HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Agenda 013087 COUNCIL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 30, 1987 AT 10:00 A.M. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING FOURTH FLOOR CLUB ROOM 10:00 Council Discussion - Goals and Objectives Mayor Mackey has requested this time be devoted to reviewing previous objectives (attached) plus any updates and objectives from Council Member Borgeson 11:00 Continuation of Mid-Year Budget Review - Capital Improvement Projects 12:00 Adjourn to Lunch 1:00 Staff Review of Current Goals and Objectives - Accomplishments to Date. Objectives to be delayed or deleted. Council determination/direction. 2:30 Planning Special Projects Review 3:00 Council Determination/Direction 4:00 Adjournment PURPOSE: Enable Council as a body to review and provide policy setting direction to staff. To enable Council to review mid-year accomplishments on City Goals and Objectives and provide change in policy direction, as desired. Provide an educational setting to review goal setting procedures and reconfirm or change process. Provide early Council involvement in preparing budget goals and objectives in preparation of F.Y. 87/88 preliminary budget for Council consideration. GUIDELINE CONSIDERATIONS Staff assumes current budget goals and objectives, as adopted, constitutes current year (F.Y. 86/87 Budget) work program. Staff is committed to the achievement of these goals, absent Council direction otherwise. Budget goals and objectives are subject to change per Council direction, as appropriate. If Council desires new objectives with considerable time commit- ment, Council should direct reprioritization of the work program. New objectives requiring financial commitment must be accompanied by a financing plan. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Staff desires to prepare an updated five-year C.I.P. budget and financial plan for Council consideration/study prior to reviewing the operating budget. The CIP Plan, as prioritized and adopted by Council, constitutes the City' s long-range capital plan. Planning Commission/City Council will be reviewing General Plan Goals and Objectives in accordance with Phase I General Plan review. Phase II of General Plan review will address General Plan elements to mirror goals and objectives. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES PREPARATION Attached material constitutes preparation guidelines used by staff: * Definition of Goals versus Objectives * Guidelines for Writing Useful Objectives A. State objectives in terms of end results (The purpose or end result to be achieved) B. Objectives to be specific and measurable C. No snow job - be realistic - objectives to be achievable and feasible D. Define time limits of achievement * Review and Accountability . - City Manager and Department Heads * Keep it Simple MS:kv File: ccgoals