HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 070893 Agenda Item: B-2 Meeting Date: 08/10/93 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL :�}li:•:+X{+iGi::•iirivti. .rii\;}:}:}V�i$:^.'!iY•.tM}1L M1 JULY 8, 1993 MINUTES The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilperson Bewley led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Bewley, Borgeson, Kudlac, Luna and Mayor Nimmo Absent: None Also Present: Muriel "Micki" Korba, City Treasurer and Lee Raboin, City Clerk Staff Present: Andy Takata, City Manager/Director of Community Services; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Art Montandon,City Attorney;Mark Joseph,Administrative Services Director; Mike McCain, Fire Chief and Bud McHale, Police Chief A. BUSINESS: 1. RECEIVE FISCAL YEAR 1991-92 FINANCIAL AUDIT Mark Joseph introduced Fred Hogart from the audit firm of Glenn, Burdette, Phillips and Bryson. Mr. Hogart presented an overview of the 1991-92 Audit and responded to questions relating to the Sumrnary of Findings &Recommendations. He explained that the audit should have been completed in January but because his firm had not received internal financial statements it was nearly seven months late. He assured the Council that the audit for 1992-93 would be prepared in a timely manner and noted Budget 07/08/93 Page 1 000010 that it would be available by late December or early January 1994. Councilman Luna read portions of the Minutes from June 11, 1991 relating to the adoption of the budget for fiscal year 1991-92. He stated that he would act conservatively with the present budget being proposed. Public Comments: Leo Korba asked the auditor how the method of accounting compared with other cities. Mr. Hogart indicated that he found there to be reasonable findings and recommendations and stated that the City was doing as well as others. ---End of Public Testimony--- Responding to inquiry from Councilman Luna, Mr. Hogart noted that the loss of a staff accountant and student intern could adversely affect the City's accounting responsibilities and emphasized the importance of maintaining accurate financial records. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to receive and file the Audited fiscal Year 1991-92. Financial Statements for the City of Atascadero; motion passed 5:0 by roll call vote, 2. RESOLUTION NO. 74-93 -Authorizing the adoption of final budget adjustments for Fiscal Year 1992-93 Mark Joseph provided the staff report and recommendation. He noted that the proposed $100,000 shift in funds from the street maintenance account to the General Fund would impact certain capital improvements to City roads by postponing them for approximately two years, Mr. Joseph then responded to questions from the Council relating to the source of funds recently approved by Council for financial contributions to a downtown parking lot (associated with the Carlton Hotel project) and the Camino Real Fashion Outlet. There was no public comment, MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilman Luna to approve Resolution No. 74-93 adopting year end budget figures; motion carried 5:0 by roll call vote. Budget 07/08193 Page 2 000011 3. REVIEW AND ADOPT CITY BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1993-94 Andy Takata presented an update on the State Budget. He noted that the budget package was in a new format and mentioned staff was hoping to improve on the process in the years to come. Mr. Takata pointed out that the budget reflected no lay-offs, reduced services or new taxes. He provided an overview of new and reinstated services and explained that staff would come back with a formal resolution adopting the budget if approved by Council. In closing, the City Manager cautioned that although the budget was balanced, only $100,000 was available to be set aside for unforeseen emergencies, costs or reduced revenues. Facility Fee Waiver Requests: Councilwoman Borgeson suggested that the fee waiver request made by the Atascadero Sox for use of Alvord Field be granted. She stated that the team provides an opportunity for young boys out of high school to play and remarked that granting the request would help them greatly. Councilman Luna pointed out that all other requests for fee waivers for Alvord Field had been granted. Andy Takata clarified that the other requests for the field were made on behalf of youth leagues. He reported that the Sox are helping to maintain the field and are providing financial assistance for lighting. He added that a fee waiver may be appropriate in light of these contributions. Councilman Luna voiced support for the request. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded by Councilman Luna to waive fees for the Atascadero Sox at Alvord Field; motion carried unanimously. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded by Councilman Bewley to approve the staff recommendation regarding fee waiver requests, with the exception of the Atascadero Sox; motion carried unanimously by simple, voice vote. Community Agent' Funding Requests: Councilwoman Borgeson spoke in favor of granting $400 to the Atascadero Girls Softball. She mentioned that the league would be sponsoring a tournament and asked that they be recognized for the potential revenue the tournament is expected to generate. Councilman Nimmo remarked that all other sports groups have been eliminated and claimed it would be discriminating to grant this request and no others. Councilmembers Bewley and Luna agreed and proposed that the ball team organize fund-raising events. Budget 07/08/93 Page 3 000012 Councilwoman Borgeson suggested that the Council consider providing $500 support to the Economic Opportunity Commission (EOC) Family Planning Program. Biz Steinberg, Executive Director of EOC, appealed to the Council and asked them to provide the seed money for a new breast cancer screening program for the low- income. Discussion ensued. Councilman Nimmo described the program as worthy, but argued that the City was not in a position to fund it. Councilman Luna voiced support; Councilman Bewley and the Mayor opposed. SLO Mozart Festival: Councilwoman Borgeson favored financial support for this community event and made the following motion: MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded by Councilman Luna to support the SLO Mozart Festival in the amount of $300. Discussion on the motion: Councilman Nimmo asserted that there was no end to worthy causes and activities and expressed opposition. Councilman Luna pointed out that the event would bring in sales tax revenue. Vote on the motion: Motion to fund SLO Mozart Festival in the amount of $300 failed 2:3 (Bewley, Nimmo and Mayor Kudlac)- North County Womens' Shelter: Councilman Nimmo commented that the City had already contributed $3,000 toward application for a community development block grant and stated that he was not inclined to support the shelter further. Councilwoman Borgeson proclaimed that she was in favor of approving the full request of $10,000 to ensure continued protection for victims of domestic violence. She indicated that she would, however, support the staff's recommendation for $5,000. Councilmembers Luna and Bewley and Mayor Kudlac expressed support. The consensus was to approve the staff recommendation of $5,080. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to approve Community Group Funding, as proposed on page 108 [of the budget]; motion carried 4:1 (Nimmo). Overall_Budget: Councilman Luna asked if the vacated accountant position would be filled. Mr. Takata Budget 07/08/93 Page 4 000013 indicated that it would not. Questions followed regarding computer upgrades. The City Manager reported that equipment would be inventoried and needs assessed before any purchases would be made. Councilwoman Borgeson observed that labor negotiations and equipment replacement were not shown in the budget document. Mr. Takata explained that because these items were unknown, any related costs would have to come from the $100,000 contingency fund. Ms. Borgeson asserted that he would rather see these listed as line-item amounts. Councilman Nimmo asked for a status report on revisions to Employee Rules & Regulations. The City Manager replied that Council would soon have the opportunity to review the document before it goes back to the bargaining units. Councilman Luna remarked that $1000,000 in reserves was not much and expressed concern for unknown costs and revenues. Council questions to department heads followed relating to vehicle replacement, training programs, contract services and cost reimbursements. Councilwoman Borgeson noted that she would like to see an even-handed policy for travel and training. Councilman Luna spoke in favor of appropriating funds for sending the Planning Commission to educational seminars. Henry Engen noted that his departmental budget included $6,300 for this purpose.- Councilwoman Borgeson expressed support; Councilman Nimmo suggested that this issue be looked at again at the mid-year budget review. Andy Takata noted that he would continue to serve as the Director of Community Services until the end of the calendar year and reported that the Community Services Departmental Budget reflected employee costs for the position of Director for six months of the year. There were no comments from the public regarding the overall budget. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to adapt the Budget for the Fiscal Year 1993-94; motion carried 5:0 by roll call vote. There was consensus to retain the budget document format. Budget 07108/93 Page 5 0000111 AT 9:30 P.M., THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED TO A CLOSED SESSION FOR PURPOSES DISCUSSIONS REGARDING PERSONNEL MATTERS AND PENDING LITIGATION, ENTITLED CITY V. FLUITT ET ALL. Said Closed Session held pursuant to Government Code Sections 54957.6 and 54956.9. MI UTES ECO AND PREPARED BY: LEE RA 01N, y Clerk Budget 07108/93 Page 6 000015