HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 061991 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SUMMARY 1991-92 BUDGET - SESSION II JUNE 19, 1991 Mayor Robert Lilley called the budget session to order at 3:09 p.m. Councilman Dexter led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Shiers, Borgeson, Dexter and Mayor Lilley Also Present: Muriel Korba, City Treasurer and Lee Dayka, City Clerk Staff Present: Ray Windsor, City Manager; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Director; Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director and Andy Takata, Director of Community Services (Mayor Lilley noted that Councilwoman Borgeson, ' due to prior commitment, would be leaving the meeting at 6:00 p.m. ) PURPOSE OF MEETING: To discuss and approve Community Agency Funding Requests. SUBJECT HIGHLIGHTS: The City Council heard forty (40) requests for funding. Brief questions were asked of representatives present from each group. The following is a summary of the requests and Council actions. Art Park - Carol Bruns, Director present. Requested amount: $750. Motion to fund $750 carried 4: 1 (Councilman Nimmo) . Ad Care Assoc. - No representative present. Requested amount: $1,000. Motion to fund $500 carried 5:0. AFAR - Daphne Fahsing present. Requested amount: $13,000. Council discussion ensued regarding the City's efforts to coordinate, along with the City of Paso Robles, animal control services and how A.F.A.R. might be involved in terms of the Spay/Neuter Program. Mark Joseph estimated that the matter would be back before Council some time within the next six months. Motion to hold the matter in abeyance until the mid-year budget review passed 3:2 with BUDGET 6/19/91 Page 1 Councilmembers Borgeson and Shiers in opposition. Councilwoman Borgeson expressed concern for leaving the matter unresolved for as much as six months and asked that Council reconsider this action as soon as possible. American Red Cross Jeannie Nix, Executive Director, present. Requested amount: $1,000. Motion to fund $750 passed 5:0. Atascadero Babe Ruth - Mike Lara, representative present. Requested amount: $15,000. Discussion followed relating to improvements to Alvord and San Gabriel Baseball fields. Andy Takata noted that funds were not designated in the 5-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for these fields. Councilman Shiers remarked that improvements for the San Gabriel ball fields should be a joint effort between the City and the School District. There was agreement among the Council that, in the future, recreational facility improvements for youth athletics be made part of the Community Services Department CIF. Motion to fund $5,000 was passed 5:0. Atascadero Community Band - Mayor Lilley remarked that it was a pleasure to address this budgetary item because there was no request for funding. He noted the presence of Irene Bishop, representative, and afforded her the opportunity to address the Council; Ms. Bishop declined. Mayor Lilley reported that the City Council had helped the Band, by funding "seed" monies, to get off the ground. He indicated that the group had gotten going, appeared to be self-supporting and motivated and added that the community was richer for the music provided. The mayor continued that the Band was playing more, for less and extended appreciation to the Band for their efforts for organization and self-sufficiency. Atascadero Girls' Softball - Richard Kravan, President, present. Motion to fund the group's request for $2,432 for safety equipment passed unanimously. Atascadero Little League - Andy Takata gave an overview of the League's request of the City to build a facility at Paloma Creek Park, with the Little League contributing their own funds and volunteer labor. No funds were requested. Mayor Lilley indicated that this was the kind of action Council was hoping for: City control over the CIP budget with active community involvement and participation. Atascadero Youth Cheerleaders Association - Rhonda Posadas, President, was present and requested that $3,440 be funded for uniform purchases. Discussion followed. Motion to deny the request passed 5;0. Atascadero Youth Football - Jim Swazey, representative, present. BUDGET 6/19/91 Page 2 Requested amount: $12,500.00. Motion to fund $5,000 passed 5:0. Public Comment: Terry Line, 9850 Las Lomas #2, made an additional plea for the funding request of the Atascadero Youth Cheerleaders Association and asserted that it was not fair to support the Atascadero Youth Football League and not the Cheerleaders. Council comments followed. Councilwoman Borgeson pointed out that item #5 of the Football League's Function states that a cheerleader organization will be provided to represent each team. Councilman Shiers suggested that Council designate a portion of the $5,000 allocated for the Football League to go to the Cheerleaders. There was consensus on the Council that the two affiliated organizations should share and negotiate with each other the $5,000 appropria- tion. Cal Poly Arts for Youth - Lisa Waske, representative, present. Motion to fund the requested amount of $350.00 passed 4: 1 (Councilman Nimmo) . Care and Counseling Center - Mike McNamara, representative, present. Requested amount: $3,000. Motion to fund $2,000 passed unanimously. Mayor Lilley called at recess at 5:08 p.m. Meeting reconvened at 5:28 p.m. In the interest of time, Council agreed to address first all requests of $600 and above. Children at Risk - The City Manager outlined the request made by the County Board of Supervisors. Council agreed to participate in the program, but declined any financial support. The City Manager was directed to draft a letter, for the Mayor's signature, to Supervisor Laurent explaining the City' s position. Chumash Council Campfire Girls & Boys - Janet Paver, present. Requested amount: $1, 100. Motion to fund $500 passed 5:0. Economic Opportunity Commission - Health Screening Program - Biz Steinberg, present. Motion to fund total request of $2,850.00 passed 4: 1 (Councilman Nimmo) . _Economic Opportunity Commission - Homeless Shelter - Biz Steinberg, present. Requested amount: $6,250. Motion to fund $2,000 carried unanimously. Family Services Center - Lucinda Borchard Griffith, present. Requested amount: $1,000. Motion to fund $750.00 passed 5:0. BUDGET 6/19/91 Page 3 Food Bank Coalition - Donald Benson present. Requested amount: $2,500. Motion to fund $1,000 carried unanimously. Hospice of S.L.O. County - Marcy Villa present. Requested amount: $800. Motion to fund $500.00 approved 5:0. (Councilwoman Borgeson departed 5:59 p.m. ) Hotline - Rick Cohen, present. Requested amount: $1,000. Councilman Shiers and Councilman Nimmo expressed concern regarding administrative costs. Motion to fund $300 passed 4:0. Loaves & Fishes - Mayor Lilley pointed out that this request was not for funds, but rather space for food storage. Council indicated support and referred the matter to staff. North County Connection - Alec Black present. Requested amount: $1,300. Motion to fund $600 passed unanimously. North County Cycling - Ed Goshorn, representative, present. Requested amount: $2,000. Council shared reluctance to support financially indicating that the City supports the annualcriterium with man-power from the Police and the Community Service Departments. Council pledged continuous support, but no financial funding. North County Womens' Shelter - Barbara MacGregor present. Amount requested: $20,000. Motion to fund $15,000 passed unanimously. Senior Citizens United - Peter Krug present. Motion to grant full request of $2,400 passed 4:0. Senior Nutrition Program - Martha Nichols present. Motion to approve request of $1,500 in full unanimously approved We Tip, Inc. - The City Manager recommended against funding. Motion to deny passed 4:0. Eagle & Bear Friendship Program- Anne Little, co-sponsor, present. Requested amount: $3,500. Funding in the amount of $1, 000 approved by consensus. Environmental Center of San Luis Obispo (ECOSLO) - The City Manager reported that this was a late request from Kurt Kupper, Director of ECOSLO. He recommended that Council continue to support the public educational program and county-side services but decline the request for funding. By unanimous vote, Council denied funding and directed the City Manager to draft a letter for the Mayor' s signature outlining the City's position on the matter. BUDGET 6/19/91 Page 4 Council agreed to then hear requests for funding in amounts less than $600. Caring Callers - Requested amount: $200.00. Funding in the amount of $175.00 approved by consensus. Crime Stoppers - The City Manager reported that he and the Police Chief were in support of and were recommending approval of the funding request of $500. Amount requested approved by consensus. Easter Seal Society - Barbara MacGregor reported that the local chapter does not get any funds from national campaigns. Requested mount: $600. By consensus, Council granted $250.00. Ombudsman Service - Jim Tumar present. Motion to grant full request of $300 approved 4:0. Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) Carol Conway, representative, present. Motion to fund request of $525.00 approved unanimously. S.L.Q. County Youth Symphony - Requested amount: $500.00. Motion to deny funds passed unanimously. (Reconsidered - *see below) S.L.O. Mozart Festival - Requested amount: $300.00 Council, by consensus, funded the amount of $250.00. Comment: *The City Treasurer urged Council to reconsider the request submitted by the San Luis Obispo County Youth Symphony. She pointed out that $250.00 had been donated during the prior year. By consensus, Council agreed to fund $250.00 to the SLO County Youth Symphony. CONCLUSION: Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director, reported that Council had funded $47,432.00 toward community agencies (excluding funding for (B.I.A. , Chamber of Commerce and SLO County Visitors' Bureau) . Adding in those contracts , he advised, would bring the total up to $78,432.00. Mr. Joseph emphasized noted that funding for A.F.A.R. was yet to be acted upon and any monies approved would, of course, increase that figure. The City Manager assured Council that the process by which it approves community agency requests will be handled differently in the future. BUDGET 6/19/91 Page 5 MOTION: By Councilman Dexter, seconded by Councilman Shiers to adjourn to Closed Session for the purpose of personnel negotiations; motion unanimously passed. Said Closed Session held pursuant to G.C. Section 54957.6. MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 7:05 P.M. MINUTES SUNMARY PREPARED BY: r U� EE RABOIN ity Clerk BUDGET 6/19/91 Page 6