HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda 061492 . r AGENDA ATASCADERO- CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING ` 6500, PALM16 AVENUE', 4TH FLOOR: ROTUNDA RM JULY 140, 1952 TWO P.M. r This. agenda is, prepared- and: posted pursuant to the requirements of Government Code SwItiom 54954.2- Sr Listing & topic ow this agenda„ the city,Council has expressed flaw intents t'm discuss and. act ore each, item. Iw addi:tiom to, anp actions identified` imp the brief gener&U, description of each item;, the action that mage be takem shat @ include- it referrai<toY staff wit1w specific requests for. information; continuance;, specific direct-few to staff concerning; the policy or mission of the item;: discontinuance of consideration, authorization to enter intro negotiations and,' execute agreements pertaining tot the item; adoptions or approvat:;, and, di sapprovwt.- - 1 Copies.of the staff reports or other documentation relating;to,eacir item of business refarred to,on the agenda are ow fi le in,the office of the City Clerk(Rcow 206) and in the Infor wti ro Office (Room 103), avai table for public'inspectiorr during City Hat business:hours- Thar City:- Clerk W t answer any questions. regardin%the agenda. In. comprtiance withs the Americans wittu Disabi`tities.Act, if you=needt special: as sift is r for participate:in!a City.meeting or other services offere&by this City`„please contact the*City, Manager's Office (4805) 4111-5010) or the City C•terk's•Office (180S) 461-5074). Notification, at least 4&,hours, prior to the meeting.or-time whew services are nee"-wilt assist the Cityr staff im assuring;that reasonable ;arrangements:care boR minder to provide=accessibility,tow thea meeting.or service: RULES OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION'; Members of the: audience may speak on any- item om the• acse�c3a,� IL persom, may, speak for five (5) minutes- *F No one may speak for ar second time unti] everyone wishing, to, speak has= had am opportunity ta., dot so.. No ones may speak atom thane: twice om any, item Gounc�iiL Members may question. any speaker7 theP speaker- m{'y" respond but,, after the:"allottedtime has expired,, may ho t inn-tiate: further discussion. * The: floor`' will:, them ba closed: to publi,= parti ci patiorm. alidfi opera. fo= Council discussion-, CaIL tot Order Pledger of Allegiance` Ro1L C•a1L City CaunciL Comments: a` Announce Award from American. Planning Associagr4a " �•r;: Fiscal Impact Model COMMUNITY FORUM: The City Council values and encourages exchange of ideas and comments from you, the citizen. The Community Forum period is pro- vided to, receive comments front- the public on matters other thaw scheduled agenda items._ To increase the effectiveness of Community Forum,, the following rules will be enforced: A: maximum, of 30 minutes will be- allowed for Community Forums, unless Council authorizes an extension. All remarks shall be addressed to Council, as, a whole, end not to any individual member thereof. No person shall be permitted to make slanderous,, profaneor personal remarks against any, elected official.. comm iasioa and staff- A. taff_1 _ COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following represent ad hoc or standing committees. Informative status reports will be given,, as felt. necessary.);x I. S«L.0_ Area Coordinating Council/North Coastal Tram it 2_ Solid/Hazardous Waste Management Committee 3_ Recycling Committee 4- Economic Opportunity Commission 5- -City/School Committee 66�- Traffic Committee 7_ County Water Advisory Board &_ Economic Round Table 9kw Colony Roads Committee Its-., Procurement Committee II_ Homeless` Coalition L.. Council Committee Appointments M» CONSENT CALENDAY�: All, matters listed under Itemt N, Consent Calendar' .:are coasid�- ered to be routine, and' will be enacted by one motion: i m the; form I isted below.. There will be no separate discussion-on. these: it ja; _ A member of the Council or publ.ia may, by request:,. have any item. r _ removed. from the' Consent Calendar,.Calendar,.L whicIt shall then; be�reviewed and acted. upon separately after the a-doptiom of thft Consent: Calendar.-- 1­ alendar.:1; TBNTATLVE:PARCEL MAP 29-87,,. 5100 CA,sSCASEL,ROAD.-w Consside"ratio of time: extension om request: to, create two new parcels of: _ . and 3.2 acres. Safarjan f Vol brecht Surveys:)' 2. �. RESOLUTION Na.. 62-92 RATIFYING THE JOINT POWERS AGRFF FOR THE S-L-G- COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS FOR FY1992/91 (COIYt °p from 6/23/92)}, X. 199Z[913- BUDGET A.- Resolution No. 67-92 Adopting FT X992[,-%3 Budget � E S. Resolution No- 65-%Z - Adopting FY 199,2/9E3 Annual Seen&- nc Limit C. Resolution No,- 66-92 - Adopti:ng a valuntarg work furlaxxsh policy- D- ol cgD- Motiou reaffi=dng the City"s current developer inpact fees; 4e. RESOLUTION NO. 64-92 - APPOINTING FIVE MEMBERS TO, TBE:' CITY"S PARKS: & RECREATION COMMISSION S. AWARDS OF BIDS NO.'?2-06F FOR: DOWNTOWN ROM AND DRAINAGE R . - IENTS AND OTHER MINOR; ROADS IMPROVEMENTS C. HEARINGS:. I- TENTATIVE; TRACT• MAP 02-87,, 9355 VISTA. BONITAA - APPEAL OF S r?- IMPROVEMENT"CONDITION RECONSIDERATIONr AND TIME! EXTENSION tral Coast Engineering), Z- TENTATIVE" PARCEL MAP- 92-00Z, 7255e PINAL.AVIS- - APPEAL OF' PLAN- NING COMMISSION'& DENIAL. OF PROPOSED: DIVISION OF 3.-2 ACRE PARCEL, INTOr TWQ LOTS OF 1.50 AND, t«ZO,ACRES (Shrefler/WesstT and Engineering.) 3- C -tr-P- 913--OL,, 5950: EL CAMINa- REAL APPEAL OLw PLANNING:CO xS- SION''S AC.TIOW REAFFIRMING; ORIGINAL 'CONDITIONS" OF' APPROVkY.,, INCLUDING REMOVAL Or Ai SHEDS FOIA OFF-STREET" PARKING (,The Caxdf Parlour/Togni:),- - RESOLUTIONS Na- 63-92' ADOPTING SANITATION SERVICE CHARGES TO, SM ADDED TO THE; 1992/%31 PROPERTr TAX BILL D`- REGULAR' BUSINESS: L- AUTO:MALL/RV" PARK - LETTER FRox,M'RQPOmwr REQUESTINGCOIiFffD.4- ERATIOFT x- LETTER. FROM` GLEN: LEWIS RE.-. E]YIS GARAPGV, 6940' ELf:'CAMINCr� REALA (VOLVa SALES) , 3`- LETTER?.FROM.JEFF"McALIS►TEIC, REQUESTING RECONSIDERATION' oLF ;h DATORY: TRASH PICK=-UP 4. CIRCULATION ELEMENT COMPLETIOZL - LETTER. FROM CONSULTANT REQ HIGHWAY 41 ' l S. LETTER FROM DOUG LEWIS RE: MISCELLANEOUS TRAFFIC AND CIRCULA- TION ISSUES S. ORDINANCE NO. 252 - RESTORING THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE PARKS Sn RECREATION COMMISSION FROM: RIVE (S)t TO SEVEN Q (Recommend (I) motion toi waive reading in full and read by title only, and (2), motion to approve on first reading by title only); T. ORDINANCE NO.- 248 - COMPREHENSIVE. REVISIONS, TO TITLE S, BUILD- ING REGULATIONS, TO UPDATE CONSTRUCTION REGULATIONS (,Recommend (1)• motion to waive reading in full and read by title only, and (2) motion toc approve on second reading. by title only) SCHEDULE DATE AND TIME FOR PLANNING COMMISSION INTERVIEWS, E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND`/OR ACTION: T, City Council 2. City Attorney 1. City Clerk &. City Treasurer 5... City Manager i NOTICE THE COUNCIL WILL ADJOURN TO A CLOSED` SESSION FOR PURPOSES OF DISCUSSION REGARDING LITIGATION, ENTITLED OF Z v- CITY OF ATASCADERO:.w 4