HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 022691 TP16/91 AGENDAA-1 ITEM i *MINUTES APPROVED AS SUBMITTED 3/26/91 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 26, 1991 At 6: 10 p.m. , Mayor Lilley called to order an open session for the purpose of mid-year budget review. The Pledge of Allegiance was deferred until commencement of the regular session at 7:00 p .m. R12LL CALL Present: Councilmembers Horgeson, Shiers, Dexter- and Mayor Lilley Absent: Councilman Nimmo (arrived 8:40 p.m. ) Also Present : Muriel Korba, City Treasurer and Lee Dayka, City Clerk Staff Present: Ray Windsor, City Manager; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director; Heaney Engen, Community Development Director; Greg Luke, Public Works Director; Andy Takata, Director of Parks, Recreation & Zoo; Bud McHale, Police Chief; Mike Hicks, Fire Chiu and Kathy Stewart , Eng . Tech . II MI2 YEAR _GET REVIEWS The City Manager presented the Mid-Year Budget status report and noted that no major modifications were being requested. He explained that certain overall adjustments were recommended and summarized them as salary adjustments, added costs to fund a water study and supplement General Plan Update E. I .R. costs, monies to be set aside for public education on recycling and the reappropriation of encumbrances. Mr. Windsor asked Council to review these adjustments and give staff direction to prepare the necessary resolution for adoption. In addition, the City Manager noted that in March of 1991, the County would be holding public hearings relating to potential implementation of S82557. The City, Mr. Windsor reported, could be faced with approximately $140,000 in County Jail Hooking fees CC2/26/91 Page 1 and Property Tax Administrative fees. He added that County staff are recommending that the Board of Supervisors adopt these new charges retroactive to July 11 1990. The Administrative Services Director , Mark Joseph , availed himself for questions. Council inquiries followed regarding revenues, salary negotiations, expenditures for risk management He explained that the and reappropriation of encumbrances. latter were monies charged to the arrent year which were actually incurred the previous fiscal ye r . By common consensus, Council directed staff to bringeback the necessary resolution app 9 buat the next regular meeting. FIVE YFAR The City Manager introduced the topic for discussion explaining that the five-year C. I .P. is a guideline which allows the Council and community to see what kinds of projects or programs are being proposed for the future. At this time, Mr. Windsor referred t a portion of the staff report (print-out prioritizing p asked the Public Works Director to preand sent an overview of the jects only become recommendations. He clarified that the proo fiscal commitment when Council decides, as part of the budget , to incorporate any or all of the listed items. the City Manager added that some of the items had already been included (and in some cases, completed) as part of the existing fiscal year budget . ks Director , gave an r�vervof m ended Greg Luke, Public Waradded projects and noted that there had not been any newiew projects to the current year ' s budget. He explained that under the asltax for his department, there is available a large sum of g rojects• Mr. Luke clarified revenue designated for Phasicbeenrksallocated, the actual projects that although the money chosen and indicated ..that he was . .looking for have not been Council direction in making the selection. The City Manager interjected that historically staff has asked Council to authorize certain monies in the Lbudgetbased,on the amount. of gas tax expected supplemented by p ion once .this has been done, staff Funds (L.T.F. ) or other acoreas; the expenditures. He then asks Council to approve making continued that this has not yet been done for the current fiscal year and recommended that, because of the amount money allocation built up, Council take a look at the area and determine project priority. CC2/2b/9r Page 2 Councilwoman Borgeson referred to the Public Works Director ' s staff report (2/19/91 Possible use of Gas Tax Funds to Supplement Assessment Districts) and indicated that she was in support of Recommendation #1 ( to closely examine regulations on the use of Gas Tax funds) . The City Manager added that all three recommendations were of merit and stated that •he was looking for approval from Council to begin working on them. Responding to the mayor , Mr. Luke clarified the first three projects listed under "Bridge Projects" , noting that each should be read as follows: "the bridge on Monterey Road that crosses Graves Creek Road ; the Garcia Road bridge that crosses Graves Creek ; and the Santa Cruz bridge that crosses Graves Creek Road" . Mr . Windsor added that these projects were at one point high priority, even with the State who was putting in the bulk of the funds. Since the earthquake in Santa Cruz , he explained , the State has removed the funding and it is not known at what point it will be replaced into the budget . Mayor Lilley protested that Public Works was asking for policy direction without giving Council enough data to support the request. The City Manager proposed conducting a study session in which the Council could take a look at the C. I .P. and the future of the community. He added that there were additional matters of importance Council may wish to address during this session. Mayor Lilley and Councilwoman Borgeson both expressed support for a work session to study the C. I .P. Councilwoman Borgeson added that although she had no problem witti; the list of project priorities recommended by the Public Works Director , she would like to have input regarding specifics, i .e. , types of bridges constructed, etc. Mr. Luke explained the process of priority ranking and indicated that staff could provide more detail on each project during a workshop. Councilman Dexter remarked that he was agreeable to a study session. The City Manager asked that the matter be continued until Councilman Nimmo arrived later in the evening . Council concurred with the request. Mr. Windsor also requested that Council add to the scheduled closed session following the regular meeting an urgency item relating to the Pavilion bid award. CC2/26/91 Page 3 At 7:00 p.m. , Mayor Lilley convened the regular session. At this time, he recognized and welcomed Kent Lowe, Scout Master , and his local Boy Scout Troop #104, who had come to observe. Mayor Lilley noted that the roll call would remain the same and asked Councilman Dexter to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. All present joined in silent prayer and recognition of sacrifices made by armed forces in the Middle East . COUNCIL COQ E NTSs Mayor Lilley acknowledged a letter of appreciation addressed to the City of Atascadero from Gary J. Bridges, LTC, Department of the Army, 3rd Battalion stationed in Saudi Arabia. The mayor read out loud the letter which was written on December 6, 1990 thanking the City staff for the care packages sent to the troops during the Christmas Holiday season. Councilwoman Borgeson reported that she had been asked by a member of the public if the City has a water conservation program. She announced that there is, in place, a Water Conservation Task Force and asked the City Manager to give more information about this group. Mr. Windsor replied that staff has taken the initiative to begin gathering data preliminary to making conservation recommendations to Council . The committee, he reported , is headed by Fire Chief Mike Hicks and would be working hard to get the information to Council as quickly as possible. In addition, the City Manager announced that Atascadero Mutual Water `, Company is going to participate and share information with the City, and that they would be conducting an open public hearing early in March. Councilwoman Borgeson reported that she had received calls from the community expressing dissatisfaction with the recently approved rate increase for Wil-Mar Disposal ; and in addition, concerns relating to the proposed collection bag . Ms. Borgeson indicated that she would like to accelerate the review of the rate structure. The City Manager responded that this could be done and to the benefit of all concerned Mayor Lilley commented that when he approved the waste collection rate increase, he expected that Wil-Mar would handle it gently and revealed that he had received many calls himself. He stressed that good communication with the public is necessary. Both Councilman Dexter and Councilman Shiers reported that they, CC2lc6>9l Page 4 too , had received similar complaints from the community. Mr. Windsor acknowledged the presence of Bill Gibbs (Wil-Mar Disposal ) and remarked that the garbage company would be extending their office hours to better facilitate services and added that the City was endeavoring to work closely with Wil- Mar. COMMUNITY FORUMt Doug Lewis, 5589 Tunitas, recounted a recent incident involving an anonymous complaint made against him to the Fire Department regarding a controlled burn. Mr . Lewis explained that he had phoned ahead to ensure that he would be burning on an allowable day and believed himself to be following the regulations for backyard burning. He asserted that he was upset that the caller did not identify him/herself and that the caller was not told that Mr. Lewis was burning as allowed . Henry Hank Adams, President of the Atascadero Democratic Club , announced that the group would be participating in the local celebration of Arbor Day by planting a native oak in memory of Ian McMillian at the Traffic Way Ballfield . Mr. Adams asked if Council would designate the tree as a heritage tree. The City Manager assured him that staff would do the right thing. Whitey Thorpe, Santa Ynez resident, congratulated the Boy Scout Troop for observing the City Council meeting . A. CONSENT C&ENDARs Mayor Lilley read the Consent Calendar , as follows: 1 . FEBRUARY 12, 1991 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT - JANUARY9 1991 3. FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT - JANUARY, 1991 4. ORDIMeNO N9, 218 - Amending Map 7 of the official zoning maps by rezoning that certain real property described as Lot 3, Pine Mtn. Park of Atascadero, recorded in Book 4 at Page 76, S.L.O. County official records, from LS (Special Recreation) to LS(PD7) (Planned Development No . 7) (Noakes/RRM Design Group) (Second reading and adoption) 5. QRDINeNCE NQ, e14 - REVISED TREE ORDINANCE - Repealing Chapter 19 of Title 2 and Section 9-4. 155, and adding CC2/26/91 Page 5 Chapters 11 , 12 and 13 to Title 9 of the Atascadero Municipal Code regarding tree protection (Second reading & adoption) 6. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP e5-90j 9755 ENCHANTO ROAD - Division of 9. 14 acres into two parcels of 4.99 and 4. 16 acres (Hender- son/Vaughan Surveys) Brief Council discussion followed regarding the current policy of placing the second reading of ordinances on the Consent Calendar . The City Manager pointed out that the matter was on the agenda under regular business (see Item #C-2) . At this time, the mayor asked if there were any requests to pull any of the items from the Consent Calendar . Councilwoman Borgeson requested that Item #A-4 be pulled . Councilman Shiers noted that the description of Item #A-6 should be amended to include the following: "Tentative Parce l Map 25-90, 9755 Enchanto Road Acceptance of Final Map" . MOTION: By Councilman Shiers and seconded by Councilman Dexter to amend Item #A-6; motion carried. The City Clerk asked that Item #A-1 be continued until the next regular meeting. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilwoman Sorgeson to continue Item #A-1 ; motion carried. Doug Lewis, of Atascadero , asked that Item #A-5 be pulled for a separate vote. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilman Shiers to approve Items A-P, A-3 and A-6 as amended; motion unanimously passed by roll call vote. Discussion of Items pulled from the g2njent Qjlend ar: 4. OR2INAt= NO. 2111 - Amending Map 7 of the official zoning maps by rezoning that certain real property described as Lot 3, Pine Mtn. Park of Atascadero, recorded in Book 4 at Page 76, S.L.O. County official records, from LS (Special Recreation) to LS(PD7) (Planned Development No. 7) (Noakes/RRM Design Group ) (Second reading and adoption) Councilwoman Borgeson asked that Ordinance No. 218 be read by title only and stated that she wanted it on the record that she was in opposition to the rezoning. Councilman Shiers indicated CCP/26/91 Page 6 that he, too , was not in favor of the ordinance. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Mayor Lilley to approve Item #A-4, adoption of Ordinance #218, on second reading . The voice vote on the motion resulted in a 2:2 vote; with Councilmembers Borgeson and Shiers opposing. The City Attorney advised that on a split vote no action could be taken; Council could , he remarked , continue the matter until later in the meeting when Councilman Nimmo would be present . MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Mayor Lilley to remove Item #A-4 and resubmit it later in the agenda; motion carried 3: 1 with Councilwoman Borgeson voting against the continuance. 5. QRDINAK9 NO. 214 - REVISED TREE ORDINANCE - Repealing Chapter 19 of Title 2 and Section 9-4. 155, and adding Chapters 11 , 12 and 13 to Title 9 of the Atascadero Municipal Code regarding tree protection (Second reading & adoption) MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilman Shiers to approve Ordinance No . g14 on second reading; motion carried 4:4, with Councilman Nimmo absent . B. MAR I NGS/APPEARANCES 1. SAN MARCOS ROAD EXTENSION - TREE REMOVAL REQUEST (Cont ' d from 1/8/91 meeting - Applicant requests a 90-day extension) A. Appeal of Negative Declaration (Joan O'Keefe) B. Tree removal request Henry Engen reported that the applicants had made a request for a 90-day continuance with the understanding that they would waive any statutory response time deadlines. He acknowledged the presence of Glen Lewis, attorney for the applicants. Mayor Lilley asked the appellant, Joan O'Keefe, if she had any objection to the continuance. Ms. O'Keefe indicated that she did not . Mr. Lewis, in response to the mayor's inquiry, confirmed that the request for continuance had been requested by him on behalf of .the Davis Family Trust. MOTIONS By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilman Shiers to continue the matter for ninety days; motion carried. CC2/26/91 Page 7 The City Manager advised Council to announce a meeting date. Mr . Engen suggested May 14, 1991 . MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilman Shiers to continue the matter until May 14, 1991 ; motion carried. C. Rr2UL8R I NERS: 1. PAVILION - PHASE II BID AWARD The City Manager suggested continuing this agenda item until later in the evening when Councilman Nimmo would be present . MOTION: By Councilwoman Horgeson and seconded by Mayor Lilley to continue this matter as Regular Business Item #6; motion unanimously passed . 2. COUNCIL AGENDA FORMAT - ORDINANCE ADOPTIONS The City Manager requested, in light of comments from the Council and public , direction be given regarding the placement of second readings on the agenda. He asked that Council acknowledge whether or not they wanted to continue placing these matters on the Consent Calendar or whether they would prefer to hear them under Regular Business. Councilman Dexter stated that he had no objection to the present format, but recognized the confusion associated with split votes on ordinances. Councilwoman Borgeson reiterated that she did not want second readings of ordinances on the Consent Calendar and stated that was in favor of hearing them under Regular Business. Councilman Shiers concurred. There was no public comment. By common consensus, staff was directed to place second readings of all ordinances on the agenda under Regular Business. 3. RES LUTIgN O, 1$--91 ESTABLISHING ATASCADERO ECONOMIC ROUND TABLE Mayor Lilley introduced the item and announced that appointee, Richard Shannon, had advised him that he would not be able to serve on the Round Table and wished to have his name removed from the proposed resolution. CC2126191 Page 8 The City Manager reported that Mr. Shannon ' s withdrawal would result in a membership of twelve and explained that the format of the resolution was to provide guidance for the committee. Councilwoman Borgeson thanked staff for using great care and craftsmanship in preparing the resolution, and stated that she was supportive of forming the Round Table. She indicated , however, that she had a problem with putting the committee in place by resolution because it may appear to be of similar standing to the Planning Commission. Mr . Windsor noted that the Round Table would be unique in that it would meet only as necessary to address issues. Henry Engen clarified that the Planning Commission and other formal advisory bodies are established by ordinance and specific appointments are made by resolution. Councilwoman Borgeson asserted that she could support a motion to put the Round Table into place, but strongly opposed establishing it by resolution. Councilman Dexter remarked that it would be sufficient to simply establish the committee by action of the Council . Councilman Shiers agreed . There were no public comments. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilman Shiers that the City Council of Atascadero establish the Economic Round Table and define its' purposes and specific membership as outlined in proposed Resolution No . 12-91; motion carried 4:0. 4. BUDGET REVIEW - 5-YEAR CAPITAL PROGRAM MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilman Shiers to continue this matter as Item #C-7 under Regular Business; motion carried. The City Manager noted , for the public, that in light of earlier discussion, this matter may be put over to a City Council study session. 5. COUNTY SATELLITE FACILITIES Councilwoman Borgeson submitted her February 19, 1991 statement to the Board of Supervisors (see Exhibit A) requesting satellite offices in the North County. She asked that the Council back her request by adapting a resolution of support. CC2/26/91 Page 9 Brief Council discussion followed regarding possible locations of office space. By common consensus, Council directed stiff to bring back a resolution endorsing the efforts of Supervisor Ovitt 's initiative to obtain satellite facilities for County services in the North County. Mayor Lilley called a recess at e:oe p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:22 p.m. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilman Shiers to move on to Individual Determination and Actions; motion carried. D. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTIONS 1. City Councils A. Committee Reports - The following represents status reports on the following committees: 1. City/School Committee - Councilman Dexter reported that the committee had met and discussed funding cooperation between County/Cities & Schools. Mr . Windsor reported that he had shared with the School District the resolution of opposition to SB2557 (Resolution No. I- 21 ) , adding that the School District was in support. He noted that the committee would be meeting again on Thursday, February 28, 1991 . i The City Manager also announced that there would be a meeting in San Luis Obispo also on Thursday, February 28, 1991 called by the City of San Luis Obispo inviting all the City Managers, Police Chiefs and School Superintendents. He explained that the meeting would be for the purposes of planning possible strategies relating to SB2557 and SB169 and would not open to the public. Mr. Windsor further indicated that he would share with Council the outcome. 2. North Coastal Transit/S.L.O. Area Coordinating Council Councilwoman Borgeson reported that the next meeting would be an March 12, 1991 3. Traffic Committee - The Public Works Director reported that there would be action items an the next agenda. CC2/2b/91 Page 10 4. Recycling Committee - Councilman Shiers reported that the committee had met on February 21 , 1991 and discussed implementation of free yard waste pick-up ; which is scheduled to begin on April 1 , 1991 . In addition, he reported that Sharon Morin had resigned as member-at-large. Councilman Shiers noted that because of the large size of the committee and the committee' s appointment policy, no recruitment would be necessary. 5. Economic Opportunity Commission - Councilman Dexter briefly explained the services offered by the E.O.C. b. Interim Sign Committee - Mayor Lilley reported that a meeting was scheduled with the Chamber of Commerce for Monday, March 4, 1991 and would be for the purpose of hearing the Chamber of Commerce' s proposed sign ordinance. 2. City Attorney Mr . Montandon reported that he and another attorney from Burke, Williams and Sorenson (firm representing the City of Atascadero) met with the attorneys from Wells Fargo Hank in an attempt to resolve in a legal manner the issues surrounding the Colony Roads. He explained that the meeting had been very productive and another meeting was scheduled for the coming week. The City Attorney indicated that he hoped to be able to convene a meeting of the Road Committee sometime during the month of March to discuss the matter. 3. City Clerk The Clerk gave a brief report on her recent attendance at a session of C.E.P.O. (Continuing Education for Public Officials) and announced that she had been appointed by the Secretary of State as a Notary Public. In addition, she reported that she was currently doing research on records retention requirements and would be coming back later in the year with recommendations for implementing a records management plan for the City of Atascadero. 4. City Treasurer Micki Korba made a minor correction to the January Treasurer ' s Report (under Miscellaneous - the percentage should be 645%) . In addition, she reported that approximately $20,000 for Garcia Road Extension tree removal fines was owed to the Tree Fund. CC2/26/91 Page 11 Brief disdussion followed regarding the Treasurer 's Report format and graphic illustrations of revenues and expenditures provided by the Treasurer . MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilman Shiers to adjourn to closed session for the purposes of discussions relating to property acquisition and potential litigation; motion carried. The City Attorney read into the record the items for discussion in the closed session, as follows: "To discuss with the City's property negotiator the acquisition of certain properties, which are as follows: The five lots owned by Mr . Guidry at approximately 90e0 Amapoa Street , one lot owned by Mr. Porter at 9420 Marchan t Avenue, two parcels comprising of the Davis/King property located on Capistrano; which is legally described as portion of Lot 3, Life Residence Park , Atascadero Colony and a 26-acre parcel known as Stadium Park currently owned by Mr. Fluet. Additionally, Council is adjourning to discuss a matter of potential litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9. 11 (Councilman Nimmo arrived at 8:40 p.m. ) The open session was adjourned to closed session at 5s44 p.m. On a motion by Councilman Dexter, seconded bA/ Councilman Nimmo and by unanimous vote, the closed session was adjourned at 9:20 p .m. At 9:21 p.m. the open session reconvened and continued Items of regular business were heard, as follows: PAVILION - PHASE 11 BID AWARD The mayor advised that all bidders reportedly were responsible and read proposed Resolution No. IQ-91 awarding the contract to Darren Shetler Construction Company of San Luis Obispo. Darren Shetler , 1000 Garcia Road and owner of Darren Shetler Construction, provided background on his education and experience. He asked that Council award the contract to him based an his qualifications. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilman Dexter to adopt Resolution No. 13-91 (authorizing the CC2/26/91 Page 12 execution of an agreement with Shetler Construction for construction of the Atascadero Lake Park Pavilion) ; motion unanimously carried by roll call vote. The mayor clarified that Council was approving the base bid in the amount of $1 ,261 ,418.00. BUDGET REVIEW - 5-YEAR CAPITAL PROGRAM Mayor Lilley summarized the earlier discussions and indicated that the Council was considering a work session to review not only the 5-Year C. I .P. , but also strategies in making decisions regarding implementation of S82557, road policies, organization of city hall and matters relating circulation and traffic . Councilwoman Borgeson asked that at least four hours be scheduled for such a workshop . By Council consensus, the City Manager was asked to schedule a study session on a date prior to April 1, 1991. The City Manager indicated that he would come back to Council an the final selection of a date. (The following matter was pulled from the Consent Calendar and continued for further action by full Council . ) ORDINMCE NO., 218 - Amending Map 7 of the official zoning maps by rezoning that certain real property described as Lot 3, Pine Mtn. Park of Atascadero , recorded in Book 4 at Page 76, S.L.Q. County official records, from LS (Special Recreation) to LS(PD7) (Planned ) Development No . 7) (Noakes/RRM Design Group) (Second reading and adoption) MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilman Nimmo to adopt Ordinance No. 218 on second reading; motion carried on a 3:2 with Councilmembers Shiers and Borgeson voting in opposition. (The following Regular Business matter was reopened to receive public input) : BUDGET REVIEW - 5-YEAR CAPITAL PROGRAM Mayor Lilley recognized that the public had not been given a chance to comment on this matter and reopened the discussion. Judge Michael Duffy, 7820 Graves Creek Road, explained that he and number of parents in the Monterey Road School District had CC2/26/i?l Page 13 come to make a formal request that the City Council , as part of the City ' s budget, give consideration to improving Graves Creek Road . Lori Krivacsy, 32e0 San Fernando, submitted a petition (see Exhibit 8) signed by parents and neighbors of children who travel to and from Monterey Road School along Graves Creek Road urging Council action. Councilwoman Borgeson indicated that she had received a phone call from Barbara Butz , of Atascadero, who had asked that the City Council make this project a priority. Trudy Houghtaling , 3285 San Fernando Road, announced that she represented other concerned parents and stressed the need to take a look at this matter . Charles Walden, 7105 Graves Creek Road, reported that he had witnessed a number of accidents on the road and urged Council to widen it. Mayor Lilley thanked the citizens for coming to the meeting and emphasized that the Council needs the community ' s input to prioritize projects. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilman Shiers to adjourn the meeting; motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:01 p.m. until the next regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council on March 12, 1991 at 7:00 P.M* MIN E5 RECORILED AND PREPARED BY: Ott IDAYKO:rt City (tterk Attachments: Exhibit A (Borgeson) Exhibit 8 (Citizens for Graves Creek Road Improvements) CC2/'26/91 Page 14 CC 2-/26/91 EXHIBIT A STATEMENT TO S.L.O. COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS February 19, 1991 MR. CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD: I SPEAK TO YOU TODAY AS A RESIDENT OF THE NORTH COUNTY AND, SPECIFICALLY, THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AND AS SOMEONE WHO HAS WORKED VERY HARD DURING MY TENURE AS A MEMBER OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COU''NCIL TO OBTAIN THE NORTH COUNTY CENTER IN MY COMMUNITY. I HAVE FOLLOWED THIS ISSUE CLOSELY AND AM AWARE OF THE INCREASING BUDGE'T'ARY PROBLEMS THAT HAVE FRAUGHT THIS PROJECT. HOWEVER, AS ONE WHO FIRMLY BELIEVES THAT THERE SHOULD BE MORE SERVICES AVAILABLE TO THE NORTH COUNTY RESIDENTS WITHOUT HAVING TO NEGOTIATE THE GRADE TO DO SO, I WOULD LIKE TO SUPPORT ANY EFFORT THAT CAN BE MADE AT THIS TIME TO PROVIDE SATELLITE COUNTY SERVICES IN THE NORTH COUNTY. QUITE APART FROM THIS ADDED CONVENIENCE TO YOUR CONSTITUENTS, YOU WILL BE TAKING A MAJOR STEP TOWARD ALLOWING NORTH COUNTY RESIDENTS TO BETTER IDENTIFY WITH THE COUNTY WITHOUT THE NECESSITY OF INCREASI24G THE CONGESTION ON HIGHWAY 101 AND WITHIN DOWNTOWN SAN LUIS OBISPO. AT THIS TIME, I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT I STAND READY TO ASSIST IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE TO HELP THE BOARD SECURE REASONABLE OFFICE SPACE CONVENIENT TO THE PUBLIC, AND,. TO THIS END, I WILL BE HAPPY TO APPROACH MY COLLEAGUES ON THE CITY COUNCIL TO ASSIST IN THIS ENDEAVOR THANK YOU, BONITA BORGESON J, f - CC 26/91 cc B S� . � WARNING: WALKING AND BIKICREEK ROAD s NG ALONG GRAVES IS LIKELY TO BE HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH- As pa EALTH•Astpa encs and neighbors of school children who travel to C and from Monterey Road School along Graves Creek Road, we share a serious concern for the dangerous lack of adequate walking lanes and posted safe speed limits. The poor condition of the road itself poses safety hazards for vehicular traffic and is completely lacking any provisions for children- who walk or ride their bicycles to school. a _ Most of us have witnessed "close calls", on Graves Creek Road and in t$e -interests of protecting our children many ..: _... w of us drive+them to and from school Th�.s creates a trea�en rtm« do us amount of traffic congestion..-which when added ttr they " ��2•TY great amount of commercial traffic aggravates the groblemi , wr •`RN `.L�Tr. „ .. .. '$. ...;` s -�+. `.13fi. �.'f •'a, .p yL�13G'A .�� �. Q + 'further. ¢_'•..,t=>'::......a ..... &'.ay....0 .,.rr .3^'.�.::.t .moi..x5.aw.=d. F-...tia�A.,:...^.w '.Y...:.`..... ..Y. w .,S.a Ca..tl.7' .:� ..:A.1..•i^"�'Wi .r.7fi*{Mr.`95,�'�. ici3.,`YwN da ,. »wt :h "^ ^�"._� '�•�y'",-:�"}` `a."w�.°""..`:."'.p't * � �'r. >',+3� ,s '�:.C-�','�`^3 �i G9"" "'fi�,.mrr+• ^.v,E • There are many children who live ort Graves Creek Roact`,�=BaZbo t* _ , s 'r �:ur+AR�n`�� ♦,. -.:ir' :.'ygYc'�..,*;�.'..n "a. : ,._.:. '{ .,... .: t- 'P`• _ artct Sant Fernando'-Road Whet would bertef�t � Road, Santa- Y '' r �.r - L s saf'et `.wound: �. �. by your�atteation~ tow this. matter. Thea aca� _ y - - -4 .. enhanced as well as significantly decreasing traffic congestion r. r -irr the area ��=MOS t- importantly the potential tragec af+ serious aecczdent' involving innocent chizdrext could be- r 7:t for- pour thcsughtful consfderatiorr or this mat er - , M : 11 -� 70 Com.Ak, ! 1 RA,9.^ , r .Q -- .__... .. �" zc t , Aut- ._.-..........» IITJ'Y-..... 0 - - Z- , W577, .� . ao 3050 ___ �_`'' ►. OCCt 10� 5S 4W, �___.__----.— - •-_- ' nell, ___ ._.