HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 102786 MWEAGEMA ATE ETING I 114 S6 ITEM# 4 -1 (MINUTES APPROVED BY COUNCIL, AS WRITTEN, 11/10/86) ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 27, 1986 Atascadero Administration Building The regular meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Mackey, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. An invocation was given by Rev. Roland Dexter . ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers Borgeson, Handshy, Molina, Norris and Mayor Mackey Absent: None STAFF Mike Shelton, City Manager; David Jorgensen, Administrative Services Director; Lt. Chuck Hazelton, Police Department; Mike Hicks, Fire Chief; Steve DeCamp, Senior Planner ; Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director; Boyd Sharitz, City Clerk; Robert Jones, City Attorney; Cindy Wilkins, Deputy City Clerk COUNCIL/STAFF COMMENTS Mayor Mackey read prepared comments urging both the public and fellow Councilmembers to keep their remarks to the subject at hand, avoid personalities and be brief, addressing only the Chair, especially in view of the anticipated length of tonight' s meeting. She also ex- pressed that her vote at last meeting was not a condemnation of any person and that she believes we have an excellent staff and City Man- ager, noting that any further discussion on this subject will wait until the next regular meeting. 1 Mayor Mackey announced Community Forum moved to end of meeting. A. CONSENT CALENDAR * Mayor Mackey announced the addition of Item A-14. 1. Approval of Minutes of Regular Council Meeting of October 13, 1986 2. Approval of Finance Director ' s Monthly Report - September , 1986 3. Approval of Treasurer ' s Monthly Report - September, 1986 4. Approval of Tentative Parcel Map 28-86 - 8500 Corriente Subdiv- ision of 2 parcels at 10.0 Acres into 3 Parcels of 3. 20, 3.20 and - _- -- 3.60 Acres Each -Dodson/Tvin-Ci-ties -Engineering- --- 1 -1 5. Approval of Tentative Tract Map 6-86 - 10705 E1 Camino Real Creation of 140 Residential Condominium Units (88 Units Con- structed & Occupied, 52 Units Not Constructed) Casa Camino Property Owners/Bethel and Associates 6. Acceptance of Final Tract Map 3-86 - 5550 Traffic Way Mulholland/ Twin Cities Engineering 7. Acceptance of Final Tract Map 14-84 - 9805 El Camino Real Nelson/ Jensen-Lenger Surveys 8. Acceptance of Final Tract Map 2-86 - 9650 Las Lomas - Sherer/Lee/ Twin Cities Engineering 9. Acceptance of Final Tract Map 7-85 - 7700/7800 Balboa - Rich/Twin Cities Engineering 10. Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 14-86 - 8205 Coromar Road Lopus/ Cuesta Engineering 11. Adoption of Proposed Resolution 119-86 - Supporting Proposition 57 - Retirement Benefits for Non-Judicial and Non-Legislative Elected State Constitutional Officers 12. Adoption of Proposed Resolution 120-86 - Opposing Proposition 61 - Compensation of Public Officials, Employees and Individual Public Contractors 13. Adoption of Proposed Resolution 121-86 - Opposing Proposition 62 - Taxation of Local Governments and Districts *14. Proposed Resolution 122-86 - Authorizing Mayor to Enter into an Agreement with Blue Shield Ins. Co. to Provide Medical, Dental and Life Ins. Benefits & California Care HMO to Provide Medical Benefits to City Employees MOTION: By Councilman Handshy to approve Items Al-14, seconded by Councilwoman Norris; passed unanimously by roll-call. ** C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (** Agenda order changed) 1. Ordinance 139 - Amending the Plumbing Code to Allow Sewage Disposal Systems on Slopes of 30% or More (SECOND READING) (Cont'd from 10/13/86) MOTION: By Councilman Handshy to read Ord. 139 by title only, second- ed by Councilman Molina; passed unanimously. Mayor Mackey read Ord. 139 by title. MOTION: By Councilman Molina that this constitutes the second reading and adoption of Ord. 139, seconded by Councilman Handshy; passed by 4:1 roll-call, with Mayor Mackey opposed. 2 Mayor Mackey announced that Councilmembers are wearing red ribbons in observance of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention in Community Schools, for which a proclamation was issued at the Council Meeting of 10/13/86. Two new City employees were introduced: Lt. Hazelton introduced Ann Banks, new Support Services Aide, Police Department; Paul Sensibaugh introduced Edward Limon, Maintenance Worker I, Streets Department. COUNCIL RECESSED (APPROX. 10 MINUTES) UNTIL 8:00 P.M. , WHEN ADVERTISED PROTEST HEARING FOR SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 4 WAS SCHEDULED TO COMMENCE. Mayor Mackey called meeting back to order at 8:00 p.m. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Sewer Assessment District Number 4 - Separado/Cayucos Sewer Project: A. Property Owner Protest Hearing B. Proposed Resolution 116-86 - Confirming Assessment and Ordering Proposed Improvements, Providing for Notice of Recording of Assessment and Designating the City Treasurer to Collect and Receive Money C. Proposed Resolution 117-86 - Awarding Contract for the Construction of Public Improvements for the Separado/Cayucos Assessment District Mayor Mackey announced availability of "Withdrawal of Protest" forms from City Clerk, present. Mayor Mackey declared the public hearing open. Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director , gave brief staff report. Present with staff were: John Wallace & Gary Simms of Wallace & As- sociates, Engineers of Work; Carlo Fowler, Senior Partner of Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, Bond Counsel; and, Richard Clark & Cathy Williams of Security Pacific Capital Markets Group, Bond Underwriters. Protest Hearing proceeded in accordance with procedure (provided by Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe) listed in agenda packet, pp. 35-37, attached as Exhibit A. Public Comment Note: Staff responded to comments of individuals speaking following their comments, summarized below. 3 David Hunt, 4586 San Jacinto (APN 28-152-55) , made inquiries regarding the costs involved: Mr. Wallace clarified that the approx. $3, 700 cost for the Separado area, shown earlier , is the bonded cost; Mr . Sensibaugh responded that the City' s contribution figure was reduced from that indicated at the 9/8/86 meeting due to the City' s portion of the benefit derived from the favorable bid received from Beaver Con- struction, and he reviewed the factors affecting the formula by which the final figures were determined. Mr. Hunt summarized some of the various viewpoints of the property owners affected, noting two factors uniting them all -- the price of the sewer to each owner is viewed as excessive, and the City' s financial involvement (reduced from that proposed at the 9/8/86 meeting) is not viewed as aid to those who will be impacted by the assessment; the second factor has been the inherent unfairness of the situation in view of the fact that many owners were unaware of the forthcoming assessment, where the City was aware for the past five years that improvements would ultimately be necessary. He petitioned Council, in the interest of fairness, to address the issue of notice to other owners in potentially similar situations (noting that the Cease & Desist Order applies to other areas of Atas- cadero where owners may still be unaware) and to adhere to the contribution figures proposed on 9/8/86 . Douglas Nix, 4533 Yerba, seconded all of the previous speaker ' s com- ments, reviewed the history of this issue and expressed dissension with the five years of "non-action by this body" . He urged that the City eliminate the $850 annexation fee and, to make up for the lack of notification, pay one to two thousand dollars of each parcel assess- ment. Steve Rizzuto, 4532 Mananita, expressed concern about emergency acces- ses and parking during construction of the improvements. He also urged greater financial participation by the City. MOTION: By Councilman Molina to extend the meeting past 11:00 p.m. , seconded by Councilman Handshy; passed unanimously. Gary Ferris, 4593 San Jacinto, asked Council to consider an option that homeowners might exchange labor and/or skills for credit toward their assessments. Gary Robertshaw, 4955 Arizona, who owns two lots there and will be doubly assessed, spoke in opposition to the cost. Ken Millett, 4815 Arizona, spoke in opposition to the improvements as well as the cost, urging Council to support the homeowners monetarily as much as possible. Jim Christian, 4125 Arizona, spoke in opposition to being included in the assessment district due to the unique situation of having double frontage on his property. Gary Bateman, 4525 San Jacinto, spoke in opposition to the hook-up fee. Mayor---Mackey- -- ayor- y closed -�bu Iic comment portion o£ wearing. 4 0 Mayor Mackey asked if anyone wanted to withdraw their protest; there were none. John Wallace announced that the protests received total between 53 and 54% (45.08 acres in total area) . (Note: Submitted protests are on file in the City Clerk' s Office. ) COUNCIL RECESSED AT APPROX. 11:45 P.M. TO ALLOW ENGINEER OF WORK TO DEVELOP RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL. Mayor Mackey called the meeting back to order at 12:02 a.m. , and the proceedings continued in accordance with the schedule listed (see Exh. A attached) . MOTION: By Councilman Molina to override the majority protest, sec- onded by Councilman Handshy; passed by 4:1 roll-call, with Councilwoman Norris opposed. Carlo Fowler of Orrick, Herrington&Sutcliffe, Bond Counsel, asked that on Pg. 3 of Res. 116-86, the first complete paragraph be amended to read: "Whereas, this Council found and determined that protests against said proposed improvements were made by the owners of more than one-half of the area of the land in said assessment district to be assessed for said proposed improvements and determined by a 4/5 vote to overrule such protest" . Paul Sensibaugh, Pub. Works Director, further noted that on Pg. 2 of the resolution the time of the public hearing should be amended to reflect 8: 00 p.m. as its fixed time. MOTION: By Councilman Molina to adopt Res. No. 116-86 and formulate Improvement District No. 4, excluding the lot on Arizona (4125/Christian - in accordance with amended staff recommen- dation) , seconded by Councilman Handshy; passed by 4 :1 roll call, with Councilwoman Norris opposed. MOTION: By Councilman Handshy to adopt Res. 117-86 (awarding con- struction contract to Beaver Construction Co. ) , seconded by Councilman Molina; passed by 4:1 roll-call, with Councilwoman Norris opposed. Council concurred to make the $850 annexation fee payable within 3 years from the time of final notice of completion of the public im- provements. D. COMMUNITY FORUM Joe Knyal, resident, expressed comments regarding alleged pictures in Councilman Molina' s possession taken of Mr. Kynal without his permis- sion, and he questioned their "spy-type" nature. Doug Nix, 4533 Yerba, expressed his ashamedness of the Council' s deci- sion regarding Improvement District No. 4. 5 i • E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION City Manager - Mike Shelton announced that the construction bids for the new library were opened today, they were significantly over the construction estimate and budget, and the library committee will be meeting to review alternatives. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 1:05 A.M. TO A JOINT PLANNING COMMISSION/CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION ON NOVEMBER 5, 1986, AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE FOURTH FLOOR CLUB ROOM. MINUTES RECORDED BY: BOYD C. SHARITZ, Citey erk PREPARED BY: CINDY WILKINS, Deputy City Clerk Attachment: Exhibit A 6 y (EXHIBIO TO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 9 10/27/86) CITY OF ATASCADERO IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 4 SEPARADO-CAYUCAS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PROCEEDINGS PURSUANT TO THE MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1913 PROCEDURE FOR PUBLIC HEARING OCTOBER 27, 1986 On September 8, 1986, the City Council of the City of Atascadero adopted Resolution 100-86, which, among other things, set October 27, 1986 as the date for the public hearing on the City of Atascadero Improvement District No. 4 (Separado-Cayucas Assessment District) . Certain notices and publications were to have been executed by the City Clerk in preparation for this public hearing. The following certificates and affidavits are on file with the City Clerk: (a) Affidavit of filing boundary map with San Luis Obispo County Recorder [A-1 ] . (b) Affidavit of Compliance with the Requirements of Law for Publishing, Posting and Mailing Notices of Hearing Protests [A-2 ] . (c) Affidavit of Posting Notice Inviting Sealed Bids [A-3 ] . (d) Affidavit of Posting Notice of Improvement [A-4] . (e) Affidavit of Publication from The Atascadero News re: publishing Notice of Improvement and- Invitation to Bidders. (1) Mayor announces: "The hour of 8:00 o' clock P.M. having arrived, this is the time and place of the hearing of protests, objections or appeals with respect to the assessment and work under and pursuant to Resolution of Intention No. 70-86, adopted on July 14, 1986, and to the report of the Engineer of Work prepared and filed with the City Clerk on July 14, 1986, and preliminarily approved by Resolution No. 99-86 adopted on September 8, 1986 and to the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 . " "I now declare the public hearing open. " (2) Mayor calls Engineer of Work, John Wallace, of John L. Wallace & Associates, for background report on proposed improvements in the assessment district, the nature and extent of the proposed improvements, including areas to be served, and the method of assessment, including the method of determining benefit and allocating costs, and for report on proposed method of financing pursuant to the Improvement Bond Act of 1915. Engineer also reports on status of construction bids. Engineer states that in his opinion and based upon his experience "The method of assessment has been applied in a uniform manner to each and every parcel within the assessment district, and the proposed assessments are fair and equitable and are proportional to the benefits estimated to be received by each parcel of land from the proposed improvements. " (3) Mayor calls bond counsel, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, for report on legal aspects of the assessment proceedings and issuance of bonds. (4) Mayor calls underwriter of bonds, Security Pacific Capital Markets, for report on financial aspects of the assessment financing and issuance of bonds. (5) Mayor directs City Clerk to read in full all written protests_ filed with the City Clerk pursuant hereto. (6) Mayor asks: "Does any person wish to speak in favor of or against the project? (7) Mayor specifies that persons responding must state their names and addresses and assessment numbers. [Hear all persons responding. ] (8) Mayor asks Engineer of Work to respond to each written and oral protest. [Engineer of Work responds to City Council. ) (9) Mayor asks Engineer of Work what percentage of lands within the assessment district is represented by written protests. 2 041003-0001-198-4600d (10) Engineer of Work replies that less than per cent of the land within the assessment district is represented by written protests. (11) Mayor calls a recess to allow Engineer of Work to develop recommendation to be made to the City Council. (12) Mayor reconvenes and calls for report. (13) Engineer of Work reports on financial requirements of project in light of bids and recommends approval of same by the City Council. (14) Mayor asks Councilmembers whether they are satisfied with the evidence and testimony introduced at the hearing. [General discussion among Councilmembers follows.] (15) Mayor entertains motion closing public hearing. (16) City Council adopts order determining that a majority protest is not present. If the City Council wishes to proceed, the following resolution is to be considered: (1) Resolution Confirming Assessment and Ordering Proposed Improvements to be Made, Providing for Notice of Recording of Assessment and Designating the City Treasurer to Collect and Receive Money [R-6] . It is then in order to consider the award of the construction contract. (1) The City Clerk informs the City Council of the number of construction bids received. (2) The Director of Public Works reviews the bids, reports on the lowest bid received and recommends approval of a construction contractor. (3 ) The City Council considers the Resolution Awarding Construction Contract [R-7] . 3 _0.41003-_0001_-198-4600d . r,