HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 082587 (APPROVED AS AMENDED AT * 9/22/87 COUNCIL MEETING (Revised) ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 25, 1987 Atascadero Administration Building The regular meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Norris ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers Borgeson, Handshy, Mackey, Bourbeau, and Mayor Norris Reverend John Taylor , Church of Christ, gave the meeting' s invo- cation. Regarding status on City Committees: Traffic Committee: A meeting is scheduled for August 26th. Police Facility Committee:. Appraisals on various facility sites are presently being done. Results of appraisals and a site analysis of Beno' s Store should be completed within three weeks. Atascadero Lake Committee: Staff is presently negotiating with eight property owners of dots around the lake for City acqui- sition. Tree Committee: The next meeting is scheduled for August 26th to work on a City Tree Ordinance. Bicentennial Committee: A meeting was held last week and the bicentennial celebration is scheduled for September 19th in front of the City Administration Building Mayor Norris states that prior to this regular Council Meeting, the Council, met in closed session regarding personnel matters, and will reconvene at the end of the regular meeting, if pos- sible, to continue discussions. PUBLIC COMMENT Tom Hatchell, Chamber of Commerce representative, speaks to a proposal by Rex Hendrix to develop a site near Santa Barbara Road consisting of a care home and tourist oriented businesses. Mr. Hendrix is withdrawing his application due to City requirements related to an Environmental Impact Report. 1 Mayor Norris requests staff to further review requirements of the Environmental Impact Report and whether staff versus applicant should pick the consultant. Joe Nyle, Atascadero resident, expresses his concerns on the City utilizing taxpayers money to pay Borton, Patrini and Conron $3,000 for the defense of Councilmember Handshy and previous Mayor Nelson in a recent lawsuit. Judy Mc Donald, River Gardens resident, discusses Salinas River sand quarry operations in the Salinas River adjacent to her home. She requests Council to further investigate quarrying operations in the river, within city limits, related to land use, noise/dust impacts, and allowed operating hours. Henry Engen, Community Development Director, states that staff has addressed this issue recently, will be meeting further with residents in the area, and later presenting a report to Council. Chris Anderson, Atascadero resident, states that a Paloma Creek Park road, between the ball field and playgrounds, was open for vehicular traffic while children were playing. She also feels that alcoholic beverages are not appropriate at parks. Bob Best, Parks and Recreation Director, states that alcoholic beverages are not prohibited in parks under the current ordin- ance. The road was open for sponsors to service a ball tourna- ment on the date in question, but the road will be closed during operating hours in the future. c&4SL.AET Mayor Norris requests Council reconsideration of alcohol use in C T 60 public parks. 1. Approval of City Council Minutes - August 11, 1987 2. Acceptance of City Treasurer ' s Report - July, 1987 3. Acceptance of Finance Department Report - July, 1987 4. Approval of Resolution 90-87 - Modifying Resolution 56-87 1987/88 Animal Control Contract 'with County of San Luis Obispo 5. Acceptance of Final Lot Line Adjustment 3-87 - 7055 Llano Wood/Cuesta Engineering 6. Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 26-85 8870 San Gabriel Road Davis/Guy Green 7. Authorization for Mayor to Enter into Renewal Lease Agreement San Luis Obispo County Zoological Society - Tiki Hut Concession at Atascadero Lake Park 8. Authorization for Part-Time Recreation Clerical Aid _ , _ _ - 9. Authorization to Solicit Bids - 1987/88 Road Resurfacing Project 10. Approval of Resolution 91-87 - Designation of Public Works Director to be Authorized to Execute Documents on UMTA Section 18 Capital Assistance Contracts 0 0 Consent Calendar Items 2, 3, and 9 are removed for further dis- cussion. Item Number 7 is removed and continued to a future Council Meet- ing per applicant' s request. MOTION: Councilmember Borgeson moves approval of Consent Calendar Items (except 2, 3, 7, & 9) ; Councilmember Bourbeau seconds; Motion carries 4-1 (Councilmember Handshy abstains) B-1 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2G-87 - ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW STANDARDS ELEMENT AMENDMENT - INITIATED BY THE CITY OF ATASCADERO PUBLIC HEARING RESOLUTION 88-87 AMEND THE TEXT OF THE COMMUNITY APPEARANCE AND STANDARDS ELEMENT OF THE CITY'S GENERAL PLAN BY DELETING REFERENCE TO A DESIGN REVIEW COMMISSION Henry Engen, Community Development Director, states that Council previously adopted the Appearance and Review Standards. Staff requests the Appearance-and Review Standards be in conformance with the City' s General Plan by deleting reference to "Appearance Review Commission" . Several Council members express concerns with the removal of the Commission, even though it is not utilized at this time. Gary Harcourt, Architectural Review Guidelines co-author , suggests adding an "or" clause to the text clarifying which process is presently being utilized (Design Review Manual or Commission) MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves for adoption of Resolution 88-87; Councilmember Handshy seconds; After further Council discussion, the above motion is withdrawn. MOTION: Councilmember Mackey directs staff to represent Resolution 88-87 at the 9/8 Council with amended language to reflect the use of a Design Review_ Manual "or" Design Review Committee" ; Motion second- ed by Councilmember Borgeson; Motion carries unani- mously. B-2 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2H-87 - REVISION OF THE GENERAL PLAN CIRCULATION ELEMENT (TABLE VIII-2) - INITIATED BY CITY OF ATASCADERO - PUBLIC HEARING RESOLUTION 87-87 - AMENDING THE GENERAL PLAN CIRCULATION ELEMENT BY ELIMINATION OF TABLE VIII-2, "RECAPITULATION OF 3 PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE COLONY UNDER VARIOUS FISCAL JURISDICTIONS Henry Engen, Community Development Director, explains that the proposed amendment removes non-circulation projects from the Circulation Element of the General Plan. This proposal was approved by the Planning Commission. Council voices mixed opinions regarding the proposed removal and the General Plan being too specific in this area. MOTION: Councilmember Mackey moves to continue this item for consideration through the General Plan Update 'Process Councilmember Borgeson seconds; Motion carries unanimously B-3 ASSEMBLY BILL 2020 (BOTTLE BILL) Henry Engen, Community Development Director, points out that the Bottle Bill has recently been adopted, and to be implemented in October, 1987. He clarifies that the Zoning Ordinance allows for recycle collection stations in all land use zones, although "appearance standards for the collection stations need to be established. The bill requires recycle centers be placed by supermarkets within 1/2 mile of their facility for bottles and cans. At this time, there is no provisions for recycling materials other than bottles and cans. Council adjourns at 9:00 for a 15 minute break. C-1 TENTATIVE -PARCEL MAP 5-87 8925 ATASCADERO AVENUE PROPOSAL TO ALLOW A SUBDIVISION OF 1.72 ACRES INTO THREE LOTS OF 21,805, 21,788, AND 20,280 SQUARE FEET EACH, OR CITY SUGGESTED ALTERNATIVE OF A TWO-WAY LOT DIVISION OF 31,993 AND 31,883 SQUARE FEET EACH - FISHER (Cont'd from 4/28 and 8/11/87 Council Meetings) Henry `Engen, Community Development Director, summarizes events on this project from previous Council Meetings. It was continued from September 11, 1987, to allow consideration by the whole Council. Council has previously reviewed both the three-way versus two-way lot split proposals with concerns on both noted in previous Council minutes. Councilmember Bourbeau, absent at the 8/11/87 Council Meeting, states that he has listened to the Council Meeting recordings of ,, 4 that date, and thus qualified to vote on this item. It is noted that a letter has been received from the Atascadero Fire Department, verifying the proposed turn-arounds on both the three-way and two-way lot split proposals meet Fire Department requirements. Henry Engen proposes an additional condition to this project, requiring reflective house numbers for each home site be posted on Atascadero Avenue. Council may consider the placement of speed bumps on the driveway or the widening of the driveway from 16 to 18 feet to mitigate safety concerns discussed previously. The applicant is willing to release the adjacent property owner from all maintenance responsibilities of the driveway. Robert Fisher, applicant and Don Ross, Architect, reiterate their logic for Council approval of the three-way split and clarify the need for Council to stipulate specific reasons if they do not uphold staff, Planning Commission, and General Plan recommen- dations for approval. They also state that if Council is not content with the present General Plan text; revisions to the general plan should be considered separately from this proposal. Mr. Dean Crawford, Portolla Road resident and Harry Smith, Atascadero Avenue resident, voice concerns to the minimum den- sities allowed in this area. Dennis Lochridge, Atascadero Avenue resident, is opposed to the creation of a flag lot on a driveway over 700 feet. He questions a project meeting minimum City qualifications versus public opposition. Sharon Morin, San Andreas resident, speaks for approval of the project, as it meets all City requirements, even if Council may be personally opposed. Councilmembers review concerns regarding the three-way lot split legal requirements and related concerns on the health and safety of the general public, creations of flag lots, and non-enforced speeds on private roads. Henry Engen clarifies that, although additional lots could be split adjacent to the proposed driveway (serving four 'sites) , they could not utilize the driveway, unless authorized. If authorized, the driveway would be widened at that time. It is noted that an Offer of Dedication has already been made for a 30 foot right-of-way at the frontage of Atascadero Avenue. MOTION: Councilmember Borgeson moves approval of a two-way lot-split at 8925 Atascadero Avenue, with revised conditions for road maintenance agreement and , reflective house numbers for home sites posted; 5 Seconded by Councilmember Mackey; Motion fails 3-2 (Councilmembers Bourbeau, Handshy and Mayor Norris opposed) MOTION: Councilmember Handshy moves approval of a three-way lot split at 8925 Atascadero Avenue, with revised conditions for road maintenance agree- ment and reflective house numbers for home sites posted; Seconded by Councilmember Bourbeau; Motion carries 4-1 (Councilmember Borgeson opposed) C-2 ,GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2E-87 " AND ZONE CHANGE 10-87 - 5599 TRAFFIC WAY - INITIATED BY THE CITY OF ATASCADERO (Continued from 8/11/87 Council Meeting) A. RESOLUTION 84-87 - AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL PLAN TEXT ON OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION ELEMENT (Second Read- ing) (Cont'd from 8/11/87) B. ORDINANCE 157 - AMENDMENT TO THE OFFICIAL ZONING TEXT RELATIVE TO ALLOWED USES IN THE PUBLIC ZONE This item was continued from the 8/11/87 Council Meeting due to the County of San Luis Obispo objecting to the inclusion of the "Armory" property in the zone change. The City is proposing the Zone Change/General Plan Amendment in order to qualify for State Grant funds to revitalize the existing Traffic Way ball fields. An overall area has been proposed to be affected to allow a mix of public and recreational uses. The Armory property, presently zoned Public, is presently being negotiated by the County and State National Guard in a property exchange. Changes to the plan could jeopardize these negoti- ations. Appraisals completed on the Armory were based on the existing language. Per the County' s request, staff recommends removal of the Armory from inclusion in the boundaries of the proposed General Plan Amendment and Zone Change. Staff further excludes Lot 6 (APN 29-091-06) , presently being considered by the City of `Atascadero for surplus. Michael Lara, Parks and Recreation Commissioner requests language in the Zone Change be amended from "little league fields" to "multi-purpose fields" . Curt Sorg, County of San Luis Obisporepresentative, expresses the County's desire to be excluded from the implications of the proposed Zone Change/General Plan Amendment. 6 MOTION: Councilmember Mackey moves to approve Resolution 84-87, with Exhibit A Amendment on the Armory and text changes from "little league fields" to "multi- purpose fields"; Councilmember Handshy seconds; motion carried unanimously MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves to read Ordinance 157 by title only; Councilmember Borgeson seconds; Motion carries unanimously MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves to approve Ordinance 157 as the second and final reading; Councilmember Borgeson seconds; Motion carries unanimously C-3 ORDINANCE 156 AMENDMENT OF OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS FROM RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN TO RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, 1 ACRE MINIMUM (GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2B-87/ZONE CHANGE 5-87) - 8430 SANTA ROSA ROAD (MESSER CUESTA ENGINEERING) (ORDINANCE 156 (SECOND READING) (Continued from 8/11/87) It is noted that no public or Council comment was given on this item. MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves to read Ordinance 156 by title only; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion caries unanimously. MOTION: Councilmember Mackey moves to adopt Ordinance 156 as the second and final reading; Councilmember Handshy seconds; Motion carries 3-2 (Councilmember Borgeson & Bourbeau opposed) D-1 COUNCIL CONSIDERATION REGARDING CONDUCTING A SURVEY ON THE DIRECT ELECTION OF THE MAYOR POSITION Per Council's previous comments, staff is proposing a newspaper survey in two newspapers requesting public response as to whether the Mayor position should be voter elected or appointed by Council. City Clerk Boyd Sharitz is directed by Council to coordinate the details and ramifications of this proposal with the County Clerk and respond back to Council. Doug Lewis, resident, feels there is a need for Council to explore the effects of voter-elect versus a Council appointed Mayor position in other cities of similar size. Councilmember Mackey feels a need for an editorial regarding this subject in the newspaper prior to printing a survey. Councilmember Borgeson states that the survey is viable no matter 7 when it would become effective. MOTION: Councilmember Borgeson moves to publish in the Atascadero News and the Telegram Tribune, North County Edition, a survey regarding direct election of the Mayor position, and to have City Clerk respond back to Council on ramifications of placing the item on the 1988 ballot; Seconded by Mayor Norris; Motion carries 3-2 (Councilmembers Bourbeau and Mackey opposed) D-2 PLANNING COMMISSION RESPONSIBILITY - COUNCIL DISCUSSION This item is continued for consideration at a future Council Meeting D-3 FREEWAY SIGN POLICY (Cont'd from 7/28/87 Council Comment) This item is continued for consideration at a future Council Meeting D-4 AUTHORIZATION TO SOLICIT PROPOSALS - HISTORIC STRUCTURES REPORT (Historic Preservation Grant Requirement) This item is continued for consideration at the 9/8/87 Council Meeting or future date if Sub Committee has not met prior to Council date. D-5 RESOLUTION 89-87 CITY INVESTMENT POLICY Gere Sibbach, City Treasurer , clarifies that the proposed invest- ment policy will allow the City to invest in State Treasurer Investments, which will allow for better returns. MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves approval of Resolution 89-87, City Investment Policy; Councilmember Borgeson seconds; Motion carries unanimously D-6AUTHORIZATION TO ACCEPT BID PROPOSAL DON VALLEY MAZDA - TWO PICKUP TRUCKS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 20,031.04 Henry Engen, Community Development Director , states that the -bid from Don Valley Mazda is within the budget allocaton of $22, 000. MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves acceptance of bid with Don Valley Mazda for $20, 031.04; Council member Mackey seconds; Motion carries unanimously 8 i 0 E-1 SEPTIC TANK DUMP FACILITY - FEE STRUCTURE This item is continued for consideration at the 9/8/87 Council Meeting. A-2 CITY TREASURER'S REPORT - JULY, 1987 MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves acceptance of the July Treasurer 's Report; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries unanimously A-3 CITY FINANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT - JULY, 1987 Council requests receiving the "Management Report" with "Check Runs" to Council Members who request receiving them, when they become available. MOTION: Councilmember Mackey moves approval of the July, 1987 Finance Report; Councilmember Bourbeau seconds; Motion carries 3-2 (Councilmember Borgeson and Mayor Norris opposed) A-9 AUTHORIZATION TO SOLICIT BIDS 1987/88 ROAD RESURFACING PROJECT Councilmember Borgeson states that project boundaries have been clarified to her since review of the Consent Calendar. MOTION: Councilmember Mackey moves authorization to solicit bids for the 1987/88 Road Resurfacing Councilmember Handshy seconds; motion carries 4-0 (Councilmember Bourbeau abstains) F-1-b 'JOINT PLANNING COMMISSION/CITY COUNCIL MEETING Staff is directed to formulate an agenda and coordinate an acceptable date for the meeting with the committee. F-1-c ALCOHOL IN CITY PARRS Staff is directed to present at a future Council Meeting possible restrictions to disallow alcohol in city parks. The meeting is adjourned at 11:30 p.m. Council to reconvene into a closed session regarding labor negotiations on September 16, 1987 in the fourth floor Club Room. 9 Submitted by: Z14— Karen Vaughan Deputy City Clerk 10