HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 021307 - Special MtgApproved March 13, 2007 CC Special Study Session, Minutes 02/13/07 Page 1 of 4 CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL **SPECIAL STUDY SESSION** MINUTES Tuesda y, February 13, 2007, 5:30 P.M. Mayor Luna called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Béraud, Clay, O’Malley, Brennler and Mayor Luna Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk / Assistant to City Manager Marcia McClure Torgerson, Deputy City Clerk Grace Pucci Staff Present: City Manager W ade McKinney, Assistant City Manager Jim Lewis, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, Community Development Director Warren Frace, Public Works Director Steve Kahn and City Attorney Patrick Enright. A. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Downtown Commercial Zoning Text Amendment, Zone Change 2006- 0124 Study Session (Atascadero Redevelopment Agency) The Atascadero Main Street Organization has requested a study session to discuss the following Downtown zoning issues: Approved March 13, 2007 CC Special Study Session, Minutes 02/13/07 Page 2 of 4 1. A potential change in the zoning ordinance to restrict office, research & development, and health care uses on the first floor within the Downtown Commercial (DC) zoning district, in order to promote more retail and pedestrian-oriented business within the Downtown Commercial (DC) zoning district; and 2. A potential change in the zoning ordinance to require Planning Commission review of all downtown construction projects including those of less than 10,000 square feet. Community Development Director W arren Frace gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. PUBLIC COMMENT Steve Martin, Executive Director Atascadero Main Street, explained the Board’s concerns with conversion of retail space to office uses, and that new construction may fill with offices rather than retail. Regarding appearance review, he stated the difficulty has been in getting into the work flow, as Main Street review usually comes too late in the process. He also indicated that they would like to have public review for all new construction in the downtown area, regardless of size. Rich W ood stated he owns an office building in the downtown area and expressed concern that this ordinance would affect pre-existing office uses. Bill Arkfeld, business owner in the downtown, stated he would like all factors effecting retailers downtown to be considered, explained why some property owners are refusing to rent to retailers, and that the zoning change would help to level the playing field. He stated he supports zoning for retail use, and review through a minor level CUP. John Anderson, property owner and practicing orthodontist in the downtown, stated his opposition to Item #1 of the proposed ordinance, and explained how the downtown location of his office is convenient for his patients. He asked if the Council decides to place restrictions on downtown uses, to please give existing businesses an exemption. Larry Guittard, dentist and property owner in the downtown, commented that he supports downtown redevelopment that encourages retail growth, but is concerned whether he would be able to continue in his office use if there were a disaster and he had to rebuild. In addition, he would like to be able, at end of his career, to sell the practice as it currently exists. Tim Woodel, architect, stated that in the near term to preclude downtown medical offices could be problematic, as it may impede their ability to upgrade, remodel and expand their offices. He also spoke of the importance of considering transfer of business ownership in the ordinance. Approved March 13, 2007 CC Special Study Session, Minutes 02/13/07 Page 3 of 4 Brad Linscott, dentist in the downtown, indicated that those who have medical offices around the mall have always been concerned with improving the downtown. He stated his patients benefit by being close to the schools, and spoke of the importance of being able to transfer his practice without any restrictions. Joanne Main, President and CEO Atascadero Chamber of Commerce, explained the Chamber’s position that zoning not be limited on first floors, but rather to allow the market to dictate use. She spoke about the need for diversity in the downtown, and urged Council to leave the zoning as it currently exists. The Chamber is opposed to the CUP, as they would like the process to be easy and not time consuming. Bob Wilkins, downtown business owner, stated Council should leave the zoning as it currently exists to not restrict the development of the downtown. He explained that many of the downtown buildings are smaller and do not led themselves to retail, and that offices bring buyers to the retail stores. Maria Hooper, Main Street Board member, explained that the downtown is more viable now and has the ability to attract retail businesses. She commented on the importance of retail to draw tourists, the problem of property owners who don’t live in the downtown and have no stake in the community, and of owners who don’t take care of their property because they are accepting low rents to keep their spaces occupied. Greg Carroll, downtown business owner and Main Street Board member, explained that it is important to create a critical mass of businesses in the downtown, but currently there is not enough retail. In addition he stated that office spaces do not generate sales tax revenue as retail businesses do. Greg Ravatt, Main Street Board member, explained that the downtown is in a transitional period, spaces are filling, rents are going up, but the problem is that building owners consider retail businesses as high risk tenants. He expressed concern that offices are in for the long term and this restricts retail uses. He explained why appearance review has not been successful, suggested that the minor use permit might be a way to look at the offices, and stated his support for review of all new buildings in the downtown. Marge Mackey stated she was concerned because the downtown is not friendly to antique shops, which she thinks are needed. She would like to see Council do what is best to bring this type of business into the downtown. Betty Finnaccaro, owner of retail property downtown, explained that it is not that difficult to rent to retail businesses. Wendy Richardson, property and business owner downtown, commented that the city has some responsibility to clean up the downtown and entice retailers to come in. She spoke in favor of keeping the ordinance as it is because it gives the property owner Approved March 13, 2007 CC Special Study Session, Minutes 02/13/07 Page 4 of 4 more opportunities to rent. Mrs. Richardson explained the reasons why she believes the downtown is not successfully revitalizing. Mayor Luna closed the Public Comment period. Council Member Béraud commented that the Council needs more input from Main Street on where to go with this, and suggested discussing the issue further at strategic planning. Council Member O’Malley stated when he was Mayor he had asked Main Street to take the lead on this, however they felt it was better for Council to take the lead. He commented that Council must make the decision at some point. MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Brennler and seconded by Council Member Béraud to table this item. Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (O’Malley opposed) B. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Luna adjourned the meeting at 6:38 p.m. MINUTES PREPARED BY: __________________________ Grace Pucci, Deputy City Clerk