HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 061191 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 11, 1991 Mayor Robert Lilley called the meeting to order at 5:40 p.m. Councilman Dexter led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Borgeson, Nimmo, Dexter and Mayor Lilley Absent: Councilman Shiers (arrived 5:48 p.m. ) Also Present: Muriel "Micki" Korba, City Treasurer and Lee (Dayka) Raboin, City Clerk Staff Present: Ray Windsor, City Manager; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Henry Engen, Community Services Director; Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director; Andy Takata, Director of Community Services; Greg Luke, Public Works Director; Bud McHale, Police Chief and Mike McCain, Acting Fire Chief. PROPOSED 1991-92 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET Overall Budget: Mayor Lilley commended staff on the budget format. Councilwoman Borgeson commented that she was proud of the fact that the budget was balanced, despite the present state-wide economy. Councilman Nimmo remarked that the budget was the best he'd seen. Councilman Dexter praised department heads for complying with the City Manager's request to maintain within the existing level of appropriations. Mr. Windsor responded that cooperation by all departments had resulted, in part, to a balanced budget. He acknowledged the presence of each department head, who were available to respond to specific questions. Councilwoman Borgeson indicated that she wanted the public to know and the record to show just what the figures were. Having said this, she outlined the following projections: ( 1) General Fund Balance (as of June 30, 1991) - $1,950,000, (2) Revenues for Fiscal Year 91-92 - $7,451, 123 and (3) Reserve for Capital Improvements CC6/11/91 Page 1 $1,197,500. Ms. Borgeson also announced the following as monies set aside: ( 1) General Fund Reserve - $600,000 and (2) a pledge of 35,000 for future expansion of the Library. Mark Joseph confirmed the figures and indicated that the balance of $117,500 was what would be available for community group funding, or any other purpose designated by Council. Councilwoman Borgeson noted that if Council were to approve all community agency requests, which combined total $102,597, the City would not be left with a substantial cushion. The City Manager noted that, in addition, a contingency of $100,000 had been built into the Non- Departmental Budget. Community Agency Funding Requests: Mr. Windsor reported that staff has not, historically, made recommendations to the Council on matters relating to community group funding. He suggested that, in light of the present economy and the growing number of requests, Council may want staff to take a more active role in evaluating each request and developing clear criteria for decision-making. Councilman Dexter suggested that Council consider reducing the one- percent allotment for community groups. The City Manager pointed out that many of the requests fall under the Community Services area and might best be considered under that department' s own annual budget rather than as separate donations. Councilwoman Borgeson concurred and noted that some of the requests, in her opinion, should be funded by the School District. Councilman Nimmo agreed that criteria should be established for determining which requests are truly worthwhile. He added that it might be appropriate to assist some groups as they begin public services and pointed out that once established they might not require continued support. Councilman Shiers (arriving at 5:48 p.m. ) extended his appreciation to the City Manager and staff for putting together a tight budget. Commenting on community agency requests, he asserted that while regular departments are cutting back, it was important to keep that portion of the budget in check. He noted that by excluding the Chamber of Commerce, the B.I.A. and the San Luis Obispo County Visitor's Bureau (Contract Service Agency requests included in the Recommended Budget), the figure could be reduced to two-thirds of one-percent. Police Departments Mark Joseph responded to questions from Councilwoman Borgeson CC6/11/91 Page 2 relating to department revenue. In addition, she asked the Police Chief to explain certain contract services. Chief McHale reported that he would soon be bringing before Council two ordinances relating to cost recovery for false alarms and costs associated with D.U.I. arrests. Mayor Lilley noted the request for a part-time R.S.V.P. Coordinator and suggested that, if approved, this person be responsible for all volunteer services. Chief McHale reiterated concern for inadequate staffing in the sworn ranks. He indicated that he hoped Council would consider, at mid-year, adding a couple of officers each year in an effort to bring the department up to a median level. Councilwoman Borgeson asked that the Council be kept apprised of all safety issues and be informed of situations where staff deficiencies deteriorate public safety. The City Manager emphasized that keeping staff to a minimum in both Police and Fire Departments result in more overtime costs. Mayor Lilley noted that an estimated amount of $70, 000 was saved by the use of volunteers. Fire Department Mike McCain, Acting Fire Chief, responded to questions relating to replacement of the mobile command vehicle. He indicated that he had modified an original request for a Chevrolet Suburban to that of a smaller, more inexpensive vehicle and suggested the purchase- of a Chevrolet Blazer or Ford Bronco. The City Manager gave support to this recommendation adding that the expenditure might even be less than the estimated $20,000. Councilwoman Borgeson indicated that the Department's request for an emergency supply container might be funded by the County. Acting Chief McCain explained that use of a mobile trailer might be an adequate alternative which would cut the cost significantly. Councilwoman Borgeson stated that when a cost savings is recognized, she would like to be able to see it. The City Manager responded that each department may only spend the amount of the bid and no more. Mark Joseph further clarified that any monies "saved" stay in the General Fund and do not go back to the department. Public Works Department The Public Works Director provided accounting clarification relating to minor capital listings. He explained that two Dial-A- CC6/11/9l Page 3 Ride buses would be purchased during one fiscal year and that 80% of these costs are paid by the State. Mark Joseph added that funds had been allocated for one vehicle in the 90-91 budget, but the bus had not been purchased during that period. The money, he reported, would be rolled over to this next fiscal year. Community Development Department Henry Engen clarified that a figure of $5,000 was included for outside arborist services, as needed. Councilwoman Borgeson asked the Community Development Director for a status report on Tree City USA. Mr. Engen reported that the City must document annually tree expenditures and indicated that he would provide Ms. Borgeson with a copy of the criteria. Discussion followed regarding vehicle maintenance. The City Manager reported that although currently each department arranges for their own vehicle maintenance, an inventory process had begun in an effort to coordinate routine service for all city vehicles. Mark Joseph reported that Phase II (of four) of the Fiscal Model was expected to be completed in approximately four months and projected it would be available for review about September 1991. Community Services Andy Takata responded to questions regarding Traffic Way Park improvements. In addition, he also reported that higher projected revenues were a result of the department offering more recreational activities. Administrative Services Mark Joseph reported that minor claims, handled internally by the Risk Review Committee, are now processed more efficiently and economically. The City Manager indicated that he, along with the Administrative Services Director, was recommending that on-going costs for employee negotiations and other miscellaneous employee services for the next fiscal year be put out to bid. This, he added, might reduce personnel costs. By Council consensus, staff was directed to seek proposals for on-going personnel services. Councilman Shiers asked the Administrative Services Director to clarify debt service. Mr. Joseph explained that the loan for the old computer system had been paid off and other lease payments had been transferred to the non-departmental budget. CC6/11/91 Page 4 Public Comments: Sarah Gronstrand, representing the Friends of the Library, thanked the Council for last year's generous pledge of $35,000 and asked them to honor it this next year. The City Manager indicated that these funds had been earmarked in the Capital Improvement account. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter, seconded by Councilman Nimmo to accept this portion of the budget; motion unanimously carried by roll call vote. Mr. Windsor advised that Council would be asked to formally accept by resolution the budget at the next regular meeting. He pointed out that Council would hold a public hearing regarding community agency requests Wednesday, June 19, 1991« Mayor Lilley called for a recess at 7:01 p.m. At 7:18 p.m. the meeting was reconvened. PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Lilley read the following proclamations: California Peace Officers Association "Special Olympics Torch Run Days", 6/17 - 6/18/91 Police Chief Bud McHale accepted, on behalf of the department and all law enforcement agencies. "Zoo and Aquarium Month", June, 1991 George Beatie, repre- senting the San Luis Obispo Zoological Society, accepted and extended appreciation. In addition he invited all to the dedication of the "Bronze Tiger" at the entrance of the Charles Paddock Zoo on Saturday, June 22, 1991. COMMUNITY FORUM: Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, stated that he had learned that Henry Engen would be serving on the site selection committee for the north county branch of Cuesta College. He suggested that Mr. Engen might present regular reports under the Committee Reports portion of the City Council agenda. In addition, he asked that the City Council, during deliberations regarding Stadium Park, consider the possibility of joint development and use of the proposed cultural facility with the College. Maureen Hill, resident of Hilltop Mobile Home Park at 5715 Santa Cruz Road, inquired about procedures appropriate to request mobile home rent control. The City Manager asked Ms. Hill to contact Henry Engen, Community Development Director. CC6/11/91 Page 5 A. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following represents ad hoc or standing committees. Informative status reports were given, as follows) : 1. S.L.O. Area Coordinating Council/North Coastal Transit - Councilwoman Borgeson presented the agenda for the meeting of June 14, 1991. In addition, she asked Council to reconsider use of "granny units" as part of the City' s affordable housing stock. 2. Solid/Hazardous Waste Management Committee - Greg Luke reported that the process of implementation of AB939 is in full swing. He noted that it would be mid to end summer ( 1991) before the Council would have an opportunity to review the plan. 3. Recycling Committee - Councilman Shiers announced the committee would meet on Thursday, June 13, 1991. 4. Economic Opportunity Commission Councilman Dexter reported that he had attended the Annual Volunteer Recognition Ceremony where he had accepted an award of appreciation on behalf of the local Kiwanis Club. 5. City/School Committee - Councilman Dexter announced that the committee would meet on June 27, 1991. 6. Traffic Committee - Greg Luke commented that this committee would tentatively meet on Wednesday, June 19, 1991. 7. Downtown Interim Sign Committee - Mayor Lilley reported that a draft brochure explaining the purpose and nature of the proposed concept for the downtown would be the subject of the committee' s next meeting. 8. County Water Advisory Board - Councilwoman Borgeson reported that this committee had met and been asked to advise the Board of Supervisors on its, position relating to "State Water". No recommendation was made, she explained; the Water Board would await results of the E.I.R. before taking an action. 9. Economic Round Table - Mayor Lilley reported that the round table had met for a one day working session on Saturday, June the 8th, to focus on the committee's purpose, goals and objectives. He thanked Dave Vega, Area Manager for Pacific Gas and Electric who hosted the retreat. CC6/11/91 Page 6 B. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Lilley read the Consent Calendar as follows: I. MAY 28, 1991 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2. RESOLUTION NO. 45-91 - ENDORSING THE DESIGNATED DRIVER PROGRAM AND COMMENDING THOSE PARTICIPATING 3. AWARD BID #91-7 - PURCHASE OF 12-PASSENGER RECREATION VAN 4. RESOLUTION NO. 43-91 - CREATING A POLICY RELATED TO CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDING (Cont'd from 5/28/91) 5. RESOLUTION NO. 46-91 - ADOPTING AN AMENDED CITY CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE Councilwoman Borgeson remarked that because she was not present at the last meeting, she would not vote on Item #B-1, Minutes of City Council meeting of May 28, 1991. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter, seconded by Councilman Shiers to approve Item #1 on the Consent Agenda; motion passed 4:0. Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, asked that Item #B-5 be pulled from the Consent Calendar. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilman Dexter to approve Items 2-4; motion passed 5:0 by roll call vote. RE: Item #5 RESOLUTION NO. 46-91 ADOPTING AN AMENDED CITY CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE Mr. Greening commented on the proposed amended conflict of interest code and stated that he thought guidelines were needed to protect the City against conflicts that could compromise the Council as a whole. He noted that Council had recently addressed an urgency ordinance regulating utility transmission stations and pointed out that Pacific Gas & Electric Company had an interest in this legislature and had offered to help the City write the proposed permanent ordinance. The following week, Mr. Greening continued, P.G.&E. had hosted a retreat for the City' s Economic Roundtable and pointed out that possible strife could arise if the matter of the ordinance was discussed during that retreat. Mr. Greening indicated that he was not making any accusations, but was only cautioning Council against potential controversy. The City Clerk also made note of an addition to page 7 of the amended Conflict of Interest Code, Section 6 (4) pertaining to member participation. CC6/11/91 Page 7 MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilman Dexter to adopt Resolution No. 46-91; motion passed unanimously. C. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES: 1. ZONE CHANGE 03-91 (City of Atascadero) (Cont'd from 5/28/91) A. Ordinance No. 222 - Amending Section 9-3.651 (Establish- ment of Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 7) of the Zoning Ordinance by the addition of development standards (Recommend motion to waive reading in full and approve on first reading by title only. ) City Planner, Steve DeCamp, gave background and pointed out changes made to Exhibit A of the ordinance. The alternate ordinance was prepared, he explained, with a minimum number of four units possible. He noted that it no longer specified that the parent lot be one-half acre. In addition, he responded to questions from the City Council and emphasized that the four findings of approval for PD(7) overlay would remain unchanged and would still apply. Mr. DeCamp reported that the planned development offers higher quality homes as compared to apartments and is a viable alternative to large lot subdivision. Brief discussion followed regarding "affordability" and the City Planner indicated that specific tools are not yet available to acquire affordable housing through planned unit development projects. Councilman Shiers inquired about recent planned unit developments recently completed on Sinaloa. Mr. DeCamp indicated that the PD on the corner of Sinaloa and Curbaril may or may not have been approved based on the new standards and stated that the project completed by Bruce Jones further up on the street would not have been built under the standards. Public Comments: Jack Stinchfield, local businessman, opposed Standard "G" pertaining to the footprint of each individual unit sharing concern for the aesthetics of the buildings. He also stated that Atascadero could benefit from an architectural review board. Turko Semmes, local builder, expressed concern for set-backs of newly created units. He asserted that homes could be too close to the street. Mr. DeCamp, in response, pointed out that an addition to the ordinance of a side yard set-back would address this concern. Councilwoman Borgeson voiced strong opposition to subverting the one-half acre minimum asserting that she could not support the CC6/11/91 Page 8 ordinance because it would be like voting against the General Plan. She stated that she was concerned for protecting the rural character of the community and feared that the City could lose needed rental stock. In addition, Councilwoman Borgeson indicated that she concurred with the suggestion made for creation of an architectural review board and asked that the matter be presented as a future agenda item. Councilman Shiers agreed that he, too, would be supportive of such a board to review planned unit developments. He noted that he would have liked to have seen included in the ordinance a finding that would insure that creation of a PUD would not duly reduce vacant stock of land available for apartments. Mayor Lilley reiterated that he could not support an arbitrary one- half acre minimum and expressed concurrence with the proposed ordinance. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilman Dexter to waive reading of Ordinance No. 222 in full and approve by title only; motion carried 4: 1, with Councilwoman Borgeson in opposition. The City Attorney indicated that because the motion was not unanimously approved, the ordinance must be read in full. Councilwoman Borgeson indicated that she wished the record to show that she had changed her mind and voted in favor of waiving the reading in full. Result of motion amended: 5:0 MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilman Dexter to approve Ordinance No. 222 on first reading; motion carried 4: 1, Councilwoman Borgeson objecting. D. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS STUDY (Cont'd from 5/28/91) A. Resolution No. 38-91 —Authorizing the execution of an agreement with Crawford, Multari & Starr to develop a computerized Fiscal Impact Model B. 1991 Central Coast Section APA Award Mark Joseph presented that staff report and recommended that Council adopt Resolution No. 38-91 awarding the contract to Crawford, Multari & Starr. He indicated that the City Attorney had rendered an opinion on a question raised by the City Treasurer, who was concerned about the legality of charging costs of the CC6/11/91 Page 9 computerized fiscal impact model to developer fees. Mr. Montandon advised Council to take a more conservative approach and charge the costs to overhead and processing. Mayor Lilley announced that the City had received an Award of Merit from the Central Coast Chapter of the American Planning Association for the Atascadero Long Range Fiscal Analysis.` MOTION: By Councilman Dexter, seconded by Councilman Nimmo to adopt Resolution No. 38-91 authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with Crawford, Multari & Starr to develop a computerized fiscal impact model, and to charge the costs of said model in accordance with the City Attorney's recommendation regarding funding source; motion carried 5:0 by roll call vote. 2. WEED ABATEMENT BID CLARIFICATION (Cont'd from 5/28/91) Acting Fire Chief, Mike McCain, reported that the weed abatement contractor, Stephen Vines, had made an error on the original bid sheet. The half-hour rate, he noted, should have been $8.00, not $7.00 as shown. The fire chief indicated that even with the error, the contractor was still the lowest bidder. No action was taken. 3. RUSSIAN STUDENTS EXCHANGE - REQUEST FOR FINANCIAL SUPPORT Mark Joseph reported that this matter had been placed on the agenda in response to a request made by Steve Worford, Manager of Atascadero Federal Credit Union, to the mayor for a City contribution to help cover travel expenses for russian students coming to Atascadero. Mr. Joseph indicated that Council may wish to include the request as part of the FY 91-92 Community Group Funding process scheduled for June 19, 1991. Public Comments: Steve Worford and Anna-Louise Emrich, co-sponsors of the "Eagle and Bear FriendshipProgram", summarized their efforts in coordinating a student exchange program. Ms. Emrich explained that students from the Soviet Union would arrive in approximately two weeks but, despite on-going fund-raising efforts, money was still needed to meet the travel expenses. She asked that Council show their support for the program by providing some financial assistance. Councilwoman Borgeson asked Mr. Worford whether or not the Atascadero Unified School District had been asked to make a contribution. He replied that they had and that the school district was not making a monetary donation, but rather allowing the students to participate in computer labs during the summer CC6/11/91 Page 10 school session. He also reported that contributions had been received from the Chamber of Commerce and the Kiwanis. Councilman Nimmo shared concern for those coordinating the program committing without having obtained the necessary financing. He asserted that this request was one of a long list of other funding requests from the community. Mayor Lilley voiced support for the program but suggested that the request be heard as part of the budget session scheduled for the 19th of June. Councilwoman Borgeson concurred. Councilman Dexter reiterated his opinion that any funding granted should come from the current fiscal year's budget. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded by Councilman Shiers to include Mr. Worford's request along with other community agency funding requests scheduled for public hearing on the 19th of June. Discussion of the motion: Councilman Shiers remarked that the City is in a budget-crunch, cautioned that although he would agree to hearing the matter on the 19th, he did not want to raise false hopes. He also stated that he could not support the full amount of $3,600 requested. Mayor Lilley commented that he wondered why the school district does not become more involved. Councilman Nimmo stated that he would vote to see the matter on the 19th but was not making a firm commitment for funds. Vote on the motion: 5:0 to hear the matter on June 19, 1991. 4. AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT FOR IMPROVEMENTS ON A PORTION OF SANTA CRUZ ROAD Greg Luke, Public Works Director, presented the staff report and recommendation to authorize an agreement with Mr. Kelly Gearhart to contribute $20,000 towards the construction of approximately 500 feet of Santa Cruz Road. He reported that several small driveways could, technically, be constructed to provide the needed access, but pointed out that this approach would make it difficult for Santa Cruz to be constructed in the future. Mr. Luke reported that although staff had not yet prepared a comprehensive program for upgrading present roads and bridge construction, the City would' realize substantial benefit from the construction of this portion of Santa Cruz Road because it would provide a necessary link to serve that portion of the City. CC6/11/91 Page 11 The Public Works Director responded to questions regarding plans for future improvements in the area and outlined plans for extending Traffic Way all the way through to Santa Cruz Road. Mr. Luke clarified that funding, if approved, would be allocated from gas tax revenues and emphasized that the City's contribution would be no more than $20,000; with Mr. Gearhart would being responsible for all additional expense. Public Comments: Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, commented that a transportation/traffic plan was in process for the Templeton area and suggested that regional coordination might be appropriate to access what would be beneficial to all. Deborah Hollowell, Cuesta Engineering, urged the Council to take advantage of the fact that a road could be built in the established right-of-way and achieve the kind of circulation that was planned by E.G. Lewis. Additional discussion followed. Mayor Lilley commended the initiative shown on the part of the Public Works Director for coming up with an innovative solution to one of the City' s road issues. Councilman Nimmo remarked that the City would eventually have to construct the road and expressed support for the staff recommendation. Henry Engen clarified that the City had the discretion to require the road be constructed (Option #1) and observed that this issue highlighted the need for a comprehensive road improvement policy. Councilman Shiers expressed concern for potential precedent the action might set and inquired about plans for the bridge across Graves Creek Road. The Public Works Director indicatedthatthe bridge was part of the 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan and clarified that development fees will be collected to go, in part, to bridge construction costs. Councilwoman Borgeson asserted that the Council would be making a policy statement if the recommendation was approved. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded by Councilman Shiers, that the Council find that constructing Santa Cruz Road is a reasonable requirement of the project and direct staff to condition the project accordingly. Discussion and clarification of the motion followed. The Public Works Director indicated that Mr. Gearhart already had the right to build the homes and construct driveways for access. He also reported that the City has the Colony right- CC6/11/91 Page 12 of-way and could condition the project by requiring Mr. Gearhart to construct the road. Councilwoman Borgeson emphasized that her motion did not address any City financial contribution. Vote on the motion: Councilman Nimmo voted "No"; Councilman Shiers voted "Yes"; Councilman Dexter abstained; Councilwoman Borgeson voted "Yes" and Mayor Lilley voted "No". (Pursuant to AMC Section 2. 1. 15 Councilman Dexter' s abstention resulted in a "Yes" vote. ) Motion carried 3:2. 5. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2A-91, 905 EL CAMINO REAL - Request to change land use designation from Retail Commercial, Recrea- tion, and Suburban Residential to Commercial Park and Recreation (Daven Investments/Cosmic Astro Corporation/Guy Greene) Henry Engen, Community Development Director, presented the staff report and recommendation to initiate consideration of the general plan amendment. Public Comment: Deborah Hollowell, Cuesta Engineering, asked when this matter would go before a public hearing and for an overview of the general plan amendment process. Mr. Engen provided her with a summary of the process and explained that the subject application had been before the Planning Commission on May 21, 1991 whereupon it had been recommended for initiation. He gave no date specific for public hearing on the matter, but added that the subject land use proposal was unique from what is presently being considered in the citywide land use element and would be processed separately with its, own E.I.R. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilman Dexter to accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission and direct staff to proceed; unanimously carried. 6. AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE EARTHQUAKE INSURANCE Mark Joseph reported that Council was being asked to direct staff to seek quotes for earthquake and flood insurance. He indicated that, with conceptual approval, he would come back to Council with a specific recommendation. By Council consensus, staff was authorized to proceed in exploring, in conjunction with other interested cities, the prospects and availability of earthquake/flood insurance. CC6/11/91 Page 13 7. LETTER FROM COUNTY ENGINEER RE: COUNTY MASTER WATER PLAN UPDATE PRESENTATION Henry Engen reported that Clinton Milne, County Engineer, had made a written request of staff to set up a time for him to appear before Council and review the Master Water Plan. Mr. Engen suggested that the presentation could be scheduled for June 25, 1991. Brief discussion of the "State Water" E.I.R. ensued. Councilwoman Borgeson reported that the E.I.R. had been released and that "Nacimiento Water" is being considered an alternate water source. Public Comment: Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, indicated that he understood that the E.I.R. for the branch paralleling the Southern Pacific Railway serving Atascadero, Templeton and Paso Robles was scheduled to come out in late July (1991) . Councilwoman Borgeson, as a member of the County Water Advisory Board, pointed out that the board had opted to wait before taking any action until they have reviewed the final draft of the E.I.R. for the North County. Mayor Lilley agreed it would be most appropriate to have the E.I.R. , and its' evaluation of alternatives completed. By consensus, staff was directed to proceed with arranging a date for presentation with the County Engineer. S. PROPOSED NORTH COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL PROGRAM (Verbal) Mark Joseph reported that the City Council of the City of Paso Robles had enthusiastically endorsed the concept of a joint animal control services program with the City of Atascadero. With Council consent, he reported, he and the Chief of Police would pursue in developing a joint powers agreement with the City of Paso. Council, by consensus, gave approval to proceed. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council Mayor Lilley asked his fellow councilmembers for authorization to request staff to prepare plaques of recognition for Susan Beatie, artistic creator of the "Bronze Tiger" and to Cal Poly students for their work on the new entrance to the Zoo; both of which he proposed to be presented at the dedication ceremony scheduled for June 22, 1991. Council gave such approval. CC6/11/91 Page 14 Councilman Dexter announced that the City Clerk, Lee Dayka, had been married on June 2, 1991 and that her new last was "Raboin". Councilwoman Borgeson mentioned that she was interested in attending an environmental educational seminar during the month of August. 2. City Attorney - No report. 3. City Clerk - No report. 4. City Treasurer - No report. 5. City Manager Mark Joseph reported that Mr. Windsor would be on vacation from June 12-17, 1991. He asked that Council meet in closed session for discussion relating to personnel matters at 6:00 p.m. June the 19th, following the open budget session to receive community agency requests. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilman Dexter to adjourn the meeting until 3:00 p.m. on June 19, 1991; unanimously passed. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 9:51 P.M. MINUTES RECORD D AND PREPARED BY: - LEF RABOIK- ity Clerk CC6j11/91 Page 15