HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 051895 - NC CouncilNCC.EX 05/18/95 Page 1 NORTH COUNTY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MINUTES MAY 18, 1995 Chairman Martin called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Delegate Luna led the pledge of allegiance. ROLL CALL: Delegates Present: Engels, Heggarty, Highland, Luna, Montague and Chairman Martin Delegates Absent: Gannon and Salter COMMUNITY FORUM: There were no comments from the public about matters not on the agenda. 1. SALINAS DAM PROJECT - Glen Priddy, San Luis Obispo County Engineering Department, and Gary Henderson, City of San Luis Obispo Water Division Manager Glen Priddy, Deputy County Engineer, presented a history of the Salinas Dam, reviewed present operating procedures and summarized current issues concerning ownership transfer. (Gary Henderson reports on the proposed expansion project - see page 2). In addition, Mr. Priddy commented on the safety of the dam and responded to questions from the delegates and public. Public Comments: David Broadwater, Atascadero resident, asked if an environmental impact report (EIR) will be prepared for the ownership transfer project. Glen Priddy reported that there will be federal and state environmental reviews conducted. Clifford Smith, Atascadero resident, asked for clarification of costs associated with the ownership transfer project. Glen Priddy reported that the City of San Luis Obispo, without benefit of state or federal supplements, would be required to pay for all own-in and capital costs, including staff and countywide overhead. NCC.EX 05/18/95 Page 2 David Romera, City of San Luis Obispo Councilmember (and former Public Works Director for the City of San Luis Obispo), provided some additional history regarding the issue of ownership transfer and spoke in support of the concept. Pete Cagliero, San Miguel resident, voiced opposition to the transfer. He expressed concern about future possibility of drought and the preservation of water resources for the North County. ---End of Public Testimony--- Gary Henderson, City of San Luis Obispo Water Division Manager, provided a status report on the Salinas River Dam expansion project as proposed by the City of San Luis Obispo. He explained that the Draft EIR has been completed and detailed mitigation plans for offsetting environment impacts are presently being drafted. Questions followed. Public Comments: Clifford Smith asked how this project differs from the Nacimiento Water Project, with respect to the State Water Project. Gary Henderson responded. David Broadwater asserted that the Draft EIR is incomplete and, in some instance, inaccurate. Gary Henderson noted that he expects that there will be additional study and speculated that the draft will be re-circulated. John Moss, City of San Luis Obispo Utilities Director, spoke in support of the project stressing countywide benefits of resource sharing. Ken Weathers, Atascadero Mutual Water Company General Manager, commented that the Draft EIR makes no attempt to quantify the significant impacts and, further, does not address mitigation of groundwater impact. David Romera spoke in favor of the project and emphasized that the Salinas River Dam expansion project will not provide the City with all the water it is going to need and reported that the City is also looking at the Nacimiento Water Project. Pete Cagliero suggested that San Luis Obispo be allowed to draw water only when the reservoir is full and urged preservation of the live stream. Fred Strong, land use consultant, commented that growth cannot be controlled through water issues and pointed out that California is unique with respect to water rights. David Broadwater reiterated concerns regarding the Draft EIR. ---End of Public Testimony--- NCC.EX 05/18/95 Page 3 The Chairman called a break at 8:40 p.m. The meeting resumed at 8:50 p.m. Individual remarks from delegates concerning the Salinas River Dam followed. Chairman Martin agreed to draft a summary of the comments to bring back at the next meeting. 2. SURFACE WATER TREATMENT STATE RULE (Unfunded Mandates) This matter was continued at the request of Delegate Engels. 3. WATER RECLAMATION ISSUES This matter was continued at the request of Andy Takata, Atascadero City Manager. 4. LAFCO SPHERE OF INFLUENCE DECISION Delegate George Highland provided an update on actions taken by the Atascadero City Council regarding recent LAFCO recommendations to add three standards that may expand their sphere of influence. He reported that the City Attorney has been directed to write the Attorney General for a legal opinion. Chairman Martin reported that the Paso Robles City Council had acted similarly. Public Comments: David Romera reported that the City Council for the City of San Luis Obispo had also directed staff to seek the opinion of the Attorney General. Fred Strong advised that LAFCO had met earlier in the day and received numerous related protests. County Counsel staff, he said, is to respond in writing by the next LAFCO meeting. ---End of Public Testimony--- Delegate Engels (also a LAFCO board member) expressed concerns and reported that while a formal position has not yet been formulated, the Board of Directors of the Templeton Community Services District also disagrees with recent LAFCO action. MOTION: By Delegate Heggarty to support the formal positions taken by the individual governing boards; motion passed 5:1:0 (Engels abstained). 5. SOLID WASTE John McCarthy, Paso Robles City Director of Public Works, provided an update on the Paso Robles Landfill and noted that consideration by the County for mandatory trash pick-up will impact the landfill. Report received, no action taken. NCC.EX 05/18/95 Page 4 6. FUTURE MEETING PLANS FOR THE NORTH COUNTY COUNCIL By motions duly made and seconded, the following was approved: 1. It shall be the responsibility of the Chairman to prepare agendas for the North County Council, including the Executive Committee. 2. Responsibility for agenda distribution will continue to be rotated among the three agencies. Delegate Highland will serve as the lead contact for the mailing list and updates. 3. Minutes format shall be standardized and will be prepared by the Chairman's agency's staff. 4. Official records of the North County Council shall be maintained at the agency of the Chairman. 5. The North County Council shall meet semi-annually, tentatively in March and September. Additional meetings shall be called, if necessary. By consensus, it was decided that the next meeting of the Executive Committee shall be Thursday, June 29, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. in Paso Robles. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION: City of Atascadero  Groundwater Study Ken Weathers remarked that it is important to recognize the different water users and providers in the North County and to establish priorities, stressing that groundwater supply should be the number one priority. He encouraged the North County Council to consider supporting the formation of a groundwater basin management district. Public Comments: Responding to inquiry from Fred Strong, Ken Weathers clarified that a groundwater basin management district, as proposed and allowed by AB 3030, would have by-laws and a specific authority. It could address one issue, like water quality, or many issues. He confirmed that the district would not pre-empt authority of the Regional Water Quality Control Board. John Moss spoke in support of the concept and asked that the City of San Luis Obispo be included as a participant. NCC.EX 05/18/95 Page 5 ---End of Public Testimony--- By consensus, discussion regarding consideration of a groundwater basin management district was referred to a future agenda. MOTION: By Delegate Highland, seconded by Delegate Luna to adjourn; motion passed unanimously. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 9:37 P.M. THE NEXT MEETING OF THE NORTH COUNTY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE WILL BE THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1995 AT 7:00 P.M. IN PASO ROBLES. MINUTES RECORDED AND PREPARED BY: LEE PRICE, City Clerk City of Atascadero