HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 012892 Approved as Submitted 3/24/92 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 28, 1992 MINUTES The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilperson Lilley led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Nimmo, Lilley, Borgeson, Dexter and Mayor Shiers Absent: None Also Present: Muriel "Micki" Rorba, City Treasurer and Lee Raboin, City Clerk Staff Present: Ray Windsor, City Manager; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director; Greg Luke, Public Works Director; Mike McCain, Acting Fire Chief; and Lt. Bill Watton, Police Department COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilman Dexter introduced the latest member of the Atascadero Police Department - police dog "Rommel" . Special Agent William Tilley exhibited the four-year old Rottweiler and explained that he had been donated to the police department by an anonymous donor. COMMUNITY FORUM: There were no comments from the public. A. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following represent ad hoc or standing committees. Informative status reports were given, as follows) 1. S.L.O. Area Coordinating Council/North Coastal Transit - Councilwoman Borgeson provided a preview of the next meeting's agenda. 2. Recycling Committee - Mayor Shiers reported that the committee had met on January 23, 1992 at which time a CCO1/28/92 Page 1 work schedule was set up and a creek clean-up day planned. He noted that the committee was preparing a report to the Council on the accomplishments of the past year and goals for future. 3. Economic Opportunity Commission - Councilman Dexter stated that the next meeting would be February 27, 1992. 4. City/School Committee - Councilman Dexter reported that the committee would meet again on February 20, 1992. 5. Traffic Committee - Councilman Dexter indicated that the committee had met and discussed a number of traffic matters, some of which would be before the Council for action at a later date. 6. County Water Advisory Board - Councilwoman Borgeson stated that the board had met on January 8, 1992 and discussed pros and cons of "State Water She reported that the next meeting would be on February 5, 1992. 7. Colony Roads Committee - The City Manager announced that he was endeavoring to schedule a meeting for the first or second week in February. B. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Shiers read the Consent Calendar, as follows: 1. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JANUARY 14, 1992 2. CONSOLIDATED TREASURER'S REPORT - DECEMBER, 1991 3. BOARD OF APPEALS VACANCIES - SCHEDULE INTERVIEWS 4. NOTICE OF TRAFFIC COMMITTEE VACANCIES 5. AUTHORIZE RENEWAL OF CONTRACTS FOR HEALTH INSURANCE POLICIES 6. RESOLUTION NO. 08-92 - AUTHORIZING RENEWAL OF COOPERATIVE PER- SONNEL SERVICES TEST USE AGREEMENT 7 . JUNE 21 1992, MUNICIPAL ELECTION A. Resolution No. 09-92 - Calling and Giving Notice of Election B. Resolution No. 10-92 Requesting Consolidation with S.L.O. County CC01/28/92 Page 2 S. RESOLUTION NO. 14-92 - AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREE- MENT WITH CONTRACT SURVEY DESIGN FOR PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR RELIEF SEWER 9. AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT WITH COLONIAL LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY AS PLAN ADMINISTRATOR FOR FLEXIBLE BENEFITS FOR POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENT BARGAINING UNITS Councilman Nimmo pulled item #B-1 from the agenda. MOTION: By Councilman Lilley, seconded by Councilman Dexter to approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of Item #B-1; motion carried 5:0 by roll call vote. Re: #B-1. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JANUARY 14, 1992 Council discussion ensued regarding Page #15 of the Minutes relating to General Plan amendments. Regarding the 30% slope policy, Councilman Dexter indicated that the intent of his motion was to include the word "or not "and in joining the two exceptions. Councilman Nimmo and Councilman Lilley concurred, stating that when they voted in favor of the motion, they believed they were voting in support of the word "or" . The City Attorney advised that a reconsideration of the motion would delay the adoption of the General Plan two weeks; but clarified that because Councilman Dexter' s intent was not reflected in the recorded motion, the action could be amended by making and voting on a revised motion. Mayor Shiers reported that his "yes" vote was predicated on the use of the word, "and"; and emphasized that he believed that it would be a significant policy change if the "and" was changed to "or" . MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilman Lilley to replace the word "and" with "or; motion carried 3:2 with Councilwoman Borgeson and Mayor Shiers voting in opposition. The policy will now read: "New lots averaging 30% or more slope shall not be permitted; provided that exceptions may be permitted when the following conditions apply: ( 1) Such a lot contains a "building envelope" with less than 20% average slope which includes building footprint, access drives, leach field, etc., or (2) The creation of such a lot offers public dedications or easements which would have a direct benefit to city residents. On another matter, the City Attorney reported that zoning on certain lots on Lakeview Drive had not been addressed at previous General Plan hearings and proposed that the Council direct the CC01/28/92 Page 3 matter back to the Planning Commission for a General Plan Amendment. There was unanimous Council consensus to follow said recommendation. Regarding Page #12 of the Minutes, Councilwoman Borgeson mentioned that she believed there had been some agreement to delete certain language in P.II-37, Section 9(c) relating to a specific ratio of police officers per population. Other councilmembers agreed, and by consensus the following language was deleted from said text, "to achieve at least a ratio of 1.2 police officers per 1000 population" MOTION: By Councilman Lilley, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to approve the Minutes of the meeting of January 28, 1992, as amended; motion carried unanimously. C. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES: (See Item #D-1) . D. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. RESOLUTION NO. 07-92 - AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF AN APPLICATION FOR A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FOR PLANNING/TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO FIND AND OPTION A SITE FOR THE NORTH COUNTY WOMEN'S SHELTER Henry Engen mentioned that this item had been noticed as a public hearing but placed on the agenda under Regular Business. He then presented the staff report including background and recommendation to approve Resolution No. 07-92 authorizing the grant application. He reported that the City' s financial contribution would be $3,300, given a successful application. Public Comments: Barbara MacGregor, Executive Director of the North County Women' s Resource Center, provided an overview of the services offered at the center and outlined reasons for the request for assistance. She and Pat Wickerstrom, representing People's Self-Help Housing Corporation, then responded to brief questions from Council. Larry Etter, Pastor of the Community Church, spoke in favor of the concept and encouraged the Council to approve the application. Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, also spoke in support. ---End of Public Testimony--- Individual Council comments were shared in favor of the proposal and the following motion was made: CC01/28/92 Page 4 MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilman Lilley to approve Resolution No. 07-92 authorizing submittal of a CDBG grant application and further authorizing the expenditure of $3,300 in the event the application is successful; motion unanimously carried by roll call vote. 2. SLO AREA COORDINATING COUNCIL: PRESENTATION RE: FORMATION OF A SOLID WASTE JPA AND DESIGNATING THE AREA COUNCIL AS THE MET- ROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION & CONGESTION MANAGEMENT AGENCY Ron DeCarli and Steve Devencenzi of the San Luis Obispo Area Coordinating Council (SLOACC) were present and provided reports and recommendations on the following: A. Resolution No. 04-92 Supporting Establishment of a County-wide Recycling and Market Development Zone Mr. Devencenzi responded to a variety of questions from Council. Councilman Nimmo expressed opposition to the Solid Waste Task Force (SWTF) being the operating agency, an option recommended by SLOACC, and mentioned that he did not approve of non-elected individuals making decisions for the City. Mr. Devencenzi mentioned that the by-laws could be amended and Greg Luke added that membership could be altered to include elected officials. Councilwoman Borgeson, City Council representative on the SLOACC, asked how often solid waste issues would be reported on. Mr. Devencenzi responded that items would come before them on a quarterly basis; while the SWTF would look at them monthly. Councilman Lilley indicated that he did not see the need to create a bureaucracy and stated that local entities are already responding to meet State mandates. Mayor Shiers cautioned that the City must be kept informed each step of the way and shared concern for the potential creation of natural monopolies. Mr. Devencenzi remarked that each city's garbage collector/recycler could remain under Council direction, if so desired. B. Resolution No. 05-92 - Supporting Designation of the Area Council as the Metropolitan Planning Organization for S.L.O. County C. Resolution No. 06-92 Supporting Designation of the Area Council as the Congestion Management Agency for County Mr. DeCarli reported that the technical committee and SLOACC were unanimously in support of the recommendation to designate the Area Council as the Congestion Management Agency for the region. CC01/28/92 Page 5 Public Comments: Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, asked Ron DeCarli where, if SLOACC is designated as recommended, public input on these matters will be taken. Mr. DeCarli predicted that there would be public meetings and workshops before SLOACC and recommended that the same continue in each jurisdiction. ---End of Public Testimony--- MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded Mayor Shiers to approve Resolution No. 06-92 supporting the designation of the SLOACC as the Congestion Management Agency for San Luis Obispo County; motion carried unanimously. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to adopt Resolution No. 05-92 supporting the designation of SLOACC as the Metropolitan Planning Organization for San Luis Obispo County; motion carried unanimously. MOTION: By Mayor Shiers, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to approve Resolution No. 04-92 supporting the establishment of a Countywide Recycling and Market Development Zone; motion carried 3:2 with Councilmembers Lilley and Nimmo voting in opposition. The City Manager interjected that city managers in the County were unanimous in supporting the recommendation for a Joint Powers Agreement for solid waste management. Mayor Shiers called a break at 8:42 p.m. At 8:59 p.m. the meeting was reconvened. 3. HOMELESS SHELTER TASK FORCE — COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION Councilwoman Borgeson, Task Force member, reported that she believed it would be appropriate to use the National Guard Armory as a homeless shelter and recommended that it be opened up per the Governor's directive. Councilman Dexter, also a Task Force Member, disagreed. He stated that the Armory was not appropriate for families and, now, because of the timing, it would be impractical to pursue. He recognized, however, that there was still an issue to deal with and recommended that the task force be expanded to include citizen members with a view to making recommendations for a comprehensive approach to the problem, Councilman Nimmo asserted that he would not vote in support of opening the Armory without additional information. CC01/28/92 Page 6 Public Comments: Russ Kolemaine, 4580 Potrero Road, that he was horrified by the negative media coverage and indicated that he was supportive of Councilman Dexter' s recommendation. He stated that the Council had not been given all the facts and suggested that the City look into the situation further. Mike Keller, resident nearby the Armory, voiced opposition to the site being used for the homeless and suggested that Camp Roberts or Camp San Luis Obispo be used instead. Doug Lewis, Tunitas Avenue resident, shared his concern that the Armory was located so close to schools. Sean Johnson, 5065 El Camino Real, spoke in favor of using the Armory and encouraged the Council to allow it to be opened up. Eric Greening advocated problem solving discussions, rather than the laying of blame. Larry Etter, local pastor, emphasized that two weeks had passed and nothing had happened. He proclaimed that the City has a responsibility on the issue and urged the Council to respond to the recommendations of the committee in a positive manner. Lee Perkins, resident and parent of school-aged childred, spoke in support of opening up the Armory. Brad Goans, San Luis Obispo resident, urged the Council to appropriate funds and ask the County and the City of Paso Robles to match those funds in an effort to open up the Armory. He also supported the recommendation made by Councilman Dexter to work for a long-term solution. ---End of Public Testimony--- Brief Council discussion ensued regarding security at the Armory if and when it was opened up for the homeless. Gwen Guyre, Homeless Shelter Supervisor, responded to questions and assured the Council that the County would make arrangements for security and janitorial services. She indicated, however, that the County had not been willing to discuss all the details of opening up the Armory until Atascadero agrees to it and pointed out the program would be ending on February 15th. She emphasized that it may now be more prudent to work on the long-term issue. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded by Mayor Shiers that the City of Atascadero recommends to the County that the Armory located in the City of Atascadero be opened as the CC01/28/92 Page 7 ., Governor has requested. Discussion of the motion: Councilman Nimmo indicated that he would vote in favor of the motion but revealed that he would be watching EOC and the County very closely to see if they meet their responsibilities. Vote on the motion: Motion carried 5:0. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter to compose a task force or committee to look at regional contacts and develop a long range solution for the homeless issue. Motion amended: Councilman Lilley suggested that the committee be a standing committee of the City Council to report on the situation. Councilman Dexter amended his motion to reflect this recommendation. Discussion: Mayor Shiers reported that the issue has also been raised at the Mayors/City Managers group and that the subject was an agenda topic for discussion at a joint meeting of the Board of Supervisors and City Councils slated for February 1, 1992 in San Luis Obispo. In addition, he indicated that he had received calls from three citizens who were willing to be involved. Second and vote on the motion: Councilman Lilley seconded the motion as amended; motion passed unanimously. 4. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT A. Letter From Wil-Mar Disposal regarding interim changes to recycling program for multi-family and commercial units Greg Luke reported that Wil-Mar had requested that the City establish an interim program and corresponding fee which would allow people who are not now covered by the recycling program to receive voluntarily the pick-up service. He indicated that there was more work to be done in setting up a program for both multi- family and commercial recycling, and projected it would take the balance of the year to establish a fixed program. There were no comments from the public. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilman Lilley to adopt changes to the recycling program for multi-family and commercial units; motion passed. B. Procedures for considering mandatory pick-up implementa CC01/28/92 Page 8 tion The Public Works Director reported that one year ago Council had approved an integrated waste management strategy program. Manda- tory waste collection, he continued, was the only component that has not yet been implemented and he projected that it would be approximately one year before mandatory collection for single- family, multi-family and commercial units could be implemented. Mr. Luke suggested that Council set a public hearing date and give staff further direction. Council discussion ensued regarding the current waste pick-up program and associated costs. Councilman Lilley shared concerns about how mandatory pick-up may create inequities in the rate structure, particularly with regard to commercial and residential rates. Councilwoman Borgeson inquired as to whether individual rates would decrease if mandatory collection was put in place. Mayor Shiers commented that the Council will want to see fair economies of scale for all customers. There was consensus to discuss fees at the same time a public hearing is held on the mandatory issue. Public Comment: Doug Lewis mentioned that it seemed like the community was finding more ways for getting less. ---End of Public Testimony--- Council, by consensus, directed staff to proceed with details, including billing, and bring the matter back to Council at a future date. 5. PURCHASING PROCEDURES - COUNCIL MEMBER(S) APPOINTMENT Mayor Shiers appointed Councilmembers Borgeson and Nimmo to work with staff on reviewing and revising its procurement process. 6. PAVILION CHANGE ORDERS Greg Luke provided an overview of the change orders and responded to questions from Council. Councilwoman Borgeson asserted that she would not approve the change orders without putting on record her concerns that the architect has some responsibility for the overruns. The City Attorney reported that he was in the process of reviewing the agreement with architect and, when completed, would be reporting back to Council. CCO /as/g2 Page 9 Mayor Shiers asked for clarification from the Public Works Director about the recommended action. Mr. Luke asked Council to approve the change orders as presented, noting the costs the contractor has already incurred. City Treasurer, Micki Korba, reported that as the Trustee for the construction funds she, too, was concerned about overruns. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter, seconded by Councilman Nimmo to approve the construction change order documents. Discussion on the motion: Mayor Shiers also voiced similar distress about additional construction costs. Councilwoman Borgeson asked the Public Works Director if any of the overruns were due to the contractor or his subs. Mr. Luke confirmed that they were not. In addition, she pointed out that certain windows shown in the architectural drawings were not, in fact, installed and asked for answers to this and other deviations from the plans. Vote on the motion: Motion to approve the change orders passed 5:0 by roll call vote. 7. SMOKE-FREE MEASURES - DISCUSSION OF POSSIBLE ALTERNATIVES Mayor Shiers informed the public that the Council was not considering a "no-smoking ordinance" and assured those present that there was no ordinance before the Council. He added that there would be a full, public hearing if and when any proposed regulation is drafted. Public Comments: Bill Mazzacane, Executive Director of the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce, spoke in opposition to the Council asking staff to draft an ordinance. He added that business owners are aware of the situation and asked that the decision be left to the market place. Eric Greening spoke in support of a citywide ban and asked the Council to enact a comprehensive strategy to protect the air quality, including banning cigarette machines. Russ Kolemaine voiced disagreement with the need to regulate smoking, especially in areas of private business. Jim Edwards, local business owner speaking on behalf of two other business persons, asserted that the issue will resolve -itself without the mandate of local government. Sandy Taborski, Atascadero Travel, stated that San Luis Obispo CC01/28/92 Page 10 businesses have lost revenue since its, city-wide ban and proclaimed that it is the business owner's right to make a decision of this nature. Hugh Sladen, Cuesta College student, said that they were too many restrictions on small businesses already. MOTION: By Mayor Shiers, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to extend the meeting past 11:00 p.m. ; motion unanimously carried. (Public testimony regarding "no-smoking", continued. ) Norris Thompson, Players' Pizza, remarked that the Council had no right to mandate businesses to regulate smoking. Gaylen Little, Creekside Lanes, urged the Council to let the business owners make their own choice in the matter. Anne Melvin reminded the Council that in November two citizen petitions had been presented in support of a smoking ban. She asked the Council to consider the fact that the public wants a ban. Gene Crawford, Atascadero resident, opposed smoking regulations. Larry Easterday, local business owner, also protested a ban on smoking. Terry Lathrop, Terry's Bar & Grill, asserted that citizens do not have to go to businesses that permit smoking if they don't want to be subjected to it. -End of Public Testimony-- Council discussion ensued regarding options proposed by staff. Councilwoman Borgeson indicated that she could support proposed Options #3 & 4 (adopt a prohibition less stringent than San Luis Obispo's and adopt a policy to encouraged reduced public smoking based on voluntary compliance) . She added that to take no action would be irresponsible. Councilman Nimmo asked how Option #4 would be implemented. The City Manager advised that there was not yet a specific program formulated, but noted that it had come to his attention that several restaurants in town have voluntarily discontinued smoking. He suggested that this along with providing available information regarding the effects of second-hand smoke could be incorporated. Councilman Nimmo said he had no quarrel with the option as long as there was a practical way to implement it. He stressed that he did CC01/28/92 Page 11 not, however, support Options #1, 2 & 3 because of the fact that local businesses are struggling already and was opposed to adding another level of regulation. Councilman Dexter indicated that he also favored Options #3 & 4 and would support an ordinance addressing both. He emphasized the need to encourage the young to refrain from smoking and that the educational process is important. Mayor Shiers stated that the matter was a public health issue and warranted looking at some prohibitions. He noted agreement with proposed Options #3 &4. Councilman Lilley remarked that he supported Option #4. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson to direct staff to bring back an ordinance that combines the features of Options #3 & 4 with particular emphasis on the phasing out of smoking in restaurants. Amendment and second to the motion: Councilman Dexter asked the maker to include a restriction as to the areas where cigarette vending machines are allowed and stressed that they should not be permitted in areas where children frequent. He commended the owner of Creekside Lanes for not allowing cigarette machines on the premises. Councilwoman Borgeson amended the motion to include in an ordinance a restriction regarding the placement of cigarette vending machines. Councilman Dexter seconded the motion. Discussion of the motion: Councilman Nimmo referred to language in Option #3 relating to "phasing out" and asked what exactly the Council was voting for. Councilwoman Borgeson explained that her intent was to provide a time period to reduce smoking by a certain percentage and voiced hope that the staff would bring back options for Council consideration. The City Manager indicated that the matter would more than likely take several drafts and eventually there would be a document and opportunity to take public testimony. He also reminded the Council that although the School District had already voted to adopt a program regarding smoking on school grounds, it would not begin until the new school year. Vote on the motion: Motion to direct staff to draft an ordinance regarding smoking passed 3:2 with Council- members Lilley and Nimmo voting in opposition. CC01f28/92 Page 12 8. LETTER FROM SLOACC RE: FISCAL YEAR 1992-93 LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM Mr. Windsor introduced the item and asked Council for direction. By consensus, Council agreed to support the San Luis Obispo Area Coordinating Council's 1992 Legislative Program. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION ANDIOR ACTION: No additional reports or comments were made. AT 11:30 P.M. , THE CITY COUNCIL ADJOURNED TO A CLOSED SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSIONS REGARDING PERSONNEL MATTERS. SAID MATTER HELD PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957. MINUTES RECORDED AND PREPARED BY: LEE RABOINI City Clerk CC01/28/92 Page 13