HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC_2015-06-23_Agenda Packet CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Tuesday, June 23, 2015 City Hall Council Chambers, 4th floor 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, California (Enter on Lewis Ave.) CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION: 5:00 P.M. 1. CLOSED SESSION -- PUBLIC COMMENT 2. COUNCIL LEAVES CHAMBERS TO BEGIN CLOSED SESSION 3. CLOSED SESSION -- CALL TO ORDER a. Conference with Labor Negotiators (Govt. Code Sec. 54957.6) Agency designated representatives: Rachelle Rickard, City Manager Employee Organizations: Atascadero Firefighters Bargaining Unit; Atascadero Police Association; Service Employees International Union, Local 620; Mid-Management/Professional Employees; Non- Represented Professional and Management Workers and Confidential Employees 4. CLOSED SESSION -- ADJOURNMENT 5. COUNCIL RETURNS TO CHAMBERS 6. CLOSED SESSION – REPORT City Council Closed Session: 5:00 P.M. City Council Regular Session: 6:00 P.M. REGULAR SESSION – CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pro Tem Moreno ROLL CALL: Mayor O’Malley Mayor Pro Tem Moreno Council Member Fonzi Council Member Kelley Council Member Sturtevant APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Roll Call PRESENTATIONS: None A. CONSENT CALENDAR: (All items on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and non-controversial by City staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Council or public wishes to comment or ask questions. If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be removed from the consent calendar and will be considered in the listed sequence with an opportunity for any member of the public to address the Council concerning the item before action is taken. DRAFT MINUTES: Council meeting draft minutes are listed on the Consent Calendar for approval of the minutes. Should anyone wish to request an amendment to draft minutes, the item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and their suggestion will be considered by the City Council. If anyone desires to express their opinion concerning issues included in draft minutes, they should share their opinion during the Community Forum portion of the meeting.) 1. City Council Draft Action Minutes – June 9, 2015  Recommendation: Council approve the City Council Draft Action Minutes of the June 9, 2015. [City Clerk] 2. City Council Draft Action Minutes – June 11, 2015 – Special Meeting  Recommendation: Council approve the City Council Draft Action Minutes of the June 11, 2015, Special Meeting. [City Clerk] 3. Temporary Road Closure – Hot El Camino Cruise Nite 2015  Fiscal Impact: No net fiscal impact.  Recommendation: Council adopt the Draft Resolution authorizing temporary road closures on Friday, August 21, 2015, for Hot El Camino Cruise Nite 2015. [Public Works] 4. Tourism Business Improvement District (TBID) Board Appointment of Two Board Members to Fill Vacancies  Fiscal Impact: None.  Recommendation: The TBID Board recommends: Council appoint Tom O’Malley and Michael Wambolt to fill the positions on the TBID Board whose terms expire on June 30, 2015. [City Manager] 5. May 2015 Accounts Payable and Payroll  Fiscal Impact: $1,590,419.41  Recommendation: Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for May 2015. [Administrative Services] UPDATES FROM THE CITY MANAGER: (The City Manager will give an oral report on any current issues of concern to the City Council.) COMMUNITY FORUM: (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Council on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Council has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to three minutes. Please state your name for the record before making your presentation. Comments made during Community Forum will not be a subject of discussion. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless changed by the Council. Any members of the public who have questions or need information, may contact the City Clerk’s Office, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at 470-3400, or mtorgerson@atascadero.org.) B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Downtown Parking & Business Improvement Area (PBIA) (FY 2015-16) Confirmation of Annual Assessment  Ex-Parte Communications:  Fiscal Impact: None.  Recommendation: Council adopt the Draft Resolution confirming the annual assessment for the Downtown Parking & Business Improvement Area (Fiscal Year 2015-2016) at $0.00. [City Manager] 2. Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District (ATBID) Fiscal Year Confirmation of Annual Assessment  Ex-Parte Communications:  Fiscal Impact: None.  Recommendation: Council adopt the Draft Resolution confirming the annual assessment for the Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District, Fiscal Year 2015-16. [City Manager] 3. Amendments to Fee Schedule  Ex-Parte Communications:  Fiscal Impact: There will be an increase in operating revenue resulting from the CPI increase, with an offsetting increase in costs to provide the services.  Recommendation: Council adopt Draft Resolution A establishing a schedule of Fees and Charges for City Services. [Administrative Services] 4. 2015-2017 Operating and Capital Budget  Ex-Parte Communications:  Fiscal Impact: The total revenues for all funds are budgeted at $32,893,360 and $30,758,440 for fiscal years 2015 -2016 and 2016-2017, respectively. Total expenditures for all funds are budgeted at $34,749,130 and $33,264,670 for fiscal years 2015-2016 and 2016-2017, respectively.  Recommendations: Council: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution adopting the budgets for the 2015 -2016 and 2016-2017 fiscal years and delegating to the City Manager the authority to implement same; and, 2. Adopt Draft Resolution amending fiscal year 2014 -2015 budget; and, 3. Adopt Draft Resolution adopting the fiscal year 2015 -2016 annual spending limit. [Administrative Services] 5. Salaries and Health, Welfare and Retirement Benefits for Mayor, City Council Members, City Clerk and City Treasurer  Ex-Parte Communications:  Fiscal Impact: No fiscal impact for this agenda item. There would be a fiscal impact if the City Council adopts an ordinance at a future meeting to increase compensation for elected officials and that fiscal impact will be described in the Staff Report for that item.  Recommendation: Council consider options provided in this report, review the attached Draft Ordinance, and give staff direction on how the Council wants the Ordinance completed. [City Attorney] C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: None COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: (On their own initiative, Council Members may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. Council Members may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda. The Council may take action on items listed on the Agenda.) D. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (The following represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary): Mayor O’Malley 1. City / Schools Committee 2. County Mayors Round Table 3. Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) 4. SLO Council of Governments (SLOCOG) 5. SLO Regional Transit Authority (RTA) Mayor Pro Tem Moreno 1. California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA) Board 2. City of Atascadero Finance Committee (Chair) 3. Economic Vitality Corporation, Board of Directors (EVC) Council Member Fonzi 1. Air Pollution Control District 2. Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero 3. SLO Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) 4. City of Atascadero Design Review Committee 5. SLO County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC) 6. Water Issues Liaison Council Member Kelley 1. Atascadero State Hospital Advisory Committee 2. City of Atascadero Design Review Committee 3. Homeless Services Oversight Council 4. City of Atascadero Finance Committee Council Member Sturtevant 1. City / Schools Committee 2. League of California Cities – Council Liaison E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND / OR ACTION: 1. City Council 2. City Clerk 3. City Treasurer 4. City Attorney 5. City Manager F. ADJOURN Please note: Should anyone challenge any proposed development entitlement listed on this Agenda in court, that person may be limited to raising those issues addressed at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at or prior to this public hearing. Correspondence submitted at this public hearing will be distributed to the Council and available for review in the City Clerk's office. I, Lori Mlynczak, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Atascadero, declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing agenda for the June 23, 2015 Regular Session of the Atascadero City Council was posted on June 17, 2015, at the Atascadero City Hall, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, CA 93422 and was available for public review in the Customer Service Center at that location. Signed this 17th day of June, 2015, at Atascadero, California. Lori Mlynczak, Deputy City Clerk City of Atascadero City of Atascadero WELCOME TO THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING The City Council meets in regular session on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Council meetings will be held at the City Hall Council Chambers, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero. Matters are considered by the Council in the order of the printed Agenda. Regular Council meetings are televised live, audio recorded and videotaped for future playback. Charter Communication customers may view the meetings on Charter Cable Channel 20 or via the City’s website at www.atascadero.org. Meetings are also broadcast on radio station KPRL AM 1230. Contact the City Clerk for more information (470-3400). Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk and are available for public inspection during City Hall business hours at the Front Counter of City Hall, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, and on our website, www.atascadero.org. Contracts, Resolutions and Ordinances will be allocated a number once they are approved by the City Council. The minutes of this meeti ng will reflect these numbers. All documents submitted by the public during Council meetings that are either read into the record or referred to in their statement will be noted in the minutes and available for review in the City Clerk's office . In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City, please contact the City Manager’s Office or the City Clerk’s Office, both at (805) 470-3400. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. TO SPEAK ON SUBJECTS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Under Agenda item, “COMMUNITY FORUM”, the Mayor will call for anyone from the audience having business with the Council to approach the lectern and be recognized. 1. Give your name for the record (not required) 2. State the nature of your business. 3. All comments are limited to 3 minutes. 4. All comments should be made to the Mayor and Council. 5. No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or negative personal remarks concerning any other individual, absent or present This is the time item s not on the Agenda may be brought to the Council’s attention. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum (unless changed by the Council). If you wish to use a computer presentation to support your comments, you must notify the City Clerk 's office at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Digital presentations must be brought to the meeting on a USB drive or CD. You are required to submit to the City Clerk a printed copy of your presentation for the record. Please check in with the City C lerk before the meeting begins to announce your presence and turn in the printed copy. TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS (from Title 2, Chapter 1 of the Atascadero Municipal Code) Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. The Mayor will ident ify the subject, staff will give their report, and the Council will ask questions of staff. The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is open and will request anyone interested to address the Council regarding the matter being considered to s tep up to the lectern. If you wish to speak for, against or comment in any way: 1. You must approach the lectern and be recognized by the Mayor 2. Give your name (not required) 3. Make your statement 4. All comments should be made to the Mayor and Council 5. No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or negative personal remarks concerning any other individual, absent or present 6. All comments limited to 3 minutes The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is closed, and thereafter, no further p ublic comments will be heard by the Council. ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 06/23/15 Atascadero City Council June 9, 2015 Page 1 of 13 CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL DRAFT MINUTES Tuesday, June 9, 2015 City Hall Council Chambers, 4th floor 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, California (Enter on Lewis Ave.) CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION: 5:00 P.M. Mayor O’Malley announced at 5:01 p.m. that the Council is going into Closed Session. 1. CLOSED SESSION -- PUBLIC COMMENT - None 2. COUNCIL LEAVES CHAMBERS TO BEGIN CLOSED SESSION 3. CLOSED SESSION -- CALL TO ORDER a. Conference with Labor Negotiators (Govt. Code Sec. 54957.6) Agency designated representatives: Rachelle Rickard, City Manager Employee Organizations: Atascadero Firefighters Bargaining Unit; Atascadero Police Association; Service Employees International Union, Local 620; Mid-Management/Professional Employees; Non- City Council Closed Session: 5:00 P.M. City Council Regular Session: 6:00 P.M. ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 06/23/15 Atascadero City Council June 9, 2015 Page 2 of 13 Represented Professional and Management Workers and Confidential Employees 4. CLOSED SESSION -- ADJOURNMENT 5. COUNCIL RETURNS TO CHAMBERS 6. CLOSED SESSION – REPORT The City Attorney reported that there was no reportable action. REGULAR SESSION – CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 P.M. Mayor O’Malley called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and Police Chief Jerel Haley led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Kelley, Fonzi, Sturtevant, Mayor Pro Tem Moreno, and Mayor O’Malley Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk / Deputy City Manager Marcia McClure Torgerson Staff Present: City Manager Rachelle Rickard, Administrative Services Director Jeri Rangel, Public Works Director Nick DeBar, Police Chief Jerel Haley, Fire Chief Kurt Stone, Assistant Planner Alfredo Castillo, and City Attorney Brian Pierik. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Council Member Sturtevant and seconded by Council Member Fonzi to approve the agenda. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote PRESENTATIONS: None ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 06/23/15 Atascadero City Council June 9, 2015 Page 3 of 13 A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. City Council Draft Action Minutes – May 15, 2015 – Special Meeting  Recommendation: Council approve the City Council Draft Action Minutes of the May 15, 2015, Special Meeting. [City Clerk] 2. City Council Draft Action Minutes – May 26, 2015  Recommendation: Council approve the City Council Draft Action Minutes of May 26, 2015. [City Clerk] 3. April 2015 Accounts Payable and Payroll  Fiscal Impact: $1,471,847.31  Recommendation: Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for April 2015. [Administrative Services] 4. Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District (ATBID) – Annual Assessment  Fiscal Impact: None  Recommendations: Council: 1. Approve the ATBID Annual Report; and, 2. Adopt the Draft Resolution of Intention, declaring intent to levy annual Business Improvement District assessment, and set a public hearing for June 23, 2015. [City Manager] 5. Parking & Business Improvement Area (PBIA) Assessment - (The annual PBIA assessment has been set at $0.00)  Fiscal Impact: None.  Recommendation: Council adopt the Draft Resolution of Intention, declaring intent to levy annual Downtown Parking & Business Improvement Area assessment, and set a public hearing for June 23, 2015. [City Manager] 6. Extend Contract with Pacific Municipal Consultants (PMC) for Contract Planning Services  Fiscal Impact: The fiscal impact of the extension of the agreement for service for an additional 1 month is estimated to be approximately $10,000 of budgeted General Funds.  Recommendation: Council authorize the City Manager to execute a change order for $10,000 to the contract with PMC for contract planning services in the Community Development Department. [City Manager] ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 06/23/15 Atascadero City Council June 9, 2015 Page 4 of 13 7. Final Map 2008-0166 (Tract 2959 / TTM 2007-101) - Final Map 2008-0167 (AT 07-0229 / TPM 2007-0091) - 6905 Navajoa - People’s Self Help Housing  Fiscal Impact: None.  Recommendations: Council: 1. Adopt and approve Tract Map 2959 (Final Map 2008-0166); and, 2. Adopt and approve Parcel Map AT 07-0229 (Final Map 2008-0167); and, 3. Accept the Public Utility Easements shown on Tract Map 2959 and Parcel Map AT 07-0229; and, 4. Reject without prejudice to future acceptance on behalf of the public, the offer of dedication shown on the map for Streets; and, 5. Authorize and direct the City Clerk to endorse the City Council’s approval of the maps. [Community Development] 8. PLN 2014-1519 / ZCH 2004-0083 - Principal Mixed-Use Master Plan Amendment - 9105 Principal Avenue - (Principal Partners LLC / Oasis Associates)  Fiscal Impact: A standard condition of approval has been included requiring emergency services and facility m aintenance costs to be 100% funded by the project by annexing into the City’s Community Facilities District.  Recommendation: Council adopt on second reading, by title only, Draft Ordinance A approving amendments to Zone Change 2004-0083 to an adopted Planned Development #24 overlay located on APNs 030 -049- 001,013,019,020, based on findings. [Community Development] 9. Eagle Ranch Annexation and Specific Plan - PLN 2008-1280 - Planning Consultant Contract Authorization  Fiscal Impact: The proposed contract will be revenue neutral to the City of Atascadero. The project applicant (Eagle Ranch, LLC) will be responsible for the payment of all consultant costs. Staff time will be charged according to the pre-established fee schedule.  Recommendation: Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with John F. Rickenbach Consulting in the amount $68,180 to provide professional planning consultation services to assist in the completion of the Eagle Ranch Annexation and Specific P lan. The project applicant (Eagle Ranch, LLC) will be responsible for the payment of all consultant costs. [Community Development] Mayor O’Malley announced that he will be recusing himself on Item #A -4 as he owns the Portola Inn and voting would be a conflict of interest. ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 06/23/15 Atascadero City Council June 9, 2015 Page 5 of 13 MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Moreno and seconded by Council Member Fonzi to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. (O’Malley abstained on Item #A-4) (Item #A-4: Resolution No. 2015-047, Item #A-5: Resolution No. 2015-048, Item #A-6: Contract No. 2015-012, Item #A-8: Ordinance No. 589, Item #A-9: Contract No. 2015- 013) UPDATES FROM THE CITY MANAGER: City Manager Rachelle Rickard gave an update on projects and issues within the City. COMMUNITY FORUM: The following citizens spoke during Community Forum: Jim Patterson Mayor O’Malley closed the COMMUNITY FORUM period. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. APL 2015-0021 - Appeal of Planning Commission Approval - PLN 2015- 1545 / CUP 2015-0290 - 8665 El Camino Real “Fitness Evolution” - (JPlus Architects/GGD Oakdale, LLC)  Ex-Parte Communications:  Fiscal Impact: There is a slight positive fiscal impact expected from the operation of Fitness Evolution gym.  Recommendations: City Council: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution A certifying CEQA Class 1 and Class 32 exemption, that the proposed project is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review and associated findings; and, 2. Adopt Draft Resolution B denying the appeal of and upholding Planning Commission approval of Conditional Use Permit 2015-0290 to allow an indoor recreation service in the commercial retail district, based on findings and subject to conditions of approval. [Community Development] Community Development Assistant Planner Alfredo Castillo gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council. ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 06/23/15 Atascadero City Council June 9, 2015 Page 6 of 13 Mayor O’Malley asked the Appellant and the Applicant to speak before the Public Comment. The following people spoke: Hank Minardo (Appellant), Babak Naficy (attorney for Appellant), Sanjiv Chopra (Applicant), and Sophie Treder (attorney for Applicant). Staff responded to the comments made by the Appellant and the Applicant. ExParte Communications  Mayor O’Malley stated he has received numerous emails.  Council Member Kelley stated that he received numerous emails, and met with Mr. Minardo  Mayor Pro Tem Moreno stated she received numerous emails.  Council Member Fonzi stated she received numerous emails, spoke to Mr. Minardo by phone, and spoke to a few of the businesses in the shopping center.  Council Member Sturtevant stated he received numerous emails PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke on this item: Jerry Clay, Rick Randise, Sean Wahl, Vanessa Kline, Emily Yure, Travis Chandler, Josh Donovan, Joe Gigantino, Red Heech, Sanjiv Chopra, Linda Hansen, Josh Cross, Babak Naficy, Sophie Treder, and Sean Jeanes. Mayor O’Malley closed the Public Comment period. Mayor O’Malley recessed the meeting at 8:29 p.m. Mayor O’Malley reconvened the meeting at 8:42 p.m. Staff responded to the comments made by the Public. MOTION: By Council Member Kelley and seconded by Council Member Sturtevant to: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution A certifying CEQA Class 1 and Class 32 exemption, that the proposed project is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review and associated findings; and, 2. Adopt Draft Resolution B denying the appeal of and upholding Planning Commission approval of Conditional Use Permit 2015-0290 to allow an indoor recreation service in the commercial retail district, based on findings and subject to conditions of approval. Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Fonzi opposed)(#1: Resolution No. 2015-049, #2: Resolution No. 2015-050) ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 06/23/15 Atascadero City Council June 9, 2015 Page 7 of 13 2. Apple Valley Assessment Districts  Ex-Parte Communications:  Fiscal Impact: Annual assessments for 2015/2016 will total $35,000 for road/drainage system maintenance and $66,500 for landscape and lighting maintenance. These amounts will be assessed to the owners of parcels in Apple Valley.  Recommendations: Council: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution A approving the final Engineer’s Report regarding the Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 01 (Apple Valley), and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto for fiscal year 2015/2016; and, 2. Adopt Draft Resolution B ordering the levy and collection of assessments for fiscal year 2015/2016 for Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 01 (Apple Valley); and, 3. Adopt Draft Resolution C approving the final Engineer’s Report regarding the Landscaping and Lighting District No. 01 (Apple Valley), and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto in fiscal year 2015/2016; and 4. Adopt Draft Resolution D ordering the levy and collection of assessments for fiscal year 2015/2016 for Landscaping and Lighti ng District No. 01 (Apple Valley.) [Administrative Services] Administrative Services Director Jeri Rangel gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council. There were no Ex Parte Communications reported by the City Council. PUBLIC COMMENT: None MOTION: By Council Member Fonzi and seconded by Council Member Sturtevant to: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution A approving the final Engineer’s Report regarding the Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 01 (Apple Valley), and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto for fiscal year 2015/2016; and, 2. Adopt Draft Resolution B ordering the levy and collection of assessments for fiscal year 2015/2016 for Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 01 (Apple Valley); and, 3. Adopt Draft Resolution C approving the final Engineer’s Report regarding the Landscaping and Lighting District No. 01 (Apple Valley), and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto in fiscal year 2015/2016; and ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 06/23/15 Atascadero City Council June 9, 2015 Page 8 of 13 4. Adopt Draft Resolution D ordering the levy and collection of assessments for fiscal year 2015/2016 for Landscaping and Lighting District No. 01 (Apple Valley.) Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. (#1: Resolution No. 2015- 051, #2: Resolution No. 2015-052, #3: Resolution No. 2015-053, #4: Resolution No. 2015-054) 3. De Anza Estates Assessment Districts  Ex-Parte Communications:  Fiscal Impact: Annual assessments for 2015/2016 will total $40,090 for road/drainage system maintenance and $15,875 for landscape and lighting maintenance. These amounts will be assessed to the owners of parcels in De Anza Estates. The City General Fund will contribute $1,400 for the fiscal year 2015/2016 for half of the maintenance costs of the trails and open space.  Recommendations: Council: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution A approving the final Engineer’s Report regarding the Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 03 (De Anza Estates), and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto for fiscal year 2015/2016; and, 2. Adopt Draft Resolution B ordering the levy and collection of assessments for fiscal year 2015/2016 for Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 03 (De Anza Estates); and, 3. Adopt Draft Resolution C approving the final Engineer’s Report regarding the Landscaping and Lighting District No. 03 (De Anza Estates), and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto in fiscal year 2015/2016; and 4. Adopt Draft Resolution D ordering the levy and collection of assessments for fiscal year 2015/2016 for Landscaping and Lighti ng District No. 03 (De Anza Estates.) [Administrative Services] Administrative Services Director Jeri Rangel gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council. There were no Ex Parte Communications reported by the City Council. PUBLIC COMMENT: None MOTION: By Council Member Fonzi and seconded by Council Member Sturtevant to: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution A approving the final Engineer’s Report regarding the Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 03 (De Anza Estates), and the levy and ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 06/23/15 Atascadero City Council June 9, 2015 Page 9 of 13 collection of annual assessments related thereto for fiscal year 2015/2016; and, 2. Adopt Draft Resolution B ordering the levy and collection of assessments for fiscal year 2015/2016 for Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 03 (De Anza Estates); and, 3. Adopt Draft Resolution C approving the final Engineer’s Report regarding the Landscaping and Lighting District No. 03 (De Anza Estates), and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto in fiscal year 2015/2016; and 4. Adopt Draft Resolution D ordering the levy and collection of assessments for fiscal year 2015/2016 for Landscaping and Lighting District No. 03 (De Anza Estates.) Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. (#1: Resolution No. 2015- 055, #2: Resolution No. 2015-056, #3: Resolution No. 2015-057, #4: Resolution No. 2015-058) 4. Woodridge (Las Lomas) Assessment Districts  Ex-Parte Communications:  Fiscal Impact: Annual assessments for 2015/2016 will total $12,051 for road/drainage system maintenance and $46,350 for landscape and lighting maintenance. These amounts will be assessed to the owners of parcels in Woodridge (Las Lomas).  Recommendations: Council: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution A approving the final Engineer’s Report regarding the Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 02 – Woodridge (Las Lomas), and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto for fiscal year 2015/2016; and, 2. Adopt Draft Resolution B ordering the levy and collection of assessments for fiscal year 2015/2016 for Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 02 – Woodridge (Las Lomas); and, 3. Adopt Draft Resolution C approving the final Engineer’s Report regarding the Landscaping and Lighting District No. 02 – Woodridge (Las Lomas), and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto in fiscal year 2015/2016; and 4. Adopt Draft Resolution D ordering the levy and collection of assessments for fiscal year 2015/2016 for Landscaping and Lighting District No. 02 – Woodridge (Las Lomas.) [Administrative Services] Administrative Services Director Jeri Rangel gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council. There were no Ex Parte Communications reported by the City Council. ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 06/23/15 Atascadero City Council June 9, 2015 Page 10 of 13 PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke on this item: Mike Zappas Mayor O’Malley closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Council Member Sturtevant and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Moreno to: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution A approving the final Engineer’s Report regarding the Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 02 – Woodridge (Las Lomas), and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto for fiscal year 2015/2016; and, 2. Adopt Draft Resolution B ordering the levy and collection of assessments for fiscal year 2015/2016 for Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 02 – Woodridge (Las Lomas); and, 3. Adopt Draft Resolution C approving the final Engineer’s Report regarding the Landscaping and Lighting District No. 02 – Woodridge (Las Lomas), and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto in fiscal year 2015/2016; and 4. Adopt Draft Resolution D ordering the levy and collection of assessments for fiscal year 2015/2016 for Landscaping and Lighting District No. 02 – Woodridge (Las Lomas.) Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. (#1: Resolution No. 2015- 059, #2: Resolution No. 2015-060, #3: Resolution No. 2015-061, #4: Resolution No. 2015-062) 5. PLN 2014-1522 - CUP 2015-0288 / TRP 2015-0181 - 10785 El Camino Real / 9355 Avenida Maria - Atascadero Family Apartments - (Corporation for a Better Housing / 9355 Avenida Maria, LLP)  Ex-Parte Communications:  Fiscal Impact: The project, as proposed, will have a slight negative impact on City Revenue. Typically, residential development does not contribute equal revenue when compared to the cost of services that is pro vided with the development. The applicant is required to pay all development impact fees to help off -set additional burdens to traffic, parks, open space, etc. on a per unit basis.  Recommendations: Planning Commission Recommends Council: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution A certifying Mitigated Negative Declaration 2015-0002; and, 2. Adopt Draft Resolution B, approving and approving Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 2015-0288 and a State Density Bonus with a maximum ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 06/23/15 Atascadero City Council June 9, 2015 Page 11 of 13 of three (3) developer incentives in exchange for at least 13 units set aside for a minimum of 55 years to households earning less than 50% of Area Median Income (AMI), which is considered very-low income, based on findings and subject to mitigation monitoring and conditions. [Community Development] Community Development Assistant Planner Alfredo Castillo gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council. There were no Ex Parte Communications reported by the City Council. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke on this item: Jake Lingo, and City Clerk Torgerson read a prepared statement by Nancy Marsh (Exhibit A). Mayor O’Malley closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Mayor O’Malley and seconded by Council Member Fonzi to continue the meeting past 11:00 p.m. Motion passed 5:0 by a voice vote. Mayor O’Malley recessed the meeting at 10:56 p.m. Mayor O’Malley reconvened the meeting at 11:01p.m. MOTION: By Mayor O’Malley and seconded by Council Member Kelley to: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution A certifying Mitigated Negative Declaration 2015-0002; and, 2. Adopt Draft Resolution B, approving and approving Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 2015-0288 and a State Density Bonus with a maximum of three (3) developer incentives in exchange for at least 13 units set aside for a minimum of 55 years to households earning less than 50% of Area Median Income (AMI), which is considered very-low income, based on findings and subject to mitigation monitoring and conditions, with Conditions of Approval #15, 16 & 17 to read as follows: 15. Consistent with California Government Code Sections 65915 through 65918, three (3) developer incentives will be provided for the construction of a minimum of 13 very-low income units (15% of total project units) through a signed affordable housing agreement and deed restriction. Those developer incentives include: ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 06/23/15 Atascadero City Council June 9, 2015 Page 12 of 13  Reduction of corner yard setback for Lot 1 identified in recorded Parcel Map 49-16, San Luis Obispo County, to a minimum of five (5) feet as measures from the edge of property line.  Reduction of the number of required parking spaces as identified in Exhibit C.  Waiver of maximum 30-foot height requirements and maximum two-stories. 16. In exchange for waiver and/or modification of three standards in Title 9 of the Atascadero Municipal Code, the applicant shall be required to enter into an affordable housing agreement and deed restrict a minimum of 13 units to households whom qualify as very-low income, consistent with the San Luis Obispo County affordable housing standards for a term of no less than 55 years. 17. An affordable housing agreement shall be entered between the City of Atascadero and the applicant deed restricting 86 units for a term of no less than 55 years. This affordable housing agreement and deed restriction shall be recorded prior to the issuance of building permits. The following shall be a breakdown of restricted units:  A minimum of 40 units shall be deed restricted for households of very-low income  All remaining units shall be deed restricted for households of low income. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. (#1: Resolution No. 2015- 063, #2: Resolution No. 2015-064) 6. Placement of Sewer Service Charges on the 2015-2016 Property Tax Rolls  Ex-Parte Communications:  Fiscal Impact: The City will bill $1,823,392.92 in sanitation service charges for Fiscal Year 2015-2016.  Recommendation: Council adopt the Draft Resolution placing sewer service charges on the 2015-2016 property tax rolls. [Public Works] Public Works Director Nick DeBar gave the staff report and answe red questions from the Council. There were no Ex Parte Communications reported by the City Council. ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 06/23/15 Atascadero City Council June 9, 2015 Page 13 of 13 PUBLIC COMMENT: None MOTION: By Council Member Sturtevant and seconded by Council Member Kelley to adopt the Draft Resolution placing sewer service charges on the 2015-2016 property tax rolls. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. (Resolution No. 2015- 065) C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: None COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: None D. COMMITTEE REPORTS: None E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND / OR ACTION: None F. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor O’Malley adjourned the meeting at 11:10 p.m. MINUTES PREPARED BY: ______________________________________ Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C. City Clerk / Deputy City Manager The following exhibit is available for review in the City Clerk’s office: Exhibit A – Prepared statement by Nancy Marsh, read into the record by City Clerk Torgerson ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 06/23/15 City Council Special Meeting June 11, 2015 Page 1 of 3 SPECIAL MEETING CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL DRAFT MINUTES Thursday, June 11, 2015 5:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 4th Floor 6500 Palma Ave, Atascadero, California (Enter from Lewis Ave.) Rebranding Planning Meeting Mayor O’Malley called the meeting to order at 5:04 p.m. and noted that Council Member Sturtevant would be joining the meeting a few minutes later. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Kelley, Fonzi, Mayor Pro Tem Moreno, and Mayor O’Malley Absent: Council Member Sturtevant Staff Present: City Manager Rachelle Rickard, Administrative Services Director Jeri Rangel, Public Works Director Nick DeBar, Police Chief Jerel Haley, Fire Chief Kurt Stone, Interim Community Development Director Gary Broad, Deputy City Manager Terrie Banish and Deputy City Clerk Lori Mlynczak WORKSHOP: Mayor O’Malley welcomed on board the new Deputy City Manager, Terrie Banish. ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 06/23/15 City Council Special Meeting June 11, 2015 Page 2 of 3 Deputy City Manager Banish welcomed everyone in attendance. She went over the schedule for the evening and distributed two handouts; the Brand Assessment – Rebrand Questions (Exhibit A) and the Atascadero Tourism & Promotion Game Plan from the Coraggio Group (Exhibit B). Deputy City Manager Banish introduced Mary Verdin from Verdin Marketing. Mary Verdin introduced her staff in attendance: Ashlee Akers, Megan Condit and Nina Martin. Council Member Sturtevant arrived at 5:08PM. There were introductions to Verdin by City Councilmembers and City staff. Introduced from the audience were Linda Hendy and Vicki Lee from the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce. Mary Verdin began their presentation with a discussion of the power of branding. Megan Condit went over the branding process and distributed a handout (Exhibit C). Ashlee Akers went over the top five attributes from the Coraggio game plan. 1. Classic Americana 2. Garden to table/artisan 3. Recreation (human-powered) 4. Key events 5. Historic tourism/historic California Ashlee Akers also went over the goals of Visit Atascadero vs. the goals of the City and then led the Five Senses Exercise. Ashlee Akers handed out and went over the Creative Brief (Exhibit D). City Manager Rickard asked Council to look at the Desired Action section on the Creative Brief and asked if that is the direction the Council would like to take. There was a discussion regarding Stay – Spend – Enjoy and that there should be a focus on families. Mayor Pro Tem Moreno commented that we want our residents to stay & enjoy Atascadero, not just visitors. City Manager Rickard prompted clarification by asking the Council if they would like the Desired Action to not be limited only to visitors. Mary Verdin summarized the different messages of the TBID vs the City and stated they are similar and should be able to collaborate. TBID message: Come – Stay – Spend City message: Stay – Spend – Enjoy There was Council consensus to not limit the message to only visitors. ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 06/23/15 City Council Special Meeting June 11, 2015 Page 3 of 3 Mary Verdin went over the timeline: rough black & white logos by July 14, 2015; final logo, tagline & color palette by August 11, 2015. Deputy City Manager Banish went over re-branding items to review. 1. Visit Atascadero website – there was a brief discussion about making sure the message is consistent throughout the City. 2. Visit Atascadero Facebook page – there was a discussion regarding the difference between the City’s Facebook page being mostly for residents and the Visit Atascadero website being used primarily by visitors. 3. Upcoming renewals: a. Certified Brochure There was Council consensus to continue on with these brochures. b. Grape Encounters There was Council consensus to look into renewing this, but to also re-shape the message. 4. Billboards – there was a discussion about possibly eliminating the small banners on the billboards and replacing with a full billboard or two. Deputy City Manager Banish will look further into this. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor O’Malley adjourned the meeting at 6:32 p.m. MINUTES PREPARED BY: ______________________________________ Lori Mlynczak Deputy City Clerk ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: 06/23/15 Atascadero City Council Staff Report – Public Works Department Temporary Road Closure Hot El Camino Cruise Nite 2015 RECOMMENDATION: Council adopt the Draft Resolution authorizing temporary road closures on Friday, August 21, 2015, for Hot El Camino Cruise Nite 2015. DISCUSSION: On Friday, August 21, 2015, City staff is proposing to close the following for the annual Hot El Camino Cruise Nite, which begins at 6:30 p.m.: To be closed from 5:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.:  El Camino Real from Curbaril Ave. to Traffic Way  San Luis Ave from Curbaril to Pueblo  Pueblo from San Luis Ave. to El Camino Real  East Mall from El Camino Real to Lewis Ave.  West Mall from El Camino to Lewis Ave.  Entrada from El Camino Real to Lewis Ave.  Traffic Way from El Camino Real to Lewis Ave. The Hot El Camino Cruise Nite event, coordinated by the Atascadero Police Department, Recreation Division and the Public Works Department, attracts thousands of tourists and spectators who line El Camino Real to view the vehicles that participate in this growing event. Last year there were over 400 vehicles registered. The route for this year’s “Cruise” is proposed to begin at Curbaril Ave. and end at Traffic Way. The route requires that Cal Trans or a contractor close the northbound Highway 41 exit and provide a detour for Highway 41 east. Cal Trans has requested a resolution from the Atascadero City Council authorizing the closure of El Camino Real and the other streets affected along the proposed “Cruise” route. ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: 06/23/15 FISCAL IMPACT: No net fiscal impact. The cost of putting on the event is approximately $13,750 in budgeted funds, and it is anticipated that these costs will be fully recovered through budgeted sponsorships and entry fees. ALTERNATIVES: None proposed. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Resolution 2. Map of the proposed Hot El Camino Nite Cruise route 3. Map of the proposed Detour route 4. Street Closure Request Form ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 1 DRAFT RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA CREATING A TEMPORARY CRUISE ROUTE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Atascadero that the Hot El Camino Cruise Nite route is hereby established as: El Camino Real from Curbaril Avenue to Entrada Avenue to Palma Avenue to Traffic Way and returning to El Camino Real. Additionally, Curbaril Avenue from El Camino Real to San Luis Avenue, San Luis Avenue from Curbaril Avenue to Pueblo Avenue and Pueblo Avenue from San Luis Avenue to El Camino Real will be closed for “cruise” traffic only. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in order to provide a closed route for the cruise, the area described above is designated as a tow-away zone from 5:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m., on August 21, 2015. On motion by Council Member ____________________ and seconded by Council Member ____________________, the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO ______________________________ Tom O’Malley, Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________________ Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C., City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________ Brian A. Pierik, City Attorney ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 3 ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 4 CITY OF ATASCADERO STREET CLOSURE REQUEST FORM FULL NAME OF ORGANIZATION: City of Atascadero, Recreation Division NAME OF PERSON MAKING APPLICATION: Paula Anton, Recreation Supervisor ADDRESS: 6500 Palma Ave CITY: Atascadero ZIP: 93422 PHONE: DAY 470-3472 DATE (S) OF REQUESTED ROAD CLOSURE: Friday August 21, 2015 NAME OF STREET: 1. El Camino Real 2. San Luis Ave 3. Pueblo 4. East Mall 5. West Mall 6. Palma 7. Entrada 8. Traffic Way FROM (ADDRESS OR STREET): 1. Curbaril TO San Luis Ave 2. San Luis Ave TO Pueblo 3. Pueblo TO El Camino Real 4. ECR FROM Curbaril TO Traffic Way 5. East Mall FROM ECR TO Lewis Ave 6. West Mall FROM ECR TO Lewis Ave 5. Entrada FROM ECR TO Lewis Ave 6. Palma FROM Entrada TO Traffic Way 8. Traffic Way FROM El Camino Real to Lewis Ave. TIME OF CLOSURE: FROM: 5:00 pm TO: 8:30 pm Cruise Route – map attached PURPOSE FOR CLOSURE: Hot El Camino Cruise Nite a City of Atascadero Special Event (Closed cruise on El Camino Real from Curbaril to Entrada to Lewis Ave to Traffic Way) PROPOSED ALTERNATE ROUTE: See attached detour map PROPOSED EMERGENCY ACCESS PLAN: Emergency vehicles will be allowed to pass through the cruise route; City staff & Assisting Agencies will be at all barricades and will be notified to let the transit emergency vehicles pass through; AFD will have on -duty fire engines located on the cruise route available, if not on a call. PROPOSED TRAFFIC CONTROLS (SIGNS, POLICE, ETC.): Barricades, traffic signs, staff, and assisting agencies will be at all intersections along the cruise route; Traffic signals adjusted for traffic flow; detour route signs to follow attached map; Cal –Trans/a contracted safety service TBD/CHP notified to direct freeway traffic with Special Event signs on Hwy 101 ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 4 directing NB traffic to exit at Curbaril and SB traffic to exit at Curbaril; APD at Curbaril, Morro Rd., and Traffic Way; Amtrak, RTA and Atascadero Transit, will be notified of the Cruise. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: Paula Anton DATE: _6/2/15_______ (Request must be made a minimum of 20 working days prior to event) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date Received: Approved by (all departments must approve): Fire Department Police Department Public Works __ Approved __ Approved __ Approved __ Denied __ Denied __ Denied __ Refer to Council __ Refer to Council __ Refer to Council Signature: Signature: Signature: _______________________ _______________________ ________________________ Date: __________________ Date: __________________ Date: ___________________ Reason for denial or comments: (Use additional page if necessary) City Manager’s action: _____________________________________________________ Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________ City Council action (If applicable): ___________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ITEM NUMBER: A-4 DATE: 06/23/15 Atascadero City Council Staff Report – City Manager’s Office Tourism Business Improvement District (TBID) Board Appointment of Two Board Members to Fill Vacancies RECOMMENDATION: The TBID Board recommends: Council appoint Tom O’Malley and Michael Wambolt to fill the positions on the TBID Board whose terms expire on June 30, 2015. DISCUSSION: In 2013, the lodging businesses in Atascadero requested the Council establish a TBID in order to levy annual assessments that would fund tourism promotions and marketing programs to promote the City as a tourism destination. The City Council did establish the TBID, appointed Board Members, and the assessments began June 1, 2013. When the initial Advisory Board was appointed, it was comprised of three members serving three-year terms, and two members serving two -year terms. The two-year term members positions, currently held by Linda Hendy and Diane Helbert, will be expiring on June 30, 2015. Once Board Member terms are close to expiring, the TBID’s Rules and Procedures lay out the nomination process that must be followed. In February before the expiration of terms, a letter is mailed out to each Lodging Business notifying them of a TBID meeting for the purpose of making nominations for the Board seats that are scheduled to be vacant in July. At this meeting, lodging business owners will be nominated, and a written ballot election will determine the nominees to be recommended to the City Council. The results of the nomination meeting will be forwarded to the City Clerk no later than April 30th to be placed on the Council’s agenda as a recommendation for filling the Board vacancies. The Atascadero Municipal Code § 3-16.07 (b) states that membership on the TBID Board is limited to Lodging Business owners or employees or other representatives ITEM NUMBER: A-4 DATE: 06/23/15 holding the written consent of a Lodging Business owner within th e TBID area who has fully paid its assessment at the time of the appointment, and remain fully paid during the term of the membership on the Board. Notification letters were mailed out to each Lodging Business owner of the upcoming vacancies on the TBID Board. The TBID Board held a nomination meeting on March 25, 2015. Tom O’Malley and Michael Wambolt were selected by the lodging owners present at the nomination meeting to be recommended to the City Council for appointment to the TBID Board. FISCAL IMPACT: None ALTERNATIVES: 1. Council may appoint other Lodging Business owners, employees, or other representatives holding the written consent of a Lodging Business owner within the TBID area. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Mr. W ambolt’s consent letter ITEM NUMBER: A-4 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 1 ITEM NUMBER: A-5 DATE: 06/23/15 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of May 2015 145013 05/01/2015 A & R CONSTRUCTION 2,651.00Accounts Payable Check 145014 05/01/2015 AGP VIDEO, INC.2,542.50Accounts Payable Check 145015 05/01/2015 ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES INC 141.00Accounts Payable Check 145016 05/01/2015 AMERICAN CARE HOME 3,695.00Accounts Payable Check 145017 05/01/2015 AMERICAN MARBORG 216.10Accounts Payable Check 145018 05/01/2015 AMERICAN WEST TIRE & AUTO INC 1,165.26Accounts Payable Check 145019 05/01/2015 ANTECH DIAGNOSTICS 707.53Accounts Payable Check 145021 05/01/2015 AT&T 706.93Accounts Payable Check 145022 05/01/2015 AT&T 681.90Accounts Payable Check 145023 05/01/2015 ATASCADERO HAY & FEED 1,549.47Accounts Payable Check 145025 05/01/2015 ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER CO.11,775.60Accounts Payable Check 145026 05/01/2015 ATASCADERO NEWS 79.00Accounts Payable Check 145027 05/01/2015 ATASCADERO TRAFFIC WAY STORAGE 736.00Accounts Payable Check 145028 05/01/2015 AW DIRECT, INC.362.28Accounts Payable Check 145029 05/01/2015 BASSETT'S CRICKET RANCH,INC.251.84Accounts Payable Check 145030 05/01/2015 BELL'S PLUMBING REPAIR, INC.1,086.00Accounts Payable Check 145031 05/01/2015 BERRY MAN, INC.1,032.85Accounts Payable Check 145032 05/01/2015 BLUE TARP FINANCIAL, INC.119.99Accounts Payable Check 145033 05/01/2015 BLUEPRINTER 64.80Accounts Payable Check 145034 05/01/2015 BURKE,WILLIAMS, & SORENSON LLP 15,461.00Accounts Payable Check 145035 05/01/2015 CA CODE CHECK, INC.1,214.38Accounts Payable Check 145036 05/01/2015 CASH 500.00Accounts Payable Check 145037 05/01/2015 CENTRAL CA ASA 345.00Accounts Payable Check 145038 05/01/2015 CENTRAL COAST TOURISM COUNCIL 425.00Accounts Payable Check 145039 05/01/2015 CHARLES PRODUCTS, INC.645.02Accounts Payable Check 145040 05/01/2015 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 997.82Accounts Payable Check 145041 05/01/2015 KATHLEEN J. CINOWALT 245.70Accounts Payable Check 145042 05/01/2015 JEREMY L. CLAY 90.00Accounts Payable Check 145043 05/01/2015 COAST LINE DISTRIBUTING 574.93Accounts Payable Check 145044 05/01/2015 COASTAL COPY, LP 236.75Accounts Payable Check 145045 05/01/2015 MIGUEL A. CORDERO 120.00Accounts Payable Check 145046 05/01/2015 CIMON CORMIER 60.00Accounts Payable Check 145047 05/01/2015 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER 197.00Accounts Payable Check 145048 05/01/2015 MATTHEW J. CURRY 160.00Accounts Payable Check 145049 05/01/2015 D4 ELECTRIC 202.18Accounts Payable Check 145050 05/01/2015 DARRYL'S LOCK AND SAFE 60.00Accounts Payable Check ITEM NUMBER: A-5 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 1 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of May 2015 145051 05/01/2015 BRIAN S. DAVIN, JR.54.00Accounts Payable Check 145052 05/01/2015 CALEB M. DAVIS 179.00Accounts Payable Check 145053 05/01/2015 TRAVIS W. DAWES 802.00Accounts Payable Check 145054 05/01/2015 NICHOLAS DEBAR 300.00Accounts Payable Check 145055 05/01/2015 PATRICIA DEIRMENJIAN 36.80Accounts Payable Check 145056 05/01/2015 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 657.00Accounts Payable Check 145057 05/01/2015 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 3,052.61Accounts Payable Check 145058 05/01/2015 CHARITY DOHERTY 28.50Accounts Payable Check 145059 05/01/2015 DUKE'S ROOT CONTROL, INC.3,000.00Accounts Payable Check 145060 05/01/2015 ECS IMAGING, INC.8,953.00Accounts Payable Check 145061 05/01/2015 ED'S FLYMEAT LLC 83.90Accounts Payable Check 145062 05/01/2015 ELECTRICRAFT, INC.1,786.41Accounts Payable Check 145063 05/01/2015 EMI SPORTWEAR 451.77Accounts Payable Check 145064 05/01/2015 ESCUELA DEL RIO 480.00Accounts Payable Check 145065 05/01/2015 FEDERAL EXPRESS 15.70Accounts Payable Check 145066 05/01/2015 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC.75.81Accounts Payable Check 145067 05/01/2015 FERRELL'S AUTO REPAIR 453.98Accounts Payable Check 145068 05/01/2015 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL 144.00Accounts Payable Check 145069 05/01/2015 FOOD FOR LESS 54.98Accounts Payable Check 145070 05/01/2015 GAS COMPANY 274.67Accounts Payable Check 145071 05/01/2015 ANDREW J. GEFTAKYS 38.00Accounts Payable Check 145072 05/01/2015 GEM AUTO PARTS 335.21Accounts Payable Check 145073 05/01/2015 GILBERT'S LANDSCAPES 407.91Accounts Payable Check 145074 05/01/2015 GREEN TRADING USA 149.85Accounts Payable Check 145075 05/01/2015 BRADLEY A. HACKLEMAN 738.00Accounts Payable Check 145076 05/01/2015 RALPH DOUGLAS HARBOTTLE 107.80Accounts Payable Check 145077 05/01/2015 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 5,869.83Accounts Payable Check 145078 05/01/2015 ICMA 1,239.78Accounts Payable Check 145079 05/01/2015 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 919.95Accounts Payable Check 145080 05/01/2015 J. CARROLL CORPORATION 368.52Accounts Payable Check 145081 05/01/2015 J. SOSNICK & SON 198.60Accounts Payable Check 145082 05/01/2015 K & M INTERNATIONAL 1,269.17Accounts Payable Check 145083 05/01/2015 KID TEES 358.97Accounts Payable Check 145084 05/01/2015 KPRL 1230 AM 320.00Accounts Payable Check 145085 05/01/2015 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC.1,062.86Accounts Payable Check 145086 05/01/2015 LAYNE LABORATORIES, INC.1,385.64Accounts Payable Check 145087 05/01/2015 ANDREW M. LUCAS 179.00Accounts Payable Check ITEM NUMBER: A-5 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 1 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of May 2015 145088 05/01/2015 MADRONE LANDSCAPES, INC.647.41Accounts Payable Check 145089 05/01/2015 BECKY MAXWELL 46.92Accounts Payable Check 145090 05/01/2015 SAMUEL HENRY MCMILLAN 120.00Accounts Payable Check 145091 05/01/2015 MEYER TREE CONSULTING 262.50Accounts Payable Check 145092 05/01/2015 MICHAEL K. NUNLEY & ASSC, INC.1,787.50Accounts Payable Check 145093 05/01/2015 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE 617.37Accounts Payable Check 145094 05/01/2015 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE 383.25Accounts Payable Check 145095 05/01/2015 BRETT MOBLEY 179.00Accounts Payable Check 145096 05/01/2015 MUNITEMPS 6,086.00Accounts Payable Check 145097 05/01/2015 MWI VETERINARY SUPPLY CO.131.78Accounts Payable Check 145098 05/01/2015 NATL ALLIANCE FOR YOUTH SPORTS 81.00Accounts Payable Check 145099 05/01/2015 OFFICE DEPOT INC.824.29Accounts Payable Check 145100 05/01/2015 TARA ORLICK 48.88Accounts Payable Check 145101 05/01/2015 PACIFIC MUNICIPAL CONSULTANTS 8,953.75Accounts Payable Check 145102 05/01/2015 PASO ROBLES FORD LINCOLN MERC 327.22Accounts Payable Check 145103 05/01/2015 PAVEMENT ENGINEERING, INC.18,308.00Accounts Payable Check 145104 05/01/2015 PFEIFFER PARTNERS, INC.222.67Accounts Payable Check 145105 05/01/2015 PLANT DOCTOR 11,675.00Accounts Payable Check 145106 05/01/2015 PROCARE JANITORIAL SUPPLY,INC.1,216.92Accounts Payable Check 145107 05/01/2015 PRW STEEL SUPPLY, INC.76.56Accounts Payable Check 145108 05/01/2015 JERI RANGEL 300.00Accounts Payable Check 145109 05/01/2015 RACHELLE RICKARD 500.00Accounts Payable Check 145110 05/01/2015 THE RIGHT ANGLE, INC.395.28Accounts Payable Check 145111 05/01/2015 JOSEPH ROTHMAN 27.00Accounts Payable Check 145112 05/01/2015 ROYAL RESORTWEAR, LLC 514.69Accounts Payable Check 145113 05/01/2015 SAN LUIS POWERHOUSE, INC.135.00Accounts Payable Check 145114 05/01/2015 SANTA MONICA SEAFOOD 758.70Accounts Payable Check 145115 05/01/2015 SERVICE SYSTEMS ASSC, INC.2,000.00Accounts Payable Check 145116 05/01/2015 THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY 326.98Accounts Payable Check 145117 05/01/2015 STONEAGE ARTS, INC.262.70Accounts Payable Check 145118 05/01/2015 VOID 0.00Accounts Payable Check 145119 05/01/2015 SUNLIGHT JANITORIAL 270.00Accounts Payable Check 145120 05/01/2015 SUPERIOR CRANE & TRANSPORT 264.00Accounts Payable Check 145121 05/01/2015 RONALD R. TARICA 90.00Accounts Payable Check 145122 05/01/2015 TOPLINE PRODUCTS, INC.240.53Accounts Payable Check 145123 05/01/2015 TY, INC.264.72Accounts Payable Check 145124 05/01/2015 UNITED STAFFING ASSC., INC.1,584.00Accounts Payable Check ITEM NUMBER: A-5 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 1 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of May 2015 145125 05/01/2015 USA BLUE BOOK 126.79Accounts Payable Check 145126 05/01/2015 VALLEY PACIFIC PETROLEUM SVCS 585.44Accounts Payable Check 145127 05/01/2015 BRIDGET M. VAN BEEK 126.00Accounts Payable Check 145128 05/01/2015 IWINA M. VAN BEEK 76.00Accounts Payable Check 145129 05/01/2015 VERIZON WIRELESS 166.04Accounts Payable Check 145130 05/01/2015 VFIS 3,130.00Accounts Payable Check 145131 05/01/2015 MATT VIERRA 420.90Accounts Payable Check 145132 05/01/2015 WARM FUZZY TOYS 222.83Accounts Payable Check 145133 05/01/2015 WEST COAST AUTO & TOWING, INC.180.00Accounts Payable Check 145134 05/07/2015 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION 40.00Payroll Vendor Payment 145135 05/07/2015 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS 1,136.25Payroll Vendor Payment 145136 05/07/2015 ATASCADERO PROF. FIREFIGHTERS 864.25Payroll Vendor Payment 145137 05/07/2015 FLEX-PLAN SERVICES INC.1,637.51Payroll Vendor Payment 145138 05/07/2015 HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE 8,511.93Payroll Vendor Payment 145139 05/07/2015 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION 756.32Payroll Vendor Payment 145140 05/07/2015 SEIU LOCAL 620 804.55Payroll Vendor Payment 145141 05/07/2015 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 106099 288.29Payroll Vendor Payment 145142 05/07/2015 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 304633 3,081.16Payroll Vendor Payment 1923 05/08/2015 STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 408.46Payroll Vendor Payment 1924 05/08/2015 HEALTHEQUITY, INC.4,710.85Payroll Vendor Payment 1925 05/08/2015 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 33,588.96Payroll Vendor Payment 1926 05/08/2015 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 60,488.18Payroll Vendor Payment 1927 05/08/2015 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 378.17Payroll Vendor Payment 1928 05/08/2015 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 2,482.60Payroll Vendor Payment 1929 05/08/2015 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 711.10Payroll Vendor Payment 1930 05/08/2015 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 1,745.87Payroll Vendor Payment 1931 05/08/2015 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 3,356.98Payroll Vendor Payment 1932 05/12/2015 RABOBANK, N.A.45,473.99Payroll Vendor Payment 1933 05/12/2015 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT 12,207.32Payroll Vendor Payment 1934 05/12/2015 EMPLOYMENT DEV. DEPARTMENT 1,734.26Payroll Vendor Payment 145143 05/13/2015 CHEVRON & TEXACO BUS. CARD 1,453.18Accounts Payable Check 145144 05/13/2015 SHELL 1,467.65Accounts Payable Check 145145 05/13/2015 WEX BANK - 76 UNIVERSL 12,667.02Accounts Payable Check 145146 05/15/2015 A & R CONSTRUCTION 4,112.00Accounts Payable Check ITEM NUMBER: A-5 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 1 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of May 2015 145147 05/15/2015 KEITH AGGSON 190.50Accounts Payable Check 145148 05/15/2015 ALL SIGNS AND GRAPHICS, LLC 108.20Accounts Payable Check 145149 05/15/2015 ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES INC 173.00Accounts Payable Check 145150 05/15/2015 AMERICAN WEST TIRE & AUTO INC 3,091.94Accounts Payable Check 145151 05/15/2015 DAVID ANASTASIA 385.90Accounts Payable Check 145152 05/15/2015 AT&T 285.30Accounts Payable Check 145153 05/15/2015 AT&T 305.74Accounts Payable Check 145154 05/15/2015 ATASCADERO NEWS 1,812.70Accounts Payable Check 145155 05/15/2015 BLACK KNIGHT FINANCIAL SVC,LLC 8.00Accounts Payable Check 145156 05/15/2015 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC 528.32Accounts Payable Check 145157 05/15/2015 BREZDEN PEST CONTROL, INC.160.00Accounts Payable Check 145158 05/15/2015 SHIRLEY R. BRUTON 458.40Accounts Payable Check 145159 05/15/2015 BURTON'S FIRE, INC.3,376.49Accounts Payable Check 145160 05/15/2015 CA CODE CHECK, INC.1,344.60Accounts Payable Check 145161 05/15/2015 CA CONSERVATION CORP 5,574.69Accounts Payable Check 145162 05/15/2015 KEVIN CAMPION 5,190.60Accounts Payable Check 145163 05/15/2015 JEREMY L. CLAY 108.00Accounts Payable Check 145164 05/15/2015 COASTAL REPROGRAPHIC SERVICES 166.48Accounts Payable Check 145165 05/15/2015 COLONY AUTO SERVICE, INC.135.49Accounts Payable Check 145166 05/15/2015 CREDIT BUREAU OF SANTA MARIA 20.00Accounts Payable Check 145167 05/15/2015 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER 181.85Accounts Payable Check 145168 05/15/2015 CULLIGAN/CENTRAL COAST WTR TRT 230.00Accounts Payable Check 145169 05/15/2015 MATTHEW J. CURRY 160.00Accounts Payable Check 145170 05/15/2015 DALZELL ENTERPRISES 145.00Accounts Payable Check 145171 05/15/2015 BRIAN S. DAVIN, JR.126.00Accounts Payable Check 145172 05/15/2015 SHARON J. DAVIS 409.50Accounts Payable Check 145173 05/15/2015 DEEP BLUE INTEGRATION, INC.135.00Accounts Payable Check 145174 05/15/2015 DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES 2,578.00Accounts Payable Check 145175 05/15/2015 DOCUTEAM 132.53Accounts Payable Check 145176 05/15/2015 DRIVE CUSTOMS 60.00Accounts Payable Check 145177 05/15/2015 ESCUELA DEL RIO 120.00Accounts Payable Check 145178 05/15/2015 FAILSAFE TESTING 600.00Accounts Payable Check 145179 05/15/2015 FARM SUPPLY COMPANY 75.20Accounts Payable Check 145180 05/15/2015 FERRELL'S AUTO REPAIR 175.20Accounts Payable Check 145181 05/15/2015 BRYAN FINDLAY 562.00Accounts Payable Check 145182 05/15/2015 FITNESS APPRAISAL, INC.5,550.00Accounts Payable Check 145183 05/15/2015 FITNESS EDGE EXERCISE EQUIP.230.63Accounts Payable Check ITEM NUMBER: A-5 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 1 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of May 2015 145184 05/15/2015 FOOD FOR LESS 26.92Accounts Payable Check 145185 05/15/2015 GALLS, LLC 32.22Accounts Payable Check 145186 05/15/2015 GAS COMPANY 645.64Accounts Payable Check 145187 05/15/2015 ANDREW J. GEFTAKYS 54.00Accounts Payable Check 145188 05/15/2015 GEM AUTO PARTS 225.85Accounts Payable Check 145189 05/15/2015 GILBERT'S LANDSCAPES 407.91Accounts Payable Check 145190 05/15/2015 HEATHER GREEN 157.50Accounts Payable Check 145191 05/15/2015 HART IMPRESSIONS PRINT & COPY 776.05Accounts Payable Check 145192 05/15/2015 HELIXSTORM, INC.3,937.50Accounts Payable Check 145193 05/15/2015 EVELYN R. INGRAM 480.33Accounts Payable Check 145194 05/15/2015 INHOUSE SECURITY SERVICE, LLC 86.63Accounts Payable Check 145195 05/15/2015 THE INK CO.126.84Accounts Payable Check 145196 05/15/2015 CAROL D. JANSSEN 66.30Accounts Payable Check 145197 05/15/2015 JK'S UNLIMITED 4,156.52Accounts Payable Check 145198 05/15/2015 JOE A. GONSALVES & SON 3,000.00Accounts Payable Check 145199 05/15/2015 L.N. CURTIS & SONS 303.35Accounts Payable Check 145200 05/15/2015 LAUTZENHISER'S STATIONARY 501.02Accounts Payable Check 145201 05/15/2015 LIFE ASSIST, INC.503.14Accounts Payable Check 145202 05/15/2015 CRAIG C. LOWRIE 260.00Accounts Payable Check 145203 05/15/2015 ANDREW LUERA 90.65Accounts Payable Check 145204 05/15/2015 MADRONE LANDSCAPES, INC.117.00Accounts Payable Check 145205 05/15/2015 SAMUEL HENRY MCMILLAN 80.00Accounts Payable Check 145206 05/15/2015 MENTAL MARKETING, INC.1,217.85Accounts Payable Check 145207 05/15/2015 MID-COAST MOWER & SAW, INC.429.51Accounts Payable Check 145208 05/15/2015 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE 357.86Accounts Payable Check 145209 05/15/2015 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE 254.38Accounts Payable Check 145210 05/15/2015 REON C MONSON 324.00Accounts Payable Check 145211 05/15/2015 MUNITEMPS 14,320.00Accounts Payable Check 145212 05/15/2015 MV TRANSPORTATION, INC.11,514.58Accounts Payable Check 145213 05/15/2015 NBS 9,549.42Accounts Payable Check 145214 05/15/2015 O.C. TANNER 1,502.75Accounts Payable Check 145215 05/15/2015 OFFICE DEPOT INC.1,181.30Accounts Payable Check 145218 05/15/2015 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC 36,340.07Accounts Payable Check 145219 05/15/2015 PACIFIC MUNICIPAL CONSULTANTS 9,961.25Accounts Payable Check 145220 05/15/2015 PASO ROBLES FORD LINCOLN MERC 99.89Accounts Payable Check 145221 05/15/2015 PERRY'S PARCEL & GIFT 42.54Accounts Payable Check 145222 05/15/2015 PROCARE JANITORIAL SUPPLY,INC.263.70Accounts Payable Check ITEM NUMBER: A-5 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 1 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of May 2015 145223 05/15/2015 RECOGNITION WORKS 475.20Accounts Payable Check 145224 05/15/2015 REPUBLIC ELEVATOR COMPANY 426.00Accounts Payable Check 145225 05/15/2015 BRANDON ROBERTS 256.00Accounts Payable Check 145226 05/15/2015 CHRISTOPHER R. ROBINSON 90.00Accounts Payable Check 145227 05/15/2015 SAFETY DRIVERS ED., LLC.31.50Accounts Payable Check 145228 05/15/2015 SAN LUIS AUTOBODY 132.60Accounts Payable Check 145229 05/15/2015 SAN LUIS PERSONNEL INC.734.40Accounts Payable Check 145230 05/15/2015 SAN LUIS POWERHOUSE, INC.540.00Accounts Payable Check 145231 05/15/2015 SCOTT O'BRIEN FIRE & SAFETY CO 1,429.83Accounts Payable Check 145232 05/15/2015 THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY 2,115.19Accounts Payable Check 145233 05/15/2015 SHORIN-RYU KARATE 226.45Accounts Payable Check 145234 05/15/2015 JOHN C. SIEMENS 280.00Accounts Payable Check 145235 05/15/2015 SLO COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 265.00Accounts Payable Check 145236 05/15/2015 CONNER M. SPEARS 2,625.00Accounts Payable Check 145237 05/15/2015 STANLEY CONVERGENT SECURITY 523.58Accounts Payable Check 145238 05/15/2015 STATE WATER RES CONTROL BOARD 230.00Accounts Payable Check 145239 05/15/2015 STATE WATER RES CONTROL BOARD 180.00Accounts Payable Check 145240 05/15/2015 SUNLIGHT JANITORIAL 2,795.67Accounts Payable Check 145241 05/15/2015 TERRA PAINTS 182.08Accounts Payable Check 145242 05/15/2015 THRIVE TRAINING CENTER 82.25Accounts Payable Check 145243 05/15/2015 TRIBUNE 244.40Accounts Payable Check 145244 05/15/2015 U.S. POSTMASTER 50.00Accounts Payable Check 145245 05/15/2015 ULTREX BUSINESS PRODUCTS 184.08Accounts Payable Check 145246 05/15/2015 UNITED STAFFING ASSC., INC.792.00Accounts Payable Check 145247 05/15/2015 VALLEY PACIFIC PETROLEUM SVCS 666.81Accounts Payable Check 145248 05/15/2015 BRIDGET M. VAN BEEK 108.00Accounts Payable Check 145249 05/15/2015 IWINA M. VAN BEEK 76.00Accounts Payable Check 145250 05/15/2015 VERIZON WIRELESS 1,649.39Accounts Payable Check 145251 05/15/2015 WALLACE GROUP 8,039.10Accounts Payable Check 145252 05/15/2015 WEST COAST AUTO & TOWING, INC.210.00Accounts Payable Check 145253 05/15/2015 WESTERN JANITOR SUPPLY 196.33Accounts Payable Check 145254 05/15/2015 WILLIAM AVERY & ASSC., INC.3,433.29Accounts Payable Check 145255 05/15/2015 KAREN B. WYKE 616.20Accounts Payable Check 145256 05/20/2015 STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION 803.00Accounts Payable Check 145261 05/20/2015 U.S. BANK 25,741.61Accounts Payable Check 145262 05/20/2015 ALLSTATE WORKPLACE DIVISION 2,477.65Payroll Vendor Payment ITEM NUMBER: A-5 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 1 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of May 2015 145263 05/20/2015 BLUE SHIELD OF CALIFORNIA 122,367.20Payroll Vendor Payment 145264 05/20/2015 LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INS CO 938.62Payroll Vendor Payment 145265 05/20/2015 MEDICAL EYE SERVICES 1,612.44Payroll Vendor Payment 145266 05/20/2015 PREFERRED BENEFITS INSURANCE 8,983.10Payroll Vendor Payment 145267 05/21/2015 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION 40.00Payroll Vendor Payment 145268 05/21/2015 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS 1,136.25Payroll Vendor Payment 145269 05/21/2015 ATASCADERO PROF. FIREFIGHTERS 864.25Payroll Vendor Payment 145270 05/21/2015 FLEX-PLAN SERVICES INC.1,637.51Payroll Vendor Payment 145271 05/21/2015 FLEX-PLAN SERVICES INC.70.00Payroll Vendor Payment 145272 05/21/2015 HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE 11,319.62Payroll Vendor Payment 145273 05/21/2015 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION 671.69Payroll Vendor Payment 145274 05/21/2015 SEIU LOCAL 620 804.55Payroll Vendor Payment 145275 05/21/2015 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 106099 288.29Payroll Vendor Payment 145276 05/21/2015 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 304633 2,981.16Payroll Vendor Payment 1935 05/22/2015 STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 408.46Payroll Vendor Payment 1936 05/22/2015 HEALTHEQUITY, INC.9,560.85Payroll Vendor Payment 1937 05/22/2015 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 33,677.06Payroll Vendor Payment 1938 05/22/2015 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 59,494.76Payroll Vendor Payment 1939 05/22/2015 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 374.13Payroll Vendor Payment 1940 05/22/2015 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 2,482.60Payroll Vendor Payment 1941 05/22/2015 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 664.54Payroll Vendor Payment 1942 05/22/2015 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 1,745.87Payroll Vendor Payment 1943 05/22/2015 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 3,450.77Payroll Vendor Payment 1944 05/26/2015 RABOBANK, N.A.59,608.26Payroll Vendor Payment 1945 05/26/2015 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT 19,792.41Payroll Vendor Payment 1946 05/26/2015 EMPLOYMENT DEV. DEPARTMENT 1,650.22Payroll Vendor Payment 145277 05/29/2015 AHERN RENTALS 1,114.83Accounts Payable Check 145278 05/29/2015 AIR-RITE REFRIGERATION 1,894.00Accounts Payable Check 145279 05/29/2015 ALL SIGNS AND GRAPHICS, LLC 1,231.80Accounts Payable Check 145280 05/29/2015 ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES INC 173.00Accounts Payable Check 145281 05/29/2015 ALTHOUSE & MEADE, INC.1,660.50Accounts Payable Check 145282 05/29/2015 AMERICAN WEST TIRE & AUTO INC 2,208.51Accounts Payable Check 145283 05/29/2015 ANTECH DIAGNOSTICS 236.21Accounts Payable Check 145284 05/29/2015 AQUA-AEROBIC SYSTEMS, INC.15,906.37Accounts Payable Check 145285 05/29/2015 ASSOCIATED TRAFFIC SAFETY 26.45Accounts Payable Check ITEM NUMBER: A-5 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 1 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of May 2015 145287 05/29/2015 AT&T 1,184.12Accounts Payable Check 145288 05/29/2015 AT&T 684.66Accounts Payable Check 145289 05/29/2015 ATASCADERO 76 37.22Accounts Payable Check 145290 05/29/2015 ATASCADERO HAY & FEED 1,203.01Accounts Payable Check 145291 05/29/2015 ATASCADERO NEWS 1,542.00Accounts Payable Check 145292 05/29/2015 ATASCADERO UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST 4,855.00Accounts Payable Check 145293 05/29/2015 BASSETT'S CRICKET RANCH,INC.456.36Accounts Payable Check 145294 05/29/2015 BERRY MAN, INC.971.80Accounts Payable Check 145295 05/29/2015 BLUE TARP FINANCIAL, INC.2,599.99Accounts Payable Check 145296 05/29/2015 CA BUILDING STANDARDS COMM.174.60Accounts Payable Check 145297 05/29/2015 CA CODE CHECK, INC.4,731.84Accounts Payable Check 145298 05/29/2015 CA HIGHWAY PATROL 50.00Accounts Payable Check 145299 05/29/2015 LIBBY CABRAL 32.38Accounts Payable Check 145300 05/29/2015 KATE CAPELA 120.09Accounts Payable Check 145301 05/29/2015 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 996.45Accounts Payable Check 145302 05/29/2015 KAREN A. CLANIN 133.00Accounts Payable Check 145303 05/29/2015 COAST ELECTRONICS 18,318.96Accounts Payable Check 145304 05/29/2015 COAST LINE DISTRIBUTING 290.44Accounts Payable Check 145305 05/29/2015 COASTAL COPY, LP 119.51Accounts Payable Check 145306 05/29/2015 COASTAL POLYGRAPH 300.00Accounts Payable Check 145307 05/29/2015 COASTAL REPROGRAPHIC SERVICES 38.88Accounts Payable Check 145308 05/29/2015 MIGUEL A. CORDERO 360.00Accounts Payable Check 145309 05/29/2015 CORELOGIC SOLUTIONS, LLC.125.00Accounts Payable Check 145310 05/29/2015 CIMON J. CORMIER 220.00Accounts Payable Check 145311 05/29/2015 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER 126.85Accounts Payable Check 145312 05/29/2015 DAKOS LAND SURVEYS, INC.990.00Accounts Payable Check 145313 05/29/2015 DARRYL'S LOCK AND SAFE 25.92Accounts Payable Check 145314 05/29/2015 BRIAN S. DAVIN, JR.108.00Accounts Payable Check 145315 05/29/2015 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION 1,107.33Accounts Payable Check 145316 05/29/2015 DIVERSIFIED PROJECT SERVICES 3,025.00Accounts Payable Check 145317 05/29/2015 ED'S FLYMEAT LLC 78.90Accounts Payable Check 145318 05/29/2015 ESCUELA DEL RIO 480.00Accounts Payable Check 145319 05/29/2015 FARWEST LINE SPECIALTIES 144.61Accounts Payable Check 145320 05/29/2015 FASTENAL COMPANY 635.09Accounts Payable Check 145321 05/29/2015 FERRELL'S AUTO REPAIR 470.34Accounts Payable Check 145322 05/29/2015 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL 360.00Accounts Payable Check 145323 05/29/2015 GAS COMPANY 595.91Accounts Payable Check ITEM NUMBER: A-5 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 1 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of May 2015 145324 05/29/2015 ANDREW J. GEFTAKYS 36.00Accounts Payable Check 145325 05/29/2015 GEM AUTO PARTS 138.42Accounts Payable Check 145326 05/29/2015 GOLDEN STATE COPIER & MAILING 230.40Accounts Payable Check 145327 05/29/2015 HEATHER GREEN 105.00Accounts Payable Check 145328 05/29/2015 BRADLEY A. HACKLEMAN 760.80Accounts Payable Check 145329 05/29/2015 RICHARD HANSON 394.00Accounts Payable Check 145330 05/29/2015 HART IMPRESSIONS PRINT & COPY 421.56Accounts Payable Check 145331 05/29/2015 HOBBY BODY & PAINT SHOP 558.00Accounts Payable Check 145332 05/29/2015 DEBORAH HOLLOWELL 8.77Accounts Payable Check 145333 05/29/2015 THE INK CO.268.50Accounts Payable Check 145334 05/29/2015 ZACHARIAH JACKSON 342.00Accounts Payable Check 145335 05/29/2015 JK'S UNLIMITED 360.29Accounts Payable Check 145336 05/29/2015 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 210.00Accounts Payable Check 145337 05/29/2015 LEE WILSON ELECTRIC CO. INC 1,200.00Accounts Payable Check 145338 05/29/2015 CRAIG C. LOWRIE 120.00Accounts Payable Check 145339 05/29/2015 MADRONE LANDSCAPES, INC.8,246.50Accounts Payable Check 145340 05/29/2015 SAMUEL HENRY MCMILLAN 100.00Accounts Payable Check 145341 05/29/2015 MEDPOST URGENT CARE-PASO ROBLE 560.00Accounts Payable Check 145342 05/29/2015 MICHAEL BRANDMAN ASSOCIATES 9,275.00Accounts Payable Check 145343 05/29/2015 MICHAEL K. NUNLEY & ASSC, INC.2,475.00Accounts Payable Check 145344 05/29/2015 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE 312.13Accounts Payable Check 145345 05/29/2015 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE 470.43Accounts Payable Check 145346 05/29/2015 MWI VETERINARY SUPPLY CO.83.36Accounts Payable Check 145347 05/29/2015 NORTH COAST ENGINEERING INC.404.25Accounts Payable Check 145348 05/29/2015 NORTHERN ENERGY 735.22Accounts Payable Check 145349 05/29/2015 NORTHWEST ZOOPATH, P.C.63.00Accounts Payable Check 145350 05/29/2015 OFFICE DEPOT INC.1,221.58Accounts Payable Check 145351 05/29/2015 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC.305.54Accounts Payable Check 145352 05/29/2015 TARA ORLICK 43.70Accounts Payable Check 145353 05/29/2015 PACE COMMUNICATIONS, INC.6,900.00Accounts Payable Check 145354 05/29/2015 DAWN PATTERSON 24.14Accounts Payable Check 145355 05/29/2015 PAVEMENT ENGINEERING, INC.5,260.00Accounts Payable Check 145356 05/29/2015 PC MECHANICAL, INC.3,757.38Accounts Payable Check 145357 05/29/2015 PFEIFFER PARTNERS, INC.1,355.85Accounts Payable Check 145358 05/29/2015 PROCARE JANITORIAL SUPPLY,INC.1,155.95Accounts Payable Check 145359 05/29/2015 PRW STEEL SUPPLY, INC.99.67Accounts Payable Check 145360 05/29/2015 R & R CUSTOM TRUCK BODIES & EQ 6,865.55Accounts Payable Check ITEM NUMBER: A-5 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 1 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of May 2015 145361 05/29/2015 RACHELLE RICKARD 92.00Accounts Payable Check 145362 05/29/2015 BRANDON ROBERTS 150.00Accounts Payable Check 145363 05/29/2015 ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC.262.50Accounts Payable Check 145364 05/29/2015 SERVICE SYSTEMS ASSC, INC.2,000.00Accounts Payable Check 145365 05/29/2015 THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY 55.51Accounts Payable Check 145366 05/29/2015 JASON SMITH 45.00Accounts Payable Check 145367 05/29/2015 STANLEY CONVERGENT SECURITY 769.64Accounts Payable Check 145368 05/29/2015 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 771.16Accounts Payable Check 145369 05/29/2015 BRIAN STURTEVANT 509.70Accounts Payable Check 145370 05/29/2015 SUNLIGHT JANITORIAL 1,011.00Accounts Payable Check 145371 05/29/2015 STEVE TIROTTA 65.00Accounts Payable Check 145372 05/29/2015 TOWN & COUNTRY FENCING 966.00Accounts Payable Check 145373 05/29/2015 ULTREX BUSINESS PRODUCTS 177.80Accounts Payable Check 145374 05/29/2015 UNION BANK, N.A.2,287.00Accounts Payable Check 145375 05/29/2015 UNITED STAFFING ASSC., INC.2,613.60Accounts Payable Check 145376 05/29/2015 IWINA M. VAN BEEK 114.00Accounts Payable Check 145377 05/29/2015 VERIZON WIRELESS 232.81Accounts Payable Check 145378 05/29/2015 WALLACE GROUP 12,896.48Accounts Payable Check 145379 05/29/2015 WELL SEEN SIGN CO., LLC 32.40Accounts Payable Check 145380 05/29/2015 WHIT'S TURN TREE CARE 350.00Accounts Payable Check 145381 05/29/2015 WILDWOOD AQUATECH POOLS, INC.25.00Accounts Payable Check 145382 05/29/2015 WINE COUNTRY BALANCE 445.00Accounts Payable Check $1,052,710.99 ITEM NUMBER: A-5 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 1 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 06/23/15 Atascadero City Council Staff Report – City Manager’s Office Downtown Parking & Business Improvement Area (PBIA) (FY 2015-16) Confirmation of Annual Assessment (Request for Council to confirm annual assessment for downtown PBIA.) RECOMMENDATION: Council adopt the Draft Resolution confirming the annual assessment for the Downtown Parking & Business Improvement Area (Fiscal Year 2015-2016) at $0.00. DISCUSSION: The City of Atascadero established a Downtown Parking and Business Improvement Area in 1986 (Chapter 11 of the Atascadero Municipal Code) for the purpose of acquisition, construction or maintenance of parking facilities, decoration of public places, promotion of public events, and general promotion of business activities in the downtown area. The formation and operation of a Business Improvement Area is governed by the California Streets & Highways Code (Section 36500 et. Seq.). The assessment was reduced in 2010 to $0.00 as a stimulus program to encourage downtown businesses. An annual draft Resolution of Intention, declaring intent to levy annual Downtown Parking and Business Improvement Area assessment, and the holding a public hearing are still required by the California Streets & Highways Code for the City to continue to levy and collect the assessment. The City Council adopted a draft Resolution of Intention on June 9, 2015, and set a public hearing for June 23, 2015 to receive public comment. Following the public hearing, it is staff’s recommendation that the Council adopt the proposed Resolution. Adoption of the Resolution constitutes the levying of assessment which is recommended to be zero. FISCAL IMPACT: None ALTERNATIVE: The City Council may direct staff to amend the Resolution before adoption. ATTACHMENT: 1. Draft Resolution ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 1 DRAFT RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO CONFIRMING DOWNTOWN PARKING AND BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA ASSESSMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero established a Downtown Parking and Business Improvement District consistent with Section 36500 et seq. of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California; and; WHEREAS, the City Council determined in 2010 to set the assessment at $0.00 to provide a stimulus to downtown businesses in this time of unprecedented economic downturn, eliminating the need for a report in accordance with Section 36533 of the Streets & Highway Code of the State of California; and, WHEREAS, the City Council did fix a time and place for a public hearing on the levy of the proposed assessment for fiscal year 2015-2016; and, WHEREAS, on June 23, 2015, the City Council conducted a public hearing at the date and time for such purpose; and, WHEREAS, the City Council did not receive the required number of protests for the levy of such assessment. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That the City Council of the City of Atascadero does hereby confirm the assessment at $0.00 to provide a stimulus to downtown businesses in this time of unprecedented economic downturn pursuant to the Streets & Highway Code of the State of California. On motion by Council Member _______________________________, and seconded buy Council Member ________________________________, the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted following roll call vote: ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 1 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAINED: ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO Tom O’Malley, Mayor ATTEST: By: _ Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C., City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Brian A. Pierik, City Attorney ITEM NUMBER: B-2 DATE: 06/23/15 Atascadero City Council Staff Report – City Manager’s Office Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District (ATBID) Fiscal Year Confirmation of Annual Assessment RECOMMENDATION: Council adopt the Draft Resolution confirming the annual assessment for the Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District, Fiscal Year 2015-16. DISCUSSION: The City of Atascadero established the Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District (ATBID) to levy annual assessments under the Parking and Business Improvement Area Law of 1989, by adopting Title 3, Chapter 16 of the Atascadero Municipal Code in April 2013. The activities to be funded by the assessments on lodging businesses within the ATBID are tourism promotions and marketing programs to promote the City as a tourism destination. The formation and operation of a Tourism Business Improvement District is governed by the California Streets & Highways Code (Section 36500 et. Seq.) The City Council appointed ATBID Advisory Board Members to serve at the pleasure of the Council. The Advisory Board is made up of lodging business owners or employees, or other representatives holding the written consent of a lodging business owner within the ATBID area. The Streets & Highways Code requires that the Advisory Board provide a report to the City Council annually for the expenditure of funds derived from the assessment paid by lodging businesses within the City. The annual report must meet the requirements of the California Streets and Highway Code §36533. The Council received and approved the annual report at its June 9, 2015 meeting. After the approval of the report, the City Council is required to hold a public hearing. The purpose of the public hearing is to receive public comment prior to the assessment being collected. ITEM NUMBER: B-2 DATE: 06/23/15 The Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District assessments are estimated to be approximately $183,030 for the fiscal year. This represents the two percent (2%) of the rent charged by the Business per occupied room or space per night for transient occupancies. Following the public hearing, it is staff’s recommendation that the Council adopt the proposed Resolution. Adoption of the Resolution constitutes the levying of the assessment. FISCAL IMPACT: None ALTERNATIVES: 1. The City Council may direct staff to amend the Resolution before adoption. ATTACHMENT: 1. Draft Resolution ITEM NUMBER: B-2 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 1 DRAFT RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO CONFIRMING ATASCADERO TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (ATBID) ASSESSMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero established a Tourism Business Improvement District consistent with Section 36500 et seq. of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California; and; WHEREAS, the City Council has determined to set the assessment at two percent (2%) of the rent charged by the Business per occupied room or space per night for transient occupancies; and, WHEREAS, the purpose of this assessment is to provide tourism promotions and marketing programs to promote the City as a tourism destination pursuant to the Streets & Highways Code of the State of California; and, WHEREAS, the City Council, having received the annual report from the ATBID, adopted Resolution No. 2014-027, declaring intent to levy annual ATBID assessment pursuant to Section 36534 of the California Streets and Highways Code; and, WHEREAS, the City Council did fix a time and place for a public hearing on the levy of the proposed assessment for fiscal year 2015-2016; and, WHEREAS, on June 23, 2015, the City Council conducted a public hearing at the date and time for such purpose; and, WHEREAS, the City Council did not receive the required number of protests for the levy of such assessment. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That the City Council of the City of Atascadero does hereby confirm the assessment at two percent (2%) of the rent charged by the Business per occupied room or space per night for transient occupancies. ITEM NUMBER: B-2 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 1 On motion by Council Member _______________________________, and seconded by Council Member ________________________________, the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAINED: ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO Tom O’Malley, Mayor ATTEST: By: _ Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C., City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Brian A. Pierik, City Attorney ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 Atascadero City Council Staff Report – Administrative Services Department Amendments to Fee Schedule RECOMMENDATION: Council adopt Draft Resolution A establishing a schedule of Fees and Charges for City Services. DISCUSSION: The purpose of City government is to service the needs of the people. The City offers a variety of services to the community including those such as planning and building development services, park and recreational services, rental of city property, police and fire services, and other miscellaneous city services of a voluntary or limited nature. These services are funded in part by fees paid by the users and in part by a General Fund subsidy. The amount of General Fund subsidy that is required is predicated on the degree to which the City is able to recover the costs reasonably borne to provide the special services. California law allows the City to recover “costs reasonably borne” by the City in providing services. However, the fee may not exceed th ose “costs reasonably borne” or it is by definition a special tax that must be approved by two -thirds of the voters. In 2014, the City hired a consultant, Revenue & Cost Specialists, LLC (RCS) to perform a complete Cost Allocation and User Fee Study. RCS is an expert in the industry and has been providing fee and costing services to local government agencies for 34 years. RCS provided similar services to the City in 2002 and 2006. Fees increases were considered and adopted by Council on May 13, 2014. At that time, Council directed staff to bring back the issue of adjusting fees annually using the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The CPI adjustment for year ending 2014 is 1.36%. Attached is a summary fee comparison detailing the proposed increases. ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 Some recreation activities and their related fees have been added, deleted or changed according to cost recovery guidelines and local trends. The Council has consistently demonstrated the desire to keep recreation fees affordable to the average family, resulting in a benefit to the entire community. Staff has upheld Council’s desire by keeping the subsidized percentage of the proposed fees consistent with prior years’ subsidy. Similarly, Council has historically indicated their intention to have development pay for itself. The majority of the development fees proposed are at 100% cost recovery. If development fees are 100% user supported, general taxes are not diverted from general services of the broader community and are thereby more equitable. Recovering the full cost of the service also allows the City to deliver the development services more efficiently as it helps to provide the funding for the staffing needs of the department. Other fees are limited by State law. Those cost recovery fees will remain at a constant level unless they are updated by the State. The remaining fees, which are neither managed by the State nor fall into the already discussed categories, were adjusted to reflect the actual changes in the costs of providing those services. The Service Fees will go into effect sixty days (60) after the resolution is adopted. FISCAL IMPACT: There will be an increase in operating revenue resulting from the CPI increase, with an offsetting increase in costs to provide the services. ALTERNATIVES:  Council may change any of the proposed fees.  Council may keep the current fees. This option is not recommended as the amount of tax dollars necessary to provide these services would increase, reducing the amount of money available for key Council priorities. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Resolution A 2. Exhibit A – Service Fees - Current vs. Proposed Fee Schedule ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 1 DRAFT RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ADOPTING AMENDED FEES AND DEPOSITS TO OFFSET COSTS INCURRED IN PLANNING SERVICES AND A SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES FOR CITY SERVICES WHEREAS, the City wishes to comply with both the letter and the spirit of Article XIIIB of the California Constitution and limit the growth of taxes; and, WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero provides various planning and building development services to the public including, but not limited to, processing applications, reviewing plans and maps, issuing permits and reviewing development agreements (the “Planning Services”); and, WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero desires to establish a policy of recovering some portion of the costs reasonably borne of providing special services, including but not limited to park and recreation services, rental of city property, police and fire services, and other miscellaneous city services, of a voluntary or limited nature, such that general taxes are not diverted from general services of a broad nature and thereby utilized unfairly and inequitably such special services (“City Services”); and, WHEREAS, City Council intends to collect various fees (the “Fees”) and, in certain cases, require advance deposit of the Fees, to offset the costs associated with providing the Planning Services and City Services; and, WHEREAS, because some of the Fees are described in Government Code section 66014, (i) notice of the time and place of this meeting as well as a general description of the matter to be considered are to be mailed at least 14 days prior to the date of this meeting to those parties (if any) who have filed requests for such notification, and (ii) data indicating the amount of the estimated cost required to provide the Services and the resources anticipated to fund the Planning Services were made available to the public at least 10 days prior to the date of this meeting, all in accordance with Government Code section 66016; and, WHEREAS, Government Code Section 66016 applies to fees authorized in Government Code sections 51287, 56383, 57004, 65104, 65456, 65863.7, 65909.5, 66013, 66014 and 66451.2, Health & Safety Code sections 17951, 19132.3 and 19852, Public Resources Code section 41901 and Public Utilities Code section 21671.5 consisting of primarily fees for zoning variances, zoning changes, use permits, building inspections, building permits, filing and processing applications and petitions filed with LAFCO, the processing of subdivision maps, tentative, final and parcel maps and planning services to be charged for development projects; and, WHEREAS, Government Code Section 66018 applies to the adopting or increasing fees to which a specific statutory notice requirement does not apply; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code sections 66016 and 66018 the enactment or increase in any fees to be charged for services must be adopted by the City Council by ordinance or resolution, ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 1 after providing notice and holding a public hearing; and, WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the fee schedule detailed in Exhibit A attached hereto is consistent with the City of Atascadero General Plan; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code sections 66016 and 66018, the data required to be made available to the public prior to increasing the amount of the fees by this resolution was made available for public review at least 10 days prior to the date of this meeting; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code sections 66014, 66106, 66018 and 6062a, notice of a public hearing on the increase to the amount of fees was published in the Atascadero News twice, with at least five days intervening the two publications, commencing at least ten days prior to the date of this meeting; and, WHEREAS, a duly noticed public hearing before the City Council was held on June 23, 2015, at which public testimony was received and duly considered on the proposed Planning Services and City Services Fees; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has previously adopted Resolution No. 2014-028, as amended by Resolution 2015-013, setting forth such fees, and desires to amend and restate those resolutions in this one resolution to have all service fees contained in just one resolution, without rescinding said adoption; and, WHEREAS, the amount of the Fees do not exceed the true cost of providing the Planning Services and City Services; and, WHEREAS, the increase to the amount of the fees is not a “project” subject to the California Environmental Quality Act because it is a funding mechanism having no physical effect on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Atascadero: Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and the City Council so finds and determines. Section 2. Establishment of the Fees. The Fees are hereby established in the amounts detailed on Exhibit A for the purpose of funding the cost of providing the Services. Section 3. Collection of the Fees. The Fees levied pursuant to this resolution shall be paid to the City either at the time the Planning Service or City Service is requested or required or shall, in certain cases, be advanced to the City in the form of an advance deposit as further detailed on Exhibit A. Section 4. Constitutionality. If any portion of this Resolution is declared invalid or unconstitutional then it is the intention of the City Council to have passed the entire Resolution and all its component parts, and all other sections of this Resolution shall remain in full force and effect. ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 1 Section 5. Repealer. All resolutions and other actions of the City Council in conflict with the contents of this Resolution are hereby repealed. Section 6. Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect 60 days after the effective date of this Resolution, and shall remain in effect, until revised by the City Council. On motion by Council Member __________________ and seconded by Council Member _____________________, the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO ________________________________ Tom O’Malley, Mayor ATTEST: Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C. City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Brian A. Pierik, City Attorney Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) 14-001 ADMINISTRATIVE USE PERMIT REVIEW $665 per application No charge - Non-commercial wall mural $674 per application No charge - Non-commercial wall mural 14-001 -Sign SIGNAGE ADMINISTRATIVE USE PERMIT REVIEW $100 per application for period March 1, 2015 - August 31, 2016 $100 per application for period March 1, 2015 - August 31, 2016, inclusive of noticing and label generation fees. Cost will revert to $674 per application on September 1, 2016. 14-002 MINOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REVIEW $1,090 per application $1,105 per application 14-003 MAJOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REVIEW $3,910 per application $3,963 per application 14-004 VARIANCE APPLICATION $1,725 per application $1,748 per application 14-006 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT $12,000 deposit with staff charges at the fully allocated hourly rate + all outside or legal expenses $12,163 deposit with staff charges at the fully allocated hourly rate + all outside or legal expenses 14-007 SPECIFIC PLAN $9,000 deposit with staff charges at the fully allocated hourly rate + all outside or legal expenses $9,122 deposit with staff charges at the fully allocated hourly rate + all outside or legal expenses 14-008 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT $6,895 per application $6,989 per application 14-009 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONE CHANGE $6,810 per application $6,903 per application 14-010 REZONING (MAP OR TEXT)$3,785 per application $7,235- Rezoning with a General Plan Amendment $3,836 per application $7,333- Rezoning with a General Plan Amendment PLANNING (continued) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING Page 1 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING 14-011 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP $4,080 per application $4,135 per application 14-012 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP $5,615 per map + $40 per lot over 15 lots $5,691 per map + $41 per lot over 15 lots 14-013 CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION TENTATIVE MAP $2,965 per map + $64 per unit over 15 units $4,920 per map + $64 per unit over 15 units for Condominium Conversion with a Major Conditional Use Permit $3,005 per map + $65 per unit over 15 units $4,987 per map + $65 per unit over 15 units for Condominium Conversion with a Major Conditional Use Permit 14-014 PRECISE PLAN $2,045 per application $2,073 per application 14-015 RECONSIDERATION/AMEND REVIEW (MAP/CUP) $1,270 per application - Minor $3,680 per application - Major $1,287 per application - Minor $3,730 per application - Major 14-016 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT REVIEW 10% of contract consultant amount for City staff review 10% of contract consultant amount for City staff review 14-016A ENVIRONMENTAL NEGATIVE DECLARATION $1,455 per application in addition to other application fees where applicable $1,475 per application in addition to other application fees where applicable 14-017 ANNEXATION $15,000 deposit with staff charges at the fully allocated hourly rate + all outside or legal expenses $15,204 deposit with staff charges at the fully allocated hourly rate + all outside or legal expenses 14-063 STREET/RIGHT OF WAY ABANDONMENT PROCESS $4,250 per application $4,308 per application PLANNING (continued) Page 2 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING 14-018 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT REVIEW $1,295 per application - Historic Conflict Lot Line Adjustment $2,170 per application - Other $1,313 per application - Historic Conflict Lot Line Adjustment $2,200 per application - Other 14-019 LOT MERGER $1,315 per application $1,333 per application 14-020 REVERSION TO ACREAGE $2,015 per application $2,042 per application 14-021 AGRICULTURE PRESERVE CANCELLATION $1,705 per application $1,728 per application 14-022 SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE FINDING $490 per application $497 per application 14-145 ALCOHOL BEVERAGE LICENSE $440 per application $446 per application 14-024 TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY REVIEW Commercial - $555 per application Residential - $400 per application Commercial - $563 per application Residential - $405 per application 14-025 ADMINISTRATIVE TIME EXTENSION REVIEW $395 per application $400 per application 14-026 PLANNING COMMISSION TIME EXTENSION REVIEW $725 per application $735 per application 14-027 CONTINUANCE $250 per application $253 per application 14-028 APPEAL TO PLANNING COMMISSION $695 per application (70% cost recovery)$704 per application (70% cost recovery) 14-029 APPEAL TO CITY COUNCIL $935 per application (70% cost recovery)$948 per application (70% cost recovery) PLANNING (continued) Page 3 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING 14-030 NATIVE TREE REMOVAL PERMIT No charge- Dead/Diseased Tree $355 per permit- 2" - 23" DBH $835 per permit- 24" DBH or greater No charge- Dead/Diseased Tree $360 per permit- 2" - 23" DBH $846 per permit- 24" DBH or greater 14-031 TREE PROTECTION PLAN / INSPECTION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Minor (No Arborist Required) - No charge if done in conjunction with Planning Plan Check fee or $60 per review if done independently Major - $235 per application +: 6-25 trees - $30 per tree over 5 trees 26-100 trees - $10 per each tree over 25 trees 100+ trees - $4 per each tree over 100 trees Fee includes one inspection and one re-inspection Minor (No Arborist Required) - No charge if done in conjunction with Planning Plan Check fee or $61 per review if done independently Major - $238 per application +: 6-25 trees - $30 per tree over 5 trees 26-100 trees - $10 per each tree over 25 trees 100+ trees - $4 per each tree over 100 trees Fee includes one inspection and one re-inspection 14-032 RE-INSPECT TREE PROTECTION $120 per inspection (Fee imposed on the third and any subsequent inspections) $122 per inspection (Fee imposed on the third and any subsequent inspections) 14-033 ANNUAL UTILITY TREE PERMIT $1,185 per application $1,201 per application 14-035 STREET NAME/RENAME PROCESS WITHOUT MAP $625 per application $634 per application 14-037 BUILDING RE-ADDRESS PROCESSING $460 per application $466 per application 14-038 REAL ESTATE LETTER $120 per letter $122 per letter PLANNING (continued) Page 4 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING 14-039 CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AFTER-HOURS $415 per application $421 per application 14-040A PLANNING REVIEW / APPROVAL OF BUILDING PERMIT Minor - $90 per application Major - $315 per application CUP/PD Compliance $415 per application DRC Review $355 per application Minor - $91 per application Major - $319 per application CUP/PD Compliance $421 per application DRC Review $360 per application OR 1.3 times the actual cost of contract consultant 14-040B PLANNING INSPECTION $120 per inspection $122 per inspection 14-040C PLANNING- EXTRA PLAN CHECK/INSPECTION $120 per hour $122 per hour OR 1.3 times the actual cost of contract consultant 14-068 GENERAL PLAN MAINTENANCE 5% of all building permit fees, which includes new buildings and additions. 5% of all building permit fees, which includes new buildings and additions. 14-069A DISTRICT FORMATION PROCESSING $3,950 per district + any outside consultant or legal costs $4,004 per district + any outside consultant or legal costs 14-069B COMMUNITY FACILITY DISTRICT ANNEXATION $960 per district + any outside consultant or legal costs $973 per district + any outside consultant or legal costs PLANNING (continued) Page 5 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING 14-041 BUILDING PLAN CHECK/INSPECTION FEE Building Permit - 2013 International Code Council (ICC) Building Valuation Tables including inflation indexing Plumbing Permits-10% of Building Permit Fee ($75 minimum) Mechanical Permits-10% of Building Permit Fee ($75 minimum) Electrical Permits-10% of Building Permit Fee ($75 minimum) Plan Check - 65% of Building Permit Fee Disabled Access - Additional 10% of Building Permit Fee Energy Efficiency - Additional 10% of Building Permit Fee Outside plan check - 1.3 times the cost of an outside consultant Document Imaging-2.85% of Permit/Plan Check Fees Building Permit - 2013 International Code Council (ICC) Building Valuation Tables including inflation indexing Plumbing Permits-10% of Building Permit Fee ($76 minimum) Mechanical Permits-10% of Building Permit Fee ($76 minimum) Electrical Permits-10% of Building Permit Fee ($76 minimum) Plan Check - 65% of Building Permit Fee Disabled Access - Additional 10% of Building Permit Fee Energy Efficiency - Additional 10% of Building Permit Fee Outside plan check - 1.3 times the cost of an outside consultant Document Imaging-2.85% of Permit/Plan Check Fees BUILDING Page 6 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING 14-041C OVER THE COUNTER MISCELLANEOUS BUILDING PERMIT Water Heater - $75 + 2.85% for document imaging Minor (1 inspection) - $180 per permit + 2.85% for document imaging Major (2 inspections) - $265 per permit + 2.85% for document imaging Water Heater - $76 + 2.85% for document imaging Minor (1 inspection) - $182 per permit + 2.85% for document imaging Major (2 inspections) - $269 per permit + 2.85% for document imaging 14-041D EXPRESS BUILDING PERMIT Solar Systems - $325 per permit + 2.85% for document imaging Other - $450 per permit + 2.85% for document imaging $456 per permit + 2.85% for document imaging except: Solar Systems - $329 per permit + 2.85% for document imaging 14-041D- Sign EXPRESS SIGN PERMIT $50 per permit for period March 1, 2015 - August 31, 2016 $50 per permit for period March 1, 2015 - August 31, 2016, inclusive of noticing and label generation fees. Cost will revert to $456 per permit + 2.85% for document imaging on September 1, 2016. 14-048 PLAN REVISION CHECKING $120 + actual cost of City staff at the full allocated hourly rates or actual cost of consultant + 2.85% for document imaging $122 + actual cost of City staff at the full allocated hourly rates or actual cost of consultant + 2.85% for document imaging 14-049 BUILDING - EXTRA PLAN CHECK/INSPECTION Plan Check - $20 + $112 per hour, 1 hour minimum or the actual cost of contract consultant Inspection - $135 per extra inspection Plan Check - $20 + $114 per hour, 1 hour minimum or the actual cost of contract consultant Inspection - $137 per extra inspection 14-050 RESTAMPING OF APPROVED PLANS Residential - $180 per plan Commercial - $340 per plan Residential - $182 per plan Commercial - $345 per plan 14-051 LOST INSPECTION CARD $80 per card $81 per card BUILDING (continued) Page 7 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING 14-051A CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR $125 per application $127 per application 14-052 APPEAL TO BOARD OF APPEALS $680 per appeal for 70% cost recovery $689 per appeal for 70% cost recovery 14-999 MISCELLANEOUS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES All legal, consultant and other direct costs + fully allocated hourly rate of all staff time involved. All legal, consultant and other direct costs + fully allocated hourly rate of all staff time involved. 14-117 CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY $320 per application $324 per application 14-128 DOCUMENT IMAGING FEE 2.85% of permit fee 2.85% of permit fee 14-147 NOTICE OF NON-COMPLIANCE $215 each + county fees $218 each + county fees 14-042 FIRE BUILDING PLAN CHECK/INSPECTION $85 per permit $86 per permit BUILDING (continued) FIRE DEVELOPMENT Page 8 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING 14-042A FIRE SPRINKLER PLAN CHECK New Residential - $205 +actual cost of consultant Tenant Improvement Residential Plan Check - $145 + actual cost of consultant Commercial Plan Check - $110 + actual cost of City staff at the fully allocated hourly rates or actual cost of consultant +2.85% for document imaging New Residential - $208 +actual cost of consultant Tenant Improvement Residential Plan Check - $147 + actual cost of consultant Commercial Plan Check - $112 + actual cost of City staff at the fully allocated hourly rates or actual cost of consultant +2.85% for document imaging 14-042B FIRE SPRINKLER INSPECTION Residential - $155 Commercial - Charges at the fully allocated hourly rates for all personnel involved + all outside expenses Residential - $157 Commercial - Charges at the fully allocated hourly rates for all personnel involved + all outside expenses 14-042C EXTRA FIRE PLAN CHECK/INSPECTION $125 per hour extra plan check or inspection OR 1.3 times the actual cost of contract consultant (Fee to be assessed after initial plan check/inspection and one re-check/inspection) $127 per hour extra plan check or inspection OR 1.3 times the actual cost of contract consultant (Fee to be assessed after initial plan check/inspection and one re-check/inspection) 14-042D SPRINKLER EXPRESS PLAN CHECK/INSPECTION $135 per permit + 2.85% for document imaging $137 per permit +2.85% for document imaging 14-043A FIRE ALARM PLAN CHECK $135 + actual cost of contract consultant + 2.85% for document imaging $137 + actual cost of contract consultant + 2.85% for document imaging FIRE DEVELOPMENT (continued) Page 9 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING 14-043B FIRE ALARM INSPECTION Single Family Residential - $55 Other - Charges at the fully allocated hourly rates of all personnel involved + all outside expenses Single Family Residential - $56 Other - Charges at the fully allocated hourly rates of all personnel involved + all outside expenses 14-044A NEW FIRE HOOD/DUCT PLAN CHECK $135 + actual cost of consultant + 2.85% for document imaging $137 + actual cost of consultant + 2.85% for document imaging 14-044B NEW FIRE HOOD/DUCT INSPECTION $95 per project $96 per project 14-045 PRIVATE HYDRANT SYSTEM PC/INSPECTION $270 per system + 2.85% for document imaging $274 per system + 2.85% for document imaging 14-130 OTHER FIRE SERVICES Fully allocated hourly rate of all staff time involved.Fully allocated hourly rate of all staff time involved. FIRE DEVELOPMENT (continued) Page 10 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING 14-053 ON-SITE GRADING PLAN CHECK Less than 50 Cubic Yard Permit: $365 Single Family Residence/Accessory: $635 Commercial: $685 + $155 per each 5,000 sq ft after the first 5,000 sq ft Multi Family: $1,480 + $55 per unit Tract: 5-50 lots-$1,215 + $37 per lot for each lot over 5 lots 50+ lots-$2,880 + $26 per lot for each lot over 50 lots + 2.85% for document imaging Less than 50 Cubic Yard Permit: $367 Single Family Residence/Accessory: $644 Commercial: $694 + $157 per each 5,000 sq ft after the first 5,000 sq ft Multi Family: $1,500 + $56 per unit Tract: 5-50 lots-$1,232 + $38 per lot for each lot over 5 lots 50+ lots-$2,919 + $26 per lot for each lot over 50 lots + 2.85% for document imaging 14-053A ON-SITE DRAINAGE PLAN CHECK Single Family Residence: $115 Commercial: $240 + $185 per each 5,000 sq. ft. after the first 5,000 sq. ft. Multi Family: $440 + $80 per unit Tract: 5-50 lots-$400 + $18 per lot for each lot over 5 lots 50+ lots-$1,210 + $10 per lot for each lot over 50 lots + 2.85 for document imaging Single Family Residence: $117 Commercial: $243 + $188 per each 5,000 sq. ft. after the first 5,000 sq. ft. Multi Family: $446 + $81 per unit Tract: 5-50 lots-$405 + $18 per lot for each lot over 5 lots 50+ lots-$1,226 + $10 per lot for each lot over 50 lots + 2.85% for document imaging PUBLIC WORKS Page 11 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING 14-053C ENGINEERING-EXTRA PLAN CHCK/INSPECTION $42 per plan/inspection + $155 per hour per extra plan check or inspection OR 1.3 times the actual cost of contract consultant (Fee to be assessed after initial plan check/inspection and one re-check/inspection) $43 per plan/inspection + $157 per hour per extra plan check or inspection OR 1.3 times the actual cost of contract consultant (Fee to be assessed after initial plan check/inspection and one re-check/inspection) 14-054 ON-SITE GRADING INSPECTION Single Family Residence/Accessory: $245 Commercial: $545 + $270 per each 5,000 sq. ft. after the first 5,000 sq. ft. Multi Family: $350 + $50 per unit Tract: 5-50 lots-$545 + $47 per lot for each lot over 5 lots 50+ lots-$2,660 + $27 per lot for each lot over 50 lots Single Family Residence/Accessory: $248 Commercial: $552 + $274 per each 5,000 sq. ft. after the first 5,000 sq. ft. Multi Family: $355 + $51 per unit Tract: 5-50 lots-$552 + $48 per lot for each lot over 5 lots 50+ lots-$2,696 + $27 per lot for each lot over 50 lots 14-054A ON-SITE DRAINAGE INSPECTION Single Family Residence/Accessory: $125 Commercial: $400 + $175 per each 5,000 sq. ft. after the first 5,000 sq. ft. Multi Family: $400 + $50 per unit Tract: 5-50 lots-$700 + $31 per lot for each lot over 5 lots 50+ lots-$2,095 + $18 per lot for each lot over 50 lots Single Family Residence/Accessory: $127 Commercial: $405 + $177 per each 5,000 sq. ft. after the first 5,000 sq. ft. Multi Family: $405 + $51 per unit Tract: 5-50 lots-$710 + $31 per lot for each lot over 5 lots 50+ lots-$2,123 + $18 per lot for each lot over 50 lots 14-053W SEPTIC SYSTEM PLAN CHECK $275 per plan + 2.85 for document imaging $279 per plan + 2.85% for document imaging PUBLIC WORKS (continued) Page 12 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING 14-054W SEPTIC SYSTEM INSPECTION $95 per permit $96 per permit 14-055 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PLAN CHECK $0 - $50,000 - 4.25% of the Engineer's Estimate ($500 minimum) $50,001 - $100,000 - $2,125 + 0.65% of the Engineer's Estimate over $50,000 $100,001 - $250,000 - $2,450 + 0.2% of the Engineer's Estimate over $100,000 $250,001 - $500,000 - $2,750 + 0.65% of the Engineer's Estimate over $250,000 $500,001+ - $4,375 + 0.2% of the Engineer's Estimate over $500,000 + 2.85% for document imaging $0 - $50,000 - 4.25% of the Engineer's Estimate ($507 minimum) $50,001 - $100,000 - $2,154 + 0.65% of the Engineer's Estimate over $50,000 $100,001 - $250,000 - $2,483 + 0.2% of the Engineer's Estimate over $100,000 $250,001 - $500,000 - $2,787 + 0.65% of the Engineer's Estimate over $250,000 $500,001+ - $4,435 + 0.2% of the Engineer's Estimate over $500,000 + 2.85% for document imaging 14-055A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT INSPECTION $0 - $50,000 - 3% of the Engineer's Estimate ($500 minimum) $50,001 - $100,000 - $1,500 + 1.3% of the Engineer's Estimate over $50,000 $100,001+ - $2,150 - + 0.4% of the Engineer's Estimate over $100,000 $0 - $50,000 - 3% of the Engineer's Estimate ($507 minimum) $50,001 - $100,000 - $1,520 + 1.3% of the Engineer's Estimate over $50,000 $100,001+ - $2,179 - + 0.4% of the Engineer's Estimate over $100,000 14-056 TEMPORARY ENCROACHMENT PERMIT $115 per permit $117 per permit PUBLIC WORKS (continued) Page 13 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING 14-057 MINOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT Driveway Approach - $205 Sidewalk - $300 for first 50 linear feet + $95 for each additional 50 linear feet Curb/Gutter - $300 for first 50 linear feet + $95 for each additional 50 linear feet Sidewalk/Curb/Gutter - $400 for first 50 linear feet + $145 for each additional 50 linear feet Driveway Approach - $208 Sidewalk - $304 for first 50 linear feet + $96 for each additional 50 linear feet Curb/Gutter - $304 for first 50 linear feet + $96 for each additional 50 linear feet Sidewalk/Curb/Gutter - $405 for first 50 linear feet + $147 for each additional 50 linear feet 14-057A PERMANENT ENCROACHMENT PERMIT $330 per permit $334 per permit 14-058 UTILITY ENCROACHMENT PERMIT $255 - Water patch $475 - 0-10' trench $670 - 10'-50' trench $945 - 50'-100' trench $1,195 - 100'-300' Trench (plus $2 per additional foot over 300 feet) Annual Blanket Permit - $415 per permit in addition to any franchise payments $258 - Water patch $481 - 0-10' trench $679 - 10'-50' trench $958 - 50'-100' trench $1,211 - 100'-300' Trench (plus $2 per additional foot over 300 feet) 14-058A TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN CHECK/INSPECTION $525 per project $532 per project 14-059 FINAL PARCEL MAP CHECK $1,755 per map + $90 + $5 per lot GIS fee + any recording fees $1,779 per map + $91 + $5 per lot GIS fee + any recording fees 14-060 FINAL TRACT MAP CHECK $2,625 per map + $27 per lot over 5 lots + $90 + $5 per lot GIS fee + any recording fees Affordable Housing - $355 per application + $120 per unit + any outside or legal costs $2,661 per map + $27 per lot over 5 lots + $91 + $5 per lot GIS fee + any recording fees Affordable Housing - $360 per application + $122 per unit + any outside or legal costs PUBLIC WORKS (continued) Page 14 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING 14-061 CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION FINAL MAP $2,625 per map + $27 per unit after the first 5 units $2,661 per map + $27 per unit after the first 5 units 14-062 FINAL MAP AMENDMENT $2,690 per application Certificate of Correction-$710 per application $2,727 per application Certificate of Correction-$720 per application 14-064 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE $1,025 per application $1,039 per application 14-065 FLOOD PLAIN LETTER $450 per letter $456 per letter 14-066 WIDE/OVERWEIGHT/OVERLONG LOAD REVIEW $16 - Daily Permit $90 - Annual Permit Fees are set by the State $16 - Daily Permit $90 - Annual Permit Fees are set by the State 14-109A SEWER TAP $465 per lateral $471 per lateral 14-109 SEWER PROCESSING $40 per sewer connection permit $41 per sewer connection permit 14-110 EMERGENCY SEWAGE SPILL RESPONSE Charge the fully allocated hourly rates for all personnel involved + any outside or material costs. Charge the fully allocated hourly rates for all personnel involved + any outside or material costs. 14-066A STREET CLOSURES All Street Closures are subject to the fully allocated hourly rates for all personnel involved, with a minimum of two (2) hours. All Street Closures are subject to the fully allocated hourly rates for all personnel involved, with a minimum of two (2) hours. PUBLIC WORKS (continued) Page 15 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING 14-070 NOISE DISTURBANCE RESPONSE CALL-BACK Charge the fully allocated hourly rates for all personnel involved Charge the fully allocated hourly rates for all personnel involved 14-071 POLICE FALSE ALARM RESPONSE First three responses within a calendar year - No Charge Forth and subsequent false alarm within a calendar year - $150 per response First three responses within a calendar year - No Charge Forth and subsequent false alarm within a calendar year - $152 per response 14-072 DUI ACCIDENT RESPONSE INVESTIGATION Charge the fully allocated hourly rate for all emergency personnel involved, not to exceed $12,000 per incident by State Law. Charge the fully allocated hourly rate for all emergency personnel involved, not to exceed $12,000 per incident by State Law. 14-073 VEHICLE EQUIPMENT CORRECTION INSPECTION $35 per inspection $35 per inspection 14-074 VIN VERIFICATION $30 per request $30 per request 14-075 STORED/IMPOUNDED VEHICLE RELEASE $105 per vehicle $106 per vehicle 14-076 REPOSSESSED VEHICLE RELEASE $15 per vehicle This fee is set by State Law $15 per vehicle This fee is set by State Law 14-078 RECORDS CHECK/CLEARANCE LETTER $28 per letter + notary fee if applicable $28 per letter + notary fee if applicable 14-079 LIVE SCAN FINGERPRINT PROCESSING No Charge - Volunteers for Seniors/Youth $15 per person - community group coaches or leaders $30 per person - all others No Charge - Volunteers for Seniors/Youth $15 per person - community group coaches or leaders $30 per person - all others POLICE Page 16 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING 14-080 POLICE REPORT COPY As this service is covered by the Public Records Act, the fee should match the City's copy charge fee: 1st page - $0.50 each additional page - $0.10 As this service is covered by the Public Records Act, the fee should match the City's copy charge fee: 1st page - $0.50 each additional page - $0.10 14-081 POLICE DIGITAL FILE REPRODUCTION $3 per device $3 per device 14-083 CIVIL SUBPOENA OF RECORDS $15 + reproduction costs $150 per day deposit + travel costs Fees are set by the Court $15 + reproduction costs $150 per day deposit + travel costs Fees are set by the Court 14-084 DUCES TECUM SUBPOENA $15 per request + reproduction costs Fees are set by State Law. $15 per request + reproduction costs Fees are set by State Law. 14-085 POLICE SPECIAL SERVICES Fully allocated costs of all personnel involved, + any actual material or equipment expenses required for the event. Fully allocated costs of all personnel involved, + any actual material or equipment expenses required for the event. 14-161 CONCEALED CARRY WEAPONS LICENSE $100 New license application $25 Renewal license application $10 Amendments to existing license application +All required State and Federal agency fees $100 New license application $25 Renewal license application $10 Amendments to existing license application +All required State and Federal agency fees POLICE (continued) 14-079 LIVE SCAN FINGERPRINT PROCESSING No Charge - Volunteers for Seniors/Youth $15 per person - community group coaches or leaders $30 per person - all others No Charge - Volunteers for Seniors/Youth $15 per person - community group coaches or leaders $30 per person - all others Page 17 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING 14-069 CODE ENFORCEMENT Recover the full costs related to the enforcement of the City's codes at a particular parcel if the parcel is not brought into compliance, up to and including court action. Recover the full costs related to the enforcement of the City's codes at a particular parcel if the parcel is not brought into compliance, up to and including court action. 14-045A FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICE LETTER $30 per letter $30 per letter 14-045B FIRE CODE POSITION LETTER $155 per letter $157 per letter 14-046 FIRE FLOW TEST $155 per test $157 per test 14-086 TEMPORARY TENT/CIRCUS PERMIT $95 per permit + $40 per day after the first day $96 per permit + $41 per day after the first day 14-086A PERMANENT TENT PERMIT Charge the fully allocated hourly rate for all staff involved + any outside costs. Charge the fully allocated hourly rate for all staff involved + any outside costs. 14-087 SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT $215 per day $218 per day 14-042C RESIDENTIAL CARE FACILITY CONSULTATION Maximum allowed under State law (currently $50)Maximum allowed under State law (currently $50) 14-088 CONFINED SPACE PERMIT Hazard Permit - $100 Extended Hazard Permit - $600 Annual Hazard Permit - $1,500 Hazard Permit - $101 Extended Hazard Permit - $608 Annual Hazard Permit - $1,520 14-089 UNDERGROUND TANK REMOVAL $115 per tank - 1st inspection $60 per tank - each subsequent inspection $117 per tank - 1st inspection $61 per tank - each subsequent inspection 14-090 FIRE CODE PERMITS $55 per permit $56 per permit FIRE Page 18 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING 14-090 FIRE CODE PERMITS $55 per permit $56 per permit 14-091 ENGINE COMPANY INSPECTION First 2 inspections - no charge 3rd and subsequent inspections - $135 per inspection First 2 inspections - no charge 3rd and subsequent inspections - $137 per inspection 14-092 FIRE FALSE ALARM RESPONSE First 3 responses in a calendar year - No Charge 4th and subsequent response in a calendar year - $230 per response First 3 responses in a calendar year - No Charge 4th and subsequent response in a calendar year - $233 per response 14-093 WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM Actual costs + 150% if lot must be cleared by the City This program is designed to only recover the cost of the properties that do not comply. Actual costs + 150% if lot must be cleared by the City This program is designed to only recover the cost of the properties that do not comply. 14-094 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS RESPONSE Charge the fully allocated hourly rate for all personnel involved. Charge the fully allocated hourly rate for all personnel involved. 14-095 NEGLIGENT INCIDENT RESPONSE Charge double the fully allocated hourly rates for all personnel involved. Charge double the fully allocated hourly rates for all personnel involved. 14-096 FIRE/ARSON INVESTIGATION Charge the fully allocated hourly rates for all personnel involved. Charge the fully allocated hourly rates for all personnel involved. 14-098 FIRE INCIDENT REPORT COPY As this service is covered by the Public Records Act, the fee should match the City's copy charge fee: 1st page - $0.50 each additional page - $0.10 As this service is covered by the Public Records Act, the fee should match the City's copy charge fee: 1st page - $0.50 each additional page - $0.10 14-098A FIRE CODE OCCUPANCY LETTER $60 per letter $61 per letter FIRE (continued) Page 19 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING 14-101 AQUATICS PROGRAMS The City Manager or Designee may set and change Aquatics Fees according to cost recovery guidelines and local trends. This authorization is intended to allow the Community Services Department to offer new and revised programs between fee updates. Current Fees are as follows: Wading Pool $1 Rec Swim: $5 Lap Swim: $4 Night Swim: $4 Water Polo Camp $40 for residents $44 for nonresidents Swim Lessons (2 week sessions): $60 for residents $66 for non-residents Swim Pass: $30 for 10 uses $60 for 20 uses The City Manager or Designee may set and change Aquatics Fees according to cost recovery guidelines and local trends. This authorization is intended to allow the Community Services Department to offer new and revised programs between fee updates. Current Fees are as follows: Wading Pool: $1 Rec Swim: $5 Lap Swim: $4 Water Polo Camp $41 for residents $45 for nonresidents Swim Lessons (2 week sessions): $64 for residents $70 for non-residents Swim Pass: $31 for 10 uses RECREATION Page 20 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING The City Manager or Designee may set and change Adult Sports Fees according to cost recovery guidelines and local trends. This authorization is intended to allow the Community Services Department to offer new and revised programs between fee updates. Current Fees are as follows: The City Manager or Designee may set and change Adult Sports Fees according to cost recovery guidelines and local trends. This authorization is intended to allow the Community Services Department to offer new and revised programs between fee updates. Current Fees are as follows: 14-099 ADULT SPORTS Adult Softball: $600 per team + $5 per nonresident player or additional 10% if 8 or more nonresident players Adult Basketball: $350 per team + $5 per nonresident player or additional 10% if 8 or more nonresident players Adult Volleyball: $250 per team + $5 per nonresident player or additional 10% if 8 or more nonresident players Adult Drop-in Programs: $2 per person Light Fee: $20 per hour Late Fee: After registration $50 per team Forfeit Fee: $25 per team Protest Fee: $20 per team Add/Drop Fee: $20 per transaction Adult Softball: $608 per team + $5 per nonresident player or additional 10% if 8 or more nonresident players Adult Basketball: $400 per team + $5 per nonresident player or additional 10% if 8 or more nonresident players Adult Volleyball: $300 per team + $5 per nonresident player or additional 10% if 8 or more nonresident players Adult Pickleball: $75 per person yearly pass (January to December) or $2 per person drop-in Adult Drop-in Programs: $2 per person Light Fee: $20 per hour Late Fee: After registration $51 per team Forfeit Fee: $25 per team Protest Fee: $20 per team Add/Drop Fee: $20 per transaction RECREATION (continued) Page 21 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING 14-100 YOUTH SPORTS The City Manager or Designee may set and change Youth Sports Fees according to cost recovery guidelines and local trends. This authorization is intended to allow the Community Services Department to offer new and revised programs between fee updates. Current Fees are as follows: Jr. Volleyball - $47 per resident participant or $51.70 for nonresident participants ($5 discount for each additional family member) Youth Basketball - $70 per participant or $77 per nonresident participant ($5 discount for each additional family member) T-Ball - $80 per resident participant or $88 for nonresident participant ($5 discount for each additional family member) $10 late fee per participant or family The City Manager or Designee may set and change Youth Sports Fees according to cost recovery guidelines and local trends. This authorization is intended to allow the Community Services Department to offer new and revised programs between fee updates. Current Fees are as follows: Jr. Volleyball - $49 per resident participant or $54 for nonresident participants ($5 discount for each additional family member) Youth Basketball - $90 per participant or $99 per nonresident participant ($5 discount for each additional family member) T-Ball - $82 per resident participant or $90 for nonresident participant ($5 discount for each additional family member) $10 late fee per participant or family 14-103 CONTRACT RECREATION CLASSES The instructor receives 70% of the class fee and the City receives the remaining 30% for off-site classes and existing instructors. The instructor receives 60% of the class fee and the City receives the remaining 40% for on-site classes. The instructor receives 70% of the class fee and the City receives the remaining 30% for off-site classes and existing instructors. The instructor receives 60% of the class fee and the City receives the remaining 40% for on-site classes. RECREATION (continued) Page 22 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING The City Manager or Designee may set and change Special Events according to cost recovery guidelines and local trends. This authorization is intended to allow the Community Services Department to offer new and revised programs between fee updates. Current Fees are as follows: A temporary banner removal fee of $25 will be charged if banner is left up more than one day after the event. The banner will not be released to the owner until the fee is paid. The City Manager or Designee may set and change Special Events according to cost recovery guidelines and local trends. This authorization is intended to allow the Community Services Department and the Public Works Department to offer new and revised programs between fee updates. Current Fees are as follows: A temporary banner removal fee of $25 will be charged if banner is left up more than one day after the event. The banner will not be released to the owner until the fee is paid. Flea Market: $30 per space for residents $40 per space for nonresidents Cruise Night: $20 per car during pre-registration $30 per car the night of the event Craft Faire $65 per inside space for residents $80 per inside space for nonresidents $55 per outside space for residents $70 per outside space for nonresidents Flea Market: $30 per space for residents $41 per space for nonresidents Cruise Night: $26 per car during pre-registration $36 per car the night of the event Craft Faire $66 per inside space for residents $81 per inside space for nonresidents $56 per outside space for residents $71 per outside space for nonresidents 14-104 CITY SPECIAL EVENTS RECREATION (continued) Page 23 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING 14-104 CITY SPECIAL EVENTS (continued) Father/Daughter Dance: $30 per couple for residents $35 per couple for nonresidents + $5 for each additional daughter Booth Fee (Booths allowed in accordance with City policy at other City-run events) $0 Nonprofit vendors $50 + 10% of gross profits for-profit vendors in accordance with policies. Other Special Events: Fully allocated cost of required personnel Father/Daughter Dance: $30 per couple for residents $35 per couple for nonresidents + $5 for each additional daughter Booth Fee (Booths allowed in accordance with City policy at other City-run events) $0 Nonprofit vendors $51 + 10% of gross profits for-profit vendors in accordance with policies. Other Special Events: Fully allocated cost of required personnel 14-105 TRIPS AND TOURS Charge the direct cost of the trip Charge the direct cost of the trip 14-148 ADVERTISING N/A The City Manager or designee may set and change Advertising Fees according to cost recovery guidelines and local market trends. This authorization is intended to allow the Community Services Department to offer new and revised programs between fee updates. Current Fees are as follows: $100 1/8 Page Ad $150 1/4 Page Ad $250 1/2 Page Ad $250 Banner Ad $400 Full Page Ad $600 Inside Back Cover $800 Inside Front Cover $1,200 Back Cover RECREATION (continued) Page 24 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING Security Deposit: All special events require a $350 security deposit. Security Guards: All events where alcohol is served require one guard per 100 people. $20 + actual cost of security service (minimum of 4 hours) Security Deposit: All special events require a $355 security deposit. Security Guards: All events where alcohol is served require one guard per 100 people. $20 + actual cost of security service (minimum of 4 hours) Application Fee: $5 each Application Fee: $5 each Cleaning Fee: $20 + contract cleaning charge + any repair costs for damage to the facility + fully allocated hourly rate of City personnel Cleaning Fee: $20 + contract cleaning charge + any repair costs for damage to the facility + fully allocated hourly rate of City personnel Cleaning Fee will be applied at the discretion of the City Manager or Designee. (In general it will be required for all rentals where food and/or beverages are served, for all day Saturday rentals and other large events where a cleaning crew is required.) Cleaning Fee will be applied at the discretion of the City Manager or Designee. (In general it will be required for all rentals where food and/or beverages are served, for all day Saturday rentals and other large events where a cleaning crew is required.) 14-106 PAVILION RENTAL Rotary Room: Weekdays: $40 per hour for residents $45 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $35 per hour for non-profits Rotary Room: Weekdays: $41 per hour for residents $46 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $35 per hour for non-profits PAVILION PAVILION CLEANING FEE14-138 Page 25 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING Evenings and Sundays: $55 per hour for residents $65 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $35 per hour for non-profits Evenings and Sundays: $56 per hour for residents $66 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $35 per hour for non-profits Gronstrand Room: Weekdays: $35 per hour for residents $40 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $30 per hour for non-profits Gronstrand Room: Weekdays: $35 per hour for residents $41 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $30 per hour for non-profits Evenings and Sundays: $45 per hour for residents $50 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $30 per hour for non-profits Evenings and Sundays: $46 per hour for residents $51 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $30 per hour for non-profits Community Room: Weekdays: $30 per hour for residents $30 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $25 per hour for non-profits Community Room: Weekdays: $30 per hour for residents $30 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $25 per hour for non-profits Evenings and Sundays: $35 per hour for residents $35 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $30 per hour for non-profits Evenings and Sundays: $35 per hour for residents $35 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $30 per hour for non-profits PAVILION RENTAL14-106 PAVILION (continued) Page 26 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING Kitchen: Weekdays: $45 per hour for residents $50 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $25 per hour for non-profits Kitchen: Weekdays: $46 per hour for residents $51 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $25 per hour for non-profits Evenings and Sundays: $55 per hour for residents $60 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $25 per hour for non-profits Evenings and Sundays: $56 per hour for residents $61 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $25 per hour for non-profits Great Room: Weekdays: $70 per hour for residents $80 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $60 per hour for non-profits Great Room: Weekdays: $71 per hour for residents $81 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $61 per hour for non-profits Evenings and Sundays: $ 95 per hour for residents $110 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $ 60 per hour for non-profits Evenings and Sundays: $ 96 per hour for residents $112 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $ 61 per hour for non-profits Combined: (Includes Great Room, Community Room, Kitchen and Lobby, Saturday Only) $1,930 per day + $170 cleaning fee for residents $2,430 per day + $170 cleaning fee for nonresidents/commercial Combined: (Includes Great Room, Community Room, Kitchen and Lobby, Saturday Only) $1,956 per day + $172 cleaning fee for residents $2,463 per day + $172 cleaning fee for nonresidents/commercial $60 per hour, 12 hour min for non-profits (Great Room only), additional fees apply for use of any other rooms $61 per hour, 12 hour min for non-profits (Great Room only), additional fees apply for use of any other rooms PAVILION (continued) PAVILION RENTAL (continued)14-106 Page 27 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING 14-106 PAVILION RENTAL (continued) Lakeside Room: $35 per hour for residents $65 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $25 per hour for non-profits Lakeside Room: $35 per hour for residents $66 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $25 per hour for non-profits '14-139 PAVILION EQUIPMENT RENTALS Non-profit organizations my receive a 50% discount on equipment rental fees. Upon approval of the City Manager or Designee, non-profit organizations that have ongoing rental agreements with the Pavilion on the Lake and have made significant donations to the City facilities are eligible to receive a full waiver of rental items. Gazebo Chairs: $1.50 per chair + $35 set-up fee Stage: $10 per 4' x 8' piece Linens (optional): Fees set by the Pavilion Coordinator based on market conditions. Podium: $20 per day TV/VCR: $30 per day TV/VCR/DVD: $35 per day Sound System: $100 per day Non-profit organizations my receive a 50% discount on equipment rental fees. Upon approval of the City Manager or Designee, non-profit organizations that have ongoing rental agreements with the Pavilion on the Lake and have made significant donations to the City facilities are eligible to receive a full waiver of rental items. Gazebo Chairs: $1.50 per chair + $35 set-up fee Stage: $10 per 4' x 8' piece Linens (optional): Fees set by the Pavilion Coordinator based on market conditions. Podium: $20 per day TV/VCR: $30 per day TV/VCR/DVD: $35 per day Sound System: $101 per day Overhead Projector: $25 per day Portable Projector Screens: $15 per day Electric Projector Screens: $25 per day LCD Projector: $100 per day Topiary Trees: $20 each Lattice Screen: $25 each without lights $50 each with lights Microphone: $20 each per day Mirrors: $2 each Candleholders: $1 each Wireless Internet: $25 per day Overhead Projector: $25 per day Portable Projector Screens: $15 per day Electric Projector Screens: $25 per day LCD Projector: $101 per day Topiary Trees: $20 each Lattice Screen: $25 each without lights $51 each with lights Microphone: $20 each per day Mirrors: $2 each Candleholders: $1 each Wireless Internet: $25 per day PAVILION (continued) Page 28 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING 14-140 GAZEBO RENTALS $155 per day $157 per day 14-141 RANGER HOUSE RENTALS $30 per hour for residents $30 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $25 per hour for non-profit $30 per hour for residents $30 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $25 per hour for non-profit 14-150 YOUTH & TEEN SERVICES Teen Center membership - $10 per year Teen Center membership card replacement - $2 per card Teen Center membership - $10 per year Teen Center membership card replacement - $2 per card Non-refundable Deposit: All bookings require a 50% non-refundable deposit. Cancellations will forfeit the deposit Non-refundable Deposit: All bookings require a 50% non-refundable deposit. Cancellations will forfeit the deposit Security Deposit: May be required at the discretion of the Director (refundable after event if no damages/extra charges apply). Security Guards: At the discretion of the Director, events require one guard per 100 people $20 + actual cost of security service (minimum of four hours) Security Deposit: May be required at the discretion of the Director (refundable after event if no damages/extra charges apply). Security Guards: At the discretion of the Director, events require one guard per 100 people $20 + actual cost of security service (minimum of four hours) Additional Staff Time: An additional hourly rental charge of $20 per hour will apply if the City is required schedule additional personnel in order to accommodate the event. Additional Staff Time: An additional hourly rental charge of $20 per hour will apply if the City is required to schedule additional personnel in order to accommodate the event. COLONY PARK COMMUNITY CENTER PAVILION (continued) COLONY PARK COMMUNITY CENTER RENTAL14-152 Page 29 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING Fitness (Dance & Exercise Rooms Combined): Weekdays: $45 per hour for residents $50 per hour for nonresidents $40 per hour for non-profits Fitness (Dance & Exercise Rooms Combined): Weekdays: $46 per hour for residents $51 per hour for nonresidents $41 per hour for non-profits Fitness (Dance & Exercise Rooms Combined): Evenings, Saturdays and Sundays: $60 per hour for residents $65 per hour for nonresidents $55 per hour for non-profits Fitness (Dance & Exercise Rooms Combined): Evenings, Saturdays and Sundays: $61 per hour for residents $66 per hour for nonresidents $56 per hour for non-profits Conference Room: Weekdays: $30 per hour for residents $35 per hour for nonresidents $25 per hour for non-profits Conference Room: Weekdays: $30 per hour for residents $35 per hour for nonresidents $25 per hour for non-profits Evenings, Saturdays and Sundays: $45 per hour for residents $50 per hour for nonresidents $40 per hour for non-profits Evenings, Saturdays and Sundays: $46 per hour for residents $51 per hour for nonresidents $41 per hour for non-profits Gymnasium: Weekdays: $60 per hour for residents $75 per hour for nonresidents $55 per hour for non-profits Gymnasium: Weekdays: $61 per hour for residents $76 per hour for nonresidents $56 per hour for non-profits Evenings, Saturdays and Sundays: $75 per hour for residents $90 per hour for nonresidents $70 per hour for non-profits Evenings, Saturdays and Sundays: $76 per hour for residents $91 per hour for nonresidents $71 per hour for non-profits COLONY PARK COMMUNITY CENTER (continued) COLONY PARK COMMUNITY CENTER RENTAL (continued) 14-152 Page 30 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING Arts and Crafts Room: Weekdays: $35 per hour for residents $40 per hour for nonresidents $30 per hour for non-profits Arts and Crafts Room: Weekdays: $35 per hour for residents $41 per hour for nonresidents $30 per hour for non-profits Evenings, Saturdays and Sundays: $50 per hour for residents $55 per hour for nonresidents $45 per hour for non-profits Evenings, Saturdays and Sundays: $51 per hour for residents $56 per hour for nonresidents $46 per hour for non-profits Cleaning Fee: Up to $140 (applied at the discretion of the Director) Cleaning Fee: Up to $200 (applied at the discretion of the Director) 14-153 COMMUNITY CENTER CLEANING FEE Cleaning Fee will be applied at the discretion of the City Manager or Designee. (In general it will be required for all rentals where food and/or beverages are served, for all day Saturday rentals and other large events where a cleaning crew is required.) Cleaning Fee will be applied at the discretion of the City Manager or Designee. (In general it will be required for all rentals where food and/or beverages are served, for all day Saturday rentals and other large events where a cleaning crew is required.) Table and chair set up (groups of 50+): $40 Scoreboard: $25 per day Podium: $25 per day TV/DVD: $25 per day Table and chair set up (groups of 50+): $41 Scoreboard: $25 per day Podium: $25 per day TV/DVD: $25 per day Sound system: $100 per day Stage: $10 per 4' x 8' piece Portable projector screen: $20 per day Coffee service: $3 per person (10 person min.) Sound system: $101 per day Stage: $10 per 4' x 8' piece Portable projector screen: $20 per day Coffee service: $3 per person (10 person min.) 14-152 COLONY PARK COMMUNITY CENTER RENTAL (continued) COLONY PARK COMMUNITY CENTER (continued) COLONY PARK COMMUNITY CENTER EQUIPMENT RENTALS14-154 Page 31 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING 14-160 CITY HALL RENTALS Public Meeting Room (M-F 8:00-5:00): $25 per hour for non-profit $40 per hour for private resident $45 per hour for private nonresident If outside of business hours: + Fully allocated hourly rate of all City personnel required City Council Chambers (M-F 8:00-5:00) 2 hour minimum rental $90 per hour for non-profit $110 per hour for private resident $120 per hour for private nonresident $500 security deposit and a separate cleaning fee are required for events that serve food or are longer than 3 hours City Council Chambers (Saturday & Sunday) $3,500 per day for non-profit $5,000 per day for private resident $5,500 per day for private non-resident $500 per hour in excess of 10 hours $1,000 reservation deposit required $1,000 security deposit required Wedding Photography (Saturday & Sunday) 2 hour minimum $150 per hour for private resident $200 per hour for private nonresident Outdoor Wedding Ceremony (Saturday & Sunday) $350 per ceremony Public Meeting Room (M-F 8:00-5:00): $25 per hour for non-profit $41 per hour for private resident $46 per hour for private nonresident If outside of business hours: + Fully allocated hourly rate of all City personnel required City Council Chambers (M-F 8:00-5:00) 2 hour minimum rental $91 per hour for non-profit $112 per hour for private resident $122 per hour for private nonresident $500 security deposit and a separate cleaning fee are required for events that serve food or are longer than 3 hours City Council Chambers (Saturday & Sunday) $3,548 per day for non-profit $5,068 per day for private resident $5,575 per day for private non-resident $507 per hour in excess of 10 hours $1,000 reservation deposit required $1,000 security deposit required Wedding Photography (Saturday & Sunday) 2 hour minimum $152 per hour for private resident $203 per hour for private nonresident Outdoor Wedding Ceremony (Saturday & Sunday) $355 per ceremony PARKS & FACILITIES RENTALS Page 32 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING 14-107A PARK RENTALS In case of inclement weather, the applicant may request a refund of usage fees subject to an administrative fee or reschedule the reservation date subject to a reservation modification fee. In addition to the base rental rate listed below, all park facility charges are also subject to the following charges as applicable: $15 Reservation change or modification fee $12 Use of utilities fee Security Guards: At discretion of City Manager or Designee, events where alcohol is served require one guard per 100 people - $20 + actual cost of security service (minimum of 4 hours) Fully allocated hourly rate of all City personnel required for the event will be charged In case of inclement weather or extenuating circumstances for outdoor park reservations, the applicant may reschedule the reservation date or request a refund, minus a $15 processing fee. In addition to the base rental rate listed below, all park facility charges are also subject to the following charges as applicable: $15 Reservation change or modification fee $12 Use of utilities fee Security Guards: At discretion of City Manager or Designee, events where alcohol is served require one guard per 100 people - $20 + actual cost of security service (minimum of 4 hours) Fully allocated hourly rate of all City personnel required for the event will be charged PARKS & FACILITIES RENTALS (continued) Page 33 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING Barbeque Areas: $45 per day for Paloma BBQ Areas $55 per day for Lake Park BBQ Areas $30 per day for Colony Park BBQ Areas $75 per day for all 3 Colony Park BBQ areas Lake Park Bandstand: $50 for nonprofits $80 for all others Outdoor Movie Screen Rental: $1,000 for 5 hours for nonprofits $1,250 for 5 hours all others Barbeque Areas: $46 per day for Paloma BBQ Areas $56 per day for Lake Park BBQ Areas $30 per day for Colony Park BBQ Areas $76 per day for all 3 Colony Park BBQ areas Lake Park Bandstand: $51 for nonprofits $81 for all others Outdoor Movie Screen Rental: $1,014 for 5 hours for nonprofits $1,267 for 5 hours all others Faces of Freedom Veterans Memorial: $75 per day No fee for veteran's organizations, individual veterans, or families of veterans for services and events. No security deposit will be required for these events. Faces of Freedom Veterans Memorial: $76 per day No fee for veteran's organizations, individual veterans, or families of veterans for services and events. No security deposit will be required for these events. Sunken Gardens: $100 per day for non-profit $200 per day for all others Sunken Gardens: $101 per day for non-profit $203 per day for all others Equestrian Arena: $100 per day private use $200 security deposit Equestrian Arena: $101 per day private use $200 security deposit Lake Park Special Event: $500 per day for non-profits $750 per day for others Lake Park Special Event: $507 per day for non-profits $760 per day for others PARK RENTALS (continued)14-107A PARKS & FACILITIES RENTALS (continued) Page 34 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING Stadium Park: $ 750 per day for non-profits for a > 150 person event $1,500 per day for all others for a >150 person event Stadium Park: $ 760 per day for non-profits for a > 150 person event $1,520 per day for all others for a >150 person event $ 200 per day for non-profits for a <= 150 person event $ 500 per day for all others for a <= 150 person event $ 203 per day for non-profits for a <= 150 person event $ 507 per day for all others for a <= 150 person event 14-107 BALLFIELD/PARK FACILITY RENTAL Ballfield and Open Fields fees: in addition to in-kind contributions $20 per hour for field $20 per hour for lights $25 base rental per field (+ $200 deposit) $50 for field lining (one time per day) Ballfield and Open Fields fees: in addition to in-kind contributions $20 per hour for field $20 per hour for lights $25 base rental per field (+ $200 deposit) $51 for field lining (one time per day) PARKS & FACILITIES RENTALS (continued) 14-107A PARK RENTALS (continued) Page 35 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING 14-107B BALLFIELD FACILITY TOURNAMENT RENTAL A Non-refundable deposit of 50% required on all bookings (unless a higher deposit is noted). There are no refunds due to bad weather In addition to the rental rate listed below, all tournaments are also subject to the following charges as applicable: Fully allocated hourly rate of all City personnel required for the event will be charged $20 per hour for lights $25 per field per day base rental fee (+$200 deposit) $50 facility key replacement fee $50 field lining fee (one time per day) In addition to in-kind contributions rental fees will be as follows: $25 per hour per field or $400 per day (12 hours max) for two fields $700 for two days (24 hours max) for two fields A Non-refundable deposit of 50% required on all bookings (unless a higher deposit is noted). There are no refunds due to bad weather In addition to the rental rate listed below, all tournaments are also subject to the following charges as applicable: Fully allocated hourly rate of all City personnel required for the event will be charged $20 per hour for lights $25 per field per day base rental fee (+$200 deposit) $51 facility key replacement fee $51 field lining fee (one time per day) In addition to in-kind contributions rental fees will be as follows: $25 per hour per field or $405 per day (12 hours max) for two fields $710 for two days (24 hours max) for two fields PARKS & FACILITIES RENTALS (continued) Page 36 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING Admissions: $7 General (13 and up) $6 Senior (65 and up) $5 Child (3-12) Admissions: $7 General (13 and up) $6 Senior (65 and up) $5 Child (3-12) Stroller Rental: $3 per day - basic $4 per day - theme Educational Programs: Tours: $1 per person, + admission Other Education Programs: fees set by Zoo Director based on market conditions and cost of items being resold School Presentations, Camps, Special Programs: fees set by the Zoo Director based on market conditions and estimated variable costs of the program. Birthday parties: $10-$15 per child, based on market conditions and costs of items included Stroller Rental: $3 per day - basic $4 per day - theme Educational Programs: Tours: $1 per person, + admission Other Education Programs: fees set by Zoo Director based on market conditions and cost of items being resold School Presentations, Camps, Special Programs: fees set by the Zoo Director based on market conditions and estimated variable costs of the program. Birthday parties: $10-$15 per child, based on market conditions and costs of items included Zoo Asset Sales: fees set by the Zoo Director, based on market conditions. Zoo Concessions, Vending & Gifts: fees set by the Zoo Director, based on market conditions and cost of items being resold. Zoo Asset Sales: fees set by the Zoo Director, based on market conditions. Zoo Concessions, Vending & Gifts: fees set by the Zoo Director, based on market conditions and cost of items being resold. ZOO ZOO SERVICES14-108 Page 37 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING 14-116 NEW BUSINESS LICENSE APPLICATION REV/ENFORCEMENT $205 - A Occupancy, H Occupancy, Sprinkler $90 - All Other Occupancies $65 - Out of Town Business or Contractor $65 - Home Occupation $208 - A Occupancy, H Occupancy, Sprinkler $91 - All Other Occupancies $66 - Out of Town Business or Contractor $66 - Home Occupation 14-118 BUSINESS LICENSE RENEWAL $20 per renewal $20 per renewal 14-118A BUSINESS LICENSE REPRINT $13 per reprint $13 per reprint 14-119 SOLICITOR PERMIT $25 per permit + $5 per card $25 per permit + $5 per card 14-077 SPECIAL BUSINESS DOJ CHECK $150 per application + any DOJ fees $152 per application + any DOJ fees 14-115 DAMAGE TO CITY PROPERTY REPAIR Charge the fully allocated hourly rate for all required personnel + any material costs. Charge the fully allocated hourly rate for all required personnel + any material costs. 14-120 RETURNED CHECK PROCESSING $25 per NSF check $25 per NSF check 14-121 ELECTRONIC FILE COPY SERVICE $3 per device $3 per device BUSINESS LICENSES GENERAL Page 38 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING 14-122 DOCUMENT CERTIFICATION $27 per document $27 per document 14-123 CANDIDATE/INITIATIVE FILING Candidate - $25 per candidate Initiative - $200 per initiative Fee is refundable to the filer, if within one year of filing the notice of intent, the elections official certifies the sufficiency of the petition. Fees are set by Sate Law Candidate - $25 per candidate Initiative - $200 per initiative Fee is refundable to the filer, if within one year of filing the notice of intent, the elections official certifies the sufficiency of the petition. Fees are set by Sate Law 14-124 RECORDS COMPILATION SERVICE Charge the fully allocated hourly rate for all required personnel and any outside costs in accordance with Government Code section 6253.9. Charge the fully allocated hourly rate for all required personnel and any outside costs in accordance with Government Code section 6253.9. 14-125 DOCUMENT REPRODUCTION Copying/Scanning/Faxing: Black & White: $0.50 - 1st page $0.10 - each additional page Color Copies: $1 per page Fair Political Practices Commission copies - $.10 per page Contract reproduction of documents: Actual cost of reproduction Additional $5 per requests for statements or documents five or more years old. Copying/Scanning/Faxing: Black & White: $0.50 - 1st page $0.10 - each additional page Color Copies: $1 per page Fair Political Practices Commission copies - $.10 per page Contract reproduction of documents: Actual cost of reproduction Additional $5 per requests for statements or documents five or more years old. GENERAL (continued) Page 39 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 Ref #Fee Name Adopted Fee Effective 7/14/14 Proposed Fee 06/23/2015 (CPI 1.36% Increase) DRAFT FEE SCHEDULE PLANNING 14-142 GENERATION OF MAILING LABELS 0-50 Labels: $100 51-100 Labels: $150 101-150 Labels: $200 151+ Labels: $250 0-50 Labels: $101 51-100 Labels: $152 101-150 Labels: $203 151+ Labels: $253 14-143 MAILING OF NOTICES 0-50 Notices: $75 51-100 Notices: $125 101-150 Notices: $175 151+ Notices: $175 + $1 per item over 150 0-50 Notices: $76 51-100 Notices: $127 101-150 Notices: $177 151+ Notices: $177 + $1 per item over 150 14-144 MAP FOLDING FEE $32 each $32 each 14-067 BLUEPRINT/MAP REPRODUCTION Actual cost of reproduction GIS printout fee - fully allocated rate of staff time spent on project Large building plan copy: $4 per sheet Actual cost of reproduction GIS printout fee - fully allocated rate of staff time spent on project Large building plan copy: $4 per sheet 14-163 FILMING PERMIT APPLICATION $250 per permit $253 per permit 14-990 ACTIVE NET REGISTRATION Administrative fee associated with registering for an activity online through Active Net: Activity cost between $0-$10.99 - $0.50 Activity cost between $11.00-$39.99 - $1.00 Activity cost between $40.00-$199.99 - $1.50 Activity cost $200+ - $10.00 Administrative fee associated with registering for an activity online through Active Net: Activity cost between $0-$10.99 - $0.50 Activity cost between $11.00-$39.99 - $1.00 Activity cost between $40.00-$199.99 - $2.00 Activity cost $200+ - $10.00 14-991 DIRECTOR APPROVED FEE WAIVER With the approval of the Administrative Services Director, staff would have the ability to waive certain fees that were incurred due to staff error. With the approval of the Administrative Services Director, staff would have the ability to waive certain fees that were incurred due to staff error. GENERAL (continued) Page 40 of 40 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 2 ITEM NUMBER: B-4 DATE: 06/23/15 Atascadero City Council Staff Report – Administrative Services Department 2015-2017 Operating and Capital Budget RECOMMENDATIONS: Council: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution adopting the budgets for the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 fiscal years and delegating to the City Manager the authority to implement same; and, 2. Adopt Draft Resolution amending fiscal year 2014-2015 budget; and, 3. Adopt Draft Resolution adopting the fiscal year 20 15-2016 annual spending limit. REPORT-IN-BRIEF: The budget for fiscal years 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 was submitted to the Finance Committee during the meeting held on June 12, 2015. Enclosed in the budget document is the Budget Message, which provides a detailed analysis of the budget philosophy and process, trends and changes to services levels, and the key priorities for the next two years. Also included in the document are the Draft Resolutions adopting the proposed 2015-2017 budget, amending the 2014-2015 budget, and adopting the 2015-2016 annual spending limit. FISCAL IMPACT: The total revenues for all funds are budgeted at $32,893,360 and $30,758,440 for fiscal years 2015-2016 and 2016-2017, respectively. Total expenditures for all funds are budgeted at $34,749,130 and $33,264,670 for fiscal years 2015-2016 and 2016-2017, respectively. ITEM NUMBER: B-4 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENTS: 1. The City of Atascadero Draft Budget for Fiscal Years 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 may be viewed in the Office of the City Clerk or online at http://www.atascadero.org 2. Sales Tax Measure F-14 Draft Budget Fiscal Years 2015-2017 ITEM NUMBER: B-5 DATE: 06/23/15 Atascadero City Council Staff Report - City Attorney’s Office Salaries and Health, Welfare and Retirement Benefits for Mayor, City Council Members, City Clerk and City Treasurer RECOMMENDATION: Council consider options provided in this report, review the attached Draft Ordinance, and give staff direction on how the Council wants the Or dinance completed. DISCUSSION: On April 27, 2015, at the City Council Strategic Planning Meeting, the City Council directed staff to submit to the Council their options regarding elected official salaries and health benefits. All Code sections referenced in this Staff Report are from the California Government Code, unless otherwise specified. I. City Council Salaries Sections 36516 and 36516.1 establish the methods for determining permissible salaries for Council Members and the elected Mayor of General Law cities such as the City of Atascadero. Section 36516(a) sets a maximum amount for the salary of a City Council Member, depending on the population size of the city. Cities with a population of up 35,000 may compensate Council Members with a monthly salary of up to $300.00. Section 36516(a)(4) allows for Council Member salary increases above $300.00 per month provided the increase is adopted by ordinance and the amount of additional compensation does not exceed an amount equal to 5% for each calendar year from t he date of the last adjustment. The 5% increase must not be compounded. See 89 Opinions of California Attorney General 159 (2006). Amounts paid by the City for retirement, health and welfare, and federal social security benefits shall not be included for the purposes of determining salary under Section 36516 provided the same benefits are available and paid by the City for its employees. ITEM NUMBER: B-5 DATE: 06/23/15 Section 36516.1 authorizes the City Council to adopt an ordinance to provide compensation to an elected mayor in addition to what he or she receives as a Council Member. The last ordinance adopted by the City Council pertaining to Council Member salaries was Ordinance No. 84 in 1984, which enacted Chapter 17 of the Atascadero Municipal Code. Section 2-17.02 of the Municipal Code provides a salary of $300.00 per calendar month for each member of the Council. Council Member salaries were last increased on January 1, 1985. On the timing of a salary increase, Section 36516.5 provides any City Council salary increase cannot become effective until at least one City Council Member begins a new term of office. The next City Council election is November 2016. Therefore, if an ordinance approving the salary increase becomes effective (i.e . 30 days after the second reading) before the November 2016 election, then the ordinance can provide for an effective date for the salary increase to be January 1, 2017. On the amount of the allowable increase, from 1986 to 2017 is 32 years multiplied by 5% is 160%. $300 multiplied by 160% is $480. If the City adopts an ordinance to increase its salary effective January 1, 2017, then any future increase would be limited to 5% for each calendar year after January 1, 2017. II. Health Insurance Sections 53200-53210 authorize a city to provide health and welfare benefits to Council Members. Any amounts paid by a city for retirement, health and welfare, and federal social security benefits shall not be included for purposes of determining salary under Section 36516, provided that the same benefits are available and paid by the City for its employees. The medical plan must also provide benefits for a large number of employees. Section 53202.3. Section 53208.5 limits the amount of benefits for Council Members who begin service after January 1, 1995 to an amount no greater than that received by non -safety employees of the City. Where a city has different benefit structures, the Council Members’ benefits can be no greater than the most generous schedule of benefits being received by any category of non-safety employees. A city may pay for all, or part of, the health and welfare benefits offered to Council Members, and may provide health benefits to Council Members’ spouses and dependents. See Sections 53205 and 53201(a). See also 76 Opinions of California Attorney General 91 (2003). Additionally, federal law provides complex rules governing tax-exempt benefits that limit the degree to which benefits may distinguish between Council Members and staff members. The City’s current practice is to make available to Council Members, the same health insurance options it makes available for City employees. The City currently contributes ITEM NUMBER: B-5 DATE: 06/23/15 to the cost of health insurance for Council Members, but not their spouses and families, whereas for employees, the City also contributes to the cost of health insurance for employees’ spouses and families. The City’s practice of providing health insurance benefits is not currently documented in any City policy. 3. Salary for City Treasurer and City Clerk Section 36517 provides that the City Clerk and City Treasurer shall receive, at stated times, a compensation fixed by ordinance or resolution. There is no statutory limit on the amount of the salary increase for the City Clerk or City Treasurer or on the effective date of the increase. The current salary of the City Treasurer is $200 per month which was set by Resolution No. 66-91 adopted on July 9, 1991. The current salary of the City Clerk is $200 per month which was set by Resolution No. 92-94 adopted August 9, 1994. Options 1. The City Council can direct City staff to insert into the attached draft Ordinance the amount of the salary increase per month for the City Council Members as specified by the City Council up to $480 per month with the total monthly salary not increasing above $780 per month, which increase would become effective on January 1, 2017. 2. The City Council can direct City staff to insert into the attached draft Ordinance a salary for the elected Mayor in an amount determined appropriate by the City Council, in addition to the salary the Mayor receives as a City Council Member, which increase would become effective on January 1, 2017 or such earlier date as specified by the City Council. 3. The City Council can direct City staff to insert into the attached draft Ordinance the amount of the salary increase per month for the City Clerk. The increase would become effective on January 1, 2017 or such earlier date as specified by the City Council. 4. The City Council can direct City staff to insert into the attached draft Ordinance the amount of the salary increase per month for the City Treasurer. The increase would become effective on January 1, 2017 or such earlier date as specified by the City Council. Staff recommends Council give staff direction on how the Council wants the attached Ordinance completed. If so directed, staff will place the complet ed Draft Ordinance on the next Council agenda for introduction for first reading. ITEM NUMBER: B-5 DATE: 06/23/15 FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact for this agenda item. There would be a fiscal impact if the City Council adopts an ordinance at a future meeting to increase compensation for elected officials and that fiscal impact will be described in the Staff Report for that item. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Government Code Section 36516 et.seq. re: Salaries 2. Government Code Section 53200 et.seq. re: Group Insurance 3. Draft Ordinance ITEM NUMBER: B-5 DATE: 06/23/15 1 ATTACHMENT NO. 1: CITY COUNCIL SALARIES § 36516. Ordinance and schedule concerning salaries of city council members; election call; compensation increases; exclusions from salary determinations; waiver of compensation (a)(1) A city council may enact an ordinance providing that each member of the city council shall receive a salary based on the population of the city as set forth in paragraph (2). (2) The salaries approved by ordinance under paragraph (1) shall be as follows: (A) In cities up to and including 35,000 in population, up to and including three hundred dollars ($300) per month. (B) In cities over 35,000 up to and including 50,000 in population, up to and including four hundred dollars ($400) per month. (C) In cities over 50,000 up to and including 75,000 in population, up to and including five hundred dollars ($500) per month. (D) In cities over 75,000 up to and including 150,000 in population, up to and including six hundred dollars ($600) per month. (E) In cities over 150,000 up to and including 250,000 in population, up to and including eight hundred dollars ($800) per month. (F) In cities over 250,000 population, up to and including one thousand dollars ($1,000) per month. (3) For the purposes of this subdivision, the population of a city shall be determined by the last preceding federal census, or a subsequent census, or estimate validated by the Department of Finance. (4) The salary of council members may be increased beyond the amount provided in this subdivision by an ordinance or by an amendment to an ordinance, but the amount of the increase shall not exceed an amount equal to 5 percent for each calendar year from the operative date of the last adjustment of the salary in effect when the ordinance or amendment is enacted. No ordinance shall be enacted or amended to provide automatic future increases in salary. (b) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), at any municipal election, the question of whether city council members shall receive a salary for services, and the amount of that salary, may be submitted to the electors. If a majority of the electors voting at the election favor it, all of the council members shall receive the salary specified in the election call. The salary of council members may be increased beyond the amount provided in this section or decreased below the amount in the same manner. (c) Unless specifically authorized by another statute, a city council may not enact an ordinance providing for compensation to city council members in excess of that authorized by the procedures described in subdivisions (a) and (b). For the purposes of this section, compensation includes payment for service by a city council member on a commission, committee, board, authority, or similar body on which the city council member serves. If the other statute that authorizes the compensation does not specify the amount of compensation, the maximum amount shall be one hundred fifty dollars ($150) per month for each commission, committee, board, authority, or similar body. (d) Any amounts paid by a city for retirement, health and welfare, and federal social security benefits shall not be included for purposes of determining salary under this section, provided that the same benefits are available and paid by the city for its employees. (e) Any amounts paid by a city to reimburse a council member for actual and necessary expenses pursuant to Section 36514.5 shall not be included for purposes of determining salary pursuant to this section. (f) A city council member may waive any or all of the compensation permitted by this section. ITEM NUMBER: B-5 DATE: 06/23/15 2 § 36516.1. Elective mayor; additional compensation A mayor elected pursuant to Sections 34900 to 34904, inclusive, may be provided with compensation in addition to that which he or she receives as a council member. That additional compensation may be provided by an ordinance adopted by the city council or by a majority vote of the electors voting on the proposition at a municipal election. § 36516.5. Prohibition against change in compensation during term of office; staggered terms A change in compensation does not apply to a council member during the council member's term of office. This prohibition shall not prevent the adjustment of the compensation of all members of a council serving staggered terms whenever one or more members of the city council becomes eligible for a salary increase by virtue of the council member beginning a new term of office. § 36517. Clerk and treasurer; compensation The city clerk and city treasurer shall receive, at stated times, a compensation fixed by ordinance or resolution. ITEM NUMBER: B-5 DATE: 06/23/15 3 ATTACHMENT NO. 2: Group Insurance § 53200. Definitions As used in this article: (a) “Local agency” means a county, city, school district, district, municipal corporation, political subdivision, public corporation, or other public agency of the state. (b) “Group life insurance” and “group policies of life insurance” includes “group annuities”, and “group annuity contracts.” (c) “Legislative body” means the board of supervisors of a county or city, or the governing board, by whatever name called, of a school district, district, municipal corporation, political subdivision, public corporation, or other public agency of the state. (d) “Health and welfare benefit” means any one or more of the following: hospital, medical, surgical, disability, legal expense or related benefits including, but not limited to, medical, dental, life, legal expense, and income protection insurance or benefits, whether provided on an insurance or a service basis, and includes group life insurance as defined in subdivision (b) of this section. (e) “Employees” or “officers and employees” mean all employees and officers, including members of the legislative body, who are eligible under the terms of any plan of health and welfare benefits adopted by a local agency pursuant to this article. § 53201. Health and welfare benefits; election by officers, employees, and retirees; former elective members; local hospital district staff, employees, and dependents (a) The legislative body of a local agency, subject to conditions as may be established by it, may provide for any health and welfare benefits for the benefit of its officers, employees, retired employees, and retired members of the legislative body, as provided in subdivision (b), who elect to accept the benefits and who authorize the local agency to deduct the premiums, dues, or other charges from their compensation, to the extent that the charges are not covered by payments from funds under the jurisdiction of the local agency as permitted by Section 53205. (b) The legislative body of a local agency may also provide for the continuation of any health and welfare benefits for the benefit of former elective members of the legislative body who (1) served in office after January 1, 1981, and whose total service at the time of termination is not less than 12 years, or (2) have completed one or more terms of office, but less than 12 years, and who agree to and do pay the full costs of the health and welfare benefits. (c)(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a legislative body of a local agency that provided benefits pursuant to subdivision (b) to former elective members of the legislative body January 1, 1995, shall not provide those benefits to any person first elected to a term of office that begins on or after January 1, 1995, unless the recipient participates on a self-pay basis, as provided in subdivision (b). (2) A legislative body of a local agency that did not provide benefits pursuant to subdivision (b) to former elective members of the legislative body before January 1, 1994, shall not provide those benefits to former elective members of the legislative body after January 1, 1994, unless the recipients participate on a self-pay basis. ITEM NUMBER: B-5 DATE: 06/23/15 4 (3) A legislative body of a local agency that provided benefits pursuant to subdivision (b) to former elective members of the legislative body before January 1, 1994, may continue to provide those benefits to those members who received those benefits before January 1, 1994. (d) The legislative body of a local agency that is a local hospital district may provide for any health and welfare benefits for the benefit of (1) members of its medical staff, employees of the medical staff members, and the dependents of both groups on a self-pay basis; and (2) employees of any entity owned, managed, controlled, or similarly affiliated with, the legislative body of the local hospital district, and their dependents, on a self-pay basis. (e) The provisions of this section are severable. If any provision of this section or its application is held invalid, that invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application. § 53202. Approval of health and welfare benefit plan; contracts for plan In providing health and welfare benefits the local agency may approve plans of their officers and employees or may contract with one or more admitted insurers, health service organizations, or legal service organizations for such plan or plans of health and welfare benefits as the local agency shall determine to be in the best interests of the local agency and the officers and employees electing to accept the benefits. Approval of or application for such benefits may be made by the local agency upon its own motion or with the consent of the legislative body after considering the preference of the employees of the agency, and two or more alternative plans of health and welfare benefits may be offered to the employees if the local agency determines that such action is desirable. West's Ann.Cal.Gov.Code § 53202.1 § 53202.1. Approval of policies of admitted insurer or nonprofit membership corporation In approving a plan or plans of health and welfare benefits, the local agency may approve policies of life, health, legal expense, and accident insurance, or any of them, from an admitted insurer or from a nonprofit membership corporation, as defined in Section 1157, wherein a bona fide association, as defined in Section 1157.1, is the policyholder or contractholder, for the benefit of the agency and the officers and employees authorizing the purchase. § 53202.2. Rules, regulations and procedures When a policy is approved or adopted and carried into effect the local agency may prescribe such rules, regulations and procedures as may properly implement the system, to provide for its administration and to advise its officers and employees of the terms and provisions of the system or systems as approved or adopted and carried into effect. § 53202.25. Confidential nature of applications, claims and individual records; exceptions When in the possession of the local agency, applications, claims and all individual records of persons entitled to benefits from any policies or plans established pursuant to this article shall be confidential and shall not be disclosed to anyone except to the extent expressly authorized in such application, claims, policies or plans or insofar as it may be necessary for the administration ITEM NUMBER: B-5 DATE: 06/23/15 5 of this article, the policy or plan, or other policies or plans affecting a person covered under the policy or plan, or upon order of a court of competent jurisdiction. § 53202.3. Requirements of plans, policies or documents All plans, policies or other documents used to effectuate the purposes of this article shall provide benefits for large numbers of employees. No plan or policy may be approved pursuant to this article unless its issuance or the payment of benefits thereunder is otherwise lawful in this State. This article does not authorize the issuance of any group policy or the representation of any insurance benefits as group insurance unless the policy concerning which the representation is made is designated as a group policy by the applicable provisions of the Insurance Code. § 53205. Payment of premiums or charges from public funds; dividends or premium refunds From funds under its jurisdiction, the legislative body may authorize payment of all, or such portion as it may elect, of the premiums, dues, or other charges for health and welfare benefits of officers, employees, retired employees, former elective members specified in subdivision (b) of Section 53201, and retired members of the legislative body subject to its jurisdiction. Those expenditures are charges against the funds. If the employer pays any portion of the premiums, dues, or other charges for the health and welfare benefits, any dividends paid or premiums refunded or other rebates or refunds under any of those health and welfare benefits up to the aggregate expenditures of the employer for the benefits are the employer's property. The excess, if any, shall be applied by the employer for the benefit of the employees or their dependents generally. § 53205.1. Policies covering spouse and dependent children; payment of premium from public funds; dividends; premium refunds (a) From funds under its jurisdiction, the legislative body may authorize payment of all or any portion as it may elect of the premiums, dues, or other charges for health and welfare benefits on the spouse and dependent children under the age of 21, dependent children under the age of 25 who are full-time students at a college or university, and dependent children regardless of age who are physically or mentally incapacitated, of those officers and employees, including retired officers and employees, subject to the jurisdiction and for whom those health and welfare benefits have been provided. (b) Those expenditures are charges against the funds. If the employer pays any portion of the premiums for that insurance, any dividend paid or premiums refunded under any such insurance up to the aggregate expenditures of the employer for that insurance are the employer's property. The excess, if any, shall be applied by the employer for the benefit of insured employees or their dependents generally. ITEM NUMBER: B-5 DATE: 06/23/15 6 § 53205.16. Legislative intent; validation by legislative bodies of payments or claims resulting from insurance or health benefits It is the intention of the Legislature to allow legislative bodies to validate or approve any prior, existing, or future payments or claims resulting from insurance or health benefits or health and welfare given their officers and employees and their dependents. The purpose of the amendments to Sections 53200 and 53205.1 enacted at the 1972 Regular Session and the 1973-74 Regular Session of the Legislature is to make it clear that the Legislature intended that legislative bodies be able to pay for insurance or health benefits or health and welfare benefits including, but not limited to, medical, dental, life, legal expense, and income protection insurance or benefits, for their officers and employees and their dependents under the provisions of Sections 53205 and 53205.1. § 53205.2. Preference of local agency or governing board to certain health benefit plans In granting the approval specified in Sections 53202 and 53202.1 the local agency or governing board shall give preference to such health benefit plans as do not terminate upon retirement of the employees affected, and which provide the same benefits for retired personnel as for active personnel at no increase in costs to the retired person, provided that the local agency or governing board makes a contribution of at least five dollars ($5) per month toward the cost of providing a health benefits plan for the employee or the employee and the dependent members of his family. In the case of retired personnel who receive retirement benefits under the State Employees' Retirement System, the health benefits coverage provided for annuitants by a health benefits plan under the Meyers-Geddes State Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act shall satisfy the requirements of this section. § 53205.5. Payments to trustees of fund established to procure insurance Subject to any applicable limitations of Section 53205 the legislative body may authorize payments to the trustees of a fund established to procure insurance pursuant to Insurance Code Sections 10202.8 or 10270.5(a)(4) and may deduct from the employees' compensation amounts for payment to such trustees; provided, that such payments and such deductions must be the same as payments made by other employers for their employees and payments made by the employees of such other employers, respectively to the trustees of said trust fund. Subject to the trust agreement, the local agency may receive from the trustees a return of payments up to the aggregate expenditures of the local agency. The excess, if any, shall remain in the fund for the benefit of all of the beneficiaries of the trust or their dependents generally. ITEM NUMBER: B-5 DATE: 06/23/15 7 § 53206. Law regarding wage assignments as not affecting powers conferred by article; direct payments of premiums or charges Any law prohibiting, restricting, or limiting the assignment of or order for wages or salary does not prohibit, restrict, or limit the powers conferred in this article nor the power of officers or employees to authorize and approve payment of charges for health and welfare benefits. The local agency may pay amounts derived from pay roll deductions permitted by Section 53202 of the Government Code and amounts derived from employer contributions pursuant to Section 53205 of the Government Code directly to the contracting insurers or service organizations, or to the trustees of a fund established to procure health and welfare benefits, or to such other recipients as the contracting insurers, service organizations, and the local agency may designate. § 53207. Permissive character of article This article does not require an officer or employee of a local agency to accept or join in any plan of health and welfare benefits or to authorize deductions from their wages or salaries for any portion of the costs thereof. § 53208. Participation by any member of legislative body in plan Notwithstanding any statutory limitation upon compensation or statutory restriction relating to interest in contracts entered into by any local agency, any member of a legislative body may participate in any plan of health and welfare benefits permitted by this article. 53208.5. Health and welfare benefits for members of legislative bodies; limits; legislative findings, declarations and intent (a) It is the intent of the Legislature in enacting this section, to provide a uniform limit on the health and welfare benefits for the members of the legislative bodies of all political subdivisions of the state, including charter cities and charter counties. The Legislature finds and declares that uneven, conflicting, and inconsistent health and welfare benefits for legislative bodies distort the statewide system of intergovernmental finance. The Legislature further finds and declares that the inequities caused by these problems extend beyond the boundaries of individual public agencies. Therefore, the Legislature finds and declares that these problems are not merely municipal affairs or matters of local interest and that they are truly matters of statewide concern that require the direct attention of the state government. In providing a uniform limit on the health and welfare benefits for the legislative bodies of all political subdivisions of the state, the Legislature has provided a solution to a statewide problem that is greater than local in its effect. (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the health and welfare benefits of any member of a legislative body of any city, including a charter city, county, including a charter county, city and county, special district, school district, or any other political subdivision of the state shall be no greater than that received by nonsafety employees of that public agency. In the case of agencies with different benefit structures, the benefits of members of the legislative body shall not be greater than the most generous schedule of benefits being received by any category of nonsafety employees. (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, members of the legislative body of a city, including a charter city, county, including a charter county, city and county, special district, ITEM NUMBER: B-5 DATE: 06/23/15 8 school district, or any other political subdivision of the state shall not be eligible to accrue multiple health and welfare benefits greater than the most generous schedule of benefits being received by any category of nonsafety employees from two or more public agencies for concurrent service except in the case of a member who serves as a regular full-time employee in a separate public agency. (d) This section shall be applicable to any member of a legislative body whose first service commences on and after January 1, 1995. § 53209. Legislative intent Amendments made in this article by the Legislature at the 1957 Regular Session, including, but not limited to, the repeal of Government Code Sections 53203 and 53204, are intended to enlarge the classification of service-type organizations eligible for pay roll deductions and employer contributions hereunder, to liberalize restrictions on the extent of employer contributions permitted, and to broaden the classes of employees eligible for benefits hereunder, and no change effected in this article by the Legislature at the 1957 Regular Session shall be construed to alter or affect the legal status or eligibility of any organization heretofore eligible for pay roll deductions or employer contributions hereunder. § 53210. Volunteer workers; payment of premiums or charges from public funds The legislative body of a county may authorize payment from funds under its jurisdiction of all or such portion as it may elect of the premiums or other charges for hospital, medical, surgical, disability, death benefits, or related benefits whether provided on an insurance or a service basis for persons who on a voluntary basis and without compensation perform services on behalf of any county department or district of which the board of supervisors is the governing body. Any dividends paid, premiums refunded or other rebates or refunds received under insurance or other benefits provided pursuant to this section shall be the property of the county. ITEM NUMBER: B-5 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 3 DRAFT ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 2 OF THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 2-17.02 ON CITY COUNCIL SALARIES, ADDING CHAPTER 19 ON MAYOR SALARY, ADDING CHAPTER 20 ON HEALTH, WELFARE AND RETIREMENT BENEFITS FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS, AMENDING SECTION 2-6.04 ON CITY CLERK SALARY AND AMENDING SECTION 2-7.03 ON CITY TREASURER SALARY The City Council hereby finds and declares as follows: WHEREAS, California Government Code Section 36516(a) sets a maximum amount for the salary of a City Council Member, depending on the population size of the city; and WHEREAS, California Government Code Section 36516(b) provides that cities with a population of up 35,000 may compensate Council Members with a monthly salary of up to Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00); and WHEREAS, California Government Code Section 36516(a)(4) allows for Council Member salary increases above Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) per month provided the increase is adopted by ordinance and the amount of additional compensation does not exceed an amount equal to 5% for each calendar year from the date of the last adjustment; and WHEREAS, on August 27,1984, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 84 which increased the monthly salaries of the City Council Members from One Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($150.00) to Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00); and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 84 is which is codified in the Atascadero Municipal Code Section 2-17.02 which reads: “Each member of the Council shall receive a salary of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) per calendar month, commencing July 1, 1984 and terminating December 31, 1984, and a salary of three hundred dollars ($300.00) per calendar month, commencing January 1, 1985 and thereafter.”; and WHEREAS, there have been no ordinances adopted by the City Council increasing the monthly salaries of the City Council Members since Ordinance No. 84; was adopted on August 27, 1984; and WHEREAS, California Government Code Section 36516.5 provides any City Council salary increase cannot become effective until at least one City Council Member begins a new term of office; and ITEM NUMBER: B-5 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 3 WHEREAS, the next City Council election is November 2016 and, therefore, if an ordinance approving a salary increase for City Council Members becomes effective (i.e. 30 days after the second reading) before the November 2016 election, then the ordinance can provide for an effective date for the salary increase to be January 1, 2017; and WHEREAS, there are 32 years between 1986 and 2017 and 5% multiplied by 32 is 160% which means that the City Council could adopt an ordinance increasing the monthly salary of City Council Members by $480 (i.e. 160% of $300.00) which would be an increase in the current monthly salary of $300 up to a monthly salary of $780 or such lower amount as designated by the City Council; and WHEREAS, California Government Code Section 36516.1 authorizes the City Council to adopt an ordinance to provide compensation to an elected mayor in addition to what he or she receives as a Council Member; and WHEREAS, the City does not have an ordinance which provides for compensation to an elected mayor in addition to what he or she receives as a Council Member; and WHEREAS, California Government Code Section 36517 provides that the City Clerk and City Treasurer shall receive, at stated times, compensation fixed by ordinance or resolution; and WHEREAS, there is no statutory limit on the amount of the salary increase for the City Clerk or City Treasurer or on the effective date of the increase; and WHEREAS, the current salary of the City Clerk is $200.00 per month based upon Resolution 82-94 adopted by the City Council on August 9, 1994; and WHEREAS, Atascadero Municipal Code Section 2-6.04 provides: “The City Clerk shall receive such compensation and expense allowance as the Council shall from time to time determine by resolution or ordinance. Compensation shall be a proper charge against such funds of the City as the Council shall designate.” WHEREAS, the current salary of the City Treasurer is $200.00 per month based upon Resolution 66-91 adopted by the City Council on July 9, 1991; and WHEREAS, Atascadero Municipal Code Section 2-7.03 provides: “The City Treasurer shall receive such compensation and expense allowance as the Council shall from time to time determine by resolution or ordinance. Such compensation shall be a proper charge against such funds of the City as the Council shall designate.” WHEREAS, California Government Code Section 53208.5(b) provides that where a city, such as the City of Atascadero, has different benefit structures, the Council Members’ health and welfare benefits can be no greater than the most generous schedule of benefits being received by any category of non-safety employees. ITEM NUMBER: B-5 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 3 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Section 2-17.02 of the Atascadero Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: “Each member of the Council shall receive a salary of $___________________ per calendar month commencing on January 1, 2017 and thereafter.” SECTION 2: Chapter 19 is added to Title 2 of Atascadero Municipal Code and shall read: “Mayor Salary” and Section 2-19.01 shall be added to read: “The elected Mayor of the City shall receive a monthly salary of $ ___________ commencing on January 1, 2017 in addition to his or her salary as a member of the Council.” SECTION 3: Chapter 20 is added to Title 2 of the Atascadero Municipal Code and shall read “Health, Welfare and Retirement Benefits for Elected Officials”: Section 2-20.01 Elected officials are entitled to participate in the City employee medical insurance policy. The City will pay for the elected official’s participation up to the amount contributed by the City for those employees electing employee only coverage under the Management and Confidential Resolution in place at the time of coverage. The elected official’s spouse and dependents may also be covered, but the elected official is required to reimburse the City the total cost of that coverage. Section 2-20.02 Elected officials are entitled to participate in the City employee dental policy. The City will pay for the elected official’s participation. The elected official’s spouse and dependents may also be covered, but the elected official is required to reimburse the City for the total cost of that coverage. Section 2-20.03 Elected officials are entitled to participate in the City employee vision policy. The City will pay for the elected official’s participation. The elected official’s spouse and dependents may also be covered, but the elected official is required to reimburse the City for the total cost of that coverage. Section 2-20.04 Elected officials are entitled to participate in the City employee life insurance policy. Coverage for the elected official shall equal the amount of coverage provided to the employees covered under the Management and Confidential resolution in place at the time of coverage. The City will pay for the elected official’s participation. The elected official’s spouse and dependents may also be covered, but the elected official is required to reimburse the City the total cost of that coverage. Section 2-20.05 Elected officials may not choose to receive cash in lieu of benefits. Section 2-20.06 The City will not pay providers on behalf of the elected official in lieu of participation in the health insurance plans offered to other City employees. ITEM NUMBER: B-5 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 3 Section 2-20.07 Elected officials are required to participate in a retirement plan. Elected officials may choose to participate in the City’s CalPERS plan or the City offered FICA- substitute plan. Elected officials shall pay the required employee contribution amount as set by the plan. Section 2-20.08 Elected officials are required to participate in Medicare and elected officials shall pay the required employee contribution amount as set by the federal government. Section 2-20.09 In accordance with law, compensation paid by the City to elected officials is subject to federal and state income tax withholding. Section 2-20.10 The City shall pay for workers compensation coverage for elected officials. SECTION 4: Section 2-6.04 of the Atascadero Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: “The City Clerk shall receive a salary of $___________________ per calendar month commencing on January 1, 2017 and thereafter.” SECTION 5: Section 2-7.03 of the Atascadero Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: “The City Treasurer shall receive a salary of $___________________ per calendar month commencing on January 1, 2017 and thereafter.” SECTION 6: A summary of this ordinance shall be published twice: at least five days prior to its final passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Atascadero, and; before the expiration of fifteen (15) days after its final passage, in the Atascadero News, a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Atascadero. A copy of the full text of this ordinance shall be on file in the City Clerk’s Office on and after the date following introduction and passage and shall be available to any interested member of the public. INTRODUCED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on _____________, and PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Atascadero, State of California, on ____________, by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: ITEM NUMBER: B-5 DATE: 06/23/15 ATTACHMENT: 3 ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO _____________________________ _________________________ Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C., Tom O’Malley, Mayor City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ______________________________ Brian A. Pierik, City Attorney