HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Agenda 070187i PROCLAMATION PARKS AND RECREATION MONTH JULY 1987 WHEREAS, throughout Ca"l #fornia we ar.e. fortunate to have a variety of parks providing countless recreational opportunities for citizens and ;v i s i tors a[ Ike; ,6h , WHEREAS, by `partIPi,pAtIng in recreati°onal act#`vities citizens of all ages deveIop . grea.ter. group communication skills while en joy ing" �the company of'others; and WHEREAS, ppsiti,ve recreation experiences .in our beautiful parks contribute to good health' antl ' enhance . the . quaff ity of life for at 1 peoples;- and WHEREAS, . it is appropriate that °attention be focused on the .mental a-nd p'hysic;a] ,benefits derived from involvement #n recrea-ti_onal activities in the p.rivate'" and, pub `ic prk an WHEREAS, park 0,d recreation activities provide something of value for everyone. ` ` THEREFORE, It Marjorie :Macke,y, ,Mayo.r of the City of Atascadero, declare "JULY, PARKS AND: RECREAT"ION",",MQNTH" ; in our City, and encourage all local residents to provide more time to enjoy the beauty and tranquility our State and local parks have to offer for their families and themselves, BARBARA NORRIS , Mayor Mayor, City of Atascadero