HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRC_2016-07-27_AgendaPacketDRC Draft Action Minutes of 7/13/16 Page 1 of 5 x CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE DRAFT ACTION MINUTES Regular Meeting – Tuesday, July 13, 2016 – 1:00 P.M. City Hall, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER – 1:00 p.m. Committee Member Fonzi called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Bob Kelley Committee Member Duane Anderson Committee Member Roberta Fonzi Committee Member Mark Dariz Absent: Committee Member Kirk (excused absence) Staff Present: Community Development Director, Phil Dunsmore Senior Planner, Callie Taylor Recording Secretary, Annette Manier Others Present: Richard Hofmeister, Dynamic Development Company Bill White, Atascadero Fire Department Tom Peterson, Atascadero Fire Department Mike Hubert, Interim Fire Chief, Atascadero Fire Department APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: By Committee Member Fonzi and seconded by Chairperson Kelley to move Item 2 (Fire Dept. carport) to Item 1. There was Committee consensus to approve the Agenda. PUBLIC COMMENT None ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 7-27-16 1 DRC Draft Action Minutes of 7/13/16 Page 2 of 5 Chairperson Kelley closed the Public Comment period. CONSENT CALENDAR MOTION: By Committee Member Dariz and seconded by Committee Member Anderson to approve the consent calendar. There was Committee consensus to approve the consent calendar. DEVELOPMENT PROJECT REVIEW 1. PLN 2016-1604, DESIGN REVIEW OF FIRE DEPARTMENT CARPORT Community Development Director Dunsmore presented the staff report, and he and Fire Department staff answered questions from the Committee. PUBLIC COMMENT None Chairperson Kelley closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Committee Member Fonzi and seconded by Committee Member Anderson to approve the project with a small sign (identifying Disaster Response Trailer) on the front of the structure on the gable end. There was Committee consensus to approve the consent calendar. Property Owner/Applicant: City of Atascadero, 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 Project Title: PLN 2016-1604 / DRC 2016-0089 Project Location: 6005 Lewis Avenue, Atascadero, CA 93422 (APN 029-332-004) San Luis Obispo County Project Description: 980 sq. ft. metal carport structure, proposed to be installed at the rear of the site to store the Fire Department’s emergency response trailer. Zoning District: Downtown Commercial (DC) General Plan Designation: Downtown (D) City Staff: Phil Dunsmore, Community Development Director pdunsmore@atascadero.org, Phone: 805-470-3488 Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends DRC review carport design and location, and provide direction to City staff. 2 DRC Draft Action Minutes of 7/13/16 Page 3 of 5 2. PLN 2016-1596, NEW COMMERCIAL BUILDING AT 7300 EL CAMINO REAL (OLD COCO’S SITE) Senior Planner Taylor presented the staff report, and she and Community Development Director Dunsmore answered questions from the Committee. PUBLIC COMMENT The following members of the public spoke during public comment: Richard Hofmeister. Mr. Hofmeister gave a presentation on the project and described his intention to work with a noise engineer to provide options for screening the HWY 101 noise for the rear patio. Staff indicated they would like to have another alternative to the dining in the back to provide presence on El Camino Real. Services and utilities, including trash and loading dock, are not in favorable location at the front of the site. Mr. Hofmeister stated that the tenant to go in the Coco’s building is most likley Pieology. Mr. Hofmeister discussed options for façade enhancements and materials for the new Med Post. Chairperson Kelley closed the Public Comment period. The Committee approved the project with the following recommendations: SITE PLAN CONCEPT CAN BE APPROVED BY STAFF (NO ADDITIONAL DRC MEETING) IF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND MODIFICATIONS CAN BE MET: Property Owner/Applicant: Timmons Calstate LLC, c/o Joel & Priscilla Brown Family LTD PTP, 2200 Faraday Ave. #250, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Applicant: Richard Hofmeister, Dynamic Development Company, 1725 21st St., Santa Monica, CA 90404 Project Title: PLN 2016-1596 / DRC 2016-0087 Project Location: 7300 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 (APN 030-222-048) San Luis Obispo County Project Description: New 8635 sq. ft. commercial building. Includes 3650 sq. ft. Urgent Care (Med Post) and up to 3 retail/restaurant spaces (1,300 - 2,200 sq. ft. each.) Includes demolition of existing vacant restaurant (previously Coco’s) Zoning District: Commercial Service (CS) General Plan Designation: Service Commercial (SC) City Staff: Callie Taylor, Sr. Planner, ctaylor@atascadero.org, Phone: 805-470-3448 Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends DRC provide direction regarding potential modifications to site layout and architectural elevations as recommended by City staff. 3 DRC Draft Action Minutes of 7/13/16 Page 4 of 5 KEY ITEMS 1) Enlarge patio at front of restaurant. Suggest removing 4 adjacent parking stalls near current front patio tables to enlarge this area. This patio shall become primary focus of building’s front façade as seen from El Camino Real. Incorporate covered structure or trellis over patio for shade and visual enhancement. 2) Modify back dining room/patio next to Hwy. 101. Either rebuild walls and keep it enclosed, or use as secondary patio if noise can be mitigated (acoustical analysis needed.) Could use this area for additional parking. Alternative uses could include a party/meeting room for the restaurant or rentable space, or outdoor fire pit area. 3) Mitigate unsightly “back of house” uses at front of restaurant. Screen or enclose trash, equipment, loading dock and employee entrance. Include additional façade enhancements and additional landscape in this area. Possibly eliminate 1 parking space in the area to accommodate enhancements. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN: 1) Use brick façade on Med Post. Use stone product on remodeled restaurant building. 2) Architectural style of the two buildings can be different, but need to relate and complement each other. 3) Break-up any large stucco walls with windows, banding, bulkheads, accent materials (brick), roofline trim, or other details. No large stucco massing. ADDITIONAL ITEMS: 1) Widen front drive to 20’ wide to provide for 2-way vehicle access. 2) Ok to locate Med Post trash in Hwy. 101 landscape setback to provide for better access. Include landscape/vines on sides of trash enclosure to help screening. Provide masonry enclosure with metal door. 3) Integrate architectural features on ADA path. Goal is to enhance front of site near El Camino Real, and screen/separate trash and loading zone areas. 4) Monument signs – 2 would be ok. Shall complement architectural style of buildings. 5) All mechanical equipment must be screened. Include roof parapets as needed. 6) Include new light fixtures on existing poles. 7) Include red curb at El Camino Real driveway entrance as needed for sight distance. There was Committee consensus to approve the project. Community Development Director Dunsmore stated that the applicant can work with staff on another rendition of the site now that they have DRC’s recommendations. 4 DRC Draft Action Minutes of 7/13/16 Page 5 of 5 COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS AND REPORTS None DIRECTORS REPORT Community Development Director Dunsmore stated that the next DRC meeting will be on July 27th, and the committee will re-review the Avenida Maria project, and there may be an additional item on the agenda as well. ADJOURNMENT– 2:36 p.m. The next regular meeting of the DRC will be on July 27, 2016. MINUTES PREPARED BY: ______________________________ Annette Manier, Recording Secretary t:\~ design review committee\minutes\minutes 2016\draft actn minutes 7-13-16.am.docx 5 6 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 7-27-16 Atascadero Design Review Committee Report In Brief - Community Development Department Katie Banister, Assistant Planner, (805) 470-3480, kbanister@atascadero.org PLN 2016-1584 / DRC 2016-0080 Hidden Oaks Apartments – 23 Unit Multi-Family Apartment Complex Owner: Mike Zappas, 8189 San Dimas Road, Atascadero, CA 93422 Address: 9405 Avenida Maria Project #: PLN 2016-1584 DRC 2016-0080 APN #: 045-321-022 General Plan: High Density Residential (HDR) Zoning: Residential Multi-Family (RMF-20) Project Area: 0.98 Acres Existing Use: Vacant Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends the DRC approve the proposed design for a multi- family residential development. Design Review Items  Review of proposed site plan including outdoor recreation space, parking, landscaping, and accessibility  Review of proposed architectural elevations Hidden Oaks Apartments – 23 Units 7 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 7-27-16 BACKGROUND The applicant originally proposed a 24-unit apartment complex at this location, which was reviewed by the DRC on June 1, 2016. In order to accommodate municipal code requirements and DRC recommendations, the applicant has reduced the proposal to 23 units and proposed a number of changes to the site layout. The development is a mixture of studio and 1 bedroom apartments located between Hidden Oaks Village (also owned by the applicant) and the soon to be constructed Atascadero Family Apartments on Avenida Maria. At the first DRC review, the committee recommended several modifications to the project. In particular, the applicant was directed to work with City staff to balance stormwater, parking, open space, and accessibility requirements. The applicant is currently proposing:  23 apartment units;  Two 2-story buildings with decorative features consistent with the Pueblo Revival architectural style;  A total of 40 parking spaces; 23 covered spaces, 15 uncovered spaces, and 2 uncovered motorcycle spaces;  On-site amenities including a shared laundry facility, exercise room, central recreation area with barbeques and accessible path, private patios and decks, and a Bocce Ball court.  Extensive drought tolerant landscaping integrated with onsite stormwater control. SITE PLAN REVIEW: Circulation 1. The applicant has negotiated easements with the Atascadero Family Apartments to permit the use of their new sidewalk, which will run the length of Avenida Maria to El Camino Real. The new design connects on-site paths of travel with the path of travel on the neighboring property. 2. The walkway between the buildings and the parking proposed along the west side of the buildings has been expanded to 5 feet in width. 3. An access easement is being requested from the end of the proposed parking facilities to Jornada Lane to the North of the project site. This is being requested for emergency access purposes. As the easement being requested affects private property and the current access is adequate to serve the proposed development, staff cannot make this a requirement. If an access easement cannot be attained to Jornada Lane, staff recommends the applicant provide landscaping at the end of the long driveway so the view from Avenida Maria is more attractive. Outdoor Recreation Areas 4. AMC 9-3.173(c) requires 300 square feet of outdoor recreational open space per unit, which would total 6,900 square feet required for the proposed development. Proposed outdoor recreation spaces include, an approximately 1,400 square-foot Bocce Ball court at the rear of the complex, an approximately 1,000 square foot 8 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 7-27-16 covered exercise patio, and an approximately 4,800 square-foot shared recreation space between the two apartment buildings that also serves as the project’s stormwater control basin. These spaces total about 7,200 square feet, which exceeds the minimum requirement. Staff has provided discussion below related to open space amenities and parking and is seeking DRC direction on this item. 5. Additional recreation space includes a private patio or deck space for each unit which total approximately 3,000 square feet, and a shared exercise room of 320 square feet. Parking 6. The project requires a total of 40 parking spaces. As designed, 40 spaces are provided, however one required occupant space is located outside the gate in the guest parking area, and two of the spaces are for motorcycles. Type Required Proposed Total for residents 35 32 + 2 motorcycle Covered for residents 23 23 Guest 5 6 Total 40 40 7. In the previous review, the municipal code requirements for the provision of outdoor recreation space resulted in site plan modifications that eliminated 4 parking spaces to accommodate a proposed bocce ball court. The applicant has dutifully made the requested modifications resulting in a project that meets all AMC requirements, but may not have the most optimal balancing of parking and recreation space. This project is a “by right” property, which does not require approval of a conditional use permit. The modification of property development standards is allowed on “by right” sites with discretionary review (AMC 9-3.174(i)). Staff recommends the DRC consider the specific characteristics of this site and whether to exercise their discretionary authority to modify the site plan. Staff recommends the DRC consider the following site characteristics: a. The property is accessed from El Camino Real through a relatively narrow access easement (Avenida Maria); there is no on-street parking available with the exception of the 2 proposed guest spaces for this project. The site plan proposes the minimum number of spaces allowed and uses two motorcycle spaces to achieve this number. b. The apartments are very small studios and one-bedroom units that are unlikely to house large families. Children are often the most active users of recreation space, whereas this complex may have few child residents. c. Each residential unit has an open space designated for private use; a 144 square-foot patio for each unit on the first floor and a 132 square-foot deck for each unit on the second floor. 9 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 7-27-16 d. The central recreation space, which also functions as the project stormwater basin, is well designed, usable space. Both active and passive activities are facilitated with vegetation and infrastructure including barbeques, decks, benches, all-ages play equipment, crushed granite paths, and non-irrigated native grass areas. The basin is adjacent to a covered patio/exercise space and the indoor exercise room. e. Due to its location at the rear of the property and relatively formal, narrow design, staff is unsure whether the Bocce Ball court will be a significant amenity for most residents. f. Without the Bocce Ball court, an additional 4 full-sized parking spaces could be provided. If the DRC determines that additional parking is of greater benefit to the project that the proposed Bocce Ball court, staff recommends that the setback area be landscaped similarly to the rest of the eastern property line. The DRC could recommend the addition of either 2 or 4 parking spaces depending on the landscaped area desired. Proposed Architectural Elevations 8. The applicant has incorporated additional windows to the front elevation viewed from Avenida Maria. Staff recommends the DRC review whether these windows add sufficent articulation to this front wall. Staff recommends the DRC endorse the variable window treatments that will add beauty and authenticity to the building design. 9. The applicant will present a finalized color and materials board at the DRC meeting for the committee’s review. ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: Aerial Map Attachment 2: Current Site Plan Proposal Attachment 3: Original Site Plan (without Bocce Ball Court) Attachment 4: Grading and Drainage Plan Attachment 5: Landscape Plan Attachment 6: Elevations Attachment 7: Floor Plans 10 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 7-27-16 Attachment 1: Aerial Map PLN 2016-1584 / DRC 2016-0080 Hidden Oaks Village Proposed Hidden Oaks Apartments Atascadero Family Apartments Chalk Mountain Community School 11 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 7-27-16 Attachment 2: Site Plan (with Bocce Ball Court PLN 2016-1584 / DRC 2016-0080 Avenida Maria Decorative pavers Gate 10-foot utilities easement Bocce court Building B: 16 units Building A: 7 units Shared stormwater basin and recreation space Covered Parking Garbage Enclosure Covered Parking Perimeter walk and accessible ramp into basin Exercise room and covered patio Shared laundry room 12 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 7-27-16 Attachment 3: Original Site Plan (without Bocce Ball Court PLN 2016-1584 / DRC 2016-0080 13 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 7-27-16 Attachment 4: Grading and Drainage Plan PLN 2016-1584 / DRC 2016-0080 Bio Swale Bio Retention Basin Underground stormwater piping Bio Swale Drainage inlet Drainage inlet 14 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 7-27-16 Attachment 5: Landscape Plan PLN 2016-1584 / DRC 2016-0080 15 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 7-27-16 16 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 7-27-16 Attachment 6: Architectural Elevations PLN 2016-1584 / DRC 2016-0080 Building A (7 units) South Elevation from Avenida Maria North Elevation from central courtyard West Elevation from driveway 17 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 7-27-16 East elevation (from Hidden Oaks Village) 18 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 7-27-16 Building B (16 units) South Elevation from central courtyard North Elevation from parking area West Elevation from driveway East Elevation 19 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 7-27-16 Carport structures Typical closed end Typical open side of the carports (detail) West elevation of carport near garbage enclosure 20 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 7-27-16 Attachment 7: Floor Plans PLN 2016-1584 / DRC 2016-0080 Building A Lower Floor: 594 square-foot one bedroom apartments with 144 square-foot patio 21 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 7-27-16 Building A Upper Floor: 388 square-foot studio apartments with 132 square-foot deck 22 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 7-27-16 Building B Lower Floor: 594 square-foot one bedroom apartments with 144 square-foot patios 23 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 7-27-16 Building B Upper Floor: 388 square-foot studio apartments with 132 square-foot deck 24 ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 7-27-16 Atascadero Design Review Committee Report In Brief - Community Development Department Kelly Gleason, (805) 470-3446, kgleason@atascadero.org PLN 2014-1529 Halcon Residential Planned Development Owner/Applicant: Midland Cerro Roble, LLC Address: 11955 & 11975 Viejo Camino APN: 045-401-003, & 004 Existing General Plan: Single Family Residential - X (SFR-X) Existing Zoning: Residential Single Family - X (RSF-X) Project Area: 10 acres Existing Use: Approved Master Plan of Development for 17 units Staff Recommendation: DRC consider and approve the proposed revised architecture with staff conditions. Design Review Items  Architectural Design Staff Recommendation: The DRC review and approve the proposed architectural changes with conditions. Project Description: The applicant is proposing a modification to the approved architectural design for the project formerly known as “The Groves”. The Groves project was approved in March of 2016, establishing a Master Plan of Development for 17 single-family residential lots at the corner of Halcon Rd and Viejo Camino. Discussion Item: Architectural Design The City Council approved the Halcon Residential Planned Development (The Groves) with a contemporary design theme. One of the required findings for approval of a Planned 25 ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 7-27-16 Development is the provision of high quality architectural design. The new owner for the project, now called Cerro Roble, is requesting modifications to the approved architectural design. Per the conditions of approval for the project, the DRC has ultimate authority over the review and approval of any architectural modifications to the project. Consistent with City Council Policy, the DRC must find that the architectural design is remains high quality. The original project design included a contemporary agrarian motif with a combination of materials including board and batten siding, stone accents, and standing seam metal roofing. The applicant is currently proposing Spanish style façade treatments. Much of this architectural style is derived from authentic building detailing as there is less use of ornamentation and greater emphasis on form and shadow. Typical features of this architectural style include smooth plaster finish, recessed windows, wood garage doors, iron railing accents, and clay tile roofs. The applicant is proposing a number of these design features including smooth stucco, decorative garage doors, decorative wrought iron railings, articulated beam tails, and accent shutters. As proposed, a majority of the windows and doors will not be recessed nor will trim detailing be provided. Staff has conditioned the project to ensure that the premium vinyl window collection is used which has an articulated exterior casing profile. Without this assurance, the facades of the buildings will appear flat and the detailing typical of Spanish style architecture will be diminished. The applicant is proposing a consistent color scheme throughout the development. The proposed stucco color is “ivory” with three (3) different window casing color options. All of the window colors are darker in nature to provide a contrast with the building façade. Garage doors will be a dark brown color consistent with the architectural theme. Typically in new subdivisions, staff requires a variety of building colors to create a unique sense of identity. However, this subdivision consists of larger lots and the applicant is proposing to create identity for each home through the window color and architectural design. Staff has concerns that this design scheme will be too homogeneous in nature and, although some lots within the development are larger, there are a number of residences that are located in close proximity to each other. The DRC may provide direction on whether this approach is consistent with the City’s overall design goals for residential projects. Project Design Conditions Staff has included a number of conditions to ensure that the quality of architectural detailing upholds the intent of the proposed design scheme and meets the requirements of the Planned Development to provide high quality architecture. Conditions have been included related to the following:  Stucco texture  Window casing details  Roof tile  Gutters 26 ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 7-27-16 Staff has not included conditions related to the proposed color scheme, however, the DRC is being asked to provide direction on this matter and can add any additional conditions. Conclusion Staff is recommending that the DRC approve the revised architectural design with staff conditions. Attachments: Attachment 1: Location Map Attachment 2: Site Development Plan Attachment 3: Approved Architectural design Concept Attachment 4: Cerro Roble Revised Architectural Drawings Attachment 5: Color and Materials Specifications Attachment 6: Conditions t:\- 14 plns\pln 2014-1529 halcon rd gpa - atascadero grove\drc 2016 revised architecture\pln 2014-1529_drc2_sr_kg.docx 27 ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 7-27-16 Attachment 1: Location Map Project Location 28 ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 7-27-16 Attachment 2: Site Development Plan 29 ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 7-27-16 Attachment 3: Approved Architectural Design Concept 30 ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 7-27-16 Attachment 4: Cerro Roble Revised Architectural Drawings Refer to Provided Packet 31 ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 7-27-16 Attachment 5: Color and Materials Specifications 32 ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 7-27-16 33 ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 7-27-16 Attachment 6: Conditions DRC Findings 1. The architectural design is of high quality and is consistent with the City Council Planned Development Policy. DRC Conditions The following conditions shall be applicable to the approved architectural redesign: 1. Stucco shall be smooth troweled. No machine finish applications shall be permitted. 2. Roofing shall be authentic in appearance and shall be MCA Superior Clay - Classic ’S’ mission w/ mortar set ridges & hips (color is ‘Old Santa Barbara Blend.’ Style - B330-R) or similar. 3. All windows and doors shall be premium series vinyl with articulated exterior casing profiles. All windows and doors shall have a consistent casing profile. 4. Gutters shall be either painted to match the exterior or shall be rounded style in a contrasting color consistent with the trim and window color. 5. All other materials shall be consistent with the submitted architectural package including all color and materials specifications. Consensus from DRC committee members: ________________________________________ Phil Dunsmore, Community Development Director 34 6955 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO CA 93422 (805) 466 - 5100 TRACT 3078 VIEJO CAMINO ATASCADERO CA 93422 These drawings are instruments of service and are property of Steven D. Pults , AIA & Associates , LLP. All design and other information on the drawings are for use on the specified project and shall not be used otherwise without the expressed written permission of Steven D.Pults, AIA & Associates , LLP. Architecture, Planning & Graphics 3592 Sacramento Dr, Suite 140 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 805/541-5604 voice LICEN S E D A RCHI T ECTFRANC E S FAN G I BBSST A T E OF CA L I F O R NIANo. C-26942 R EN. 10 -3 1 -171621 T - 1 1 JUL 16 TITLE SHEET Date: Revised: Job No: Sheet: Project: Client: Sheet Contents: CERRO ROBLE MIDLAND PACIFIC BUILDING CORPORATION VICINITY MAP SHEET INDEX T - 1 TITLE SHEET C - 1 PROGRESS SITE/GRADING PLAN A - 1 PLAN 2146 - FIRST FLOOR PLAN - FRONT LOAD GARAGE A - 2 PLAN 2146 - FIRST FLOOR PLAN - SIDE LOAD GARAGE A - 3 PLAN 2146 - SECOND FLOOR PLAN A - 4 PLAN 2146 - EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - FRONT LOAD GARAGE A - 5 PLAN 2146 - EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - SIDE LOAD GARAGE A - 6 PLAN 2146 - EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - W/DROPPED WING A - 7 PLAN 2450 - LOWER LEVELS FLOOR PLAN A - 8 PLAN 2450 - UPPER LEVELS FLOOR PLAN A - 9 PLAN 2450 - EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A - 10 PLAN 2536 - FIRST FLOOR PLAN - FRONT LOAD GARAGE A - 11 PLAN 2536 - FIRST FLOOR PLAN - SIDE LOAD GARAGE A - 12 PLAN 2546 - SECOND FLOOR PLAN A - 13 PLAN 2546 - EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - FRONT LOAD GARAGE A - 14 PLAN 2546 - EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - SIDE LOAD GARAGE A - 15 PLAN 2831 - FIRST FLOOR PLAN A - 16 PLAN 2831 - SECOND FLOOR PLAN A - 17 PLAN 2831 - EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A - 18 PLAN 2883 - FIRST FLOOR PLAN A - 19 PLAN 2883 - SECOND FLOOR PLAN A - 20 PLAN 2883 - EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS TOTAL 22 SHEETS DIRECTORY ARCHITECT STEVEN D. PULTS , AIA & ASSOCIATES , LLP 3592 SACRAMENTO DRIVE , SUITE 140 SAN LUIS OBISPO , CA 93401 (805) 541-5604 CIVIL ENGINEER NORTH COAST ENGINEERING , INC. 725 CRESTON ROAD , SUITE B PASO ROBLES , CA 93446 (805) 239-3127 MECHANICAL ENGINEER BMA MECHANICAL 100 CROSS STREET , SUITE 204 SAN LUIS OBISPO , CA 93401 (805) 544-4269 SOILS ENGINEER EARTH SYSTEMS PACIFIC 4378 OLD SANTA FE ROAD SAN LUIS OBISPO , CA 93401 (805) 544-3276 TITLE 24 COMPLIANCE CENTRAL COAST ENERGY COMPLIANCE 1675 GRANACHE WAY TEMPLETON , CA 93465 (805) 434-3844 SYMBOLS 1 1 A A 1 1 A-1 A A-1 DIMENSIONAL GRID LINE DOOR MARK REFER TO DOOR SCHEDULE WINDOW MARK REFER TO WINDOW SCHEDULE REFERENCE NOTE WINDOW ABOVE REFER TO WINDOW SCHEDULE DETAIL NUMBER SHEET SHOWN ON SECTION SHEET SHOWN ON SITE ATASCADERO, CA CERRO ROBLE TRACT 3078 GENERAL NOTES 1.The General Contractor shall be responsible for verifying all existing conditions before commencing with any work . 2.All work shall comply with all current codes , ordinances & regulations of applicable administrative authorities; 2013 CBC , CRC, CMC, CPC, CEC, CEnC & California Green Building Standards Code . 3.The 2013 Building Energy Efficiency Standards for residential and non-residential buildings have been reviewed , and the building described on these pages is in substantial conformance . 4.A certificate of construction compliance based on observation of construction shall be submitted to the Building Department and shall be signed by the Contractor at the time of final inspection . 5.Refer to the Geotechnical report recommendation by Earth Systems Pacific , dated October 1, 2015 . 6.The building described on the following pages is equipped with a fire sprinkler system . Shop drawings shall be submitted and approved by the City Building and Fire Departments prior to fabrication and installation of the system . System design shall meet all requirements of State Fire Marshall , NFPA , and City regulations . Sprinkler system shall depict dual-signal remote supervisory service capability . Private fire service mains shall be reviewed and approved by the Fire Department prior to installations , and shall be field verified by the Fire Code Official prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy . 7.Storm water management shall be implemented during construction and adhere to measure per CALGreen 4.106 .2 8.A minimum of 50% of the non-hazardous construction or demolition debris shall be recycled and/or salvaged . PROJECT SUMMARY LEGAL:TRACT 3078 CITY OF ATASCADERO ZONING:RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY - X (RSF - X) RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY - Y (RXF - Y) PD - 33 OVERLAY APN:045-401-003 & 004 UNIT TYPES:PLAN 2146 FIRST FLOOR 1,633 SF SECOND FLOOR 513 SF TOTAL LIVING 2,146 SF GARAGE 539 SF PORCH 62 SF COVERED PATIO 293 SF PLAN 2450 FIRST FLOOR 1,220 SF SECOND FLOOR 1,230 SF TOTAL LIVING 2,450 SF GARAGE 496 SF PORCH 68 SF COVERED PATIO 244 SF PLAN 2536 FIRST FLOOR 1,678 SF SECOND FLOOR 858 SF TOTAL LIVING 2,536 SF GARAGE 541 SF PORCH 77 SF PLAN 2831 FIRST FLOOR 1,428 SF SECOND FLOOR 1,403 SF TOTAL LIVING 2,831 SF GARAGE 565 SF PORCH 10 SF COVERED PATIO 73 SF COVERED DECK 59 SF PLAN 2883 FIRST FLOOR 1,862 SF SECOND FLOOR 1,021 SF TOTAL LIVING 2,883 SF GARAGE 496 SF PORCH 54 SF CONST TYPE:VB - SPRINKLERED OCCUPANCY:R - 3 DWELLING U GARAGE 35 6955 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO CA 93422 (805) 466 - 5100 TRACT 3078 VIEJO CAMINO ATASCADERO CA 93422 These drawings are instruments of service and are property of Steven D. Pults , AIA & Associates , LLP. All design and other information on the drawings are for use on the specified project and shall not be used otherwise without the expressed written permission of Steven D.Pults, AIA & Associates , LLP. Architecture, Planning & Graphics 3592 Sacramento Dr, Suite 140 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 805/541-5604 voice LICEN S E D A RCHIT ECTFRANC E S FAN G I BBSSTA T E OF CA L I F O R NIANo. C-26942 R EN. 10 -3 1 -171621 C - 1 SITE/GRADING PLAN PROGRESS Date: Revised: Job No: Sheet: Project: Client: Sheet Contents: CERRO ROBLE MIDLAND PACIFIC BUILDING CORPORATION PROGRESS SITE/GRADING PLAN 1" = 30' - 0"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXPLAN 2450 PLAN 2146 SL (W/ DRO P P E D WING ) PLAN 2146 FL(REVER S E D ) PLAN 2146 FL (REVERSED)PLAN 2536 FLPLAN 2536 FL PLAN 2536 FLPLAN 2536 SLPLAN 2883PLAN 2883 PLAN 2883 PLAN 2883(REVERSED)PLAN 2831(REVERSED)PLAN 2831(REVERSED)PLAN 2831PLAN 2831 PLAN 2 8 3 1 (REVERSED ) SANTA BARBARA ROADVIE JO CAM INO 36 6955 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO CA 93422 (805) 466 - 5100 TRACT 3078 VIEJO CAMINO ATASCADERO CA 93422 These drawings are instruments of service and are property of Steven D. Pults , AIA & Associates , LLP. All design and other information on the drawings are for use on the specified project and shall not be used otherwise without the expressed written permission of Steven D.Pults, AIA & Associates , LLP. Architecture, Planning & Graphics 3592 Sacramento Dr, Suite 140 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 805/541-5604 voice LICEN S E D A RCHIT ECTFRANC E S FAN G I BBSSTA T E OF CA L I F O R NIANo. C-26942 R EN. 10 -3 1 -171621 A - 1 FIRST FLOOR PLAN FRONT LOAD GARAGE Date: Revised: Job No: Sheet: Project: Client: Sheet Contents: CERRO ROBLE PLAN 2146 MIDLAND PACIFIC BUILDING CORPORATION FIRST FLOOR PLAN • FRONT LOAD GARAGE 1/4" = 1' - 0" UP UP WH GARAGE LAUND STO POWDER ENTRY LIVING DINING KITCHEN MSTR BEDRM MSTR BATH 37 6955 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO CA 93422 (805) 466 - 5100 TRACT 3078 VIEJO CAMINO ATASCADERO CA 93422 These drawings are instruments of service and are property of Steven D. Pults , AIA & Associates , LLP . All design and other information on the drawings are for use on the specified project and shall not be used otherwise without the expressed written permission of Steven D.Pults, AIA & Associates , LLP. Architecture, Planning & Graphics 3592 Sacramento Dr, Suite 140 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 805/541-5604 voice LICEN S E D A RCHIT ECTFRANC E S FAN G I BBSSTA T E OF CA L I F O R NIANo. C-26942 R EN. 10 -3 1 -171621 A - 2 FIRST FLOOR PLAN SIDE LOAD GARAGE Date: Revised: Job No: Sheet: Project: Client: Sheet Contents: CERRO ROBLE PLAN 2146 MIDLAND PACIFIC BUILDING CORPORATION FIRST FLOOR PLAN • SIDE LOAD GARAGE 1/4" = 1' - 0" UP UPWH GARAGE LAUND STO POWDER ENTRY LIVING DINING KITCHEN MSTR BEDRM MSTR BATH 38 6955 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO CA 93422 (805) 466 - 5100 TRACT 3078 VIEJO CAMINO ATASCADERO CA 93422 These drawings are instruments of service and are property of Steven D. Pults , AIA & Associates , LLP. All design and other information on the drawings are for use on the specified project and shall not be used otherwise without the expressed written permission of Steven D.Pults, AIA & Associates , LLP. Architecture, Planning & Graphics 3592 Sacramento Dr, Suite 140 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 805/541-5604 voice LICEN S E D A RCHIT ECTFRANC E S FAN G I BBSSTA T E OF CA L I F O R NIANo. C-26942 R EN. 10 -3 1 -171621 A - 3 SECOND FLOOR PLAN Date: Revised: Job No: Sheet: Project: Client: Sheet Contents: CERRO ROBLE PLAN 2146 MIDLAND PACIFIC BUILDING CORPORATION BEDRM BEDRM BATH SECOND FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1' - 0" DN 39 6955 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO CA 93422 (805) 466 - 5100 TRACT 3078 VIEJO CAMINO ATASCADERO CA 93422 These drawings are instruments of service and are property of Steven D. Pults , AIA & Associates , LLP. All design and other information on the drawings are for use on the specified project and shall not be used otherwise without the expressed written permission of Steven D.Pults, AIA & Associates , LLP. Architecture, Planning & Graphics 3592 Sacramento Dr, Suite 140 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 805/541-5604 voice LICEN S E D A RCHI T ECTFRANC E S FAN G I BBSST A T E OF CA L I F O R NIANo. C-26942 R EN. 10 -3 1 -171621 A - 4 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS FRONT LOAD GARAGE Date: Revised: Job No: Sheet: Project: Client: Sheet Contents: CERRO ROBLE PLAN 2146 MIDLAND PACIFIC BUILDING CORPORATION EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS • FRONT LOAD GARAGE 3/16" = 1'-0" FRONTLEFT SIDE RIGHT SIDE REAR 40 6955 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO CA 93422 (805) 466 - 5100 TRACT 3078 VIEJO CAMINO ATASCADERO CA 93422 These drawings are instruments of service and are property of Steven D. Pults , AIA & Associates , LLP. All design and other information on the drawings are for use on the specified project and shall not be used otherwise without the expressed written permission of Steven D.Pults, AIA & Associates , LLP. Architecture, Planning & Graphics 3592 Sacramento Dr, Suite 140 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 805/541-5604 voice LICEN S E D A RCHIT ECTFRANCE S FAN GI BBSSTA T E OF CA L I F O R N IANo. C-26942 R EN. 10 -3 1 -171621 A - 5 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS SIDE LOAD GARAGE Date: Revised: Job No: Sheet: Project: Client: Sheet Contents: CERRO ROBLE PLAN 2146 MIDLAND PACIFIC BUILDING CORPORATION EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS • SIDE LOAD GARAGE 3/16" = 1'-0" FRONTLEFT SIDE RIGHT SIDE REAR 41 6955 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO CA 93422 (805) 466 - 5100 TRACT 3078 VIEJO CAMINO ATASCADERO CA 93422 These drawings are instruments of service and are property of Steven D. Pults , AIA & Associates , LLP. All design and other information on the drawings are for use on the specified project and shall not be used otherwise without the expressed written permission of Steven D.Pults, AIA & Associates , LLP. Architecture, Planning & Graphics 3592 Sacramento Dr, Suite 140 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 805/541-5604 voice LICEN S E D A RCHIT ECTFRANCE S FAN GI BBSSTA T E OF CA L I F O R N IANo. C-26942 R EN. 10 -3 1 -171621 A - 6 SIDE LOAD GARAGE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS W/ DROPPED WING Date: Revised: Job No: Sheet: Project: Client: Sheet Contents: CERRO ROBLE PLAN 2146 MIDLAND PACIFIC BUILDING CORPORATION EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS • SIDE LOAD GARAGE W/ DROPPED WING 3/16" = 1'-0" FRONTLEFT SIDE RIGHT SIDE REAR 42 6955 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO CA 93422 (805) 466 - 5100 TRACT 3078 VIEJO CAMINO ATASCADERO CA 93422 These drawings are instruments of service and are property of Steven D. Pults , AIA & Associates , LLP. All design and other information on the drawings are for use on the specified project and shall not be used otherwise without the expressed written permission of Steven D.Pults, AIA & Associates , LLP. Architecture, Planning & Graphics 3592 Sacramento Dr, Suite 140 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 805/541-5604 voice LICEN S E D A RCHIT ECTFRANC E S FAN G I BBSSTA T E OF CA L I F O R NIANo. C-26942 R EN. 10 -3 1 -171621 A - 7 LOWER LEVELS FLOOR PLAN Date: Revised: Job No: Sheet: Project: Client: Sheet Contents: CERRO ROBLE PLAN 2450 MIDLAND PACIFIC BUILDING CORPORATION LOWER LEVELS FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1' - 0" WH UP UP GARAGE LAUND STO POWDER ENTRY LIVING DINING KITCHEN DECK 43 6955 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO CA 93422 (805) 466 - 5100 TRACT 3078 VIEJO CAMINO ATASCADERO CA 93422 These drawings are instruments of service and are property of Steven D. Pults , AIA & Associates , LLP. All design and other information on the drawings are for use on the specified project and shall not be used otherwise without the expressed written permission of Steven D.Pults, AIA & Associates , LLP. Architecture, Planning & Graphics 3592 Sacramento Dr, Suite 140 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 805/541-5604 voice LICEN S E D A RCHIT ECTFRANC E S FAN G I BBSSTA T E OF CA L I F O R NIANo. C-26942 R EN. 10 -3 1 -171621 A - 8 UPPER LEVELS FLOOR PLAN Date: Revised: Job No: Sheet: Project: Client: Sheet Contents: CERRO ROBLE PLAN 2450 MIDLAND PACIFIC BUILDING CORPORATION UPPER LEVELS FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1' - 0" DN DN MSTR BEDRM MSTR BATH BEDRM BEDRM BATH SITTING OPEN TO BELOW CLO 44 6955 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO CA 93422 (805) 466 - 5100 TRACT 3078 VIEJO CAMINO ATASCADERO CA 93422 These drawings are instruments of service and are property of Steven D. Pults , AIA & Associates , LLP. All design and other information on the drawings are for use on the specified project and shall not be used otherwise without the expressed written permission of Steven D.Pults, AIA & Associates , LLP. Architecture, Planning & Graphics 3592 Sacramento Dr, Suite 140 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 805/541-5604 voice LICEN S E D A RCHI T ECTFRANC E S FAN G I BBSST A T E OF CA L I F O R NIANo. C-26942 R EN. 10 -3 1 -171621 A - 9 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS FRONT LOAD GARAGE Date: Revised: Job No: Sheet: Project: Client: Sheet Contents: CERRO ROBLE PLAN 2450 MIDLAND PACIFIC BUILDING CORPORATION EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 3/16" = 1'-0" FRONTLEFT SIDE RIGHT SIDE REAR 45 6955 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO CA 93422 (805) 466 - 5100 TRACT 3078 VIEJO CAMINO ATASCADERO CA 93422 These drawings are instruments of service and are property of Steven D. Pults , AIA & Associates , LLP. All design and other information on the drawings are for use on the specified project and shall not be used otherwise without the expressed written permission of Steven D.Pults, AIA & Associates , LLP. Architecture, Planning & Graphics 3592 Sacramento Dr, Suite 140 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 805/541-5604 voice LICEN S E D A RCHIT ECTFRANC E S FAN G I BBSSTA T E OF CA L I F O R NIANo. C-26942 R EN. 10 -3 1 -171621 A - 10 FIRST FLOOR PLAN FRONT LOAD GARAGE Date: Revised: Job No: Sheet: Project: Client: Sheet Contents: CERRO ROBLE PLAN 2536 MIDLAND PACIFIC BUILDING CORPORATION FIRST FLOOR PLAN • FRONT LOAD GARAGE 1/4" = 1' - 0" UPWHMSTR BEDRM MSTR BATH CLO GARAGE LIVING DININGENTRY STO LAUND POWDER KITCHEN 46 6955 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO CA 93422 (805) 466 - 5100 TRACT 3078 VIEJO CAMINO ATASCADERO CA 93422 These drawings are instruments of service and are property of Steven D. Pults , AIA & Associates , LLP. All design and other information on the drawings are for use on the specified project and shall not be used otherwise without the expressed written permission of Steven D.Pults, AIA & Associates , LLP. Architecture, Planning & Graphics 3592 Sacramento Dr, Suite 140 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 805/541-5604 voice LICEN S E D A RCHIT ECTFRANC E S FAN G I BBSSTA T E OF CA L I F O R NIANo. C-26942 R EN. 10 -3 1 -171621 A - 11 FIRST FLOOR PLAN SIDE LOAD GARAGE Date: Revised: Job No: Sheet: Project: Client: Sheet Contents: CERRO ROBLE PLAN 2536 MIDLAND PACIFIC BUILDING CORPORATION FIRST FLOOR PLAN • SIDE LOAD GARAGE 1/4" = 1' - 0" UPWHMSTR BEDRM MSTR BATH CLO GARAGE LIVING DININGENTRY STO LAUND POWDER KITCHEN 47 6955 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO CA 93422 (805) 466 - 5100 TRACT 3078 VIEJO CAMINO ATASCADERO CA 93422 These drawings are instruments of service and are property of Steven D. Pults , AIA & Associates , LLP. All design and other information on the drawings are for use on the specified project and shall not be used otherwise without the expressed written permission of Steven D.Pults, AIA & Associates , LLP. Architecture, Planning & Graphics 3592 Sacramento Dr, Suite 140 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 805/541-5604 voice LICEN S E D A RCHIT ECTFRANC E S FAN G I BBSSTA T E OF CA L I F O R NIANo. C-26942 R EN. 10 -3 1 -171621 A - 12 SECOND FLOOR PLAN Date: Revised: Job No: Sheet: Project: Client: Sheet Contents: CERRO ROBLE PLAN 2536 MIDLAND PACIFIC BUILDING CORPORATION SECOND FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1' - 0" DN BEDRM BEDRM BATH OPEN TO BELOW BEDRM 48 6955 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO CA 93422 (805) 466 - 5100 TRACT 3078 VIEJO CAMINO ATASCADERO CA 93422 These drawings are instruments of service and are property of Steven D. Pults , AIA & Associates , LLP. All design and other information on the drawings are for use on the specified project and shall not be used otherwise without the expressed written permission of Steven D.Pults, AIA & Associates , LLP. Architecture, Planning & Graphics 3592 Sacramento Dr, Suite 140 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 805/541-5604 voice LICEN S E D A RCHIT ECTFRANCE S FAN GI BBSSTA T E OF CA L I F O R N IANo. C-26942 R EN. 10 -3 1 -171621 A - 13 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS FRONT LOAD GARAGE Date: Revised: Job No: Sheet: Project: Client: Sheet Contents: CERRO ROBLE PLAN 2536 MIDLAND PACIFIC BUILDING CORPORATION EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS • FRONT LOAD GARAGE 3/16" = 1'-0" FRONTLEFT SIDE RIGHT SIDE REAR 49 6955 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO CA 93422 (805) 466 - 5100 TRACT 3078 VIEJO CAMINO ATASCADERO CA 93422 These drawings are instruments of service and are property of Steven D. Pults , AIA & Associates , LLP. All design and other information on the drawings are for use on the specified project and shall not be used otherwise without the expressed written permission of Steven D.Pults, AIA & Associates , LLP. Architecture, Planning & Graphics 3592 Sacramento Dr, Suite 140 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 805/541-5604 voice LICEN S E D A RCHIT ECTFRANCE S FAN GI BBSSTA T E OF CA L I F O R N IANo. C-26942 R EN. 10 -3 1 -171621 A - 14 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS SIDE LOAD GARAGE Date: Revised: Job No: Sheet: Project: Client: Sheet Contents: CERRO ROBLE PLAN 2536 MIDLAND PACIFIC BUILDING CORPORATION EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS • SIDE LOAD GARAGE 3/16" = 1'-0" FRONTLEFT SIDE RIGHT SIDE REAR 50 6955 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO CA 93422 (805) 466 - 5100 TRACT 3078 VIEJO CAMINO ATASCADERO CA 93422 These drawings are instruments of service and are property of Steven D. Pults , AIA & Associates , LLP . All design and other information on the drawings are for use on the specified project and shall not be used otherwise without the expressed written permission of Steven D.Pults, AIA & Associates , LLP. Architecture, Planning & Graphics 3592 Sacramento Dr, Suite 140 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 805/541-5604 voice LICEN S E D A RCHIT ECTFRANC E S FAN G I BBSSTA T E OF CA L I F O R NIANo. C-26942 R EN. 10 -3 1 -171621 A - 15 FIRST FLOOR PLAN Date: Revised: Job No: Sheet: Project: Client: Sheet Contents: CERRO ROBLE PLAN 2831 MIDLAND PACIFIC BUILDING CORPORATION FIRST FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1' - 0" UP WH GARAGE LIVING DINING ENTRY CLO LAUND POWDER KITCHEN OFFICE/ BEDRM 51 6955 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO CA 93422 (805) 466 - 5100 TRACT 3078 VIEJO CAMINO ATASCADERO CA 93422 These drawings are instruments of service and are property of Steven D. Pults , AIA & Associates , LLP. All design and other information on the drawings are for use on the specified project and shall not be used otherwise without the expressed written permission of Steven D.Pults, AIA & Associates , LLP. Architecture, Planning & Graphics 3592 Sacramento Dr, Suite 140 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 805/541-5604 voice LICEN S E D A RCHIT ECTFRANC E S FAN G I BBSSTA T E OF CA L I F O R NIANo. C-26942 R EN. 10 -3 1 -171621 A - 16 SECOND FLOOR PLAN Date: Revised: Job No: Sheet: Project: Client: Sheet Contents: CERRO ROBLE PLAN 2831 MIDLAND PACIFIC BUILDING CORPORATION SECOND FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1' - 0" DN MSTR BEDRM MSTR BATH CLO DECK BATH SITTING BEDRM BEDRM 52 6955 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO CA 93422 (805) 466 - 5100 TRACT 3078 VIEJO CAMINO ATASCADERO CA 93422 These drawings are instruments of service and are property of Steven D. Pults , AIA & Associates , LLP. All design and other information on the drawings are for use on the specified project and shall not be used otherwise without the expressed written permission of Steven D.Pults, AIA & Associates , LLP. Architecture, Planning & Graphics 3592 Sacramento Dr, Suite 140 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 805/541-5604 voice LICEN S E D A RCHI T ECTFRANC E S FAN G I BBSST A T E OF CA L I F O R NIANo. C-26942 R EN. 10 -3 1 -171621 A - 17 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS Date: Revised: Job No: Sheet: Project: Client: Sheet Contents: CERRO ROBLE PLAN 2831 MIDLAND PACIFIC BUILDING CORPORATION EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 3/16" = 1'-0" FRONTLEFT SIDE RIGHT SIDE REAR 53 6955 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO CA 93422 (805) 466 - 5100 TRACT 3078 VIEJO CAMINO ATASCADERO CA 93422 These drawings are instruments of service and are property of Steven D. Pults , AIA & Associates , LLP. All design and other information on the drawings are for use on the specified project and shall not be used otherwise without the expressed written permission of Steven D.Pults, AIA & Associates , LLP. Architecture, Planning & Graphics 3592 Sacramento Dr, Suite 140 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 805/541-5604 voice LICEN S E D A RCHIT ECTFRANC E S FAN G I BBSSTA T E OF CA L I F O R NIANo. C-26942 R EN. 10 -3 1 -171621 A - 18 FIRST FLOOR PLAN Date: Revised: Job No: Sheet: Project: Client: Sheet Contents: CERRO ROBLE PLAN 2883 MIDLAND PACIFIC BUILDING CORPORATION FIRST FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1' - 0" WH UP GARAGE LIVING DINING ENTRY CLO LAUND POWDER KITCHEN MSTR BEDRM MSTR BATH 54 6955 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO CA 93422 (805) 466 - 5100 TRACT 3078 VIEJO CAMINO ATASCADERO CA 93422 These drawings are instruments of service and are property of Steven D. Pults , AIA & Associates , LLP. All design and other information on the drawings are for use on the specified project and shall not be used otherwise without the expressed written permission of Steven D.Pults, AIA & Associates , LLP. Architecture, Planning & Graphics 3592 Sacramento Dr, Suite 140 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 805/541-5604 voice LICEN S E D A RCHIT ECTFRANC E S FAN G I BBSSTA T E OF CA L I F O R NIANo. C-26942 R EN. 10 -3 1 -171621 A - 19 SECOND FLOOR PLAN Date: Revised: Job No: Sheet: Project: Client: Sheet Contents: CERRO ROBLE PLAN 2883 MIDLAND PACIFIC BUILDING CORPORATION SECOND FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1' - 0" DN MSTR BEDRM MSTR BATHCLO BEDRM BEDRM BATH STO 55 6955 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO CA 93422 (805) 466 - 5100 TRACT 3078 VIEJO CAMINO ATASCADERO CA 93422 These drawings are instruments of service and are property of Steven D. Pults , AIA & Associates , LLP. All design and other information on the drawings are for use on the specified project and shall not be used otherwise without the expressed written permission of Steven D.Pults, AIA & Associates , LLP. Architecture, Planning & Graphics 3592 Sacramento Dr, Suite 140 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 805/541-5604 voice LICEN S E D A RCHIT ECTFRANC E S FAN G I BBSSTA T E OF CA L I F O R NIANo. C-26942 R EN. 10 -3 1 -171621 A - 20 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS Date: Revised: Job No: Sheet: Project: Client: Sheet Contents: CERRO ROBLE PLAN 2883 MIDLAND PACIFIC BUILDING CORPORATION EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 3/16" = 1'-0" FRONTLEFT SIDE RIGHT SIDE REAR 56