HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC_2015-10-13_Agenda Packet CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Tuesday, October 13, 2015 City Hall Council Chambers, 4th floor 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, California (Entrance on Lewis Ave.) CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION: 5:00 P.M. 1. CLOSED SESSION -- PUBLIC COMMENT 2. COUNCIL LEAVES CHAMBERS TO BEGIN CLOSED SESSION 3. CLOSED SESSION -- CALL TO ORDER a. Conference with Labor Negotiators (Govt. Code Sec. 54957.6) Agency designated representatives: Rachelle Rickard, City Manager Employee Organizations: Atascadero Firefighters Bargaining Unit; Atascadero Police Association; Service Employees International Union, Local 620; Mid-Management/Professional Employees; Non- Represented Professional and Management Workers and Confidential Employees b. Conference with Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (d) of Section Government Code Section 54956.9 : (one case) 4. CLOSED SESSION – ADJOURNMENT City Council Closed Session: 5:00 P.M. City Council Regular Session: 6:00 P.M. 5. COUNCIL RETURNS TO CHAMBERS 6. CLOSED SESSION – REPORT REGULAR SESSION – CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pro Tem Moreno ROLL CALL: Mayor O’Malley Mayor Pro Tem Moreno Council Member Fonzi Council Member Kelley Council Member Sturtevant APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Roll Call PRESENTATIONS: 1. Water Resource Update by John Neil from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company A. CONSENT CALENDAR: (All items on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and non-controversial by City staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Council or public wishes to comment or ask questions. If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be removed from the consent calendar and will be considered in the listed sequence with an opportunity for any member of the public to address the Council con cerning the item before action is taken. DRAFT MINUTES: Council meeting draft minutes are listed on the Consent Calendar for approval of the minutes. Should anyone wish to request an amendment to draft minutes, the item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and their suggestion will be considered by the City Council. If anyone desires to express their opinion concerning issues included in draft minutes, they should share their opinion during the Community Forum portion of the meeting.) 1. City Council Draft Action Minutes – September 22, 2015  Recommendation: Council approve the City Council Draft Action Minutes of the September 22, 2015 City Council meeting. [City Clerk] 2. August 2015 Accounts Payable and Payroll  Fiscal Impact: $2,514,924.28  Recommendation: Council approve certified accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for August 2015. [Administrative Services] 3. Authorize Representatives to Serve on the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin Advisory Committee  Fiscal Impact: None.  Recommendations: Council: 1. Authorize the Director of Public Works to be the representative for the City of Atascadero on the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin Advisory Committee (PBAC); and 2. Authorize the Deputy Director of Public Works to be the alternate representative for the City of Atascadero on the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin Advisory Committee (PBAC). [Public Works] UPDATES FROM THE CITY MANAGER: (The City Manager will give an oral report on any current issues of concern to the City Council.) COMMUNITY FORUM: (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Council on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Council has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to three minutes. Please state your name for the record before making your presentation. Comments made during Community Forum will not be a subject of discussion. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless changed by the Council. Any members of the public who have questions or need information, may contact the City Clerk’s Office, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at 470-3400, or mtorgerson@atascadero.org.) B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Visit Atascadero’s Branding & City’s Marketing Plan  Fiscal Impact: None.  Recommendations: Council: 1. Adopt the Draft “Visit Atascadero” logo and color palette; and, 2. Adopt the Draft Marketing Plan. [City Manager] COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: (On their own initiative, Council Members may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. Council Members may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda. The Council may take action on items listed on the Agenda.) D. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (The following represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary): Mayor O’Malley 1. City / Schools Committee 2. County Mayors Round Table 3. Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) 4. SLO Council of Governments (SLOCOG) 5. SLO Regional Transit Authority (RTA) Mayor Pro Tem Moreno 1. California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA) Board 2. City of Atascadero Finance Committee (Chair) 3. Economic Vitality Corporation, Board of Directors (EVC) Council Member Fonzi 1. Air Pollution Control District 2. Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero 3. SLO Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) 4. City of Atascadero Design Review Committee 5. SLO County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC) 6. Water Issues Liaison Council Member Kelley 1. Atascadero State Hospital Advisory Committee 2. City of Atascadero Design Review Committee 3. Homeless Services Oversight Council 4. City of Atascadero Finance Committee Council Member Sturtevant 1. City / Schools Committee 2. League of California Cities – Council Liaison E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND / OR ACTION: 1. City Council 2. City Clerk 3. City Treasurer 4. City Attorney 5. City Manager F. ADJOURN Please note: Should anyone challenge any proposed development entitlement listed on this Agenda in court, that person may be limited to raising those issues addressed at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at or prior to this public hearing. Correspondence submitted at this public hearing will be distributed to the Council and available for review in the City Clerk's office. I, Lori Mlynczak Kudzma, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Atascadero, declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing agenda for the October 13, 2015 Regular Session of the Atascadero City Council was posted on October 7, 2015, at the Atascadero City Hall, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, CA 93422 and was available for public review in the Customer Service Center at that location. Signed this 7th day of October, 2015, at Atascadero, California. Lori Mlynczak Kudzma, Deputy City Clerk City of Atascadero City of Atascadero WELCOME TO THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING The City Council meets in regular session on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Council meetings will be held at the City Hall Council Chambers, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero. Matters are considered by the Council in the order of the printed Agenda. Regular Council meetings are televised live, audio recorded and videotaped for future playback. Charter Communication customers may view the meetings on Charter Cable Channel 20 or via the City’s website at www.atascadero.org. Meetings are also broadcast on radio station KPRL AM 1230. Contact the City Clerk for more information (470-3400). Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk and are available for public inspection during City Hall business hours at the Front Counter of City Hall, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, and on our website, www.atascadero.org. Contracts, Resolutions and Ordinances will be allocated a number once they are approved by the City Council. The minutes of this meeting will reflect these numbers. All documents submitted by the public during Council meetings that are either read into th e record or referred to in their statement will be noted in the minutes and available for review in the City Clerk's office . In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City, please contact the City Manager’s Office or the City Clerk’s Office, both at (805) 470-3400. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. TO SPEAK ON SUBJECTS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Under Agenda item, “COMMUNITY FORUM”, the Mayor will call for anyone from the audience having business with the Council to approach the lectern and be recognized. 1. Give your name for the record (not required) 2. State the nature of your business. 3. All comments are limited to 3 minutes. 4. All comments should be made to the Mayor and Council. 5. No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or negative personal remarks concerning any other individual, absent or present This is the time items not on the Agenda may be brought to the Council’s attention. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum (unless changed by the Council). If you wish to use a computer presentation to support your comments, you must notify the City Clerk's office at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Digital presentations must be brought to the meeting on a USB drive or CD. You are required to submit to the City Clerk a printed copy of your presentation for the record. Please check in with the City Clerk befo re the meeting begins to announce your presence and turn in the printed copy. TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS (from Title 2, Chapter 1 of the Atascadero Municipal Code) Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. The Mayor will identify the s ubject, staff will give their report, and the Council will ask questions of staff. The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is open and will request anyone interested to address the Council regarding the matter being considered to step up to the lectern. If you wish to speak for, against or comment in any way: 1. You must approach the lectern and be recognized by the Mayor 2. Give your name (not required) 3. Make your statement 4. All comments should be made to the Mayor and Council 5. No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or negative personal remarks concerning any other individual, absent or present 6. All comments limited to 3 minutes The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is closed, and thereafter, no further public co mments will be heard by the Council. ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 10/13/15 Atascadero City Council September 22, 2015 Page 1 of 6 CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL DRAFT MINUTES Tuesday, September 22, 2015 City Hall Council Chambers, 4th floor 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, California CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION: 5:00 P.M. Mayor O’Malley announced at 5:00 p.m. that the Council is going into Closed Session. 1. CLOSED SESSION -- PUBLIC COMMENT - None 2. COUNCIL LEAVES CHAMBERS TO BEGIN CLOSED SESSION 3. CLOSED SESSION -- CALL TO ORDER a. Conference with Labor Negotiators (Govt. Code Sec. 54957.6) Agency designated representatives: Rachelle Rickard, City Manager Employee Organizations: Atascadero Firefighters Bargaining Unit; Atascadero Police Association; Service Employees International Union, Local 620; Mid-Management/Professional Employees; Non- City Council Closed Session: 5:00 P.M. City Council Regular Session: 6:00 P.M. Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero: Immediately following the City Council Regular Session ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 10/13/15 Atascadero City Council September 22, 2015 Page 2 of 6 Represented Professional and Management Workers and Confidential Employees 4. CLOSED SESSION – ADJOURNMENT 5. COUNCIL RETURNS TO CHAMBERS 6. CLOSED SESSION – REPORT The City Attorney reported that there was no reportable action. REGULAR SESSION – CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 P.M. Mayor O’Malley called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Kelley, Fonzi, Sturtevant, Mayor Pro Tem Moreno, and Mayor O’Malley Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk / Deputy City Manager Marcia McClure Torgerson Staff Present: City Manager Rachelle Rickard, Administrative Services Director Jeri Rangel, Interim Community Development Director Gary Broad, Public Works Director Nick DeBar, Police Chief Jerel Haley, Fire Marshall Tom Peterson, and City Attorney Brian Pierik. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Council Member Sturtevant and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Moreno to approve the agenda. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. PRESENTATIONS: 1. Employee Service Recognition Awards City Manager Rickard presented Service Awards to the following: 5 Years Andrew Luera – Firefighter/Paramedic/Haz Mat ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 10/13/15 Atascadero City Council September 22, 2015 Page 3 of 6 10 Years Dean Pericic – Fire Captain/Paramedic John Taylor – Police Corporal Erin Russell – Support Services Technician 15 Years Annette Manier – Administrative Assistant 20 Years Scott Hallett – Fire Captain Joe Allen – Police Commander 2. North County Connection Recovery Month Proclamation The City Council presented the Proclamation to Susan Warren. 3. Fire Prevention Week Proclamation The City Council presented the Proclamation to Fire Marshall Tom Peterson. 4. Presentation by Peter Williamson of SLO Regional Rideshare Mr. Williamson gave an update presentation to the City Council on SLO Regional Rideshare. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. City Council Draft Action Minutes – September 8, 2015  Recommendation: Council approve the City Council Draft Action Minutes of the September 8, 2015 City Council meeting. [City Clerk] 2. County Health Officer  Fiscal Impact: None.  Recommendation: City Council adopt the Draft Resolution confirming the Council’s consent to the enforcement of all health laws within the City of Atascadero by the San Luis Obispo County Health Officer. [City Manager] 3. Muni Temps Contract Extension  Fiscal Impact: Approximately $23,000 of General Funds.  Recommendation: Council authorize the City Manager to execute a change order in the amount of $23,000 with MuniTemps to provide contract services for an Interim Community Development Director through September 25, 2015 [City Manager] ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 10/13/15 Atascadero City Council September 22, 2015 Page 4 of 6 Mayor O’Malley announced that City Clerk Torgerson asked that #A -2 be pulled from tonight’s agenda as she became aware of additional information earlier today that she would like to incorporate in the staff report and return to the Council on a future agenda. MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Moreno and seconded by Council Member Fonzi to approve #A-1 & 3 of the Consent Calendar. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. UPDATES FROM THE CITY MANAGER: City Manager Rachelle Rickard gave an update on projects and issues within the City. COMMUNITY FORUM: None B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Professional Engineering and Environmental Services for the Phase 2 of the Del Rio Road / US 101 Interchange Project  Fiscal Impact: The fiscal impact of the item under consideration is estimated at $798,500 in budgeted circulation impact fee over the next 18 months. The current budget has $450,000 programmed for FY2015/2016 and another $500,000 for FY2016/2017.  Recommendation: Council: 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Wallace Group to provide professional engineering and environmental services for the Project Approval and Environmental Document (PAED) phase of the Del Rio Road / US 101 Interchange Project for fee not to exceed $798,500; and, 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute a new or amended Cooperative Agreement with Caltrans for the PAED phase of the Del Rio Road / US 101 Interchange Project. Public Works Director Nick DeBar introduced Ron DeCarli of SLOCOG who gave a presentation on Regional Transportation Planning and SLOCOG’s involvement in the process, and answered questions of Council. Public Works Director Nick DeBar gave his the staff report. Public Works Director Nick DeBar introduced Jorge Aguilar with Wallace Group who gave a presentation on their efforts on the Interchange Project, and answered questions of Council. ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 10/13/15 Atascadero City Council September 22, 2015 Page 5 of 6 Public Works Director Nick DeBar summarized the presentations and answered questions from the Council. Mayor O’Malley recessed the meeting at 8:02 p.m. Mayor O’Malley reconvened the meeting at 8:11p.m. Clint Pierce of Madonna Enterprises, owner of the Del Rio Marketplace , encouraged the Council to continue with this Project. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke on this item: Randy Lawrence, and Linda Hendy. Mayor O’Malley closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Mayor O’Malley and seconded by Council Member Fonzi to: 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Wallace Group to provide professional engineering and environmental services for the Project Approval and Environmental Document (PAED) phase of the Del Rio Road / US 101 Interchange Project for fee not to exceed $798,500; and, 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute a new or amended Cooperative Agreement with Caltrans for the PAED phase of the Del Rio Road / US 101 Interchange Project. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. (#1: Contract No. 2015- 019, #2: Contract No. 2015-020) COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: The City Council Members made brief announcements. D. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Mayor Pro Tem Moreno 1. Economic Vitality Corporation, Board of Directors (EVC) – Meets tomorrow. Council Member Fonzi 1. Air Pollution Control District – Meet tomorrow. 2. Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero – Meets Thursday. 3. SLO Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) – Approved the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin District on a 6:1 vote, with Ms. Fonzi being the opposing vote. She voted no because she felt the funding was not accurately produced and did not reflect an accurate account of the District. 4. City of Atascadero Design Review Committee – Meets tomorrow. ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 10/13/15 Atascadero City Council September 22, 2015 Page 6 of 6 5. Water Issues Liaison – Committee meets on Thursday. Council Member Kelley 1. Homeless Services Oversight Council – Met last week. They reported homeless numbers that were significantly lower than two years ago. They are not sure this was an accurate count. They will evaluate the process. Council Member Sturtevant 1. League of California Cities – Council Liaison – Three Council Members, City Manager, and City Clerk will be attending the League’s Annual Conference next week. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND / OR ACTION: None F. ADJOURN Mayor O’Malley adjourned the meeting at 9:21 p.m. MINUTES PREPARED BY: ______________________________________ Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C. City Clerk / Deputy City Manager ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 10/13/15 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of August 2015 2006 08/04/2015 RABOBANK, N.A.48,017.78Payroll Vendor Payment 2007 08/04/2015 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT 12,396.42Payroll Vendor Payment 2008 08/04/2015 EMPLOYMENT DEV. DEPARTMENT 1,717.67Payroll Vendor Payment 146014 08/07/2015 KATHRYN ACOSTA 116.32Accounts Payable Check 146015 08/07/2015 ADVANCED SEPTIC & SEWER SVC 250.00Accounts Payable Check 146016 08/07/2015 A-JAY EXCAVATING, INC.2,098.75Accounts Payable Check 146017 08/07/2015 AMERICAN MARBORG 170.19Accounts Payable Check 146018 08/07/2015 AT&T 287.49Accounts Payable Check 146019 08/07/2015 AT&T 131.65Accounts Payable Check 146020 08/07/2015 ATASCADERO NEWS 576.00Accounts Payable Check 146021 08/07/2015 BLUE TARP FINANCIAL, INC.10.98Accounts Payable Check 146022 08/07/2015 BURKE,WILLIAMS, & SORENSON LLP 35,203.78Accounts Payable Check 146023 08/07/2015 CAL-COAST REFRIGERATION, INC 381.96Accounts Payable Check 146024 08/07/2015 COAST LINE DISTRIBUTING 589.71Accounts Payable Check 146025 08/07/2015 COASTAL COPY, LP 208.20Accounts Payable Check 146026 08/07/2015 COBAN TECHNOLOGIES, INC.850.60Accounts Payable Check 146027 08/07/2015 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 539.00Accounts Payable Check 146028 08/07/2015 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 7,330.63Accounts Payable Check 146029 08/07/2015 STEVEN C. DOSHIER 250.00Accounts Payable Check 146030 08/07/2015 ESCUELA DEL RIO 150.00Accounts Payable Check 146031 08/07/2015 FASTENAL COMPANY 240.94Accounts Payable Check 146032 08/07/2015 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL 2,432.00Accounts Payable Check 146033 08/07/2015 FOOD FOR LESS 43.40Accounts Payable Check 146034 08/07/2015 HANSEN BRO'S CUSTOM FARMING 30,643.20Accounts Payable Check 146035 08/07/2015 J. SOSNICK & SON 237.39Accounts Payable Check 146036 08/07/2015 JIFFY LUBE 88.22Accounts Payable Check 146037 08/07/2015 JK'S UNLIMITED 2,958.13Accounts Payable Check 146038 08/07/2015 KID TEES 278.14Accounts Payable Check 146039 08/07/2015 KW CONSTRUCTION 26,700.00Accounts Payable Check 146040 08/07/2015 L.N. CURTIS & SONS 1,316.75Accounts Payable Check 146041 08/07/2015 LIFE ASSIST, INC.1,095.66Accounts Payable Check 146042 08/07/2015 MICHAEL GLENN INVESTIGATIONS 16,315.77Accounts Payable Check 146043 08/07/2015 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE 134.43Accounts Payable Check 146044 08/07/2015 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE 57.80Accounts Payable Check 146045 08/07/2015 KATIE MULDER 197.13Accounts Payable Check 146046 08/07/2015 PACIFIC MUNICIPAL CONSULTANTS 22,652.50Accounts Payable Check ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 10/13/15 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of August 2015 146047 08/07/2015 PAPICH CONSTRUCTION CO., INC.15,139.83Accounts Payable Check 146048 08/07/2015 PERRY'S PARCEL & GIFT 120.89Accounts Payable Check 146049 08/07/2015 SAN LUIS POWERHOUSE, INC.830.76Accounts Payable Check 146050 08/07/2015 SCOTT DAVIS CONSULTING 787.50Accounts Payable Check 146051 08/07/2015 SCOTT O'BRIEN FIRE & SAFETY CO 1,250.00Accounts Payable Check 146052 08/07/2015 THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY 30.78Accounts Payable Check 146053 08/07/2015 SMART AND FINAL 123.86Accounts Payable Check 146054 08/07/2015 STANTEC CONSULTING SVCS, INC.6,295.00Accounts Payable Check 146055 08/07/2015 TANKS A LOT HYDRO 108.64Accounts Payable Check 146056 08/07/2015 TESCO CONTROLS, INC.782.00Accounts Payable Check 146057 08/07/2015 UNION BANK, N.A.2,331.00Accounts Payable Check 146058 08/07/2015 UNIVAR USA, INC.1,530.14Accounts Payable Check 146059 08/07/2015 VALLEY PACIFIC PETROLEUM SVCS 228.91Accounts Payable Check 146060 08/07/2015 VERIZON WIRELESS 2,825.77Accounts Payable Check 146061 08/07/2015 WELL SEEN SIGN CO., LLC 275.62Accounts Payable Check 146062 08/07/2015 WEST COAST NETTING, INC.4,518.16Accounts Payable Check 146063 08/07/2015 WISHPETS CO.150.58Accounts Payable Check 146064 08/07/2015 A & R CONSTRUCTION 3,254.00Accounts Payable Check 146065 08/07/2015 AHERN RENTALS 4,090.46Accounts Payable Check 146066 08/07/2015 A-JAY EXCAVATING, INC.3,565.00Accounts Payable Check 146067 08/07/2015 AMERICAN MARBORG 108.85Accounts Payable Check 146068 08/07/2015 AMERICAN WEST TIRE & AUTO INC 1,796.77Accounts Payable Check 146069 08/07/2015 ASSOCIATED TRAFFIC SAFETY 165.24Accounts Payable Check 146070 08/07/2015 ATASCADERO HAY & FEED 883.20Accounts Payable Check 146072 08/07/2015 ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER CO.19,071.95Accounts Payable Check 146073 08/07/2015 ATASCADERO PROF. FIREFIGHTERS 110.00Accounts Payable Check 146074 08/07/2015 ATASCADERO ROTARY 172.00Accounts Payable Check 146075 08/07/2015 ATASCADERO TRAFFIC WAY STORAGE 736.00Accounts Payable Check 146076 08/07/2015 BASSETT'S CRICKET RANCH,INC.179.74Accounts Payable Check 146077 08/07/2015 BERRY MAN, INC.699.95Accounts Payable Check 146078 08/07/2015 SHIRLEY R. BRUTON 417.72Accounts Payable Check 146079 08/07/2015 TERRY BUCKLEY 130.38Accounts Payable Check 146080 08/07/2015 CHRISTOPHER M. CARNES 70.00Accounts Payable Check 146081 08/07/2015 CASH 700.00Accounts Payable Check 146082 08/07/2015 CHEVRON & TEXACO BUS. CARD 1,462.96Accounts Payable Check 146083 08/07/2015 KATHLEEN J. CINOWALT 242.20Accounts Payable Check 146084 08/07/2015 CITY OF FRESNO-POLICE DEPT.293.00Accounts Payable Check ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 10/13/15 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of August 2015 146085 08/07/2015 JEREMY L. CLAY 60.00Accounts Payable Check 146086 08/07/2015 COAST ELECTRONICS 1,017.36Accounts Payable Check 146087 08/07/2015 COAST LINE DISTRIBUTING 382.11Accounts Payable Check 146088 08/07/2015 NICHOLAS E. COUGHLIN 780.00Accounts Payable Check 146089 08/07/2015 MATTHEW J. CURRY 160.00Accounts Payable Check 146090 08/07/2015 BRIAN S. DAVIN, JR.120.00Accounts Payable Check 146091 08/07/2015 NICHOLAS DEBAR 300.00Accounts Payable Check 146092 08/07/2015 DOOLEY ENTERPRISES INC 3,247.42Accounts Payable Check 146093 08/07/2015 DRIVE CUSTOMS 225.92Accounts Payable Check 146094 08/07/2015 ED'S FLYMEAT LLC 38.20Accounts Payable Check 146095 08/07/2015 BRANDON S. ERICKSON 392.00Accounts Payable Check 146096 08/07/2015 FARM SUPPLY COMPANY 396.78Accounts Payable Check 146097 08/07/2015 FERRELL'S AUTO REPAIR 632.40Accounts Payable Check 146098 08/07/2015 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL 72.00Accounts Payable Check 146099 08/07/2015 FIRE CHIEFS ASSC OF SLO CO 25.00Accounts Payable Check 146100 08/07/2015 GAS COMPANY 210.24Accounts Payable Check 146101 08/07/2015 ANDREW J. GEFTAKYS 40.00Accounts Payable Check 146102 08/07/2015 GEM AUTO PARTS 249.39Accounts Payable Check 146103 08/07/2015 GOLDEN STATE COPIER & MAILING 61.73Accounts Payable Check 146104 08/07/2015 GRYPHON TRAINING GROUP, INC.150.00Accounts Payable Check 146105 08/07/2015 BRADLEY A. HACKLEMAN 786.00Accounts Payable Check 146106 08/07/2015 HANSEN BRO'S CUSTOM FARMING 10,793.70Accounts Payable Check 146107 08/07/2015 HART IMPRESSIONS PRINT & COPY 161.70Accounts Payable Check 146108 08/07/2015 J. CARROLL CORPORATION 123.66Accounts Payable Check 146109 08/07/2015 HAROLD A. JOHNSTON III 2,238.00Accounts Payable Check 146110 08/07/2015 KABOOM INSTANT RODENT CONTROL 150.00Accounts Payable Check 146111 08/07/2015 KNUCKLEHEAD GRAPHICS 236.00Accounts Payable Check 146112 08/07/2015 ANNETTE MANIER 23.00Accounts Payable Check 146113 08/07/2015 RILEY A. METE 348.00Accounts Payable Check 146114 08/07/2015 MID-COAST MOWER & SAW, INC.324.48Accounts Payable Check 146115 08/07/2015 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE 612.89Accounts Payable Check 146116 08/07/2015 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE 469.59Accounts Payable Check 146117 08/07/2015 REON C MONSON 408.00Accounts Payable Check 146118 08/07/2015 MPI 84.31Accounts Payable Check 146119 08/07/2015 DAVE MUEHLHAUSEN 278.25Accounts Payable Check 146120 08/07/2015 MV TRANSPORTATION, INC.9,223.31Accounts Payable Check 146121 08/07/2015 MWI VETERINARY SUPPLY CO.36.94Accounts Payable Check ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 10/13/15 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of August 2015 146122 08/07/2015 NATIONAL FIRE FIGHTER CORP.220.86Accounts Payable Check 146123 08/07/2015 NORTH COUNTY PLUMBING & DRAIN 408.12Accounts Payable Check 146124 08/07/2015 OFFICE DEPOT INC.671.57Accounts Payable Check 146125 08/07/2015 TARA ORLICK 75.90Accounts Payable Check 146126 08/07/2015 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC 15,425.65Accounts Payable Check 146127 08/07/2015 PALOMAR SELF STORAGE 115.00Accounts Payable Check 146128 08/07/2015 FLAVIA PAROTTI 453.55Accounts Payable Check 146129 08/07/2015 PROCARE JANITORIAL SUPPLY,INC.551.40Accounts Payable Check 146130 08/07/2015 JERI RANGEL 300.00Accounts Payable Check 146131 08/07/2015 RECOGNITION WORKS 81.00Accounts Payable Check 146132 08/07/2015 RACHELLE RICKARD 500.00Accounts Payable Check 146133 08/07/2015 ROB REYNOLDS CONSTRUCTION, INC 1,405.15Accounts Payable Check 146134 08/07/2015 SAFETY DRIVERS ED., LLC.94.50Accounts Payable Check 146135 08/07/2015 SCOTT O'BRIEN FIRE & SAFETY CO 108.00Accounts Payable Check 146136 08/07/2015 SHELL 1,752.74Accounts Payable Check 146137 08/07/2015 THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY 26.59Accounts Payable Check 146138 08/07/2015 VOID 0.00Accounts Payable Check 146139 08/07/2015 SHORIN-RYU KARATE 224.00Accounts Payable Check 146140 08/07/2015 SLO CO AIR POLLUTION CTRL DIST 3,968.00Accounts Payable Check 146141 08/07/2015 SLO CO FIRE TRAINING OFFICERS 75.00Accounts Payable Check 146142 08/07/2015 SMART AND FINAL 507.00Accounts Payable Check 146143 08/07/2015 MARY P. SMITH 216.00Accounts Payable Check 146144 08/07/2015 ALEJANDRO J. SORIANO 1,194.00Accounts Payable Check 146145 08/07/2015 SPENCER'S MUFFLERS 1,051.20Accounts Payable Check 146146 08/07/2015 STANLEY CONVERGENT SECURITY 523.58Accounts Payable Check 146147 08/07/2015 STORMWIND, LLC 6,090.00Accounts Payable Check 146148 08/07/2015 STEVEN STUCKY 77.00Accounts Payable Check 146149 08/07/2015 SUNLIGHT JANITORIAL 135.00Accounts Payable Check 146150 08/07/2015 DAVA C. SUTHERLAND 423.30Accounts Payable Check 146151 08/07/2015 SWANK MOTION PICTURES, INC.351.00Accounts Payable Check 146152 08/07/2015 THRIVE TRAINING CENTER 3.50Accounts Payable Check 146153 08/07/2015 THE TOP SHOP UPHOLSTERY 388.00Accounts Payable Check 146154 08/07/2015 TRACE ANALYTICS, LLC 330.00Accounts Payable Check 146155 08/07/2015 ANTHONY J. TRAVERSO 38.00Accounts Payable Check 146156 08/07/2015 UNITED STAFFING ASSC., INC.1,584.00Accounts Payable Check 146157 08/07/2015 USA BLUE BOOK 722.02Accounts Payable Check 146158 08/07/2015 SABRINA T. VAN BEEK 209.00Accounts Payable Check ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 10/13/15 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of August 2015 146159 08/07/2015 WEST COAST AUTO & TOWING, INC.80.00Accounts Payable Check 146160 08/07/2015 WEX BANK - 76 UNIVERSL 16,101.18Accounts Payable Check 146161 08/07/2015 KAREN B. WYKE 629.10Accounts Payable Check 2009 08/14/2015 STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 408.46Payroll Vendor Payment 2010 08/14/2015 HEALTHEQUITY, INC.4,360.85Payroll Vendor Payment 146162 08/14/2015 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION 40.00Payroll Vendor Payment 146163 08/14/2015 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS 1,186.25Payroll Vendor Payment 146164 08/14/2015 ATASCADERO PROF. FIREFIGHTERS 864.25Payroll Vendor Payment 146165 08/14/2015 FLEX-PLAN SERVICES INC.1,637.51Payroll Vendor Payment 146166 08/14/2015 HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE 8,019.62Payroll Vendor Payment 146167 08/14/2015 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION 1,153.44Payroll Vendor Payment 146168 08/14/2015 SEIU LOCAL 620 802.16Payroll Vendor Payment 146169 08/14/2015 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 106099 288.29Payroll Vendor Payment 146170 08/14/2015 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 304633 3,131.94Payroll Vendor Payment 2011 08/17/2015 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 23,219.88Payroll Vendor Payment 2012 08/17/2015 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 37,702.27Payroll Vendor Payment 2013 08/17/2015 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 2,094.47Payroll Vendor Payment 2014 08/17/2015 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 2,013.87Payroll Vendor Payment 2015 08/17/2015 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 1,320.25Payroll Vendor Payment 2016 08/17/2015 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 2,247.94Payroll Vendor Payment 2017 08/17/2015 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 4,506.39Payroll Vendor Payment 2018 08/18/2015 RABOBANK, N.A.66,272.46Payroll Vendor Payment 2019 08/18/2015 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT 19,183.79Payroll Vendor Payment 2020 08/18/2015 EMPLOYMENT DEV. DEPARTMENT 1,905.98Payroll Vendor Payment 146171 08/21/2015 ASSOCIATED TRAFFIC SAFETY 148.61Accounts Payable Check 146172 08/21/2015 BELL'S PLUMBING REPAIR, INC.1,029.00Accounts Payable Check 146173 08/21/2015 BIG RED MARKETING, INC.10,000.00Accounts Payable Check 146174 08/21/2015 BIRD-X, INC.23.80Accounts Payable Check 146175 08/21/2015 BURT INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 130.25Accounts Payable Check 146176 08/21/2015 CA CODE CHECK, INC.5,429.80Accounts Payable Check 146177 08/21/2015 CA FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY ASSC 400.00Accounts Payable Check 146178 08/21/2015 ELECTRICRAFT, INC.15,979.03Accounts Payable Check 146179 08/21/2015 JK'S UNLIMITED 1,485.06Accounts Payable Check 146180 08/21/2015 K & M INTERNATIONAL 1,153.05Accounts Payable Check 146181 08/21/2015 KRITZ EXCAVATING & TRUCKNG INC 224.15Accounts Payable Check ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 10/13/15 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of August 2015 146182 08/21/2015 MADRONE LANDSCAPES, INC.6,230.75Accounts Payable Check 146183 08/21/2015 MICHAEL K. NUNLEY & ASSC, INC.1,100.00Accounts Payable Check 146184 08/21/2015 MUNITEMPS 9,500.00Accounts Payable Check 146185 08/21/2015 NAVAJO ROCK & BLOCK 257.25Accounts Payable Check 146186 08/21/2015 PAVEMENT ENGINEERING, INC.11,630.00Accounts Payable Check 146187 08/21/2015 PENGUIN RANDOM HOUSE, LLC 286.99Accounts Payable Check 146188 08/21/2015 PIERCE MANUFACTURING, INC.140,234.00Accounts Payable Check 146189 08/21/2015 RECOGNITION WORKS 4.00Accounts Payable Check 146190 08/21/2015 TURNOUT MAINTENANCE CO., LLC 512.00Accounts Payable Check 146192 08/21/2015 U.S. BANK 12,210.76Accounts Payable Check 146193 08/21/2015 VOID 0.00Accounts Payable Check 146194 08/21/2015 WALLACE GROUP 23,586.20Accounts Payable Check 146195 08/21/2015 WILLIAM AVERY & ASSC., INC.842.94Accounts Payable Check 146196 08/21/2015 AGP VIDEO, INC.1,830.00Accounts Payable Check 146197 08/21/2015 AIRGAS USA, LLC 203.25Accounts Payable Check 146198 08/21/2015 ALL SIGNS AND GRAPHICS, LLC 30.78Accounts Payable Check 146199 08/21/2015 ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES INC 173.00Accounts Payable Check 146200 08/21/2015 AMERICAN WEST TIRE & AUTO INC 1,236.00Accounts Payable Check 146201 08/21/2015 ATASCADERO GLASS, INC.340.00Accounts Payable Check 146202 08/21/2015 ATASCADERO HAY & FEED 1,213.87Accounts Payable Check 146203 08/21/2015 ATASCADERO PROF. FIREFIGHTERS 110.00Accounts Payable Check 146204 08/21/2015 AURORA WORLD, INC.804.14Accounts Payable Check 146205 08/21/2015 BARRY-OWEN CO., INC.174.93Accounts Payable Check 146206 08/21/2015 BASSETT'S CRICKET RANCH,INC.66.37Accounts Payable Check 146207 08/21/2015 BERRY MAN, INC.334.95Accounts Payable Check 146208 08/21/2015 BIG RED MARKETING, INC.2,500.00Accounts Payable Check 146209 08/21/2015 BRADS OVERHEAD DOORS, INC.1,480.00Accounts Payable Check 146210 08/21/2015 BREZDEN PEST CONTROL, INC.160.00Accounts Payable Check 146211 08/21/2015 CA HIGHWAY PATROL 200.00Accounts Payable Check 146212 08/21/2015 CA PARKS & RECREATION 50.00Accounts Payable Check 146213 08/21/2015 CENTRAL CA ASA 375.00Accounts Payable Check 146214 08/21/2015 CERTIFIED FOLDER DISPLAY SVC 7,511.62Accounts Payable Check 146215 08/21/2015 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO 4,000.00Accounts Payable Check 146216 08/21/2015 COAST ELECTRONICS 795.44Accounts Payable Check 146217 08/21/2015 COAST LINE DISTRIBUTING 173.65Accounts Payable Check 146218 08/21/2015 CORELOGIC SOLUTIONS, LLC.125.00Accounts Payable Check 146219 08/21/2015 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER 91.25Accounts Payable Check ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 10/13/15 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of August 2015 146220 08/21/2015 CULLIGAN/CENTRAL COAST WTR TRT 70.00Accounts Payable Check 146221 08/21/2015 THE DAVEY TREE EXPERT COMPANY 285.00Accounts Payable Check 146222 08/21/2015 BRIAN S. DAVIN, JR.180.00Accounts Payable Check 146223 08/21/2015 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 49.00Accounts Payable Check 146224 08/21/2015 DOCUTEAM 132.53Accounts Payable Check 146225 08/21/2015 CHARITY DOHERTY 68.50Accounts Payable Check 146226 08/21/2015 DRIVE CUSTOMS 7,389.44Accounts Payable Check 146227 08/21/2015 ECONOMIC VITALITY CORPORATION 5,000.00Accounts Payable Check 146228 08/21/2015 EXECUTIVE INFORMATION SERVICES 26,532.45Accounts Payable Check 146229 08/21/2015 FARM SUPPLY COMPANY 704.28Accounts Payable Check 146230 08/21/2015 FEDERAL SIGNAL CORP.110.21Accounts Payable Check 146231 08/21/2015 FERRELL'S AUTO REPAIR 718.48Accounts Payable Check 146232 08/21/2015 GAS COMPANY 42.46Accounts Payable Check 146233 08/21/2015 ANDREW J. GEFTAKYS 60.00Accounts Payable Check 146234 08/21/2015 GEM AUTO PARTS 553.73Accounts Payable Check 146235 08/21/2015 GREEN TRADING USA 149.85Accounts Payable Check 146236 08/21/2015 HART IMPRESSIONS PRINT & COPY 144.06Accounts Payable Check 146237 08/21/2015 EVELYN R. INGRAM 789.74Accounts Payable Check 146238 08/21/2015 THE INK CO.253.68Accounts Payable Check 146239 08/21/2015 J. CARROLL CORPORATION 33.36Accounts Payable Check 146240 08/21/2015 JIFFY LUBE 47.09Accounts Payable Check 146241 08/21/2015 JK'S UNLIMITED 1,878.52Accounts Payable Check 146242 08/21/2015 K & M INTERNATIONAL 811.34Accounts Payable Check 146243 08/21/2015 KPRL 1230 AM 160.00Accounts Payable Check 146244 08/21/2015 MADRONE LANDSCAPES, INC.742.50Accounts Payable Check 146245 08/21/2015 MICHAEL FREDERICK PAVING,INC.35,955.50Accounts Payable Check 146246 08/21/2015 MID-COAST MOWER & SAW, INC.93.44Accounts Payable Check 146247 08/21/2015 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE 620.86Accounts Payable Check 146248 08/21/2015 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE 221.38Accounts Payable Check 146249 08/21/2015 BRETT MOBLEY 281.00Accounts Payable Check 146250 08/21/2015 MULLAHEY CDJR 125.00Accounts Payable Check 146251 08/21/2015 RAYMOND L. MULLIKIN 2,064.45Accounts Payable Check 146252 08/21/2015 MWI VETERINARY SUPPLY CO.111.13Accounts Payable Check 146253 08/21/2015 NATIONAL RECREATION & PARK ASC 165.00Accounts Payable Check 146254 08/21/2015 NORTH COAST ENGINEERING INC.768.60Accounts Payable Check 146255 08/21/2015 OFFICE DEPOT INC.1,388.91Accounts Payable Check 146256 08/21/2015 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC.15.10Accounts Payable Check ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 10/13/15 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of August 2015 146258 08/21/2015 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC 36,371.03Accounts Payable Check 146259 08/21/2015 PASO ROBLES FORD LINCOLN MERC 312.65Accounts Payable Check 146260 08/21/2015 PERRY'S PARCEL & GIFT 30.66Accounts Payable Check 146261 08/21/2015 PHILLIPS INTERNATIONAL, INC.412.20Accounts Payable Check 146262 08/21/2015 SCOTT E. PIPAN 128.00Accounts Payable Check 146263 08/21/2015 PRO TOW 80.00Accounts Payable Check 146264 08/21/2015 PROCARE JANITORIAL SUPPLY,INC.201.77Accounts Payable Check 146265 08/21/2015 REDWOOD TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY 171.19Accounts Payable Check 146266 08/21/2015 DALLAN M. ROETKER 30.00Accounts Payable Check 146267 08/21/2015 ERIN RUSSELL 2,573.85Accounts Payable Check 146268 08/21/2015 SCOVELL TREE SURGERY 1,050.00Accounts Payable Check 146269 08/21/2015 JOHN C. SIEMENS 472.50Accounts Payable Check 146270 08/21/2015 SLO COUNTY OES-HAZ MAT TEAM 5,000.00Accounts Payable Check 146271 08/21/2015 CONNER M. SPEARS 1,584.00Accounts Payable Check 146272 08/21/2015 STANLEY CONVERGENT SECURITY 246.06Accounts Payable Check 146273 08/21/2015 STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION 1,692.00Accounts Payable Check 146274 08/21/2015 STONEAGE ARTS, INC.245.96Accounts Payable Check 146275 08/21/2015 SUN BADGE COMPANY 432.15Accounts Payable Check 146276 08/21/2015 SUNLIGHT JANITORIAL 1,011.00Accounts Payable Check 146277 08/21/2015 SWAT TRAUMA ASSISTANCE TRNG 750.00Accounts Payable Check 146278 08/21/2015 TANKS A LOT HYDRO 81.50Accounts Payable Check 146279 08/21/2015 TOPLINE PRODUCTS, INC.121.54Accounts Payable Check 146280 08/21/2015 TOWN & COUNTRY FENCING 2,687.00Accounts Payable Check 146281 08/21/2015 TOYSMITH 451.80Accounts Payable Check 146282 08/21/2015 THE TRIBUNE 311.90Accounts Payable Check 146283 08/21/2015 TURNOUT MAINTENANCE CO., LLC 602.00Accounts Payable Check 146286 08/21/2015 U.S. BANK 19,477.38Accounts Payable Check 146287 08/21/2015 ULTREX BUSINESS PRODUCTS 129.82Accounts Payable Check 146288 08/21/2015 UNITED STAFFING ASSC., INC.1,767.15Accounts Payable Check 146289 08/21/2015 US FOODS, INC.331.29Accounts Payable Check 146290 08/21/2015 IWINA M. VAN BEEK 40.00Accounts Payable Check 146291 08/21/2015 VERDIN 2,064.00Accounts Payable Check 146292 08/21/2015 VITCO FOODSERVICE 344.04Accounts Payable Check 146293 08/21/2015 WALLACE GROUP 9,982.45Accounts Payable Check 146294 08/21/2015 WARM FUZZY TOYS 208.74Accounts Payable Check 146295 08/21/2015 BRANDON J. WELLS 392.00Accounts Payable Check 146296 08/21/2015 WEST COAST AUTO & TOWING, INC.4,322.52Accounts Payable Check ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 10/13/15 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of August 2015 146297 08/21/2015 WESTERN JANITOR SUPPLY 144.94Accounts Payable Check 146298 08/21/2015 WHITLOCK & WEINBERGER TRANS.3,452.50Accounts Payable Check 146299 08/21/2015 WILKINS ACTION GRAPHICS 226.77Accounts Payable Check 146300 08/21/2015 XO PANDORA 1,000.00Accounts Payable Check 2021 08/24/2015 BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON 595,511.25Accounts Payable Check 146301 08/25/2015 THE RIGHT ANGLE, INC.16,500.00Accounts Payable Check 146302 08/25/2015 ALLSTATE WORKPLACE DIVISION 2,477.65Payroll Vendor Payment 146303 08/25/2015 BLUE SHIELD OF CALIFORNIA 125,412.94Payroll Vendor Payment 146304 08/25/2015 LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INS CO 1,353.47Payroll Vendor Payment 146305 08/25/2015 MEDICAL EYE SERVICES 1,667.27Payroll Vendor Payment 146306 08/25/2015 PREFERRED BENEFITS INSURANCE 9,458.40Payroll Vendor Payment 146307 08/27/2015 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION 40.00Payroll Vendor Payment 146308 08/27/2015 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS 1,186.25Payroll Vendor Payment 146309 08/27/2015 ATASCADERO PROF. FIREFIGHTERS 864.25Payroll Vendor Payment 146310 08/27/2015 HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE 8,019.62Payroll Vendor Payment 146311 08/27/2015 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION 1,449.59Payroll Vendor Payment 146312 08/27/2015 NAVIA BENEFIT SOLUTIONS 1,637.51Payroll Vendor Payment 146313 08/27/2015 NAVIA BENEFIT SOLUTIONS 70.00Payroll Vendor Payment 146314 08/27/2015 SEIU LOCAL 620 802.16Payroll Vendor Payment 146315 08/27/2015 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 106099 288.29Payroll Vendor Payment 146316 08/27/2015 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 304633 2,936.16Payroll Vendor Payment 2022 08/28/2015 STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 408.46Payroll Vendor Payment 2023 08/28/2015 HEALTHEQUITY, INC.4,360.85Payroll Vendor Payment 2024 08/28/2015 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 23,262.67Payroll Vendor Payment 2025 08/28/2015 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 37,347.82Payroll Vendor Payment 2026 08/28/2015 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 945.12Payroll Vendor Payment 2027 08/28/2015 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 2,013.87Payroll Vendor Payment 2028 08/28/2015 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 1,567.86Payroll Vendor Payment 2029 08/28/2015 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 2,247.94Payroll Vendor Payment 2030 08/28/2015 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 4,027.11Payroll Vendor Payment $1,868,360.16 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 10/13/15 ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: 10/13/15 Atascadero City Council Staff Report – Public Works Authorize Representatives to Serve on the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin Advisory Committee RECOMMENDATIONS: Council: 1. Authorize the Director of Public Works to be the representative for the City of Atascadero on the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin Advisory Committee (PBAC); and 2. Authorize the Deputy Director of Public Works to be the alternate representative for the City of Atascadero on the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin Advisory Committee (PBAC). DISCUSSION: In response to decreasing aquifer levels, the SLO County Board of Supervisors approved an ad-hoc committee, known as the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin Blue Ribbon Steering Committee, to coordinate stakeholders to implement a newly published Paso Robles Groundwater Basin Management plan. The Blue Ribbon Committee was formed in March 2011 and had a two -year term. The Board of Supervisors formed the PBAC after the Blue Ribbon Steering Committee’s term had expired to further develop recommendations from the Blue Ribbon Steering Committee. The former Director of Public Works was the Atascadero representative on the Blue Ribbon Steering Committee. There is currently a vacant seat to represent the City of Atascadero on the PBAC. The purpose of the PBAC is to advise the County Board of Supervisors on matters concerning policy decisions relating to implementation of the Basin Groundwater Management Plan. The Committee is a technical committee charged with developing an “enhanced” Groundwater Management Plan for the Basin, formation of a new water district, and other related policies and ordinances. Similar to the Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC), a member and alternate are designated to represent the City’s membership on the PBAC. The member and ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: 10/13/15 alternate are nominated by the City and considered for confirmation by the County Board of Supervisors. Unlike the WRAC, the PBAC is comprised primarily of technical representatives from various jurisdictions such as the Monterey County Water Resource Agency, various community services districts, the cities of SLO, Paso Robles and Atascadero, along with at large agriculture and residential representatives. The PBAC is coordinated by the Water Resources Division of the SLO County Public Works Department. Because of the technical nature of this committee, staff recommends appointing the Public Works Director as the representative, with the Deputy Public Works Director as the alternate representative. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: 1. PBAC Bylaws Approved by the Board of Supervisors – December 9, 2014 PASO ROBLES GROUNDWATER BASIN ADVISORY COMMITTEE BYLAWS Article I: Purpose The purpose of the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin (Basin) Advisory Committee (Committee) is to advise the Board of Supervisors (BOS), acting either as the San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District or San Luis Obispo County, concerning policy decisions relating to: 1. Implementation of the Basin Groundwater Management Plan 2. Development of a “enhanced” Groundwater Management Plan for the Basin 3. Formation of a new water district 4. Transition of an initial County-supported district to an independent district 5. Other policies and ordinances The Committee will also serve as a public forum to discuss and collect comments on Basin issues. Article II: Structure This committee will be an official advisory committee to the BOS. The BOS will approve committee structure, solicit qualified applicants in accordance with Maddy Act requirements and will approve committee members. Article III: Time Frame This committee will sunset after a period of two years, however the BOS has the option to extend the time frame as needed. Article IV: Members A) Members representing Agencies, Organizations and Associations  The following agencies, organizations and associations may nominate a member and an alternate: City of Paso Robles Atascadero Mutual Water Company City of Atascadero Templeton Community Service District San Miguel Community Services District Monterey County Water Resources Agency County of Monterey (Resource Management Agency) Shandon (County Service Area 16) Paso Robles Imperiled Overlying Rights (PRIOR) Paso Robles Wine Country Alliance Central Coast Vineyard Team ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: 10/13/15 ATTACHMENT: 1 PASO BASIN ADVISORY COMMITTEE BYLAWS Page 2 of 3 Approved by the Board of Supervisors – December 9, 2014 San Luis Obispo County Farm Bureau San Luis Obispo County Cattlemen’s Association Upper Salinas-Las Tablas Resource Conservation District City of San Luis Obispo B) At Large Members  All positions will have a member and an alternate member  Qualified applicants live and/or have a business within the Basin One At-Large viticulture agriculturalist One At-Large non-viticulture irrigated crop agriculturalist One At-Large environmental representative One At-Large rural representative (District 1 appointment) One At-Large rural representative (District 5 appointment) Five At-Large rural residential representatives One At-Large (Undesignated) C) Members are encouraged to provide an update on water resource issues relevant to their group or agency at least once per year. D) Three successive unexcused absences of a member without notifying the Committee, if no alternate is representing the member, shall be cause for the member to be dropped from the Committee and the member’s agency shall be notified and nomination of a new representative requested. E) This Committee shall comply with all applicable laws, including the Ralph M. Brown Act. Article V: Meetings 1. Meetings shall be held on the third Thursday of each month. If a majority vote of members present in a regular meeting approve, any regular meeting may be postponed if it would fall on a holiday. 2. Meetings shall begin at 2:00 p.m. and shall continue for no more than two hours unless extended time is approved by a majority vote. 3. The Chairperson, or the Vice Chairperson in the Chairperson’s absence, may call a Special Meeting after proper notification of the Committee members. Proper notification shall be deemed to have been met if such notification is written and is delivered personally, by mail, by email with a confirmation receipt, or by direct contact by telephone at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting. 4. Meetings may be canceled by vote of the committee in a meeting. If there are insufficient items to justify a meeting it may be canceled by agreement between the Chairperson and Secretary. Notice of canceled meetings shall be the same as for special meetings. 5. Fourteen members, or their alternates in their absence, shall constitute a quorum. ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: 10/13/15 ATTACHMENT: 1 PASO BASIN ADVISORY COMMITTEE BYLAWS Page 3 of 3 Approved by the Board of Supervisors – December 9, 2014 6. Any decision or recommendation to the Board of Supervisors shall require a majority vote by Committee members present, or their alternates, for passage. 7. Every member shall have one vote. This vote may be cast by the member or the alternate. 8. Meetings shall be open to the public and members of other governmental agencies. Visitors may express opinions or make requests during public comment. The Chairperson may open and close the meeting to public comment. Article VI: Officers 1. Officers of the Committee shall consist of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Secretary. 2. The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Committee shall be selected from the members of the Committee and elected by a majority vote of the members present. The Secretary shall be County Public Works staff assigned annually by the County Public Works Department Director. 3. Election of Officers shall be done annually at the March meeting of the Committee. 4. Vacated elected offices shall be filled by election by the Committee. The Vice-Chairperson shall assume the Chairpersonship in the event of absence of the Chairperson. Article VII: Administration 1. The Secretary, in cooperation with the Chairperson, shall prepare the agenda for each regular and special meeting of the Committee. Any Committee member may contact the Secretary and Chairperson and request that an item be placed on the regular meeting agenda no later than 4:30 p.m. twelve calendar days prior to the applicable meeting date. Such a request must be also submitted in writing either at the time of communication with the Secretary or delivered to the County Public Works Department within the next working day. Consideration of the request by the Secretary, in cooperation with the Chairperson, for inclusion on the agenda will be limited to include review for consistency with District and Board of Supervisors priorities, the mandate of the Committee, and available time. 2. The Chairperson, in cooperation with the Secretary, shall prepare an Annual Report for review by the Committee no later than the March meeting date. The Annual Report shall include a summary of Committee activities, actions and outcomes for the previous year, and current status of continuing efforts. The Annual Report shall be forwarded to the Board of Supervisors after review by the Committee. 3. Bylaws shall be reviewed annually for recommended updates or more often if requested by the Board of Supervisors. ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: 10/13/15 ATTACHMENT: 1 ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: 10/13/15 ATTACHMENT: 1 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 10/13/15 Atascadero City Council Staff Report – City Manager’s Office Visit Atascadero’s Branding & City’s Marketing Plan RECOMMENDATIONS: Council: 1. Adopt the Draft “Visit Atascadero” logo and color palette; and, 2. Adopt the Draft Marketing Plan. DISCUSSION: As a follow up to the Ten Year Visioning Workshop in May of 2015, a workshop was held to develop a Tourism & Promotion Game Plan (Game Plan). The Game Plan included the “Story of Change” for the next 3 years, including the strategic priorities and indicators of success below: ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 10/13/15 The Game Plan designated 2015 as the year to “Build the Foundation” and strategic priorities for the year include developing an integrated Marketing Plan and setting brand standards. Since that workshop, work has continued on establishing a brand and developing a City marketing plan. History: Verdin was hired in June to assist with the first step in an overall Marketing Plan to highlight the City’s assets, attract tourism and improve the City for resid ents. The tourism focus, in conjunction with the ATBID, is to attract visitors to come to Atascadero; and the City’s focus is to have those visitors, city residents and SLO County residents, stay, spend and enjoy Atascadero. The Special Meeting held on June 11, 2015, was the first stage of the branding exercise to define the people, characteristics and the attractions that make Atascadero unique. In this meeting, we reviewed the Branding Process, and completed a five senses exercise. This work in conjunction with the work done at the two previous Coraggio -facilitated City Council Strategic Planning sessions, would be the basis for the development of a brand for Visit Atascadero. ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 10/13/15 At the July City Council meeting, Verdin Marketing presented the research and concept logos that were developed based on the Ten-Year Visioning Workshop Report from the Coraggio Group and on the input generated at the June 11 th Special Meeting. The City Council provided some feedback to Verdin on the presentation and the black and white concept logos. At the August meeting, Verdin presented a refined logo for Council consideration and received input from the Council that there were concerns with the logo and questions as to whether the logo truly represented the vision that the Co uncil had established at their strategic planning sessions with Coraggio Group. After the August meeting, staff from both Verdin and Coraggio Group reviewed Council’s comments from all of the visioning meetings, to jointly arrive at proposed concepts that met the needs of the Visit Atascadero brand. This collaboration of the Council’s vision/input; Verdin’s expertise in graphics and markets; and Coraggio Group’s expertise in understanding both the development of Council’s vision and branding/marketing, produced a choice of two logos that reflected the Atascadero sense of place, while at the same time fulfilling its job of simple brand recognition for all types of marketing materials. On September 25th, a Special Council Meeting was held to discuss branding and the Marketing Plan. At the meeting, Council Members, lodging owners, Chamber of Commerce representatives and members of the general public sat at the table to discuss work that had been accomplished over the past year. Items discussed included:  Council 10 Year Vision: “Atascadero is a beautiful and authentic City of outdoor recreation, culinary adventures, and welcoming hospitality. It’s a safe place where the arts and history thrive, and the diversity of experienc e, generosity of spirit, and small-town ambiance are here to be enjoyed by visitors and residents alike.” – by City Council at 8/31/14 Strategic Planning Session with Coraggio Group”  Unique Selling Proposition: “Atascadero is California as it used to be. With classic roots, Atascadero is a traditional American town that offers authentic experiences with a blend of affordability and access to family friendly activities.” – by Verdin Marketing  Five Senses Exercise  Role of a Logo: A logo has to be versatile, distinctive and aesthetically pleasing; it has to instill a sense of place; and it has to appeal to our target audiences.  Council Feedback on Previous Logo Ideas: Council indicated that they would like a logo that represents the past with a nod to the future; and that is easy to read and recognize. Branding: The two refined logos were then presented by Verdin Marketing. Each logo was discussed in several different contexts with examples shown from two Savor print ads, as well as how the logo looked standing alone. While there were refinements suggested, the overwhelming support was for the first logo. ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 10/13/15 The logo selected is simple, versatile, and reflects a sense of place, with the arch in the word “Visit” reflecting the arch of the rotunda at City Hall. It was felt that the logo’s simplicity would appeal to our target audience and would be easy to read. While the font is reminiscent of our past (Caladero font used as inspiration), it is not dated and has a feeling of movement toward the future. The word “Atascadero” is quite prominent so if it was placed on a billboard, you could read the word at a glance. The simplicity stands out on pictures and print ads, leaving the focus on the picture itself and the word “Atascadero.” The logo is consistent with the brand’s vision and unique selling proposition, and would work well in the variety of creative messaging and marketing mediums from :30 TV commercials to billboards. After review of both logos by all attendees, there was agreement to bring the first logo (with possible refinements) back to Council for approval. Below is the refined logo with the additional refinements made: Logo Refinements:  Verdin explored lighter font for the word "visit" but does not recommend a lighter font. The lighter font would have to be larger; however, it was felt that it would still not be as easy to read as the original option presented above.  The font spacing on the chosen logo was fine tuned. ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 10/13/15 Two color palates were also reviewed at the Special Meeting and a general consensus was reached to swap out the different colors and bring back the palette below for review and approval. Below is the color palette as revised by the September 25 th meeting input: Color Palette Refinements:  The color changes are more vibrant and brighter.  The golden color was added to the palette for a warmer tone. The yellow gold chosen reflects a warm, earthy tone you find in Atascadero. Taglines are a way to reinforce the brand ’s vision and the use of taglines help connect the definition of what we have to offer in Atascadero with our target audience s. Taglines provide a clear message of what our brand is about as well as the experience. They elicit emotion or action and paint a picture of our personality. In our branding workshop, we identified the 5 Senses that define our brand’s vision and the tagline is an extension to reinforce this vision. Following is a summary of the 5 Senses for Atascadero: ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 10/13/15 The taglines were presented on August 11th and in our Special Meeting on September 25th, we used one for reference being “Simply Genuine.” There are seven taglines that we can use for the logo based on the creative and the audience being targeted. Most taglines will be used in our primary market area defined as northern Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties. The logo with “California” at the bottom will be used to market out of our area. The seven different taglines are as follows: California as it used to be; Genuinely crafted; Memories made here; Live. Laugh. Linger.; Crafted in rich history and down-home hospitality; Rich in History & Genuine Hospitality, and Simply Genuine. Taglines are interchangeable based on the advertising message. It’s not necessary to have to choose one tagline or use a tagline. Marketing Plan: The Draft Marketing Plan for the City was also reviewed in detail at the September 25th meeting. The City’s Marketing Plan is designed to promote the City’s businesses, assets and events that appeal to local and County residents as well as encourage visitors who are already here to stay, spend and enjoy. The objectives of this Plan outline an event portfolio and action plan, establish an ongoing promotional and advertising campaign, focus on outreach to our business community with emphasis on shopping local, and measures performance in order to make adjustments where necessary based on results. The Marketing Plan integrates and complements the information from the Atascadero Tourism & Promotion Game Plan by the Corag gio Group and the Atascadero Tourism (ATBID) Marketing Plan by Verdin Marketing. At the September 25th meeting, Council made several recommendations on the marketing program. The following did not require changes to the Marketing Plan, but instead will be developed as part of the program: ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 10/13/15  Destination Asset Inventory – A detailed list of City and other local venues, locations and assets will be developed by staff as part of the Destination Asset Inventory in order to facilitate attracting special events. The inventory will include details such as capacity, costs, parking, amenities and other information needed by parties interested in holding events.  Local Food Strategy – As part of the overall Marketing Plan to promote City businesses, staff will implement a marketing strategy to inform people of the great food options in town.  True Cost Event Accounting – As part of the performance measures and to evaluate the effectiveness of the dollars spent, staff will be tracking the true cost of each event including all materials, supplies, venue costs, and staff time. The relative success and cost of each event will then be evaluated for effectiveness.  Events - Council asked for a defined criteria on the Sponsorship Events and more refined definition of Tier 1, 2 & 3 Events. Staff is working on specific criteria to evaluate City sponsorship of events , both those that have historically been put on by the City, and those where the City partners with an outside agency or group to assist with an event. Staff is revie wing successful programs in other cities and areas and will be bringing a written policy and forms to the Council at a future meeting for approval. Conclusion: At their May 15, 2015 Tourism & Promotion Game Plan Workshop, Council stated that two of the indicators of success in 2015 for their Tourism & Promotion Game Plan would be (1) A Completed Marketing Plan and (2) A Completed Brand Plan. Since that May 2015 meeting, a significant amount of work and community input has gone into developing both a Marketing Plan and Brand Plan that meets the Council’s ten-year vision. Adoption of the logo, color palette, tagline and Marketing Plan will continue to move the City forward on implementation of the Tourism & Promotion Game Plan. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Visit Atascadero Logo 2. Draft Visit Atascadero Color Palette 3. City’s Marketing Plan Draft 2015-16 4. Atascadero Tourism & Promotion Game Plan ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 10/13/15 ATTACHMENT: 1 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 10/13/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 10/13/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 10/13/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 10/13/15 ATTACHMENT: 3 City of Atascadero 2015-16 Draft Marketing Plan Executive Summary The City of Atascadero Marketing Plan is designed to promote the City’s assets and events that appeal to local and County residents as well as encourage visitors who are already here to stay, spend and enjoy. The Plan is designed with a focus on local businesses to attract and promote shopping local. Growth in retail and restaurant sales will help attract more business to the area, which would then foster economic growth. This Marketing Plan integrates and complements the information from the Atascadero Tourism & Promotion Game Plan by the Coraggio Group and the Atascadero Tourism (ATBID) Marketing Plan by Verdin Marketing. The City’s assets are defined as the Downtown core with historic City Hall, Galaxy Theater, Charles Paddock Zoo, Faces of Freedom Veterans Memorial, Atascadero Lake Park, Pavilion on the Lake , A- Town Skate Park and Chalk Mountain Golf Course. Target Audience Visitors, Local residents, SLO County residents Geographic Markets  In Market: Local & County Residents  Outer Market: o Primary Market: Central Valley, Northern Santa Barbara County & Salinas/ Monterey County o Secondary Market: Reflects County tourism efforts to reach South Bay/ Bay Area & Ventura/ LA/ OC markets. Behavioral Target  Market to the local and County residents across all ages, families, active retirees, children  Follows Atascadero ATBID Marketing Plan “Personas” defined by Trip Advisor that present the most opportunity for travel in 2015 for Visitors coming from outside of our area: o Millennials with no children from 28-35 years old. o Families aged 25-54 with more than one school aged child. ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 10/13/15 ATTACHMENT: 3 o Retirees and Baby Boomers over 55, either couples or social groups often “inter- generationally” traveling with extended family (but often paying for family members). o Childless couples from 30-54 years old. o “Bleisure” travelers who combine work travel with extra days with family or friends at a destination. o Key event travelers While most Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) want to target millennial travelers, research continues to show that 40-60 year olds still travel the most and have the most discretionary income. However, future travelers will come from the Millennial age groups and they still have strong preferences for their vacations:  36% of Millennials want a beach vacation this year  35% of Millennials want a “culture–oriented” trip  24% of Millennials want adventure-oriented trips  7 out of 10 Millennials report they have FOMO (Fear of Missing Out!) o Secondary Research – California Tourism Trends – California travel is at an all- time high due to road trips being more popular. (Please refer to the ATBID Marketing Plan)  Food & wine enthusiasts  Outdoor enthusiasts Unique Selling Proposition We have previously defined Atascadero in both the Coraggio Group Ten Year Vision and in the Verdin Marketing Creative Brief as follows: Atascadero is a beautiful and authentic city of outdoor recreation, culinary adventures, and welcoming hospitality. It’s a safe place where the arts and history thrive, and the diversity of experience, generosity of spirit, and small-town ambiance are here to be enjoyed by visitors and residents alike. – by City Council at 8/31/14 Strategic Planning Session with Coraggio Group Atascadero is California as it used to be. With classic roots, Atascadero is a traditional American town that offers authentic experiences with a blend of affordability and access to family friendly activities. – by Verdin Marketing In Summary, Atascadero’s Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Atascadero is a classic American, family friendly town offering something for the whole family to enjoy from community events to historic attractions, a Veteran’s memorial, A-Town Skate Park and the Charles Paddock Zoo. Atascadero is known for warm summer evenings where locals can enjoy ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 10/13/15 ATTACHMENT: 3 coming together for picnicking, playing horseshoes, walking around the Lake, hiking, golfing, biking and horseback riding. Downtown Atascadero offers a growing craft brewery and specialty spirits scene, along with fabulous food from surrounding restaurants. Take a stroll through the beautiful Sunken Gardens which is home to the historic City Hall that is surrounded by angel fountains that complement the architectural era of the structure. Nearby your walk will take you to the newest movie theater in the County, the Galaxy Theater. Marketing Strategy Goals 1. Keep the City’s businesses and assets top-of-mind through an ongoing advertising plan that spans the year to local and County residents and visitors to our area. 2. Establish new events and grow existing events that appeal to local and County residents as well as attract visitors. 3. Continually measure the success of the Marketing Plan through website growth, Sales Tax, TOT revenues and increase of social media followers. Objectives Objective #1: Establish a top-of-mind advertising campaign and a promotional plan that spans the year highlighting the City’s businesses and assets of things to do and see while in Atascadero that appeal to local and County residents, as well as visitors while they are in our market. Promotion Plan Annual and on-going promotion of the City of Atascadero Businesses & Assets. Assets are defined as: Charles Paddock Zoo, Chalk Mountain Golf Course, Faces of Freedom, City Hall, Downtown, Galaxy Theater, A-town Skate Park, Pavilion on the Lake, Atascadero Lake Park. Themed promotions would apply to some of the tactics to promote local businesses and shopping local. Promotion Tactics  Broadcast TV Combo with KSBY/ KCOY ~ tailored to promote Key Events and to stay top of mind in the County with City assets and promoting our local businesses.  Outdoor Advertising - o Outdoor advertising captures people as they are outside the home and on–the-go in public places. It provides reach and exposure to travelers coming into our market to be top -of-mind with things to do as well as while they are in our market as a reminder to what we have to offer ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 10/13/15 ATTACHMENT: 3  Billboards in feeder markets: King City/ Salinas Corridor and/ or Santa Maria Corridor & consider Transit billboards inside Hearst Castle Busses and SLO County airport that markets to tourism as well as local residents.  Update panels of six Atascadero billboards – keeps our City’s assets top-of-mind while travelers are in our market and to local/County residents as a reminder of things to do.  Digital Media Focus on growing website traffic across VisitAtascadero.com and Atascadero.org reaching consumers living in San Luis Obispo County as well as looking to plan a trip to San Luis Obispo County. Integrate with the Atascadero ATBID Marketing Plan that includes digital and social media. o SEM & RETARGETING Contextual/Search/Site (4 months) ~  Zip Code Targeted: SLO County, Northern Santa Barbara County & South Monterey County; SEM to be used as asset (Zoo) and event targeted.  Keywords can include City businesses and assets including the microbrew & specialty drinks scene plus coastal, culinary and historical to encourage visits to Atascadero so visitors stay and spend.  Reputation Management provides an email database from SEM that can be used for newsletters and marketing efforts. o E-Marketing 100,000 emails (6 email drops)  Targets desired audience and geography depending on the event or promotion. For instance, if we only want Cal Poly for Brew at the Zoo, we can send out that promotion to specific zip codes. If we want to promote Buy Local, we can e-blast to defined recipient that is a local resident, between ages of 25-40 and likes to golf, etc. o Sponsored Content – Specific opportunity to tell our story and showcase our businesses, the Zoo, City Hall, and the Downtown. Complements retargeting efforts with content targeting.  Social Media o Work on introducing Twitter, Foursquare & Google+ to City’s Social Media platform to assist in getting the word out. o Continually post with event information on City’s Facebook page. o Establish a Social Media Calendar.  Print o Magazines – Focus on Assets with magazines that have solid reach and in-market focus like Access’s Quarterly Visitors Guide and work on sharing advertising expenses with ATBID on magazines that have multi-market distribution, like Vintages. o Newspapers – local & daily newspapers for reach and frequency of community events.  Giveaways – Permission to work with radio stations and other media to provide necessary giveaways to help promotion efforts (i.e., Radio remote includes 4 family packs of 4 tickets to the Zoo)  Right Angle Inc.: Uncorked and Quick Bites Grape Encounters Radio Show o Provides focused content to promote events across SLO County (92.5 The KRUSH Wine Radio), Santa Maria, Bakersfield and Fresno o Provides exposure across 60 US markets ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 10/13/15 ATTACHMENT: 3  Certified Brochure Distribution o Welcome Centers have a strong presence across the State and provide an excellent outlet to provide content in the form of personal travel advice and increase the length of stay and spend. Increased footprint to feeder markets that are traveling our direction. Expanded distribution includes Monterey Bay Welcome Center, San Jose Airport and Santa Barbara Airport added to existing SLO County area hotels and Pismo Beach, Oxnard and Merced Welcome Centers. Objective #2: Special Event Sponsorship Program to assist our growth efforts to attract events to Atascadero. o Atascadero would be an option for current events, traveling shows, and as a location to expand existing events. Special Event examples:  Attract from other areas (i.e., Quilt Show)  Expand events held across the County to add our City (i.e., Festival Mosaic)  Attract traveling shows (i.e., Cheerleading competitions, Cactus show) o Implement Special Event Criteria. o Establish consistent Sponsorship criteria where possible, especially with our media partners. Objective #3: Develop and implement Event portfolio to grow and expand existing events and establish new events based on market trends and interest. Following recaps how our events are classified:  Tier1: Large Signature Events (1-2 night stay)  Tier 2: Signature Event (overnight stay)  Tier 3: Single Day Event Event Plan Tier 1 Events: Large Signature Events (1-2 Night Hotel Stay) - Identify existing trademark events that have the potential and interest to expand to a longer weekend stay for visitors and that encourage local and County residents to participate. Work with ATBID on Event ideas. o Hot El Camino Cruise Nite & Car Show Weekend – introduce “Dancing in the Streets” to promote a grand event on Saturday night that people will stay to enjoy. Coordinate with Main Street Association and Mid State Cruizers Car Club. o SAVOR Adventure Tour & Main Event – New and engaging event in store from the Bristol Cider Adventure Tour to an interactive booth at the Main Event to highlight local culinary offerings unique to our city - cider, microbreweries, lavender, local restaurants, etc. o Atascadero Lakeside Wine Festival – promoting the evening wine tasting event combined with Sunday “Fun-Day” activities at the individual wineries to encourage festival attendees to visit local wineries the day after the wine festival and extend their stay. Tier 2 Events: Signature Events -Expand existing events and introduce new events to offer more activities that increases interest and participation both locally and across the County. o Colony Days – working with committee to add “Tent City After Dark” event which will highlight local brewery scene & add dancing to extend celebration of Colony Days. ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 10/13/15 ATTACHMENT: 3 o Winter Wonderland – New for the City this year, this family event was created and established by our Main Street Assn., and we are working to continue an event enjoyed by families both locally and across the County with over 15,000 in attendance. o Holiday Lighting – grow from a lighting of the Sunken Gardens trees and expand it to a hospitality night type of event with merchants offering hot cider and sweets to encourage local residents to start your shopping early. Tier 3 Events: Single Day Events - consider events that have an established trend in other markets and make sense to introduce to our market. Idea is to encourage growth to an overnight stay. o Brew at the Zoo Event – Spring 2016, April 30th o Food Truck Event – One day trial event in the fall with a plan to be weekly in the summer “Food Mania Mondays” or “Food Truck Fridays” o Taste of Home – Cooking Evening, local eats, features local celebrity chefs o Trading Day or Flea Market o Art in the Park o Tamale Festival Community “Locals Favorite” Events – Typically promoted through PR Tactics with press releases, mailings, flyer distribution and targeted print, radio and online advertising. Defined as follows: o Seasonal Events  Tuesday’s BBQ in the Park; Movies in the Gardens; Summer Concert series at the Atascadero Lake Bandstand mid June through August. o One-time Events:  60th Anniversary Celebration of the Zoo  Lighting Up of Historic City Hall Event Tactics  Work on ongoing Public Relations Plan per event.  Promote event with assistance of sponsorship revenue. Potential revenue not reflected in the event expenses.  Advertise in Traditional media (print, radio & TV) and digital based on the type of event (i.e., If Brew at the Zoo – Cal Poly’s Mustang Daily News and Radio promo with 92.5 the KRUSH Combo) Event expense includes advertising. Objective #4: Outreach to merchants, Atascadero Chamber of Commerce, Atascadero Main Street to work together on promotions that focus on shopping local.  Restaurant Promotions o Themed promotions - Restaurant Month, Greyhound Month, Health Month, etc.  Local Retail ~ Shop Local Focus o Buy Local Promotions - Frequent Visitor Card, Passport Weekends, etc.  Business Focused Events – Designed to drive traffic to Atascadero o Event ideas: Food Truck event, Art in the Park, Date Night, Farmers Market (move to a different location ~ Atascadero Lake Park or Sunken Gardens), Taco Day on Traffic Way, etc. ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 10/13/15 ATTACHMENT: 3 Objective #5: Establish measurement metrics for promotions, events and a combination of the two that gauge the success of our promotions.  Websites - Utilize information from our current website traffic on www.visitatascadero.com, www.atascadero.org and www.charlespaddockzoo.org as a benchmark to gauge success with our Marketing Plan to see growth in traffic with page views, unique visitors and bounce rate;  Zoo - Utilize the Zoo’s zip code information to understand where people are visiting from and use attendance figures to gauge success with a consistent marketing effort to grow Zoo attendance. (i.e., in August, 3,400 visitors were in County and 2,000 were out of the area).  Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) to gauge increase in hotel stays year over year. This will be off until Springhill Suites Marriott come upon its one year anniversary in June/ July.  Sales Tax to gauge increase across different business categories. Specific categories: Restaurants & Retail Categories contingent upon authorization to release.  Colony Park Community Center Increase in participation of sign ups to the variety of activities  Pavilion on the Lake – growth in weddings and events and website traffic.  Community feedback with the Chamber’s Business Walk, Main Street Association, Traffic Way Business Group Meetings. Increase in visitor activity with Chamber insight and travel brochure activity. ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 10/13/15 ATTACHMENT: 3 City of Atascadero Marketing Plan 2015-16 Budget Details – DRAFT (July 1-June 30, 2016) Event Budget Details Includes minimal level of advertising based on event needs. Advertising includes traditional media with print and radio as well as digital and social media. Event budget does not include sponsors that offset expenses. Charles Paddock Zoo: o One time: 60th Anniversary $ 1,500 o Brew at the Zoo – Spring 2016 (Date TBD) $10,000 SAVOR $10,000 Winter Wonderland Event - December 11th $20,000 Food Truck Event (Annual) $10,000 Hot El Camino Cruise Saturday Evening Event $10,000 Taste of Home - Cooking Event $10,000 Miscellaneous Event Ideas (Trading Days; Art in the Park) $10,000 Reactive Event Costs (i.e., Antique Show) $10,000 Total Event Costs $91,500 Promotion Budget Details  Broadcast TV (KSBY/ KCOY) $15,000 (Promotes Shop Local/ City assets/ events/ seasonal/ includes online - 6 months)  Digital Media $10,500  Outdoor Advertising $26,000  Print/ Newspapers & Magazines (Vintages, Visitors Guide) $ 6,000  Certified Brochure Distribution & Printing $12,000  Right Angle Inc.: Uncorked and Quick Bites Grape Encounters Radio Show $16,500  VERDIN COSTS - branding + graphics fees $17,500  CITY HALL TOURS – Staff for Saturday $ 5,000 Total Promotions Costs $108,500 TOTAL Event & Promotions Estimate: $200,000 *Amount does not consider offset of sponsorship dollars, ticket revenues, etc. Atascadero Tourism & Promotion Game Plan May 2015 Workshop Coraggio Group 2240 N. Interstate Ave. Suite #300 Portland, OR 97227 Office 503.493.1452 coraggiogroup.com ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 10/13/15 ATTACHMENT: 4 Atascadero Tourism & Promotion Game Plan Workshop 2 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 10/13/15 ATTACHMENT: 4 Atascadero Tourism & Promotion Game Plan Workshop 3 1 | INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 4   2 | GOALS FOR THE DAY ................................................................................................................... 5   3 | VISIONING WORKSHOP RECAP ....................................................................................................... 6   4 | TOOLS & TARGET MATRIX .............................................................................................................. 7   5 | STORY OF CHANGE ..................................................................................................................... 8   6 | DECISION CRITERIA FOR EVENTS AND OTHER BUDGET REQUESTS ......................................................... 9   7 | COMMUNICATIONS AND ACCOUNTABILITY PLAN ............................................................................... 10   ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 10/13/15 ATTACHMENT: 4 Atascadero Tourism & Promotion Game Plan Workshop 4 1 | Introduction Following up on the August 2014 Tourism & Promotion workshop, the Atascadero City Council once again came together for a workshop around tourism and promotion for the city. Where the first workshop considered the high- level vision for how Atascadero can promote itself to residents and visitors alike, this half-day workshop on May you go 15, 2015 focused on making that vision actionable. With the addition of a new Deputy City Manager for whom tourism and promotion is a key role, and with the recent change of marketing firm for the TBID, this was a particularly important time for the City Council to align on what next steps it would like to see around tourism and promotion. Intended outcomes of the workshop included: 1. Define tourism budget categories 2. Set decision criteria for tourism ROI 3. Craft the framework of where we want to go 4. Create a working timeline for action 5. Clarify and align on roles and responsibilities Participants at the workshop included Mayor Tom O’Malley, Mayor Pro Tem Heather Moreno, Council Member Roberta Fonzi, Council Member Bob Kelley, Council Member Brian Sturtevant, City Manager Rachelle Rickard, Deputy City Manager Marcia Torgerson, Deputy City Manager Terrie Banish, Administrative Services Director Jeri Rangel, Public Works Director Nick DeBar, Fire Chief Kurt Stone, and Police Chief Jerel Haley. There were also many members of the public in attendance, including representatives from the Chamber of Commerce, the Atascadero TBID, Big Red, and Verdin Marketing. The documentation that follows is a summary of what was discussed at the workshop, reflecting primarily what the facilitators captured on flip charts and what the participants themselves wrote. At the bottom of each page, we have inserted a box that describes implications for Atascadero – this represents insights and advice based on our experience, and should be taken as input to the City Council as it considers action on all of these topics. —Coraggio Group ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 10/13/15 ATTACHMENT: 4 Atascadero Tourism & Promotion Game Plan Workshop 5 2 | Goals For The Day The workshop team drafted its list of goals for the day based on what was accomplished at the Atascadero Ten- Year Visioning Workshop on August 29, 2014. The group was very clear and aligned that they wanted to achieve the following by the end of the workshop: 1. Define tourism budget categories 2. Set decision criteria for tourism ROI 3. Craft the framework of where we want to go 4. Create a working timeline for action 5. Clarify and align on roles and responsibilities How did we do? At the end of the meeting the group was asked if they thought they had achieved the goals set at the beginning of the day. Using the two frameworks from the day – The Story of Change and Organization Goal/Audience/Tool Matrix – the group determined that each of the five goals were achieved. It was also understood that a significant amount of work remains, but with results of this session, the earlier work session, and new dedicated resources there is now a plan of action, momentum and a means to a successful outcome. ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 10/13/15 ATTACHMENT: 4 Atascadero Tourism & Promotion Game Plan Workshop 6 3 | Visioning Workshop Recap Using the Visioning Workshop Report as a guide, the City Council led off the discussion by highlighting the big take- aways from the August 2014 session that would best inform the work for the session. The three noted areas from the report were: 1. Atascadero Ten-Year Vision Atascadero is a beautiful and authentic city of outdoor recreation, culinary adventures, and welcoming hospitality. It’s a safe place where the arts & history thrive, and the diversity of experience, generosity of spirit, and small-town ambiance are here to be enjoyed by visitors and residents alike. 2. Tourism D ecision Criteria ü Must have direct accountability & responsibility ü Must be a decision for which we are willing to assign resources ü Must support our long-term vision for Atascadero (ROA or cost-benefit analysis) ü Must have community buy-in ü Must not simply be “grandfathered” in; must be evaluated afresh 3. Action Framework & Priorities Enhance connectivity and communication Develop centralized coordination of tourism and promotion activities Prioritize investment in our “place” Identify and integrate with our partnership base Create the responsible & accountable leadership manage the experience of Atascadero Develop ways to incentivize business development downtown Develop a PR plan and activities Benchmark & measure success Revisit aesthetics/code enforcement Set brand standards & develop brand management Identify supporting infrastructure for tourism & promotions Identify funding mechanisms Additionally, the group discussion included the identification of the number of accomplishments completed and/or underway in response to the priority actions outlined last August, primary being a spirit of action, the hiring of Terrie Banish, improved signage on El Camino Real and the development of a better-aligned TBID game plan. ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 10/13/15 ATTACHMENT: 4 Atascadero Tourism & Promotion Game Plan Workshop 7 4 | Tools & Target Matrix Coraggio led the City Council through a discussion about the different “players” in the tourism and promotion space, and how the City of Atascadero’s efforts relate within that larger universe. We looked at what the goals are for each organization, who their target audience is, and what tools they use to reach that audience. The results of this discussion are represented below: ORGANIZATION CITY OF ATASCADERO TBID OF ATASCADERO ATASCADERO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MAIN STREET ASSOCIATION SLO COUNTY TBID VISIT CALIFORNIA GOALS - STAY - SPEND - ENJOY - COME - SLEEP - SPEND - ENHANCE - SPEND - COMMUNITY - ENHANCE - SPEND - COMMUNITY - COME - SLEEP - SPEND - EXPOSE - AWARE - ATTRACT TARGET AUDIENCE - LOCAL - COUNTY - OUTSIDE COUNTY - SERVICE LOCALS - MEMBERS - POTENTIAL MEMBERS - COMMUNITY - MEMBERS - POTENTIAL MEMBERS - COMMUNITY - OUTSIDE COUNTY - WORLD TOOLS lorem ipsum lorem Ipsum lorem $100 MILLION BUDGET ! WEBSITE ! PR ! ADVERTISING ! PROMOTIONS ! EVENTS ! SOCIAL MEDIA ! CONTENT Outside Agency TBD Verdin Big Red * * These are the common tools used by these organizations and may or may not be dedicated resources to that organization Implications for Atascadero With the addition of Terrie to the team, the willingness of Big Red to act as a connector to the TBID, and with the team at Verdin coming into their role with the TBID, this is a particularly good time for Atascadero to build bridges for collaboration. The City should leverage this opportunity for a “fresh start” to the greatest extent possible, ensuring the greatest efficiency and impact for the Tourism & Promotion budget. The City should also remain mindful of the part they play in the bigger whole, and wary of causing any brand confusion. ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 10/13/15 ATTACHMENT: 4 Atascadero Tourism & Promotion Game Plan Workshop 8 5 | Story Of Change Next, the City Council went through an exercise to imagine what the “story of change” is for the next three years. Within this timeline, they looked at what the annual message is (how they will talk about the changes), what should be accomplished each year, and how we will measure success What is our theme for change? How will all stakeholders easily understand what we must do? What will we focus on? How will we know when we’re making progress? TIMELINE'TIMELINE' TIMELINE'TIMELINE' Message: REINFORCE Message: CLARITY Success Indicators: • Completed Marketing Plan • Completed Brand Plan • Completed Infrastructure Plan Success Indicators: • Increase in TOT • Sales tax increase in targeted categories above normal growth Success Indicators: • Continued increase in TOT • Continued sales tax growth Message: ACTION “We’re building momentum.” Strategic Priorities: • Evaluation success to date and refresh strategic priorities • Refine and strengthen marketing and brand plans • Evaluate and revise infrastructure plans 2016'2017' Strategic Priorities: • Implement marketing plan • Implement brand plan • Prioritize infrastructure upgrades to support T&P • Deploy targeted long-term business development incentives to meet our vision • Upgrade aesthetics and signage • Develop simple and flexible zoning and code updates Strategic Priorities: • Consistent, current and centralized source of information • Develop and integrated marketing plan – ECC • Set brand standards & develop brand management – DCC • Identify & prioritize people & processes to support tourism and promotion • Initial business development incentives • Maintain progress on aesthetics/ signage Wins 2015' 2016'2017'2015' “Build the foundation.” “Building on success.” Implications for Atascadero Using the framework we were able to document The Story of Change, Strategic Priorities and Success Factors in a simple and easy to communicate way. With this clarity and guidance, the requirement is now the diligent work of building out the specific plan of action for each strategic priority, identifying the tactics, responsibilities, resource requirements and timing. To maintain momentum and best ensure success, it will be imperative to create this next level of detail so each objective can be evaluated, discussed, decided on and implemented in the most thoughtful, consistent and timely way. ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 10/13/15 ATTACHMENT: 4 Atascadero Tourism & Promotion Game Plan Workshop 9 6 | Decision Criteria for Events and Other Budget Requests In order to assist in long-term decision-making and streamline the decision process, the City Council discussed what qualities they might look for in proposals for events, and how they might sort them into “tiers” that would assist in allocating sponsorship dollars. We discussed that some events may start at a tier 2 or 3, and migrate up over time. We used some current events as examples that helped us define the classifications, as illustrated below: Implications for Atascadero Defining Decision Criteria is the easy part; actively using them is more difficult—especially when requests come from long-time events, or from sponsors who are close friends. At the same time, having Decision Criteria is liberating, allowing the City Council to refer to a rational decision-making process, rather than a subjective one. We recommend that City staff develop an “application form” for Tourism & Promotion event support, and that the City Council, in its deliberations, review those forms on a scheduled basis. Examples •  Comprehensive Plan •  Large Signature Event •  Draws people from outside County •  Multi-day (3+) •  Significant ROI •  Supports Vision of Atascadero •  5000+ people (target TBD) Tier 1 •  Comprehensive Plan •  Signature Event •  Draws people from outside City •  Multi-day (2) •  ROI and Positive Give/Get •  Supports Vision of Atascadero •  500-4500 people (target TBD) Tier 2 •  Comprehensive Plan •  Single day (or portion of) •  ROI and Positive Give/Get •  Supports Vision of Atascadero •  250-500 people (target TBD) Tier 3 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 10/13/15 ATTACHMENT: 4 Atascadero Tourism & Promotion Game Plan Workshop 10 7 | Communications & Accountability Plan Having a plan and sticking to it are two very different things. In order to ensure accountability and to facilitate the high level of collaboration that is necessary, the Council agreed on a schedule whereby they would receive in-depth updates four times a year that would include progress reports against the measures of success indicated in our “Story of Change”. Additionally, it was decided that City staff should be meeting regularly with the other local collaborators, and may serve as the “convener” of this regular bi-weekly meeting. Quarterly Updates to the City Council: • Staff • TBID • Marketing Bi-Weekly Updates Among Collaborators: • Staff • Big Red/TBID • Verdin • Chamber of Commerce Implications for Atascadero It will be critical for these update meetings to be calendared and begun immediately, and that they remain on a regular schedule. Too many great plans fail because leadership didn’t have a commitment to maintaining momentum for the process. This doesn’t mean the City Council needs to do all the work – on the contrary, most of the work is for others to do. But the City Council does need to stay “nose in; hands off”, monitor progress, and clear barriers when and if they arise. If they don’t get regular reporting, they won’t be able to help. Likewise, the collaborators will all gain much from more frequent collaboration. These meetings, too, should be begun immediately. A standing agenda will keep them on-task and efficient. ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 10/13/15 ATTACHMENT: 4