HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 031092 Minutes Approved as Submitted Meeting Date: 4/14/92 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MARCH 10, 1992 MINUTES The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7: 10 p.m. Councilperson Dexter led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Nimmo, Borgeson, Dexter and Mayor Shiers Absent: Lilley Also Present: Muriel "Micki" Korba, City Treasurer and Lee Raboin, City Clerk Staff Present: Ray Windsor, City Manager; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director; Greg Luke, Public Works Director; Andy Takata, Director of Community Services Department and Lt. Bill Watton, Police Department City Attorney, Art Montandon, reported that the City Council had met in Closed Session prior to the regular meeting for the purpose of discussions related to pending matters of litigation entitled, City v. Fluitt, City v. Guidry, O'Keefe v. City and Pesenti v. City. In addition, he reported that there had also been discus- sions regarding matters of possible and potential litigation. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Mayor Shiers mentioned that he had attended the City's Arbor Day Ceremony on March 7, 1992 and reported that one thousand oak seedlings had been given out to members of the community. PROCLAMATION: Mayor Shiers read the proclamation for "Camp Fire Birthday Week", 3/15 - 3/21/92. Local Camp Fire Girls accepted the proclamation and presented candy to members of Council and staff. CC03/10/92 Page 1 COMMYNITY FORUM: Atascadero resident, Dorothy Smith, commented that she had received a Notice of Filing with her recent telephone bill for an additional tax of five cents per month. She indicated that she would like to see the facilities underground and asked that a committee look into this matter. She added that she was also opposed to toll charges for calls to San Luis Obispo. City Manager, Ray Windsor, mentioned that the next, major project for undergrounding will be Morro Road. Greg Luke, Public Works Director, announced that the City would be hosting an informal, drop-in meeting regarding the Circulation element on March 11, 1992 from 4:00 until 8:00 p.m. in the Rotunda. A. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following represent ad hoc or standing committees. Informative status reports were given, as follows) ; 1. Solid/Hazardous Waste Management Committee - Councilman Nimmo reported that he had attended a lengthy meeting the previous week but because he had not come prepared with his notes, he would give a report at the next meeting. 2. Recycling Committee - Mayor Shiers reported that the committee was updating its' brochure on recycling issues. 3. Economic Opportunity Commission - Councilman Dexter explained that the commission had met and continued discussions relating to the homeless shelter. 4. City/School Committee - Councilman Dexter announced that the next meeting would be April 23, 1992 at 1:30 p.m. 5. County Water Advisory Board Councilwoman Borgeson indicated that the board had met and taken a look at the State Water Pipeline Extension. She added that the Council would discuss later in the meeting the project and whether it was consistent with the City's General Plan (See Item #D-5) 6. Economic Round Table - The City Manager mentioned that the Round Table had planned on presenting a formal status report to the Council under Regular Business this evening, but explained that he would be requesting, on Councilman Lilley's behalf, that the matter be continued for a full Council (See Item #D-2) T. Colony Roads Committee Mr. Windsor reported that the committee would have a status report next month. CC03/10/92 Page 2 B. CONSENT CALENDAR: The mayor read the Consent Calendar, as follows: 1. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JANUARY 28, 1992 2. RESOLUTION NO. 22-92 - REAPPOINTING JOHN VIAL TO THE BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF APPEALS 3. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 14-89, 8625 ATASCADERO AVE. - Request for time extension for the subdivision of a portion of two exist- ing lots, 13.9 ac. total, into 23 parcels of one-half ac. each (Iverson/Central Coast Engineering) 4. RESOLUTION NO. 24-92 - MAKING THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO RESOLU- TION 48-91, THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS RESOLUTION FOR FISCAL YEAR 1991-92 5. GUN PERMIT APPEAL PROCEDURE 6. RESOLUTION NO. 27-92 - APPROVING A LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH VALLEY BANK LEASING FOR FIRE TRUCK/PHOTOCOPIER 7. RESOLUTION NO. 23-92 - ADOPTING REGULATIONS FOR CANDIDATES FOR ELECTIVE OFFICE PERTAINING TO CANDIDATES' STATEMENTS SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS AT AN ELECTION Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director, _pulled Item #B-6. Councilman Nimmo pulled Item #B-4. Councilwoman Borgeson pulled Item #B-5. The City Clerk made a minor correction to Item #B-1, Minutes of the City Council meeting of January 28, 1992. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter, seconded by Councilman Nimmo to approve the Consent Calendar Items #B-2, 3 and 7 motion carried 4:0 by roll call vote. Re: Item #B-4. RESOLUTION NO. 24-92 - MAKING THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION 48-91, THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS RESOLUTION FOR FISCAL YEAR 1991-92 Councilman Nimmo indicated that the resolution involves drainage improvements on Montecito Avenue which may be beneficial to property in which he has financial interest and stepped down. Councilwoman ' Borgesonreferred to an excerpt from Planning Commission Minutes dated February 18, 1992 regarding drainage problems at the Folkins & Folkins project on the corner of E1 CC03/10/92 Page 3 Camino Real and Montecito. She voiced apprehension about approving City funds for rectifying a drainage problem at that location. The City Manager recommended that this one specific item be removed from the resolution in order to allow staff to provide Council with a full, written report on the matter before a decision on the appropriation is made. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter, seconded by Mayor Shiers to remove the item; motion unanimously carried. (Item identified as Minor Road Improvement Project #3 - Montecito at E1 Camino Real, two inlets and pipe) With this item removed, Councilman Nimmo returned and participated in discussions regarding the larger issue. Discussion ensued about reserve funds. The City Manager pointed out that there had been a large jump in expenditures due to one- time capital improvements, but emphasized that once completed, the City could begin to build its, reserves back up. Councilwoman Borgeson asked for a commitment from staff to the Council that any surplus funds go into the reserve. Councilwoman Borgeson asked the Administrative Services Director what percentage of costs are in personnel. Mark Joseph replied that it was seventy percent overall. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter, seconded by Councilman Nimmo to adopt Resolution No. 24-92 approving mid-year revenue and appropriation adjustments for FY91-92, with the exception of the one item pulled; motion carried 4:0 by roll call vote Re: Item #8-5. GUN PERMIT APPEAL PROCEDURE Councilwoman Borgeson stated she had pulled this item to allow Atascadero resident David Duncan the opportunity to speak on the matter. Public Comment: David Duncan, 8885 Marchant, explained that he had applied for a permit to carry a concealed fire arm and the application had been denied. He stated that the police chief had provided him with no significant cause for issuance and debated the issue. He summarized his personal background and gun expertise, gave an explanation of why he wanted to carry the gun and asked for reconsideration. In addition, Mr. Duncan urged the Council to set up criteria by which the police chief must follow when assessing CC03/10/92 Page 4 gun permit applications. Councilwoman Borgeson recognized that the Council had no authority in the matter, but suggested that applicants be required to qualify as to their training and/or expertise. Councilman Dexter commented that there was no question regarding Mr. Duncan's abilities but stated that he was opposed to anyone carrying a weapon in a concealed fashion. He added that the Council should let the police chief handle the matter. Councilman Nimmo asserted that the Council should not change the policy because the Police Department is the law enforcement agency. No action was taken. Re: Item #B-6. RESOLUTION NO. 27-92 - APPROVING A LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH VALLEY BANK LEASING FOR FIRE TRUCK/PHOTOCOPIER Mark Joseph mentioned that he had pulled the item to revise Exhibit "A" by removing the Canon copier. He. stated that the City would only be financing the Fire-Bann rescue vehicle. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded by Councilman Dexter to approve Resolution No. 27-92 approving a lease purchase agreement with Valley Bank Leasing; motion carried 4:0 by roll call vote. C. HEARINGSz 1. ORDINANCE NO. 241 - AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS TO CONFORM WITH THE LAND USE MAP OF THE REVISED GENERAL PLAN (Zone Change 01-92, City of Atascadero) (Recommend motion to waive reading in full and approve on first reading, by title only) Henry Engen provided the staff report and recommendation. He noted that this was a follow-up action to make land use changes as a result of the newly adopted General Plan. Councilman Dexter reported that he had received a phone call from resident Darlene Frederick who was opposed to zoning changes at property located at Santa Barbara Road and El Camino Real. Mr. Engen noted that the zoning at that location was Neighborhood Commercial and confirmed that it was not being changed. Councilman Dexter stated that he would suggest to her that she contact staff for clarification. CC03/10/92 Page 5 Public Comments: Jim Grinnell, developer, spoke in opposition to the zoning for property behind the Super 8 Motel and the A&W Restaurant located on Morro Road. He provided an overview of the history of the property and what land use plans were being proposed. He urged the Council to designate the area as Commercial Retail or Commercial Tourist rather than Commercial/Professional. In addition, Mr. Grinnell mentioned that he understood that new street names were required to be Spanish but wondered if there would be any allowances made; the name he wished to use was not Spanish, but chosen to coordinate with the theme of the development. George Ring, Director of Operations for Mr. Grinnell, explained further the 1150' s" theme restaurant and night club being proposed for the site. Darlene Frederick Hutchinson, 9350 Santa Barbara Road, requested that her property not be subject to a zoning change. Mr. Engen identified the parcel on an overhead map and reiterated that there was no proposed change in zoning. The zoning, he added, has been on the property since the original General Plan was adopted. Councilman Nimmo asked the Community Development Director questions regarding Mr. Grinnell's property. Mr. Engen reported that the zone change had been made to reflect a different project proposed for the site. He stated that the Tourist Commercial zoning suggested by Mr. Grinnell would also make sense and suggested Council go ahead with the map and the Council could direct the matter to be brought back in the first cycle of General Plan Amendments in April. Mr. Grinnell asked if it would be alright to ask for the street name "Memory Lane" even though it is not a Spanish name. Brief discussion followed. The City Manager suggested that Mr. Grinnell make his request in writing to the Community Development Department MOTION: By Councilman Dexter, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson - to waive the reading of Ordinance No. 241 in full; motion passed unanimously. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter, seconded by Mayor Shiers to approve Ordinance No. 241 on first reading, by title only; motion carried 4:0. There was consensus to initiate considertion of a General Plan Amendment to change the land use designation from Office to Tourist Commerical CC03/10/92 Page 6 2. RESOLUTION NO. 25-92 - ADOPTING MODIFIED ENGINEERING SERVICES FEES Greg Luke provided the staff report and recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 25-92 modifying engineering fees. He explained that current fees charged are not coming close to the cost of plan checking and proposed that the City recover contract plan checking fees by charging the applicant for that cost. Public Comments: John Falkenstien, Cuesta Engineering, referred to his letter to the Council dated March 10, 1992 and asked that the process of plan checking be changed. He suggested that a process guideline be written before fees are adopted and urged Council to allow staff to do plan checking in-house, rather than outside. He stated that he agreed with the theory behind modifying the fees but urged Council to take good care of the citizens' hard-earned money. Whitey Thorpe, 8025 Santa Ynez, spoke in opposition to increased fees and asserted if staff cannot do the job, they should be replaced. ----End of Public Testimony---- Councilwoman Borgeson remarked that other cities are already relying on full cost recovery and said she was in support of charging any extra costs to the developer. Councilman Nimmo opposed the increase in fees because of the 19% reduction in permits and in light of the economic dislocation in the City and County. He contended that before fees are raised, staff must be sure it has an efficient system. Councilman Dexter agreed staff should look into increased. efficiency and stated that there is never a good time to raise fees. He indicated he was in favor of the new fees and suggested that the fees be reviewed in six or twelve months. Mayor Shiers commented that it was prudent to increase fees and correct inefficiencies. He added that the proposed fees were not out of line with what other cities in the County are charging. Councilwoman Borgeson asked the Public Works Director to clarify if the new fees would have an impact on single-family residences. Mr. Luke replied that these would not fail into the "direct cost" category, however, some small multi-family projects would. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded by Councilman Dexter to adopt Resolution No. 25-92 modifying fees to be CC03/10/92 Page 7 charged for engineering services; motion carried 3:1 with Councilman Nimmo voting in opposition. D. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 91-0090, 9300 CORRIENTE - FINDINGS FOR DENIAL OF PROPOSED DIVISION OF 8.21 ACRE PARCEL INTO TWO 4.1 ACRE LOTS (Young/Cuesta Engineering) (Cont'd from 2/11 and 2/25/92) Mayor Shiers announced that the public hearing had been closed on this matter and the Council would not be taking any further public testimony. Henry Engen provided the background and Findings for Denial. The City Attorney referred to a letter to the Council received earlier in the day from John W. Belsher of Sinsheimer, Schiebelhut & Baggett, law firm representing the applicants, Andrew and Traci Young. He advised the Council that the letter should not be considered in their decision because it was not received in context of the hearing. He reported that he had spoken at length with Mr. Belsher earlier in the day and noted he was present. Mr. Montandon explained that the attorney wanted to state his objection for not being able to speak to the issue and had agreed not to debate the Findings for Denial. Public Comment: John Belsher, attorney speaking on behalf of the Youngs, indicated that he objected to the City's position that there should not be any comment allowed with respect to the proposed Findings. He remarked that the Findings had been drafted after the fact and were not before the Council during the public hearing. Continuing, the attorney contended that the letter delivered to the Council did not contain any new evidence, but simply challenged the sufficiency and accuracy of the Findings. Mr. Belsher stated that Brown Act gives anyone the right to speak to any item on the agenda. In conclu- sion, he said the Council should be concerned about fairness and the legal sufficiency of the Findings. Mr. Montandon acknowledged the fact that the Brown Act provides that any person can speak on any item on the agenda, but indicated that to allow testimony now on this item would contradict the integrity of the public hearing because others affected would not have the opportunity to speak or rebut evidence. He added that to allow evidence outside of the context of the hearing could violate those affected by the decisions's due process in that proceeding. He noted that, in his opinion, the due process right outweighs the provisions of the Brown Act and as such advised that no further evidence be accepted. CC03/10/92 Page 8 Councilman. Nimmo remarked that the applicants had met all the requirements of the City and had gotten a positive response from staff based on facts. He stated that the Council, on a 4:1 vote, had then instructed staff to come back with Findings for Denial. This action, he asserted, destroys public confidence in the City Council. Mayor Shiers, commented that the public hearing had been held and the Council had not disregarded facts. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded by Mayor Shiers to adopt the Findings for Denial of proposed Tentative Parcel Map 91-009 at 9300 Corriente Road; motion passed 3:1 with Councilman Nimmo opposed. 2. ECONOMIC ROUND TABLE - REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL/REQUEST FOR ENDORSEMENT OF STATUS REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS By consensus, this item was continued until a full Council could be present. Mayor Shiers called a recess at 8:45 p.m. At 9:05 p.m. , the meeting was reconvened. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 26-92 - ADOPTING ENGINEERING STANDARDS (Cont'd from 12/10/91) Greg Luke introduced Steve Sylvester of North Coast Engineering who presented the final edition of the Engineering Department Standard Specifications and Drawings. He reported that comments had been received and incorporated into the final draft where appropriate. He thanked the Public Works Director and staff members Kathy Stewart and Mark Markwort, John Falkenstien of Cuesta Engineering and the San Luis Obispo County Engineering Department. There were no comments from the public. Individual councilmembers praised the work and final product. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Mayor Shiers to adopt Resolution No. 26-92 establishing uniform Engineering Standards throughout the City of Atascadero; motion carried 4:0 by roll call vote. 4. SANTA ROSA/LAREVIEW SEWER - AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED Greg Luke provided the staff report and recommendation to approve funding of the construction of a Wastewater Collection System for Cease and Desist Area "F". He mentioned that former Council action had been to direct staff to develop a conceptual plan for the CC03/10/92 Page 9 Council's final concurrence. He highlighted the repayment method and noted that staff would be coming back with a repayment agreement for approval. Council questions followed. Mr. Luke confirmed that the sewer would serve twenty-six lots, including the two on Santa Rosa that are City-owned. He clarified that staff would eventually come back with a plan for Cease & Desist Areas "I" and "G", confirming that only when those areas are completed will the City meet mandates imposed by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Discussion ensued regarding the two City-owned lots on Santa Rosa, near the Lake. Mr. Luke reported that by sewering the lots, it would make them more valuable. He explained that the Assistant City Attorney's completed research had revealed that deed restrictions limit the trade of the properties for other property around the Lake Park. If conditions are not followed, he added, the lots would then resort back to the County ownership. The City Manager pointed out that disposal can be only based upon the City' s need for, or ability to, acquire other property adjacent to the Park. The Public Works Director answered additional questions about Areas "G" and "I". Mr. Engen also noted that, up until the new General Plan was adopted, there had been a land use conflict with the Regional Water Quality Control Board. This, he reported, had been taken care of. Public Comments Mike Messer, 7305 San Gabriel, spoke in support of the recommen- dation and indicated that he would participate in the cost. ----End of Public Testimony---- Councilwoman Borgeson indicated that she hoped the City would start with improvements to Area "G" because it would be less expensive. She voiced objection to sewering the two City-owned lots because she did not believe the City should either sell or trade the lots. She mentioned a citizen initiative that had been started by repre- sentatives from the local American Association of University Women (AAUW) asking that the Council leave certain City-owned lots in Open Space. The group was told, she reported, that this matter would be taken care of in the General Plan. Mr. Windsor interjected that the matter had been referred to staff and would be factored into the April sequence of General Plan - amendments. He clarified that the issue had involved the Lots adjacent to the lake and not the two lots on Santa Rosa based upon previous Council discussion and direction. CC03 f 10 f 92 Page 10 Councilman Nimmo observed that it would be hard to sewer the area without also doing the two City-owned lots on Santa Rosa. The City, he continued, may want to use the lots in the future for recreational purposes and may need additional public restrooms at that location. Mayor Shiers indicated that he shared Councilwoman Borgeson's view that the City should keep the lots for the public's use and not dispose of them. He noted that he did, however, support the recommendation to sewer the lots. Councilman Dexter agreed. Councilwoman Borgeson shared concern that future Council' s may see the sewering of the lots as an incentive to sell. The City Manager proposed, if it is the desire of the Council, that the two lots be designated as Open Space in the first cycle of the General Plan amendments. By consensus, Council directed staff to include the two City-owned lots on Santa Rosa in the first cycle of General Plan amendments for designation as Open Space. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilman Dexter to approve funding for the construction of a Wastewater Collection system for Cease and Desist Area "F"; motion carried 4:0 by roll call vote. 5. GENERAL PLAN CONFORMITY REPORT - STATE WATER PROJECT, NORTH COUNTY EXTENSION Henry Engen provided background and introduced George Gibson, Hydraulic Engineer for San Luis Obispo County. Mr. Gibson explained that although the "State Water" project is controversial, the Council was only being asked to determine whether or not the underground pipeline to carry the water (no matter what the source) would be consistent with the City's General Plan. He mentioned that the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) had become available just that day and it was currently being distributed. He added that the County Board of Supervisors would make the final determination on the project. Councilwoman Borgeson shared concern about a buried pipeline next to the railroad tracks. In addition, she indicated that she felt rushed and would be more comfortable waiting until the Council had a chance to review the EIR. Mr. Gibson reported that the County Engineering Department felt it necessary to have a conformity report from the City before the Board begins its, hearings later in the month. Councilman Nimmo stated he had a problem with okaying the pipeline in any zone in any part of the City because he, too, felt rushed. CC03/10/92 Page 11 Public Comments: Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, urged the Council to table the matter until the EIR was available and has been properly evaluated. ----End of Public Testimony---- Councilwoman Borgeson declared that she could not make a General Plan conformity finding without benefit of an EIR. Mayor Shiers concurred. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded by Mayor Shiers that the Council find that there is not General Plan conformity findings that can be found for the North County Extension of the Coastal Branch of the State Water Project. Discussion on the motion: Councilman Nimmo suggested that the matter simply be deferred. The City Manager advised that Council delay action until it has had an opportunity to review the EIR. Vote on the motion: 2:2 (Councilmembers Dexter and Nimmo opposed) . MOTION: By Councilman Dexter, seconded by Councilman Nimmo to postpone the item until the Council has had an opportunity to review the EIR and established criteria; motion carried 3:1* (with Councilwoman Borgeson voting in opposition) Discussion: Councilwoman Borgeson mentioned that the Board of Supervisors would be looking at this matter on March 25, 1992. Brief discussion ensued. Mr. Windsor indicated that as soon as the City receives the EIR, it would be distributed to Council. *Councilwoman Borgeson stated she had reconsidered her vote on the previous motion and changed it to a "yes" The matter will be back to the full Council on April 14, 1992. ---At 10:00 p.m. Councilwoman Borgeson asked to be excused.--- 6. ORDINANCE NO. 240 - AMENDING MAP 4 OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS BY REZONING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY AT 2100 EL CAMINO REAL FROM CN to CPK (PD1) (Commercial Park Planned Development No. 1) (Zone Change 09-91 Camino Real Fashion Outlet/Golden West) (Recommend motion to waive reading in full and adopt on second CC03/10/92 Page 12 reading, by title only) (Cont'd from 2/25/92) MOTION: By Councilman Dexter, seconded by Councilman Nimmo to adopt Ordinance No. 240 on second reading; motion carried 3:0 7. ORDINANCE NO. 238 - AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AND THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM (Recommend motion to waive reading in full and approve on second reading, by title only) (Cont'd from 2/11/92) MOTION: By Councilman Dexter, seconded by Councilman Nimmo to adopt Ordinance No. 238 on second reading; motion carried 3:0 8. REQUEST FOR NUISANCE ABATEMENT HEARING The City Manager provided background and the current status on a complaint regarding excessive noise. He asked Council agree to hold a nuisance abatement hearing on April 28, 1992. He mentioned that if the nuisance is abated in the meantime, the hearing will be deleted. Public Comments: Russ Kolemaine, 4580 Potrero Road, asked staff how the time line for the hearing would overlap with the proposed revisions to the Noise Ordinance. Mr. Engen replied that the Planning Commission would hold a public hearing on the matter on March 17, 1992. --End of Public Testimony---- There estimony ---There was consensus to place the nuisance abatement hearing on the agenda for the April 28, 1992 meeting. 9. LETTER FROM BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RE: JOINT MEETINGS The City Manager referred to a letter dated February 24, 1992 from Laurence Laurent, Chairman of the County of Board of Supervisors thanking the Council for attending a joint meeting of city councils and the Board. Mr. Windsor mentioned that Mr. Laurent suggests that a steering committee be formulated to keep discussions on- going. Following brief discussion, Council agreed that it was their desire to continue dialogue through the Mayors/Managers meetings. CC03/10/92 Page 13 E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council Mayor Shiers mentioned that he would absent during the next regular meeting. 2. City Clerk The City Clerk reported that she had received response from several members of the public to advertisements soliciting interest in serving on the City' s Traffic Committee and the newly-formed Board of Directors for the Atascadero Community Services Foundation, Inc. She suggested that Council agree to meet in an early session for interviews prior to the next meeting. Mr. Windsor recommended waiting until the 14th April for a full Council. THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND CARRIED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 10:10 P.M. THE NEAT MEETING OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL WILL BE ON TUESDAY, MARCH 2$, 1992 AT 7:00 P.M. MINUTES RECORDED AND PREPARED BY: LEE RABOIN, City Clerk CC03/10/92 Page 14