HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC_2016-01-19_Agenda Packet PC JointSPECIAL JOINT MEETING Atascadero City Council Atascadero Planning Commission Tuesday, January 19, 2016 6:00 P.M. Atascadero City Hall Council Chambers, 4th Floor 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, California (Enter from Lewis Avenue) AGENDA ROLL CALL: DISCUSSION: 1. Eagle Ranch Project Update - Joint City Council & Planning Commission Review - PLN 2008-1280 (Eagle Ranch, LLC / RRM Design Group)  Fiscal Impact: The current report and January 19, 2016 meeting is simply a project update, and will not have any fiscal impact on the City.  Recommendation: City Staff recommends that the City Council and Planning Commission receive and file the following project update. ADJOURNMENT: The City Council will adjourn to its next Regular Session on January 26, 2016; and the Planning Commission will adjourn to its next Regular Session. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ) CITY OF ATASCADERO ) LORI M. KUDZMA, being fully sworn, deposes, and says: That she is the Deputy City Clerk of the City of Atascadero and that on January 12, 2016, she caused the above Notice to be posted at the Atascadero City Hall, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, California and was available for public review in the Customer Service Center at that location. LORI M. KUDZMA, Deputy City Clerk City of Atascadero ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 01/19/16 Joint Session Atascadero City Council & Planning Commission Staff Report – Community Development Department Eagle Ranch Project Update Joint City Council & Planning Commission Review PLN 2008-1280 (Eagle Ranch, LLC / RRM Design Group) RECOMMENDATION: City Staff recommends that the City Council and Planning Commission receive and file the following project update. REPORT-IN-BRIEF: It has been several years since the City held a public meeting or presented information regarding the Eagle Ranch project. This report is intended to provide an update regarding the current status of the project. The project description and conceptual site plan remain generally unchanged since the Council last reviewed the project in 2013. However, a significant amount of site analysis has been done to refine the details of the proposed development project. Over the past 2½ years, the Specific Plan has been developed and refined to respond to a variety of site constraints, while simplifying the document to allow for effective future implementation. The updated document will ultimately allow us to analyze the project at a much smaller scale, refining details associated with specific site grading plans, native tree impacts, road locations , and building pads. The EIR process for the Eagle Ranch project began in 2013, with site surveys and analysis completed by the EIR consultant. The development of the draft Specific Plan and the EIR preparation continue to be an iterative process, which will result in a draft plan that will address some of the key environmental concerns. The Draft EIR is still in process, and is expected to be completed within a few months. While significant progress has been made over the past several years, there is still additional work to be done on other key project elements, including the Development Agreement, the Tentative Tract Map and associated public improvements, and the ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 01/19/16 annexation process which will include a tax sharing negotiation with SLO County . City Staff and the applicant have been making good progress on resolving man y of the questions and issues associated with creating a feasible development plan, in the context that the Eagle Ranch project is the largest annexation ever considered within the City of Atascadero. W e need to take the time to get it right while ensuring that the specific plan improves upon the original lot and road patterns that are curren tly in place. DISCUSSION: Background: There are currently 452 existing lots owned by the Smith family and located within the 3,460 acres of Eagle Ranch. These lots were created b y the original Atascadero Colony subdivision in 1913, and there are certificates of compliance from the County of San Luis Obispo which show these are legal existing lots which can be sold and developed. The existing lots are designed much like the rest of rural Atascadero, with meandering roads on steep hillsides. No public trails or protected open space exist with the historical lot configuration. Existing road right-of-ways into the Ranch connect to City roads at seven (7) locations, including Old Morro Road, Atascadero Avenue, San Rafael, San Carlos, Ortega Road, Santa Barbara Road, and San Diego Road. If the 452 existing lots within the Ranch were to develop as currently approved, the City of Atascadero would be heavily impacted by traffic and need for services. No mitigation or conditions are currently in place to minimize these impacts, and no public benefit would come from the development of the existing lot layout. Map of Existing 452 Lots & Existing Road Right-of-ways ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 01/19/16 For the past 15 years, the City and the County, along with the applicant and the public have been working to create a new design concept that improves upon the existing Eagle Ranch area. The Atascadero General Plan (adopted in 2002) identifies Eagle Ranch as a future annexation area to be developed within City limits through a Specific Plan. A Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the County (originally signed in 2004, and updated in 2011) provides policy direction for the City’s annexation of the Eagle Ranch. The goal for Eagle Ranch has always been to create something better than the existing Colony lots. Since the beginning, the plan has been to create a comprehensive development plan for the property and reconfigure the existing lots and existing road right-of-ways into a master planned community with parks, trails, open space, and tourist-serving resort facilities. In 2008 the applicant submitted the first official application to the City for the Eagle Ranch Specific Plan, and the City Council authorized the processing of a General Plan Amendment and annexation application for the project. A concept site plan was developed and public meetings were held to introduce the project and receive comments. Between 2010 and 2011 an “environmental constraints analysis” was completed by the City and the EIR consultant in order to identify environmental issues early on and create a “self-mitigating plan.” From mid-2011 through early 2013, an extensive neighborhood outreach process took place that allowed input and project refinements. Over a dozen meetings were held with the surrounding neighborhoods, the Design Review Committee, Planning Commission, City Council, and interactive public workshops. During this process, the project design continued to evolve to respond to existing neighborhood lot sizes and compatibility, density and unit counts, and other concerns such as noise, traffic and visual impacts. In February of 2013, the Atascadero City Council and Planning Commission held a joint meeting to authorize Staff to begin processing the Eagle Ranch Environmental Impact Report (EIR) based on the proposed project. In May 2013 , the EIR Notice of Preparation was circulated, and a public Scoping Meeting was held on June 13, 2013. Since that time, City staff, the EIR consultant, and the applicant have been working on project analysis, additional studies, and project refinement, so that the City can release a Draft EIR for public review. Analysis: When the Eagle Ranch project was last presented to City Council and the public in 2013, the main project components and conceptual site plan were fairly well understood. However, at that time, we were looking at the overall 3,460 acres at a macro scale. In order to fine tune the development plan and fully analyze the project, additional site details were needed to see how roads, building sites, trails and other infrastructure would fit within the true context. Over the past 2½ years, the details of the project design continued to be refined through the Specific Plan document and the subdivision map. Many in depth site studies and surveys have been completed in ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 01/19/16 coordination with the EIR consultant. These refinements have helped to bring the project into focus and create a more comprehensive development plan. Progress to date: What have we been working on since 2013?  Specific Plan The Specific Plan is a document with maps and standards which act as a blueprint for the future development of the project. It includes land use designations, lot size requirements, and development standards for all components of the project. It essentially lays out what the project will look like and it how will be regulated before and after construction. The first administrative draft of the Specific Plan was developed by the applicant in May of 2013, and has been through several revisions. The applicant is currently making the final changes to the draft in preparation for releasing the document for public and Council review in conjunction with the Draft EIR.  Zoning map Eagle Ranch will include a mix of zoning designations, including several distinct types of residential, commercial and open space zones. Uses will be regulated in each zoning district.  Development Standards and Design Standards Through the creation of the Specific Plan document, we are able to get down to details of the project design. By putting details such as fencing standards, setbacks, landscape standards, entry feature des igns, etc. into a regulatory document, we ensure that construction will produce the high quality of development that the applicant and the City currently envision.  Vesting Tentative Tract Map & Grading Plans The tentative subdivision map, and later the final map, are the tools which will replace the existing 452 recorded lots with the new lot configuration. In order to develop the Tentative Map, site surveys were done at a much smaller scale than previously completed for project scoping. Grading plans have been developed by the applicant in order to specify precise road locations, lot lines, building locations, and other site features.  Constraints map A constraints map was developed to examine each new proposed lot and ensure that all sites were developable. Trees, creeks, setbacks, and steep slopes were overlaid on the proposed map to identify building pads and suitable septic locations for every proposed lot. This process of constraints mapping resulted in minor adjustments to the map. Some lots were eliminated, and modified building sites were identified where development would be less constrained. The total number of lots remains as originally proposed in 2013. ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 01/19/16  Phasing Plan Phase 1 is proposed to include many of the periphery lots which are accessed by existing City roads. Phase 2 would begin in south east area of the site, near Santa Barbara Road at the Atascadero Avenue south project entrance. There are 10 phases proposed, and it expected to take at least 20 years to construct all phases. Site improvements will be constructed with each phase of development.  Native Tree Surveys A native tree survey was completed by an arborist to identify which trees will be impacted by construction of the roads and graded pads. Estimates regarding potential tree removals on single family custom homes lots were calculated based on tree canopy and buildable areas.  Road Design Standards & Public Trails Refinement Staff has worked closely with the applicant to design roads which create a rural character, but meet standards for safety. Trails have been planned in each phase of development.  Draft EIR When the EIR process began in May 2013, the City envisioned an 18 -month period of study and analysis to complete a Draft EIR for public review. However, due to the complexity and size of the project and the level of design detail desired by both the City and the applicant, this process has taken much longer. City Staff has worked closely with the EIR consultant and sub-consultants, including the Traffic Engineering and Fire Safety consultant, to examine all issues and create workable mitigation measures for Council consideration. We believe that we are very close to completion of a Draft EIR for public review, and hope to release that within the next few months. What still needs to be completed? There are key elements of the Eagle Ranch project that still need significant work. City Staff will continue to work with the applicant and the County to resolve these issues prior to bringing a project before the Council for consideration at a public hea ring.  Development Agreement Terms and conditions of a Development Agreement are currently being negotiated between the applicant and the City Attorney for future Council consideration. A Development Agreement would allow the applicant extended timeframes for development in exchange for providing specific public benefits, such as publicly accessible trails and open space, emergency communications repeater site, and other specific site amenities. ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 01/19/16  County Tax Share Negotiations The existing San Luis Obispo County Tax Share policy states that the County will receive the existing residential property tax base plus two-thirds (66%) of the future tax increment of the residential portions of the project. A final tax share agreement is typically negotiated during the LAFCO annexation process ; however, due to the size of the residential project being considered, the Council has requested that the tax share issue be dealt with earlier in the process as it will be a major factor in considering the project applications.  Annexation Details Eagle Ranch is currently located outside Atascadero City limits . It is within the City’s Sphere of Influence, but is under the jurisdiction of SLO County. An annexation process through LAFCO will be required to bring the project area into City limits prior to development. When the Specific Plan project goes to hearing, the Council will consider authorizing a LAFCO application to begin the annexation process.  Community Facilities District (CFD) A CFD is a type of Mello Roos district where a special property tax is assessed to cover costs of City services. The goal is to make the residential portion of the project fiscally neutral to the City. The City and the applicant are considering creation of a new CFD district for Eagle Ranch which would be specially tailored to the proposed project.  Update Fiscal Impact analysis A preliminary draft fiscal impact analysis was prepared in 2011 to evaluate the potential impact of the Eagle Ranch project on the City. Property values and City expenditures/services have changes in recent years, and therefore the report will be updated prior to Council consideration of the project.  Public Review Draft EIR and Final EIR The Draft EIR, once complete will be circulated for a minimum 45-day review period. All comments will be considered by the EIR consultant and response to comments will be incorporated into the Final EIR for Council consideration.  Public Review of Draft Specific Plan The Specific Plan is currently being finalized and will be released for public review in conjunction with the Draft EIR. The infrastructure financing plan is a key element of the Specific Plan which is still being created. Planning Commission and City Council will consider adoption of the Specific Plan at future project hearings. ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 01/19/16 Future Process: What to expect as we move forward Once the Draft EIR and Specific Plan document are complete, they will be released to the public for review and comment. Notices will be mailed to project neighbors and interested parties, and notice of the review period will be published in the local newspaper. A digital copy will be available on the City’s website, and paper copy will be available for review at City hall. There will be a minimum 45-day public review and comment period. All comments received on the Draft EIR will be addressed by the EIR consultant and incorporated into the Final EIR for Council consideration . Eagle Ranch Project Process Remaining: Future Hearing Process: 1. Release of Draft EIR: The release of the Draft EIR will be followed by a public study session meeting that will include a staff overview of the environmental conclusions while allowing public to comment and ask questions about the EIR during the public comment period. 2. Planning Commission review of EIR, Specific Plan and project entitlements: Following the completion of the Draft EIR and close of public comment period, a Final EIR will be produced which will include a response to comments. A hearing will be scheduled to allow the Commission to consider the specific plan and ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 01/19/16 General Plan amendment and make a recommendation to the City Council on the overall plan in conjunction with the Final EIR. The Commission may also recommend action on the development agreement, annexation, and tentative tract map at this hearing. This hearing may be split into two sess ions based on the amount of content or the amount of public testimony. 3. City Council Hearing on EIR, Specific Plan and project entitlements : This hearing will allow the City Council to consider taking action (Certification) on the Final EIR and project entitlements as recommended by the Planning Commission. Other components of the project such as the tentative tract map, annexation and development agreement could be finalized at this hearing . 4. Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO): Following City Council’s certification of the EIR and action on the annexation, LAFCO would hold a hearing to consider annexation of the Eagle Ranch property into the City of Atascadero. Conclusion: Over the past 2½ years, a significant amount of survey work, studies and detailed design work has been done with Eagle Ranch to focus in on the development plan. We have transitioned from the macro level that we were at with the conceptual site plan in 2013, and we now have laid out the details of how the site development would be constructed if the project is approved to move forward. The Draft EIR is currently being completed, and it is expected to be released for public review within a few months. FISCAL IMPACT: The current report and January 19, 2016 meeting is s imply a project update, and will not have any fiscal impact on the City. A Fiscal Impact Analysis of the proposed project will be completed prior to project consideration at Planning Commission and City Council hearings. City policies require residential portions of a project to be revenue neutral to the City. This is typically accomplished through a CFD tax on the properties to make up for the additional cost of City services. Tax share negotiations with the County of San Luis Obispo will also be a factor in determining the fiscal impact of the project. Tourist services and resort components of the project are expected to be revenue positive with TOT tax to the City when / if they are constructed. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Current Proposed Project Statics Summary (as of 1/8/16) 2. Conceptual Site Plan and Proposed Zoning Map (as of 1/8/16) ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 01/19/16 Attachment 1: Current Proposed Project Statics Summary (as of 1/8/16) Component Characteristics 494 Single Family Residential Lots • ½ – 1 acre: 59 lots (mostly merchant built) • 1 – 5+ acres: 435 lots (custom homes) Single Family Residential – Second Units The number of second units on the single-family residential lots (1 acre or greater) will be capped at 63; Permits will be issued on a “first-come, first-serve” basis. 93 Multifamily Residential units 93 dwelling units to be located in Village Center, including: • 12 workforce housing units (condo/townhome) • 2 mixed-use affordable units located in Village Center • 79 senior housing units (19 of which shall be affordable) Resort Hotel Approximately 45 acres; 100 rooms and associated amenities at historic ranch headquarters (restaurant, bar, pool, meeting facilities, equestrian center) Village Center Approximately 4 acres; 15,000 square feet retail, offices, postal facilities, meeting space, and second floor multi-family residential; intended to serve as public gather place Highway Commercial Approximately 15.2 acres; sit-down restaurant; 200-room hotel (2-3 stories); executive suites/ cottages; meeting facilities, recreational facilities, events lawn Public Park Approximately 14 acres; includes small amphitheater Equestrian Staging Area Approximately 1.6 acres Roads Approximately 19.8 miles Trails Approximately 16.3 miles Open Space Approximately 2,546 acres; consisting of Agricultural Open Space (cattle grazing), Private Open Space, and Public Recreation Areas Totals approximately 74% of site ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 01/19/16 Attachment 2: Conceptual Site Plan and Proposed Zoning Map (as of 1/8/16)