HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 101386 • WTE— ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL (MINUTES APPROVED BY COUNCIL, AS WRITTEN, MINUTES 10/27/86. ) October 13, 1986 Atascadero Administration Building The regular meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Mackey, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. An invocation was given by Councilwoman Norris. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers Borgeson, Handshy, Molina, Norris and Mayor Mackey Absent: None STAFF Mike Shelton; City Manager; David Jorgensen, Administrative Services Directozl '� ,Bud , `McHale, - .,police�'� Chi,eIf, Mike Hicksr ',Fire Chief; Henry Engen, Community Development Direct©r ; PAuI Sensibaugh, Public Works Director; ', Bob Best, Recreation Director, Boyd--Sb,aritzCity Clerk; Robert Jones, City Attorney;' Cindy Wilkins, Deputy City Clerk. COUNCIL/STAFF COMMENTS Councilwoman Borgeson announced that the nextmeeting of, the SLO Area Coordinating Council, isscheduled. for Oct. 17th,, and , she ,hopes to make a report at' the next Council meeting. Councilwoman Norris c read a prepared statement expressing oncern that, although tbe' �author.ity o hi re;City de tin t heads belongs ', to the City Council%, their powers are usurped %(by City resolutions) when dis- missal comes into question, and..the- decision - rests mainly % with the City Manager. Councilwoman <Norras 'prop©sed ord. 24 (and any necessary resolutions) be amended t<? re turn' usurped .powers _to the City Council. Mayon Mack°eyppoi°°rated an ad hoc committee of Cou"ncilmembers Borgeson and Norris to meet °with% the City .Manager - and City 'Attorney to review Ord. 24 and report back findinq's - Mayor Mackey made several comments: =i - Urged citizens to 'attend Colony Day% s"' festivities this weekend - Announced that some Councilmembers will be attending League of California Cities meeting next week in Los Angeles - New City newsletter has been mailed to residences throughout City; she urged citizens to respond to the economic redevelopment survey attached to it - Announced the next meeting will include the sewer protest hearing (Improvement District No. 4 Separado/Cayucos) l - Issued proclamation, "Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention in Commun- ity Schools" Issued proclamation, "White Cane Safety Day - October 15, 1986" COMMUNITY FORUM Pastor Godfrey, Faith Baptist Church, asked Council to review the let- ter sent to each of them regarding the church's request contained therein. Joe Knyal, resident on Alta Vista, read a prepared statement ques- tioning recent remarks by City Manager Shelton related to rumors circulating having to do with Police Chief McHale. Mr. Knyal ques- tioned why the Police Chief's salary= is less than that of the Fire Chief and why the Becker & Bell Salary Survey.was, ignored when setting the salaries for tYe two chiefs-„ , Mr. Knyalproposed Consent Calendar Item #3 be polled from con sider ation� Greg Manh, ;_'hresi ,ent of` Santa. Rosa, Roadc' chool PTAH expressed concern for student pedestrian safety a;t lel Camino Real and, Santa Rosa Rd. , requesting” that crossing guard services ; 4. Authorization to Declare 1979 Dodge Dial-A-Ride Bus as Surplus Equipment 1 5. Approval of Proposed Resolution 111-86 - Accepting an Irrevoc- able Offer of Dedication of an Easement for Road Purposes on 2 Parcels Adjacent to Proposed Sycamore Bridge by the Atascadero Mutual Water Company 6. Acceptance of Bid Number 86-42 - Purchase of New Transit Bus to Wide One Corporation 7. Acceptance of Bid Number 86-41 - ,1986/87 Street Overlay Project to Madonna Construction Company 8. Approval, of Proposed Resolution 113--$6 - Establishment of Stop Sign on Balboa Avenue at San Fernando' ,, 9. Approval of' Lot Line Adjustment,-,5-86 — 4685 Lobos - Watkins/Twin Cities ."Eng inner ins 10. Apprayal of' Lot Line Adjustment 6. 86 - 10755/10855 Atascadero Read =- Garcia/Cuesta Engineering r 11. Approval of Tentative arol dap --E6 - 7300 San Gregorio Road Subdivision of 12.12 Acres into 4Lots ° 2.85., 3.10, 3.10 and 3.10 . Acres Each &. Establish Private Street Name of >Ropa Court - Langille/Dan Stewart & ' Associates 12. Approval of Tentative, Parcel Map 22--86 51 0 and 5300 San Benito Sub'Sub'division� ,,of ,10,i.2'61 Acres into 41 Lots of 2.74, , Z. 52, 2. 50 and 2.50 Acres Each - St. Clair/Cook/B1and/Uolbrecht Surveys 13. Approval of Tentative Parcel Mag 23-86 $100 . Sari 'Benito Sub- divisi6o`-, of 5 Acres ,into 2 'Lots of 2. 5.0' Acres 'Each' - St. Clair/ Cook/Oland/Volbrecht Surveys 14. Approval of Tent'�ative, Parcel Map 25'-86 - 8375 Portola Road Lot Line Adjrx% tment and Subdivision of 2 Acre Parcel into 2 Lots of 1 Acre Each �-, C rrght'M rth Coast Engineering 15. Approval of tentative Parcel Map 15841875 El Camino Real Extension of Tite to:'Complete ,, Cond''tions of Tentative Map - HLS Properties/Associa"teO Y'kofessn ios 16. Approval ofTenta:t we Parcel apAT; 830.325:1 - Lots 14, 15, 16, 17 and 33 of Block "24 "- Balboa,Iand, Ardilla Roads - Time Extension to Complete Conditions of Tentative Map - Dovica/Central Coast Engineering 17. Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 33-85 - 7355 Sombrilla/7350 Encin- al Parsons/Cuesta Engineering 18. Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 10-86 - 10885 San Marcos Road - Hale/Cuesta Engineering 3 0 0 19. Acceptance of Final Lot Line Adjustment 12-85 - 9250 Santa Lucia - Hawkins/Cuesta Engineering 20. Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 31-85 - 10800 Santa Ana Road Davis/Twin Cities Engineering 21. Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 25-85 - 11160 Atascadero Road - Curtis/Twin Cities Engineering 22. Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 9-85 - 11955 San Marcos Road Davis/Twin Cities Engineering 23. Approval of Consultant Contract with David W. Griffiths for 8B 90 Services Councilwoman Borgesonrequested Item # ' s 2, ,,& °,3 be pulled for discus- sion. MOTION: By Councilman Ha;,nd,8by to approve Items Al-23 minus Items 2 & 3 ` seconded by'` Counc1lman Molina; passed unanimously by roll- call.' . Councilwoman Borgeson, regarding It #2, reviewed the proposed com- pensaton. ' (percentage figures} for ; department heads, speaking in opposition °to '°merit' increases in, the 9% range in view of the current rate of. inflaton (which she noted as approx.; ,3.5%) ; ' 'she proposed Council.` ao thor ze a 6% across the board 'total' increase to department heads,, followed by Council discussion. Councilman 'Molina suggested 'Council' recess for a brief caucus. City Attorney Jones> commented ,th,at the law allows closed session discussion regard ng .the inerits , of; perspnnel and suggestions ,as", to increases basedori merit; however, 4,iscussion of specific salaries must 'be done in oPen session: Councilmen Molina spoke in,, fau.or ofincreases on "the basis of' merit as opposed to `'blanket'! %nc eases. After making tie, following motion, Councilwoman :Borgeson questioned Councilman', Molina--,- possible conf11ct�of `ihteiest in voting for salary increases to; any department ,head s he, sta`ted there was none, posing the same question to 'CounCilwoman' torgeson, who responded no, followed by further related -discussi"on. , '(Itis noted that, on the advice of City Attoney Jones,; the Councilmembers addressed their — questions to one another via Mayor Mackey`. e MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson to approve adoption of a salary classification schedule for City management employees, with an amendment that the increase be a 7% total across the . board, seconded by Councilwoman Norris; passed by 3: 2 roll- call, with Councilmembers Molina and Handshy voting NO. 4 ! 9 MOTION: By Councilman Molina that this constitutes the first reading of Ord. 139, seconded by Councilwoman Norris; passed 4:1, with Mayor Mackey opposed. COUNCIL RECESSED FOR FIVE-MINUTES AT 9:38 P.M. C. Proposed Resolution 115-86 - Opposition to Measure "A" - Permit Processing for Onshore Oil Processing Facilities Councilman Molina, who introduced this item at the last Council meet- ing, summarized the message behind this proposed resolution. Public Comment Sarah Gronstrand, resident, commented that information provided in the November General Election Ballot Pamphlet pertaining to Measure A is incomplete in that' it contains,..only literature from the opposition to the proposition; she urged Council ,,tra focus their attention on Atasca- dero' s more immediate pr blemsr ; saying ,the voters n ' the County will decide when more full informed.: Maggie, Rice, Chamber..of, Commerce', related` that the Chamber ' s Board of Directors ` ��voted unanimously to oppose Measure A of ter ° careful consid- eration arid, study MOTION: By Councilman Melina to adopt Res. No. ' 115146, seconded by Councilwoman Norris; passed 3 2, with Councilwoman Borgeson and Mayor Mackey. opposed, MOTION': By Councilman Molina to recess, as Council and convene as the Atascadero. County . Sanitation° District B11 oard of Directors, seconded ' by Councilwoman Borgeson; passed unanimously. D. ATASCAI}ER6'CVNTX SANITATION 'DISTRICT , (AC p) 1. Developer Request for Special Consideration of Sewer Fees - Bethel-Messer/Nelson CCont'd from 9 '8/8i} Paul Sens Baugh', Pub. Warks Director, gave staff report. Public Comment Robert Lilly, representing :Oaiyl; Nelson, spoke in support of his cli- ent being relieved of the. current ;sewe fees, reviewing the history of the project and dates petmitswere76btAlned;` he stressed that it' s fundamentally important that the Board address, up front, projects in the pipeline when an emergency ordinance is introduced to insure that permittees are advised as to how they may be directly affected. Dennis Bethel, appellant, supported the comments of the previous speaker. Henry Engen, Commun. Devel. Director , commented on the application of the various fees in effect, followed by MikeShelton, City 6 • 0 clarifying that the purpose of the July 1 effective date was to allow sufficient lead time so as not to 'catch' certain applicants, due to the potential financial impact of both the sewer and development fees. Russ Wright, representing the interests of Don Messer, noted the ap- pearance of a fundamental breakdown in the Board' s direction (*) to staff and staff' s response. * (See Minutes of 9/8/86, Pg. 6, Para. 1) Mr. Sensibaugh responded that direction to staff was that, if the financial impact was greater than anticipated (in terms of the number of projects affected) , it should have a bearing on the negotiations with the developers. The Board concurred, to�`send this item bank to the committee for nego- tiation with' the developers. e MOTION: BOirector Molina :to adjou-rn as ACSD Board, of Directors and reconvene as tfie° City- `C.ouncil, seconded by~;Director Handshy; gassed Unanimously E. COMMUNVMFORUM Doug Legis, resident, submitted prepared ommen, s relati°ng to AB2674 , Chapter, ' X41, , ,amending' "' sections of',the GoVeinment� Code,,pertaining to the Ralph M. Brown Act and its effect onlocal agencies; he read several excerpts from sections of that chapter Sec. 54954. 2, 549543 5956,, 5456.5 5496 .1 and5964 .5 City Attorney Jones made responding comments ,',to Mr: I,ew s' s noting that the neva .provisions of the Brown Act are in the process of being disseminated !ay the League of CA, lifornia! Cits to municipalities, and the City Counci,l ; is not, 1h violation tonight. , F. INDIVIDUAL„DETEPM NASI' ON ANT?/OR,. ACT. ON City Council Councilwaman <,,Borgeson responded tci an earlier remark by Councilman Ha,ndshy regarding heraving left 'a closed session; she stated- she took -Sec. , 54959 of,, thie' Brown''Act' as her authority to do so. City Manager - MikeShelton ,comented that the joint Council/School District Committee has recen-tly discussed the concept of forming a i joint powers authority between the`` two `'forthe purpose of providing recreation facilities; Mr . Shelton also spoke about discussions between staff, the BIA and Chamber of Commerce regarding economic development in the downtown area. Based on the committee' s recom- mendation that two Councilmembers meet regularly with them, Council- woman Borgeson and Mayor Mackey volunteered to be on the committee. 7 MEETING ADJOURNED AT 10 :55 P.M. MINUTES RECORDED BY: ,a, � J6,4'.. BOYD C. SBA ITZ, C ' Clerk PREPARED BY: d/ CINDY WILKINS Deputy City Clerk , 8