HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 062895 CALL TO ORDER 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Nimmo ROLL CALL All Present CITY COUNCIL REORGANIZATION:  Resolution No. 61-94 - Reciting the fact of the Regular Municipal Election held 6/7/94 and declaring the result MOTION: By CML, CMB to approve; all ayes. Outgoing Comments: CWB - thanks for service of eight years, honored to serve. MN thanks to staff, CM support over the past four years. Accomplishments and words of appreciation.  Administration of Oath of Office to City Clerk Lee Price, City Treasurer Micki Korba and newly-elected Councilmembers Hal Carden and Ray Johnson Art - Lee & Micki. Lee - Hal and Ray.  Council Appointment of Mayor and Mayor Pro Tempore MOTION: By CMC, seconded by CMJ to nominate Dave Bewley as Mayor; motion carried unanimously. MOTION: By CMJ, seconded by CML to nominate CMH as Mayor ProTem; motion carried unanimously. Comments by Ray and Hal.  Presentations to outgoing Councilmembers Bonita Borgeson and Robert Nimmo Bonita - plaque by Mayor. Corsage presented by Geraldine Brasher. Bob - plaque by Mayor. CML - publically thanked Bob and Bonita for public service. Break called at 7:18 p.m. Reconvened at 7:40 p.m. PRESENTATIONS:  Introduction of Brad Whitty, Finance Director 2 Andy Takata introduced Brad Whitty, newly hired Finance Director. Currently with the City of Guadalupe to join City staff on July 15, 1994.  Atascadero Chamber of Commerce - Annual Report Micki Ready, Executive Manager of the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce, presented a summary of the Chamber's Sesmi-Annual Report of activities; highlighted accomplishments and goals and activities. Overview of revenue sources, projected expenditures and summarized calls and visits. Explained that the Chamber's membership is growing/6 to 8 new members per month. Received a scholarship for 670 - conferences/schooling. AT - no action. COMMUNITY FORUM: Lanny Dugar, 8330 Santa Rosa Road, welcomed new councilmembers. Please review Santa Rosa Road Sewer District. Not happy with the way it came about - not allowed to speak at the (continued) public hearing. Special agreement with Blankenship - will the neighbors be notified of it. A. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following represent ad hoc or standing commit-tees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary.): 1. S.L.O. Council of Governments 2. S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority 3. City/School Committee 4. Traffic Committee 5. County Water Advisory Board 6. Economic Round Table 7. Colony Roads Committee 8. Liability Claims Review & Finance Committee 9. Nacimiento Water Purveyors Advisory Group 10. Highway 41 Realignment Community Advisory Committee - Henry getting organized, will begin regular reports to the Council. have been meeting since Feb. Dr. Tim O'Keefe, chairman---emphasis has been on design of bridge - entryway to Stadium Park. Detailed sketches to come. compatible with community character. Sound barrier survey been conducted. Side issue discussed: Magnolia/Magdelena re-design options. Suggested that staff do mailer and seek the opinion of the neighbors. Cul- de-sac design solution recommended. CML - less tree removal---Yes. to Art can we act on this? Art place the matter on a future agenda. Henry looking for direction to do survey - bring the matter back for uture agenda. Consensus - bring it back on the agenda. 3 AT to come back with recommendations regarding streamlining committees. B. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - June 14, 1994 2. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT - May, 1994 3. FINAL PARCEL MAP 93002, 7406 SANTA YSABEL AVE. - Subdivision of a 0.42-acre site into four (4) separate parcels with the provision that, through zoning, each parcel be developed in strict conformance with an approved Master Plan of Development for the site. (Gearhart) 4. RESOLUTION NO. 45-94 - Placing the annual payment for Assessment District No. 3 (Marchant Way) on the Property Taxes for the 1994-95 Fiscal Year 5. ESTABLISHING ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS FOR MAINTENANCE OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1911 (STREETS & HIGHWAYS CODE SEC. 5830) FOR STREET MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS: A. Resolution No. 47-94 - Aguila Ave. (Dist. No. 86-3) B. Resolution No. 48-94 - Pinal-Escarpa (Dist. No. 86-2) C. Resolution No. 49-94 - Cayucos Ave. (Dist. No. 86-4) D. Resolution No. 50-94 - Falda Ave. (Dist. No. 86-1) E. Resolution No. 51-94 - Lobos Ave. (Dist. No. 83-1) F. Resolution No. 52-94 - Sonora-Pinal Ave. (Dist. No. 83-2) G. Resolution No. 53-94 - Maleza Ave. (Dist. No. 83-3) H. Resolution No. 54-94 - San Fernando Rd. (Dist. No. 84-1) 6. RESOLUTION NO. 58-94 - Amending Resolution No. 29-91, authorizing the application for State licensing of the school-age childcare program 7. RESOLUTION NO. 59-94 - Approving a budget for the 1994/95 Fiscal Year and appropriating funds thereof 8. RESOLUTION NO. 60-94 - Adopting a policy for the financial recovery of costs of emergency responses, pursuant to Government Code Section 53150, et seq. 9. ATASCADERO W. MALL LANDSCAPING PROJECT MOTION: By CML, seconded by CMH to approve the Consent Calendar Items #B-1 through 9; motion carried 5:0 by roll call vote. (Nooote: Councilmembers Johnson and Carden abstained on Item #B-1 Minutes of Junme 14, 1994). 4 C. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None scheduled. D. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. REPORT ON TRAFFIC SAFETY SIGNAGE, LAS ENCINAS (Verbal) John Neil provided brief staff report. Options, as proposed by Penfield-Smith, design engineer. consultant. Council discussion followed. CMH, MB don't like the chevron. John - to bring the matter back for recommendations. 2. FASHION OUTLET CENTER (Golden West Development) A. Request to extend construction completion deadline B. Notice of Transfer of Ownership Dave stepped down. Mayor ProTem Highland took the gavel. Art presented the staff report and recommendation to approve. Prudent to approve rather than costly litigation. Developers present to respond to questions. No comments from the public. MOTION: By CMC to adopt ..., seconded by CMJ; 4:0 MB returned to the dias. 3. ATASCADERO ELKS LODGE #2733 REQUEST FOR PROPOSED "BEERFEST" ON SEPTEMBER 17, 1994, ATASCADERO LAKE PARK Brady Cherry provided the staff report and recommendation to approve. Overview of proposed event. Representative from Elks Lodge - John Himes - present to respond to questions. CMJ received a note from a member of the public re: use of alcohol and message that may be sent to the youth. Encouraged adequate patrol - police it well. to Art - are we adequately covered, liability wise. Art - City will require an insurance policy to cover the event; plenty of insurance to cover any incidents. CMC who pay for the security - Brady to review security precautions/ PD to avise the Elks - incumbent upon the Elks to provide the security. Consensus to support the request. 4. SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY ARTS COUNCIL - Request for letter of support 5 AT introduced the item. CML - 16,000 from 95-96? 12,500 for each part. Lyndon Thomson, Executive Director of the SLO County Arts Council. 12,500 only an example - City can chose the amount dependent upon needs, budget, etc. Will not know until April of 95 if they receive the grant. CMJ seem premature - do we take action now. AT - grant app is due and a letter of support contingent upon available funding. If in fiscal state that the City cannot support the endowment fund - they would have to seek other funding sources. CMH - how does the Arts Council specifically define Arts? Lyndon - performing, visual, new (video)- broad term. CMC no financial commitment --- Public Comments: Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, two observations regarding making an investment in the Arts. Atas is an arts exportum area. (seen elsewhere than Atas) . Investment in the Arts is a prudent public safety venture. young people who express in the arts rarely become kids at risk. Urged the CO to make the investment. ---End of Public Testimony--- Consensus to support if financially able to do so. 5. SCHEDULE DATE FOR JOINT MEETING WITH PASO ROBLES CITY COUNCIL -Suggest August 11, 1994 Andy - Lake Pavilion, overview of three items for discussion. If no objection, that date will be noticed. Okay. 6. SCHEDULE HEARING ON CHICAGO GRADE LANDFILL ISSUES Andy - Wil-Mar advised by legal council to not take part in any public hearing. Suggested August 23, 1994. Public Comments: Pat Johnson, Chicago Grade Landfill, urged the CO to have an open meeting regarding the land fill issue on July 11, 1994. ---End of Public Testimony--- MN July 12 too soon. CML if Wil-Mar can't participate it makes it difficult. CMJ-public 6 testimony at the Joint Meeting. Art - yes. there's an opportunity to discuss the matter. Leo Korba, clean up costs -what happens if the City has to bear the clean up costs. Art - received a memo from Chicago Grade. Reviewed and doesn't agree - slight chance very remote - his research shows that the City will not be liable. MB stick with 8/23 meeting. 7. ORDINANCE NO. 279 - Establishing special assessment use charge for Atascadero Street Improvement Project No. 1992 (Las Encinas and 3-F Meadows) (Recommend motion to adopt on second reading by title only) MOTION: By CML, seconded by CMC to adopt on second reading; 5:0 by roll call. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council CMH announced he will be on vacation 7/4 - 8/2 2. City Attorney 3. City Clerk recruitments for commssions, etc. 4. City Treasurer 5. City Manager AT - review of the next meeting's agenda. F. CLOSED SESSION: The City Council will adjourn to a Closed Session for the Following Purposes: 1) Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation: Significant Exposure to Litigation: One case Adjourned to closed session at 8:40 p.m. Closed Session adjourned at 8:55 p.m. City Atorney announced tht the City Council had discussed a matter of anticipated litigation and no decisions were made regarding settlement. dAdjourned to July 12, 1994.