HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 102792 Approved as Submitted 11/24/92 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 271 1992 MINUTES The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7: 00 p.m. Councilperson Bewley led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Bewley, Kudlac, Luna and Mayor Nimmo Absent: Councilmember Borgeson Also Present: Muriel "Micki" Korba, City Treasurer and Lee Raboin, City Clerk Staff Present: Ray Windsor, City Manager; Andy Takata, Assis- tant City Manager/Director of Community Services; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Mark Joseph, Administrative services Director; Greg Luke, Public Works Director and Bud McHale, Police Chief COMMUNITY FORUM: Ray Jansen, 6655 Country Club Drive, read a prepared statement (see Exhibit "A") in opposition to Alternative "A-Modified" for the Highway 41 extension and outlined advantages of a different route ("I Plus J") . He argued that the City had never held a public hearing on Alternative "A-Modified" . Mr. Jansen' s allotted time expired and Terrill Graham, 6205 Conejo Road, completed his remarks urging the Council to resolve the issue once and for all. Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, agreed with Mr. Jansen that there has never been a noticed public hearing regarding the specific alternative selected by a majority of the Council in July. He indicated that he believed it would be appropriate to hold such a hearing once the final EIR is out; at which time Council could confirm or modify its' decision. Whitey Thorpe, 8025 Santa Ynez, urged the Council to end all conflicts over this matter and move forward with the project. CC10/27/92 Page 1 A. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following represent ad hoc or standing committees. Informative status reports were given, as follows. ) : 1. City/School Committee - The City Manager announced that the next meeting would be November 24, 1992 at 1: 30 p.m. 2. Economic Round Table - Mayor Nimmo reported that the round table had met on October 21, 1992 and discussed the issue of setting aside a portion of bed tax dollars for tourism/promotion. In addition, deliberations regarding gateway signs were conducted and the mayor indicated that the round table would be coming to the Council with a proposal at a future date. 3. Liability Claims Review & Finance Committee - The mayor announced that the committee would meet on October 28, 1992 at 4: 00 p.m. B. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Nimmo read the Consent Calendar, as follows: 1. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 22, 1992 2. CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES- SEPTEMBER 29, 1992 (Joint Meeting) 3. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 8, 1992 (Special Meeting) 4. TREASURER'S REPORT - SEPTEMBER 1992 S. RESOLUTION NO. 95-92 - AUTHORIZING.THE FILING OF ANNUAL CLAIM FOR LOCAL TRANSPORTATION FUNDS AND STATE TRANSIT ASSISTANCE FUNDS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT (Cont'd from 10/13/92) 6. RESOLUTION NO. 96-92 - REVISING THE ' CITY'S SALARY/CLASS IFICA- TION SCHEDULE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1992/93 (Cont'd from 10/13/92) 7. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 92-006, 10060 ATASCADERO AVE. - Request to divide 2.28 acres into two parcels of 1. 0 and 1.28 acres for single family residential use (Hazard/Tartaglia) 8. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 92-008, 8475/8495 EL DORADO ROAD - Request to divide two parcels totaling 1.73 acres into three lots of 0.73, 0.50 and 0.50 acres {Foran & Partington/Cuesta Engineering} 9. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 17-89, 7550 CORTEZ - Consideration of time extension request (Barrett/Twin Cities Engineering) CC10/27/92 Page 2 10. FINAL TRACT MAP 01-91, 10700 EL CAMINO REAL - Creation of a 42 residential-lot subdivision (2-B Partnership/Engineering Development Association) 11. RESOLUTION NO. O1 3-92 - REQUESTING THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM TO EXTEND THE FUNDING PERIOD FOR CURRENT SERVICE ACTUARIAL LIABILITIES FOR THE CITY OF ATASCADERO 12. RESOLUTION NO. 102-92 - AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREE- MENT WITH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY FOR ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES Will Hirst, Service Employees International Union (S.E.I.U. ) representative, pulled Item #B-6 for further discussion. MOTION: By Councilman Kudlac, seconded by Councilman Bewley to approve Items #B1-5 and 7-12; motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. Re: Item #B-6. RESOLUTION NO. 96-92 - REVISING THE CITY'S SALARY/CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1992/93 (Cont'd from 10/13/92) Public Comments: William Tilley, representing the Atascadero Police Officers Association, referred to an alternative to lay-offs submitted to the City Council in memorandum form and asked if there were any questions. Responding to inquiry from Councilman Kudlac, Agent Tilley remarked that the proposal to cut salaries by 1.25% across the board in lieu of downgrading the "agent" position had been supported by a 23-0 vote by the bargaining unit. Will Hirst indicated that S.E. I.U. had presented additional recommendations and asked if there were any questions. There were none. Danny Hillstock, 5625 Capistrano, urged the Council to retain the position of Engineering Technician II. ---End of Public Testimony--- MOTION: By Councilman Bewley, seconded by Councilman Luna to approve Item #B-6; motion carried 4 : 0 by roll call vote. C. PUBLIC HEARINGS: NONE D. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. REQUEST BY CITY TREASURER TO AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT WITH BANK OF AMERICA FOR SHORT-TERM BORROWING (Tax Revenue Anticipation Notes) CC10/27/92 Page 3 Micki Korba presented the staff report and recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 107-92 authorizing the issuance of tax and revenue anticipation notes. MOTION: By Councilman Kudlac, seconded by Councilman Luna to approve Resolution No. 107-92; motion carried 4 :0 by roll call vote. Public Comment: Terry Graham stated that this item had not been identified as a resolution and accused the Council of violating due process. City Attorney Art Montandon clarified that the Brown Act only requires that the agenda provide a brief description of the action to be discussed and/or taken by the City Council. He noted that the agenda had, in fact, given such a description and assured the Council and public that legal notice had been met. He further explained that staff had learned after the agenda was distributed that Bank of America would require the adoption of a resolution and added that he believed it was appropriate and necessary to meet their request. Mr. Graham asserted that information was being withheld from the public and voiced opposition to a tax that would provide further indebtedness of government. Eric Greening pointed out that a complete packet of staff reports for all agenda items, including the full text of the proposed resolution, was available for review by any member of the public there in the Council chambers. 2. CONSIDERATION OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR INFRASTRUCTURE IM- PROVEMENTS FOR CAMINO REAL FASHION OUTLET, 2100 EL CAMINO REAL A. Resolution No. 106-92 Establishing an Assessment District Formation Administrative Fee Robert M. Haight, representing the law firm of Haight & Haight, provided an explanation of the assessment district process and recommended adoption of Resolution No. 01 6-92 . He mentioned that public hearings would be held at a later date and clarified that by adopting the resolution the Council was not voting in favor of the specific project, only initiating the procedure. Mr. Haight confirmed that all costs to the City would be recovered and responded to brief questions from Council. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Kudlac to approve Resolution No. 106-92 establishing an assessment district for the Camino ' Real Fashion Outlet Center; motion carried 4 :0 by roll call vote. Council further directed staff to proceed with the necessary CC10/27/92 Page 4 preparations. 3. ORDINANCE NO. 259 - Adding Chapter 13 to Title 3 of the Atascadero Municipal Code approving the implementation of a State-authorized program to recover costs of responses to emergencies caused by drunk or reckless drivers and providing guidelines and procedures therefore, pursuant to California Government Code 53150, et seq. (Recommend motion to adopt on second reading by title only) (Cont'd from 10/13/92) MOTION: By Councilman Kudlac, seconded by Councilman Luna to adopt Ordinance No. 259 on second reading by title only; motion carried 4 :0 by roll call vote. Public Comment: Whitey Thorpe indicated that he would have liked to speak on the item before it was approved and proclaimed disapproval of levying a fine before the accused is tried. 4. RESOLUTION NO. 104-92 - APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE CITY'S PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MOTION: By Councilman Kudlac, seconded by Councilman Bewley to appoint Ken Meyer to the Parks and Recreation Commission; motion carried 3 : 1 with Councilman Luna voting in opposition. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council Councilman Kudlac extended a word of thanks from the San Benito P.T.A. to staff and members of the Traffic Committee for stop signs at San Benito Elementary School. 2. City Attorney Mr. Montandon added an additional item for the Closed Session. (See Item #4, below) . At 8:04 p.m, the mayor called a recess. At 8: 17 p.m. , the Council reconvened and adjourned to a Closed Session for the purpose of discussions regarding matters of pending litigation, entitled: 1. City of Atascadero v. Mike Bewsey and MichaelHawkins 2. City of Atascadero v. Fluitt & Fluitt (Stadium Park) 3. O'Keefe v. City of Atascadero 4. Taylor vs. City. Said Closed Session held pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9. CC10/27/92 Page 5 MINUTES RECORD AND PREPARED BY: LEE kABOINI C y Clerk Attachment: Exhibit "A" (Jansen) CC10/27/92 Page 6 Raymond K. ransen 0055 Country Club Or. # her 25,1992 ,ktascadera Honorable Members of the At City Council: atascadero's suture Lies In Tour Hands My opposition to blindly pursuing this. Healirnaent protect aLtiive ve its questionable beginning 25 years ago) will not end an alternmore advantageous to the future of jt-ascadero has been adequately examined. I say that with conviction because I have never shut my mind to new ideas and new avixence.yu,^•i:ig the six years I have lived 'here my under- standing of the issues and :references for action have altered con- siderably. It. begaout of a concern for the deer on ?ine Mountain and the n angto motorists :which has act changed one bit •xhen I became a Modi- danger to mi.ad-set for sore than 20 years has been, "Don(t confuse us ;with £acts because our mind is made up". I have no choice except to ave still present what facts L hi3. ave to this Couc , Which ce who or "Hold. on Each of you must assess your commitment to ane whole truth-" . This. letter i.s simply the insights gained front interacting with citizen or while di strfauting Zaformation. Sdheets and offering petitions The most recent one was early in the year whem i offered opportunities to hither favor or oppose the one and only route :which has been 1egiti- nsately consi-dered. In. 14 curs of totaEl timer handed out 550 Lnor- aation Sheets to those who said they were Atascadero residents► Petition Iesul.ts 139 chose to sign. the petition opposing the pro jest, and of those z7 i di.viduala ;rers hap,y to take & hlank. petition. to their nei aors and friends- i.thout- any Lollow-up on say part the work of three of these eventually arou&ht the total number to 204.• On the other, hand., enLy six professed to be ae for it. and of those only two were wilLLa& to say so by signi.arg theix- name_ without the Lnformatioas Sheets an4 the ensuing - discussions, however, such. unbalanced results would. not. have 'happened. Yet the &tascadero3ews, las a.ever for more than. 20 years presentedw the negative aspects to its readers on ;he front page, and. it zladas this► issue has been properly debated- Ls. that a commi.tment to ,the whole- t=.ith_"? Thj.% Gity CounciL has never held a: public heal—'Ig an this issue.- •zhe joint. aeari nr, of the: Council a.ncL the ylaanLng CommIssion Im Uctocez L968 can. be faulted. om four- counts: L) this was aefore ,an SIR, 2) Posi- tions. seemed- equally divided. aetwreen a: ari dge repiaceneat and* a. route, 3) at. that. time the- opponenta to "P." had. not. formulated. a_ Plaut. of a: route s>zore favorable than route A, and. 4-) the choice between an unwanted. route and. a. tipple bridge replacement cannot: be considered a. choice. of routes, avow there is a. choice,: as suggested. in the contest of this letter. ?Ior is there any truth. to statements that the- only people :Tho 0000se the b.I a.rldge are those .,.ho i i ve on or near- ftercedes ;kvenue• 'rhe home- ::treets of those ;rho signed the negative petit .on are scattered through.- 000006 out the City. Morover, my opposition does not arise from my living on Country Club Drive. The facts are quite the opposite as, by the way, the publishers of our local paper well knew(when they printed that flimsy rebdttal to my letter which had been delivered to them as pri- vate correspondence 1. My house is nearer to Capistrano than. to Mer- cedes and, if the A Modified were ever built and Country Club was dead- ended as planned we will have far less traffic than at present. So much for introductory comments. The many faults, which make the A modified Route a disastrous proposal, which I wish to share from my - discussions and research fall into the following five categories. I. Historical 11 Twenty-five years ago, in 19b1, Klaus Heilman had. plans for4 large residential addition to the community of Atascadero, but across the Salinas River- It was to have a proper golf course and even an airstrip- Even. though this was to be on the site of an earlier-planned community'-- back in 12598-- Mr. Heilmaa's development did not have a. direct access road to what was then downtown Atascadero. Although L don't fully know the thoughts which occupied Mr.. Heil- man's. mind.. at the time, it is interesting to note two things which happened concurrently with his plans. one was the creation, of the Atas- cadero Advisory Committee and the other the idea that Highway 41 ought to be straightened. Without researchinto cost or consequence, "Re- alignment" was born. Although it had only begun. as a line on the map of Atascadero) a=&- like: an umbilical cord it led. to something which de velped. a. life of its own- except for a couple of years when it was offiaially removed. fron the General Pian (a fact which our newspaper and other proponents of the route- are careful not to meation) it, has become aI rather fixed feature; much like the navel of a. physical body. Even. though the Advisory ComarLttee was a. hard-working group which. produced a General Plan which, improved. the County Offices' perception. of Atascadero, according to some early members the committee as a. whole had little to do with Highway 441 and. that line on the map.. It is. in- teresting to note that back thea the river- crossing was to be a. coat:La- uadtiom of Creston: Road at a spot where the riverbed: is. still quite aar- row-. The present plan, brought. out by Caltrans three: years ago, is. more- sinister ia. that: now the 11Uu-foot bridge points directly towards. the- lands east of Templeton,. toward. on,, -am area. of good.-budding Land. below which lies. as exce"eat~ aquifer. L $till suspect,. and. leave to your judgment, that property. aevelap- went= was. in Z967, and. stilt is today with. its much' more stretQ„ dge, the- dr vJ_v4 - force- which: is keeping "Realignment-11 alive« If straight- 'z ening 41. was the- objective in. the mid-sixties curbari2,_ with. no more- than- orethaan. 55 homeS`(L ant told) along it: would have- served. very- well Lt would. have- taken:. the, highway out of tower. and away- froar the schools. Bud it would. not have- provided a=. bridge,.. Z, Environmental Factors By this timer the EIR, Performed by caltran itself on. its own. pro--' ,jest.- and. noir pronounced. complete- without- the aormally required. 11.nal. Hearing, apparently- is a "done, thing. Because- it purports to be, in. 21 00000"7 zenera.l. ,a. carbon copy's Of the ear?ier Iai.ti.al :,avi.rOnmental a^SesSmeat it is just as well it has been proac_p 'y !aid to rest Ia. some ;{la. The Orly concession I 'kill. name to the 3, Modified versioa is that we have been spared. tha400-foot wide and up to 35-foot high gash am ?;ae Moua.- tao.. 3. y the way, when I asked. :iathy ui g-razirbrhere they would get, the aecessary fill i.a the -place, of that cut she said,"'Ns will go out aad 'buy it.,, Nope, the scene has changed again rega-^di:g the place for all that L.i With the City's empressed Lateatiom to acauirs Stadium ?ark, but unable to pay for a bridge as as amtraace sato it, now generous Calera s says It will build the hri.dge i 3ut, regard-lass whether that spot gets 30,0000 cuaia yards of fill or the arid&e to Provide an eatrsace to -tad- iuec ?ar'.s that most quiet Spot would he far less suitable for plans and concerts by the noise of 7,CC0 cars per day (Caltrans fivxres) "froca east of the ?.;.ver'' . ccutiaue to ias.6 that vita the Seer caaaaa?ad tovaa d Couatz---f Cluh Drive by tae Long cera to:Bed by a. high •wall aloag Me-rcedes, aad. w-_; th a curie at that point: am a road with a. asj&m speed. of 4.3 XPE, L contact ?. ra I to motarists and deer al iie Wi.? he created, r ecogni.zt & that the , eem swath alongside Couat:.y Clu¢ Drive would ae::used ay st:.LL =ors deer to reach the meek for vater_ 3 The :.:comomLc: --issues ire aco som:.c issues are o z two sr.ads: `the s t,:ai.ght forward eco aomic comseeueacesor advaztages thechoice of rautas, an d the voodaa sac- but dj=3._}j: Zhes i.i aom--a as seem a. project PQ.Clz - ovs Lz vV'nJ_a T astlma.tad cost_ Zar�3r fi.gnies ver 'ny Cas.t.raas .scluded as ast�_aced cost (:)f .0. =17 j.om ;or the arl_dgew and nearly 34- aiUi.om Lor the cross- town link. :vow, ',ith a need. to buy f:ll and a sear-ad, be-dge 'Or ztadi.0 ?aziiL-.acl uded: we hear am te?.svi.slam the total. cost 'u-�L ae 310 to 312 ail .J am-I 3ecaazse this ,saute is so growth. izduc;ve (as wel I as .'evel oa- meat i.aspirsd) «roader,he- promlze of aBig" WcaeT La inaect:iag fresh push i►to this �arri�sl.ar routs. The spending of 315 =1 ';om. :L=. aar, arca. s always, attracti..Te,, :act. especia.3.ly at this. time. 3u--, rattier --ad- .4 burdemtag the city 'x .th. the cost of several sets of' t, -la signals, street wIcLenIng: am --amts. Zsabe'w, and. the ZI-5k of. tratfic &ridlocit or of drivixg shop-pers. to avoid. our- iar3est shopping center, would. it not be hetta= stewardship of t'a=nomay to consider am alternative route which. would- help the- City att z-act and. manage mors- industrial developmemt: .gtxi.ch would.. generate revenue- ;,nstaad_ of expense. The• aero eaistaace- of+ this aonstrous: prolene Om the- ;aper« of a. Ge:n eral ?Ian. these =ny years has. W indly prevertte(L mors im8&-Z&tLv*- acl"-- tions. to the- Commxn ty T s. w:.a : = 42owth: Z co mce of , and, no pro ponen to o f :i a= t-'nodi i ed. ha-f s, avem. tried to dtsssuad.& tie- "-a= t, the- feasibility of �vorth and Zouth `I*�uc� 3outes, a. much smaller• he dge near the ac xm:Lom :4estxard. of:' Creston_ load- onir to. Sycaiaore- _Roail, &nj& a-a=dge- fes==Syca mord (near the- underpsa) oQe= the rai.l.7-oad. tacks to Traffi= War would- act- ouldnot. only feasIble but' also aeaeficiall to t:bs--ari&—inal. DowntowrL arm. Only iCathy DiGraz:Lo came close regnrdi 47 just: one- point=_- the- curve" over- the tracks would. aot _Per-., t the- sight s `� hojea s get speer. of 55 �. s �lP3. ?ad. r been_ more aui� to esroad��� vh'�a� � Jrrong '+ri.h. a s eed li .t ori the ar=dre i tSEl y. 1-thouat the level. Of rhat bluff 3-- 000008 ,vould ,lead to oe a z. or tam feet jji3!jer, a..:at pact xould sa,se la3s co,l- queacs scan, is the case Of .1 uocci_i-ad, =a+s_a-3 the juaczloa of Me=cedes. Avenue .and cemetery :toad by s:L tae.% feet :`;ithim s. much shortar distauca. • he :henoaemoa °::e can observe here is teat :rhea we have the 'xi.11 obstacles become stappiag staaes, but acnea there :.s ao will there is as gray th.:ough a pro alem... If the City, by a decJ.sive +-1 =rota ('9111ich this Project has Meyer ?sad is its long ttstory) -s:::ised to mut lata its central azea .rith a aew East-west. trai_ c arta=, (as the _'reerray has loae by s.eadi g 313 =i-Ilion- i= illiocis orb.e= to destroy jG5 trees a=ct f__teea homes and to mase Stad:.uuc jars obsolete for ;x4lt•1-r1 develo_neat, ;erha:s tie couaty :could lack �&_aRily upom pro'rib.:.ag an al!-Heathf t er crossiag ohe :{l`Ier at ?alcoa. 3ut, eve= -without that throug h-trucks aculd be _roil . ited oa u,k'aa r�tl and aveatu- al y, 'A:i', b. that hrid..s and. a. Scuth 'r=.Lck Cut3 coy:::?ata, turban T Ccu? ::a dead-emdaci. at 5ycaaore Road- ;L {� i1„ wilT__.i agmess to Study th.s zoata ai:1.C.LL-- %Ia-, :VoulcL he l asa SZ'Ow-%h _C.LLC =Te Shan :s. :'ICC:.::. - ;i OLl G 3Q C On ,J - ale c--& ea_t 0 L �..,.. -ter' -Vt; :'.':1._1.' s-, r�k 3G, :uLl_,. :"� a �.LE the r.razertjrr O:v eld Zy :;a!'. a ns, -vug:z the ma=pct, to .he "CU=.v va7'._': --a-" ILS. Rt of ..IJ V� ...1V 2�:4 �1 C.�a:.y •I.—�v. ?tl22:aa. a C.".."a_'.:,.T. any ' rJ _roIosa_s '::h .ch caul'i -a-rearem that ver.r. ,ua'.. t . C a s oLtezi masquarales Coasequeatl,, Owth is a ; aeaGmemon to 'te e, act -a he :ir ven by. 7`n.+.ortuxrmtaly, `.bat has aot leen: t:-',e zap.zerm 4for act-Loa rs- ga di:g: 117-Rea .i.a-hent" 1Z .itascadera si.:ca loo, =rhea it as coacetv'ed. and the d:7i sort' Commi.ttae- was. formed to lel.iver it. Surprisl gj;yf 1aye, seen. anable to locate any sux _Tri r minutes o f the t;o�*m► tee l s. ear? meet=ags_ L do know that. once- the Cou=i.ttae• ach saved for Real."-=eat the status of being part of the- Caunty's. General. C:.r cul at.ion ?Ian. is „actuary L968 --eati:ze :bought_ n=dia i.ts Placa is Atascadero came to a. ha? Consider .fie long-auf firing rssi.dents along Cy haZI.. as rws.`."ic =Toluze grew year by year, ar-_.s _ig Lor the most part from the unusually large area. ,7hich 'Has :erceudent:: upon. :.het. Oce outlet to the -:!reewa j, &p- arently aotlLta& been. done fGr them- s heavcy �r'zcds axe thei w aid bugaboo, the: existence of tuck. routes- :goul d. greatly improve thein= satet, and. serenity.. 1so,. a.. your-way stop ate the- juncri.om of C;:rba tl. ant: =Tape is. ?on&, ov=erdue. .'Ihr hasn't that happened? Although_ it is sheer coa,;ect=e- On..ay part, t yff eely��e+�very' ameliora ton. of t=&=,:Lc: hazard-s- on- Gal.4:ia;-_4 1 ':could c'f.T jt'fi nl sh_ file-' .i.asistence- _.nom: diose- . esi en s.. for Life- b1z, ba dge, wi icIx, they are- told, :�'i11 so3..ye- a1.L heir' t.:af=Q prablems__ On: tte ather- hanc3, aside= the bl hridge and. the the =Oss-t:QwM li_r,k in: _.lace- (•uith. ad'A 14t;veen: Texpieton 3oaaand- Sasha. _saceL w ic.h. •4ou?d. ae s aaaI j zed, by the way) t�ri�i.ag '!?,303 cans per =�X franc east O i th e River- by 2(;1Z. (accord ..3g to Caltrans) -nto the juncti.oa. of Santa. Isabel aad. l amino Real. Remember, traffic: behaves like a fluid; it responds _00000 to pressures and seeks its own. outlet. As mentioned in the economic sec- tion, silo_Pers would avoid =ayless and Williams to..sLo at outlying stores. :ilghway 41 tra"A. ic, heading for the Freeway, would instead go south on Santa Isabel to reach. Curbaril, taus requiring to install signals there, If not the :��ideni.ng of Santa Isabel as well. In time, :with a Lewis .venue bridge built another, traffic alternative would open up, school or no school. Two years ago the closing of Cold Canyon Landfill appeared imminent. In ten years it may happen. and, as Caltrans told me, Chicago ,^-rads �c�ould. be ars. alternati.7e. If that mere to e, that is when a South Truck, ealing the i reeway at Santa 3arbara would Indeed be nice. '!'he growth potential of all that buildable land toward 3l =omar and beyond, with good water beneath it, should not be under est=:sated. Ex- ;;erience in Southern California shows that people will drive farther to work in order to obtain affordable housing. Kesid2nts naturally :want food markets and eating, places near at ;nand, as well ad myriad other serv"iaes. A ,whole new city is not unreasonable; a city, .which would see 1tascadero as a �laaa to get through,, on its way to and from. the ,wrreewra�q. This would be growth beyond the control of Atascadero.. Developers wouldn't mind, of course.. If they did,. they would see that traffic from those areas shoulc by way of °Tineyard give, with its own N'reeway, interchange, Im hetween towns rather than, through them. And, of course, tevelopers will not pay their owns :way so long as Ataseadero City Council silently assents to having, the State taxaayers provide• their Freeway access and river briwge, and this city's loss. of tranquility- ,Lf you think i apt ~wrong about this, challenge ae. regarding this project, the r#buck",, „esidemt, Truman called it, has stopped here. "Ptiture residents,; many who are now indifferent, will hold. each of you accountabla. j common Sense Uaer this heading L would. have you. recall. the half-truths stated by proponents at hearings and luncheons.: j) 3y the police :]e,artment: the site near the hospital would. be both advantageous and adequate Toxo short weeks. later the site was declared. to be too small. Z) At an Atascadero ZOUO lunch The Ntiblick Road bridge .thea in construction.) had to be paid for by local taxes, while this Alternate X bridge would lie 11free+l A short time later- our local paper reported. the nbl c bridge was paid for by le- veiopers I fees- 3) It waa said regarding the deer ori ?Jae Mountain, rate Will probably- lose a. few deer" and, I m:L&ht add., a, few Motorists t 4.) ,then one considers the scope of Mr. ffe ?maaIa development just across the giver, the appe&L o f this. bridge (which. in. that day *eras a. much. shorter- one-) to he providect by the taxpayers. of California. is: quite understandable; but not acceptahle•. .4.nd. 3} Imagine the scope- of the- yeaste- of tax dollars if the bureaucratic. mind-set: which. we- see here in. Region 5 if this attittuda prevails throughout` the State. Yet, the zeal culprit at the present: day is. not: Caltrans nut rather thAindi.fferemt: a:pataetheti<_- puW_ta int whose- best, interest: YOU. as Uouncilers swore to uphold. and defend.. To summarize, we have ail heard how, at some point, the, time- for great ideas do come 1 honestly believe- this is the time for the ;�I5-year- old idea of leali,,nment to io, into oblivion that is. ,May you as a Council le- feat this issue so decisively that it will finally be laid to rest. Don.1t submit to towerful. outside forces. Wet's ut. the Lest interest of our community First. respectfully submitted, y' 000010 Advantages of Route (Being I plus J) 1. No loss of houses and/or home sites. 2. No environmental havoc regarding loss of trees and physical terrain. 3.. Route leaves heart of the City intact; no additional bisecting traffic artery. 4. Removes the Highway from the El Camino Real and Santa Isabel inter- section and its bisecting the Junior High School.. 5. Improves traffic flog at El -Camino Real and Santa Ysabel by preventing traffic gridlock at this junction. as might have happened if A.-Modified. added 117,13"00 cars '_)er day from across the River by 2012" as predicted by Caltrans. 1 6. Saves the full use of the entrance and exit to Paylesa fron Santa Ysabel, and relieves pro_nortionally the pressure on the intersection of E1 Camino Real and Santa Ysabel 7_ Allows trucks trucks to be prohibited on Curbaril; provides incentives for future Truck Routes development, and moves City toward the possi- bility of dead-ending Curbaril at Sycamore Road. 8. The Route probably requires a significantly smaller outlany of State money than for A-Modified.. 9.. Route would definitely not be conducive to growth overwhich The City would have no control.. Future growth across the River and northward would be encouraged, both this Route and the absence of the 1100-foot: A-Modified bridge, to reach the 101 Freeway via Vineyard Avenue, where an. inter- change and a. river bridge are already in place and thin would funnel the future traffic between the two cities rather than through Atascadero. 10. Properties long-held by Caltrans could be resold at enhanced prices and these homes and future homesites would reenter the County Tax. Roll at the new rate of 1% of the selling price every year- after- year after year- 11. Stadium Park would not be compromised by traffic noise, 12. Without the 2,000 foot-long berm and high wall, which with A-Modified~ would channel the deer accustomed to cross at Magnolia Into the more dangerous spot near Country Club Drive where the Highway --with a design speed of 45 MPH curves sharply, a serious hazard to both motorists and deer would be eliminated. 13. This Route offers the greatest possibility of unanimous City Council endorsement because it better serves the Cityfs best interests. My conclusion: A route which has this many advantages going for it de- serves to be researched. Although I have never debated in my life, 1 challenge any proponent of A-Modified to debate the relevant ad- vantages and disadvantages to the City from these two possible routes. ReFIR lly, r Telephone: 466-4753 onri K.- J And # 14. ' Freeway-bound traffic from across the river would, by following this _route . : 1) Diminish traffic on Curbaril and the Curbaril Interchange,. 2) improve business prospects in the downtown area. 000011