HomeMy WebLinkAboutTBID_2016-08-17_AgendaPacket ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE ATASCADERO TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AGENDA Wednesday, August 17, 2016 at 2:30 P.M. Atascadero City Hall - 6500 Palma Avenue, Club Room Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Chairperson Amar Sohi, Holiday Inn Express and Suites Vice-Chairperson Deana Alexander, The Carlton Hotel Board Member Tom O’Malley, Portola Inn Board Member Jiten Patel, Best Western Plus Colony Inn APPROVAL OF AGENDA: PUBLIC COMMENT: This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Board on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Board has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to three minutes. Please state your name for the record before making your presentation. The Board may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Public Comment, unless changed by the Board. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Advisory Board Draft Action Minutes – July 19, 2016 • Action: Board approve the Draft Action Minutes of July 19, 2016. [City Manager’s Office] B. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Atascadero Wine Festival Recap by Linda Hendy • Recommendation: Advisory Board receive and file report. • Fiscal Impact: None 2. Self Help Countywide Investment Plan Presentation by Ron DeCarli • Recommendation: Advisory Board receive and file report. • Fiscal Impact: None 3. Board Member Lindsey Ridgeway Resignation • Recommendation: Approve timeline for new appointment. • Fiscal Impact: None 4. Visit Atascadero Website: Verdin Website Content and Copy Estimate • Recommendation: Approve estimate for Verdin to produce content and copy for the Visit Atascadero website. • Fiscal Impact (GL 2401): $3,726 - $5,106 5. New Protocol for Advertising Opportunities: Presentation by Angelica Ottman • Recommendation: Accept and implement new protocol for reactive advertising opportunities. • Fiscal Impact: None 6. Advertising Opportunity: Visit SLO County | 2017 Visitor Guide • Recommendation: To pursue placement in the Visit San Luis Obispo County Visitor Guide Magazine. Consider potential sharing of placement investment with the City of Atascadero.  • Fiscal Impact (GL 2502): $1,260 - $6,900 depending on ad size selection. 7. Chamber’s Showcase Mixer on September 15th from 5-7pm • Recommendation: Consider sending ATBID board members to help and work the Visit Atascadero table. • Fiscal Impact: None D. UPDATES 1. Visit SLO County TMD – JP Patel 2. Short Term Rental Update – Amanda Diefenderfer 3. Visit Atascadero Website – Angelica Ottman a. Home page & basic inside layout built out and responsive 4. Deputy City Manager Update – Terrie Banish 5. Marketing Committee Update – Angelica Ottman 6. Marketing Update – Verdin Marketing a. Verdin Marketing Monthly Report 7. Budget Report – Amanda Diefenderfer E. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS F. ADJOURNMENT Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District (ATBID) WELCOME TO THE ATBID MEETING The ATBID Advisory Board meets in regular session on the third Wednesday of each month at 2:30 p.m. Board meetings will be held at the Atascadero City Hall, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero. Matters are considered by the Advisory Board in the order of the printed Agenda. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk and are available for public inspection during City Hall business hours at the Atascadero City Hall, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, and on our website, www.atascadero.org. All documents submitted by the public during Advisory Board meetings that are either read into the record or referred to in their statement will be noted in the minutes and available for review in the City Clerk's office. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City, please contact the City Manager’s Office or the City Clerk’s Office, both at (805) 470-3400. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. TO SPEAK ON SUBJECTS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Under the Agenda item, “PUBLIC COMMENT”, the Chairperson will call for anyone from the audience wishing to speak concerning any item not on the Agenda to approach the lectern and be recognized. 1. Give your name for the record (not required) 2. State the nature of your business. 3. All comments are limited to 3 minutes. 4. All comments should be made to the Chairperson and Advisory Board. 5. No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or negative personal remarks concerning any other individual, absent or present. This is the time items not on the Agenda may be brought to the Advisory Board’s attention. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for PUBLIC COMMENT (unless changed by the Advisory Board). If you wish to use a computer presentation to support your comments, you must notify the City Clerk's office at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Digital presentations must be brought to the meeting on a USB drive or CD. You are required to submit to the City Clerk a printed copy of your presentation for the record. Please check in with the City Clerk before the meeting begins to announce your presence and turn in your printed copy. TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS (from Title 2, Chapter 1 of the Atascadero Municipal Code) Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. The Chairperson will identify the subject, staff will give their report, and the Advisory Board will ask questions of staff. The Chairperson will announce when the public comment period is open and will request anyone interested to address the Advisory Board regarding the matter being considered to step up to the lectern. If you wish to speak for, against or comment in any way: 1. You must approach the lectern and be recognized by the Chairperson 2. Give your name (not required) 3. Make your statement 4. All comments should be made to the Chairperson and Advisory Board 5. No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or negative personal remarks concerning any other individual, absent or present 6. All comments limited to 3 minutes The Chairperson will announce when the public comment period is closed, and thereafter, no further public comments will be heard by the Advisory Board. ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE ATASCADERO TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT DRAFT ACTION MINUTES Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 2:00 P.M. Atascadero City Hall - 6500 Palma Avenue, Club Room Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson O’Malley called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. OATHS OF OFFICE: 1. Administration of Oaths of Office – New Board Members Amar Sohi, Jiten Patel and Deana Alexander, with terms ending June 30, 2018, to be sworn in by Deputy City Clerk Lori Kudzma. Deputy City Clerk Kudzma administered the Oaths of Office to new Board Members Jiten Patel and Deana Alexander. ROLL CALL: Present: Board Members Alexander, Patel, and Chairperson O’Malley Absent: Board Members Ridgeway and Sohi. Staff Present: Destination Manager Amanda Diefenderfer of Big Red Marketing, Angelica Ottman of Big Red Marketing, Marketing Consultants Stephanie Goodwin and Sean Murphy of Verdin Marketing, Deputy City Manager Terrie Banish and Deputy City Clerk Lori Kudzma Board Member Sohi arrived at 2:04 p.m. Deputy City Clerk Kudzma administered the Oath of Office to new Board Member Amar Sohi. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: There was Board Consensus to move item D6 to follow immediately after the Consent Calendar. MOTION: By Board Member Patel and seconded by Board Member Alexander to approve the agenda as amended. Motion passed 4:0 by a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENT: None A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Advisory Board Draft Action Minutes – June 21, 2016 • Action: Board approve the Draft Action Minutes of June 21, 2016. [City Manager’s Office] Board Member Sohi asked for clarification prior to approval regarding the Cider Festival date. Staff confirmed that the Cider Festival date has been set as May 13th. MOTION: By Board Member Patel and seconded by Board Member Alexander to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion passed 3:0 by a voice vote. [Board Member Sohi abstained due to his absence at the prior meeting] Item D6 was moved to follow the Consent Calendar. D. UPDATES 6. Brown Act Requirements – Amanda Diefenderfer Chairperson O’Malley and Destination Manager Diefenderfer led a discussion regarding Brown Act requirements. B. BUSINESS ITEMS: 1. Election of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson for the Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District • Recommendation: Advisory Board to elect one member to serve as Chairperson and elect one member to serve as Vice Chairperson for the TBID Advisory Board for the Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District. • Fiscal Impact: None. Chairperson O’Malley asked for nominations for Chairperson. Board Member Patel nominated Board Member Sohi. MOTION: By Chairperson O’Malley and seconded by Board Member Alexander to elect Amar Sohi as the Chairperson. Motion passed 4:0 by a voice vote. Chairperson Sohi asked for nominations for Vice Chairperson. Board Member Patel nominated Board Member Alexander. MOTION: By Board Member O’Malley and seconded by Board Member Patel to elect Deana Alexander as the Vice Chairperson. Motion passed 4:0 by a voice vote. Board Members and staff commended outgoing Chairperson O’Malley for his leadership and example he has set for this Board. 2. TBID Event Support: Development of TBID Event Support Application – Big Red Marketing • Recommendation: Review application. • Fiscal Impact (GL 2802): Up to $25,000 Angelica Ottman and Amanda Diefenderfer from Bid Red Marketing gave the presentation and answered questions from the Board. Speaking from the Public: Annie Weyrich MOTION: By Board Member O’Malley and seconded by Vice Chairperson Alexander to approve staff’s recommendation to move forward with the Event Support Application. Motion passed 4:0 by a voice vote. 3. Cow Parade: Cow Location • Recommendation: Position cow downtown to maximize exposure. • Fiscal Impact: None Deputy City Manager Banish introduced Zoo Director Alan Baker to talk about the turtle program at the Zoo. There was Board discussion regarding placement of the cow, with primary locations of downtown/Sunken Gardens or Lake Park/Zoo being discussed. Speaking from the Public: Annie Weyrich and Jessica Sohi. MOTION: By Board Member O’Malley and seconded by Chairperson Sohi to place the cow downtown with input from City Staff and Destination Manager as to location with possible signage referring visitors to the turtle exhibit at the Zoo. Motion passed 4:0 by a voice vote. 4. Discussion: ATBID Board Meeting Date • Recommendation: Consider moving regularly scheduled ATBID meeting. • Fiscal Impact: None Deputy City Manager Banish led the discussion regarding possibly moving the ATBID meeting date to a Wednesday or Thursday. There were only two responses to the survey that was sent out. Public Comment: None. There was Board Consensus to move ATBID meetings to the 3rd Wednesday at 2:30 p.m., beginning with the next meeting in August. C. PRESENTATION: 1. Digital Marketing 101: Social Media – Verdin Stephanie Goodwin of Verdin Marketing introduced Sean Murphy from Verdin Marketing. Mr. Murphy gave the presentation (Exhibit A) and answered questions from the Board. D. UPDATES: 1. Visit SLO County TMD – JP Patel Board Member Patel reported that there is no update. 2. Big Red Marketing Update – Amanda Diefenderfer Destination Manager Diefenderfer announced that Angelica Ottman is the dedicated account manager for the ATBID account and that Ms. Ottman will be seen more often. 3. Visit Atascadero Website – Angelica Ottman Angelica Ottman gave the update and reported they are ready to start building content. Chairperson Sohi asked for a projected launch date. 4. Short-Term Rentals – Amanda Diefenderfer Destination Manager Diefenderfer stated that a list has been compiled and submitted to the City. There was discussion regarding the process and next steps. 5. Deputy City Manager Update – Terrie Banish Deputy City Manager Banish gave updates and shared results on the Visitor’s Guide and Brew at the Zoo (Exhibit B). 6. This item was moved to follow after the Consent Calendar. 7. Budget Report – Amanda Diefenderfer Destination Manager Diefenderfer gave the update and answered questions from the Board. 8. Marketing Update – Verdin Marketing Stephanie Goodwin and Sean Murphy from Verdin Marketing gave the presentation (Exhibit C) and answered questions from the Board. There was a discussion regarding current lodging trends with weekdays being busier than weekends. There was discussion regarding target groups for upcoming marketing campaign seasons. E. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS: None. F. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Sohi adjourned the meeting at 4:11 p.m. MINUTES PREPARED BY: ______________________________________ Lori M. Kudzma, Deputy City Clerk The following exhibits are available for review in the City Clerk’s office: Exhibit A – Social Media Presentation by Verdin Marketing Exhibit B – Visitor’s Guide & Brew at the Zoo Results Exhibit C – Marketing Update Presentation by Verdin Marketing t (805) 541-9005 f (805) 541-9007 3580 Sacramento Drive #110, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 VERDINMARKETING.COM WEBSITE CONTENT ESTIMATE ATASCADERO TBID July 26, 2016 Below is an estimate for website content creation, copy, photography and event listings. Estimate includes: • Assess all photography needs and supply options from existing assets available for ATBID use. • Headline and subhead copy for each page, header image, photo text and call to action copy for two main images. • Content and copywriting based on seven to 10 pages from site map including business listings. • Creation of initial event listing for the year. • Uploading all recent press clips and releases. • Two rounds of revisions (additional rounds of revisions may incur additional charges; client will be apprised at each round). • All project coordination. TOTAL $3,726 - $5,106 Estimate provided on July 26, 2016, and is good for 30 days. Range of services dependent on the extent of business listings, write-ups and photography coordination. Sales tax is not included. Ongoing blogging and blog posts not included. Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District (ATBID) Protocol for Advertising Opportunities BACKGROUND: The ATBID Board receives numerous advertising opportunities throughout the year. In order to fairly consider all opportunities and remain cognizant of the board’s and marketing committee’s time the following protocol shall be immediately implemented. PROTOCOL: 1. Advertising opportunity, details and deadline should be emailed to destination manger, Big Red Marketing. 2. Big Red Marketing will forward email which includes the advertising opportunity and details to the ATBID marketing committee and Cc: Verdin, Big Red Marketing, Terrie Banish. 3. The ATBID marketing committee will be asked whether the advertising opportunity should be considered further and if they have any experience with the particular outlet. It will be requested that the committee respond by set due date. 4. If there is a positive response from the ATBID marketing committee, the advertising opportunity will be added to the following month’s ATBID board meeting agenda. 5. The ATBID board members will discuss advertising opportunity at the ATBID monthly board meeting in order to reach final decision. 6. A brief report on marketing committee discussions will be provided at every board meeting in the updates. 2017 MEDIA KIT Greensboro, NC • Phone: 310.266.1292 • www.paceco.com SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY The Official Visitors Magazine for San Luis Obispo County 2017 Media Kit ADVERTISE THROUGH CUSTOM CONTENT IN THE 2017 OFFICIAL VISITORS MAGAZINE. Visit San Luis Obispo County (VSLOC) generates thousands of leads through print and online marketing, and promotes the county at trade shows and special events. Through marketing, advertising, public rela- tions, group sales, promotions, events and sponsorships, Visit San Luis Obispo County brands the region as a choice destination for regional, national and international travelers alike. Visit San Luis Obispo County is working with Pace to offer partners the opportunity to secure customized editorial content in the 2017 Official Visitors Magazine. We feel strongly that a customized editorial format will better showcase all that your business and our county have to offer. You will have the opportunity to work with the esteemed group of writers and designers at Pace on your messaging, and on the development of your editori- al space. Descriptive content and engaging imagery will work together to entice readers to get to know you more intimately and to find out for themselves what makes San Luis Obispo County unique. MORE THAN 225,000 READERS! Industry research shows that visitors guides and other specialty magazines receive an average of five or more pass-along readers per copy. Travelers are hungry for information that will guide their choices for destinations, accommodations, meals and activities. 45,000 copies will be distributed in 2017, reaching a qualified audience while they are making travel decisions: • Fulfillment - those requesting copies have responded to engaging advertising and publicity campaigns from San Luis Obispo County • California Welcome Center - San Francisco • California Welcome Center - Merced • California Welcome Center - Pismo Beach • California Welcome Center - Oxnard • Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport • Santa Barbara Airport • Burbank/Bob Hope Airport • Local hotels • Trade and travel shows • Meeting planners, tour operators and travel agents • Film industry professionals • Inquiring media FREE ONLINE GUIDE! As a free added value, the annual guide is online. To view, go to www.visitsanluisobispocounty.com. Each year the online guide reaches additional readers with this unique, interactive publication. 12 MONTH CUSTOM CONTENT RATES (non-members add 25%, which covers the cost of Visit San Luis Obispo County membership) CUSTOM CONTENT RATES: Full page (100 words + image) $3,650 Spread (200 words + image) $6,900 Half page (50 words + image) $2,100 Back cover $4,575 Inside covers $4,050 Quarter page (35 words + image) $1,260 Great Tastes, Times Two Explore two distinct wine regions in San Luis Obispo County Set in one of California’s most bucolic and visually stunning regions, San Luis Obispo County is home to two award-winning wine areas, and they’re definitely worth exploring. Paso Robles Wine Country, in the North County, and San Luis Obispo Wine Country, along the county coast, each offer unique varietals thanks in part to climate and soil differences. Paso Robles is prolific with more than 200 wineries, and it excels in Rhône-style blends, Zinfandel, Cab- ernet Sauvignon, and red blends. San Luis Obispo Wine Country produces 44 2016/17 San Luis Obispo County Visitors Magazine Wine SPECIAL EVENTS IN PASO ROBLES WINE COUNTRY pasowine.com "  PasoWine February 19-21BlendFest on the Coast Sample distinct blends from 30 Paso Robles wineries and enjoy winemaker dinner and blending seminar. March 18-20 Vintage Paso: Zinfandel Enjoy more than 1Ɠ0 winery events, a ,inposium seminar, SOMM movie screening, and ,-Nightcap After Party. May 19-22 Wine FestThe 3Ɠth Annual event offers tasting events in Paso Robles’ Downtown Park, plus tours, food, and music at 1Ɠ0Ƴ wineries. October 14-16 Harvest Wine Weekend 1Ɠ0Ƴ wineries hold events to celebrate the beginning of the new vintage. EVENTS IN SAN LUIS OBISPO WINE COUNTRYslowine.com "  SLOWineCountry June 23-26 Roll Out the Barrels This celebration, now in its 26th year, is all about wine tastings, food pairings from area restaurants, and more. November 4-6 Harvest on the Coast The weekend kicks off with the Crafted on the Coast collaborative winemaker dinner, and culminates with Saturday’s Grand Tasting and Wine Auction. cool-climate grapes that yield Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and aromatic whites, among other varieties. No matter your palate, you’ll find something worth raising your glass to in San Luis Obispo County. CheersĴ visitsanluisobispocounty.com 45 The influence of Visitors Magazine content is supported by independent research! • 50% of advertising leads result in trips to the county • Visitors Magazine readers are extensively engaged and look to content to help form decisions • Visitors Magazines are kept as a travel resource and enjoy a shelf life up to one year or more WHAT IS CUSTOM CONTENT? Custom content is editorial coverage that is customized to a client’s specific promotional needs. We are now giving you the chance to BE THE STORY. You will have the opportunity to work with the magazine’s editorial staff to develop an editorial piece (complete with photos supplied by you) that captures and promotes your com- pany and your message. You reserve the opportunity to review, edit and approve your content prior to print. Custom content will be seamlessly integrated into the magazine, and will blend organically with the magazine’s main editorial features celebrating all that San Luis Obispo County has to offer. WHY CUSTOM CONTENT? We are increasing the value of your investment in the magazine by maximizing the impact of your real estate on our impressionable readers. Simply put, custom content resonates more deeply with the reader. Unlike a traditional display ad, custom content allows you to forge a stronger, more meaningful relationship with the reader, and to better establish an emotional connection between the San Luis Obispo County visitor and your brand or product. It’s this emotional connection that makes the reader more likely to react to and act on your message, which translates to more money in your pocket. CONFIRMING PARTICIPATION IS SIMPLE 1. You decide how much editorial space you would like to reserve. Fees to participate includes writing, editing, design and production costs. 2. An editor assigned to your organization will contact you to discuss the direction of your editorial feature. You will supply the editor with talking points for content. 3. You supply high-resolution (300 dpi) images for inclusion (photo credits will be given where applicable). 4. You will receive drafts of the professionally prepared copy and design and will have three opportunities to make edits. You will have the right of final approval on your feature. DEADLINES Space & Materials deadline: October 6, 2016 Content Approval deadline: October 20, 2016 CONTACT Nicole Bordges 310.266.1292 nicole.bordges@paceco.com 22 2016/17 San Luis Obispo County Visitors Magazine Lay of the Land 22 2016/17 San Luis Obispo County Visitors Magazine 101 miles of ‘Did You See That?’ California Highway 1 Discovery Route offers plenty to see and do You’d be hard pressed to fi nd a more scenic and magical road trip than the California Highway 1 Discovery Route. Flanked by the Pacifi c Ocean on one side and the rolling hills, vineyards, wineries, and restaurants on the other, the Discovery Route stretches for 101 miles along the coastline of San Luis Obispo County. There are hundreds of vacati on rentals, motels, hotels, and B&Bs near the route, so a trip can be enjoyed leisurely Ō explore the coastal communiti es, see stunning natural areas, and sip your way through the Pacifi c Coast Wine Trail and two AVAs (American Viti cultural Areas), Edna Valley and Arroyo Grande Valley. TOP PHOTO: JOSEPH DOMIGUEZvisitsanluisobispocounty.com 23visitsanluisobispocounty.com 23 But it’s more than just a scenic drive. Choose a customized iti nerary based on your interests, and you’ll fi nd dozens of experiences that provide a deeper connecti on to the people, land, wildlife, and cultural heritage of this remarkable stretch of Coastal San Luis Obispo County. Stewardship travel acti viti es include collecti ng marine debris from beaches, vineyard walks, educati onal bluff and beach hikes, and much more. highway1discoveryroute.com  WineCoastCountry "Highway1DiscoveryRoute HIGHWAY1D IS COVERYROUTE.CO M 10 DESTINATIONS 1 FANTASTIC VACATION Ragged Point San Simeon Cambria Cayucos Los Osos/Baywood Park Avila Beach Oceano Nipomo Arroyo Grande Valley Edna Valley COUNTYSan Luis Obispo 2016/17 Official Visitors Magazine EXPLORING Your Guide to California’s Central Coast visitsanluisobispocounty.com t (805) 541-9005 f (805) 541-9007 3580 Sacramento Drive #110, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 VERDINMARKETING.COM JULY STAT SUMMARY ATASCADERO TBID August 5, 2016 WEB ANALYTICS (2015 V.2016) WEBSITE TRAFFIC Website Visits: 3,556 v. 9,359 Mobile Visits: 1,091 v. 5,916 Desktop Visits: 2,113 v. 2,816 Total Unique Visitors: 3,165 v. 7,108 PPV (Page Per Visit): 2.38 v. 1.62 TOS (Time on Site): 1:32 v. 0:59 ACQUISITION Total Traffic to Site: 9,359 Organic: 1,634 v. 2,548 Referral: 1,595 v. 2,487 Social: 5 v. 2,378 Direct: 322 v. 1,827 Other: 0 v. 119 PAGE VIEWS Home Page: 2,614 v. 4,394 Lodging: 226 v. 1,305 GEOGRAPHIC REFERRALS Los Angeles: 287 v. 1,356 Bakersfield: 38 v. 1,018 Atascadero: 373 v. 703 San Francisco: 295 v. 680 Paso Robles: 105 v. 320 SOCIAL MEDIA ANALYTICS (JUNE V. JULY) TOP REFERRING URLS lm.facebook.com: 1,973 adspreview.simpli.fi: 1,070 atascadero.org: 437 m.facebook.com: 282 site-auditor.online: 148 SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook Fans: 4,676 v. 4,743 Facebook Referrals: 1,620 v. 2,377 Total Impressions: 220,296 v. 187,158 Engagement Rate: 0.5% v. 1.0% New Instagram Followers: +32 Instagram Followers YTD: 362 Instagram Referrals: 1 v. 0 New Twitter Followers: 6 v. 4 Twitter Mentions: 3 v. 1 Twitter Referrals: 0 v. 0 Retweets: 2 v. 0 t (805) 541-9005 f (805) 541-9007 3580 Sacramento Drive #110, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 VERDINMARKETING.COM 2 ADVERTISING ANALYTICS FACEBOOK Two new carousel ads were launched on July 1. Both had several different images and headlines, both targeted towards family and encouraging family summer travel. Results for both ads surpassed June and both ads performed equally well. Carousel Ad 1 “Ingredients for a Perfect Summer” The first ad targeted younger families (adults 25-35) in the Central Valley area. Three images were served, all featuring small children, each with a different headline. Parents who travel with their children were targeted. The results are below. General clicking without clicking on specific link: 2,101 clicks “Take warm nights…” photo of child eating popcorn in a park: 248 clicks “Add something sweet…” photo of mom and child enjoying a milkshake: 190 clicks “Finish with something refreshing.” girls swimming: 27 clicks Total Impressions: 68,753 Clicks: 2,597 CTR: 3.78% (+48%) Carousel Ad 2 “Invest In Family Memories” The second ad targeted parents with older children (adults 30-45) living in the Central Valley. Three images were utilized as well, all with different headlines. The results are below. General clicking without clicking on specific link: 1,895 clicks “Invest in family.” photo of young teen on zip line: 310 clicks “Invest in memories.” photo of parrots at the zoo: 230 clicks “Invest in summer.” photo of boy and girl underwater swimming: 40 clicks Total Impressions: 63,873 Clicks: 2,549 CTR: 3.99% (+31%) Total Facebook results for July (including posts, shares, actions and ads): Total Impressions: 160,403 Clicks: 7,145 (+17%) CTR: 4.45% (+12%) DIGITAL BANNER ADS Three digital ads rotated targeting family travelers in the Central Valley. Two ads featured kids having fun and one ad featured a mom and daughter enjoying a milk shake. All used the same “Invest In Family” headline. Total Impressions: 275,415 Total engagements (including clicks, hovers, view throughs and video playing): 2,645 Interaction Rate: .92% t (805) 541-9005 f (805) 541-9007 3580 Sacramento Drive #110, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 VERDINMARKETING.COM 3 METRICS GLOSSARY DEFINITIONS OF KEY DIGITAL & SOCIAL MEDIA METRICS Last updated February 2016 WEBSITES Sessions/Website Visits: A session is a group of interactions that take place on your website within a given time frame. For example, a single session can contain multiple screen or page views, events, social interactions, and e-commerce transactions. A single user can be responsible for multiple sessions, which may span days, weeks or months. A session ends based on two methods: time-based expiration (either thirty minutes of inactivity or the arrival of midnight local time), or a campaign change (if a user arrives via one campaign, leaves, then comes back via a separate campaign. Users/Unique Visitors: The number of unique visitors to your site determined by individual IP address, including new and returning users. PPS/PPV (Pages Per Session/Visit): The average number of pages viewed during a session on your website. Repeated views of a single page are counted. TOS (Time On Site): The average length of visitors’ sessions on your website. Bounce Rate: The percentage of single-page sessions (i.e. sessions in which the person left your site from the entrance page without interacting with the page, regardless of time spent on that page). There are a number of factors that contribute to a high bounce rate. For example, users might leave your site from the entrance page if there are site design or usability issues. Alternatively, users might also leave the site after viewing a single page if they've found the information they need on that one page, and had no need or interest in going to other pages. Geographic Referrals: The top five locations from which the data originated. Acquisition – Social Media: The traffic to your site that came from a social media network. Acquisition – Direct: Direct traffic is counted as any time Google Analytics cannot determine another referrer. (Clicking a link from an email or PDF, access from a shortened URL, clicking from a mobile social media app, etc.) Whether or not a session is counted as direct depends on the application/program they are using. E -NEWSLETTER ANALYTICS The July e-newsletter went out on July 12 and is performing moderately well. Our old and outdated email list is affecting our open rate and CTR, but with more contests that result in a larger email distribution database this should change. We highlighted zip lining, City Hall and upcoming summer events. 2,168 Recipients 15.7% Open Rate (Industry Average is 16.2%) 1.1% Click Through Rate (Industry Average is 1.8%) t (805) 541-9005 f (805) 541-9007 3580 Sacramento Drive #110, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 VERDINMARKETING.COM 4 Acquisition – Organic: The traffic that comes to your website from unpaid search results (i.e. searching “Atascadero” in Google.) Acquisition – Referral: The traffic that comes to your site from sources outside of Google. When someone clicks on a hyperlink to go to a new page on a different website, it is a referral visit. SOCIAL MEDIA Likes: The total number of individual Facebook users who have “liked” your page. This number does not factor in users who have deleted or suspended their accounts after “liking” your page, nor does it include users that have become deceased after “liking” your page. Reach: The number of individual users to whom content associated with your page is displayed. Engagement Rate: The percentage of users who were served your content that liked, shared, clicked or commented on it. Referrals: Visits to your website that originate from a source outside of a search engine or direct URL input (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, TripAdvisor, email blast, etc.). DIGITAL ADVERTISING Total clicks: Numeric value assigned to the number of times an advertisement was clicked. While tracking users who follow ads to a landing page is important, engagement for some businesses is more important. Please note, some types of ads, like video or cinemagraphs, have the goal of engaging or entertaining a user while building brand awareness rather than to have them click on the ad. In this case, lower clicks and a lower click through rate is expected and not an indication of poor performance. Impressions: The number of times an advertisement is served. For most digital advertising, the number of impressions is the element that is paid for or guaranteed based on budget. Click Through Rate: Percentage of users who were served your advertisement that clicked through to the advertiser’s website. Whereas total clicks is just the numeric value of the number of times an ad is clicked, the click through rate (CTR) is the percentage calculated in relationship to the number of impressions [CTR= (click/impressions) x 100]. CTRs do not always reflect the whole story, because if a user was influenced to learn more about the advertising message because they saw the ad but didn’t click on the ad itself, the campaign does not get credit for generating that lead. View Through Totals or Percentages: How many users (or what percentage of users, depending on vendor preferences) were served an ad and went to visit the website within a few days or weeks. These numbers can only be captured when a tracking pixel or UTM code is embedded into a website with correspondingly embedded ads. Engagement rates: Usually reflect any activity surrounding a digital ad, such as hovering, replaying a video, sharing, liking, or commenting. While not available from all vendors, engagement rates are helpful when tracking digital ad performance. A NOTE ON MOBILE ADS WITHIN APPS: The vast majority of smart phone users see ads within their favorite apps. Those app vendors (Pandora, Facebook, Trip Advisor) provide certified performance reports, but they often are not reflected in website stats, particularly when using Google Analytics. Google Analytics (GA) is an excellent tool for website optimization, such as tracking site page visits, link activity, and some traffic sources, but it is not accurate when it comes to t (805) 541-9005 f (805) 541-9007 3580 Sacramento Drive #110, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 VERDINMARKETING.COM 5 advertising tracking. Business owners who use GA to track ad campaigns need to know it’s not uncommon for GA to under report web advertising by 20%-30%,, and by 50%-90% for mobile in-app advertising. This miscalculation can be confusing when compared to the vendor-reported success of an ad campaign. This is an industry-wide issue and the following are recommended to ensure accurate reporting: • Don’t rely on Google Analytics to determine your digital advertising campaign’s success. • Use UTM codes and Tracking pixels whenever possible and have a website expert install them. • Partner with reputable vendors whose tracking has been accredited by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and trust their reports. DIGITAL MEDIA BENCHMARKS • Generally, the overall banner display ad click through rate average is .06% to .08%. • Rich media (meaning animated, video or other more engaging ads) average CTR is .15% to .22%. • Pandora tends to have a higher CTR than traditional banner ads when the correct targeting is in place. Pandora will normally have between .30% and 1% CTRs, but variations are standard in the industry. • Within Facebook, paid advertising has the highest CTR normally, assuming quality content, of 1.2% to 1.5%. Promoted or Boosted posts traditionally show lower numbers, with an average CTR of .5% to .8%. • Facebook drives 23% of all website traffic and continues to be one of the best platforms for a strong ROI. It accounts for 18% of all digital advertising across all platforms in all countries. • Open rates of email blasts and newsletters vary dramatically based on industry, with the highest (29% and over) going to personal hobbies and entertainment-based industries and as low as 15% to 17% for some medical- or insurance-based industries. Most experts report 10% to 15% as the average CTOR (click to open rate). Average click through rates from content to website are 4.8% to 1.5%. GL #Notes INCOME PROJECTIONS 2015/2016 PROJECTED INCOME 1100 2% BID Revenue July 2015 - June 2016 186,690.00$ Based on a 7% yoy growth 1200 Cash Rollover 87,500.00$ Based on spending $190,000 in 2015/2016 fiscal 1300 Investment Earnings -$ Total 274,190.00$ Expenses 2015/16 Budget Reference 2016/2017 Proposed budget % total budget 2100 Admin 5,000.00$ 2,750.00$ 1.00% 2101 City Admin Fees 1,866.90$ 2,000.00$ 2102 Office Expense 2,000.00$ 750.00$ 2200 Contracting Firm Fees 40,000.00$ 42,000.00$ 15.32% 2201 Big Red Marketing - Destination Manager 30,000.00$ 30,000.00$ 2202 Verdin Marketing - Marketing Firm 10,000.00$ 12,000.00$ Per approved scope of work at January 2016 board meeting 2300 Visual Assets 17,500.00$ 27,500.00$ 10.03% 2301 Photography & Video 7,500.00$ 7,500.00$ 2302 Creative Services - Verdin Scope 7,500.00$ 20,000.00$ Per approved scope of work at January 2016 board meeting and includes reactive creative 2400 Digital Marketing 50,000.00$ 62,300.00$ 22.72% 2401 Website Updates 30,000.00$ 38,000.00$ Includes budget for Clever Concepts Website Build and Verdin's updates throughout the year 2402 Social Media contest hard costs -$ 1,500.00$ 2403 Social Media/E-Newsletter/Constest Management 15,000.00$ 22,800.00$ Per approved scope of work at January 2016 board meeting 2500 Advertising 65,000.00$ 67,700.00$ 24.69% 2501 Planned Media Buys 1,500.00$ 44,700.00$ Per approved scope of work at January 2016 board meeting 2502 Reactive Advdertising & Co-Ops 20,000.00$ Could be with Visit SLO County or the Chamber of Commerce 2503 Verdin Media Retainer 3,000.00$ Per approved scope of work at January 2016 board meeting 2600 Public Relations 12,500.00$ 9,500.00$ 3.46% 2601 Group FAM 5,000.00$ 3,000.00$ 2602 Individual Itineraries 5,000.00$ 1,500.00$ 2603 PR Retainer -$ 5,000.00$ Per approved scope of work at January 2016 board meeting. $3500 planned and $1500 reactive 2700 Tour & Travel 10,000.00$ 3,000.00$ 1.09% 2701 CCTC Co Op Fams 4,500.00$ 1,500.00$ 2702 Visit CA Co Op Fams 4,500.00$ 1,500.00$ 2800 Consumer Outreach 65,000.00$ 27,500.00$ 10.03% 2801 Consumer Show Presence 5,000.00$ 2,500.00$ 2802 Event Support Program 50,000.00$ 25,000.00$ TOTAL EXPENSES 265,000.00$ 242,250.00$ 3001 Cash Reserves 28,250.00$ 10% of total budget Contingency 4001 Contingency Fund (unallocated)$3,690.00 TOTAL Budget $274,190.00 ATBID 2016/17 Proposed BUDGETED P&L City of Atascadero Tourism Report Transient Occupancy Tax Revenues Jul-Sep Oct-Dec Jan-Mar Apr-Jun 1ST QTR 2ND QTR 3RD QTR 4TH QTR TOTAL Fiscal Year 2014 254,557.46$ 158,389.32$ 134,033.44$ 232,385.37$ 779,365.59$ Fiscal Year 2015 262,246.00$ 171,527.07$ 204,920.33$ 261,362.41$ 900,055.81$ Fiscal Year 2016 387,196.75$ 260,522.61$ 234,591.13$ 359,952.40$ 1,242,262.89$