HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRC_2016-08-31_AgendaPacket http://www.facebook.com/planningatascadero @atownplanning Scan This QR Code with your smartphone to view DRC Website CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE AGENDA Committee Meeting Wednesday, August 31, 2016 10:00 A.M. City Hall 6500 Palma Avenue, Room 106 Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Chairperson Bob Kelley Committee Member Duane Anderson Committee Member Mark Dariz Committee Member Roberta Fonzi Committee Member Jamie Kirk APPROVAL OF AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT CONSENT CALENDAR None City of Atascadero Design Review Committee Agenda Regular Meeting, August 31, 2016 Page 2 of 2 http://www.facebook.com/planningatascadero @atownplanning Scan This QR Code with your smartphone to view DRC Website DEVELOPMENT PROJECT REVIEW 1. PLN 2014-1494, DESIGN REVIEW FOR 1610 EL CAMINO REAL (VIKING EVENT CENTER) COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS AND REPORTS DIRECTOR’S REPORT ADJOURNMENT The next DRC meeting will be announced. Agendas, Minutes and Staff Reports are available online at www.atascadero.org under City Officials & Commissions, Design Review Committee. Property Owner: Kurt & Diana Ourston, 974 Griffen St. Grover Beach, CA Applicant: Kurt Ourston, 465 Bakeman Lane, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Project Title: PLN 2014-1494 / Design Review 2014-0044 / CUP 2014-0281 Project Location: 1610 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422, APN 049-131-045 (San Luis Obispo County) Project Description: An application has been submitted to the City to operate an event center at 1610 El Camino Real for public assembly and entertainment use. The applicant proposes rotating temporary events at the facility year round, with an estimated occupancy of 240 people. Phased site improvements are proposed, including a parking lot, fencing, restroom facility, frontage improvements, site landscape and signage. An event center is a conditionally allowed use in this zone, and therefore requires Planning Commission review and consideration. The Conditional Use Permit is a discretionary approval process, and the Planning Commission may approve or disapprove a Conditional Use Permit or may adopt additional conditions of approval. The Design Review Committee will make a recommendation to the Planning Commission. General Plan Designation: Commercial Park (CPK) Zoning District: Commercial Park (CPK) Recommendation: Staff recommends DRC recommend Planning Commission deny the application as currently proposed. ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 8-31-16 Atascadero Design Review Committee Report In Brief - Community Development Department Callie Taylor, Senior Planner, (805) 470-3448, ctaylor@atascadero.org PLN 2014-1494 / CUP 2014-0281 Viking Event Center 1610 El Camino Real Owner/Applicant: Kurt Ourston Address: 1610 El Camino Real APN: 049-131-045 General Plan: Commercial Park (CPK) Zoning: Commercial Park (CPK) Project Area: 1.68 acres (2 lots) Existing Use: Single-family residence & temporary events Proposed: Conditional Use Permit for Public Assembly and Entertainment use Recommendation: Staff recommends DRC recommend Planning Commission deny the application as currently proposed. Design Review Items  Updated proposal submitted by applicant, including phased installation of improvements  Potential concerns & issues with current proposal: - Highly visible site from HWY 101; storage and site appearance are ongoing issues - Phased approach does not comply with Muni Code standards and creates ongoing enforcement by City - Many exceptions to development standards are being requested - Compatibility of existing SFR building with event center - Compliance with appearance review standards - Environmental review required, traffic analysis required  Findings required to be made when considering Conditional Use Permit applications  Ongoing storage and site appearance issues which have been created by current use of site as a “temporary event venue” 1610 El Camino Real 1 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 8-31-16 Background: On June 25, 2014, the Design Review Committee discussed the first submittal for the proposed event center. This initial meeting served as a preliminary check in order to obtain DRC direction regarding the overall design, operations, and proposed phasing plan for the project. At that time, the DRC was willing to consider a proposal which included phased site improvements over a 2 to 4 year period. Now that is has been more than two years since inception, the time has come to improve the site to accommodate a permanent event center or cease the continued operation of temporary events at this highly visible site within an important commercial corridor. The applicant has resubmitted an updated proposal which is intended to respond to DRC’s 2014 direction. The applicant has recently purchased the two subject sites at 1600 and 1610 El Camino Real. An existing non-conforming single-family residence is located at the front of the site. The applicant has been using t he site for occasional temporary events since October 2013. Project Proposal: The application includes a proposal for an event center at 1610 El Camino Real for public assembly and entertainment use. This is a conditionally allowed use in the Commercial Park zone, subject to Planning Commission review. The applicant proposes multiple rotating events operating at the facility year round, with a proposed maximum occupancy of 240 people. Examples of events include the Scare Park (haunted house style event), Renaissance Faire, and a holiday market. The site would also be available to rent to the public for events held by others. Amplified music is proposed until 9:00 pm Fridays and Saturdays, 6:00 pm Sundays, and 7:00 pm Monday through Thursday. Phased installation of the on-site and off-site improvements are proposed. Rendering of Proposed Event Center Upon Completion of Site Improvements 2 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 8-31-16 Proposed Site & Landscape Plan: Phase 1 As currently proposed by the applicant, Phase 1 would include:  Parking area to be surfaced with compacted road base . 61 spaces. Install rail tire wheel stops. Some additional grading required for parking area  Landscape and street trees along El Camino Real  Permanent trash enclosure in parking area  Portable restrooms  Pole mounted lighting around event area perimeter  6-foot tall chain link perimeter fencing on sides, rear facing HWY 101, separating event center from parking area, and separating SFR from event area  Iron fence and gates at event center entrance (located between residence and parking area) with signage above at 12 feet in height  Banner sign mounted on fence facing HWY 101  Existing residence and driveway to remain  Operate 30 days per year (approx. 12 extended weekends) for ticketed events open to the public, plus private (non-ticketed) events with no maximum limit Event center area to be enclosed by chain link fence Existing residence Portable restrooms Banner sign attached to fence facing HWY 101 Existing edge of road, no frontage improvements proposed Compacted base parking area, 61 spaces Landscape along El Camino Real 3 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 8-31-16 Proposed Site & Landscape Plan: Phase 2 As currently proposed by the applicant, Phase 2 would include:  Site grading to extend flat area to HWY 101. Retaining wall approximately 20 feet from HWY 101 property line  Enlarge event space area. Surface to be portion concrete pad, portion dirt  Parking area to be enlarged to 77 spaces. Surfacing with a combination of AC pavement and pavers  Bollard lighting in parking lot  Landscape in parking lot, alongside property lines, and along HWY 101  Install drainage facilities & basin  Construct permanent restroom facilities  Install frontage improvements  Chain link perimeter fence to remain  Single-family residence to remain  Unlimited site events; open to public and available for rental by private parties Restroom building Enlarged parking and event area Paved parking with landscape Frontage improvements and undergrounding of utilities 4 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 8-31-16 Evaluation: For over two years, the applicant has been using the subject site for temporary events. The operations have been very similar to those described in the “Phase 1” proposal. While the number of events held onsite have been limited with only a few events and weekends per year, the visual impact of the ongoing “temporary event venue” has been demonstrated. At this time, staff recommends that the interim use of the site for “extended temporary events” should be discontinued unless a permanent event center can be established consistent with the requirements for a commercial property, similar to the phase 2 description. Potential concerns with current proposal:  Commercial growth in the near vicinity: Over the past 2 years, the City has seen progress and increased interest on several substantial commercial projects in the immediate area. The Del Rio Road Specific Plan development (Walmart and the Annex) are moving forward. Additional proposals are in the works on several neighboring properties, including properties to the south between Hwy 101 and El Camino Real . The area has significant potential to be a highly desirable regional commercial node. Compatibly with these commercial uses could be an issue for a temporary event center which proposes minimal site improvements.  Phased site improvements: Phase 1, which includes very little site improvement, does not comply with Atascadero Municipal Code requirements for the proposed use. Additionally, staff has concerns regarding the applicant’s capacity to complete construction of Phase 2 within the timeframe promised by the proposal. A phased CUP approval will create ongoing monitoring and enforcement duties for the City. Once a use is permitted to operate, enforcing additional improvements and compliance has proven to be extremely difficult.  Highly visible location: The site is highly visible from HWY 101 due to the slope of the lot and lack of any screening features. The applicant is proposing minimal perimeter and HWY 101 landscape, and the temporary structures and onsite storage will be prominent. Banner sign on HWY 101 is proposed, which is not consistent with the City’s sign ordinance, and is contradictory to the City’s current signage campaign to encourage high quality, permanent signage along El Camino Real and the HWY 101 corridor.  Compliance with Appearance Review Manual: Some site improvements are proposed, including landscape around the perimeter and front of the site, and pavement installation. However, proposed site improvements are minimal for a permanent commercial use. The site is proposed to retain the single-family residence, which dominates the appearance 5 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 8-31-16 of the property from El Camino Real and does not blend with the commercial nature of the proposed use. Additionally, the chain link fencing and banner signage are not consistent with City’s appearance review standards.  Appearance of site during set up/take down and ongoing storage: The applicant has been hosting between 1 to 3 events per year over the past few years. As a result, the site has taken on the appearance of a construction yard or storage area. Set up and take down is typically proposed by the applicant for one month prior to and following each event. However, materials and temporary structures have been left on site for the past two years.  Site drainage: Calculations for the drainage basin and compliance with stormwater regulations have not been provided. The size of the basin appears too small considering the amount of pavement and grading proposed. Further engineering will be required to show compliance with City and State requirements. Plans will need to show how site and drainage will interact with HWY 101.  Parking: The applicant is proposing to cap occupancy at 240 people, a number which is derived from the limited amount of parking area available on site. Occupancy numbers will be difficult for the City to monitor. Overflow parking options are not proposed, and therefore any additional cars will need to utilize surrounding on street parking on El Camino Real and the adjacent residential neighborhoods. Pedestrian crossing of El Camino Real at uncontrolled locations could be an issue.  Compliance with AMC Development Standards: The project is requesting exceptions to several code required development standards. Signs (both facing Hwy 101 and El Camino Real) are not in compliance with the Sign Ordinance. Chain link fencing is not permitted on commercial sites. Parking spaces encroach into side setback, and rows of parking do not provide the necessary breaks for 6-foot-wide landscape planters.  Compatibility with surrounding residential uses: Year round events, including those with live music and high attendance, could create a significant impact on the residential neighborhoods across El Camino Real. The east side of El Camino Real includes medium density and single- family residential uses. The noise, traffic, and parking could impact these neighborhoods. Environmental Review & Traffic Analysis: A conditional use permit application is required to receive an environmental determination as required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Due to the size of the commercial project proposed, the project does not qualify for a ministerial 6 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 8-31-16 or categorical exemption through CEQA. An Initial Study, and most likely a Mitigated Negative Declaration, will be required to be prepared prior to Planning Commission hearing. An application fee is required to be paid by the applicant for the environmental review. Staff believes that traffic will be a primary review item in the CEQA analysis. As identified in the Del Rio Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report, the construction of the Walmart and Annex shopping centers will create unacceptable queuing volumes at the Del Rio interchange and will require construction of roundabouts, which are currently in the permit process with Caltrans. With continued interest in new commercial businesses in the vicinity of the Del Rio interchange, the City has been doing some preliminary traffic analysis work with the traffic consultant in order to identify how much capacity is currently available for development projects, and what the threshold is for requiring installation of roundabouts at the Del Rio Road interchange. The preliminary report identifies that the p.m. peak hour volumes are the primary trigger for the interchange operations. p.m. peak hour traffic at this location is consistently higher than the a.m. peak, and slightly higher than the weekend peaks. If the event center has activities that begin or end during weekday peak hour, or large events on weekends, the project could create unacceptable queuing impacts to the interchange. Staff recommends that the applicant prepare a traffic analysis in order to determine if the project will have a potential impact on the Del Rio Interchange. In addition, the traffic analysis should consider turning movements on El Camino Real in order to ensure that the existing road configuration can handle the proposed turning movement into and out of the project. Mitigation measures related to traffic, including fees or offsite improvements, may be required if the traffic analysis shows that the project would have potential impacts. Conditional Use Permit Findings: The conditional use permit is the process used to review land use proposals of a nature or magnitude which could significantly affect their surroundings. Because of the intensity of the event center use, the Municipal Code identifies it as a “conditional use” and provides for public review and input at a public hearing before the Planning Commission. The conditional use permit is a discretionary approval and the Planning Commission may approve or disapprove a conditional use permit or may adopt additional conditions of approval. Conditional use permit app lications may be denied by the Planning Commission based on specific findings. The Design Review Committee will make a recommendation on the project for Planning Commission consideration. The following findings must be made for approval of a Conditional Use Permit. A CUP can be denied if one or more of the findings cannot be made: 1. The proposed project or use is consistent with the General Plan; and, 7 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 8-31-16 2. The proposed project or use satisfies all applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance; and, 3. The establishment, and subsequent operation or conduct of the use will not, because of the circumstances and conditions applied in the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of the general public or persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the use, or be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity of the use; and 4. That the proposed project or use will not be inconsistent with the character of the immediate neighborhood or contrary to its orderly development; and 5. That the proposed use or project will not generate a volume of traffic beyond the safe capacity of all roads providing access to the project, either existing or to be improved in conjunction with the project, or beyond the normal traffic volume of the surrounding neighborhood that would result from full development in accordance with the land use element; and 6. That the proposed project is in compliance with any pertinent city policy or criteria adopted by ordinance or resolution of the city council; and 7. The proposed use is consistent with the City of Atascadero Appearance Review Manual; and, 8. Any additional findings deemed necessary. Ongoing Temporary Events: The Atascadero Municipal Code permits “temporary events” as an allowed use in the Commercial Park zone. Temporary events are defined as “any use of a structure or land for an event for a limited period of time where the site is not to be permanently altered by grading or construction of accessory facilities.” The applicant has been utilizing the site for temporary events since October 2013. However, the ongoing use of the property in this manner has led to the permanent storage of temporary structures, construction debris, and other materials left over from the occasional temporary events. The ongoing use of the site as a “temporary event venue” is not intended by the ordinance, and has essentially created an unpermitted event center which stores materials year round. The Municipal Code is specific that the site must be restored to its original condition upon completion of the temporary event; no permanent site changes can be allowed, and guarantee of site restoration in the form of bonds or cash deposit can be required by the City. 8 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 8-31-16 Staff recommends that the DRC provide recommendations regarding the ongoing use of the site for temporary events. Staff recommends shorter timeframes for set up and take down be established, and the site be restored to original condition as a single-family residence upon completion of each temporary event. Alternatives: 1. DRC may send the project back to staff and the applicant to incorporate revisions or provide additional information; or, 2. DRC may recommend Planning Commission approve the project as proposed by the applicant; or, 3. DRC may recommend that Planning Commission approve the project with modifications or conditions of approval. Conclusion: Based on the site operations and temporary events which have taken place over the past few years, staff believes that the phased approach to site improv ements and operations is not a solution for the proposed event center which the City can support. The request for minimal or deferred site improvements is not a desirable option for the City. The City’s Municipal Code and California Building Codes are in place in order to ensure safe, quality development within the commercial corridor, consistent with the vision of the General Plan. Temporary structures, portable restrooms, chain link fencing, and temporary parking lots which are in place over a long period have a visual impact on the City. The subject site is highly visible from both El Camino Real and Highway 101. Temporary uses without permanent facilities or adequate site development can require extensive staff time in order to obtain compliance, and often become long term code enforcement situations. Neighborhood compatibility, including appearance, noise, off-site parking and traffic control, are other considerations due to the proximity of the site to adjacent residential uses and nearby businesses. Therefore, staff recommends that the DRC recommend Planning Commission deny the application for an event center at 1610 El Camino Real as currently proposed. Attachments: Attachment 1: Aerial Photo Attachment 2: Site photos Attachment 3: DRC Direction at June 25, 2014 meeting Attachment 4: Applicant’s Project Description Attachment 5: Applicant’s Current Proposed Plans 9 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 8-31-16 Attachment 1: Aerial Photo Subject Site: 1610 El Camino Real Elk’s Lodge Colony Homes neighborhood HWY 101 10 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 8-31-16 Attachment 2: Site Photos Existing SFR, temporary structure (ticket booth), and site entrance Proposed parking area, currently enclosed with chain link fence 11 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 8-31-16 Existing street frontage 12 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 8-31-16 View of site from HWY 101 Existing storage behind residence 13 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 8-31-16 Attachment 3: Applicant’s Project Description 14 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 8-31-16 15 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 8-31-16 Attachment 4: Applicant’s Current Proposed Plans Proposed Parking Lot Entrance, view looking south 16 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 8-31-16 Proposed Event Center Entrance, view looking north 17 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 8-31-16 Proposed Site Plan, Phase 1 18 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 8-31-16 Proposed Site Plan, Phase 2 19 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 8-31-16 Proposed Landscape Plan, Phase 1 20 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 8-31-16 Proposed Landscape Plan, Phase 2 21 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 8-31-16 Proposed Restroom Building, Phase 2 22 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 8-31-16 Proposed Phase 1 Grading & Drainage Plan 23 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 8-31-16 Proposed Phase 2 Grading & Drainage Plan 24