HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 021291 MEETING AGENDA DATE /1 /(i ITEM#j A-1,,.r... ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL *MINUTES APPROVED AS MINUTES SUBMITTED 3/12/91 February 12, 1991 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Lilley at 7 :05 p.m. , followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Present: Councilmembers Borgeson, Dexter, Nimmo, Shiers and Mayor Lilley Also Present: Micki Korba, City Treasurer Staff: Ray Windsor, City Manager; Greg Luke, Public Works Director; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director; Chief Michael Hicks, Fire Department; Chief Bud McHale, Police Department; Andrew Takata, Parks, Recreation & Zoo Director; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Cindy Wilkins, Admin. Secy./Dep. City Clerk. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilwoman Borgeson noted a recent Atascadero News article re- garding a City Fire Department practice burn on Traffic Way for which water was trucked in from Templeton. Chief Hicks explained that, due to the current water situation, the Fire Department has maintained a policy of not using City water for training purposes. but trucks it in. Councilmember Borgeson suggested that more water be brought in as the fire is still. active at the subject location. Councilman Nimmo commended local citizens and businesses who have displayed the United States flag in the spirit of support for U.S. troops engaged in the Persian Gulf conflict. Mayor Lilley noted the recent installation of two new, replica dight standards at the Palma Ave. corners of the Administration Building, which are very close to those which E.G. Lewis, the City' s founder, had planned for the community. He extended thanks to the members of the Parks and Streets Divisions for their cost- saving efforts in this regard. Presentation: In introducing the upcoming speaker, 'Mayor Lilley indicated that the Council is receiving this presentation as an informational -piece of discussion and does not necessarily intend to act or issue a statement on this topic this evening. Mr. Hal Hunsberger, Chairman, Nacimiento Regional Water Management Advisory Committee (NRWMAC) , introduced the committee, which was cc2/12/91 Page 1 organized in the fall of 1989 by concerned property owners of North SLO County and other concerned parties. He noted the committee was appointed in August of 1990 as an advisory group to the SLO Co. Board of Supervisors . Its basic objective is to develop better utilization of water in the greater region of the Salinas River Watershed. He then provided an approximate 10-minute presentation which included a summary of recent NRWMAC actions and its objec- tives, indicating that the objective of this presentation is to focus attention on the coordinated actions that Monterey County is taking with regard to the greater Salinas River Valley and the long-term impact it will impose on SLO County. In summary, Mr. Hunsberger stated that NRWMAC sees a strong central Monterey County water agency moving in an aggressive manner with government support on a multitude of water projects, many of which collect and use water which falls on the lands of SLO County (approx. 40%) . NRWMAC believes that the actions of Monterey County in regard to water resources have not been given adequate attention by SLO County officials, and this is not equitable to the North County residents who have invested millions of dollars for development in the great- er Nacimiento area, to the North County trade and business persons who depend on orderly growth, nor to the visitors who have come to enjoy the full recreational opportunities of the lake area. The Council was requested to agree, by resolution, with the committee on those concerns and to forward copies to the Boards of Super= visors of Monterey and SLO Counties. He noted that, to date, the cities of Morro Bay and San Luis Obispo have adopted similar reso- lutions, and the City of Paso Robles is preparing a resolution for presentation to its council . Public Comment Don Hanauer, 5555 Vida, who owns a home in Oak Shores , noted that the water contracts for the Lake Nacimiento area are very old. Since their ratification, hundreds of homes have been and continue to be built around the lake whose owners depend on the lake water and consider it theirs; a court battle can be expected by anyone who makes a move on that water. He expressed the wish that the City Council and the water company become involved in the dis- cussions of the Councils of Morro Bay and San Luis .Obispo to cooperatively consider a desalination plant and then figure out a system to pump water to our area. Motion: By Counclmember Borgeson, seconded by Councilman Shiers, for approval of Res. No. 6-91, urging the SLO Co. Board of Supvrs. to initiate discussion with Monterey Co. and Nacimiento water officials regard- ing Nacimiento Reservoir as a supplemental water source. Motion passed on a `unanmous voice vote. COMMUNITY FORUM: Connie Morris, Manager, Atascadero Century Cinemas, announced tickets are now available for the March 3rd showing of "Lawrence of Arabia", a benefit to raise funds for the Lake Park Pavilion cc2f12J91, Page 2 Project. Mayor Lilley initiated the fundraiser by purchasing the first two tickets . Norm Rogers, 8 Quail Ridge Dr. , regarding Item A-9 (Falcon Cable TV rate increase) , encouraged the Council and future Councils not to make long-term contractual arrangements with community providers when a dynamic technology is involved. He expressed the opinion that the community is not being well-served by Falcon Cable in comparison with cable services available in other California com- munities . He added that certain like matters and concerns are currently before Congress, and he urged citizens to. contact their congressman to let their views be known. Councilwoman Borgeson noted that, of the current members, she is the only one who was on the Council at the time the 10-year cable contract extension was approved and voted in opposition to it. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. January 22, 1991 City Council Minutes 2 . Ordinance 217 - Zone Change 3-90, 7970 Sinaloa - Establishing a Planned evelopment Overlay Zone (PD7) (Second reading & Adoption ) (Best/Cuesta Engineering) 3. Resolution No. 7-91 - Adopting new solid waste rates 4 . Resolution No. 10-91 Authorizing contract for fixed asset appraisal services 5 . Acceptance of Phase I of Tract Map 25-89 (Tract 1858) Hotel Park, 5805 Capistrano Ave 6 . Resolution No. 8-91 - Authorizing issuance of Notice of Com- pletion omp etion for recor ation - Lake Park Pavilion, Phase I 7. Resolution No. 9-91 - Authorizing issuance of Notice of Com- pletion for recon anon - sycamore Bridge Replacement Project 8. Resolution No. 11-91 Award of Bid #91-1, Fire Station #1 Parking Lot 9 Falcon Cable TV rate increase (Information only) Re: Item A-3 - Mr. Joseph noted that an addendum (Page 2) to Exhib- it I has been added to include some additional rates, primarily commercial can services; this information was inadvertently not included and in the agenda material. Re: Item A-2 Councilwoman Borgeson and. Councilman Shiers asked that the record reflect their "No" votes on the first reading of Ordinance No. 217: Re: Item A-4 Mayor Lilley asked that a commencement date for said services of March 1, 1991, be inserted to the document. Public comment Re Item. A-2 - Doug Lewis, resident, requested that this item be pulled. He expressed concern that placing ordinances for second reading on the consent agenda .may be improper procedure.. Mr. Montandon responded that this item was placed under consent pur- suant to a memo he issued many months ago, and this is not the cc2/12/91 Page 3 first ordinance which has appeared on the Consent Calendar for second reading since that time. He added that placing ordinances under Consent is a matter of Council preference, and he believes it is legal. Mr. Montandon noted that public hearings on ordi- nances are generally. not mandatory, but those which do require hearings (often those involving land use) require only one. Mayor Lilley asked that the City Manager resurrect the City Attorney' s memo for the Council' s review and determination on whether or not to continue this practice and that a copy of the memo be made available to Mr. Lewis . Motion: By Councilman Dexter, seconded by Councilman Nimmo to approve the Consent Calendar, including the above-noted addendums to Items A-3 and A-4 and re- quested notation regarding the vote on Item A-2; motion passed unanimously by roll-call. B. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES: 1 . TREE ORDINANCE (Cont'd from 12/11/90) A. Ordinance No. 214 - Repealing Chap. 19 of Title 2 and Sec. 9-4 . 155, and adding Chap. 11, 12 and 13 to Title 9 of the Atas . Muni . Code regarding tree protection (Rec- ommend motion to waive reading in full and approve on first reading by title only) B. Resolution No. 125-90 - Adopting Tree Standards & Guide- lines Mr. Engen reviewed the staff report, noting that, if adopted, both the ordinance and resolution would be effective 31 days from the second reading of the ordinance. Former City Arborist Lisa Schicker reviewed proposed grammar and minor text changes: - Sec. 9-11 .02 . - Applicability: Subsection (a) amended to read, " (a) The provisions. . .shall apply to all native trees (as defined by the City Council.) . . . ", thus removing that phrase from its proposed location in parenthesis in the second sentence. Subsection (b) amended to read, "The provisions. . . .shall apply to all public and private property and protected native trees within the City. . . " Sec. 9-11.06 Tree Removal : Subsection (b) (3) amended to move the last sentence, "Any private or public entity. . . " , to become the last sentence of Subsection (a) Mr. Engen recom- mended that Subsection (b`) (5) be amended to adds "In single family zoning districts" after "single family residences" . Council discussion ensued regarding the above-noted amendments .' City Attorney Art Montandon indicated that he believes the proposed ordinance is both within the scope of the City's authority and is drafted with a preciseness which would allow criminal enforcement, if necessary. There was Council consensus to include headaotes-- cc2/12/91 Page 4 reference to specific numbered sections--throughout the' document where references are made to the Tree Standards & Guidelines. Mayor Lilley reviewed and clarified the proposed amendments for the benefit of those in attendance. Councilwoman Borgeson noted receipt of a letter from Fred Frank, registered Professor of Forestry, asking the Council when the For- estry and Woodlot Management Plan in the proposed Tree ordinance is going to be submitted. Mr. Engen responded that item is sched- uled to go before the Planning Commission next Tuesday, Feb. 19th. Public Comment Doug Lewis, resident, expressed concern that the Council would take action on first reading of this item tonight, as the discussion and proposed amendments suggest that the agenda item has now changed from that originally proposed. He spoke in favor of de- ferring adoption for as long as necessary in order to present a document which is ready in its proposed state, with no further amendments necessary. Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, requested reassurance that a timetable is set for adoption of a creekside preservation ordinance, to which the riparian tree species were referred from an earlier draft of the Revised Tree ordinance, Jack Stinchfield, business and property owner, expressed concern that the tree replacement formula could create some very expensive pressures on future developments, and he encouraged careful review of the extremes that might exist. Whitey Thorpe, 8025 Santa Ynez, expressed that he deplores the last-minutes wording changes to the proposed ordinance, which suggest meaning changes, and he asked, "Is it legal? Is it right?" Further Council and staff discussion ensued. Mr. Engen responded to Mr. GreeninggIs concern that the creeks ide preservation ordinance is on a tentative list of items scheduled to go before the Planning Commission in the near future (within the next couple of months, although he could not be date-specific) , and it will not be gone and. forgotten_ To Mr. Stinchfieid's- concern, 'Mr. Engen ` reviewed that the current interim tree replacement formula is two 15-gal, trees per,tree removed, or $240 towards the tree replacement fund on heavily wooded properties. However, the proposed Guidelines, p. 17, would increase the dollar contribution and number of re- placement trees by a different formula that breaks; replacements down into single-family vs . multi-family and splits the tree cat- egories into deciduous vs. non-deciduous; he conceded this formula does impose increased costs and was heavily debated at the Planning Commission level along with others proposed. He added that this formula is in resolution form, which lends itself to coming back for changes as deemed necessary. There was some concern expressed by Council as to how to address the aspect of tree survival when a costly replacement might well cc2/12j91 Page 5 have to compete with the existing tree canopy. Mr. Engen indicated that Council could act on the ordinance tonight and allow staff to bring back some examples of how it might apply in past cases . Lisa Schicker added that tree replacements by money or planting are only two of the five options listed, referring to Chapter 8, "Tree Re- placement and Mitigation" . Motion: By Councilman Dexter, seconded by Councilwoman Bor- geson to adopt Ord. No. 214, repealing Chap. 19 of Title 2 and Sec. 9-4 . 155, and adding Chapters 11 , 12 and 13 to Title 9 of the Atas. Muni. Code regard- ing tree protection, as amended, on first reading by title only; motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Motion: By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded by Councilman Shiers, to adopt Res . No. 125-90, Tree Standards and Guidelines; motion passed unanimously by voice vote. COUNCIL RECESSED FOR A BREAK AT 8:30 P.M. MAYOR LILLEY CALLED THE MEETING BACK TO ORDER AT 8:50 P.M. 2. ZONE CHANGE 5-90/TPM 27-90 - Consideration of a proposed zone change to amend the existing LS zoning to include a PD7 Overlay Zone, with an associated tentative pascal map which proposes to divide. a. 21 .66 ac. parcel into four parcels for single-family residential use, and a "remainder" parcel of approx. 17 .3 ac. to be offered for dedication to the City for parkland/open space use at the Cortez Ave. extension (lot 3, Pine Mtn. Park) (Noakes/RRM Design) A. ORDINANCE NO. 218 Amending Map 7 of the official zoning maps by rezoning that certain real property described as Lot 3, Pine, Mtn. Park of Atascadero, recorded in Book 4 at Page 76 SLO Co. official records, from LS to LS(PD7) (Recommend motion to waive reading in full and approve on first reading by title only) B TENTATIVE PARCAL MAP 27-90 Approve, subject to the Planning Commission's findings and Revised Conditions of Approval Mr. Engen gave the staff report and responded to various questions and concerns from Council. There was specific concern expressed regarding the feasibility of septic systems on the subject proper- ties, and Mr. Engen reviewed Conditions of Approval #Is, 5 & 14 . There was also some question as to the potential use of the 17 .3 acre parcel offered for dedication in view of its steep character- istics. Mr. Takata responded that a Trails Committee, a sub- committee ' appointed by the Parks & Recreation Commission, is currently reviewing potential trails City-wide, and this property might be a viable location for an equestrian trail.. Mr. Engen briefly reviewed the history of the LS zoning, explaining that houses are allowed uses on such properties, provided the lot sizes are 1.5 acres without and 1 acre with sewer. He also reviewed the cc2/12/91 Page 6 history of PD' s (Planned Developments) , noting the PD(7 ) came into being in approx. 1985 . Public Comment Jeff White, representing RRM Design Group and the applicant, re- viewed and spoke in support of this proposal . He noted that this project was designed to be sensitive to the unique characteristics of the land, with minimal impact to the environment. Marj Mackey expressed concerned that allowing 1/2 acre lots without sewer could be precedent-setting and is concerned about future sewer problems on Cortez such as those experienced in the Separado area. She feels that most of the 17 .3 acres is virtually unbuild- able and would serve no use to the City. She spoke in favor of developing most of what remains open on Pine Mtn. into a park, however, encouraged Council not to make a trade which could become a disservice to future owners of the subject property and to the general public. Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, feels the usefulness of the open space involved with this project depends largely on what happens with the space to the west. He expressed concern about potential drainage problems and urged that it be carefully addressed. He feels the project has been sensitively designed, expressing that his main interest is to see the use of the open space as part of a holistic plan, perhaps setting a precedent for deeding the uphill land for public use and building around the base of the mountain. Mary McTaggart, 5200 Maleza, voiced her concerns and opposition to this project for a number of reasons, expressing her main objection in to the layout of the residential lots and especially the small size of two of them She differs with many of the developer' s statements and does not feel that the PD overlay will have a bene- ficial effect on the area. she asked if a condition could be in- serted to assure that the architectural style, color and/or visual affect of the proposed homes will add to and not detract from the City' s and residents' enjoyment of the view of the mountainside. Grading and drainage is also of concern, and it appears that the City has not taken any real thought about the future use of and access to the open space Additional Councildiscussion followed. Motion: By Councilman Nimmo that the Council waive the read- ing of Ord. No. 218 in full and approve by title only, seconded by Councilman Dexter. Councilwoman Borgeson requested that the record reflect her opposition to allowing septic systems on 1/2 acre lots, citing potential problems which could result, and she requested coun- cil' s consideration of this when voting. The former motion passed: by 3:2 voice vote, with Councilmembers Borgeson and Shiers opposed. cc2/12/91 Page 7 Motion: By Councilman Nimmo to approve Ord. No. 218 on first reading, seconded by Mayor Lilley. Councilwoman Borgeson requested that a roll-call vote be taken on ordinances. Mayor Lilley responded by directing that the Clerk note the names of those dissenting to the motion. The former motion passed by 3:2 voice vote, with Councilmembers Borgeson and Shiers opposed. Motion: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilman Dexter, to approve TPM 27-90, subject to the Planning Commission's findings and revised Conditions of Approval; motion passed by 3:2 voice vote, with Councilmembers Borgeson and Shiers opposed. 3 . TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2-90, 11145 EL CAMINO REAL - Consideration of appeal by Michael S. Krout on behalf of Richard Montanaro of conditions of approval (separate water meters) proposed by the Planning Commission in order to convert 64 multi-family residential rental units to air-space condominiums (cont'd from 11/27/90) Mr. Engen briefly reported on this item, noting that requested sup- plementary information and/or arguments from the appellant have not been received, and staff maintains its former recommendation to deny the appeal. It was clarified that the correct address is "31145" El Camino Real. There was no public comment. Motion: By Councilman shiers, seconded by Councilman Dexter, to deny the appeal and uphold the Planning Commis- sion' s recommended Conditions of Approval; motion passed by unanimous voice vote. C. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. PETITION RE: EL CENTRO STREET City Manager Ray Windsor reported on this item, indicating he was approached subsequent to Council's approval of TTM 21-89 as to whether or not there would be an opportunity for reconsideration by Mr. Bunnell, as the applicant, to request that Council delete the requirement for the extension of El Centro St, He has since contacted Mr. Bunnell, who has indicated he had no problem with the reconsideration and the deletion of that requirement, but he did not feel that he wanted to be the person `to 'ask for it without knowing whether or not he could be assured of maintaining the map and as to what condition would supplant the El Centro extension. In the meantime, he has had additional conversations with residents in the area and hoped to continue to follow through with Mr. Bun- nell but has not had further communications with him. Via Mr. Engen, Mr. Bunnell has relayed that, having obtained map approval, he would rather not chance another public hearing on this matter before the Planning Commission and City Council. When asked by cc2/12/91 Page 8 the residents what action might trigger further consideration, Mr. Windsor suggested a petition, which was submitted and is dated December 27, 1990. Mr. Engen indicated there is a procedure where anyone who has had a use permit or map approved through the normal process can ask for reconsideration and make application, but the application has to be processed in the same manner as the original entitlement. Council discussion followed, and it was the general consensus that, without specific request from Mr. Bunnell, the Council would take no further action on this item. Public Comment David Mosher, 8895 El Centro, requested permission to read a state- ment on behalf of Citizens for Preservation of E1 Centro Street into the record and proceeded to do so, said statement is attached to these minutes as Exhibit I. Councilwoman Borgeson requested that the record reflect that she would like to see El . Centro St. kept closed and not open for any reason. There was additional discussion on this matter, and no action was taken by Council. 2. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - ROUNDTABLE Mayor Lilley reviewed this subject, noting that staff is in the process of drafting a statement of purpose for this body. Council- woman Borgeson expressed the importance of having balanced input to the Council and that perhaps a committee be appointed to provide advice on other important issues, such as aesthetics, the impact of services; air quality,' etc: These was no public comment.. Motion: By Councilwoman Borgeson to appoint former Planning Commissioner Mildred Copelan and City Treasurer - Micki Korba to the two citizen-at-large positions on the hound Table, expressing that both have strong financial backgrounds and are well. respected in the business community.` Councilman Lilley asked for consideraton' of adding a third citizen-at-large and that Jack Stinchfield be appointed to that position. Council consensus was to allow a third citizen-at-large on the Round Table. The question of Atas Cadero residency vs. community business interests of the appointees was debated, with the consensus being that resi- dency not be a requirement, Motion: By Councilman Dexter to appoint Mildred Copelan, Micki Korba and Jack Stinchfield as the citizens cc2/12/91 Page 9 __.-_ _ .� -at-large to the Round Table, seconded by Councilman Nimmo; passed unanimously by voice vote. 3. REQUESTED FREEDOM RALLY - FEBRUARY 17, 1991 Council discussed the possibility of setting some policy with regard to the commitment of City services during events when the public is exercising free speech in the form of any kind of rally. Mr. Windsor clarified that placing this item on the agenda was not intended to seek a denial from the Council of the public' s freedom of speech right. He advised that it was staff' s desire to inform the Council of the proposed rally in case of any concerns they may have, due to the estimated size of the crowd to attend, and that perhaps the Sunken Gardens was not an appropriate location. There was no public comment. Council received this as an informa- tional item, and there was no action taken. D. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council A. Committee Reports: City/School Committee- Councilman Dexter reported that this. committee has met, and there has been ongoing discussion on SB-2557--now SB-169, which is the repealing legislation and bail-out for the counties. Council will be kept informed of events transpiring. Councilman Dexter noted that the tenor of the meeting was good, and the relationship between the City and AVSD was well-expressed, North Coastal Transit/SLO Area Coordinating Council - Council- woman Borgeson reported that an emergency meeting was held on 1/31/91, the County is now running the buses, and things seem to be working out well; Santa Barbara could not or did not want to keep their contract, so the County took over. She also received the final JPA, dated 2/6/91, which she will submit to the City Clerk for placement on the Council reading table. As regards SLOACC, she reported: There was recently a trial transit program for General Hospital dialysis pa- tients, which was approved; regional bus ridership was up 28% this year; there is a transportation vision statement being prepared by the task force; the feasibility of social service transportation consolidation is being examined; three outgoing Area Council delegates were honored with. Resolutions of Com- mendation on 1/9/91. SLOACC's next meeting is tomorrow, and the minutes of the last meeting will be left on the Council desk in the City Manager's Office for the benefit of the Council and the public.. Traffic Committee Councilman Dexter reported that this committee has met and made some recommendations to Public cc2/12/91 Page 10 Works regarding the placement of stop signs on Santa Ynez & San Marcos Roads (near the high school) and also has referred the traffic patterns at the front of the .high school to that department for further study. "No parking" areas are proposed near Downs Automotive and will be coming before Council at a future date following staff review. Recycling Committee - Mr. Luke noted there was extensive con- versation at the last meeting on how to implement the green wastes program in terms of costs . Bill Gibbs and a represen- tative of Dirt Man agreed to provide a free green wastes pick- up service for three months so some data can be collected on this subject. Mayor Lilley expressed he hopes the City can obtain a grinder, perhaps on a shared basis with the City of Paso Robles. He indicated he has had preliminary discussion with that city' s mayor, who has expressed possible interest in exploring the feasibility of this concept. Mr. Luke indi- cated there is a good working relationship with the Paso Robles Public Works Director, and staff will follow-up on his suggestion. Sign Committee - Mayor Lilley reported that this committee is waiting for the Chamber of Commerce to finalize their work on proposed revisions to the Sign ordinance before bringing sug- gestions to the Council. He has also had some individual conversations with downtown merchants to see what they per- ceive the signing problems to be in terms of effectiveness and costs . 2. City Attorney - No report 3. City Clerk - No report 4. City Treasurer - Micki Korba reported that Santa Barbara County has made the decision to charge each city for the number of bookings going into the jail She also noted the news reported a large number of auto dealers going out- of business and wonders what that will do to our tax situation. 5. City Manager - Mr. Windsor informed the Council that he has been called for jury duty on 2/25/91. He _noted that Council- man Nimmo 'has advised that he will arrive at the next- Council meeting at approx. - 9:00 p.m. ; he indicated that the budget update is expected to be . brief, and the five-year capital program will be placed on the latter part of the agenda so Mr. Nimmo is included in that discussion. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 10:35 P.M.. Minutes prepared. by: CINDY WILKINS Admin. Secy./Dep. City Clerk cc2/12/91 Page 11 777 a } ' CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2/12/1 EXHIBIT I February 12, 1991 CITIZENS FOR PRESERVATION OF EL CENTRO STREET I am here along with every neighbor on El Centro to stop the proposed opening of EI Centro into El Dorado. El Centro is a narrow, winding, quiet, dead end street, which has poor access to El Camino because of the exit driveways from the Lucky Plaza. EI Centro is only 20 feet wide at its narrowest areas because it is only half a street wide in width. It is not now and never has been a city dedicated street and has never been city maintained. El Centro is only a little over a block long and all the people that are affected live here, and on El Centro where the proposed entrance is, are against of El Centro Street. The petition. turned in to the City Manager verifies this. The opening of El Centro will not be an asset to the Bunnell Developement for access either coming in or coming out, as the three existing roads; Arcade, Salano and La Linia, provide much better direct access and are of normal width and provide much better access for emergency vehicles. Salano provides the safest and best access to EI Camino. These three streets provide ready access, and all are city maintained. and make the opening of EI Centro unnecessary for it is narrow and has poor access. El Centro is a quiet little rural, dead end street and ,f the residents have bought and built homes on this street because of its charming, quiet and rural atmosphere. This should not be destroyed, when there is a safer, more direct route of access. We're asking for the city's help in correcting this matter. IC4�a 2 �--� David F. Mosher