HomeMy WebLinkAboutTBID_2015-11-17_Agenda Packet ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE ATASCADERO TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AGENDA Tuesday, November 17, 2015 at 2:00 P.M. Atascadero City Hall - 6500 Palma Avenue, Room 306 Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Chairperson Tom O’Malley, Portola Inn Vice-Chairperson Amar Sohi, Holiday Inn Express and Suites Board Member Deana Alexander, The Carlton Hotel Board Member Jiten Patel, Best Western Plus Colony Inn APPROVAL OF AGENDA: PUBLIC COMMENT: This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Board on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Board has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to three minutes. Please state your name for the record before making your presentation. The Board may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Public Comment, unless changed by the Board. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Advisory Board Draft Action Minutes – October 20, 2015 § Action: Board approve the Draft Action Minutes of October 20, 2015. [City Manager’s Office] B. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Advertising Opportunity: SF Chronicle in the SLO County Section – Presentation from Terrie Banish • Recommendation: To pursue placement in the San Francisco Chronicle within the SLO County Section. • Fiscal Impact: $649 – $6,499. 2. Advertising Opportunity: Tolosa Press – Presentation from Amanda Diefenderfer • Recommendation: To reserve resources for consideration of other opportunities that better fit the target audience goals of the TBID. • Fiscal Impact: $0 – $1,999. 3. Purchase of Additional Photography Resources – Presentation from Verdin Marketing • Recommendation: Direct Verdin to pursue securing photography resources through recommended partner. • Fiscal Impact: Up to $200. 4. Promotional Event Opportunity: 2016 Restaurant Month – Presentation from Amanda Diefenderfer • Recommendation: Pursue a partnership with Visit SLO County to facilitate Atascadero restaurant participation in 2016 Restaurant Month. • Fiscal Impact: Up to $750. 5. Website RFP: Review of Findings in Informal Website RFP Process – Presentation by Amanda Diefenderfer • Recommendation: Direct the City to pursue a contract on behalf of the TBID with the recommended website design and development firm for execution of services to create a new site at www.VisitAtascadero.com. • Fiscal Impact: Up to $25,000. C. UPDATES 1. Visit SLO County TMD – JP Patel 2. Mid-Term ATBID Board Opening – Amanda Diefenderfer 3. Deputy City Manager Update – Terrie Banish a. Marketing Plan Update b. Holiday Boutique – More than 60 vendors, Atascadero Lake Pavilion – Saturday, November 21st from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. c. Holiday Lighting Ceremony – Santa, music from Atascadero High School, and City Hall night tours – Saturday, December 5th from 6 – 9:30 p.m. d. Winter Wonderland – Snow in downtown Atascadero with entertainment, food, vendors and other attractions – Friday, December 11th from 5 – 9 p.m. e. City Hall Tours – New Hours – Wednesday from 12 – 2 p.m., Friday & Saturday from 1 – 4 p.m. 4. Frequency of ATBID Assessment Payments – To be discussed at December Board Meeting 5. Budget Report – Amanda Diefenderfer 6. Promotional Event Support: Garagiste Festival – Verdin Marketing 7. Marketing Update – Verdin Marketing a. Verdin Marketing Monthly Report D. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS: E. ADJOURNMENT: Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District (ATBID) WELCOME TO THE ATBID MEETING The ATBID Advisory Board meets in regular session on the third Tuesday of each month at 2:00 p.m. Board meetings will be held at the Atascadero City Hall, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero. Matters are considered by the Advisory Board in the order of the printed Agenda. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk and are available for public inspection during City Hall business hours at the Atascadero City Hall, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, and on our website, www.atascadero.org. All documents submitted by the public during Advisory Board meetings that are either read into the record or referred to in their statement will be noted in the minutes and available for review in the City Clerk's office. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City, please contact the City Manager’s Office or the City Clerk’s Office, both at (805) 470-3400. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. TO SPEAK ON SUBJECTS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Under the Agenda item, “PUBLIC COMMENT”, the Chairperson will call for anyone from the audience wishing to speak concerning any item not on the Agenda to approach the lectern and be recognized. 1. Give your name for the record (not required) 2. State the nature of your business. 3. All comments are limited to 3 minutes. 4. All comments should be made to the Chairperson and Advisory Board. 5. No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or negative personal remarks concerning any other individual, absent or present. This is the time items not on the Agenda may be brought to the Advisory Board’s attention. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for PUBLIC COMMENT (unless changed by the Advisory Board). If you wish to use a computer presentation to support your comments, you m ust notify the City Clerk's office at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Digital presentations must be brought to the meeting on a USB drive or CD. You are required to submit to the City Clerk a printed copy of your presentation for the record. Please check in with the City Clerk before the meeting begins to announce your presence and turn in your printed copy. TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS (from Title 2, Chapter 1 of the Atascadero Municipal Code) Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. The Chairperson will identify the subject, staff will give their report, and the Advisory Board will ask questions of staff. The Chairperson will announce when the public comment period is open and will request anyone interested to address the Advisory Board regarding the matter being considered to step up to the lectern. If you wish to speak for, against or comment in any way: 1. You must approach the lectern and be recognized by the Chairperson 2. Give your name (not required) 3. Make your statement 4. All comments should be made to the Chairperson and Advisory Board 5. No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or negative personal remarks concerning any other individual, absent or present 6. All comments limited to 3 minutes The Chairperson will announce when the public comment period is closed, and thereafter, no further public comments will be heard by the Advisory Board. ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 11/17/15 Atascadero TBID October 20, 2015 Page 1 of 6 ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE ATASCADERO TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT DRAFT MINUTES Tuesday, October 20, 2015 at 2:00 P.M. Atascadero City Hall - 6500 Palma Avenue, Room 306 Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson O’Malley called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm ROLL CALL: Present: Chairperson O’Malley, Vice Chairperson Sohi, Board Member Patel Absent: Board Member Alexander Staff Present: Destination Manager Amanda Diefenderfer, Marketing Consultant Stephanie Goodwin & Nina Martin, City Manager Rachelle Rickard and Deputy City Manager/ Outreach, Promotions, Events Terrie Banish. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Board Member Patel seconded by Vice Chair Sohi to approve the agenda. Motion passed 3:0 by a roll call vote A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Advisory Board Draft Action Minutes – September 15, 2015  Action: Board approve the Draft Action Minutes of September 15, 2015. [City Manager’s Office] MOTION: By Board Member Patel seconded by Vice Chairperson Sohi to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion passed 3:0 by a voice vote Board Member Alexander arrived for the meeting. ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 11/17/15 Atascadero TBID October 20, 2015 Page 2 of 6 B. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. 2015 Garagiste Support – Presentation from Terrie Banish  Recommendation: Support the Atascadero-based event in an amount up to $1,000.  Fiscal Impact: Up to $1,000. Staff presented event details. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke during Public Comment: Jessica Sohi Chairperson O’Malley closed the PUBLIC COMMENT period. MOTION: By Board Member Patel seconded by Board Member Alexander to approve participation in the Garagiste Festival. Motion passed 4:0 by a voice vote. 2. Advertising Opportunity: Visit San Luis Obispo County Visitor’s Guide – Presentation from Amanda Diefenderfer  Recommendation: To pursue placement in the Visit San Luis Obispo County Visitor Guide Magazine. Consider potential sharing of placement investment with the City of Atascadero.  Fiscal Impact: $1,260 - $6,900 depending on ad size selection. Destination Manager Diefenderfer reviewed the magazine. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke during Public Comment: Heather Moreno and Annie Weyrich Chairperson O’Malley closed the PUBLIC COMMENT period. MOTION: By Chairperson O’Malley seconded by Board Member Patel to approve the Visit SLO County Visitor’s Guide with approval of a full page ad for ATBID and pending Council approval for City splitting 2 page spread with ATBID. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll call vote. ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 11/17/15 Atascadero TBID October 20, 2015 Page 3 of 6 3. Advertising Opportunity: Visit San Luis Obispo County Co-Ops – Presentation from Ashlee Akers  Recommendation: To pursue the recommended advertising opportunities.  Fiscal Impact: Varied based on the selected advertising opportunities Verdin Marketing’s Stephanie Goodwin reviewed Co -op opportunities recommending Westways and Via magazine as a best demographic fit. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke during Public Comment: Heather Moreno and Michael Wambolt Chairperson O’Malley closed the PUBLIC COMMENT period. MOTION: By Board Member Patel seconded by Board Member Alexander to approve Verdin’s recommendation of Westways and Via magazine with the caveat of being able to back out if other cities do not sign on. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll call vote 4. Advertising Opportunity: Access Visitor’s Guide – Presentation by Terrie Banish  Recommendation: To pursue placement in the Access Visitor’s Guide  Fiscal Impact: ¼ page 4x $599/ Issue or $828 per issue for ¾ page City Staff presented opportunity to advertise in the Access Visitor’s Guide and splitting with ATBID. Verdin Marketing recommended the February issue. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke during Public Comment: Heather Moreno Chairperson O’Malley closed the PUBLIC COMMENT period. MOTION: By Vice Chair Sohi seconded by Board Member Alexander for a full page commitment splitting it with the City for a split of $2,334 City and $2,334 ATBID for all four issues ($1,167 per issue), total of $4,668 for the Access Visitors Guide in their February edition. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll call vote ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 11/17/15 Atascadero TBID October 20, 2015 Page 4 of 6 5. Visit Atascadero Website Redesign – Presentation by Verdin Marketing & Amanda Diefenderfer  Recommendation: Set a special meeting to determine sources of content direction and influencing factors of the website design, functionality and content  Fiscal Impact: Estimated at $25,000 Destination Manager Diefenderfer gave the staff report. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke during Public Comment: Heather Moreno Chairperson O’Malley closed the PUBLIC COMMENT period. MOTION: By Chairperson O’Malley and seconded by Vice Chairperson Sohi to direct staff to conduct an informal bid process, schedule a special meeting to discuss the website design, and determine relationship language with the City Council. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll-call vote. 6. Revisit TBID Membership Recruitment Language for City’s Municipal Code – Presentation by Marcia Torgerson  Recommendation: Board to give direction to staff or contractors.  Fiscal Impact: None City Manager, Rachelle Rickard reviewed the process of how the Board Members are recruited. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke during Public Comment: Heather Moreno Chairperson O’Malley closed the PUBLIC COMMENT period. MOTION: By Board Member Patel seconded by Vice Chair Sohi to recommend that the City Council: 1. Amend the Municipal Code relating to ATBID membership and eligibility to require an employee or other representative to have a written consent of a lodging business owner. 2. Approve the appointment process of ATBID membership to be from the recommendations of the lodging businesses. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll call vote. ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 11/17/15 Atascadero TBID October 20, 2015 Page 5 of 6 7. Protocol for Media & Promotional Accommodations and Use of TBID Funds to Support Hosting Properties – Presentation by Amanda Diefenderfer  Recommendation: To accept proposed protocol as guidelines for future opportunities  Fiscal Impact: None until time of hosting Destination Manager Diefenderfer proposed to spread this evenly across all hotels and recommended hotels to offer comps or a 20% discount. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke during Public Comment: None Chairperson O’Malley closed the PUBLIC COMMENT period. MOTION: By Vice Chairperson Sohi seconded by Board Member Alexander to approve protocol for media and promotional accommodations. Motion passed 4:0 by a voice vote. C. UPDATES 1. Mid-Term ATBID Board Opening – Amanda Diefenderfer announced the receipt of Board Member Wambolt’s letter of resignation. 2. 2015 Savor the Central Coast Recap – Amanda Diefenderfer & Terrie Banish a. Positive Feedback from Vendors and guests. i. Allow more time between for restaurants – one hour is not enough time. ii. Lavender samples – cutback a little for next year iii. Savor Editor Breakfast – positive and should see some follow up stories from that – they liked the Haunted City Hall idea. iv. Other Comments: Board Member Alexander noted that not many shuttles used – need to promote better next time. Chairperson O’Malley recommended plan earlier for next year. Hana with Big Red Marketing reported that the Adventure Tour went well, 24 people and will be sharing those photos. 3. Visit Atascadero Branding Update – Terrie Banish & Stephanie Goodwin a. Working on executing logo brand guidelines and will begin impl ementing – website, Facebook and Instagram first; send out to Chambers, Main Street, Visit San Luis Obispo, etc. 4. Deputy City Manager Update – Terrie Banish a. City’s Marketing Plan – implementation will begin once brand guidelines received b. Zoo Boo at Charles Paddock Zoo Oct 24th ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 11/17/15 Atascadero TBID October 20, 2015 Page 6 of 6 c. Tours City Hall beginning November 1: Wed 12 -2 pm, Friday and Saturday 1-4 pm. d. Other items: Photography via Visit San Luis Obispo County is $200 for 4 photos and then $25 per photo after that. 5. Budget Report – Amanda Diefenderfer reviewed. 6. Marketing Update – Ashlee Akers a. Verdin Marketing Monthly Report – Stephanie Goodwin reviewed the new creative design and concepts. Logos and brand guidelines will be out at the beginning of November. D. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS: Chairperson O’Malley proposed meeting upstairs on the 4th floor with the same layout. Board Member Patel wants to see the TOT tax collected monthly vs. quarterly and would like to discuss on the next agenda as well as the City accepting credit cards. E. ADJOURNMENT: Chairperson O’Malley adjourned the meeting at 4:39 p.m. MINUTES PREPARED BY: Terrie Banish, Deputy City Manager – Promotions, Outreach, Events Stand-alone broadsheet section and special online features Time is limited! Reserve your space today. Color Ad Size Dimensions Includes Digital Impressions Total Full page 9.75” x 20”300,000 ROS $6,499 1/2 page 9.75” x 9.83” or 4.792”x20”150,000 ROS $3,499 1/4 page 4.792” x 9.83” or 9.75” x 4.75”82,000 ROS $1,859 1/9 page 3.139” x 6.33” or 4.792” x 4.33”60,000 ROS $935 1/20 page 3.139” x 2.68” or 4.792” x 1.83”43,000 ROS $649 Editorial Coverage, Deadlines & Rates Sapitature magnimint. Nusamus estiam, namus Temporestis quam am ut ut omnis quam haru The staff of Food & Wine is preparing a special section devoted to the attractions of San Luis Obispo County. It will be filled with exclusive content about local art, dining, wine and much more. Last year, 144,600 San Francisco Chronicle readers visited San Luis Obispo County and the Central Coast. Last year, 161,800 San Francisco Chronicle readers visited San Luis Obispo County and the Central Coast. That’s more than 2,700 visitors each week, with 77% of them staying overnight. If each person spends on average $500 during their trip on food, wine, shopping, spas and other local items, that’s $72.3 million in annual spending. Make sure some of that cash is directed toward your business by advertising in the San Luis Obispo County section. Source: Scarborough Research, 2015 R1 Additional print & digital marketing efforts to help promote this special feature. San Luis Obispo County Special Section A Region Ripe for Exploration Pub Date Space Reservations Camera Ready Sunday, January 10 1/1 1/4 3Œo ÔoBÔ©£©|ÞÐB£Å珘Þð žB—oÔ ÞŒo Ðoƒ©£ÍÔ ÞÐoBÔçÐoÔ Ð¸o |©Ð o︘©ÐBޏ©£¾ \©BÔÞB˜ ÞoÐ 3Œo ¸oÐ|o\Þ ¸oÐ\Œ ©Þo˜Ô Þ©ÔçÞ oíoÐð RçfƒoÞ¾ .Bƒo å 3BÔޏ£ƒÐ©©žÔ 1¸ð©çÐ îBð B˜©£ƒ ތo o ÞÐB˜¾.Bƒo t çԌŽBÐR©Ð ¸oB\o|瘸©ÐÞ |©Ð B£BÐޏÔB£ RB—oÐð¾ .Bƒo °ö 1B £ç Ô $RÔ¸© 1B£ÐB£\Ô\© ŒÐ©£\˜o B£f 1BÞo¾\©žT 1ç£fBðc B£çBÐð c åö°~T 1o\ޏ©£ £\˜çf£ƒ.Ôž© oB\Œc !©ÐЩ Bñ B£f .BÔ©0©R˜oÔ For more information, contact: Heather Elliott-Hudson | helliott@sfchronicle.com | 415 250 3097 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 11/17/15 the central coast of ca the central coa s t o f c a Volume 1: Issue A INSIDE THIS I S S U E … Find out why the Centr a l C o a s t o f C A i s a p r e m i u m d e s t i n a t i o n s p o t f o r world class wineries, sp a s & c u i s i n e ! ITEM NUMBER: B-2 DATE: 11/17/15 t (805) 541-9005 f (805) 541-9007 3580 Sacramento Drive #110, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 VERDINMARKETING.COM ! PUBLIC RELATIONS SNAPSHOT Atascadero received mentions in two travel outlets in October as a result of September’s press release: Minnesota Girl in the World and Luxurystandard.com. Additionally, Verdin pitched Atascadero travel to the Examiner.com, Thrillist LA and California Dream Eater. ! GARAGISTE GIVE AWAY UPDATE Verdin held a social media contest to give away 4 tickets to the Garagiste event. We received one entry into the contest and, when we reached out to her to claim her prize, we never received a prize confirmation. Our social media platforms and fanbases are still very green and very young. Once the platforms grow in size it will be easier and more successful to host these types of giveaways. Budget for this giveaway was allocated from October social media. VERDIN RECOMMENDATIONS Verdin recommends moving forward with the Visit SLO County Photo Shoot. The $200 opportunity is available with the commitment of either the 2-page spread (shared with the City) or the full-page ad in the Visit SLO County Visitors Guide. There’s a possibility to split the $200 photo shoot fee with the approval of the 2-page spread from the City. Regardless, Verdin strongly recommends taking advantage of this photo shoot opportunity. $200 covers cost of photo shoot and four final images for exclusive use. There will be an opportunity to purchase more photos from the photo shoot. A sample shot list would include lifestyle shots around Atascadero, scenic landscape shots, and dining and retail. Additionally, Verdin recommends keeping an eye on the participation in the Visit SLO County and Catalyst co-op opportunities for the March/April 2016 additions of Westways and Via. The January/February co-ops were not booked due to lack of participation. Currently Atascadero is the only known participating DMO in the March/April co-ops. ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 11/17/15 From:Visit California Communications communications@visitcalifornia.com Subject:Sign up by Dec. 1 for 2016 California Restaurant Month Date:November 10, 2015 at 4:18 PM To :adief@travelpaso.com ENROLLMENT NOW OPEN FOR 2016 CALIFORNIA RESTAURANT MONTH 2016 California Restaurant Month is quickly approaching. Don't miss this opportunity to partner with Visit California. Enroll by Dec. 1 for 2016 California Restaurant Month. Visitors will find hundreds of unforgettable culinary experiences across the state in January. In its fifth year, California Restaurant Month will celebrate and aggressively promote the vast array of food, wine and beer-centric opportunities your destinations has to offer. Learn more about 2016 California Restaurant Month and if you have questions regarding involvement and programming, please contact Lindsay Wright at restaurantmonth@visitcalifornia.com. EVENT DETAILS WHAT: 2016 Califorina Restaurant Month ENROLL BY DEC. 1 WHEN: January, 2016 Follow Us: Brought to you by Visit California, located at 555 Capitol Mall, Suite 1100, Sacramento, CA 95814. ITEM NUMBER: B-4 DATE: 11/17/15 Page 1 Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District Request for Proposal – Visitor Website Issue Date: November 9, 2015 The Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District (ATBID) is requesting proposals from professional web development and design firms to guide the organization in the creation of a new tourism website. The ATBID was formed in April 2013 to collect assessments from lodging businesses to be used for tourism promotions and marketing programs to promote the City of Atascadero as a tourism destination and to increase transient stays at lodging businesses. The ATBID is represented by Atascadero hoteliers who work in partnership with the City of Atascadero and on behalf of multiple hospitality and stakeholder businesses who serve the visitor. The ideal website will capture the unique personality of Atascadero and its varied attractions, appeal to all audiences of area tourism, serve as the tourism resource for visitors to Atascadero, and provide relevant information to support media inquiries about Atascadero. This website will replace the current VisitAtascadero.com site. Additional details regarding functionality and content are included below. Please submit your proposal in PDF format via email to Terrie Banish, tbanish@atascadero.org and ATBID Destination Manager, Amanda Diefenderfer adief@bigredmktg.com, by 5 p.m. on Friday, November 13, 2015. Applicant Information Proposals must include contact information and background of the submitting firm. Additionally, the proposal should offer specific material pertaining to the qualifications of the proposer, the foreseen working relationship between the firm, the ATBID and City, and previous experience with relevant projects. Website Design and Functionality Submitted proposals should at least include the following elements related to the design, functionality and content management capabilities of the website: Overall Design – The website should reflect a professional, information-rich site that is both aesthetically pleasing and easy to navigate. Responsive designs that adapt to the varied sizes of desktop and mobile devices are most appealing. The website needs to be optimized for thorough SEO performance and have a strong presence amongst our target audience of local and county residents as well as supporting the ATBID goal to grow tourism. It needs to be designed in a manner that will populate search results when people are searching to visit our area and will capture tourists while they are here in our county with the variety of attractions we offer. In addition, this optimization needs to keep in mind the tourism industry from tour operators to hotels and other media resources. It also need to reflect the aesthetics of the unique appeal Atascadero has to offer. Additionally, the website should be created in a manner that allows flexibility to adapt to evolving needs and technologies as they arise. Scope of Proposal ITEM NUMBER: B-5 DATE: 11/17/15 Page 2 Equal Promotion and Support for Hoteliers/Tourism Stakeholders – The website must host the ability for properties to convey current information. Those with administrator access should be able to assist hotels/stakeholders to post consumer promotions, trade resources and easily access pertinent information that is tourism related. Appeal to Numerous Consumer Audiences – The wide range of Atascadero attractions and resources results in a varied target audience. The website should appeal to this audience through aesthetics and ability to obtain relevant information. One of the gauges of the website’s success will be its ability for itinerary building and to convert visitors to rooms booked for hotels. Specific consumer audiences to consider in the creation of the website include: • Families • Weekend visitors • Wine/beer/cider and food consumers • Agri-tourists • Golfers • Outdoor enthusiasts • Weddings • Area event attendees • Meeting planners • Organized tour groups News Worthy, Timely Marketing Campaigns – In the overall design, the new website should include space for news worthy and timely marketing campaigns (i.e., restaurant month, Atascadero Wine Festival, zoo happenings and other consumer events) to showcase “What’s Happening.” This supports a website that is current with information and easily updatable to provide users easy to access information as they make their travel plans. Integration of Supportive Platforms and Tools – The proposal should include a demonstration of the site’s ability to integrate supporting marketing resources. Specific resources include: • Connection to social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Functionality should allow connection to the outside social media platform and integration of embedded videos and/or update feeds. • Hosting of a digital version of print collateral created to promote Atascadero tourism. This should also include a form to allow consumers to request information. • Connection and integration with the local, regional and state tourism partners. The Atascadero Chamber of Commerce is a strategic partner and home to the local Visitor’s Center. Visit San Luis Obispo County’s website acts as a countywide portal for the ATBID featuring events, dining, lodging, and activity information. Hosting of Media Resources – As an area resource, the site must have the ability to convey and host information that will attract media personalities to learn more about Atascadero and support the ATBID’s goal of growing media coverage. Website Content Management and Analytics – Proposals should include the creation of a web-hosted Content Management System that is easily usable and accessible through discretionary logins. This system should facilitate the editing process with the use of WYSIWYG. Additionally, the backend of the site should allow access to complete page-visit analytics and offer the ability to generate reports ITEM NUMBER: B-5 DATE: 11/17/15 Page 3 (a listing of reports shall be included in the proposal). Database functions should include the ability to import and export site visitors/members, events and businesses in a common data format. The events calendar needs to be date and/or title searchable and accommodate recurring/multi-week events. Current website content is available as needed. Site hosting options should also be addressed. Ongoing Site Management – The site shall be regularly maintained by the chosen vendor. Maintenance includes but is not limited to front and back-end updates for functionality and security and content updates as provided by the ATBID. Timeline Please include an anticipated timeline for the migration of current website content and availability of new site functionality. The timeline may recommend phases of introducing new resources in order to integrate the updates as quickly as possible while eliminating potential disruptions. Budget Proposals should include a comprehensive budget outlining the associated costs of developing the website and anticipated ongoing maintenance costs. Allocated budget is estimated at $25,000. Examples of Work Please provide case studies and/or other examples of work that reflect the competencies specific to supporting the ability to successfully achieve the goals of the new visitor website. Proposals are to be submitted electronically in PDF to Terrie Banish, tbanish@atascadero.org and ATBID Destination Manager, Amanda Diefenderfer adief@bigredmktg.com, by 5 p.m. on Friday, November 13, 2015. Please note that all costs to prepare proposals are to be incurred by the proposer. The ATBID reserves the right to refuse any submission and may retain all proposals submitted. Proposals should not exceed 15 pages in length. Proposal Submission ITEM NUMBER: B-5 DATE: 11/17/15 From:Atascadero TBID adief@bigredmktg.com Subject:TBID Board Opening - Mid Term Nomination Date:November 9, 2015 at 2:27 PM To :adief@bigredmktg.com Atascadero TBID Mid-Ter Nomination Meeting.View this email in your browser Atascadero TBID Board Opening Mid-Term Nomination Meeting November 17, 2015 at 1:30 p.m. Dear Atascadero Lodging Business Owner, The Atascadero City Council established the Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District (ATBID) in 2013, to collect an assessment to be used for tourism promotions and marketing programs to promote the City as a tourism destination and to increase transient stays at lodging businesses. The ATBID is made up of five Board Members appointed by the City Council. The ATBID Advisory Board recommends the expenditure of ATBID assessment revenues in accordance with the ATBID program and budget approved by the City Council. One of the Board Members has recently resigned. Membership of the ATBID Advisory Board is limited to Lodging Business owners or employees or other representatives holding the written consent of a Lodging Business owner within the ATBID area. To sponsor a member on the ATBID Advisory Board, each Lodging Business must have fully paid its ATBID assessment at the time of the appointment, and remain fully paid during the term of that representative’s membership on the Board. Pursuant to City Council Resolution No. 2013-008, the ATBID Advisory Board is sending this letter to notify each Lodging Business in the ATBID area that there is a vacancy on the ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: 11/17/15 this letter to notify each Lodging Business in the ATBID area that there is a vacancy on the Advisory Board. The term of this position will expire on June 30, 2017. The Advisory Board Member will be appointed by the City Council following a nomination process with the ATBID Advisory Board. On November 17, 2015 at 1:30 pm, a nomination meeting will be held at City Hall (6500 Palma Avenue), to facilitate the nomination process. All ATBID Lodging Businesses are welcome to attend and vote. If an ATBID Lodging Business member is unable to attend, a proxy with a signed statement from the member will be allowed to participate on the member’s behalf. The person receiving the most votes will be deemed to have won the nomination. The nominee’s name will be forwarded to the City Clerk as a recommendation to the City Council for filling the vacancy. We encourage you to attend and participate in the nomination meeting. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the City Clerk’s office at 805-470-3400. Sincerely, Amanda S. Diefenderfer ATBID Destination Manager Facebook Flickr Copyright © 2015 City of Atascadero, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list 6904 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 | (805) 466-2044 | (888) 55-VISIT ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: 11/17/15 City of Atascadero Tourism Report Transient Occupancy Tax Revenues Jul-Sep Oct-Dec Jan-Mar Apr-Jun 1ST QTR 2ND QTR 3RD QTR 4TH QTR TOTAL Fiscal Year 2014 254,557.46$ 158,389.32$ 134,033.44$ 232,385.37$ 779,365.59$ Fiscal Year 2015 262,246.00$ 171,527.07$ 204,920.33$ 261,362.41$ 900,055.81$ Fiscal Year 2016 387,196.75$ ITEM NUMBER: C-5 DATE: 11/17/15 City Object #GL #Notes INCOME PROJECTIONS July August September October June 2015/2016 PROJECTED INCOME 1100 2% BID Revenue July 2015 - June 2016 387,196.75$ 183,030.00$ Adjusted based on EOY actual 1200 Cash Rollover 102,380.00$ 276,102.00$ Adjusted based on EOY actual 1300 Investment Earnings 2,690.00$ Total 459,132.00$ Revenue Projections TBID = $183,307 and Interest $2670 Expenses ACTUAL 2015/16 Budget Remaining Budget % total budget Categorical Contingency 2100 Admin -$ 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ 1.09%1,169.70$ 6900000 2101 City Admin Fees -$ 1,830.30$ 1,830.30$ 6050000 2102 Office Expense -$ 2,000.00$ 2,000.00$ 2200 Contracting Firm Fees 12,129.36$ 40,000.00$ 27,870.64$ 8.71%-$ 6500000 2201 Big Red Marketing - Destination Manager 2,500.00$ 2,500.00$ 5,000.00$ 30,000.00$ 25,000.00$ 6500000 2202 Verdin Marketing - Marketing Firm 826.10$ 2,962.11$ 3,341.15$ 7,129.36$ 10,000.00$ 2,870.64$ 2300 Marketing Plan -$ 12,500.00$ 12,500.00$ 2.72%2,500.00$ 6500000 2201 Development and update -$ 10,000.00$ 10,000.00$ 2400 Visual Assets 2,597.70$ 17,500.00$ 14,902.30$ 3.81%2,500.00$ 6500000 2401 Photography -$ 7,500.00$ 7,500.00$ 6500000 2402 Creative Services - Verdin -$ 7,500.00$ 7,500.00$ 2500 Digital Marketing -$ 50,000.00$ 50,000.00$ 10.89%5,000.00$ 6500000 2501 Website Update 352.10$ 352.10$ 30,000.00$ 29,647.90$ 6500000 2502 Social Media 739.80$ 1,505.80$ 2,245.60$ 15,000.00$ 12,754.40$ To include budget for boosted activity and $12000 for retainer 2600 Advertising 195.44$ 65,000.00$ 64,804.56$ 14.16%3,500.00$ 6070000 2601 Print -$ 1,500.00$ 1,500.00$ 6070000 2602 Digital 195.44$ 195.44$ 26,000.00$ 25,804.56$ 6070000 2603 Reactive Advertising -$ 34,000.00$ 34,000.00$ 2700 Public Relations 313.00$ 12,500.00$ 12,187.00$ 2.72%1,000.00$ 6500000 2701 Group FAM -$ 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ Includes $3000 retainer and $2000 hard costs 6500000 2702 Individual Itineraries -$ 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ Includes $3000 retainer and $2000 hard costs 6500000 2703 Wire Fees -$ 1,500.00$ 1,500.00$ 6500000 2704 Firm Fees 146.00$ 167.00$ 313.00$ -$ (313.00)$ 2800 Tour & Travel -$ 10,000.00$ 10,000.00$ 2.18%1,000.00$ 6500000 2801 CCTC Co Op Fams -$ 4,500.00$ 4,500.00$ 6500000 2802 Visit CA Co Op Fams -$ 4,500.00$ 4,500.00$ 2900 Consumer Outreach 12,802.19$ 65,000.00$ 52,197.81$ 14.16%3,500.00$ 6500000 2901 Consumer Show Presence 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ -$ 50% of Savor the Central Coast Sponsorshihp 6500000 2902 Consumer Event Support 708.00$ 7,094.19$ 7,802.19$ 5,000.00$ (2,802.19)$ 50% of anticipate Savor the Central Coast costs 6900000 2903 Event Support Program -$ 50,000.00$ 50,000.00$ 6500000 2904 Email Marketing -$ 1,500.00$ 1,500.00$ TOTAL EXPENSES 10,272.00$ 14,424.54$ 3,341.15$ 277,500.00$ 4001 Cash Reserves 45,913.20$ 10.00% Contingency 5001 Contingency Fund (unallocated)$135,718.80 TOTAL Budget $459,132.00 ATBID 2015/16 BUDGETED P&L ITEM NUMBER: C-5 DATE: 11/17/15 t (805) 541-9005 f (805) 541-9007 3580 Sacramento Drive #110, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 VERDINMARKETING.COM ! OCTOBER STAT SUMMARY ATASCADERO TBID November 9, 2015 WEB ANALYTICS (2014 V. 2015) WEBSITE TRAFFIC Website Visits: 2,060 v. 1,860 Mobile Visits: 630 v. 698 Desktop Visits: 1,133 v. 911 Total Unique Visitors: 1,741 v. 1,626 PPV (Page Per Visit): 2.55 v. 2.14 TOS (Time on Site): 1:52 v. 1:23 Bounce Rate: 49.81% v. 56.40% ACQUISITION Total Traffic to Site: 1,860 Social Media: 34 v. 95 Direct: 337 v. 261 Organic: 1,182 v. 918 Referral: 507 v. 586 Paid: 0 v. 0 PAGE VIEWS Home Page: 1,213 v. 1,065 Lodging: 105 v. 172 GEOGRAPHIC REFERRALS Atascadero: 257 v. 302 San Francisco: 164 v. 193 Los Angeles: 180 v. 183 San Luis Obispo: 106 v. 102 Paso Robles: 107 v. 92 ! SOCIAL MEDIA ANALYTICS (2014 V. 2015) SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook Fans: 3,017 v. 3,598 Facebook Referrals: 32 v. 93 Total Reach: 422 Engagement Rate: 9% Instagram Followers YTD: 71 (+344%) New Twitter Followers: 2 Twitter Mentions: 2 Twitter Referrals: 0 v. 0 Retweets: 1 ITEM NUMBER: C-6 & C-7 DATE: 11/17/15 t (805) 541-9005 f (805) 541-9007 3580 Sacramento Drive #110, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 VERDINMARKETING.COM ! PUBLIC RELATIONS SNAPSHOT Atascadero received mentions in two travel outlets in October as a result of September’s press release: Minnesota Girl in the World and Luxurystandard.com. Additionally, Verdin pitched Atascadero travel to the Examiner.com, Thrillist LA and California Dream Eater. ! GARAGISTE GIVE AWAY UPDATE Verdin held a social media contest to give away 4 tickets to the Garagiste event. We received one entry into the contest and, when we reached out to her to claim her prize, we never received a prize confirmation. Our social media platforms and fanbases are still very green and very young. Once the platforms grow in size it will be easier and more successful to host these types of giveaways. Budget for this giveaway was allocated from October social media. VERDIN RECOMMENDATIONS Verdin recommends moving forward with the Visit SLO County Photo Shoot. The $200 opportunity is available with the commitment of either the 2-page spread (shared with the City) or the full-page ad in the Visit SLO County Visitors Guide. There’s a possibility to split the $200 photo shoot fee with the approval of the 2-page spread from the City. Regardless, Verdin strongly recommends taking advantage of this photo shoot opportunity. $200 covers cost of photo shoot and four final images for exclusive use. There will be an opportunity to purchase more photos from the photo shoot. A sample shot list would include lifestyle shots around Atascadero, scenic landscape shots, and dining and retail. Additionally, Verdin recommends keeping an eye on the participation in the Visit SLO County and Catalyst co-op opportunities for the March/April 2016 additions of Westways and Via. The January/February co-ops were not booked due to lack of participation. Currently Atascadero is the only known participating DMO in the March/April co-ops. ITEM NUMBER: C-6 & C-7 DATE: 11/17/15