HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Resolution 2015-0033Exhibit A: Official Zoning Map Change 2004-0126 / 2015-0178 (Planned Development Overlay #32) PD-32 Overlay Existing Designations: -General Plan: Single-Family Residential - X -Zoning District: Residential Single-Family – X / PD-17/HS Proposed Designations: -General Plan: Single-Family Residential - X -Zoning District: Residential Single-Family – X/PD-32/HS Exhibit A: Official Zoning Map Change 2004-0078: Project Site Existing Designations: -General Plan: Single-Family Residential - X -Zoning District: Residential Single-Family – X / PD-17/HS Proposed Designations: -General Plan: Single-Family Residential - X -Zoning District: Residential Single-Family – X/PD-32/HS Project Site: rezone to RSF- X/PD-32 Lot 1: Historic Overlay Zone Exhibit B: 9-3.676 Establishment of Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 32 9-3.677 Establishment of Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 32: (PD32) A Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 32 shall be established for twelve lots in Subdivision Tract 2625, recorded in Book 31 of Recorded Maps, page 23 through 25, San Luis Obispo County, CA (assessor parcel numbers 049-105-01 through 012). The maximum density within this planned development shall not exceed a gross density of four (4.0) units per acre and shall have an underlying zoning designation of Residential Single-Family (RSF-X). The following development standards shall be applied to all properties recorded: (a) A Master Plan of Development of the site shall be approved (CUP 2004-0126). All construction and development shall be in conformance with the approved Master Plan of Development. (b) No subsequent lot splits or Lot Line Adjustments shall be approved unless found to be consistent with the approved Master Plan of Development. (c) All lots shall front on a public street. (d) Architectural elevations shall be consistent with approved elevations as shown in the approved Master Plan of Development (CUP 2004-0126). (e) Building setbacks shall be consistent with the approved Master Plan of Development (CUP 2004-0126): Front yard at porch (measured from back of sidewalk) 10 feet Front yard at dwelling (measured from back of sidewalk) 20 feet Front yard at garage (measured from back of sidewalk) 25 feet Side yards (measured from property line) 5 feet Corner Lot Side yard (measured from back of sidewalk) 5 feet Rear yard (measured from property line) 5 feet Rear yard adjacent to existing lots greater than an ½ gross acre (Lots 1,2, 3,6, 7) 12 feet (f) Garages placement shall be consistent with the approved Master Plan of Development (CUP 2004-0126). (g) Building coverage (residence plus garage footprint) shall not exceed thirty-five percent (35%) of the individual lot area. Landscaping shall constitute a minimum of forty percent (40%) of the lot area. The measurement of landscaped areas shall be exclusive of driveways, patios, decks, etc. (h) Two- (2) story residential additions are permitted, however shall be reviewed by the Design Review Committee or referred to a separate committee as directed by the Planning Director , (i) All mechanical equipment, including HVAC units and utility meters, shall be screened from view from adjacent streets and properties. (j) Exterior fencing shall be consistent with the approved Master Plan of Development landscaping plan (CUP 2004-0126). (k) The use of residential accessory buildings (sheds, etc.) will be allowed; however, the footprint of such accessory buildings will count toward the maximum percent of allowable building coverage. Residential accessory buildings shall be consistent with the setbacks set forth in section 9-3.677.e of the Atascadero Municipal Code. All other regulations shall be consistent with residential accessory structures contained in both the California Building Code (CBC) and the Atascadero Municipal Code (AMC). (l) Each proposed lot shall have a minimum frontage of fifty (50) feet measured at the front setback line. The minimum net lot area shall be six thousand (6,000) square feet. (m) Parking for two- (2) resident vehicles shall be provided within the provided garage. One guest parking space shall be provided on each individual lot. The driveway area may be used to satisfy the guest parking requirement. On-street parking shall not be used to satisfy any of these parking requirements. (n) All front yards and street facing side yards shall be landscaped with drought tolerant landscaping consistent with the State of California drought tolerant landscaping guidelines. (o) Individual trash collection shall be used for each residential unit. Provisions shall be made for storage of trashcans within the garage or fenced area. These shall be identified in the approved landscape plan. (p) All utilities, including electric, telephone and cable, along the frontage of and within the PD shall be installed underground. (q) Alterations or additions to established dwelling units shall be subject to the density standards of the underlying zone and shall be reviewed pursuant to the City’s Appearance Review Guidelines. (r) No farm animals may be kept on a lot. (s) Sewer service shall be provided with connection to the City’s sewer system. The project Homeowners Association or similar financial mechanism shall be responsible for the cost of abandoning injector pumps on individual lots when sewer service is made available to El Camino Real or Carrizo Road. (t) All identified roadway improvements shall be completed as shown in the Master Plan of Development (CUP 2004-0126). (u) Lot 1 of Recorded Map Books 31, pages 23 through 25 (APN 049-105-001) shall have a Historic Site Overlay zone designation. Further development of this lot shall be consistent Atascadero Municipal Code Section 9-3.623 or successor code. (v) Any native tree removals beyond what is identified in Tree Removal Permit 2015- 0193 will require Planning Commission approval prior with appropriate findings made, consistent with the City’s Native Tree Ordinance. \\cityhall\cdvlpmnt\- pre 06 plns (old planning docs)\- zch - zone change\zch 04\zch 2004-0078. 5310 carrizo rd\2015 amendment\planning commission\pc resolution 2015-0033.docx