HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda 062387 ** NOTE: THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING WILL BE PRECEEDED BY A SPECIAL OPEN BUDGET WORKSHOP SESSION BEGINNING AT 6:00 P.M. IN THE FOURTH FLOOR CLUB ROOM. A G E N D A ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING ATASCADERO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING Fourth Floor Rotunda Room June 23 , 1987 7:30 P.M. RULES OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION * Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. * A person may speak for three (3) minutes. If a group has a spokesperson, the spokesperson may speak for five (5) minutes. * No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so. * No one may speak more than twice on any item. * Council members may question any speaker ; the speaker may respond; but after the alloted time has expired, may not initiate further discussion. * The floor will then be closed to public participation and open for Council discussion. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation - Bishop Dan Phillips Roll Call City Council Comment ** Selection of Mayor ** Mayor Pro Tem Consideration (Approximate Time - 30 Minutes) COMMUNITY FORUM The City Council values and encourages exchange of ideas and comments from you the citizen. The public comment period is provided to receive comments from the public on matters other than scheduled agenda items. To increase the effectiveness of Community Forum, 1 0 • the following rules will be enforced: * A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless Council authorizes an extension. * All remarks shall be addressed to Council as a whole and not to any individual member thereof. * No questions shall be asked of a Council Member or City staff without permission of the Mayor. * No person shall be allowed to make slanderous, profane, impertinent, or personal remarks against any Council Member . * Any person desiring to submit written statements may do so by forwarding to Council, prior to the Council Meeting, nine (9) copies to the City Clerk by 5:00 p.m. on the Wednesday preceeding the Council Meeting. A. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar , are considered to be routine, and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed be- low. There will be no separate discussion of these items. A member of the Council or public may, by request, have any item removed from the Consent Agenda, which shall then be added to and taken up at the end of the "New Business" section of the agenda. 1. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of June 9, 1987 2. Approval of City Treasurer ' s Report - May 1-31, 1987 3. Approval of Finance Director ' s Report - May 1-31, 1987 4. Resolution 47-87 - Approval of California Mens Colony Annual Agreement for Unskilled Labor Maintenance Work 5. Approval of Road Name Establishment - 8305 Coromar to Create a Public Road to Serve Tract 1430 called Pajaro Lane Golden West Development Company 6. Approval of Tentative Parcel Map 18-87 - 8255 Graves Creek Road Subdivision of 5. 38 Acre Parcel into Two Lots of 2.69 Acres Ea. - Pollard/Cuesta Engineering 7. Resolution 50-87 - Declaring Intent to Vacate a Portion of Marchant Way Right-of-Way and to Schedule a Public Hearing on July 14, 1987 8. Deny Claim for Damages Totaling $300 .00 by Pat Steele 9. Resolution 48-87 - Installation of Crosswalks on E1 Camino at San Anselmo (east) , on San Anselmo at E1 Camino Real, and on Valdez Avenue at El Camino Real 2 0 10. Approval of Tentative Parcel Map 2-87 - 9385 Vista Bonita - Nimmo/Yeomans A. Resubdivision of 8 Lots Totaling 6.98 Acres into 9 Lots With 8 Lots Varying from 5,520 to 6,760 S.F. and one 4.94 Acre Lot for Open Space B. Establish Trifon Garcia Road as a Private Road Name 11. Approval of Tentative Parcel Map 9-87 - 9000 Atascadero Ave - Subdivision of one parcel of 1.0 Acre into Two Lots of .5 Acre ea. Kuhlman/Bray 12. Approval of Tentative Lot Line Adjustment 10-87 - 8435 Curbaril — Adjust Property Line between Two Parcels - Shearer/Volbrecht Surveys 13. Approval of Tentative Lot Line Adjustment 11-87 - 9598 Laurel - Adjust Property Line between Two Existing Lots - Williams/Twin Cities Engineering 14. Approval of Tentative Tract Map 36-86 - 5200 Llano Rd - Subdivision of one parcel of 17.4 Acres into 6 Parcels of 2.9 Acres Ea - Drake/Cuesta Engineering 15. Proclamation Acknowledging July as Parks and Recreation Month B. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES/REPORTS (Approximate Time - 90 Minutes) 1. Solano Road Proposed Street Abandonment Public Hearing (Approximate Time - 30 Minutes) 2. Public Hearing on Proposed Revenue Sharing and City Budget for 1987/88 and Appropriation of Funds Thereof A. Resolution 54-87 - Adoption of City of Atascadero Fiscal Year 1987/88 Revenue Sharing Budget and Appropriation of Funds Thereof B. Resolution 55-87 - Adoption of City of Atascadero Fiscal Year 1987/88 Budget and Appropriation of Funds Thereof (Approximate Time - 20 Minutes) 3. Appeal by Thomas Bench of Planning Commission Denial of Tentative Parcel Map 35-86 - Subdivision of 3. 53 Acre Parcel into Three Lots of 1. 0, 1.13, and 1.3 Acres Each - 7503 Carmelita 3 (Approximate Time - 10 Minutes) 4. Adjustment of Development Fees Per Increase in Consumer Price Index: A. Public Hearing B. Resolution 52-87 - Approving Adjustment to Development Fees Adopted in Ordinance 119 C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Approximate Time - 10 Minutes) 1. Authorization for Mayor to Enter into Contract Agreement with John Wallace and Associates - Engineering Services on San Andreas and Garcia Road Bridges` - $65,900 (Cont'd from 5/26/87 where Council gave conceptual approval) D. NEW BUSINESS (Approximate Time - 5 Minutes) 1. Authorization for Mayor to Award Park and Recreation Grounds Maintenance Award - Moore' s Yard Maintenance - $27,600 (Approximate Time 5 Minutes) 2. Proposed FY 1987/88 Employment Contracts - Community Development Department: A. Jon Ecklund, Enforcement B. John Shoals, General Plan Update C. John Le Sage, Building Inspection D. Phil Wachtel, Building Inspection 3. Resolution 56-87 - Approval of 1987/88 County of San Luis Obispo Animal Control Contract E. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT (Council will recess and convene as the Atascadero County Sanitation District Board of Directors) 1. 1987/88 Sanitation District Budget: A. Public Hearing B. Resolution 53-87 - Approving 1987/88 Atascadero County Sanitation District Budget and Appropriating Funds Thereof 4 F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Clerk 4. City Treasurer 5. City Manager ** NOTE: THIS COUNCIL MEETING WILL BE ADJOURNED TO A SPECIAL OPEN COUNCIL SESSION ON TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 1987 AT 8:30 A.M. IN THE CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING FOURTH FLOOR CLUB ROOM REGARDING: 1. PROPOSED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND SITE ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED POLICE FACILITY 2. AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORT REGARDING ACQUISITION OF ATASCADERO LAKE PARK PROPERTIES 5