HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Agenda 031087 P R 0 C L A M A T I 0 N "CAMP FIRE BIRTHDAY WEEK" March 16 - 22, 1987 WHEREAS, Camp Fire, Inc. , national youth organization, will be celebrating its 77th birthday on March 17, 1987; and WHEREAS, the Chumash Camp Fire Council, in Atascadero offers young people the opportunity of informal educational programs which combine group activities with the development of individual talents, as well as offering flexible programming focused on encouraging life skills education for young people to age 21; and WHEREAS, as a community organization, Camp Fire is concerned with preserving the environment, adapting to social change, the application of democratic standards and stimulating and guiding young people; and WHEREAS, in Camp Fire, recognition of accomplishments is combined with the encouragement to use developing skills to serve others in the community; and WHEREAS, Camp Fire is commended for the opportunities its programs offer young people and for the many services these young people perform for their communities as Camp Fire members; THEREFORE, I Marjorie Mackey, Mayor of the City of Atascadero, do hereby proclaim March 16 through 22, 1987 , as "Camp Fire Birthday !meek" . MARJORAS R. MACKEY, Mayor City Atascadero, Calif nia March 10, 1987 i-nr ....... a r .�.,..., .tLC: PR0CLAMATI0M DAFFODIL DAYS MARCH IS - 20, 1987 �t „ r,. WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero wouZd Zike to join -with _ the American Cancer Society by proeZaming March °18-20, 1987, as Daffodil Days; and WHEREAS, DaffodiZ Days is a state-wide benefit during which ZocaZ voZunteers deliver flowers in exchange for a donation towards the American Cancer Society; and WHEREAS, as the first fZower of spring, daffodiZe are a weZcomed site that symboZixes HOPE for cancer patients; and WHEREAS, this event offers the opportunity to deveZop wide pubZic interest in the American Cancer Society 's work whiZe raising funds to support research, education, and service to cancer patients. THEREFORE, I Marjorie Mackey, Mayor of the City of Atascadero, do hereby procZaim March 18-20, 1987 to be "DAFFODIL DAYS" in the City of Atascadero, and urge our citizens to spread the message of HOPE in the fight against cancer during DaffodiZ Days. MARJORIE R. MACKEY Mayor City of Atascadero, CaZifornia March 10, 1987 i P R O C L A M A T I O N "ATASCADERO ELKS LODGE" (IN ORGANIZATION) WHEREAS, Many of the citizens of our community are attempting to establish a Subordinate Lodge of The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the U.S.A. WHEREAS, It is a nation-wide organization of more than one million, six hundred thousand loyal American citizens who love their country and desire to preserve its cherished institutidns; who respect their fellowman and seek to promote his well-being; and who love the joy- ousness of life and endeavor to contribute to it, as well as to share it, WHEREAS, The Order questions no man's religion, nor bars him because of his creed. It is not concerned with one's political affiliations. It does not permit either religion or politics to be infected into, or to have any effect upon, its fraternal deliberations, national or local. WHEREAS, It seeks to draw into its fraternal circle only those who delight in wholesome associations with congenial companions, who are deeply Imbued with the spirit of patriotic loyalty and devotion; who recognize the obligations of human brotherhood, and who desire, with- out the fanfare of publicity, to share with their associates in the en- deavor to feed the hungry, to shelter the homeless, to relieve those in distress and to prove themselves true friends to all in need. WHEREAS, With a membership,holding such high ideals, the Order has grown from a modest but purposeful group of organizers into a great and powerful fraternity, whose patriotic serviceshave won for it a high place in national esteem and whose benefactions have smoothed the pathway of countless thousands. WHEREAS, It expends several hundred thousand dollars yearly to bring encouragement, cheer and comfort to hospitalized veterans throughout the United States in fulfillment of its solemn pledge: "So long as there are veterans in our hospitals the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will never forget them." WHEREAS, The Elks National Foundation, a perpetual fund with assets exceeding fifty million dollars, it provides over $2,000.000each year for college scholarships and grants to State Elk Associations to help finance charitable and youth programs. The Youth Activities reach more than five million boys and girls throughout America in all types of recreational and leadership programs, especially the Elks National "Hoop Shoot" Contest, for which the Elks National Foundation provides funds, WHEREAS, Elks operate numerous hospitals, mobile therapy units, clinics, training centers, and schools for children afflicted with cerebral palsy, and in their many benevolences over 2,200 Subordinate Lodges throughout the United States spend approximately fifteen million dollars annually in their various works of community better- ment and charitable programs. WHEREAS, An Elks Lodge in our community will afford us to ,loin with our neighbors and friends in taking a prominent role in the establish- ment of a center of community life and activity, WHEREAS, The cardinal principles of the B.P.O.Elks are Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity, and in the practice of these virtues our community will be a better place in which to live. THEREFORE, I'Marjorie Mackey, Mayor of the City of Atascadero, do hereby proclaim our approval and cooperation for the organization and establishment of a Subordinate Lodge of The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America. MARJORIE 137 MACKEY City of A scadero,California d