City Attorney. No public comment given on this item. MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves approval of Resolution 92-87; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion" carries unanimously D-5 RESOLUTION 94-87 APPROPRIATION OF COUNCIL CONTINGENCY FUNDS OF $137.02 FOR "EMPLOYEE SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT" Michael Shelton, City Manager , states that this proposal will provide memorbilia for the winning team of the first annual City Softball Tournament. The event provides an opportunity for employees to interact away from the working environment and is an alternative to the annual employee picnic. Councilmember Borgeson, though not opposed to a city softball Tournament, feels this item should not be addressed to the Council, and that employees could purchase the memorabilia. Other Councilmembers agree with the proposal' s worthiness. MOTION: Councilmember Borgeson moves to approve the appropriation of $137.02 for a City Employees Soft- ball Tournament; Councilmember Bourbeau seconds; motion carries unanimously A-2 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 24-87 9122 ATASCADERO AVENUE - SUBDIVISION OF ONE PARCEL INTO THREE LOTS OF 21,700, 20,000, AND 20,200 SQUARE FEET EACH - O'BANNON/CUESTA ENGINEERING Henry Engen, Community Development Director , reviews the project proposal in that the Planning Commission recommended approval, and staff has added a condition to the project. He clarifies that there are no existing standards on driveway setbacks from existing structures. Staff clarifies that driveway requirements 6 are 12 feet wide for two lots and 16 feetwide for 3 or more lots. Council requests a future report from staff on the amount of flag lots existing in this area. Councilmember Bourbeau requests staff to provide a condition to the project of reflectorized address posting at the roadway for flag lots. Councilmember Borgeson expresses her concerns regarding the pro- posed access not supporting enough space for two emergency vehicles to access the flag lots at one time, if needed. John Falkenstein, -C-u—e�a- n neering —and--- applicant repre- sentative, states that the proposed easement is 20-feet wide, per the City's requirements, with a 16 foot driveway He feels that the sites are level and offer additional affordable housing to Atascadero. MOTION Councilmember Mackey moves approval of Tentative Parcel Map 24-87, with address sign posting require- ment; Councilmember Bourbeau seconds; motion carries 4-1 (Councilmember Borgeson opposed) A-3 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 13-87 - 8519 EL DORADO ROAD PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF SIX PARCELS TOTALING 6 .81 ACRES INTO TWELVE LOTS CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 20,000 SQUARE FEET EACH PETERSON DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (STEVE DEVENCENZI) Henry Engen, Community Development Director, states that the Planning Commission approved the proposed subdivision with con- ditions. All lots are over the 20,000 square foot minimum lot size. Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director, elaborates on the "fair share" payment formula by the applicant for construction of a traffic signal at Palomar and E1 Camino Real. Council feels the "fair share" payment formula for road/traffic improvements needs to be more specific and defined. Councilmember Borgeson objects to the reduction of lots below the 1/2 acre, and feels this proposal is premature for the area. Steve Devencenzi, applicant representative, clarifies the change in applicant fees for traffic signal was due to a misunderstand- ing as to how many lots are being proposed. Council requires applicant to make a cash payment at the beginn- ing of the proposed development for traffic signal construction. 7 MOTION : Councilmember Bourbeau moves a roval of Tentative Parcei Map - with requirement o address sign posting and traffic signal fees to be paid at the beginning of development; Councilmember Mackey seconds Motion carries unanimously A-4 DENIAL OF PROPOSED LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 13-87 - 7905 MARCHANT ADJUSTMENT OF PROPERTY LINE BETWEEN TWO EXISTING LOTS OF RECORD - KLING/CUESTA ENGINEERING Henry Engen, Community Development Director, reviews Planning Commission's recommendation to deny the proposal, as the proposed lot line is not a parallel move (City criteria) , and the reduc- tion in lot size is not recommended for a non-conforming lot si e. Stft clarifies- t e app icant would not be able to resubmit a parcel map due to the non-conforming lot size. It is felt that the proposal is not characteristic with the neighbor- hood. JohnFalkenstein, Cuesta Engineering and applicant ' represent- ative, offers an alternative of re-presenting a revised lot line boundary that could be considered more conducive to City cri- teria. I Council discusses concerns with the proposal in that it does not keep with the general characteristic of the neighborhood and appears to be developed with one lot in mind. MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves to deny Proposed Lot Line Adjustment 13-87; Councilmember Borgeson seconds; Motion carries 4-1 (Councilmember Handshy opposed) E-1 SEPTIC TANK DUMP FACILITY - FEE STRUCTURE Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director , states that the Atascadero facility is the only existing plant in the County that accepts septic tank dumping, except for landfill dump sites. Staff recommends not restricting dumping to Atascadero only. Staff also feels that the current fee of $20 per load dumped is adequate for operation, maintenance and replacement of the facility. F-5 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT A date of September 24 has-been set for the joint City Council/ Planning Commission Meeting, to be held in the Fourth Floor Club Room. An agenda will be forthcoming. 8 The meeting is adjourned at 10 :59 .m. and to reconvene on September 16 at a time to be set for a City Council Workshop. Submitted by: K VAUGHAN Deputy City Clerk 9