HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 052593 Approved as Submitted Meeting Date: 6/8/93 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MAY 25, 1993 MINUTES The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilperson Luna led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Bewley, Luna and Mayor Protem Kudlac Absent: Councilwoman Borgeson and Mayor Nimmo (vacation) Also Present: Muriel "Micki" Korba, City Treasurer and Lee Raboin, City Clerk Staff Present: Ray Windsor, City Manager; Andy Takata, Assistant City Manager/Director of Community Services; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director; Mike McCain, Acting Fire Chief and Bud McHale,, Police Chief PROCLAMATION: Mayor Protem Kudlac read the proclamation for "Zoo & Aquarium Month 1993" and presented it to Lindsey Hampton on behalf of the San Luis Obispo County Zoological Society. Ms. Hampton invited all to Conservation Day at the Zoo on Saturday, June 5, 1993. COMMUNITY FORUM: Pastor Trey Littlejohns, Christ Chapel, continued dialogue regarding church use of City facilities and reiterated that, in his opinion, current City policy is discriminating. He asked for clarification of what Council direction was given to the City Attorney at the CC 05/25/93 Page 1 meeting of May 11, 1993. Art Montandon explained that he had been ordered to re- draft the City's policy to allow building usage within constitutional limits. Pastor Littlejohns argued that the California Constitution provides for free exercise and enjoyment of religion without discrimination or preference. A. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following represent ad hoc or standing committees. Informative status reports were given, as follows.): 1. Traffic Committee - Councilman Bewley reported that the committee had met Wednesday, May 19 and heard public complaints regarding speeding on Carmelita Avenue. In addition, he indicated that the committee had approved recommendations regarding a loading zone at the Lake Park Pavilion and red curbing on San Luis Avenue. These items, he added, would be before the Council at the next meeting. B. CONSENT CALENDAR: The Mayor read the Consent Calendar, as follows: 1. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - April 27, 1993 2. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT - April 1993 3. FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT - April 1993 4. TPM 18-90 - TIME EXTENSION REQUEST 7970 SINALOA (Best/Cuesta Engineering 5. RESOLUTION NO. 38-93 - REPLACING WIL-MAR RECYCLING COUPON WITH COMMUNITY WIDE RECYCLING EVENTS 6. AWARD OF BID NO. 93-3 FOR WEED ABATEMENT 7. AWARD OF PROPOSAL FOR DIAL-A-RIDE PHONE SYSTEM 8. AWARD OF PROPOSAL FOR AUDITING SERVICES 9. RESOLUTION NO. 39-93 - APPROVING YEAR-END BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Councilman Luna pulled Item #13-2. Resident, Eric Greening, pulled Item #B-1 MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Bewley to approve CC 05/25/93 Page 2 Consent Calendar Items #13-3 through B-9; motion carried 3:0 by roll call vote. Re: Item #B-1. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - April 27, 1993 Mr. Greening asked that the Minutes be amended by adding the word, "intermittent" to "Class II Bike Lanes" under his comments regarding the Circulation Element on page 4 of the Minutes. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Bewley to approve the Minutes as amended; motion carried unanimously. Re: Item #B-2. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT - April 1993 Councilman Luna noted that two copies of an amended report had been received and asked for clarification. The City Treasurer explained that the report had been amended after the agenda had been run. It was determined that the Council had been given the amended report twice. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Bewley to approve the City Treasurer's Report for April 1993; motion carried unanimously. C. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES: 1. WEED ABATEMENT 1993 PROTEST HEARING Chief McCain provided the introduction. Public Comments: Jeff Hendrix, property owner, noted he had sixty-four acres of hay planted on Santa Barbara Road and wondered if the weed abatement order applied to him. Chief McCain explained that the notice did not apply to land planted in crops. ---End of Public Testimony--- MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Bewley to direct the Fire Chief or his authorized representatives to abate the nuisance of noxious or dangerous weeds on the lots identified in Resolution No. 21-93; motion carried 3:0 by roll call vote. CC 05/25/93 Page 3 D. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT CYCLE 93-1 -CONSIDERATION OF INITIATION OF THREE (3) PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY'S GENERAL PLAN Henry Engen provided the staff report and recommendation to initiate three General Plan amendments for analysis and action in the first cycle of 1993. He noted that the number of lots identified in GPA 93-3 had been revised from five to six. Public Comments: Rush Kolemaine, Box 1990 Atascadero, suggested that commercial development might be encouraged if the Urban Services Line (USL) south east of the Fashion Outlet project on Del Rio was extended. Henry Engen explained that this matter had already been addressed in 1991 when the General Plan was updated. He stated that the sentiment at that time did not favor opening up any major proposed changes to the USL. He pointed out that GPA 93-3 is an adjustment to pick up land already commercially zoned and would not invite new commercial land expansion. Councilman Bewley asked what it would take for others to hook up. Mr. Engen reported that property owners are capable of requesting a general plan amendment; but cautioned that a conflict in policy would arise if the USL is moved and sewer service is provided to residential suburban zoning without changing the Land Use Map of the General Plan. Councilman Bewley stated that he thought it would be worthwhile to look at what it would take to sewer the other side of the street. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Bewley to approve the initiation of GPA 31-2, 93-2 and 93-3 for analysis and action in the first cycle of 1993; motion carried unanimously. 2. APPROVAL OF TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT ACTIVITIES GRANT APPLICATION Henry Engen presented the staff report and recommendation to approve retaining David Morrow, Environmental Consultant,to prepare and submit grant applications for Transportation Enhancement Act (TEA) funding. He reported that there were two specific projects being proposed: a phased program for landscaping Highway 101 and assistance in the acquisition of Stadium Park. Mr. Engen suggested that the Council may want to study, perhaps at Budget Review, the Capital Improvement Plan and look at a strategy for approaching competitive grant applications. CC 05/25/93 Page 4 Councilman Bewley remarked it was frustrating to have to hire consultants and asserted that someone on staff should be capable of preparing the grant applications. Mr. Engen noted that Kelly Heffernon would be participating in, and therefore receiving in-house training on, the grant-writing process. Councilman Luna expressed concern that Atascadero is not getting its' fair share of funding through the Council of Governments (COG). Public Comments: Eric Greening spoke in support of the staff recommendation claiming it to be a "win- win" situation. He asked the Community Development Director when and to whom letters in support of the acquisition of Stadium Park could be addressed. Mr. Engen remarked that letters should be delivered to him and that they will become part of the grant application documentation. Rush Kolemaine asked if the proposed action would preclude any other groups or organizations outside of City government from making application and from whom should they get information regarding grants. Mr. Engen indicated that the recommendation would not preclude others from pursuing grant funding and reported that relevant information could be obtained from COG. ---End of Public Testimony--- The City Clerk noted for the record that Councilwoman Borgeson had prepared a memo to the Council in support of the staff recommendation (see Exhibit A). MOTION: By Councilman Bewley, seconded by Councilman Luna to approve retaining David Morrow, Environmental Consultant, on a contingency basis to submit applications on behalf of the City for a phased program for landscaping Highway 101 and to assist with the acquisition of Stadium Park; motion carried 3:0. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 35-93 - DESIGNATING NO PARKING ZONES ON SOUTH EL CAMINO REAL (Continued from 5/11/93 for cost analysis) Henry Engen presented the staff report and explained that the previous cost analysis had been significantly reduced. MOTION: By Councilman Bewley, seconded by Councilman Luna to approve Resolution No. 35-93; motion carried 3:0 by roll call vote. CC 05/25/93 Page 5 4. NACIMIENTO RESERVATION AGREEMENT PURVEYOR'S TECHNICAL ADVISORY GROUP APPOINTMENT The City Manager reported that although Atascadero Mutual Water Company is the water purveyor, the County Engineer had extended the courtesy of offering City representation on the technical advisory group. Councilman Luna volunteered to serve. Mayor Protem Kudlac indicated that Councilwoman Borgeson had expressed an interest in participating. MOTION: By Councilman Bewley, seconded by Mayor Protem Kudlac to appoint Councilman Luna as the technical advisory group representative and, further, appointing Councilwoman Borgeson as the alternate; motion carried 3:0 by voice vote. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Treasurer Micki Korba reported that she would be attending a State budget seminar in Sacramento later in the week. In addition, she announced that she would be bringing a resolution of authorization for obtaining Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes for the fiscal year 1993-94 at the next Council meeting. CLOSED SESSION: At 7:53 p.m., the City Council adjourned to a Closed Session for purposes of discussions relating to: 1 . Potential Litigation - Said session held pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a). and 2. Pending Litigation entitled, Lee v. City of Atascadero - Said session held pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9. THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL WILL BE TUESDAY JUNE 6, 1993 AT 7:00 P.M. MINUTES RECORDED AND PREPARED BY: LEE RABOIN, C'. Clerk Attachment: Exhibit A (Borgeson) CC 05/25/93 Page 6 CC 5/25/93 EXHIBIT A MEMORANDUM To: City Council From: Bonita Borgeson, Council Member Subject: Council Meeting of 5125/93 -- Regular Business Item D-2, Approval of Transportation Enhancement.Act Project Application Date: May 18, 1993 Since I will be absent at the May 25th meeting, I would like to request that the record reflect my support for Item D-2, Approval of Transportation Enhancement Act Project Application. It is my understanding that the grant application is for two areas: the Highway 101 landscape corridor and the Stadium Park purchase. I feel that any grant application which we can obtain during these fiscally hard times would be a positive for our City. Thank you for our consideration. BB:cw