HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 012693 Approved as Submitted 02/09/93 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 26, 1993 MINUTES The Mayor called the meeting to order at 6 : 02 p.m. Councilperson Kudlac led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL• Present : Councilmembers Bewley (arrived 6 : 10 p.m. ) , Borgeson, Kudlac, Luna and Mayor Nimmo Absent : None Also Present : Muriel "Micki" Korba, City Treasurer and Lee Raboin, City Clerk Staff Present : Ray Windsor, City Manager; Andy Takata, Assis- tant City Manager/Director of Community Services; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director; Mike McCain, Fire Chief; Bud McHale, Police Chief and Doug Davidson, Senior Planner MID-YEAR BUDGET REVIEW: Mark Joseph provided an introduction to the six month status review of the current fiscal year' s budget . Andy Takata reported that there were three requests for additional funding. The first, he noted, was a request by the Fire Chief to make a $60,000 adjustment in the department' s overtime account . The other two requests, he continued, represent recommendations from the Police Chief to fill a position left vacant by one police officer and grant a proposal to acquire additional police vehicles . Discussion followed regarding gas tax funds . Councilwoman Borgeson asked for more information on these and Transit Development Act (TDA) funds . Chief McCain spoke in support of his request, noting that the department' s overtime budget has historically been insufficient . Mark Joseph provided cost projections for reinstating the police officer. Chief McHale presented an estimate of vehicle costs . Councilwoman Borgeson indicated that she was in favor of allocating an additional $60, 000 for Fire Department overtime and filling the CC 01/26/93 Page 1 vacant police officer position. She added that she would like to see a ten percent reduction in expenses overall . Councilman Luna pointed out that this suggestion would require negotiations with employee bargaining units . The Mayor remarked that the City was facing a $50-60, 000 deficit with no remedy. He stated that it would be necessary to make substantial reductions in personnel, departmental costs, programs, services and requests for funding by community groups. All members of Council agreed that fire and police services are essential and it was time to look at other programs and where cut backs might be appropriate . MOTION: By Councilman Kudlac, seconded by Councilman Luna to approve an additional $60, 000 for Fire Department overtime; motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded by Councilman Kudlac to direct staff to find additional budget cuts in the amount of $60, 000 for the remainder of the 1992-93 fiscal year; motion carried unanimously by roll call vote . Discussion ensued regarding Police Department requests . Andy Takata mentioned that surplus City vehicles could be transferred to the Police Department and noted that this could be done administra- tively with no formal action of the Council . Mayor Nimmo expressed an unwillingness to support the recommenda- tions of the Police Chief . Councilman Kudlac disagreed and made the following motion: MOTION: By Councilman Kudlac, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to reinstate the Police Officer position; motion failed 2 : 3 (Councilmembers Bewley and Luna, and Mayor Nimmo) . MOTION: By Councilman Kudlac to fund two additional vehicles for the Police Department . Motion died for lack of a second. By mutual concurrence, staff was directed to schedule another meeting to look at Waste Water and other funds. COUNCIL COMMENTS• Councilwoman Borgeson asked staff to report on Proposition 116 projects and voiced objection to bikeways on El Camino Real as a priority above bikeways (Safe Paths to School) on Traffic Way. Henry Engen indicated that staff would prepare the report . COMMUNITY FORUM Bud Tanner, 5290 Barrenda, shared concern for lost school time for children at the San Benito Elementary School because of traffic congestion. In addition, he asked who will maintain trees planted CC 01/26/93 Page 2 in the recently constructed median at the south end of El Camino Real . Ray Jansen, 6655 Country Club Drive, spoke in favor of forming a task force to work toward improving the social quality of life in Atascadero and touched on issues relating to voter awareness and City-wide health care. Catherine Lickers of Atascadero addressed the Council regarding the topic of guest houses. The Mayor pointed out that the matter of secondary units would be taken up later on the agenda and invited her to relay her comments then. (See page 5) . The following members of the public voiced objections to the median built on South El Camino Real and/or any future medians proposed for downtown: Mark Simmons, co-owner of Hoover' s Hacienda; Archie Westlund, 9192 Planewood Court; Tony Ranaletti, owner of Virginia Plaza, Mike Goodman, The Tool Outlet; Dan Phillps, Dan' s Barber Shop; Jim Carpenter, 8200 Casitas . In addition, Mary Joan Wallace, Rancho Del Bordo resident, provided suggestions for improving the traffic flow in and around the new median. Councilwoman Borgeson announced that she would address the matter of the median under Individual Council Comments later in the meeting. See pages 8 & 9) . A. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following represent ad hoc or standing committees. Informative status reports were given, as follows. ) : 1. S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority - Mayor Nimmo announced the next meeting would be Wednesday, February 3, 1993 . 2 . City/School Committee - Henry Engen remarked that the committee had met on January 21, 1993 . He indicated that there was a letter pending from the School District regarding enforcement of a creek curfew and added that it had been reported that the School Resource Officer would be eliminated due to District budgetary reductions . 3 . Traffic Committee - Henry Engen reported that the committee would meet on the following day. 4 . County Water Advisory Board - Councilwoman Borgeson announced that the next meeting would be February 3 , 1993 at 1 :30 p.m. 5. Economic Round Table - Henry Engen mentioned that a report from the Round Table was forthcoming. CC 01/26/93 Page 3 B. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Nimmo read the Consent Calendar, as follows : 1. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - December 8, 1992 2 . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - January 12, 1993 3 . TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 14-89, 8625 ATASCADERO AVE. - Consider- ation of time extension request (Iverson/Central Coast Engineering) 4. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 17-90, 5392 BARRENDA - Consideration of time extension request (Lopez/Cuesta Engineering) 5. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 92-001, 9955 EL CAMINO REAL - Acceptance of final map to create eight (8) airspace condominium units within approved commercial buildings (Golden West Develop- ment/Volbrecht Surveys) 6. SAN GABRIEL SEWER - Proposed modification of Sewer Extension Reimbursement Agreement between the City and the Atascadero Unified School District 7 . RESOLUTION NO. 06-93 - Authorizing the execution of a contract with Computer Professionals Unlimited to provide software support 8 . RESOLUTION NO. 07-93 - Clarifying insurance coverage for vol- unteer City workers The City Treasurer made a minor correction to Item #B-2 . MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded by Councilman Luna to approve the Consent Calendar; motion carried 5 : 0 by roll call vote . C. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. ORDINANCE NO. 265 - Consideration of proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment to permit accessory second residential units within single-family zones subject to conditions (City-initiated) (Recommend (1) motion to waive reading in full and read by title only, and (2) motion to introduce on first reading by title only) Mayor Nimmo announced that, in light of Planning Commission recommendations, Council had been advised by staff that some legal questions had been raised regarding State law and environmental CC 01/26/93 Page 4 concerns. In addition, he reported that the City had received requests for additional information from the School District and Atascadero Mutual Water Company. The mayor suggested that the matter be put over and referred back to staff . Councilman Kudlac agreed that the matter should be sent back to staff. Councilman Luna proposed that members of the public present to speak to the issue be given the chance to provide community input before the ordinance is brought back for consideration. Councilman Bewley concurred. Councilwoman Borgeson asked why the matter had been pulled out of sequence and why it was not part of the Housing Element . She argued that it would be appropriate to conduct an environmental review of the impacts this kind of ordinance would have during the same environmental review process for the Housing Element . Public Comments : Catherine Lickers, 4325 E1 Rio Road, indicated that she wished to build a guest house and spoke in favor of secondary units, especially for those who, like herself, have special needs . Speaking in favor of the proposed ordinance were Ray Pitt, 8875 San Gabriel, and Turko Sims, Toro Creek Road resident, and Jim Carpenter, 8200 Casitas . Hoyt Chambless, Carrizo Road resident, expressed objection to the proposed ordinance and asked if the City was attempting to receive a block grant . Mr. Engen reported that the City is not pursuing any block grants at this time and no applicatios are pending. Geraldine Brasher, 3202 Monterey Road, submitted a petition signed by approximately 700 citizens opposing the proposed ordinance and a list of concerns and questions regarding the second residential unit ordinance (both on file with the City Clerk' s Office) . The following individuals read prepared statements in opposition: Jean Young Behan, 4925 El Verano, (see Exhibit A) . Veda Thomas, 10695 Vista Road, (see Exhibit B) . Dorothy McNeil, 8765 Sierra Vista Road, (see Exhibit C) . Ed Goshorn, 10050 San Marcos Road, (see Exhibit D) . Joan O'Keefe, 9985 Old Morro Road East, (see Exhibit E) . Bob Powers, 7505 Carmelita, (see Exhibit F) . Virginia Powers, 7505 Carmelita, (see Exhibit G) . Glenda Gashard, 8555 Corriente, read the letter of San Fernando Road resident Tom Imming, (see Exhibit H) . John W. McNeil, 8765 Sierra Vista, (see Exhibit I) . CC 01/26/93 Page 5 The following residents spoke in opposition to the proposed ordinance: George Highland, former Planning Commissioner Livia Kellerman, 5463 Honda Eric Greening, 7365 Valle Celia Moss, 8040 Coromar Ray Jansen, 6655 Country Club Drive Robert Cardillo, 9400 Corriente Road Tim O'Keefe, 9985 Old Morro Road East Darlene Reynolds, 8040 Santa Rosa Stewart Thomson, 7455 Bella Vista John Cole, 8710 Sierra Vista Charles Hall, San Marcos Road resident Michael Olsten, 9600 Sausilito Harold Surney, 7049 San Gabriel Robert Huot, 3850 Ardilla Road The mayor called a recess at 9:00 p.m. At 9:20 p.m. , the meeting reconvened. The City Clerk reported that she had received a number of letters from citizens who were not present but who wished to have their letters read into the record. On the advice of the City Attorney, the Mayor suggested that the Council forego the reading of the letters, but accept the letters and direct the Clerk to incorporate them into the record and provide copies for each member of Council . By formal motion, this was so ordered. The following letters expressing objection to the proposed secondary unit ordinance were submitted and are hereby made part of the record: Karen Riggs, 4935 Arizona, (see Exhibit J) . Marjorie Mackey, 5504 Tunitas, (see Exhibit K) . Gretchen & Paul Gray, 10420 San Marcos Road, (see Exhibit L) . Bill Kellogg, 2575 San Fernando Road, (see Exhibit M) . Andrew & Noreen Sandel, 12550 San Fernando Road, (Exhibit N) . Margaret Phillips, 9800 Corriente Road, (see Exhibit 0) . Edward & Norma Holzer (see Exhibit P) . Craig Cunningham, 8707 Casitas, (see Exhibit Q) . Katharine Barthels, 6820 San Gabriel Road, (see Exhibit R) . Catharine H. Young (see Exhibit S) . Eileen Cunningham, 8707 Casitas, (see Exhibit T) . Fred & 011ie Bishop, 7655 Carmelita, (see Exhibit U) . Lengthy Council discussion ensued. Councilmembers Bewley and Kudlac agreed that there was a need for secondary units and indicated that they wished to have more information on the matter. Councilwoman Borgeson reiterated that she still believed the issue CC 01/26/93 Page 6 should be taken up as part of the Housing Element . Councilman Luna spoke in favor of reaffirming the findings in Ordinance No. 74 and suggested that restrictions and/or standards be placed upon guest houses. The City Attorney advised that if the Council wishes to reaffirm the findings in Ordinance No. 74, they would need to hold a noticed, public hearing to do so. He added that if the Council desires to simply let Ordinance No. 74 stand, it can do so without formal action. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to direct staff to firm up standards on guest house provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and include restrictions in favor of a 640 square foot limitation, no cooking and no garage; in addition to deny Ordinance No. 265 . Motion withdrawn. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to deny Ordinance No. 265; motion failed 2 :3 (Councilmembers Kudlac and Bewley and Mayor Nimmo opposing) . MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to adopt changes to Zoning Ordinance Section 9-6 . 106 (b) to add a number four: "No Garage" ; motion failed 2 : 3 (Councilmembers Kudlac and Bewley and Mayor Nimmo opposing) . MOTION: By Councilman Kudlac, seconded by Councilman Bewley to refer the matter back to staff for more detailed evaluation of the environmental impacts of the number of potential units that could be created, and possible need for an Environmental Impact Report; motion carried 3 :2 (Councilmembers Borgeson and Luna objecting) . D. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. ORDINANCE NO. 246 - Amending Title 7 (Sanitation Ordinance) of the Municipal Code to require connection to public sewer in "Cease & Desist" areas, without exception (Recommend motion to adopt on second reading by title only) The Mayor introduced the matter noting that the ordinance was back for second reading and adoption. Staff responded to brief inquiry by Councilwoman Borgeson relating to sewer extensions . There were no comments from the public . MOTION: By Councilman Bewley, seconded by Councilman Luna to adopt Ordinance No. 246 on second reading by title only; motion carried 5 : 0 by roll call vote. CC 01/26/93 Page 7 2 . RESOLUTION NO. 03-93 - Conditional acceptance of portions of San Marcos and Vista Roads into the City-maintained system (Cont'd from 1/12/93) Councilmembers Bewley and Luna stepped down from deliberations due to potential conflicts of interest . Henry Engen provided the staff report and recommendation to approve. MOTION: By Councilman Kudlac, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to adopt Resolution 03-93 ; motion carried 3 : 0 . Councilmembers Bewley and Luna returned to the dias . 3 . STATE WATER ENTITLEMENT - Potential contracting agencies (Resolution No. 09-93 - Councilwoman Borgeson, County Water Agency Delegate) Councilwoman Borgeson introduced the item and explained that the proposed resolution was intended to send a message to the County Board of Supervisors. Brief discussion ensued. Mayor Nimmo pointed out that if there was default on the part of any of the contractors, costs would have to be borne by the taxpayers and asked what effect this would have on individual cities . The City Attorney advised that the City would not have any liability. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded by Councilman Luna to approve Resolution No. 09-93 ; motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council Councilwoman Borgeson indicated that she was looking for support from the other members of Council to have staff take another look at the design of the median constructed at the south end of town. She stated she thought it would be appropriate to walk the median with the engineer, residents and business persons. Responding to inquiry from the Mayor, Henry Engen reported that there had already been a change order for approximately $5, 000 to cut an emergency turn pocket in the median. Councilmembers Kudlac and Bewley shared concern about costs associated with any modifi- cations that might be proposed. Mr. Engen pointed out that the Traffic Committee would soon look at and make recommendations regarding signage and curb painting in the area. The City Manager suggested that the Council refer the matter back to staff with direction to provide options and applicable cost projections . By mutual agreement, staff was given said direction. CC 01/26/93 Page 8 Mayor Nimmo mentioned that Councilman Bewley, because of his present work schedule, was experiencing difficulty in attending the afternoon meetings of the Traffic Committee and suggested that another member of the Council be appointed alternate. Councilman Luna volunteered to serve in this capacity. 2 . City Treasurer Micki Korba reported that the December Treasurer' s Report would be on the agenda the first meeting in February. 5. City Manager Andy Takata extended gratitude to members of the Fire Department, Police Department and Streets Division for their hard work in responding to numerous situations as a result of the recent storm. THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 10:35 P.M. THE NEXT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL WILL BE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1993 AT 7 :00 P.M. MINUTES RECORDED PREPARED BY: LEE RABOIN, City lerk Attachments : Young-Behan - (Exhibit Al Thomas - (Exhibit B) McNeil, D. - (Exhibit C) Goshorn - (Exhibit D) O'Keefe, J. (Exhibit E) Powers, B. - (Exhibit F) Powers, V. - (Exhibit G) Imming - (Exhibit H) McNeil, J. - (Exhibit I) Riggs - (Exhibit J) Mackey - (Exhibit K) Gray, P. & G. - (Exhibit L) Kellogg - (Exhibit M) Sandel, A. & N. - (Exhibit N) Phillips - (Exhibit O) Holzer, E. & N. - (Exhibit P) Cunningham, C. - (Exhibit Q) Barthels - (Exhibit R) Young - (Exhibit S) Cunningham, E. - (Exhibit T) Bishop, F. & O. - (Exhibit U) CC 01/26/93 Page 9 . s i J / 1. �� - i .i ✓,i/< < < � /.��:� �..r.... is.. ,� / � i � .�i/ ./ � ' -�/moi a�•� .i � ,%11'i ��.� iir:/�— IF wl M — r i / .__ ��r i✓/,�.�.v�., .! ,moi � � � ���.� .air...:. �.► .•...�� -!�'— 1 t�- �. , .+rw it -� �_. ice.__ .tea... � ! - —�J �_ �i_•� .�...a.=_ 1 �.c.=..=.r_ MAW it / f.�.1 ��� �►�/ F77 10 i cc1/26/93 - EXHIBIT B I� �1 i i� 4 :1 i 1 i� �a 1 1 it i 1� i 1 000015 i t Dorot :z1�26/g��e��"�c�T 8763 ierr is Atascadero, CA 93422 January 26, 1993 Atascadero City Council Honorable Mayor and Council members: My first question to staff is why tell us the sedian price of a single family home in Atascadero or give us the county defini- tion of affordable housing? Proposed Ordinance 265 has nothing to do with the cost of houses for sale. It provides only for. rental units. These second units are not for sale:. -hey have nothing to do with affordable housing. My next question to staff 4here is ,your evidence of a need for more rental housing? If this proposal Is meant to provide afford- able rentals, is there a dearth or lack of such rentals now? I counted the rental ads in the last edition of the Atascadero News. Most were for apartments, the remainder for condos and. homes. There were 70 plus ads for Atascadero.. Some offered the first or half of the first month' s rent free. Sere are their costs: Per Month Rent number Offered 2004300 vz $3C0-$400 15 $400-$5C0 25 3500-4-6CO l $600-3700- $700-380 C over $1,000 ' 70 total According to staff' s own figures, 57% were affordable to very low income famlies of four-4476.25 monthly. And 80-90n were afford-' able to low incomes--4762.50 monthly. -hese figures demonstrate that Atascadero has low income rentals.. According to a responsible source, Atascadero now has a rental vacancy factor of approximately 30:x. Staff has not demonstrated a need for adding many more rental units.. Indeed, a couple of people who signed my petition. tated. they .came to Atascadero because of- the low rents. Again, to -staff- Do you believe that homes which share a lot with only one other home will rent for less then apartments and condos which s3;iare a lot and building with many other famlies7 No- matter whether' the house is 640, 800 or 1,200 sq.ft.• or the lot f, 11 2, 236 or many more acres. Can you guarantee- these will. be low income rentals? Will you propose rent controls? Gwner occupancy appears to be a farce. Staff admits age and. rela- tionship of renters cannot be enforced., Yet staff says occupancy by the owner of one of the units cam.- Ifs my job transfers me to another city, and L do not 'want to give up my home here, I am free to rent it until L return. If L have built a second unit, and the job change occurs, are you ,going to tell me that I must leave my home vacant or sell both of them? I"d like to see that event settled in court. 000016 ' Dorothy Y. McNeil Page 2 For those who are concerned about caring for family members of any age, an addition to your home of a large room, a bath and kitchen is less expensive to build and heat, and is more caring. If an older person falls, the. cries for help may well be too far away to be heard in a separate house Many people have done this, and such building requires no new ordinance,. Ordinance 74, passed in 1983, seems more viable then it was then. There is increased traffic on narrow, winding streets, more septic problems, more parking demand, great impact on the- water supply, and a high vacancy factor in homes for sale and rental units« We need to reaffirm that ordinance,. Our schools are already impacted. The question of motivation for presenting this ordinance is per haps the most constant and puzzling question of all. I was asked that repeatedly. The stated motivation is affordable housing. Since this proposal obviously does not provide that, what is: the reason for forcing more and more rentals and destroying single family living in our town? Who will benefit?= it won't be the seniors, low income citizens or first-time buyers. 14111 it be construction. peopleZ Realtors? I empathize with all the people who have lost jabs whether they build homes, or swimming pools (like my son-in-law`3 or were employees of Rileys, Sears or IBM. Many are suffering, here and worldwide. But will we build rental homes which will remain vacant, just as we over-built commercial units some of which have remained vacant for. over two years? This is not a solution. to a problem. It is a grave addition to a problem. Let us discard this poorly conceived plan and, working through the Housing Zlement, find .nays to build housing that is truly affordable for people to buy. Sweat equity and Babitat are examples. We already have ample affordable rentals. Just asy NO to proposed. Ordinance 265, 4 1�') 0000i7 CC1/26/93 - EXHIBIT D Page I 10050 San Marcos Rd . Atascadero, Ca. 1/14/93 Atascadero City Council Your Honors. I am extremely concerned about what has been euphamistically called the Granny House zoning ordance change. After attending an informational meeting presented by the staff planner at the Atascadero Library -January 7, I am convinced that there is a real problem with the judgement demonstrated by the Planning Commission. It is rather obvious that its members have something else in mind than the preservation of Atascadero as a superior single family residential community--the kind of city that the vast majority of the property owners here want as a desirable place to live .- As i e ..As I understand it , the new "housing ordinance" was necessitated because of both (a) abuses with the building of "guest houses" and (b) needs to provide consistent and fair standards for allowing "granny houses" . To that end the planning staff drafted a conservative ordinance to al l ow (a) granny houses of one bedroom (b) 640 sq .ft . on (c) lots of one acre or more` in the service area and of acres or more in the outlying areas of the city and (d) provided that the owner always be an occupant of one of the homes They also (e) restricted the guest house ordinance Contrast this to the changes the Planning Commission made: (a) Granny houses of multiple bedrooms (b) 800 sq .f t°/1200 sq.f t on (c) lots of one half acre in the service area and 2 acres outside the service area, respectively (d) only the original builder need occupy a house on the property. Thereafter, future owners can rent out both units . : (e) The second home on larger lots is limited to 50% of the main house in square footage, 000018 CC1/26/93 - EXHIBIT D Page 2 It is clear that the staff planners made an intelligent assessment of the city's needs by proposing a conservative "granny house" standard and eliminating the, often abused "guest house" provision . What does the Planning Commission have up their sleeve as they alter staff recommendations, doubling not only the size of the second house, but also dramatically increasing the density of houses by allowing a second house on all parcels of more then one half acre? I 'm certain that they know full well that these structures and the main house will quickly be converted to rentals since they also altered staff recommendations that the owner must live in one of the two units. Additionally the Planning Commission changed the common driveway restriction , thus compromizing a basic community design standard that would soften -the high density appearance in the community where second houses are allowed ., Clearly the Planning Commission has a different goal than that held by the staff . Could the personal wants of the members of the Planning Commission have clouded their reasoning thereby creating the conflict with the larger goals of the cities General Plan , which provides for the unique single family , rural residential quality among the grand oaks of the upper Salinas River Valley? In the General Plan the citizens have stated their desires for the kind of community Atascadery is to become. You cannot just ignore the findings of the original 1980 document that finds second homes an single family tots to be damaging to the Atascadero life style, nor can you maintain that this ordinance will have no significant impact on the environment when you are increasing the buildout for Atascadero. It is unfathomable to me how the city can maintain that an ordinance that will add several thousand new: homes will not have a significant impact on the emvironment . I maintain that this second home ordinance as proposed by the Planning Commission will-- quite possibly a. conflict with adopted envirnomental plans and goals of the community (such as the General Plan) b . have a substantial , demonstrable negative aesthetic effect c. substantially affect a rare orendangered species of animal or plant or the habitat of .the species d ., substantially degrade water qual i.ty e. contaminate a public water supply f . substantially degrade or deplete ground waver resources g . induce substantial growth or concentration of population h increase substantially the ambiant noise levels for adjoining areas i . cause an increase in traffic which is substantial in relation to the existing traffic toads and capacity of 000019 CCl/26/93 - EXHIBIT D Page 3' the street systems (Recent studies show that we must increase the city arterials to four lanes to carry traffic at the maximum buildout of 32,000, and , already, we are adding traffic lights all along Morro Road and E1 Camino .) j cause substantial flooding , erosion or siltation k . disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of an established community 1 create a cumulative impact The need for an Environmental Impact Report is abundantly clear. I therefore urge you, our city "fathers" , to take action to protect the quality of the Atascadero envirommnet by seeing this "granny house" ordinance for what it truly is--a blatant attempt by special interests to force a level of growth and conjestion upon our fair city .that is intolerable to the home owners who have elected you. You, consequently, have three choices as you, attempt to deal honestly with the "granny house zoning ordinance" : a. Approve the planning Commission's devious plan to allow second units for rental purposes on the majority of all single family residential lots, b . Reject the proposed ordinance entirely , or c. Reevaluate this second home ordinance and draft an environmentally sound "granny house" ordinance that meets the need for true granny houses and prevents the abuses of the past It should not take a great deal of intelligent debate to select the proper option . Than. you, Ed Goshorn Homeowner, resident , science teacher at AJHS 0000ti0 . CC1/26/93 - EXHIBIT E Page 1 • Joan O' Keefe CP ,�. 9985 Old Morro Rd. East It should be clear by now that this issue of a 2nd residential unit is not about affordable housing. This 2nd unit is certainly not going to make available low cost owner occupied homes. It will provide -rental housing* in areas zoned for single family residents thereby effectively rezoning single family areas to multifamily. Atascadero has plenty of vacant rental units. "Granny housing"? A- 120E sq foot house is a house for a family not a modest. cottage for an elderly person. =s there a need for this type of alternative housing? This has not been established. How many people who come in for a 2nd unit really have in mind a small 1 bedroom accessory building.This should be the first step-. The need for this type of an accessory building should be evaluatedd, in conjunction with guest housing,, low cost housing,. rental housing etc.. Not only the need should be assessed but the- long, helong range effect of various alternative solutions must be evaluated. According to staff the single largest. number of requests by- the ythe public are: for 2nd. units. r believe that. most of the people: asking for these- Znd units are basing their requests on a short sighted immediate need --• they want, a rentalon. their property or they want a house for their children. 'hey have" no: interest: regarding the ultimate: effects on_ property* values, services-. or the way- this City develops:. There has. been_ a: silent. majority, out there- who want to retain: the single family, large lot rural atmosphere: they bought. into when we: they purchased their homes. Up to now, we- have been silent. r and many other people are here tonight to tell you: we do care about the- way the city develops and 00004"A CCl/26/93 EXHIBIT D Page 2 that we want to insure the integrity of our neighborhoods and our property. We don' t want to have to be spying on our neighbor to make sure the 2nd unit hasn' t become a rental or for that matter that both units aren' t rentals . Ordinance 74, the ordinance which made findings for not implementing this type of housing seems as valid today as it was back in 1983 . The city still has winding streets, sewage disposal problems, density bonuses and many acres of vacant residential land. A parking place doesn't get rid of the winding roads which is the way the relevancy of the original findings have been explained away_ What is clear to me after reading staff's report is that staff and the Planning Commission had different: objectives. Staff was recommending a modest 640 square foot accessory building,. the Planning Commission was proposing an additional single family residence for in-laws. or adult children. if Commissioner Carden' s recommendation had passed 2nd units of 2500 sq feet would have been allowed. When the Planning Commission upped the footage from 640 sq feet: to 1200 square feet and. down 1300 sq feet from Commissioner Carden' s proposal they crossed the boundry between, an accessory building to a 2ndfamily- residence. This.. is in. violation of State- Law,, which says. I,& second. unit shall not be: considered: to exceed. the, allowable density for they lot. upon. whish. It is. Located. . . " The allowable density is one: residence- per lot: in. the: RS:. zone. The+ changes to the- ordinance: made by" the`• Planning Commission. the a ghtw o.f December- 1 were clearly significant: and: yet Chairman_ Sohnson after, listing all of the changes. hurriedly made a finding of no signi.f icant: impact, reaffirmed the- negative- declaration and further instructed staff to send the proposal to the- Council for approval at the next Council meeting. r am very suspicious of the Plannings Commission' s 0000w CCl/26/93 - EXHIBIT D Page 3 ability to restrain themselves if even a modest alternative • housing ordinance is enacted. There may be a need for guest housing and small accessory units but it is important that we evaluate this need in terms of well documented facts, that what is proposed can be enforced and we promote quality growth, This can best be examined when the housing element is updated. . I urge you not to approve this ordinance and to direct staff to address the need when the housing element is updated. z OOOOZ3" CCl/26/93 - EXHIBIT F ! want to go on xecond as being against second unit housing. Two thAr&p f thin muot be taken .into cona4denatr on arae (/) Gcuc p—&—not accounted 14,t in aguw,4e jC otag Wbutd tw ox moxe gmaagea be a towed and than, when signed og, everz*=U# become bednooma, 4ecnoama on aaee olhex noon. (2) The, number o 4 .Cot& on, the meek that quatt4 4ox a nentat uruU cute many 4a th,r'.a AUuatlon w=U =M bon%�'ired cheek aetb". We must took at thio notA� O& Axpact .it cauaeatod°4i but aAat Au d o4 a mesa use wt tt .Leave oux cfii,(dn . ,het`wxncentwte on a oxda, & housing P,% young peopGe to 6W&-not 'tett,, 3 0000#204 CC1/26/93 - EXHIBIT G Aknq. people, to rag netqhboAhood ane etdeV# and Aetuted. Thep Aettted .in r?tawadew 4-tex geeing the owaded conditions and chime.in the ci ti eo die+ce Aeg had woAed. Mangy bout theuc homes .in the e�e,6 wAm pui�cea wane h•4. Fax .acme, thio Az the;Car .rnve4bwnt the# have even made,am 9 • Thep Att #herd wotad be pwtected bg owc Genarrat Pty. The+ bought .into a >ravraL coa- and did not know the ptm ca dd be changed at =LU and that theg cadd .tone A& we gatherred in gnaupia to d i acrra___ahow #hiA and&uzncre aa+o4& a46ect ad,use wence att'r 4nightened acrd avAx ed about wirazt mnutd happen .in ;peana to come. The bqgeat concerrn waa paope vatuea. We would ,Cine to- Atwx aAat the cauntg aaee 4&t has to hag.about pwpentg aw.& becond houaing mutd. M16t mZt happpen 4 .second urtica ane ne¢Cected and become .seed#. flow mca ma even get out mond out o4 oum pJropex&,t. Second,, a Oat has the wa;6e c compang eaZd abo wt the pnaaL&& .sudden grwuti A o the popuLa#iort and Trow wZtt Aeg 4enve t42 We aLt buA5d to Aon!&w the anter *;t. b guide.Linea laat gervc and con4ewe-on ua wc. 1,t we go ua* overt pu izcted &U tdvut frost wJ-t the a>aten be pati vned? MAdC ao6t have the and 4aa about pwtw.tin 'oo&A'lic '.ao pencerrt mune cizipna? rine their equipped toy handle the Ac me that w-U come vii man* more inhabrtcuu.a? Since,the p wpmted hwzea =tt be .Lange wvugh Px ° ,Lien ari th cfii td xm how am-U tAe whoo" cope au#h the up mng .in erten a'.Llment I hope pa can aaaune. ua that alt these VAeaaEum, &we bow adeWwte4 4tudied.. Ve alt know that with an eacpataa Ang popu.LaaEion 04'arez&&p. the ouse nate. gow up.. Section ci ti rna have pten;t oA p g&ta1t&-'.cone #tease don't &ddte there wiA mom roonVabout: cre me, AoUn a ea and phgai cat I that afj� act:rheas:concenraa have. beer case dmaded you Witt &vret�L vote::no- on thio oAdinaace..`' 172Jf CC1/26/93 - EXHIBIT H JOSTENS TOM IMMING Sales Representative (805)461-4878 (310)3941679 School Products Group 3120 San Fernando Rd. Atascadem CA 93422 47 Seaview Terrace Santa Monica CA 90401 �cc,�- ,d` d-�•�- Cly%' � / ,cam p �--�''"�� •� ��� 10, AW04fe 02 VIC;- ' r ` CCl/26/93 - EXHIBIT I John gat. Mc N e i l 8755 Sierra Nista Atascadero, CA 93422 January 25, 1993 Citi Counc it City of Atascadero :Honorable Mayor and Council Members This proposed ordinance for second units, rental, units, throughout Atascadero should be rejected outright for the following reasons * 1. The Negative Declaration is fatally defective. Cumulative impacts for small projedts of twenty parcels or so are sometimes. difficult to estimate. But, an ordinance for residential uriits throughout all single family zoned areas in Atascadero undoubtedly would have many significant impacts on water, septic tank and air pollution, traffic circulation, schools, fire and police protection, and a devastating impact on the rural character of Atascadero 2 Staff and. the Planning Commission have shown no demonst-rable need for this additional housing at this time. staff admits having no information as to existing rental vacancies in itascadero. Newspaper want ads show a surfeit of rental. vacancies. This ordinance would be unfair and discriminatory to landlords having difficulty finding tenants, 3. This ordinance will not provide affordable housing. The second units cannot be sold without lot s-olits. Rental :mite con- structed on single family zoned property will demand much higher rental than multifamily units. 3. Land in Atascadero now zoned multifamily is yet to be developed. 4. I question the legality of the owner residency requirement. The City Attorney should furnish the City Council with a draft of the proposed agreement with a written statement as to its legal sufficiency and cases supporting his opinion. 5.. The ordinance gives unlimited administrative powers to the Planning Staff to rune judgments as to the suitability of such rental units with only posting notice to neighbors of their deliberations. . Che ordinance lacus any suecifici Y as to t:�e administration of the ordinance CCl/26/93 - EXHIBIT I 6.. 3 F Meadows and Long Valley should be excluded from the ordinance so that their residents would not be required to resort to lawsuits to enforce the CCs prohibiting such second units. 7. Tris ordinance would be a "taking" of property rights of single family resident property owners. It will invite lawsuits costly to the complaining land owners and requiring your tax dollars to defend this ill conceived ordinance 8. Compliance with State housing requirements can be made by a declaration�in the 1083 ordinance that second units would have sigificant adverse impacts on our essential services and rural character.. Respectfully submitted, John W. McNeil x -2- 0000A:.9 CCl/26/93 EXHIBIT J Karen Riggs ,SAN Z 6 } 4935 Arizona CITY OF ATasc ER s Atascadero, CA 93422 am aRKME Atascadero City Council, a It is an admirable goal to develop affordable housing for the elderly. But, the best intentions don't always have the desired outcome. The Granny Housing proposal is not likely to serve the elderly as much as it to serve current property owners who would like a second housing unit for rental purposes. The outcome would create a higher proportion of rentals to single family homes, more density in outlying areas, and an undetermined Population increase. None of these changes will serve the elderly, nor the City of Atascadero. Why wasn't this proposed before the recent general plan updates on traffic, etc., so that its effect could be taken into consideration? I think this proposal is ill-timed and without true merit. Take this proposal to its logical extreme and you have a mushroom effect of hodgepodge building.Wherever the ground is fertile for the opportunist, you will sprout a second dwelling, and not a cottage for grandma: Please don't accept this hasty proposal. Sincerely, Karen Riggs 000029 CC1/26/93 - EXHIBIT K CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 26, 1993 In regard to item C.1. on tonight's Agenda I wouldr/lto say that in 1983 we were opposed to "Granny" Mousing because the people really in favor of the proposal were opposed to any restrictions on the item. I believed then and I still do that to have the second unit in a single family district there should be very restrictive rules. It seems that the staff recommendations would control the addition of these unigso that multiple zoned lots would not be created every where in town. Please be careful of what you pass under the guise of"affordable" housing. Thank you for your a consideration. Marjorie R. Mackey 5504 Tunitas Av. 466-1811 a JAN Z 610 CITY OF ATILM CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 000030 CC1/26/93 - EXHIBIIT ,L' JAN 2 6 IM January 6, 1993 oraIIA �o K'S OFFIt0 ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION Since we will be unable to attend the session on January 12,we have asked that our concerns on the proposed Rental-Unit Wiling be read into the record. We moved to Atascadero because of the beauty of the area and the quality of life it afforded. These two things are most precious to us,as they are to most people. Can we use the words"spirituality and aesthetics"without seeming vague. Because these words have a definite meaning to us. They mean how we feel. Do we feel good? Do we feel bad? We believe we speak for a lot of people when we say that we feel good when we see trees and grass and bushes and animals. And we feel bad when we see houses crowded together,when we're stuck in traffic,when the air we breathe loops and smells dirty,when we have to look at urban or suburban sprawl instead of the beauty of nature. We are not strange. We are not loners. We like neighbors and people. We just believe all of us need some open space around us to grow in,to be happy,peaceful and productive citizens. And we believe it is wrong for a small group of people to make a decision to destroy this. open space to allow a second building on every lot in an entire town;a decision that will completely change the quality of all of our lives. It is shocking and it is wrong to try and change the riles after we have already placed our bets and put our money on the table. One reason we bought our house was because there was minimum acreage protection. If this is to be changed,then every household in each neighborhood should be afforded the opportunity to vote on the change: Who are we appeasing with this outrageous proposition?' rs-it the Developers and the Builders?' We are all going:through tough economic times and they might just have to wait with the rest of us until times get better. Even in this poor economic climate,there is continual building on our street: it never stops. And there seems to be space all around Atascadero p to build on according to the original ppian. Is this not enough forthem? Do they have to double the buildings on.every existing lot? We,for ourpart,say a loud resounding NO! Werecentlg had the:opportunity to seethe PlanningComnussion at workand they appeal to be men of reason. Whatwe ask from them is to put this proposition out taac ity- referendum. Itis the only fair way to go. Otherwise,we feel it is acase of Destruc:ti without Representation. In hopes fora goodandbeautiful. for rdero, *&Aj� 4 - �7 Gretchemand Paul Gray 10420 San 1Viarcos,Road Atascadero,CA 93422 0000:31 CC1/26/93 EXHIBIT M r FN2575 San Fernando Road JAN 2 6 FM Atascadero, CA 93422 January 25, 1993 TY CI77Y OF AT OfTIM City Council Members Atascadero, California Gear Members of the Council, I am unable to attend the City Council meeting and speak to' you regarding my views on the proposal to allow multiple unit housing on single family lots. I do, however, wish that this letter be read into the record and be made part of the record on this subject. I am opposed to a plan that would allow multiple dwellings on single family lots. Allowing multiple dwellings would place additional stress on our resources in Atascadero, mainly water and our cities infrastructure, not to mention what it would do to the Quality of life in Atascadero. In other areas of our state where this type of practice has been allowed (i.e. - Los Anales County), cities have deteriorated to the point that may residents. are forced to sell their properties in order to escape the rapid decline in the quality of life that once existed in their neighborhoods. We live in a beautiful city. My neighborhood possess a quality that is unparalleled in other areas of our state. Allowing additional dwellings on already developed lots for the purpose of additional housing, would be an extreme detriment to my neighborhood! I have appreciated. past City Councils in Atascadero who have been opposed to this type of proposal in the past. i hope that your Council is not looking for additional revenues for the city and view this practice- as away to generate additional income. Doing so would greatly exploit our community and: be a grave disservice to the Atascadero. environment_: I urge you to defeat any pian that would allow the_ development of multiple units.. on single: family lots.. Thank you. for your service to the. Atascadere community? Sincerely, Bill Kellogg 461-0456 000032 M/26/93 EXHIBIT N b January 26, 1993 JAN 2 6 qTY OF ATASCAOERO CITY CLERK'S OFFICE City Clerk Atascadero, Ca. 93422 Because we are unable to be at the City Council meeting this evening, please read this statement into the record and make it part of the record. We, Andrew L. and Noreen M. Sandel, residing at 12550 Santa Ana Road, strongly oppose the Zoning ordinance Text Amendment which will allow second houses to be built on single family lots.. Given the potential results of such an amendment, it is difficult to believe that it could be considered. Homeowners in our particular- area bought property with CC&Rs prohibiting the building of more than one residential: structure.. It is not right, nor is it fair, to now rule than anyone can purchase 2 1/2-plus acres and build two: residences,. one of which could become a rental. It is not right, nor is it fair that homeowners within the city service area be subjected to depreciation of home values by the construction of 640-ft. dwellings 5. feet from property lines. Since wecannot imagine any reason for the implementation of the amen+dment, we will not go into itemized: objections.. The removal of one of the values that has; made Atascadero so: attractive to so many would be, at the: very least, unwise. Andrew L- Sandel' _Noreerr W. SandeL 000033 CCl/26/93 - EXHIBIT O ,JAN66 - January 18, 093 CITY=KLARTICSONCITY To the Atascadero City CouncLL, One of the unique features ol . Atascadero is that it has been dev ided into Large parce Ls of property. This natura LLy keeps overcrowding curbed. If the Second ResdentiaL RentaL Unit Ordinance is passed , our va Luab Le country setting c ou Ld be gone forever. I urge the C'Lty Oounci L to vote against this ordinance Thank you, Margaret Ph L L L L ps 9800 Corr Lent Atascadero, BECAUSE I AM U .ABLE TO BE AT THE CITY COUNCIL MF.FTIND, PLFASE RF'AD THIS STATEMENT INTO THF RECORD AND MAKE IT FART T� - RFC ORD. 000034 n �5 U l5 U U L C1/26/93 —'EXHIBIT P JAN 2 6 man aOFF rs o .7-/ — 9�- �� � u: , OZt/, ER� i le,,,.� CC1/26/93 - EXHIBIT P Ale 000034; CC1/26/93 EXHIBITQ Page 1 jAN2610 AATT WS January 26 , 1993 I will not be able to come to the Council meeting, and therefore respectfully request that my comments be read into the record. Members of the Council; People have bought their home here because the A General Plan assured them Atascadero ' s small town characters. a population buildout of approximately 34, 000 , ",rural atmosphere" , '"elbow room" "Large lot sizes "preservation of hills, flora and fauna"',, "winding tree lined streets", "adequate services and large areas of single family residential neighborhoods _ Every member of this Council has run on a platform of supporting the General Plan, the constitution for the development of the City_ The proposal the Planning Commission' s as well as Staff' s version, is in direct conflict with that Plan. Every single unit, whether 600 or 6000 square feet, will add to the projected and planned for population buildout. We have not been told how many lots would be large enough at the time of buildout to qualify for a rental unit . Please tell us that number so we can multiply it by the average household size that can be expected to live in these rental units:. That will tell us how much this Ordinance will increase the City' sbuildout population.. But it will not tell: us how it will affect the City' s economy, since the economic study was based on. the- General Plan- It will not tell us how it will affect our traffi circulation since the traffic study was based on. the: General Plan._ It will not tell us how it will affect: our schools, our water supply, and our public services because the EIR for the General. Plan did not consider all this additional growth. However, some things we do know.' It will wipe out all areas of single family living in the entire 000037 CC1/26/93 - EXHIBIT Q Page 2 City. It will greatly increase population and density, at least in some areas . It will destroy the rural character and take the elbow room. It will make the General Plan obsolete_ Please forget this proposal . Craig unningham 8707 Casitas Atascadero, CA 93422 000038 r f / i ' . • i tf :et •:+ � ! i i tl ' i i t i i i i :ki 1 • i FitiY t ' 1 " i' i t•.. 1 1 ' ":Mi !�# i t As ♦a' ' r "M f7it' IM �r IV 1 F I!IF its I I 1 1 TZT.701 I I to C I I ii e• Y t ` :.Y # at M' ♦ I I k I `- ► t•tla tli 4 4t ' '1 1f; e #isllt SID D e 1r f ♦# •• « 1e : ar II «# ► # •. ► of ► # ♦: e :# Ift s Wil1 : • w t 1 It :?/ # i t / � trI' • f / ' i ri•'t: '+t i y i ! f i t tt •1# �1 a it # `i• D iJ f # al # ••seu. • t # ::# r i :,`t • ! e 1 `�tt f • tl • •' t # tteh # t!i • Di �? • t r«♦• D ' ' ' :# • { 1 ! t•.` ' 1 0 �:1 68 t " t ►e.Y 4 ♦ t 4 t 14 I it # : # a ! i # 1 ♦ 1 I{IU {! • �r'fh:.t!:' t 1 ' t t ! :t 11 i it t • # : Y ! 1 ! # # k" ! f :# ! f�, ' 1 • 1 :,# hi :ISI . 4,04 r 1 ►. i t ! i' :Iltt :#as i cif ;PM 1 II IIL # : Y e,I oft fIll i If • • 1 :-:t 11 '�: 1 .! .1 if .;# ,# I{ : tt i :.ti1 #'# 4i Ift til IIi ' df,' t! 11 # i r CC1/26/93 - EXHIBIT S FJAN 6l993January 26, 1993 �C To the Atascadero City Council: • 1 want to go on Public Record to urge you to reject the Ordinance Proposing Zoning Ordinance Amendment to PermitAccessory Second Residential Units within Single Family Zones(Subject to Conditions). There is no need for such a radical change in the general pian of the City to virtually destroy single-family residence zoning 1 feel thatthe number ofc ontractora represented.on the Planning Commission and the City Council makes for aconflict of interest on their parts. is this the proverbial"fox guarding the hen house"? Again,l urge you to rejectthis proposed ordinance for rental property throughout Atascadero and preserve single-family residence zoning. Sincerely, Catharine H.Youn Atdscadero Citizen No Zff is t �0. 440 0000,10 1 19, W CC1/26/93 - EXHIBIT T anuary 26 , 1993 : i Y ate+ I am not able to a en onig s ity *Council meeting_ Please read and submit my statement into the record_ _Thank you. To the Atascadero City Council : As a resident of 3-F- Meadow Ranches I strongly oppose the Second Residential Rental Unit Ordinance_ People in areas such as 3-F Meadows and Long Valley Ranches bought their properties with CC&Rs (Protective Covenants and Restrictions that apply to the property) restricting each lot to one residential structure on it Please let me quote from the CC&Rs . First 3-F Meadows .. "No structure shall be erected, altered, or permitted to remain on any.residential plot other than on& single-family dwelling . . 'r And now Long Valley Ranches : "No building shall be erected, constructed, altered, or maintained on any of said lots other than a: residence for a single family (including guests and household servants) This language in the CC&Rs has always been consistent with the City' s zoning laws Adoption of the Second Residential Rental Unit Ordinance would put the zoning in neighborhoods, such as 3-F Meadows and Long Valley Ranches, in direct conflict with the, legal restrictions of the properties - The City would force property owners into - cos-tly court action to maintain the single family area that the owners bought into .- We are nto.We:` are not asking the City to enforce our CC&Rs - But, please- keep the zoning consistent witli the: legal restrictions of the CC&Rs in our neighborhoods . Eileen Cunning 8707 Casitas Atascadero, CA 93422 000041 . • � ECEIt1F •_.- / � ��� � � � � i i i �'� j' ' �.�� .� �� � r l '/ i / � � / � /' � � �'i i � /�/ � s � `�/ .� f i/' i � � s / j / � � '� -� �' a .- �, .► � ,. , ,, ,," f , ` / �s � � � � o � / , „ ,� � dI i � , _ � � f I'' ,� � / rr ,IIl f�" w if i / / � f! � f ���t s � , � / / ' � ,. ;�' � , � � � � ��� .r ,� ., � , a, ,. � � l� .. ,v j/ s1"' L r � �!' I j � � � ,j �� /, f � >.. � � �` � , e � r �.� i �. ,i►- �t �'' r '� / � „� ' �' .�' .c f / ,� r � /� ,, � �/ CC1/26/93 - EXHIBIT U Page 2 Ae /iaf��F LZ .,_ /� /^*:z�a.�+n '+rrl+;�._�;.adc�: -, ��i•�./,�r+s�_. .z- �./}�� .-:y.. -��-�+.r�.w 000043