HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 102291 Approved as Submitted 11/26/91 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 22, 1991 Mayor Shiers called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Lilley. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Lilley, Borgeson, Nimmo and Mayor Shiers Absent: Councilman Dexter Also Present: Muriel "Micki" Korba, City Treasurer and Lee Raboin, City Clerk Staff Present: Ray Windsor, City Manager; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Andy Takata, Director of Community Services ; Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director; Bud McHale, Police Chief; Mike McCain, Acting Fire Chief and Robert Malone, Assistant Planner COUNCIL COMMENTS: Mayor Shiers mentioned that the downtown was looking much improved. He reported that Wil-Mar Disposal, American Classic Cars and Wilkins Printing had each installed new, green awnings as part of the signing concept being implemented. The mayor also praised the Atascadero News offices, which have recently been remodeled. Mayor Shiers also reported that he had attended a wine dedication ceremony for the City of Atascadero at April's Flowers on Wednesday, October 16, 1991. Councilman Lilley indicated that he, while attending the League of California Cities' Annual Conference, had collected information regarding various programs in other cities. He also noted that he had learned of some available funding the City may qualify for in areas of downtown revitalization, safe paths to school and solid waste management. He reported that he would give the packet of CC10/22/91 Page 1 information to the City Manager to disseminate at his discretion. Councilwoman Borgeson reported that she had also attended the Annual Conference and had brought back pamphlets prepared for the public by the City of San Diego outlining various processes and requirements. In addition, she stated that she had requested copies of creek management materials to be forwarded to the City Manager' s office. PROCLAMATION: Mayor Shiers read the proclamation for "Hospice Month", November 1991. COMMUNITY FORUM: Whitey Thorpe, 8025 Santa Ynez, thanked the City for putting back into working order the street light at West Mall and Lewis Avenue. A. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following represent ad hoc or standing committees. Informative status reports were given, as follows. ) : 1. Recycling Committee - Mayor Shiers reported that the committee would soon be looking for more members and announced that the next meeting would be on Thursday, October 24, 1991 at 4:30 p.m. in Room 102, City Hall. 2. City/School Committee - Councilman Nimmo reported that the next meeting would be Thursday, October 21, 1991 at 1:30 p.m. 3. Downtown Interim Sign Committee - Councilman Lilley indicated that this committee report would be covered under Regular Business Item #D-5. 4. Economic Round Table - Councilman Lilley reported that the roundtable had met on October 17, 1991 and certain members had accepted assignments to prepare written reports of ideas and concepts proposed during the presentation to Council on September 24, 1991. B. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Shiers read the Consent Calendar, as follows: I. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 24, 1991 2. SELECTION OF TRAFFIC CIRCULATION STUDY CONSULTANT CC10/22/91 Page 2 3. AWARD CONTRACT FOR WASTEWATER PUMPING STATION #5 UPGRADE STUDY 4. AWARD OF BID #15-91 FOR PAVEMENT STRIPING OF VARIOUS CITY STREETS 5. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 12-89, 10785 EL CAMINO REAL - Request for a time extension on subdivision of 10.0 acres into four lots (Colombo/North Coast Engineering) 6. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 23-87, 11605 SAN MARCOS ROAD - Request for a time extension on subdivision of 10.55 acres into two lots containing approximately 5.2 acres each (Vaughan/Vaughan Surveys) 7. BOARD OF APPEALS VACANCIES--DIRECT CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE 8. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PROJECT--MORRO ROAD The City Clerk asked that item #1 be continued. Continuance granted by consensus. Councilman Lilley asked that item #7 be pulled for further direction. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to approve the Consent Calendar with the exceptions of items #1 and V. Re; Item #B-7. BOARD OF APPEALS VACANCIES--DIRECT CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE Councilman Lilley suggested that rather than recruit for two vacancies on the five-member board, that Council consider reducing the board to three members. The City Attorney pointed out that the board is created by provisions set forth in the Uniform Building Code, which specifies certain membership. He noted that reducing the membership may not be possible, but indicated that staff would research the matter. Henry Engen reported that the vacancies occurred because two members, John Grummitt and Jim Rogers, objected to the reporting requirements for economic conflict of interest. He explained that Ordinance No. 44 specifies that the board be comprised of one member from the public, two general contractors, one architect or structural engineer and one specialty contractor. He proposed that if it was Council's desire to amend the ordinance, it could be done during revisions to the building code; a matter pending in the work program. CC10/22/91 Page 3 Mayor Shiers indicated that he had no problem with reducing the membership. By consensus, the matter was continued so that staff could look into the matter of reducing the membership. C. HEARINGSIAPPEARANCES: 1. ORDINANCE 233 - ADDING CHAPTER 5 TO TITLE 4 OF THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE REQUIRING THE DISPLAY OF STREET ADDRESS NUMBERS (Recommend motion to waive reading in full and approve on first reading by title only) Chief McCain provided the staff report and recommendation to approve. Mayor Shiers proposed the following additional language to be inserted in Section 5-1. 108 of the ordinance following the word "misdemeanor" : "or infraction, as determined by the City Attorney ll. Councilman Nimmo voiced hope that good judgment and understanding on the part of the City would be used in applying rules regarding type, color and size of numbers. Chief McCain advised that the Fire Department would be flexible as long as the numbers are visible. Public Comment: Bill Mazzacane, Chamber of Commerce Director, spoke in support of the ordinance emphasizing that currently many visitors find it difficult to locate merchants and businesses in the commercial sector. MOTION: By Councilman Lilley, seconded by Councilman Nimmo to adopt Ordinance No. 233 as amended with regard to 5- 1. 108; motion carried unanimously 4:0. D. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 07-91 - AGREEMENT (Plotkin) (Cont'd from 10/8/91) Art Montandon, City Attorney, reported that he had met with the appellant, Mr. Plotkin who was present, and discussed the matter with the City Engineer. He indicated that there had been agreement on two additional conditions of approval on the tentative parcel map, specifically as follows: ( 1) Developer shall remove, or otherwise make legal, the barn located on the property within two years of the approval of the tentative map or the recordation of the final map, whichever is later. (2) Developer shall install or bond for a sidewalk or bike path to be located on one side of CC10/22/91 Page 4 Atascadero Avenue, as determined by the City Engineer. He explained that whenever the final map is applied for, the City Engineer will determine if it is appropriate at that time that the applicant install the improvement or bond for it. Continuing, the City Attorney reported that if the City has not yet decided upon which type of improvement it will require, the owner will be obligated to provide a bond in an amount of the estimated cost. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilman Lilley to approve . Tentative Parcel Map 07-91 as amended; motion carried 4:0. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 101-91 - REVISING & ESTABLISHING WRITTEN POL- ICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR USAGE OF PARRS, RECREATION & ZOO FACILITIES, AND REVISING AND ESTABLISHING FEES FOR THEIR USE Andy Takata reported that, following discussions with the City Attorney, staff was proposing that the Council adopt, by resolution, only the recommended fees. Mr. Takata explained that there were some items the City Attorney wanted to review and rewrite and invited Council comments. He stated staff would come back at a future date with revised procedures and policies for adoption. Councilwoman Borgeson asked for clarification about zoo fees. She suggested that the $1.00 charge for children ages 6 through 12 may be too high for needy families and proposed that it be reduced by 25 or 50 cents. Councilman Nimmo suggested that an easy-to-read publication or handout be prepared outlining the fee structure. Mr. Takata responded to additional questions relating to fees for use of the Pavilion and recommended that these fees be reviewed in six months. Councilwoman Borgeson suggested that language regarding ceremonial occassions be amended. Specific reference to "Christmas" and "Easter", she noted, should be eliminated in an effort to recognize religions other than Christian. The City Attorney agreed, noting this was one of the areas in which he had some concerns. He advised that the City must stay neutral; it cannot promote or discriminate against any religion. Councilman Lilley indicated that he had some concerns with language relating to the distribution of pamphlets and other materials. The City Attorney indicated that he would review this item as well. There were no public comments. CC10/22/91 Page 5 MOTION: By Councilman Lilley, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to adopt Resolution No. 101-91 as to fees only, on the contingency that staff bring back to Council six months from the date of adoption an evaluation of the effect of fees on usage and cost for further consideration; motion unanimously carried. 3. VISITORS & CONFERENCE BUREAU ANNUAL BANQUET REQUEST Mark Joseph reported that there were two issues to address. The first, he explained, was a specific request from the San Luis Obispo County Visitors & Conference Bureau to make an exception to its policy of no alcohol in the fourth floor Rotunda. The second issue, he continued, was should Council reevaluate its "no alcohol" policy. Public Comments: Jonni Eylar, Director, explained that the Visitors & Conference Bureau held a banquet each year in a different community and indicated a desire to have this year's dinner in Atascadero. She indicated that area wines would be served and requested that Council consider waiving the alcohol restriction for this one event. Bill Mazzacane, Director of the Chamber of Commerce, gave verbal support for the request emphasizing that the banquet would be a good way of referring visitors to Atascadero. Whitey Thorpe opposed the request and urged Council to not give up standards set by City. ---End of Public Testimony---- Individual Council comments followed. Councilman Nimmo indicated that he did not want to permanently lift the restriction, but would be willing to make an exception for this special request and other requests on a case-by-case basis. Councilman Lilley agreed. Councilwoman Borgeson commented that while she was a strong supporter of the Visitors & Conference Bureau, she was, opposed to waiving the "no alcohol" policy. Mayor Shiers remarked that he, also, would be willing to make allowances for this and other special occasions on a case-by-case basis. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilman Lilley to make an exception to the policy of no alcohol on the fourth floor Rotunda and allow the Visitors & Conference CC10/22/91 Page 6 Bureau to hold its' banquet; and further that by Council action agree to approve or disapprove future requests on a case-by-case basis; motion carried 3: 1 with Councilwoman Borgeson in opposition. 4. NATIVE TREE ASSOCIATION STEERING COMMITTEE Greg Luke reported that staff was seeking direction from Council as to forming a seven-member steering committee to establish the Native Tree Association. Councilwoman Borgeson asked when a full time Natural Resource Specialist would be hired. The City Manager reported that the position had not been included in this year's budget and explained that the position of Administrative Analyst was being held by Kelly Heffernan. He added that while Ms. Heffernon did not have the specialized training required of a Natural Resource Specialist, she was providing a wider range of services to the City than the former City Arborist. There were no public comments. Councilman Nimmo suggested that the steering committee consist of five rather than seven individuals. Brief discussion followed regarding the process of choice for selecting members. It was agreed that each councilmember would submit one or two names to the mayor and individuals would be appointed at the next regular meeting. Referencing possible receiver sites for trees, Councilwoman Borgeson indicated that she held in higher priority Highway 101. The Public Works Director reported that Paloma Creek Park can be planted now and advised that it takes some time to work out the necessary details with Caltrans. He assured her that staff did indeed hold that area high on their list. 5. DOWNTOWN STREET IDENTIFICATION SIGNS AND SUPPORT POLES (Cont'd from 10/8/91) Councilman Lilley, as a member of the Downtown Sign Committee, introduced the item reporting that the committee was seeking approval for the purchase and installation of traditionally designed street identification signs and poles in the downtown. In addition, he explained, that the committee was proposing the construction of a prototype intersection at Entrada and Palma. Bob Malone, Assistant Planner, provided an overview of the conceptual design of new street identification signs and estimated costs to install 12 new signs and poles. He explained how he CC10/22/91 Page 7 arrived at the potential cost but emphasized that he had not been authorized to go out for specific bids. Greg Luke explained certain road improvements in the downtown area had been approved as part of the annual budget. He suggested that Council might want to go one step further and enhance the downtown area as well as meet other goals in the downtown master plan. He stated that no formal details had been worked on for the proposed prototype intersection. Bob Malone then presented overhead transparencies illustrating the design concept of the prototype intersection. He explained that an entire intersection was envisioned with street sign poles, lights, benches and waste containers. The sidewalks, he continued, would be widened and restructured. Public Comments Eric Greening commented on landscape materials used for street medians. Whitey Thorpe asserted that the proposed sign looks like it was pulled out of the landfill and urged the use of a sign that can be seen. ----End of Public Comments---- Brief discussion followed. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson, to approve going out for RFPs (Request for Proposals) for twenty-one pole sign-lights as indicated in the analysis and also give staff direction to come back with additional proposals with respect to a demonstration intersection; motion carried 4:0. Mayor Shiers called a recess at 8:47 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:08 p.m. 6. NO SMOKING ORDINANCE CONSIDERATION The City Manager reported that he was seeking direction from the Council on the level of formal smoking prohibition in public areas. He indicated that he had issued an administrative directive prohibiting smoking in City Hall offices in November of 1989 after receiving a petition from employees. Mr. Windsor noted that Councilman Dexter was absent and indicated that he had an interest in this matter. He then responded to brief questions concerning City employees and smoking practices. CC10/22/91 Page 8 Councilwoman Borgeson asserted that there was no statistical information in the agenda packet regarding detrimental affects of smoking and secondhand smoke. The Police Chief indicated that the information was available and offered to assemble the data. Public Comments: Eric Greening asked that consideration be given to individuals who are chemically sensitive or allergic to cigarette smoke. Larry Willis, 4255 E1 Camino Real, shared concern for regulation of private businesses. He indicated that he did not disagree with prohibiting it in City buildings but did not favor the idea of a city-wide ban. Whitey Thorpe recognized the factor of addiction and asked the Council to consider the rights of those who are still addicted to the habit of smoking. Marie Lueck, 5005 San Jacinto, stated that most smokers are considerate and businesses should be given the choice of whether they want to allow smoking or not. Eric Greening noted that it was "Red Ribbon Week" and stated that he was concerned about the mixed messages that are being sent out to the young people. He asked how many other addictive habits would be allowed in City Hall. Marty Kudlac, 4740 Del Rio Road, asserted that there was no medical documentation that proves secondhand smoke is detrimental and stated that if the City were to ban anything, it should ban alcohol. He asked that consideration be given to the impacts a smoking ban would have on local businesses and asked that they be given the opportunity to make their own decision on the matter. ----End of Public Testimony---- Councilman Nimmo indicated that he had no quarrel with a smoking ban in City Hall but was not prepared to go with any further prohibition. Councilman Lilley proposed that Council adopt an ordinance formalizing the administrative directive of "no smoking" in City facilities. Mayor Shiers indicated support. Councilwoman Borgeson commented that she would be willing to consider a ban in some restaurants, adding that she hoped restaurants would conform voluntarily. She proclaimed that the Council has the responsibility to protect the citizenry and reiterated the need for more documentation. Councilman Nimmo stated that there was consensus that smoking is CC10/22/91 Page 9 unhealthy and remarked that he was not in favor of putting staff to a great deal of research. Councilwoman Borgeson debated that if it has been proven that secondhand smoke is harmful, the Council must address the issue of protecting public health. Chief McHale reiterated that he could provide the Council with documentation. MOTION: By Councilman Lilley, seconded by Mayor Shiers that staff bring back to the Council for adoption an ordinance on the part of the City of Atascadero prohibiting smoking inside public buildings owned and operated by the City of Atascadero. Discussion of the motion: Councilwoman Borgeson pointed out that staff had also requested direction concerning prohibition in other public areas and asserted that a full hearing would be in order. She added that it would be appropriate to have a full council present. Councilman Lilley clarified that his motion was intended to provide that an ordinance prohibiting smoking in facilities owned by the City be adopted without undue delay. He explained further that the motion was without prejudice to any direction on the part of staff to come back with additional information for consideration of a smoking ban exceeding the bounds of his motion. Mayor Shiers indicated that he understood the intent of the motion and agreed with the necessity of an additional hearing. Vote on the motion: Motion unanimously carried 4:0. 7. ORDINANCE NO. 232 - Amending the Official Zoning ordinance relative to the allowed height of fences, hedges and walls located within required front yard setback areas and side yard setback areas where the side yard lies adjacent to a street (Recommend motion to waive reading in full and approve on second reading by title only) The mayor reported that this ordinance was back for second reading. There were no questions or comments. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to approve and adopt Ordinance No. 232 on second reading; motion unanimously passed. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Attorney Art Montandon requested a leave of absence for one month and reported that the Assistant City Attorney, Mary Redus Gayle, had agreed to step in. He reported that she would be available daily by telephone and would personally be in the office on Mondays of CC10/22/91 Page 10 each week. 2. City Clerk Lee Raboin reported that she had attended a records management seminar in Sacramento on October 29th & 30th and mentioned preliminary plans for a records retention policy. 3. City Manager Ray Windsor extended an invitation to members of the Council and others to take a tour of the Lake Park Pavilion. He indicated that the Public Works Director would make the arrangements. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded by Councilman Nimmo to adjourn the meeting; unanimously carried. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 9:55 P.M. THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL WILL BE NOVEMBER 12, 1991 AT 7:00 P.M. MINUTES RECORDED AND PREPARED BY: LEE RABOIN, City Clerk CC10/22/91 Page 11