HomeMy WebLinkAboutTBID_2016-01-19_Agenda Packet ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE ATASCADERO TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AGENDA Tuesday, January 19, 2016 at 2:00 P.M. Atascadero City Hall - 6500 Palma Avenue, Suite 106 Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Chairperson Tom O’Malley, Portola Inn Vice-Chairperson Amar Sohi, Holiday Inn Express and Suites Board Member Deana Alexander, The Carlton Hotel Board Member Jiten Patel, Best Western Plus Colony Inn APPROVAL OF AGENDA: PUBLIC COMMENT: This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Board on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Board has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to three minutes. Please state your n ame for the record before making your presentation. The Board may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Public Comment, unless changed by the Board. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Advisory Board Draft Action Minutes – December 15, 2015  Action: Board approve the Draft Action Minutes of December 15, 2015. [City Manager’s Office] B. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Contract Discussion: Big Red Marketing – Report from Deputy City Manager Terrie Banish  Recommendation: Review proposal for services from March 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017 and give staff recommendation on negotiating contract with Big Red Marketing.  Fiscal Impact (GL 2201): $10,000 in the current fiscal cycle and discuss amount for the next fiscal cycle. Current amount is $30,000 per year. 2. Contract Discussion: Verdin Marketing – Report from Deputy City Manager Terrie Banish  Recommendation: Review proposal for services from February 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017 and provide staff direction on contract duration and timeline.  Fiscal Impact (GL Varied): Based on Proposal. 3. Update on Visit Atascadero Website Progress – Report from Amanda Diefenderfer  Recommendation: Receive update regarding contract negotiations with mobiManage.  Fiscal Impact (GL 2501): None. C. UPDATES 1. Visit SLO County TMD – JP Patel 2. Mid-Term ATBID Board Opening – Amanda Diefenderfer 3. Deputy City Manager Update – Terrie Banish a. Collection and Reporting of TOT on a Quarterly vs. Monthly basis b. SEO Keyword Update for www.VisitAtascadero.com c. Advertising i. Restaurant Month ii. Tamale Festival iii. Charles Paddock Zoo d. Event Tier Review 4. Budget Report – Amanda Diefenderfer 5. Marketing Update – Verdin Marketing a. Verdin Marketing Monthly Report D. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS E. ADJOURNMENT Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District (ATBID) WELCOME TO THE ATBID MEETING The ATBID Advisory Board meets in regular session on the third Tuesday of each month at 2:00 p.m. Board meetings will be held at the Atascadero City Hall, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero. Matters are considered by the Advisory Board in the order of the printed Agenda. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk and are available for public inspection during City Hall business hours at the Atascadero City Hall, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, and on our website, www.atascadero.org. All documents submitted by the public during Advisory Board meetings that are either read into the record or referred to in their statement will be noted in the minutes and available for review in the City Clerk's office. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this Ci ty, please contact the City Manager’s Office or the City Clerk’s Office, both at (805) 470-3400. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can b e made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. TO SPEAK ON SUBJECTS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Under the Agenda item, “PUBLIC COMMENT”, the Chairperson will call for anyone from the audience wishing to speak concerning any item not on the Agenda to approach the lectern and be recognized. 1. Give your name for the record (not required) 2. State the nature of your business. 3. All comments are limited to 3 minutes. 4. All comments should be made to the Chairperson and Advisory Board. 5. No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or negative personal remarks concerning any other individual, absent or present. This is the time items not on the Agenda may be brought to the Advisory Board’s attention. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for PUBLIC COMMENT (unless changed by the Advisory Board). If you wish to use a computer presentation to support your comments, you must notify the City Clerk's office at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Digital presentations must be brought to the meeti ng on a USB drive or CD. You are required to submit to the City Clerk a printed copy of your presentation for the record. Please check in with the City Clerk before the meeting begins to announce your presence and turn in your printed copy. TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS (from Title 2, Chapter 1 of the Atascadero Municipal Code) Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. The Chairperson will identify the subject, staff will give their report, and the Advisory Board will ask questions of staff. The Chairperson will announce when the public comment period is open and will request anyone interested to address the Advisory Board regarding the matter being considered to step up to the lectern. If you wish to speak for, against or comment in any way: 1. You must approach the lectern and be recognized by the Chairperson 2. Give your name (not required) 3. Make your statement 4. All comments should be made to the Chairperson and Advisory Board 5. No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or negative personal remarks concerning any other individual, absent or present 6. All comments limited to 3 minutes The Chairperson will announce when the public comment period is closed, and thereafter, no further public comments will be heard by the Advisor y Board. ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 1/19/16 Atascadero TBID December 15, 2015 Page 1 of 4 ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE ATASCADERO TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT DRAFT MINUTES Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at 2:00 P.M. Atascadero City Hall - 6500 Palma Avenue, 4th Floor Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson called the meeting to order at 2:02 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairperson O’Malley, Vice Chairperson Sohi, Board Members Alexander and Patel Absent: None Staff Present: Destination Manager Amanda Diefenderfer, Marketing Consultant Stephanie Goodwin and Deputy City Manager/ Outreach, Promotions, Events Terrie Banish. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Board Member Patel and seconded by Vice Chairperson Sohi to approve the agenda. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll call vote. ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 1/19/16 Atascadero TBID December 15, 2015 Page 2 of 4 A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. TBID Nomination Special Meeting Minutes – November 17, 2015  Action: Board approves TBID Nomination Special Meeting Minutes of November 17, 2015. [City Manager’s Office] 2. Advisory Board Draft Action Minutes – November 17, 2015  Action: Board approves the Draft Action Minutes of November 17, 2015. [City Manager’s Office] MOTION: By Board Member Patel and seconded by Vice Chairperson Sohi to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll call vote. B. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Community Event Opportunity: Atascadero Cider Festival – Presentation from Solterra Strategies  Recommendation: To pursue three-year support of the Atascadero Cider Festival.  Fiscal Impact (GL 2903): $14,500 in current fiscal year. $35,000 over 3 years. Presentation by Staci Jacobs and Joel Peterson of Solterra Strategies. Reviewed a three year event plan with goal to grow hotel stays. Staff confirmed budget is allocated for this event. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke during Public Comment: Neil Collins, Andrew Jones, Linda Hendy, Teresa Turner Chairperson O’Malley closed the PUBLIC COMMENT period. MOTION: By Chairperson O’Malley and seconded by Board Member Patel to move staff’s recommendation to pursue the Cider Festival as budgeted and support the event logistics. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll call vote. 2. Community Event Opportunity: Cow Parade – Presentation from Tom Halen  Recommendation: To pursue participation in the Cow Parade.  Fiscal Impact (GL 2903): $3,500 – $20,000. Presentation by Tom Halen with Cow Parade and review of cities participating and benefits to community. PUBLIC COMMENT: None Chairperson O’Malley closed the PUBLIC COMMENT period. ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 1/19/16 Atascadero TBID December 15, 2015 Page 3 of 4 MOTION: By Chairperson O’Malley and seconded by Board Member Alexander recommend staff for ATBID to support ½ a cow and the City support ½ a cow. Motion failed 2:2 (Vice Chairperson Sohi and Board Member Patel opposed) 3. Update on Visit Atascadero Website Progress – Report from Amanda Diefenderfer  Recommendation: Identify date for holding initial intake session.  Fiscal Impact (GL 2501): Already approved in past meeting. Staff update is that the contract has been sent to mobiManage for review. There was board consensus to assign a designated committee for the project: Vice Chairperson Sohi, Board Member Patel, Staff members Amanda Diefenderfer, Luke Knight (IT), Terrie Banish. PUBLIC COMMENT: None Chairperson O’Malley closed the PUBLIC COMMENT period. No Motion made. 4. TOT Revenue Tax return review of Quarterly vs. Monthly – Presentation from Terrie Banish  Recommendation: Continue to collect TOT on a quarterly basis as defined in the municipal code.  Fiscal Impact: None. Staff reviewed reasons for quarterly vs. monthly with staff time and will need to check with City Attorney. Verdin commented that more detailed information helps with seeing Marketing shifts. PUBLIC COMMENT: None Chairperson O’Malley closed the PUBLIC COMMENT period. MOTION: By Chairperson O’Malley and seconded by Board Member Patel to recommend to City Council on reporting and collection of TOT on a monthly basis. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll call vote. ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 1/19/16 Atascadero TBID December 15, 2015 Page 4 of 4 C. UPDATES 1. Visit SLO County TMD – JP Patel – reported no updates and the SLO County TMD Annual Report to Cities went well. 2. Mid-Term ATBID Board Opening – Terrie Banish – reported waiting on letter from owners of Springhill to bring Jackie Dawson on board. 3. Deputy City Manager Update – Terrie Banish a. Restaurant Month – Working to bring in two more restaurants. Current participating Atascadero restaurants include: i. Fig Good Food ii. Guest House Grill iii. Union & Vine b. SEO (Search Engine Optimization/ website keywords, non-paid search) Keyword Update for www.VisitAtascadero.com SEO Titles, Descriptions and Keywords have been added to all of the live pages on the website. Keywords were derived from suggested keywords provided through a search engine marketing estimate. Each page on the website will now be more visible to search engines that look for SEO information. c. SEM (Search Engine Marketing/ paid Search) Started December 1st – Results in January d. City Hall Tours: Saturday hours i. 1 – 4 p.m. through December 19th ii. 2016: Spring Break (March 19 – April 2) and every Saturday Memorial Day through Labor Day weekends 4. Budget Report – Amanda Diefenderfer – GL #’s align on spreadsheet. 5. Marketing Update – Verdin Marketing a. Verdin Marketing Monthly Report – reviewed web stats, FB/ Social Media, and photo shoot. D. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS: a. Vice Chairperson Sohi requested Tier 1, 2, 3 Event Review for our next meeting. b. Suggested moving future meetings to the Club Room. E. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson O’Malley adjourned the meeting at 4:29 p.m. MINUTES PREPARED BY: Terrie Banish, Deputy City Manager – Promotions, Outreach, Events Client Agreement for City of Atascadero relating to services for Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District Advisory Board (ATBID) March 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017 Big Red Marketing, Inc. Big Red Marketing, Inc. provides services in the various areas of strategy and marketing to achieve client goals. These offerings include marketing strategy, copywriting, digital marketing plans, strategic event consulting and various other solutions to support the rapidly changing business environment. The following agreement is intended to outline the specific services Big Red Marketing will provide to the City of Atascadero relating to services for the ATBID, also referred to as “the client.” Big Red Marketing constantly strives to provide clients with top-level service and will communicate any changes or variations from the initial agreement should they arise. City of Atascadero ATBID The ATBID was formed in April 2013 to collect assessments from lodging businesses to be used for tourism promotions and marketing programs to promote the City of Atascadero as a tourism destination and to increase transient stays at lodging businesses. The ATBID is currently contracts with Big Red Marketing for support and consulting in destination management services. Services to be offered are detailed below in the Scope of Work. Scope of Work The overall role of this position will be to work in conjunction with the ATBID, City of Atascadero, the marketing firm of choice, tourism industry partners and other stakeholders and organizations with a primary focus to include: •Assist in maintaining roles and responsibilities in ATBID communication chart (City and all other entities) •Act as administrator to support ATBID and its members in all capacities to execute the plans and attain goals, including and not limited to financial growth and laying the groundwork for future success •Guide the organization to develop and implement strategies to increase occupancy consistent with the annual goals and objectives established by the ATBID and its annual marketing plans •Assist in creating ATBID policies and procedures •Administrative: •Communicate effectively with and between ATBID, City Council, Board of Supervisors, City and County liaison and staff, ATBID members, community leaders, and related tourism partners to maintain strong internal and external relationships •Provide clear and concise recommendations through ongoing communication regarding direction, opportunities, challenges, and progress to the ATBID •Assist the Board in the selection, retention and management of professional services and vendors •Take a visionary lead role in all activities and ensure ATBID actions are consistent with strategic goals and direction •Development and management of timeline and deliverables with the selected marketing firm -Monitor progress of website development and implementation of updates -Communicate with marketing firm the vision of the ATBID to assist in the execution of the marketing plan -Execute promotional programs -Develop measurable criteria and benchmarks for monitoring the success of the ATBID and effectiveness of contracted vendors •Attendance to all meetings related to the ATBID, including monthly Board meetings and subcommittee meetings, and Atascadero City Council Meetings adief@bigredmktg.com 805-610-6326 Client Agreement Page 1 of 4 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 01/19/16 -Prepare ATBID agenda and deliver to the Deputy City Manager for posting and distribution in accordance to Brown Act requirements -Partner with the Deputy City Manager to develop and distribute minutes of all ATBID Board meetings •Represent the ATBID and its members by attending countywide events and related professional association meetings •Partner with tourism coordinator and marketing firm to prepare and present the budget, Year End Report and annual marketing plans •Work with City to manage timelines for the ATBID’s annual renewal process •Develop and implement communication tools so that all members are informed of ATBID progress and programs -Create and maintain an accurate member inventory to include individual property contact information, property type and unit count -Conduct annual site visits of all member properties and maintain regular communications with all members •Maintain and provide timely budgets, actual receipts and expenditures information, with monthly progress reports to the ATBID Board -Adhere to City guidelines and submit monthly contractor fee invoice and expenses with back up each month -Review all vendor invoices for accuracy and compliance to budget •Strategy: •Take a visionary lead role in all activities and ensure ATBID actions are consistent with strategic goals and direction •Champion change and innovation to encourage diverse thoughts and contributions •Participate in the creation and execution of cooperative opportunities, marketing plan, and budget development •Collaborate with local events and tourism partners to maximize the opportunity for members and identify sponsorship opportunities Big Red Marketing Content Big Red Marketing guarantees all content provided is original, has been legally licensed by the company to meet project needs or will be properly sited when incorporated into marketing strategies. Client Content The client agrees that all materials provided to Big Red Marketing to assist in the completion of any project have the appropriate rights and licenses for such use. Big Red Marketing is to be indemnified and held harmless in the case that any client provided materials are not secured by the necessary releases prior to use. Big Red Marketing Rights to Work Big Red Marketing maintains the rights to all work created for any client until the project has been completed and paid for in full. Additionally, Big Red Marketing reserves the right to use materials produced for clients for promotion of company services. These promotions may include, but are not limited to, Big Red Marketing’s website, portfolio and advertisements. Client Rights to Work The client has full and unlimited rights to all content created by Big Red Marketing for the purpose of the client’s project. These rights begin once Big Red Marketing has received payment for services. Independent Contractor Big Red Marketing works with other non-competitive clients and may pursue new work as capacity allows. Big Red Marketing will staff appropriately to ensure impact from other client work does not negatively affect services provided to the client. Big Red Marketing is an independent contractor and not an employee. The client does not stipulate hours worked, supervise employees of Big Red Marketing nor direct the activities of Big Red Marketing or its employees. adief@bigredmktg.com 805-610-6326 Client Agreement Page 2 of 4 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 01/19/16 Confidentiality Big Red Marketing will not disclose any confidential client information to outside persons, firms or corporations. Should a situation arise in which the sharing of information may offer benefits to the client, Big Red Marketing will first contact the client for permission to share such information. It is understood that this confidentiality provision does not apply to information that is public or that may be required by legal means. This provision shall survive the termination of this agreement for a period of three years. Liability and Provisions Big Red Marketing will not be held responsible for any damages that arise from this agreement. Modifications to the agreement must be made in writing and signed by both parties. This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of California. Should litigations arise, the prevailing party will have the right to recover reasonable attorney fees and costs from the non-prevailing party. Termination or Adjustment of Agreement Either party may terminate the whole or any part of this contract at anytime with written notice to the signees below. Communication of any termination or adjustments shall be provided by written notice at least 30-days in advance of the effective date. Big Red Marketing shall be entitled to any unpaid fees or approved expenses up to the date of termination. Fees Services detailed in the Scope of Work above will be provided at a monthly retainer of $2,500/month for the remainder of the 2015/2016 fiscal year. The retainer is to be paid on a monthly basis. Prior to the completion of the current fiscal year on June 30, 2016, Big Red Marketing will work with the Atascadero TBID Board to determine if any adjustments to fees should be made applicable to the 2016/2017 fiscal year. Upon approval from the client, the following other costs that may be included in monthly billing for reimbursement: •Mileage at the federal reimbursement rate of $0.575/mile •Dining costs while traveling for client requirements •Lodging costs while traveling for client requirements The client will be provided with a monthly invoice outlining fees due and including all appropriate support documentation. All payments are non-refundable upon completion of work. Should a client choose to terminate a project before it is complete, the client will be responsible for any additional hours accrued at the hourly rate of $75/hour. Payments not received within 30 days of invoice date will be assessed an additional 1.5% service charge for each additional month delayed. adief@bigredmktg.com 805-610-6326 Client Agreement Page 3 of 4 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 01/19/16 Client Information Company Name: City of Atascadero, ATBID Contact: Terrie Banish Phone: (805) 470-3400 Email: tbanish@atascadero.org City of Atascadero, ATBID Signatures ________________________________________ ____________ Terrie Banish Date Deputy City Manager ________________________________________ ____________ Tom O’Malley Date ATBID Chair Big Red Marketing, Inc. Signature _______________________________________ ____________ Amanda S. Diefenderfer Date Proprietress adief@bigredmktg.com 805-610-6326 Client Agreement Page 4 of 4 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 01/19/16 t (805) 541-9005 f (805) 541-9007 3580 Sacramento Drive #110, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 VERDINMARKETING.COM RECOMMENDED SCOPE OF WORK Atascadero TBID (ATBID) BUDGET ALLOCATION: MARCH THROUGH JUNE 2016 - $40,000 Below is a general breakdown for quarter two marketing activities focusing on a new campaign based on the discussed ATBID goals. The budget and scope would need to be flexible once we conduct a planning meeting and identify areas of growth and opportunity. CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT: $5,000 Verdin will develop a quarter two campaign highlighting a promotion and activities/events happening in Atascadero. Estimate includes: • Concept creation and copywriting • Design of all advertising based on approved media plan (TBD) • Asset coordination and execution (possible video and cinemagraph images) MEDIA HARD COSTS, PLANNING & PLACEMENT: $20,000 Verdin will handle all media coordination under the direction and approval of ATBID. Estimate includes: • Media planning and negotiation through June 2016 • Media monitoring and recommendations based on performance • Invoice reconciliation and coordination on any make-goods or billing adjustments needed • $18,000 dedicated to media hard costs SOCIAL MEDIA/E-NEWSLETTER/CONTEST MANAGEMENT: $8,500 Verdin will manage ATBID’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, monthly e-newsletter and a quarter two contest. Estimate includes: • Creation of monthly content calendars and custom images for all appropriate channels • Creation of monthly e-newsletter content and images ITEM NUMBER: B-2 DATE: 01/19/16 t (805) 541-9005 f (805) 541-9007 3580 Sacramento Drive #110, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 VERDINMARKETING.COM 2 • $1,000 contest prize • Scheduling, monitoring and responding PUBLIC RELATIONS: $1,500 Verdin recommends a press release in quarter two highlighting family travel with a focus on value. Estimate includes: • Copywriting one press release • List generation and blogger outreach • Distribution and follow up of the release • Report showcasing all clips captured WEBSITE UPDATES: $1,000 Verdin will work with the City of Atascadero’s IT Department in developing any content pages needed for promotions and contest. Estimate includes: • Copywriting and page layout • Possible design elements for site STRATEGY & PROJECT MANAGEMENT: $4,000 Verdin will direct all implementation and monitoring of ATBID projects based on set goals. Estimate includes: • Yearly planning meeting • Research, strategy, consulting and project management • Monthly meetings and reporting TOTAL: $40,000 ITEM NUMBER: B-2 DATE: 01/19/16 t (805) 541-9005 f (805) 541-9007 3580 Sacramento Drive #110, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 VERDINMARKETING.COM 3 RECOMMENDED SCOPE OF WORK Atascadero TBID (ATBID) BUDGET ALLOCATION: JULY 2016 THROUGH JUNE 2017 - $120,000 Below is a general breakdown of budget and marketing services for a yearlong ATBID partnership. Categories are based on the above and past contract, but are subject to change after a quarter two planning meeting is conducted and goals are established. The website will be a key factor when determining success metrics and how the budget is shifted due to site capabilities. CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT: $20,000 Verdin will develop three campaigns targeting behavioral demographics to showcase Atascadero’s key assets. Estimate includes: • Concept creation and copywriting • Design of all advertising based on approved media plan (TBD) • Asset coordination and execution (possible video and cinemagraph images) • $3,000 will be left for reactive opportunities that arise throughout the year • $2,500 for potential photo shoot MEDIA HARD COSTS, PLANNING & PLACEMENT: $55,700 Verdin will handle all media coordination under the direction and approval of ATBID. Estimate includes: • Media planning and negotiation through June 2017 • Media monitoring and recommendations based on performance • Invoice reconciliation and coordination on any make-goods or billing adjustments needed • $50,700 dedicated to media hard costs • A portion of media hard costs will be designated as co-op dollars or contingency to use for reactive marketing opportunities ITEM NUMBER: B-2 DATE: 01/19/16 t (805) 541-9005 f (805) 541-9007 3580 Sacramento Drive #110, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 VERDINMARKETING.COM 4 SOCIAL MEDIA/E-NEWSLETTER/CONTEST MANAGEMENT: $24,300 Verdin will manage ATBID’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, monthly e-newsletter and contests. Estimate includes: • Creation of monthly calendars and custom images for all appropriate channels • Creation of monthly e-newsletter content and images • $1,500 in contest prizes • Scheduling, monitoring and responding PUBLIC RELATIONS: $5,000 Verdin recommends three press releases and possible FAM tour. Estimate includes: • Copywriting of press releases • List generation, blogger outreach and FAM tour coordination • Distribution and follow up of releases • Report showcasing all clips captured WEBSITE UPDATES: $3,000 Verdin will work with website developers in creating any content pages needed for promotions and contest. Estimate includes: • Copywriting, page layout direction and possible design elements for three landing pages STRATEGY & PROJECT MANAGEMENT: $12,000 Verdin will direct all implementation and monitoring of ATBID projects based on set goals. Estimate includes: • Research, strategy, consulting and project management • Monthly meetings and reporting TOTAL: $120,000 ITEM NUMBER: B-2 DATE: 01/19/16 Contracting*Process*for*VisitAtascdero.com*Website* January*19,*2016** * Background:*At*the*November*17,*2015*Atascadero*TBID*Board*meeting,*the*TBID*made*the*recommendation* to*City*staff*and*TBID*destination*manager*to*pursue*a*contract*with*mobiManage*for*completion*of*the* VisitAtascadero.com*website.*This*project*was*to*include*the*full*scope*of*work*submitted*via*proposal*in* mobiManage’s*response*to*the*TBID’s*RFP*released*on*November*9,*2015.*Below*is*a*timeline*to*date*of*the* steps*taken*toward*confirming*an*agreement*between*the*City*of*Atascadero*on*behalf*of*the*TBID*and* mobiManage*to*complete*this*website*scope*of*work.* * Negotiations*to*arrive*at*a*final*contract*form*have*involved*the*Deputy*City*Manager,*Terrie*Banish;*the*City* IT*Staff,*Luke*Knight;*and*the*TBID*Destination*Manager,*Amanda*Diefenderfer.* , Timeline:, • November*9,*2015:*Website*RFP*released*and*confirmation*of*mobiManage*receipt*of*the*RFP*was* delivered*via*email* • November*17,*2015:*mobiManage*was*recommended*by*the*TBID*Board*as*the*website*firm*to*pursue* a*contract*with.** • November*19,*2015:*mobiManage*contacted*to*pursue*a*contract*for*services.*Placed*in*touch*with*the* Deputy*City*Manager*for*details*required*in*City*contracting*processes.*On*the*same*date*the*Deputy* City*Manager*requested*a*scope*of*work*in*a*format*that*would*allow*integration*into*the*contract.** • December*9,*2015:*mobiManage*provided*City*of*Atascadero*with*the*initial*certificate*of*liability* insurance.** • December*15,*2015:*The*City*of*Atascadero*provided*mobiManage*with*the*initial*contract.** • December*16,*2015:*mobiManage*returned*an*amended*contract*to*the*City*of*Atascadero.*This* amended*contract*was*reviewed*by*City*IT*staff*and*the*destination*manager.*Both*parties*expressed* concerns*that*the*contract’s*cancellation*clause*contained*too*much*financial*liability*for*the*TBID* should*the*contract*be*terminated*prior*to*completion*of*the*website.* • December*21,*2015:*Destination*Manager*and*City*IT*staff*provided*with*the*contract*ammendments* from*mobiManage.* • December*22,*2015:*mobiManage*sent*the*proper*Certificates*of*Insurance.** • December*22,*2015:*Destination*Manager*provided*input*that*current*cancellation*clause*does*not* position*the*TBID*well*should*they*choose*to*terminate*the*contract*early.*Recommended*pursuing*a* cancellation*clause*with*terms*of*30Zday*notice*and*only*paying*for*services*completed*to*date.* • December*30,*2015:*Deputy*City*Manager*provided*mobiManage*with*areas*of*the*contract*that*the* City*of*Atascadero*was*not*comfortable*with.* • January*4,*2016:*mobiManage*communicated*acceptable*adjustments*to*the*contract*per*the*requests* of*the*Deputy*City*Manager.* • January*7,*2016:*Deputy*City*Manager*confirmed*receipt*of*the*adjustments*and*noted*that*an* updated*contract*would*be*returned*to*mobiManage.* ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 01/19/16 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 01/19/16  SLO CountySLO County    &M $BNJOP 3FBM t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t                 !"                                            !        5S BïD 8B Z "UBTDBEFSPt                    t4QSFBE#SFBE UPQQFEXJUI4VOESJFE 5P NBUP 5B QFOBEF  )BQQZ"DSFT (PBU$IFFTF t4QJDZ 3PBTUFE7FHFUBCMFTUPQQFEXJUI'JH $IVUOFZ t-PDBM 4QBHIFUUJ4RVBTIUPTTFE XJUI IPVTFNBEF 1FTUP4BVDF,JUFIBXL0MJWF 0JM QFS QFSTPO   &M $BNJOP 3FBM "UBTDBEFSPt                   #$   "!$ #  ! !      !   # & %  "    ! #   !&! #          !        $   #   &                 !    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ITEM NUMBER: C-3i DATE: 01/19/16 ITEM NUMBER: C-3i DATE: 01/19/16 City Object #GL #Notes INCOME PROJECTIONS July August September October November 2015/2016 PROJECTED INCOME 1100 2% BID Revenue July 2015 - June 2016 -$ 75,302.00$ 32.00$ 1,169.00$ 183,030.00$ Adjusted based on EOY actual 1200 Cash Rollover 289,333.00$ 276,102.00$ Adjusted based on EOY actual 1300 Investment Earnings 2,690.00$ Total 459,132.00$ Revenue Projections TBID = $183,307 and Interest $2670 Expenses ACTUAL 2015/16 Budget Remaining Budget % total budget Categorical Contingency 2100 Admin 10.00$ 5,000.00$ 4,990.00$ 1.09%1,169.70$ 6900000 2101 City Admin Fees -$ 1,830.30$ 1,830.30$ 6050000 2102 Office Expense 10.00$ 10.00$ 2,000.00$ 1,990.00$ 2200 Contracting Firm Fees 13,989.30$ 40,000.00$ 26,010.70$ 8.71%-$ 6500000 2201 Big Red Marketing - Destination Manager 2,500.00$ 2,500.00$ 2,500.00$ 2,500.00$ 10,000.00$ 30,000.00$ 20,000.00$ 6500000 2202 Verdin Marketing - Marketing Firm 826.10$ 765.20$ 809.00$ 768.00$ 821.00$ 3,989.30$ 10,000.00$ 6,010.70$ 2300 Marketing Plan -$ 12,500.00$ 12,500.00$ 2.72%2,500.00$ 6500000 2201 Development and update -$ 10,000.00$ 10,000.00$ 2400 Visual Assets 14,611.70$ 17,500.00$ 2,888.30$ 3.81%2,500.00$ 6500000 2401 Photography -$ 7,500.00$ 7,500.00$ 6500000 2402 Creative Services - Verdin Scope 2,832.00$ 2,892.00$ 5,724.00$ 7,500.00$ 1,776.00$ 2403 Creative Services - Outside of Scope 427.00$ 2500 Digital Marketing -$ 50,000.00$ 50,000.00$ 10.89%5,000.00$ 6500000 2501 Website Updates 352.10$ -$ -$ 961.00$ 686.00$ 1,999.10$ 30,000.00$ 28,000.90$ 6500000 2502 Social Media 739.80$ 1,505.80$ 1,498.00$ 1,758.00$ 1,387.00$ 6,888.60$ 15,000.00$ 8,111.40$ To include budget for boosted activity and $12000 for retainer 2600 Advertising 2,020.94$ 65,000.00$ 62,979.06$ 14.16%3,500.00$ 6070000 2601 Print 687.50$ 687.50$ 1,500.00$ 812.50$ 6070000 2602 Digital 195.44$ 304.00$ 54.00$ 780.00$ 1,333.44$ 26,000.00$ 24,666.56$ 6070000 2603 Reactive Advertising -$ 34,000.00$ 34,000.00$ 2700 Public Relations 2,612.00$ 12,500.00$ 9,888.00$ 2.72%1,000.00$ 6500000 2701 Group FAM -$ 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ Includes $3000 retainer and $2000 hard costs 6500000 2702 Individual Itineraries -$ 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ Includes $3000 retainer and $2000 hard costs 6500000 2703 Wire Fees -$ 1,500.00$ 1,500.00$ 6500000 2704 Firm Fees 146.00$ 167.00$ -$ 1,657.00$ 642.00$ 2,612.00$ -$ (2,612.00)$ 2800 Tour & Travel -$ 10,000.00$ 10,000.00$ 2.18%1,000.00$ 6500000 2801 CCTC Co Op Fams -$ 4,500.00$ 4,500.00$ 6500000 2802 Visit CA Co Op Fams -$ 4,500.00$ 4,500.00$ 2900 Consumer Outreach 16,382.55$ 65,000.00$ 48,617.45$ 14.16%3,500.00$ 6500000 2901 Consumer Show Presence 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ -$ 50% of Savor the Central Coast Sponsorshihp 6500000 2902 Consumer Event Support 5,537.36$ 67.44$ 5,604.80$ 5,000.00$ (604.80)$ 50% of anticipate Savor the Central Coast costs 6900000 2903 Event Support Program 708.00$ 2,126.75$ 1,000.00$ 3,834.75$ 50,000.00$ 46,165.25$ 6500000 2904 Email Marketing 1,097.00$ 846.00$ 1,943.00$ 1,500.00$ (443.00)$ TOTAL EXPENSES 10,272.00$ 12,797.55$ 5,798.50$ 12,694.44$ 8,491.00$ 50,053.49$ 277,500.00$ 4001 Cash Reserves 45,913.20$ 10.00% Contingency 5001 Contingency Fund (unallocated)$135,718.80 TOTAL Budget $459,132.00 ATBID 2015/16 BUDGETED P&L ITEM NUMBER: C-4 DATE: 01/19/16 ITEM NUMBER: C-4 DATE: 01/19/16 t (805) 541-9005 f (805) 541-9007 3580 Sacramento Drive #110, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 VERDINMARKETING.COM ! DECEMBER STAT SUMMARY ATASCADERO TBID January 8, 2015 ! !! WEB ANALYTICS (2014 V.2015) WEBSITE TRAFFIC Website Visits: 945 v. 4,813 Mobile Visits: 305 v. 2,386 Desktop Visits: 513 v. 2,073 Total Unique Visitors: 835 v. 4,208 PPV (Page Per Visit): 2.35 v. 1.75 TOS (Time on Site): 1:43 v. 1:05 Bounce Rate: 52.49% v. 68.98% ACQUISITION Total Traffic to Site: 4,813 Social Media: 0 v. 713 Direct: 195 v. 1,802 Organic: 421 v. 1,313 Referral: 324 v. 985 Other: 5 v. 0 PAGE VIEWS Home Page: 642 v. 3,847 Lodging: 64 v. 175 GEOGRAPHIC REFERRALS Atascadero: 75 v. 499 San Francisco: 90 v. 404 Los Angeles: 80 v. 397 Paso Robles: 35 v. 227 San Luis Obispo: 48 v. 153 SOCIAL MEDIA ANALYTICS (2014 V.2015) TOP REFERRING URLS atascadero.org: 304 lm.facebook.com: 278 m.facebook.com: 252 traffic2cash.xyz: 190 atascaderochamber.org: 138 SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook Fans: 3,016 v. 4,258 Facebook Referrals: 0 v. 673 Total Reach: NA v. 391 Engagement Rate: NA v. 8% Instagram Followers YTD: 90 New Twitter Followers: NA v. 8 Twitter Mentions: NA v. 3 Twitter Referrals: 0 v. 1 Retweets: NA v. 1 ITEM NUMBER: C-5 DATE: 01/19/16 !!! ! t (805) 541-9005 f (805) 541-9007 3580 Sacramento Drive #110, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 VERDINMARKETING.COM 2 ! ADVERTISING ANALYTICS FACEBOOK Atascadero is running two Facebook campaigns, one pushing clicks to the website and one pushing likes to the Facebook page, along with boosted posts. Both campaigns feature a young child on a blanket with the headline “Family time like you remember” along with a strong call to action for visiting for as little as $67 a night. Ads target families in the Central Valley. Both portions of the campaign performed in line with the competition of the holidays during December. The slight drop reflects a lower budget for the month of December. Website Clicks Campaign Total Clicks: 1,174 Impressions: 49,625 CTR: 2.37% Likes Campaign This portion of the campaign has the goal to generate likes and engagement with the Atascadero Facebook page. Total Clicks: 282 Likes: 232 Impressions: 11,387 CTR: 2.48% Campaign Totals These totals represent all ads and boosted posts for the month of December. Clicks: 1,950 Impressions: 67,246 CTR: 2.90% PANDORA The Pandora schedule targets California Central Valley from December 2015 to 2016. The following numbers reflect December only: Impressions: 110,008 Clicks: 447 CTR Average: .44% ITEM NUMBER: C-5 DATE: 01/19/16 !!! ! t (805) 541-9005 f (805) 541-9007 3580 Sacramento Drive #110, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 VERDINMARKETING.COM 3 ! ! E -NEWSLETTER The inaugural e-newsletter went out on December 9, 2015 and performed very well. 71 Recipients 30.6% Open Rate (Industry Average is 16.3%) 9.7% Click Through Rate (Industry Average is 1.7%) DEFINITIONS BELOW ARE DEFINITIONS FOR THE WEB ANALYTICS STATISTICS: Website Visits (Sessions): A visit is counted as a user that is actively engaged with your website. Mobile Visits: A user is actively engaged with your website on a mobile device. Desktop Visits: A user is actively engaged with your website on a desktop computer. Total Unique Visitors: Users that have had at least one session, includes new and returning users. PPV (Page Per Visit): The average number of pages viewed during a session. Repeated views of a single page are counted. TOS (Time on Site): The average duration of a session. Bounce Rate: The percentage of single-page visits (i.e. visits in which the person left your site from the entrance page without interacting with the page.) Geographic Referrals: The top five locations from which the data originated. Acquisition – Social Media : The traffic to your site that came from a social media network. Acquisition – Direct: Direct traffic is counted as any time Google Analytics cannot determine another referrer. (Clicking a link from an email or PDF, access from a shortened URL, clicking from a mobile social media app, etc.) Whether or not a session is counted as direct depends on the application/program they are using. Acquisition – Organic: The traffic that comes to your website from unpaid search results (i.e. searching “Atascadero” in Google.) Acquisition – Referral: The traffic that comes to your site from sources outside of Google. When someone clicks on a hyperlink to go to a new page on a different website, it is a referral visit. ITEM NUMBER: C-5 DATE: 01/19/16 ITEM NUMBER: C-5 DATE: 01/19/16