HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUP_2015-11-19_AgendaPacket C ITY OF A TASCADERO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 6500 PALMA AVE ▪ ATASCADERO, CA 93422 ▪ (805) 461 -5035 ▪ FAX 461-7612 Administrative Use Permit Hearing A G E N D A The City of Atascadero’s Zoning Hearing Officer will hold a public hearing at 3:00 p.m. or later on Thursday, November 19, 2015 in Room 106, at City Hall, 6500 Palma Ave., Atascadero, to consider the following: 1. 7301, 7305, 7355 MORRO ROAD. PLN 2015-1572; Request to allow a shared on-site parking adjustment to reduce the parking requirement for Moresco Plaza by 20%. PLEASE NOTE: Any court challenge to the actions taken at the public hearing items may be limited to considering only those issues raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence to the City of Atascadero at, or prior to, the public hearing. Any decision of the Hearing Officer is final unless appealed to the Planning Commission within 14 days of the action. Any person aggrieved by the decision may file an appeal. Appeal forms are available in the Community Development Department or on the City’s website (www.atascadero.org). The fee for filing an appeal is $704 and must accompany the appeal documentation. t:\~ administrative use permit\agendas\2015\november 19, 2015.doc C ITY OF A TASCADERO COMMUNITY DEVELOPEMENT Administrative Hearing Agenda Report ITEM # 1 FROM: Katie Banister, Contract Planner MEETING DATE: 11/19/2015 FILE NUMBER: PLN 2015-1572 / AUP 2015-0075 PROJECT ADDRESS: 7301, 7305, 7355 Morro Road SITUATION: The applicant requests a shared on-site parking adjustment to reduce the parking requirement for Moresco Plaza by 20%, pursuant to AMC 9-4.115. RECOMMENDATION: The hearing officer approve Administrative Use Permit 2015 -A allowing a shared on-site parking adjustment, based on findings and subject to conditions. BACKGROUND: The Master Plan of Development for the five buildings of Moresco Plaza was approved with Conditional Use Permit 2004-0124. To date, four of the buildings have been constructed. The main complex of three buildings was built in 2007, and the North building was completed in September of this year ; it is not yet fully occupied. The South Building is planned, but not constructed; the City’s Design Review Committee recently approved a reduction in its size from two-story to a one-story structure. The original approval for Moresco Plaza included a condition that limits uses in the center to “general office”. In order to add “medical office” uses, a parking plan must be approved by the City. Currently, shared parking for the plaza is provided by the 81 spaces located behind the buildings. Several recent site visits by City staff indicate the parking lot is heavily used, and parking may be in short supply when full occupation is realized. A new tenant proposes to locate a pathology clinic in a portion of the North Building. The applicant has prepared a parking plan to reflect the requirements for the existing uses, the proposed medical office use and future uses in the unconstructed South Building, which require a total of 100 parking spaces in conformance with Atascadero Municipal Code (AMC) 9-4.114 (see attachment 2). EVALUATION: AMC 9-4.118 gives the parking space requirements for uses in the City. Professional offices, including those for accountant, architects, government, and insurance and real estate agents, must provide 1 parking space per 400 square feet of floor area, but not less than 2 parking spaces per office space. Other offices require 1 parking space per 500 square feet of floor area. Health care services must have 1 Page 2 parking space per 200 square feet of floor area, but not less than 2 per office space and examination room. The original parking requirement was calculated in 2004 based on the gross square footage of all buildings (including a two-story South Building) at the square footage rate. The current parking plan accounts for actual uses, and is based on the per office space or examination room minimum requirements. There are currently 18 different tenant spaces in the four buildings of Moresco Plaza. The South Building, will add an additional two units. This is a reduction from the original plan of development as the South building was approved with more floor area on a second floor. AMC 9-4.114 allows commercial uses on a single site to reduce their parking requirement by 5% for each separate use, up to 20%. The parking requirements cannot be reduced below the largest parking requirement on the site. In this case, the largest parking demand is from a 5,138 square-foot office requiring 15 spaces. The second largest demand is for the medical office, which requires 10 parking spaces. If the same space was partitioned similarly to provide 5 office spaces instead of examination rooms, the parking requirement would be the same 10 spaces. A 20% parking requirement reduction will result in a total off-street requirement of 80 spaces, which can be fulfilled with existing on-site parking. RECOMMENDATION: The hearing officer approve Administrative Use Permit 2015 -A allowing a Shared On- Site Parking Adjustment of 20 percent, based on findings and subject to conditions. Findings AMC 9-1.112 requires the hearing officer to make the following 5 findings: (1) Modification of the applicable standard will not result in a project that i s inconsistent with the General Plan; Staff comment: Several policies and programs of the General Plan Land Use, Open Space and Conservation (LOC) Element address parking requirements. Policy 1.5 requires adequate off-street parking in commercial areas. This is supported by four programs, three of which are relevant. Program 1.5.1 requires development to provide sufficient parking that does not conflict with street traffic. Program 1.5.2 encourages shared parking whenever possible. Program 1.5.4 directs the parking ordinance to be updated to reflect current parking trends and uses. In addition, LOC Program 2.2.2 requires new development to provide bicycle parking. The parking plan indicates the shared parking area for Moresco Plaza can supply adequate parking spaces for all uses. The conditions of approval for this Administrative Use Permit will include a requirement to add an on-site bicycle parking rack. (2) Modification of the applicable standard will not result in a project that is inconsistent with the character of the immediate neighborhood or contrary to its orderly development; Page 3 Staff comment: The immediate neighborhood is generally professional offices and health care services with some miscellaneous service and multi-family residential uses. The character of Moresco Plaza and the immediate neighborhood will not be altered by this adjustment, which will allow the addition of one health care services use. (3) Modification of the applicable standard will not result in a project that is not in compliance with any pertinent City policy or criteria adopted by ordinance or resolution of the City Council; and Staff comment: The zoning ordinance allows for an adjustment to parking requirements at a rate of 5% for each separate use on a site, up to a 20% reduction. The total number of spaces must not be less than the requirement for the use needing the largest number of spaces. The use needing the largest number of spaces is in Office C1-10, which requires 15 spaces. The adjusted parking requirement conforms to this stipulation. (4) Modification of the applicable standard will not result in the authorization of a use not otherwise allowed; and Staff comment: Health care services are an allowed use in the Commercial Professional zoning district. The use is limited on this property due to parking constraints. As conditioned, no additional medical uses will be permitted. (5) Any other findings deemed necessary. Staff comment: No other findings are deemed necessary. Environmental Determination Class 1 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Section 15301) exempts the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures and facilities, involving negligible or no expansion of use. Conditions 1. Additional medical office or health care service uses shall be subject to Community Development Department staff approval of a revised parking plan and current parking lot performance to be reviewed at the time of applic ation for business license. 2. A bicycle storage rack with capacity for at least 4 bicycles shall be provided in a convenient and secure location on the properties. Code Requirements 1. AMC 9-4.118 Required number of parking spaces 2. AMC 9-4.115 Off-street parking required 3. AMC 9-3.212 Allowable uses in the Commercial Professional zoning district Page 4 Action:  Approve  Approve as modified  Deny  Continue to : _______________ to allow _________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________  Continue indefinitely to allow: __________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ Hearing Officer Date Page 5 ATTACHMENT 1: Aerial Photograph PLN 2015-1572 / AUP 2015-0075 Page 6 ATTACHMENT 2: Parking Plan PLN 2015-1572 / AUP 2015-0075 Page 7 Page 8 ATTACHMENT 3: Floor Plan for Proposed Medical Office in North Building PLN 2015-1572 / AUP 2015-0075