HomeMy WebLinkAboutTBID_2016-06-21_AgendaPacket ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE ATASCADERO TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AGENDA Tuesday, June 21, 2016 at 2:00 P.M. Atascadero City Hall - 6500 Palma Avenue, Club Room Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Chairperson Tom O’Malley, Portola Inn Vice-Chairperson Amar Sohi, Holiday Inn Express and Suites Board Member Deana Alexander, The Carlton Hotel Board Member Jiten Patel, Best Western Plus Colony Inn Board Member Lindsey Ridgeway, SpringHill Suites Marriott APPROVAL OF AGENDA: PUBLIC COMMENT: This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Board on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Board has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to three minutes. Please state your name for the record before making your presentation. The Board may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Public Comment, unless changed by the Board. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Advisory Board Draft Action Minutes – May 17, 2016 • Action: Board approve the Draft Action Minutes of May 17, 2016. [City Manager’s Office] B. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Cider Festival Recap – Presented by Solterra Strategies • Recommendation: Provide direction for event timing and enhancements in 2017 • Fiscal Impact (GL 2502): Up to $11,000 2. Advertising Opportunity: KGO on the Go Lifestyle Magazine • Recommendation: Decline advertising opportunity with KGO on the Go • Fiscal Impact (GL 2502): $2,500 - $17,500 3. TBID Event Support: Development of TBID Event Support Guidelines to Coincide with City Event Tier Categories – Discussion/ Presentation by Angelica Ottman & Terrie Banish • Recommendation: Accept and implement event support guidelines • Fiscal Impact (GL 2802): Up to $25,000 4. Discussion: ATBID Meeting Date • Recommendation: Consider moving regularly scheduled ATBID meeting to third Wednesday or Thursday of the month. • Fiscal Impact: None D. UPDATES 1. Visit SLO County TMD – JP Patel 2. Visit Atascadero Website – Angelica Ottman a. Home page has been finalized b. Inside pages under construction i. “Detailed Business Page” 3. Deputy City Manager Update – Terrie Banish a. Promotions Update: Commercials running across KSBY and Charter for Zoo and Downtown Businesses; print ads in Central Coast Beach towns, California Mid State Fair Official Guide and Daily Planner, Atascadero Wine Festival Guide. b. Events i. Saturday in the Park - Summer Concert Series (begins June 18th through August 13th) ii. Atascadero Wine Festival Weekend (June 24th – June 26th, festival 4-8 pm June 25th) c. Atascadero Paddle Boat Company – OPEN now! at Atascadero Lake Park d. Charles Paddock Zoo has baby flamingos! Come check them out! Hours are 10-5 pm Daily 4. Marketing Update – Verdin Marketing a. Verdin Marketing Monthly Report E. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS F. ADJOURNMENT Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District (ATBID) WELCOME TO THE ATBID MEETING The ATBID Advisory Board meets in regular session on the third Tuesday of each month at 2:00 p.m. Board meetings will be held at the Atascadero City Hall, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero. Matters are considered by the Advisory Board in the order of the printed Agenda. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk and are available for public inspection during City Hall business hours at the Atascadero City Hall, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, and on our website, www.atascadero.org. All documents submitted by the public during Advisory Board meetings that are either read into the record or referred to in their statement will be noted in the minutes and available for review in the City Clerk's office. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City, please contact the City Manager’s Office or the City Clerk’s Office, both at (805) 470-3400. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. TO SPEAK ON SUBJECTS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Under the Agenda item, “PUBLIC COMMENT”, the Chairperson will call for anyone from the audience wishing to speak concerning any item not on the Agenda to approach the lectern and be recognized. 1. Give your name for the record (not required) 2. State the nature of your business. 3. All comments are limited to 3 minutes. 4. All comments should be made to the Chairperson and Advisory Board. 5. No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or negative personal remarks concerning any other individual, absent or present. This is the time items not on the Agenda may be brought to the Advisory Board’s attention. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for PUBLIC COMMENT (unless changed by the Advisory Board). If you wish to use a computer presentation to support your comments, you must notify the City Clerk's office at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Digital presentations must be brought to the meeting on a USB drive or CD. You are required to submit to the City Clerk a printed copy of your presentation for the record. Please check in with the City Clerk before the meeting begins to announce your presence and turn in your printed copy. TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS (from Title 2, Chapter 1 of the Atascadero Municipal Code) Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. The Chairperson will identify the subject, staff will give their report, and the Advisory Board will ask questions of staff. The Chairperson will announce when the public comment period is open and will request anyone interested to address the Advisory Board regarding the matter being considered to step up to the lectern. If you wish to speak for, against or comment in any way: 1. You must approach the lectern and be recognized by the Chairperson 2. Give your name (not required) 3. Make your statement 4. All comments should be made to the Chairperson and Advisory Board 5. No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or negative personal remarks concerning any other individual, absent or present 6. All comments limited to 3 minutes The Chairperson will announce when the public comment period is closed, and thereafter, no further public comments will be heard by the Advisory Board. Atascadero TBID May 17, 2016 Page 1 of 4 ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE ATASCADERO TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT DRAFT ACTION MINUTES Tuesday, May 17, 2016 at 2:00 P.M. Atascadero City Hall - 6500 Palma Avenue, Club Room Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson O’Malley called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. Present: Chairperson O’Malley, Board Members Alexander and Ridgeway Absent: Board Member Patel. Vice Chairperson Sohi arrived later. Staff Present: Destination Manager Amanda Diefenderfer, Marketing Consultant Stephanie Goodwin, Marketing Consultant Nina Martin, Deputy City Manager Terrie Banish and Deputy City Clerk Lori Kudzma APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Board Member Alexander and seconded by Board Member Ridgeway to approve the agenda. Motion passed 3:0 by a roll call vote. PUBLIC COMMENT: Angelica Ottman from Big Red Marketing introduced herself to the Board. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Advisory Board Draft Action Minutes – April 19, 2016 • Action: Board approve the Draft Action Minutes of April 19, 2016. [City Manager’s Office] 1. Atascadero TBID Nomination Draft Action Minutes – April 19, 2016 • Action: Board approve the Draft Action Minutes of April 19, 2016 Nomination Meeting. [City Manager’s Office] Atascadero TBID May 17, 2016 Page 2 of 4 MOTION: By Board Member Alexander and seconded by Board Member Ridgeway to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion passed 3:0 by a roll call vote. Vice Chairperson Sohi arrived at 2:02 p.m. B. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Atascadero TBID Renewal • Action: Board review and accept or amend the annual report for filing with the City Council. [City Manager’s Office] Deputy City Manager Banish gave the staff report and distributed a Revised ATBID Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 (Exhibit A). Deputy City Manager Banish and Destination Manager Diefenderfer answered questions from the Board. MOTION: By Vice Chairperson Sohi and seconded by Board Member Alexander to accept the revised annual report for filing with the City Council. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll call vote. C. UPDATES 1. Visit SLO County TMD – Destination Manager Diefenderfer gave a brief update. 2. Visit Atascadero Website – Destination Manager Diefenderfer gave a brief update. 3. Deputy City Manager Update – Deputy City Manager Banish gave updates on the following items: a. Cow Parade Update b. Billboard Update c. Retargeting SEM Performance 4. Marketing Update – Stephanie Goodwin from Verdin Marketing gave an update and went over the monthly report. She also stated that Verdin Marketing won an Addy Award for the Visit Atascadero logo. That award will be shared at the June 14, 2016 City Council meeting. Chairperson O’Malley recessed the meeting at 2:57 p.m. Chairperson O’Malley reconvened the meeting at 3:05 p.m. Invited guests joined the meeting: Steve Martin and Linda Hendy. Atascadero TBID May 17, 2016 Page 3 of 4 D. DISCUSSION 1. TBID Event Support: Development of TBID Event Support Guidelines to Coincide with City Event Tier Categories Deputy City Manager Banish gave the staff report. Deputy City Manager Banish and Destination Manager Diefenderfer led the Board, with input from the invited guests, in a discussion regarding setting ATBID guidelines for supporting Event Tier Categories. There was Board consensus to start with the following parameters: Tier 1 Event: Attendance: 3,000 and up % of Local vs. Out of SLO County: greater than 30% Average Night Stay: 2+ Total Budget: $25,000 Maximum per Event: up to $15,000 Tier 2 Event: Attendance: 500 – 3,000 % of Local vs. Out of SLO County: less than 30% Average Night Stay: 1 Total Budget: $10,000 Maximum per Event: up to $7,500 Tier 3 Event: Attendance: less than 500 % of Local vs. Out of SLO County: N/A Average Night Stay: N/A Total Budget: In-Kind/$0 Maximum per Event: up to $500 on a case-by-case basis Other factors to consider: What is the timing - on or off season? What are the future growth plans? Is this a new or existing event? Where will the funds be spent? Does the event support the Visit Atascadero messaging? What are the attendee demographics? Fiduciary responsibility? Destination Manager Diefenderfer and Deputy City Manager Banish will bring this information back to the Board in a format to begin setting up the application process. Atascadero TBID May 17, 2016 Page 4 of 4 E. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS - None F. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson O’Malley adjourned the meeting at 4:02 p.m. MINUTES PREPARED BY: ______________________________________ Lori M. Kudzma, Deputy City Clerk The following exhibits are available for review in the City Clerk’s office: Exhibit A – REVISED ATBID Annual Report Fiscal Year 2016-2017 1 2016 Central Coast Cider Festival Overview Total Event Attendees: 494 Includes: Ticket Holders, Producers, Staff, and Sponsors Survey Respondents: 14% of attendees § Average length of guest stay was 1 day § 34% of respondents stayed the night in Atascadero § Atascadero housing choice for respondents: o Hotel/Motel: 25% o Vacation Rental: 13% o Bed and Breakfast: 4% o Family and Friends: 21% § 61% of attendees from San Luis Obispo County o 27% from San Luis Obispo o 20% from Paso Robles o 14% from Atascadero § 18% of attendees from Northern CA (Monterey– Granite Bay) § 8% of attendees from Southern CA (Lompoc – San Diego) § 2% of attendees from California Central Valley (Fresno-Bakersfield) § 2% of attendees out of state (7 states, 11 attendees) Respondent Data: (of the surveyed attendees) § 69% of respondents have an average household income over $75,000 § 66% of respondents were ages 25-45 o 28% of attendees were ages 47 and over § 75% of respondents had a college degree and higher § 75% of respondents are likely to come to the festival again § 82% of respondents are likely to recommend the festival to friends Public Relations Data § Media Hosted: 2 (Best Western and Holiday Inn) § Key Publication Coverage: o Atascadero Daily News o KSBY o Visit San Luis Obispo County o Paso Daily News o SLO Tribune Central Coast Cider Festival 2016 May 7, 2016 Atascadero Pavilion on the Lake centralcoastciderfestival.com 2 § Metrics Summary o 9 pieces of coverage o 195,000 Estimated Coverage Views o 729 Social Shares Marketing Materials • 50 Posters • 500 Postcards • 2 Banners in Atascadero • 13 E-Blasts: o 442 Subscribers o 59.35% open rate Main Event Review Catering: Chef Jeffery Scott 13 Cider Producers and 1 Sponsor table Producers: • 101 Cider House • Bristols • Half Pint • Hemly Cider • Jean Marie • Kelsey See Canyon • Mission-Trail • Red Branch • Reef Points • Santa Cruz Scrumpy • Scar of the Sea • See Canyon • Tin City Cider Co. Event Management Solterra Strategies (805) 591-4884 1405 Spring Street, #203 Paso Robles, 93405 CA Saturday May 7, 2016 Atascadero Pavilion on the Lake centralcoastciderfestival.com Cider Festival Fun by All centralcoastciderfestival.com The website previewed each section of the festival: Eats, Beats and Swag As well as the producers with links to their homepage Under producers are the sponsors with links to their homepage Facebook Page Event Page 448 Likes Average posts 3 times per week Content Schedule 1.5 thousand consumers were Interested in the event Shared with 1,000 consumers 280 consumers on Facebook said they were going to the event Twitter Instagram 113 Followers 91 likes 140 Followers Cider Festival by the Numbers: Event Attendees 494 People Attended the Event 61% San Luis Obispo County (Paso Robles -San Luis Obispo) 18% Northern CA (Monterey -Granite Bay) 8% Southern CA ( Lompoc -San Diego) 2% Central Valley (Fresno -Bakersfield) 2% Out of State (7 States) 34% of Respondents Stayed in Atascadero 25% Hotel/Motel 13% Vacation Rental 4% B&B 21% Family/Friends Cider Festival by the Numbers: Marketing and Publicity Recap Next Steps, Planning for 2017 Cider Producer Recruitment Dates: Saturday, April 1 Saturday, May 13 Location: Sunken Gardens Pavilion on the Lake Time: Evening Your exclusive guide to the Bay Area’s best attractions, getaways, & culinary experiences… WHAT IS KGO “ON THE GO”? The KGO “On the Go”Guide is a slick, four-color, highly produced publication created in partnership with Cumulus Media’s sister publication company, Modern Luxury (SF Magazine + Silicon Valley Magazine etc). The KGO “On the Go” Guide showcases the best attractions, getaways, and culinary delights in Northern California. KGO “On the Go”Volume 2 will be released in September 2016, just in time for Labor Day weekend! Content will include: •KGO On -Air Personalities •Healthy Lifestyle •Sights + Attractions •Wineries + Breweries •Getaway Weekends •Restaurants •Recreation + Fitness •Town Spotlights •Historical Landmarks •Shopping •Chambers of Commerce KGO “ON THE GO” ANNUAL ISSUE! Key Activation & Distribution Points: •California Artisan Cheese Festival: March 18 -20 •Cal Football Home Games: September thru November (6x Games Total) •Sausalito Art Festival: September 3 -5 •Mountain View Art & Wine: September 10 -11 •Comedy Day: September 18 •Bridge to Bridge: October 2 •SF Fleet Week: October 3 -10 •Half Moon Bay Pumpkin Festival: October 15 -16 •San Mateo Wine Walk: October •SF Veteran’s Day Parade: November Promotional Window: •April 1 –December 30, 2016 Print: •10,000 Digital & Social Media: •The KGO “On the Go” Guide online edition, will be prominently archived on KGO’s homepage allowing listeners to access the guide 24/7 from any device •All ads in the print guide will be hyperlinked on the KGO “On The Go ’s” online version directly to advertiser’s website •3x -VIP Email Newsletters (120,000 GIs/Opt-In Only) •Featured tag on social media pushes on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram PRESENTING SPONSOR KGO “On The Go” Guide Print •Premium logo placement on front cover (exclusivity) •2x -full page premium placement ads within the guide (excludes middle fold) •Back cover full page ownership KGO “On the Go” Guide Broadcast Promotion (Over 4 Weeks) •100x -on-air :15 promotional commercials as “Presenting Sponsor” (Name Inclusion) •100x -on-air :30 commercials to run M-Su 5a-12m (Creative TBD) •1,000+ guides to be distributed at company’s retail locations (Pending Approval) •Sponsor of John Hamilton’s ON The Go: Saturday Mornings 9a-10a pst (8x :30 commercials) •Sponsor of the Chef Ryan Scott Show: Saturday Afternoon 5p-7p pst (8x :30 commercials) Digital & Social Media (Over 4 Weeks) •100x -:15 promotional streaming commercials as “Presenting Sponsor” (Name Inclusion) •100x –:30 streaming commercials to run M-Su 5a-12m w/ synced banner •KGO “On The Go” Guide, will be archived online @ kgoradio.com (lifetime archive) •Online ads will be linked to company’s website •Facebook, Twitter and Instagram activation •Featured content piece to spotlight your company’s designation or attraction (features vs. benefits) that will run through KGO’s newsfeed. This will be highlighted on KGO’s homepage for 1 week per article/advertorial (4x times per year) KGO Traffic Sponsorship Schedule (Over 2 Weeks) •50x –on-air :15 LIVE traffic report sponsorships to run M-F 5a-7p Email Marketing (Over 4 Weeks) •3x -VIP Email Newsletters (120,000 GIs/Opt-In Only) Key Distribution Point •Sausalito Art Festival: September 3-5 Total Net Investment $17,500 (1 Available) ADVERTORIAL SPONSOR KGO “On The Go” Guide Print •2x -full pages filled with company content (excludes middle fold). •Approximately 850 words per page (Pending KGO Approval) KGO “On the Go” Guide Broadcast Promotion (Over 2 Weeks) •50x -on-air :15 promotional commercials as “Presenting Sponsor” (Name Inclusion) •50x -on-air :30 commercials to run M-Su 5a-12m (Creative TBD) •500+ guides to be distributed at company’s retail locations (Pending Approval) Digital, Social + Email Marketing (Over 2 Weeks) •50x -:15 promotional streaming commercials as “Presenting Sponsor” (Name Inclusion) •50x -:30 streaming commercials to run M-Su 5a-12m with synced banner •KGO “On The Go” Guide, will be archived online @ kgoradio.com (Lifetime Archive) •Online ads will be linked to company’s website •Facebook, Twitter and Instagram activation •3x -VIP Email Newsletters (120,000 GIs/Opt-In Only) •Featured content piece to spotlight your company’s designation or attraction (features vs. benefits) that will run through KGO’s newsfeed. This will be highlighted on KGO’s homepage for 1 week per article/advertorial (2x times per year) KGO Traffic Report Sponsorship Schedule (Over 1 Week) •25x -on-air :15 LIVE traffic report sponsorships to run M-F 5a-7p Total Net Investment $8,500 (6 Available) AD ONLY PRICING OPTIONS Ad Rates Full Page: (1) Full page ad in 10,000 guides $2,000 net Half Page: (1) Half page ad in 10,000 guides $1,200 net 2 Page Centerfold: $5,000 net Premium Placement Ad Rates Inside Front Cover: (1 Available) (1) Full page ad in 10,000 guides. $2,500 net First Full Inside Page, Right Side: (1 Available) (1) Full page ad in 10,000 guides. $2,500 net Inside Back Cover: (1 Available) (1) Full page ad in 10,000 guides. $2,500 net Outside Back Cover: (1 Available) (1) Full page ad in 10,000 guides. $3,500 net •Client ads exclusively featured in the “KGO on the Go” print version will also be featured in the online version @ kgoradio.com (Lifetime Archive) •Ads in the online version will be linked to advertiser’s website •Ad placement is on a first-come, first-served basis MECHANICAL SPECS X Accepted By Client / Company Date X Account Executive / Cumulus Media, Inc. Date This agreement is firm and non-cancellable. All advertising provided by Cumulus Media San Francisco is subject to the company’s standard advertising terms and conditions. Payment in advance; due no later than 7/25/16. Congratulations! Your company will now be featured in the annual issue of KGO “On the Go”! Investment Selections q Presenting Sponsor $17,500 q Advertorial Sponsor $8,500 # of Pages:Client to receive ________ Full Page(s) @ $2,000 per Ad Client to receive ________ ½ Page(s) @ $1,200 per Ad KGO “ON THE GO” PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT 1 Atascadero Business Improvement District (ATBID) Event Support Guidelines •Attracts 3,000 or more attendees •More than 30% of attendees are visitors •Event encourages 2+ night stayTier1 •Attracts between 500 -3,000 attendees •Less than 30% of attendees are visitors •Event encourages 1 night stayTier2 •Attracts 500 or less attendeesTier3 Total Support = Up to $15,000 Total Support = Up to $7,500 Total Support = Up to $500 2 Atascadero Business Improvement District (ATBID) Event Support Guidelines Additional considerations: 1)Does event support Visit Atascadero objectives? 2)Will event be held during off-season or high-season? 3)Is event new or existing? If existing, how was previously awarded money spent? 4)Three-year growth plan 5)Attendee demographics 6)Fiduciary responsibility t (805) 541-9005 f (805) 541-9007 3580 Sacramento Drive #110, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 VERDINMARKETING.COM MAY STAT SUMMARY ATASCADERO TBID June 7, 2016 WEB ANALYTICS (2015 V.2016) WEBSITE TRAFFIC Website Visits: 2,393 v. 9,062 Mobile Visits: 628 v. 5,887 Desktop Visits: 1,505 v. 2,705 Total Unique Visitors: 2,148 v. 7,294 PPV (Page Per Visit): 2.23 v. 1.47 TOS (Time on Site): 1:17 v. 0:50 Bounce Rate: 58.80% v. 78.34% ACQUISITION Total Traffic to Site: 9,062 Social: 4 v. 2,377 Referral: 623 v. 2,263 Direct: 707 v. 2,248 Organic: 1,059 v. 2,174 PAGE VIEWS Home Page: 1,883 v. 3,645 Lodging: 130 v. 284 GEOGRAPHIC REFERRALS San Francisco: 177 v. 1,193 Los Angeles: 126 v. 695 Atascadero: 258 v. 515 Bakersfield: 19 v. 405 Fresno: 19 v. 344 SOCIAL MEDIA ANALYTICS (APR V. MAY) TOP REFERRING URLS lm.facebook.com: 2,173 adspreview.simpli.fi: 932 atascadero.org: 366 rank-checker.online: 281 westads.simpli.fi: 122 SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook Fans: 4,622 v. 4,676 Facebook Referrals: 4,155 v. 2,374 Total Impressions: 289,510 v. 201,091 Engagement Rate: 6% v. 6% New Instagram Followers: +64 Instagram Followers YTD: 296 New Twitter Followers: 9 v. 10 Twitter Mentions: 9 v. 4 Twitter Referrals: 9 v. 2 Retweets: 3 v. 3 t (805) 541-9005 f (805) 541-9007 3580 Sacramento Drive #110, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 VERDINMARKETING.COM 2 ADVERTISING ANALYTICS FACEBOOK In May, two new carrousel ads were launched on Facebook. Each had the same “Welcome to Atascadero” theme with similar images and headlines, but targeted different geographic areas and audiences. Carousel Ad 1 The first ad targeted young families (adults 24-40) in Central Valley. Four images were featured each with a different headline. The results are below. General clicking without clicking on specific link: 2,705 “Welcome to perfect nights…” photo of little boy by fire: 522 clicks “Welcome to mouthwatering tastes…” photo of Street Side Ale House burger: 191 clicks “Welcome to unstoppable smiles” photo of little girl laughing: 17 clicks “Welcome to Atascadero.” photo of City Hall: 11 clicks Total Impressions: 114,205 Clicks: 3,446 CTR: 3.06% Carousel Ad 2 The second ad targeted young families (adults 24-40 living in and around the San Jose area. Four images were featured each with a different headline. The results are below. General clicking without clicking on specific link: 2,235 clicks “Welcome to family time…” photo of family by the fire: 560 clicks “Welcome to crisp, crafted ciders…” photo of Bristol’s cider: 201 clicks “Welcome to happy trails...” photo of dad pushing boy on bike: 2 clicks “Welcome to Atascadero.” photo of City Hall: 6 clicks Total Impressions: 95,717 Clicks: 3,016 CTR: 3.20% Facebook totals for May (including all campaigns and posts) Total Impressions: 221,212 Clicks: 7,510 CTR: 3.39% TRIP ADVISOR Trip Advisor ads continued to focus on the “101 Road Trip”. The campaign results flattened slightly compared with April. This is a normal drop as competition for destinations grows in the high travel season. The results are as follows: Total Impressions: 71,966 Total Clicks: 77 CTR: .11% t (805) 541-9005 f (805) 541-9007 3580 Sacramento Drive #110, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 VERDINMARKETING.COM 3 METRICS GLOSSARY DEFINITIONS OF KEY DIGITAL & SOCIAL MEDIA METRICS Last updated February 2016 WEBSITES Sessions/Website Visits: A session is a group of interactions that take place on your website within a given time frame. For example, a single session can contain multiple screen or page views, events, social interactions, and e-commerce transactions. A single user can be responsible for multiple sessions, which may span days, weeks or months. A session ends based on two methods: time-based expiration (either thirty minutes of inactivity or the arrival of midnight local time), or a campaign change (if a user arrives via one campaign, leaves, then comes back via a separate campaign. Users/Unique Visitors: The number of unique visitors to your site determined by individual IP address, including new and returning users. PPS/PPV (Pages Per Session/Visit): The average number of pages viewed during a session on your website. Repeated views of a single page are counted. TOS (Time On Site): The average length of visitors’ sessions on your website. Bounce Rate: The percentage of single-page sessions (i.e. sessions in which the person left your site from the entrance page without interacting with the page, regardless of time spent on that page). There are a number of factors that contribute to a high bounce rate. For example, users might leave your site from the entrance page if there are site design or usability issues. Alternatively, users might also leave the site after viewing a single page if they've found the information they need on that one page, and had no need or interest in going to other pages. Geographic Referrals: The top five locations from which the data originated. Acquisition – Social Media: The traffic to your site that came from a social media network. Acquisition – Direct: Direct traffic is counted as any time Google Analytics cannot determine another referrer. (Clicking a link from an email or PDF, access from a shortened URL, clicking from a mobile social media app, etc.) Whether or not a session is counted as direct depends on the application/program they are using. Acquisition – Organic: The traffic that comes to your website from unpaid search results (i.e. searching “Atascadero” in Google.) E -NEWSLETTER ANALYTICS The May e-newsletter went out on May 12 and is performing very well. We highlighted summer lodging and activities, the Atascadero Lakeside Wine Festival and the Summer Concert Series. 2,229 Recipients 16.5% Open Rate (Industry Average is 16.2%) 1.7% Click Through Rate (Industry Average is 1.8%) t (805) 541-9005 f (805) 541-9007 3580 Sacramento Drive #110, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 VERDINMARKETING.COM 4 Acquisition – Referral: The traffic that comes to your site from sources outside of Google. When someone clicks on a hyperlink to go to a new page on a different website, it is a referral visit. SOCIAL MEDIA Likes: The total number of individual Facebook users who have “liked” your page. This number does not factor in users who have deleted or suspended their accounts after “liking” your page, nor does it include users that have become deceased after “liking” your page. Reach: The number of individual users to whom content associated with your page is displayed. Engagement Rate: The percentage of users who were served your content that liked, shared, clicked or commented on it. Referrals: Visits to your website that originate from a source outside of a search engine or direct URL input (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, TripAdvisor, email blast, etc.). DIGITAL ADVERTISING Total clicks: Numeric value assigned to the number of times an advertisement was clicked. While tracking users who follow ads to a landing page is important, engagement for some businesses is more important. Please note, some types of ads, like video or cinemagraphs, have the goal of engaging or entertaining a user while building brand awareness rather than to have them click on the ad. In this case, lower clicks and a lower click through rate is expected and not an indication of poor performance. Impressions: The number of times an advertisement is served. For most digital advertising, the number of impressions is the element that is paid for or guaranteed based on budget. Click Through Rate: Percentage of users who were served your advertisement that clicked through to the advertiser’s website. Whereas total clicks is just the numeric value of the number of times an ad is clicked, the click through rate (CTR) is the percentage calculated in relationship to the number of impressions [CTR= (click/impressions) x 100]. CTRs do not always reflect the whole story, because if a user was influenced to learn more about the advertising message because they saw the ad but didn’t click on the ad itself, the campaign does not get credit for generating that lead. View Through Totals or Percentages: How many users (or what percentage of users, depending on vendor preferences) were served an ad and went to visit the website within a few days or weeks. These numbers can only be captured when a tracking pixel or UTM code is embedded into a website with correspondingly embedded ads. Engagement rates: Usually reflect any activity surrounding a digital ad, such as hovering, replaying a video, sharing, liking, or commenting. While not available from all vendors, engagement rates are helpful when tracking digital ad performance. A NOTE ON MOBILE ADS WITHIN APPS: The vast majority of smart phone users see ads within their favorite apps. Those app vendors (Pandora, Facebook, Trip Advisor) provide certified performance reports, but they often are not reflected in website stats, particularly when using Google Analytics. Google Analytics (GA) is an excellent tool for website optimization, such as tracking site page visits, link activity, and some traffic sources, but it is not accurate when it comes to advertising tracking. Business owners who use GA to track ad campaigns need to know it’s not uncommon for GA to under report web advertising by 20%-30%,, and by 50%-90% for mobile in-app advertising. This t (805) 541-9005 f (805) 541-9007 3580 Sacramento Drive #110, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 VERDINMARKETING.COM 5 miscalculation can be confusing when compared to the vendor-reported success of an ad campaign. This is an industry-wide issue and the following are recommended to ensure accurate reporting: • Don’t rely on Google Analytics to determine your digital advertising campaign’s success. • Use UTM codes and Tracking pixels whenever possible and have a website expert install them. • Partner with reputable vendors whose tracking has been accredited by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and trust their reports. DIGITAL MEDIA BENCHMARKS • Generally, the overall banner display ad click through rate average is .06% to .08%. • Rich media (meaning animated, video or other more engaging ads) average CTR is .15% to .22%. • Pandora tends to have a higher CTR than traditional banner ads when the correct targeting is in place. Pandora will normally have between .30% and 1% CTRs, but variations are standard in the industry. • Within Facebook, paid advertising has the highest CTR normally, assuming quality content, of 1.2% to 1.5%. Promoted or Boosted posts traditionally show lower numbers, with an average CTR of .5% to .8%. • Facebook drives 23% of all website traffic and continues to be one of the best platforms for a strong ROI. It accounts for 18% of all digital advertising across all platforms in all countries. • Open rates of email blasts and newsletters vary dramatically based on industry, with the highest (29% and over) going to personal hobbies and entertainment-based industries and as low as 15% to 17% for some medical- or insurance-based industries. Most experts report 10% to 15% as the average CTOR (click to open rate). Average click through rates from content to website are 4.8% to 1.5%.