HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 062293 Approved as Submitted Meeting Date: 7/13/93 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL JUNE 22, 1993 MINUTES The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The City Manager led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Bewley, Borgeson, Kudlac, Luna and Mayor Nimmo Absent: None Also Present: Muriel "Micki" Korba, City Treasurer and Lee Raboin, City Clerk Staff Present: Ray Windsor, City Manager; Andy Takata, Assistant City Manager/Director of Community Services; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director; Mike McCain, Fire Chief; Lt. Bill Watton, Police Department; Steve Sylvester, City Engineer; John Neil, Assistant City Engineer; Valerie Humphrey, Engineering Department and Mark Markwort, Chief of Waste Water Operations PRESENTATIONS: The Mayor presented a plaque of appreciation to Bill Mazzacane, Executive Director of the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce. The City Council honored City Manager Ray Windsor with a plaque and proclamation upon his retirement from nearly thirty years of public service. Individual Council comments followed and the Mayor called a short recess for refreshments. CC 06/22/93 Page 1 COUNCIL APPOINTMENT OF MAYOR AND MAYOR PRO TEMPORE MOTION: By Councilman Bewley, seconded by Councilman Luna to nominate Councilman Kudlac as Mayor; motion carried unanimously. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to nominate Councilman Bewley as Mayor ProTem; motion carried unanimously. COMMUNITY FORUM: Rush Kolemaine, Box 1990 of Atascadero, read a prepared statement (see Exhibit A) asking Council to reconsider recent action relating to the adoption of the Circulation Element (June 8, 1993). Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, congratulated the new Mayor and mentioned that the Council had overlooked committee assignments. George Shroff, local resident, complimented the Police Department and encouraged Council support for any funding and/or staffing requests made by the department. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS: Mayor Kudlac asked members of the Council to provide him with written requests about which committees and/or boards they wished to serve or continue serving on. He indicated that formal appointments would be made at the next meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Colony Roads - Councilman Luna reported that the committee had met on June 16, 1993 and efforts were continuing to resolve the complex issues surrounding Atascadero roads. 2. Economic Round Table - See Item #D-2 3. Business Improvement Association - Carlton Hotel Update Report Frank Henderson, Project Manager for the Carlton Hotel, provided an update on the project's progress to date and indicated that a loan had been approved. He also reported that they had a signed lease with McLintock's Restaurant. Mr. Henderson outlined a specific proposal regarding the 100-space parking lot and CC 06/22/93 Page 2 encouraged the Council to approve assisting the project by contributing $25,000, or twenty-five percent of the estimated cost to construct the parking lot. Further, he requested that Council direct staff to proceed as quickly as possible to draft an ordinance that would allow the additional parking and provide a survey of the proposed parking area. Andy Takata, Assistant City Manager clarified that the process would involve presenting an ordinance to the Planning Commission, which would then come before the City Council for consideration, and would require a budget appropriation as part of the budget process. The City Attorney confirmed that if a change in the current parking requirements and zoning ordinance is being proposed, a public hearing to consider an ordinance would be necessary. Mark Joseph reported that the City's contribution could come from the TDA/Non-Transit Fund. ACTION: Consensus of the City Council was to direct staff to proceed as soon as possible on this item, forward it to the Planning Commission and bring it back to the City Council. CONSENT CALENDAR: The Mayor read the Consent Calendar, as follows: 1. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT - MAY, 1993 2. FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT - MAY, 1993 3. RESOLUTION NO. 49-93 - Authorizing cooperative agreement with S.L.O. County to establish joint participation in Community Development Block Grant Program 4. PLACEMENT OF ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS ON THE PROPERTY TAXES FOR THE 1993-94 FISCAL YEAR A. Resolution No. 51-93 - Sewer Assessment District No. 3 (Marchant Way) B. Resolution No. 52-93 - Assessment District #4 (Seperado-Cayucos) C. Resolution No. 53-93 - Assessment District #5 (Chandler Ranch) D. Resolution No. 54-93 - Street Maintenance District #86-1 (Falda) E. Resolution No. 55-93 - " if if if #86-4 (Cayucos) F. Resolution No. 56-93 - " if if V1 #86-2(Pinal/Escarpa) CC 06/22/93 Page 3 G. Resolution No. 57-93 - " if it it #86-3 (Aguila) H. Resolution No. 58-93 - " if it if #84-1 (San Fernando) I. Resolution No. 59-93 - " it if it #83-3 (Maleza) J. Resolution No. 60-93 - " it if #83-2(Sonora/Pinal) K. Resolution No. 61-93 - " it if #83-1 (Lobos) 5. RESOLUTION NO. 50-93 - Approving an Interim Budget for the 1993-94 Fiscal Year and appropriating funds thereof 6. RESOLUTION NO. 74-93 - Authorizing the execution of an agreement with Cooperative Personnel Services for testing services Henry Engen noted that Item #13-3 would require a very minor, non-substantive change. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilman Luna to approve the Consent Calendar; motion passed 5:0 by roll call vote. C. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. PROTEST HEARING A. Street Improvement Project No. 1992 Assessment District - 3-F Meadows, Tecorida & Las Encinas Assessment District 1 . Resolution No. 63-93 - Overruling protest 2. Resolution No. 64-93 - Approving Final Engineer's Report & Confirming Assessment District 3. Resolution No. 65-93 - Designating City Treasurer as Tax Collector for pre-payment 4. Resolution No. 66-93 - Designating Bond Underwriter 5. Resolution No. 67-93 - Authorizing Engineering design award Steve Sylvester provided the introductory remarks. He recommended that one parcel (McNamara, 050-101-009) was being deleted from the district and noted that although this would require a minor change to the map and Resolution No. 64-93, it there would not be any net cost effect. Bond Counsel, Cameron Weist of Haight & Haight Attorneys-at-Law, provided an explanation of the legal obligations and follow-up. He pointed out that Resolution No. 65-93 provides residents with a five percent discount if they pay the assessment within thirty days and mentioned that Council could accept written protests CC 06/22/93 Page 4 throughout the hearing. He then recommended that the hearing be opened by area. Public Comments: The Mayor opened the public hearing and asked for comments relating to the 33=F Meadows Area. Ron Alanis, 8525 Casanova, said he has not seen any plans and specification. Steve Sylvester replied that detailed plans and specs will be prepared after the district is officially formed. There being no additional speakers for the 3-F Meadows area, the Mayor asked for testimony relating to the Tecorida Area. The following property owners spoke in opposition and submitted written protests to Tecorida Avenue being included in the assessment district: Dean Benedix 30-352-26 Mary Anne Estrada 30-351-18 Chuck Eras 30-351-027 Jim Toews 30-352-06 Laura Richardson 30-351-027 Gail Vanderlinde 30-352-27 Betty Benedix 30-352-26 Carlene Powell 31-062-01, 30-351-17, 30-361-35 Tecorida property owners present and who submitted written protest, but did not speak: Michael Doherty 30-352-04 Donald R. Croom 30-352-32 Nancy Croom 30-351-35 Lonny R. Croom 30-351-33 There being no further comments relating to Tecorida Avenue, the Mayor asked for remarks regarding Las Encinas. Young Kim, 7545 San Gregorio Road, voiced objection to being included in the assessment district. CC 06/22/93 Page 5 Written protests were submitted from the following Las Encinas area property owners: Brian Cyester 050-092-009 Virginia Eastin 049-232-022 Barbara & Melvin Tull 050-031-011 Edward & Connie Riffel 049-231-015 ---Hearing Closed--- Councilman Nimmo announced that, on the advice of the City Attorney, he would be stepping down due to potential conflicts of interest relating to lots in Las Encinas. Brief Council discussion followed. Staff reported protest percentages as follows: Area No. 1 3-F Meadows 2% Area No. 2 Tecorida 52% Area No. 3 Las Encinas 7% Councilman Luna pointed out that over 51 % of the Tecorida Avenue property owners did not want to be included in the district and spoke in support of eliminating it. Mr. Weist advised that Council could eliminate Tecorida from the assessment district by motion and amend the necessary resolutions accordingly. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Bewley to delete consideration of Tecorida Avenue; motion carried 4:0. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded by Councilman Luna to approved Resolution No. 63-93 as amended [deleting Area No. 2 Tecoridal; motion carried 4:0. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Bewley to approved Resolution No. 64-93, as amended [deleting the McNamara parcel and Area No. 2 - Tecoridal; motion carried 4:0. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Bewley to approved Resolution No. 65-93 designating the City Treasurer as Tax Collector of pre-payment; motion carried 4:0. MOTION: By Councilman Bewley, seconded by Councilman Luna to approved Resolution No. 66-93 designating Bond Underwriter; motion carried 4:0. CC 06/22/93 Page 6 Discussion ensued regarding authorizing the award of a contract to Penfield & Smith for engineering design work. Councilman Luna indicated that he had received a phone call from a bidder who was unhappy with the selection process. Steve Sylvester explained how the requests for proposals were solicited, noted that six proposals were received and reported that the selection procedure was based on the California "Little Brooks Act". He explained that Councilmembers Borgeson and Kudlac had sat on the selection committee. Councilman Bewley stated that he would have preferred it if all members of Council had received a copy of the proposals. Councilwoman Borgeson agreed and suggested that the full Council formulate a policy for consultant selection. Councilman Luna concurred and asked that this matter come back to the Council. Public Comments: Mike Cannon, CSD Engineering, contended that his proposal was the lowest overall and asked the Council to award the contract to his firm. In addition, he voiced objections for the selection process used. Councilman Luna suggested, in light of removing Tecorida Avenue, that the item be sent back to staff with a request to re-bid the work. The City Engineer advised against this approach because it may give others a disadvantage now that the estimates are public information. Mike Cannon stated that, with the elimination of Tecorida, his bid would now become $52,650. Assistant City Manager Andy Takata recommended that this item be continued so that staff could put together a report indicating full costs with the elimination of Tecorida. He stated further that each Councilmember could be given the opportunity to review all six proposals and proposed that the matter could come back as quickly as June 29th or July the 8th. Councilmembers Luna and Borgeson concurred with Mr. Takata's suggestion. Mr. Cannon asked Council to consider adding an interview of each firm as part of the selection process. Councilman Luna pointed out that it would be necessary to hold a noticed, public hearing to conduct such an interview and suggested that this may the delay the process unduly. ---End of Public Testimony--- Councilwoman Borgeson reported that the selection committee had looked at quality CC 06/22/93 Page 7 and price. She indicated that Penfield & Smith had offered a complete bid and spoke in support of the recommendation. MOTION: By Councilman Bewley, seconded by Councilman Luna to bring this matter back at the next meeting and direct staff to provide the Council with more information for their evaluation; motion passed 4:0. B. Camino Real Improvement Project Assessment District - Camino Real Factory Outlets 1. Resolution No. 68-93 - Overruling protest 2. Resolution No. 69-93 - Approving Final Engineer's Report & Confirming Assessment District 3. Resolution No. 70-93 - Approving Acquisition Agreement 4. Resolution No. 71-93 - Award sale of bonds to investment banker 5. Resolution No. 72-93 - Determining unpaid assessments, providing for the issuance of bonds, approving a Preliminary Official Statement, approving the form of Purchase Agreement and approving the form of Fiscal Agency Proposal Steve Sylvester provided a brief introduction. The Mayor clarified the item and announced Council would defer action on these items until after hearing Item #D-1 . Because the matter was noticed as a protest hearing, Mayor Kudlac opened the floor. There were no comments from the public. (FOR CONTINUATION OF THIS ITEM, see page 13) (FOR ITEM #C-2 SEWER SERVICE RATE STUDY - see page 12) D. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. REQUEST BY GOLDEN WEST DEVELOPMENT CouncilRPORATION (CAMINO REAL FACTORY OUTLETS, LTD.) FOR CITY FINANCIAL PARTICIPATION AND WAIVER OF FEES Charles Voorhis ll, President of Golden West Development Corporation, reported that project funding had been approved but, according to the lender, could only be finalized with the City's participation in two ways: By agreeing to (1) assist in funding the off- site public improvements and 2) waive the portion of the one-time permit fees tied to the public improvements for the project. Mr. Voorhis outlined the benefits of the project and urged the Council to approve the request. CC 06/22/93 Page 8 Public Comments: Joann Peters, Atascadero realtor and resident, spoke in favor of the request and encouraged the Council to make the investment. Dorothy McNeil, 8765 Sierra Vista Road, indicated that while she supported the project, she had some reservations about the request. She emphasized that she did not want the City to subsidize the developers. Mary Walsh, Shoe Corral, opposed the request and pointed out that there are currently many retail and commercial vacancies. She urged the developers to find another way to finance the project. Ray Johnson, Economic Round Table member and representing the Chamber of Commerce, spoke in support of the request and urged the Council to approve it. Councilman Nimmo announced that the Economic Round Table had just voted unanimously to send a written letter of support to the City Council. Carol Ball, Atascadero Realtors Board of Directors, encouraged the Council to do all that it could to get this project going. Joe Grisanti, Grisanti's Hardware, objected to the request and asserted that the City should finance the Lewis Avenue Bridge and reinstate Entrada as a two-way street instead. Bill Mazzacane, Executive Manager of the Chamber of Commerce, spoke enthusi- astically about the project and outlined community benefits. He stated that the request penciled out and made good economic sense. Mike Mora, 6305 Lomitas, also spoke in favor of the project and the request. Tom Bench, 7503 Carmelita, indicated that he was opposed to putting the residents of Atascadero into debt for twenty years. Carol Hoss, 7425 Carmelita, reported that she would be the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory franchise owner at the proposed site and asked Council to approve the request. J.P. Matel, Colony Inn, commented that the project would inspire visitors and encouraged the Council to vote yes. Geraldine Brasher, 3202 Monterey Road, asked why there was no staff report and CC 06/22/93 Page 9 who had made the projections quoted in the letter of request. She shared her own doubts about how the merchants in the downtown would benefit from the project. Mark Joseph responded to her inquiry about projected sales tax revenue and reported that the figures were calculated by the City's sales tax consultant, Hinderliter and DeLlamas & Associates. Doug Lewis, Tunitas Avenue resident, asserted that the principles should be requesting the money as a loan. Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, stated that while he was in support of the project in concept, he did have some concerns relating to speculation with no guarantee for revenues for the next twenty years. Economic Round Table members Mike Kirkwood of Mid-State Bank and Stan Cherry of Santa Lucia Bank spoke in support and clarified that small, local banks cannot legally facilitate the type of loan needed to finance the project. Mr. Kirkwood stated that he had reviewed the application and found the project to be viable. Mr. Cherry added that the developers have found the financing they need and remarked that it would be shame to see the project fail when the City has much to gain from the investment. Eric Michielssen, 5300 Aguila, pointed out that the City will benefit from the upgrading of the infrastructure and encouraged the Council to approve providing the financial assistance to make the needed public improvements. Rush Kolemaine, Box 1990, commented that the City would benefit not only from sales tax revenues at the outlet stores, but also by revenue sources like overnight accommodations, meals and other local shopping. Jerry Clay, 7285 Sycamore, stated the request made good business sense. Chuck Voorhis pointed out that bond assessments will be made on the property not the City. He emphasized that the project will not cost the City money, but rather make the City money. Joe Grisanti, speaking for the second time, reiterated a request to put the Lewis Avenue Bridge on the Council's agenda and give it the attention it is due. Mary Walsh also spoke again, this time asking for more details about the financial request. Mark Joseph responded and summarized that the public improvements would be paid for by sales tax revenues and added that the security for the bond is the real property. Mr. Voorhis explained that a trust fund would be set up to hold the CC 06/22/93 Page 10 final payment. The City Clerk indicated that she had received two letters of support from Kim Reese and Karen Carlson of Templeton (on file with City Clerk). ---End of Public Testimony--- Councilwoman Borgeson insisted that the matter should go back to the Planning Commission because approval was predicated on the fact that the sewer line would serve only the Factory Outlet. She proclaimed that a larger sewer means lot splits all over. She spoke in opposition to the request and stated she was unwilling to gamble with City funds. Councilman Nimmo voiced support for assisting the project because it would substantially increase the City's sales tax revenue. He asserted that if the City did not take advantage of this investment opportunity the tax dollars would go elsewhere. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, approve the request by Golden West Development and direct staff to bring back the necessary documents. Discussion: Councilman Bewley indicated that he was in favor of the project and concurred with Councilman Nimmo's remarks. In addition, he noted that he approved of a larger sewer and described this as good planning. Councilman Luna noted that he was supportive of the project but had concerns regarding the request for financial assistance. He stated that he was worried about counting on a percentage of sales tax coming to the City. In addition, he explained, he questioned the fairness of approval and whether a precedent would be set for other future development. In closing, he stated that he wished the private sector would provide the necessary financing. Mayor Kudlac indicated that he was in favor of the project and thought the City should pursue it. Motion amended and seconded: Councilman Nimmo included in his motion to approve waiving the fees. Motion passed 3:2 with Councilmembers Borgeson and Luna voting in opposition. At 10:45 p.m., the Mayor called a recess. The meeting reconvened at 10:57 p.m. CC 06/22/93 Page 11 MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilman Bewley to extend the meeting beyond 11 :00 p.m.; motion passed. C. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 2. SEWER SERVICE RATE STUDY A. Resolution No. 41-93 - Establishing sewer service charges for the Wastewater Division of the City Henry Engen provided the preliminary remarks and reported that the County Auditor had moved up the deadline for receiving charges to be placed upon the tax rolls. The date, he stated, had been August 10th of each year and was now to be no later than July 23rd. Mr. Engen then introduced Karl Mohr of Crawford, Multari & Starr. Mr. Mohr provided an in-depth overview of his analysis of wastewater treatment service charges. The consultant outlined a proposed rate structure and emphasized that the existing rates have not changed for eleven years, that they have not accurately reflected real costs and there has not been any funding depreciation of the existing plant and equipment. Mr. Mohr pointed out that substantial capital improvements will be necessary in the next two years and made the following recommendations: (1) Adopt Resolution 41-93 setting forth the new rate structure, and (2) direct staff to ask Atascadero Mutual Water Company to have access to water use records to evaluate combining wastewater billings with the existing water billing system. Council questions followed the presentation. Councilman Luna inquired about the expected length of time it would take to do a study of the water company's records. Mr. Mohr indicated that it would not take long if the information is available on a computer data base but pointed out that it would not be possible to do before the County's deadline. Public Comments: Doug Lewis shared distress about tying sewer rates to water usage. Rush Kolemaine asked consideration of the City's current 50% occupancy rate of motels and hotels. He implored the Council to wait to review the rate structure when the water company's data is available. Ruth Rentschler, 6004 San Palo Road, referred to her letter to the City Council dated June 21, 1993 illustrating what the proposed increase would mean to her. She urged the Council to study the rates very carefully. CC 06/22/93 Page 12 Whitey Thorpe, 8025 Santa Ynez, objected to the rate increase proposed. Doug Lewis, speaking again, asked the Council to look at other ways to determine the rates. He reiterated concern for comparing water rates to sewer emphasizing that large irrigated parcels would be unfairly penalized. Joe Grisanti argued that adequate study had not occurred and that the proposed rates were unjust. ---Hearing Closed--- Councilwoman Borgeson declared that raising fees was not warranted and that it was essential to go to Atascadero Mutual Water Company first to compare actual water use. Councilman Bewley asked the consultant if he had considered phasing in the new rates. Karl Mohr explained that he had but emphasized that he thought it more prudent to approve the increases now because it is imperative to begin capital improvements on the wastewater plant. Councilman Luna asked if there were any upgrades anticipated by State mandates. Mark Markwort indicated that the Regional Water Quality Control Board has already notified the City to begin with certain renovations. Councilman Bewley asked if there was enough reserves to do the work. Mr. Markwort reported that it would take all there is available to proceed. Councilman Nimmo encouraged the Council to approve the rate increase and debated that there may be no conclusion in comparing water and sewer usage. MOTION: By Councilman Bewley, seconded by Councilman Luna to direct staff to investigate the possibility of cooperating with Atascadero Mutual Water Company to gain access to water use records and to evaluate combining wastewater billings with the existing water billing system; motion carried unanimously. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Nimmo to adopt Resolution No. 41-93 setting forth the proposed wastewater rates as shown in Exhibit A; motion carried 4:1 (Borgeson). The Mayor then turned back to item C-1(b). C-1(b) CAMINO REAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT - Item continued from page 8. CC 06/22/93 - Page 13 MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilman Luna to approve Resolution No. 68-93; motion carried unanimously. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilman Luna to approve Resolution No. 69-93: motion carried unanimously. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Bewley to approve Resolution No. 70-93; motion carried unanimously. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilman Bewley to approve Resolution No. 72-93: motion carried unanimously. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Bewley to approve Resolution No. 71-93; motion carried unanimously. The Mayor then moved to Item D-2. D-2 ECONOMIC ROUND TABLE APPOINTMENTS Andy Takata introduced the item and reported that two vacancies had occurred on the Economic Round Table because of resignations. The Round Table, he noted, was requesting that Missy Hobson of PG&E and Casey Sullivan of Wells Fargo Bank be appointed. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilman Luna to appoint Missy Hobson and Casey Sullivan to the Economic Round Table; motion carried unanimously. Andy Takata pointed out that it would soon be time to re-appoint the other members of the Round Table. Mayor Kudlac reported that the Mayor usually represents the City Council on the Economic Round Table but, because of his business commitment, asked Councilman Nimmo to continue serving. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilman Luna to re- appoint members of the Economic Round Table for a period of two years; motion carried unanimously. D-3 REQUEST TO SELECT MEETING DATE FOR BUDGET AND RELATED ISSUES ACTION: The City Council agreed to meet on June 29, 1993 to hear community agency funding requests. No action will be taken at this meeting, but postponed until the Budget Hearing scheduled CC 06/22/93 Page 14 by the Council for July 6, 1993. It was agreed that the Budget would be adopted on July 13, 1993. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council Councilman Nimmo expressed appreciation to his fellow councilmembers for the past year while he served as Mayor. Councilmembers Kudlac and Luna provided personal statements of gratitude to Mr. Nimmo. 2. City Treasurer Micki Korba gave a status report on the progress of this year's application for a tax and revenue anticipation note. 3. City Manager Andy Takata presented a brief update on the State Budget adoption process. In addition, he announced the next "Pride Daze". AT 12:30 A.M., THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 1993 AT 7:00 P.M. MINUTES RECORDED AND PREPARED BY: r QLERABOiN, :ty Clerk Attachments: Exhibit A - Kolemaine CC 06/22/93 Page 15 R. S. KoleY alne /P.O.Box 1990/Atascodero/CA 9=3-1990!(80.7 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL 22 June 1993 6500 Palma Atascadero CA 93422 RE: 1993 CIRCULATION ELEMENT OVERSIGHT Mr. Mayor and Council Members: Your attention is called to the apparent contradiction in your recent vote on June 6 to overrule the recommendation of your City Planning Commission with regard to requiring a study to determine the most feasible routing for truck traffic between Industrial Zones 2 and 3 on Traffic Way and the projected SR 41 approach to the new Salinas River bridge[Sec. 6.9]. As provided in the Final Draft, Traffic Way continues to be designated as an "Industrial Arterial", with an extension northerly from Carrizo to the Santa CruzlSan Ramon interchange with US 101, [Sec. 6.7] and widening and straightening of the major portion between this connection and the industrially-zoned area North of Atascadero Creek and SR 41[Sec.6.8]. These are designated as Capital Improvements C-3 and B-4,respectively,in the Circulation Element Summary. This land totals 69.92 Ac. almost 70% of the city's available industrial land, of which 38.87 Ac. continue to remain undeveloped, according to the 1992 Community Development Dept. Commercial and Industrial Land Use Survey. The proximity of the SPRR tracks and available rail sidings with a suitable truck route connecting this area to US 101 both North and South offers a desirable location for warehousing and other distribution or light industrial uses. Unfortunately, promotion of further development of such uses to enhance local employment and the City tax base has been, and will continue to be, hamstrung by the lack of a through route. Further, lack of a suitable connection to US 101 continues to divert undesirable heavy truck traffic through the heart of the civic center via Traffic Way and/or Capistrano/West Mall at the southerly end,and over residential neighborhood streets in the north. As recommended by the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce to the Planning Commission, completion of a direct link from the general vicinity of VialHonda/BarrendaBajada to SR 41 East of the Civic Center would provide the City with parcels of land that could be offered to developers and businesses which now can not be readily marketed. Approval of Policies 6.7 and 6.8 achieved only the first two-thirds of this objective. However, failing to more closely examine the third requirement for opening up Traffic Way (designated B-7 in the Summary), denies the City any opportunity to eventually construct such a necessary link to US 101 via SR 41, and thereby direct heavy trucks away from El Camino Real. For whatever reason or miscommunication the Council (at 1.1:30 PM) came to overlook the importance of the study called for by the Planning Commission, it would behoove the Council to act to (a) promptly correct this through Council motion this evening, or (b) direct staff to specifically include this study as a priority item within the next bi-annual cycle of General Plan ame tints. R lly, ole ' e ENCL f. $AN/A RUI.R C-4 4� �Cr11 1 /, �• �r� I G3 VV ( I NfA � • I � h A D-6 A-7 o. w C-10 • �pTO RD• •� .LL � �` SAN C P ¢ C o RD. fmay+ D-5 A•5 1 2 SAN B-5 B-2 ' Bridge C-5StR t D-4 Z C-2 C•t � ° s Z B-1 VA o Bridge o. D_3 'Sc'. P > CURBARIL Ci-7 �� t A 0-2 A-2 • -�"`• D- A-, A.0 Key Number(see table for discription) A Intersection Improvements - 8 Roadway Upgrading . C New Roads i ■ 0 Freeway Interchange improvements o . Figure I11-10 �! e�ReA,a� •-�'�,,..�,J ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS . F� 2F t TABLE 111-3 SUMMARY OF CIRCULATION ELEMENT CAPITAU MPROVEMENTS City 0 7�tascadero to Key Priority No. Street/Location Nature of Improvement Level Comments A-1 El Camino/Santa Rosa Intersection widening 111 6.11 A-2 El Camino/Curbaril Intersection widening t 6.11 Existing deficiency A-3 El Camino/Morro/101 ramps intersection widening;signals 11 6.2 Part of Route 41 project by Caltrans A-4 El Camino/Traffic Way Intersection widening ti 6.11 A-5 El Camino/W.San Anselmo Intersection widening If 6.11 A-6 El Camino/E.San Anselmo Intersection widening II 6.11 A-7 El Camino/Del Rio Intersection widening;signal Il 6.11 B-1 Atascadero Ave @ High School Restriping I 2.11 B-2 El Camino Real,Santa Barbara-Del IWO.way lift-turn�Iane•• II 6.4 Rio ctannelizst 'a ngnais . Santa Ysabel Widening;sidewalks 11 6.5 Traffic Way Frontage improvements 1It 6.8 B-5 Santa Lucia at Graves Creek Bridge reconstruction fI 7.3 B-6 Route 41--US 10t to San Gabriel Widen to 4 lanes III 6:3 Caltrans participation B-7 Via Way/Mercedes Upgrade for truck route It 6.9 C-1 Route 41 east of El Camino Real New 2-lane arterial !t 6.2 Caltrans project C-2 Lewis Ave New bridge across Atascadero ti 6.5 Creek C-3 Traffic Way North of Carrizo Construct new road 6.7 C-4 Santa Cruz Rd.west of San Ramon Extend road/new bridge 1t1 7.4 C-5 San Gabriel south of Santa Lucia Extend as 2-lane collector ii 7.5 C-6 San Marcos W./San Gabriel Extend as 2-lane collector 1t1 7.6 C-7 Carmelita Avenue N./Morro Rd. Extend as 2-lane collector III 7.7 C-S Halcon Rd. Extend as 2-lane collector 1I 6.6 Truck route replacing Santa Barbara 9 rd It w - 0 Ardills ` ExicM as 2-lean coliactor 2 I ��}} yy n. i . .. J ..vr-4. 7P A' lt."i t.• pi..b.ir. `Art�eriaal Atasca eto to.]mglaou freeway fr�ontege toad.. ; M 1. s'° � 6• Multi-jurisd totuil pto ills Atasc.ulero Circulation Element Final Draft April 9, 1993 y u 3 tr9y a� ; � � � fl a�� a�►+� � E � � cis an o •p,3 n~i p K E '" Ccc •n g c s� 'Q = >bcd cc cc .. ad 3 04 •vwo.� � .� E ,a •E 'b c3cc a: c � K •� E � y � u � s � 3as � Cdto u •!.. oiAVi � i3 N � to Cd bo 45 43 CIS A 0— \6 r: Cd ,► wal oq ~ to 'V Cyca 'C 'Ll .... DA as eC C T7 as p r C ' o,, y u ' >. � V c H � = C9 A CIS rd a � � � c � � -� c� �.� •° cum b c � 3v L'.1 yC.'1 �• � �y � � M :e8 .� a4 C CL t ' Q O tI C S v uuauv, u �uy �r