HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 052891 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 28, 1991 Mayor Robert Lilley called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Councilman Dexter led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Nimmo, Shiers, Dexter and Mayor Lilley Absent: Councilwoman Borgeson Also Present: Muriel Korba, City Treasurer and Lee Dayka, City Clerk Staff Present: Ray Windsor, City Manager; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director; Steve DeCamp, City Planner; Greg Luke, Public Works Director; and Bud McHale, Police Chief CITY COUNCIL COMMENT: Mayor Lilley reported that financial help was being solicited to assist with the Soviet Union Student Exchange Program. He recognized the City was struggling with a tight economy and asked staff to look into whether or not aid could be given. In addition, the mayor indicated that he had received calls in opposition to the City' s purchase of the "E.G. Lewis Desk" . He stated that it was his hope that the Council would receive private and public support for this acquisition. Other members of Council noted that they, too, had received public comments on this matter. Introduction of Atascadero City Hall Volunteers Mayor Lilley introduced and extended a debt of gratitude to the following citizens who are contributing their time and efforts, on a volunteer basis, to the City's Information Office: Martha McCutheon Irene Bishop Marj Mackey Thelma Tibbals Sandye Tillson Betty & Jim Terrell The City Manager acknowledged Alicia Lara, Personnel Coordinator CC5/28/91 Page i and Georgia Ramirez, Administrative Secretary, who had implemented and are supervising this program. PROCLAMATION: Mayor Lilley read the proclamation for Tri-Counties Small Business Opportunity Day", June 11, 1991. COMMUNITY FORUM: There were no public comments. A. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following represents ad hoc or standing committees. Informative status reports were given, as follows. ) 1. Recycling Committee- Councilman Shiers reported that the committee had met and deferred to Item #C-3 regarding the Green Waste Recycling Program. 2. Economic Opportunity Commission - Councilman Dexter indicated that this commission would be hosting a special recognition program for E.O.C. ' s volunteers in the near future. 3. City/School Committee - Councilman Dexter reported that this committee had met and discussed a cooperative effort to maintain, despite budget cuts, the School Resource/D.A.R.E. Officer. 4. Traffic Committee - Councilman Dexter gave a brief overview of the committee' s purpose and reported that they had met and discussed seven items. 5. Downtown interim Sign Committee - Mayor Lilley reported that visual and written materials were being put together in the form of a pamphlet to highlight the committee's proposal for signing and the use of awnings in the downtown business district. Input, he said, from business owner's was being solicited. 6. Economic Round Table - Mayor Lilley announced that P.G.&E. was hosting a retreat for the purpose of focussing on the committee's mission on June 8, 1991. T. Colony Roads Committee- The City Manager indicated that the Clerk had received and distributed- a status report from Mary Gayle, Assistant City Attorney (see Exhibit A) . CC5/28/91 Page 2 Additional Council Comments: Mayor Lilley announced that he had attended the kick-off of the county-wide "Designated Driver Program" and reported that a proclamation recognizing those who were participating in the program would be on the next agenda. Councilman Nimmo reported that he had attended a hearing held at City Hall by the County committee charged with devising the plan for implementing the collection of developer fees for the County for capital improvements. He noted that he had voiced opposition to the County's plan to require the cities to collect additional building fees imposed for capital improvements that may or may not be of benefit to the City. The City Manager indicated that the concept does not sit well with county-wide city managers. B. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Lilley read the Consent Calendar as follows: 1. MAY 14, 1991 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2. CONSOLIDATED TREASURER'S REPORT - APRIL, 1991 3. REQUEST TO SEEK BIDS FOR WASTEWATER EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 4. RESOLUTION NO. 41-91 - ESTABLISHING NEW ROAD NAMES ("PRADO LANE" AND "CHANDLER LANE") FOR TWO ROADS CURRENTLY NAMED "SAN RAFAEL COURT" (Road Name Change 01-91) 5. RECONSIDERATION OF THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 22-90 6. MODIFICATION OF CONDITION OF APPROVAL FOR TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 12-89, 10785 EL CAMINO REAL (Colombo/North Coast Engineering) 7. FISCAL IMPACT MODEL, PHASE II 8. RESOLUTION NO. 43-91 - CREATING A POLICY RELATED TO CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDING 9. RESOLUTION NO. 44-91 - AUTHORIZING MODIFICATIONS TO AGREEMENTS WITH JOHN WALLACE & ASSOCIATES REGARDING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROVIDED FOR THE SYCAMORE ROAD BRIDGE AND THE LEWIS AVENUE BRIDGE PROJECTS 10. AWARD OF BID #91-6 FOR PERFORMANCE OF ANNUAL WEED ABATEMENT Mayor Lilley pulled Item #7 to receive an opinion from the City Attorney. The City Manager pulled Item #8 to request a CC5/28/91 Page 3 continuance. The City Treasurer pulled Item #10 for clarification of rates. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilman Shiers to approve the Consent Calendar, Items #B-1, 21 31 4, 5, 61 and 9; motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. Re: Item #B-7. FISCAL IMPACT MODEL, PHASE II Mayor Lilley proposed continuing this matter until the City Attorney's opinion had been rendered. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilman Nimmo to continue Item #B-7; motion carried 4:0. Re: Item#B-8. RESOLUTION NO. 43-91 - CREATING A POLICY RELATED TO CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDING The City Manager requested continuing this matter until the next meeting. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilman Shiers to continue item#B-8 until the next regular meeting; motion passed 4:0. Re: Item #B-10. AWARD OF BID #91-6 FOR PERFORMANCE OF ANNUAL WEED ABATEMENT (Recommendation: To award the contract for hand work and tractor work to Vines of Life Landscape Care) Micki Rorba, City Treasurer, brought attention to the fact that the apparent low bidder's 1/2 hour rate was lower than the full hourly rate. The City Manager urged Council to award the bid and direct staff to clarify the question. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilman Shiers to approve the award of the bid subject to clarification of half-hour/hourly rates and to direct staff to report back at the next regular meeting; motion carried 4:0 by roll call vote. C. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES: 1. ANNUAL WEED ABATEMENT - PROTEST HEARING Mayor Lilley opened the public hearing. Public Comments: Torn Bench, 7503 Carmelita Avenue, objected to the abatement notice CC5/28/91 Page 4 he had received reporting that he had cut the weeds one week prior to the inspection. The City Manager indicated that the matter would be clarified and that he personally would get back in touch with Mr. Bench. Paul Miller, resident of Templeton, complained about the previous year' s abatement. He disputed the administrative charge and the hourly rate. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilman Shiers to order the Fire Chief or his authorized representative to abate the nuisance of noxious or dangerous weeds on the lots identified in Resolution No. 30-91; motion unanimously carried. 2. ZONE CHANGE 03-91 (City of Atascadero) A. Ordinance No. 222 - Amending Section 9-3.651 (Establish- ment of Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 7) of the Zoning Ordinance by the addition of development standards (Recommend motion to waive reading in full and approve on first reading by title only. ) Steve DeCamp, City Planner, gave the staff report. He recommended a change in language in the proposed "Standard H" as follows: "Two story residences shall have a second floor that is limited to 75i, of the habitable area of the first floor inclusive of the garage. " Councilman Nimmo asked Mr. DeCamp whether or not the planned unit development nearing completion on Sinaloa Avenue would have been precluded if the 1/2 acre minimum was in force. The City Planner stated that it would have. Lengthy discussion followed regarding the proposed half-acre minimum lot size. Mayor Lilley shared concern for the protection and preservation of multiple family dwellings. He pondered whether the Council has the right to impose lifestyle standards and warned against assuming that all residents desire the amenity of home ownership. Responding to a question from Councilman Nimmo on a minimum number of homes per planned development, Mr. DeCamp suggested a minimum of four, but indicated that he would prefer six to eight. Mr. Nimmo proposed that a standard setting the minimum of four homes with the applicable set-backs be used to dictate the size of lot, rather than specifying that the lot must be 1/2 acre. Public Comments: Warren Miller, 5805 Cascabel, stated that he currently had an CC5/28/91 Page 5 application pending for a planned unit development. This project, he said, would be eliminated if the 1/2 acre minimum lot size was imposed. He opposed this standard because he believed it would undermine the concept of affordable housing. Deborah Hollowell, Cuesta Engineering, favored Councilman Nimmo' s suggestion of using a minimum number of units and was supportive of the revision to "Standard H", as proposed by staff. Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, asked that consideration be given for "meaningful" yard space. He proposed a standard of requiring that at least one-third of the yard receive at least three hours of sunlight to ensure yards that can be fully used by the residents. Whitey Thorpe, 8205 Santa Ynez, opposed the 1/2 acre minimum, asserting that practicality is more important than a set size. Council comments followed. Councilman Nimmo stated that he was prepared to limit units to four, but was no agreeable to setting a 1/2 acre minimum. Councilman Shiers indicated that he favored the 1/2 acre minimum lot size for the parent lot because it would protect and preserve the supply of rental stock. He added that PD's recently built are not "affordable" . Councilman Dexter also shared concern for saving the "bank" of rental housing and asked Mr. DeCamp if a variance or a minimum lot square footage could be applied. The City Planner advised against the use of a variance in regard to planned unit developments and further explained that "Standard G" addresses unit size to lot size. Mayor Lilley asserted that the Council is obligated to balance the rental stock and proclaimed that he was not in favor of the 1/2 acre minimum lot size. He added that he did not have any problems with all other proposed standards. Mr. Decamp noted that the 1/2 acre standard is less significant compared to other standards and if deleted, the ordinance could be workable. Mayor Lilley recognized the absence of Councilwoman Borgeson and entertained a motion to direct staff to prepare an alternative ordinance deleting the 1/2 acre minimum standard and bring the matter back when a full Council was present. MOTION; By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilman Shiers to continue the matter until the next meeting with an alternative draft ordinance for further public hearing CC5/28/91 Page 6 and decision; motion passed unanimously. The City Manager announced the matter would be again before Council on June 11, 1991. 3. URGENCY ORDINANCE - UTILITY TRANSMISSION FACILITIES (City Council-initiated) A. Ordinance No. 224 - An interim ordinance of the Council of the City of Atascadero amending the Zoning Ordinance by requiring Conditional Use Permits for the installation of certain previously allowed utility transmission facil- ities within residential zones (Recommend motion to waive reading in full and adopt on first reading by title only -- Urgency Ordinance requires a 4/5 vote) Mayor Lilley noted that a letter had been received from Wayne E. Cooper of Pacific Gas & Electric Company outlining their position regarding jurisdiction to regulate design and site location of public utility facilities and suggested, in light of this, that the matter be continued. The City Manager reported that the reason behind the urgency ordinance was to give the City something on the books to address the issue that brought the matter to light (GTE cellular transmission facility) , clarifying that this action does not affect PG&E. He indicated that, having conferred with Mr. Cooper and the City Attorney, he believed adoption of the urgency ordinance would be in the best interest of the City. Within the forty-five days in which the ordinance would be in affect, Mr. Windsor remarked, staff would work with PG&E in preparing the permanent ordinance and addressing their concerns. There were no public comments. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilman Shiers to adopt Ordinance No. 224 as an urgency measure; motion carried 4:0. Mayor Lilley called a recess at 8:55 p.m. Meeting reconvened at 9:17 p.m. D. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. REQUEST TO CONSIDER DIAL-A-RIDE EXPANSION - PRESENTATION BY SLO COUNTY Richard Randise, representing San Luis Obispo County, presented the request for Dial-A-Ride service to Templeton. He reported that the CC5/28/91 Page 7 County would budget $10,000 toward a trial period. Responding to the mayor's inquiry, Mr. Randise indicated that a similar proposal had been given to the City of Paso Robles and that the ultimate goal would be for both cities to provide service to and from Templeton. Councilman Shiers voiced concern for deterioration of the level of service currently being given to Atascadero due to the added service. Mr. Randise explained that the County was recommending that the additional runs be scheduled during off-peak hours and that the first priority would be with the City. The City Manager indicated that conceptual endorsement was being requested of Council and reported that staff would then proceed to prepare an in-depth report with a cost analysis. Greg Luke, Public Works Director, reiterated that the costs associated with the pilot program would be paid by the County and emphasized that the City could terminate the service if it did, in fact, impact current level of service to the community. MOTION: By Councilman Shiers and seconded by Councilman Dexter to support, in concept the extension of Dial-A-ride service to Templeton; motion unanimously carried. Public Comment: Eric Greening spoke in support of the proposed extension of service pointing out that presently there is very limited north-bound transit service. 2. PAVILION PROJECT STATUS REPORT (Verbal) A. Request to approve Change Order #1 Mr. Windsor brought attention to a correction on the change order, explaining that the total cost savings would be $122,800 rather than $124,700. The Public Works Director presented a status report on the construction and highlighted the changes which resulted in the cost savings. He reported that the projected completion date was February 1, 1992 and explained that he would be providing Council with monthly work schedules to allow accurate tracking of the project. In addition, Mr. Luke noted that he anticipated a cost of approximately $10,000 in concrete work and pointed out that irrigation plumbing could be retrofitted for serving future landscaping. CC5/28/91 Page 8 MOTION: By Councilman Shiers and seconded by Councilman Dexter to approve the amended Pavilion Change Order No. 1; motion unanimously carried. 3. STATUS REPORT ON THE GREEN WASTE RECYCLING PROGRAM The Public Works Director presented the status report and recommended that the Green Waste Recycling Program be extended from June to September free of charge to Wil-Mar customers. In addition, he explained that Wil-Mar had indicated willingness to not only continue this service but to share the cost of public education and advertising on a 1: 1 basis. The City Manager pointed out that no additional appropriations would be necessary. Public Comment: Eric Greening contended that he was not in favor of drop-off sites for green waste because it would increase automotive trips and be difficult for those who do not drive. The Public Works Director clarified that residential pick-up would not be eliminated and that drop-off sites would be a supplement to the present service. Mr. Greening indicated that he understood and thanked Mr. Luke for his explanation. Councilman Shiers pointed out that the public also has the option to drop off full pick-up loads at the Dirtman' s site. By common consensus, the City Council gave authorization to (1) Extend the existing Green Waste Recycling Program from June to September free of charge to Wil-Mar customers, and (2) To share the cost of public education and advertising with Wil-Mar on a 1:1 basis. 4. REQUEST FOR SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPORT FOR COUNTY'S SPAY/NEUTER PRO- GRAM The City Manager introduced the subject noting that staff's recommendation to deny the County's request for additional funds was not an argument against the importance of the spay/neuter program, but rather a concern for the General Fund. There were no public comments. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilman Dexter to not approve augmenting the current level of $9,000 for Fiscal Year 1990-91; motion passed 4:0. CC5/28/91 Page 9 5. PUBLIC WORKS DEFERRED IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS (City Attorney) The City Attorney asked Council to confirm staff' s approach and direct staff to continue their pursuit of construction or payment for required improvements. There were no questions from Council and no public testimony. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter, seconded by Councilman Nimmo in accord with recommendations from the City Attorney to direct staff to continue and get back to Council with recommendations as to bonding and other security changes deemed appropriate for consideration; passed 4:0. 6. PROPOSED CHAMBER SIGN ORDINANCE REVISION (Mayor Lilley) Mayor Lilley indicated that Council had not given specific direction regarding the Chamber of Commerce's draft sign ordinance and asked that this matter be addressed. Mr. Windsor, referred to Henry Engen's Report to Council dated 3/26/91 and read a portion of the Zoning Ordinance. He recommended that Council direct staff to develop its, own report, based upon the proposed ordinance, with recommendations to the Planning Commission. He continued that the Commission would then hold a public hearing and, as a result, staff would then come back to the Council with their own recommendations based on input received from that hearing. Mr. Windsor noted that this was in concurrence with Alternative #2 of Mr. Engen' s report. Public Comment: Whitey Thorpe, 8205 Santa Ynez, suggested that the Council not let anyone mess around with the present ordinance because it is good enough as it is. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilman Shiers to direct staff to take the Chamber' s draft proposal to the Planning Commission for recommendation as to whether to initiate a text amendment; motion carried 4:0. 7. SET BUDGET HEARING DATES Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director, suggested dates. By common consensus, Council agreed to review the proosed Fiscal Year 1991-92 Budget on Tuesday, June 11, 1991-at- 5:30 p.m. (prior to the regular meeting commencing at 7:00 p.m. ) and to meet on Wednesday, June 19, 1991 from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. to receive and review community agency funding requests. CC5/28/91 Page 10 Council also agreed that if a third meeting was necessary, a date certain would be announced. Mr. Joseph indicated that staff would tentatively schedule formal adoption of the budget for the regular meeting to be held on June 25, 1991. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council Mayor Lilley acknowledged Councilman Dexter's attendance at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Memorial Service held on May 27th, 1991 and presented to the City Manager for appropriate display the M.I.A.P.O.W. flag received from the VFW. Councilman Dexter noted that a recent newspaper article reported that there are still over 7,000 service men and women unaccounted for. Councilman Shiers reported that he had received correspondence regarding "Nacimiento Water" asking for some direction from Atascadero. He suggested that Council may wish to discuss this matter. Mayor Lilley added that he, too, had been asked where the Council stands on this subject as well as "State Water". He asked the City Manager to communicate with Atascadero Mutual Water Company for a response regarding both issues and bring this back as an agenda item. Mr. Windsor pointed out that the original master plan as well as the updated master plan for the water district, as part of the City' s General Plan, indicates both as priorities. He stated that he would send a letter asking what the water company's current position is and what action they intend to take. In addition, the City Manager announced that the Council is on record by resolution to the Board of Supervisors urging communication with Monterey County over the allocation from Nacimiento Lake. (Resolution No. 6-91) . Mayor Lilley announced that he would be participating in a television program to be aired on the following day on Channel 15. He reported that the owner of the station is very interested in programming local events in the City of Atascadero and indicated he personally would follow-up in an effort to take advantage of this kind of promotion for community events. 2. City Attorney Art Montandon requested a closed session for the purpose of discussions relating to current litigation, O'Keefe v. City of Atascadero. He asked that the session be held at the end of the meeting and noted that it would require a unanimous vote by the CC5/28/91 Page 11 Council. 3. City Clerk - None. 4. City Treasurer - None. 5. City Manager Mr. Windsor reported that he had distributed an opinion from the City Attorney regarding American Classics' freeway signage. He explained that he had not formally notified the business of the opinion and asked for authorization to do so. By common consensus, Council gave such approval. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilman Dexter to adjourn to closed session for the purpose of discussions relating to litigation, O'Keefe v. City of Atascadero; motion passed 4:0. The open session was adjourned to a closed session at 10:21 p.m. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilman Shiers to adjourn back into open session and adjourn the meeting; motion unanimously carried. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 10:32 F.M. THE CITY COUNCIL WILL MEET TO REVIEW THE PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 1991-92 BUDGET AT 5:30 P.M. ON TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1991. MINUTES RECORDED AND PREPARED BY: LEE (DAYKA) RABOIN, City Clerk Attachment: Exhibit A - Colony Roads Status Report from Mary Gayle, Burke, Williams & Sorensen CC5/28/91 Page 12