HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 032486 MG AGEr7DA DA �� /� ITEM (* MINUTES APPROVED BY COUNCIL, AS WRITTEN, 4/14/86) MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting, March 24, 1986 Atascadero Administration Building The Regular Meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Nelson, followed by the Pledge of Alle- giance. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers Handshy, Mackey, Molina and Mayor Nelson Absents Councilwoman Norris STAFF Mike Shelton, City Manager ; David Jorgensen, Admin. Services Director ; Robert Jones, City Attorney/City Clerk; Bud McHale, Police Chief; Mike Hicks, Fire Chief; Henry Engen, Commun. Devel. Director ; Paul Sensi Baugh, Public Works Director; Cindy Wilkins, Deputy City Clerk. COUNCIL/STAFF COMMENTS r Mayor Nelson announced Councilwoman Norris is absent due to a recent death in her family. Councilwoman Mackey commended the services of the Atascadero Police Dispatchers to the City. Councilman Molina asked the Council to reactivate the ad hoc fee com- mittee to restudy the Lewis Ave. Bridge fees; Council consented, and Mayor Nelson directed Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director,' to fol- low up. Police Chief McHale introduced Jeff Fredericks, new Police Officer who joined the APD on February 19th. Mayor Nelson read correspondence from Carolyn Bresley requesting he declare April 16th Atascadero Literacy Day, as part of Atascadero' s volunteer (in coordination with nation-wide) effort to help adults learn to read. In addition, hereadcorrespondence from Atascadero Friends of the Library requesting he proclaim the observance of April 6-12 as National Library Week A. CONSENT CALENDAR At Mayor ' s direction, Mike Shelton, City Manager, summarized Item #4, the Employee Recognition Program. Councilman Molina requested Item #5 be pulled for separate vote. 1. Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of March 10, 1986 2. Approval of City Treasurer 's Report February 1-28, 1986 1 0 0 3. Approval of City Finance Report - February 1-28, 1986 4. Council Recognition of City Employees of the Month by Employee Recognition Program Committee - John Barlow and Vern Elliott 5. Proposed Resolution No. 25-86 - Appropriating $1, 000 from Contin- gency Funds for Arson Information Reward 6. Claim by Richard C. Brodars (undetermined amount) - (RECOMMEND DENIAL) 7. Declare a 1953 International Van Pelt Fire Truck, License No. E73246, as Surplus Property 8. Approval of Final Lot Line Adjustment 16-85 - Rockstad/Cuesta En- gineering - 9125X and 9145 Mountain View 9. Approval of Final Tract Map 8-85 Lilley/Pueblo Associates - 7460 Sombrilla Avenue MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey to approve Consent Calendar Items #1-9, deleting #5, seconded by Councilman Handshy; passed by 4:0 roll-call vote, with Councilwoman Norris absent. Councilman Molina removed himself from voting on item #A-5. MOTION: By Councilman Handshy to approve : Item #A-5, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed by 3:0 roll-call vote, with Councilman Molina not voting and Councilwoman Norris absent. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Public Hearing on General Plan Amendment 1C-86 and Zone Change 3-86 - Warren/5800 Venado Henry Engen, Commun. Devel. Director, gave staff report. Public Comment Bob Berg, 5764 Venado, spoke in opposition to the proposed multi- family zoning so as not to destroy the character of the existing neighborhood. Dennis Clifford, 5670 Venado, spoke in opposition to the zone change feeling the neighborhood isn' t in need of change. Councilman Molina summarized the General Plan Cycle process, clarify- ing that State law provides for every city to offer the option to property owners to apply for changes in how their property is zoned; it's not a process that the City of Atascadero initiates but imple- ments. 2 MOTION: By Councilman Molina that Council concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation to deny the request for zone change, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed unanimously, with Councilwoman Norris absent. 2. Public Hearing on General Plan Amendment 1I-86 and Zone Change 9-86 - Steil, Roberts, Jagger, City of Atascadero - Colorado Study Area Henry Engen, Commun. Devel. Director, gave staff report. Mayor Nelson read a letter from Gary A. Power , 10705 Atascadero Ave. , expressing his opposition to the proposed zone change due to density issues. Public Comment Sandra Jagger, co-applicant, read a letter from herself and the Roberts explaining that the Neals (owners of property to the south of area proposed) have removed themselves as co-applicants, reducing the size of the study area, and that Mr. & Mrs. Steil are no longer co-ap- plicants, feeling that, by concentrating on a smaller study area, the concern of residents should be reduced; Ms. Jagger then reviewed the revised proposal and spoke in support of it. Alice Roberts, co-applicant, spoke in support of the zone change. Roseann Alderson, owner of parcel directly across from the Roberts' s, presented a letter to Council from Ron & Susan Sullivan (vacationing and unable to be present) expressing opposition to zone change based on density concerns, and she expressed strong opposition based on her desire to maintain the present character of the neighborhood. Chuck Hazelton, 10610 Colorado, expressed his feeling that Council should consider the general slope in the area proposed, noting that there' s a considerable watershed problem; he is opposed to the zone change. Roland Hickerson, 10620 Colorado (directly across from applicants) , spoke in opposition to the zone change due to the watershed problem, . which he noted is evident at this time, both in and around his home. Nancy Hyman, 10760 Colorado, expressed strong opposition to the zone change due to the considerable watershed problems in the area, in ad- dition to her desire to see the rural character of the area preserved. Sue Herring, 10810 Colorado (bordering Steil' s property) , spoke in opposition due to increased traffic concerns which would result from a zone 'change. She read a letter from Mike & Anna Marquez, who own property in the area proposed, expressing their' opposition to thezone change based on their desire to preserve the rural character of the neighborhood. (Mrs. Herring presented the letter to Council. ) 3 Steve Dirkes, 10800 Colorado, expressed his feeling that Council needs to consider the concerns of the neighborhood, noting that the Roberts can still build one house on their property, and a decision denying a zone change would not totally deprive them. Roger Cook, 10600 Colorado, spoke in opposition to the zone change due to the drainage problem which already exists from the Roberts' s prop- erty; he thinks the property should remain as it is and not be split. Strape Zanartu, 10618 Colorado, expressed opposition to the subdivi- sion for all the reasons previously stated by area owners. Mark_Lawall, 10755 Colorado, expressed opposition to the zone change; he owns horses and is concerned that eventually, if the area starts becoming subdivided, the rural character will be threatened as will having horses or other animals (people may begin to complain) . Nell Isom, 10775 Colorado (20-year resident) , spoke in opposition to any zone change. Discussion came back to Council; Councilman Molina asked that the agenda for the upcoming Council/Planning Commission Joint Meeting (Thursday, 3/27) be expanded to include discussion of possibly taking a look at the five-year cycle of the General Plan, noting Mr. Engen' s earlier mention of (18) applications for GP amendments, in addition to numerous other concerns expressed by people; Mayor Nelson noted the various subcommittees which are working on such things as the tree ' ordinance, a hillside standards are, multiple-density zoning, the subject of architectural review and population projections (in- cluding schools) , concurring with Councilman Molina's concern for dis- cussion; Council is-cussion;Council concurred, and Mayor Nelson directed Mr. Engen to add the topic to the joint meeting agenda- Paul gendaPaul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director, noted that his staff will look into the watershed problems in their upcoming drainage study. MOTION: By Councilman Molina to uphold the Planning Commission' s recommendations, denying the zone change, seconded by Coun- cilman Handshy; passed 4 :0, with Councilwoman Norris absent. COUNCIL RECESSED FOR A FIVE-MINUTE BREAK. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Selection/Recommendation for Architectural Services City Police Facility (Cont'd from 1/27/86) Bud McHale, Police Chief, gave staff report and responded to questions from Council; Mike Shelton, City Manager, made additional comments relating to the fiscal impact of and financial approach to this pro- ject. 4 Public Comment Terril Graham, 6205 Conejo Rd. , accused the Council of foregoing the public's choice in the last election (of whether or not they want a new police facility) right into the planning phase. (Councilman Molina removed himself from the Council podium during Mr. Graham' s comments) Mr. Shelton, in response to Mr . Graham' s comments, expressed the importance of providing a facility in which the Police Dept. can func- tion efficiently, suggesting the decision for acquiring/providing a facility for the staff is appropriately a City Council decision. Debra Kankiewicz, 11455 Viejo Camino, relayed that she has questioned some Atascaderopolice officers, and she relayed their concerns over the fact that the present facility would not be safe in the event of earthquake, and safe parking is a necessity due to recurring vandal- ism; she spoke in favor of providing an adequate facility. She in- quired as to the cost of blueprints for a new facility; Chief McHale responded that it will be contingent upon the estimated cost of con- struction (the square footage is not known yet, which is part of the architect' s task) , and is considered 8% of the architect's total cost. Terril Graham addressed Chief McHale, recalling a conversation between the two of them 3-4 months ago relating to the consideration for a new police facility. Maggie Rice, speaking as a resident, encouraged (as at two previous meetings) the City Council to allow the Police Department to grow with the community, without further delay, feeling that the single-most important issue prior to incorporation, other than autonomy, was ac- quiring a police department It' s her opinion the City property (just north of the armory) would be the best site. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey to approve staff recommendation to contract with Ross Levin & McIntyre, with the stipulation that, within the next month, Council will make a decision on whether to hold public hearings to determine site selection or ,to let the architects determine a site; if the City makes the site selection, staff will bring back a counter-proposal, and the architect will not be paid for the service of site selection, Motion seconded by Councilman Molina; passed 4:0 by roll-call vote,: with Councilwoman Norris absent. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Discussion on Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting Scheduled for March 27, 1986 Mike Shelton, City Manages, gave staff report. MOTION; By Councilman Molina that Council authorize up to $300 to cover the out-of-pocket expenses of Mr. Milton Farrell for his travel from Sacramento, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey-; 5 0 1 * passed by 4:0 roll-call vote, with Councilwoman Norris ab- sent. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey to recess as Council and convene as the Atas. County Sanitation District Board of Directors, seconded by Councilman Molina passed unanimously, with Councilwoman Norris absent. E. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT (ACSD) 1. Ordinance No. 121 - Amendments to the Sewer Service Fees (SECOND READING) (Cont'd from 3/10/86) Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director, gave staff report, reviewing proposed fee structure and responding to question (from last meeting) of possibility for early pay-off on original sewer bond (see report in agenda packet) . No public comment. MOTION: By Director Handshy to read Ord. 121 by title only, seconded by Director Molina; passed 4:0, with Director Norris absent. Mayor Nelson read Ord. 121 by title only. MOTION: By Director Handshy that this constitutes the second reading and adoption of Ord. 121, seconded by Director Mackey; passed by 4:0 by roll-call, with Director Norris absent. MOTION: By Director Mackey to recess as ACSD Board of Directors and reconvene as City Council, seconded by Director Handshy; passed 4 :0, with Director Norris absent. F. COMMUNITY FORUM Cecile King, 8830 Curbaril, requested the replacement of two benches on the sidewalk of Sunken Gardens fronting El Camino Real, presenting a petition containing about 58 signatures supporting that request. Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director , responded that staff intends to locate the benches and anchor them down (to prevent vandalism) . G. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ,ACTION No comments. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:4.5 P.M. TO 3/27/86 FOR JOINT MEETING WITH PLAN- NING COMMISSION AND TO 4/14/86 FOR INTERVIEW OF PLANNING COMMISSION AND BOARD OF APPEALS APPLICANTS (PRIOR TO REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING). 6 RECORDED BY: ROBERT V051 , ity Clerk PREPARED BY: CINDY WILKINS, Dep. City Clerk 7