HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 012291 MEETING AGENDA DATE-z4L2 ai ITEM 0 A. (* MINUTES APPROVED BY COUNCIL, AS SUBMITTED, 2/12/91) ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 22, 1991 Mayor Lilley called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. Councilwoman Borgeson led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Borgeson, Shiers, Nimmo, Dexter and Mayor Lilley Absent: None Also Present: Muriel Korba, City Treasurer and Lee Dayka, City Clerk Staff Present: Ray Windsor, City Manager; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Greg Luke, Public Works Director; Lt. Bill Watton, Police Department and Andy Takata, Director of Parks, Recreation & Zoo COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilwoman Borgeson reported that on January 25, 1991 she would be attending a meeting sponsored jointly by Supervisor Ovitt and Supervisor Peterson of Monterey County regarding Lake Nacimiento water. Mayor Lilley announced that there would be a "Support Our Troops" rally in Sunken Gardens on Sunday, January 27, 1991. He indicated that it would not be political or partisan, but rather for showing community support for armed forces in the Persian Gulf. PROCLAMATION: Mayor Lilley read the proclamation pledging support to local families of military personnel assigned to the Persian Gulf and presented it to Officer John Cole of the Atascadero Police Department. The mayor explained that Officer Cole, as the executive officer for the 649th Company of the Military Police, had volunteered to act as the liaison officer between the City and CC01/22/91 Page 1 families of those serving overseas. RECOGNITION: Mayor Lilley read a memo from Fire Chief, Mike Hicks to Bud McHale, Police Chief recognizing Melinda Price, City Support Services Aide. Chief Hicks reported that Ms. Price had given immediate instructions to the mother of an infant who was choking; an action done quickly and in a professional manner. The mayor presented Ms. Price with a City Watch and expressed appreciation on behalf of the City. OATHS OF OFFICE: The City Clerk administered Oaths of Office to Natalie Regoli, Ex- Officio Youth Member to the Recycling Committee and to Belinda Wiley, Ex-Officio Youth Member to the Parks & Recreation Commission. COMMUNITY FORUM: Connie Morris, manager for the Century Cinemas at 6905 E1 Camino Real, announced that the theater would be holding an exclusive engagement of the film, "Lawrence of Arabia" on March 3, 1991 at 6:OO p.m. Ms. Morris invited all to attend the fundraiser for the Lake Park Pavilion. Irene Bishop, President of Atascadero Community Band, extended an invitation to all to a concert scheduled for Tuesday, January 27, 1991 at 7: 00 p.m. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Lilley read the Consent Calendar. 1. JANUARY 81 1991 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2. JANUARY 17, 1991 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES (Special Meeting) 3. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT - DECEMBER 1990 4. FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT - DECEMBER 1990 5. RESOLUTION NO. 2-91 —AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 33-88, EXPANDING THE LIST OF CERTIFIED ARBORISTS AUTHORIZED TO PREPARE TREE PROTECTION PLANS IN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO CCO1/22/91 Page 2 6. RESOLUTION NO. 3-91 - AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL TO COUNTY RECORDER OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF PUMP STATION #2 FORCE MAIN REPLACEMENT 7. AWARD BID #90-19 FOR MODULAR PLAY STRUCTURE ADDITIONS (LAKE PARR) S. RENEWAL OF HEALTH INSURANCE POLICIES MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to approve the Consent Calendar; motion unanimously carried by roll call vote. B. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES: 1. SOLID WASTE PROGRAM: RATE INCREASE/MANDATORY PICK-UP/CURBSIDE RECYCLING/GREEN WASTE RECYCLING (Cont'd from 11/13/90) The City Manager introduced the matter by explaining that, in an effort to begin meeting the deadlines set forth in AB939, staff had been asked to make recommendations regarding a rate increase related to the existing service, but based upon a volume rate program and implementation of an integrated waste management program. Public Works Director Greg Luke, he reported, was the staff representative to both the Recycling Committee and the Solid Waste Management Committee. Mr. Luke presented the staff report with overhead transparencies highlighting the proposed seven-point integrated waste management plan. Some of the recommendations, he pointed out, would require immediate action while others would involve conceptual Council approval. Mr. Windsor noted that in June of 1990 Wil-Mar Disposal had asked for a rate increase based upon the existing service, a two-year renewal of their contract and, in addition, that mandatory pick-up be implemented immediately. He reported that the rate increase has been addressed by staff, but in terms of a volume-based rate structure so that it may become a component of an integrated waste management program. He suggested that Council move immediately on the rate increase and the two-year extension of Wil-Marts contact, emphasizing the need to give the trash hauler some assurance that they will be able to amortize equipment purchases necessary to handle added services. In looking at mandatory pick-up, the City Manager explained, staff felt that in order to meet the requirements of AB939, mandatory CC01/22/91 Page 3 pick-up should be implemented along with programs for curbside and green waste recycling. He indicated that January 1, 1992 had been proposed as the date to begin the comprehensive program; which would also include an educational/informational program for citizens of the community. Mr. Windsor noted that the issue of "white waste" has not yet been addressed. Council questions followed relating to the proposed rate increases. Betty Sanders, representing Wil-Mar Disposal, responded and clarified timelines for review of rates. The City Manager emphasized that Council will have ultimate authority relating to increased rates and the contract with Wil-Mar, adding that Council could go out to bid for the added services. The City Attorney concurred that the City will have the option to negotiate with other providers for other waste disposal services suggested by the integrated waste management plan. He indicated that if Council does not accept the rate structure as presented to them in September of 1991, there would appear to be no obligation to continue with Wil-Mar to give them a contract to provide all the services. Mr. Montandon added that the existing contract with Wil- Mar is not assignable and cannot be sublet with Council approval. The City Manager reiterated that Wil-Mar has been consistent with their request for an extension of their contract for existing services and recognized that the contract may need some modifications. Public Comments: Steve Gordon, 4650 Viscano, asked whether the contract with Wil-Mar was exclusive. The mayor clarified that the contract is a franchise agreement. Mr. Gordon then commented that he would like to see Wil-Mar give consideration to those customers who go on vacation. In addition, he voiced opposition to not being allowed to recycle his own materials. Roger Cook, 10600 Colorado Avenue, opposed mandatory pick-up claiming it to be an unfair and unnecessary tax on senior citizens. Jerry Bond, E1 Verano Avenue resident, commented that he was against mandatory pick-up and suggested that the County should control what goes into the landfill. CC01/22/91 Page 4 Whitey Thorpe, 8025 Santa Ynez, also objected to mandatory pick-up and stated that although he was putting no blame on Wil-Mar Disposal, the community was not being given an alternative to using them as the waste hauler. Harold Peterson, a thirty-year resident of Atascadero, asserted that Wil-Mar has done a good job. David Duncan, 8885 Marchant Avenue, remarked that he was opposed to mandatory collection. Deuranda Smith, 5455 Bajada, asked how the waste management program would affect renters. Ted Monnonier, 9301 Barranco Road, spoke in support of Wil-Mar Disposal and in giving them the opportunity to continue providing the service as long as they are doing a good job. Ron Vilarino, 10605 Realito Road, clarified some concerns regarding curbside recycling, the requirements of AB939 and mandatory pick- up. He remarked that if residents oppose these measures, they should take their concerns to the state level. In addition, Mr. Vilarino reported that the Christmas Tree Recycling program had been very successful and added that to meet the requirements of AB939, the entire community must participate. Yvonne Carlson, 7075 Atascadero Avenue, explained that she was in support of the staff recommendations and that she would be happy to pay a small fee for curbside recycling. Nancy Wood, San Luis Obispo County Recycling Coordinator, complimented the City Council and staff for the fair program it proposed and described the volume-based rate structure as outstanding. She remarked that Atascadero was the first community in the County who was making recommendations regarding green waste and citizen educational programs. Ms. Wood attempted to clear some confusion about AB939 and emphasized the need to act quickly to meet the mandates. James Patterson, member of the Recycling Committee, asserted that he would stand firmly behind the recommendations and urged the Council to move forward with the integrated waste management plan as proposed. Mike McNamara, 8711 Old Santa Rosa Road, indicated that mandatory pick-up makes sense in order to monitor what goes into the landfill and to keep the City clean. CC01/22/91 Page 5 Marj Mackey, 5504-A Tunitas Avenue, urged the Council to put mandatory collection into effect as soon as possible. Mayor Lilley called a recess at 8:32 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:50 p.m. Public testimony on the proposed solid waste program continued. Ursula Luna, 10060 San Marcos Road commended the staff on the program and expressed disappointment that curbside recycling would not be coming sooner. Larry Easterday, 8700 Arcade, spoke in support of the local trash hauler and urged Council to consider Wil-Mar to provide the recycling services. There were no further public comments. Mayor Lilley brought the discussion back to the Council. Councilwoman Borgeson reported that she had received a phone call just prior to the meeting from a resident, Mrs. Stevenson, who wanted it put on record that she had received good service from Wil-Mar Disposal. In addition, Councilwoman Borgeson stated that she had received letters from Pat Molloy and from Linda and Jeff Schaff, all Atascadero residents, who wrote that the solution to the landfill problem is not mandatory collection, but the reduction of the amount of garbage generated by each household. These residents, she commented, indicated that they recycle all that they can and objected to being penalized for doing so. Councilman Dexter suggested that mitigation measures should be considered for the elderly, handicapped, and others on minimum incomes. Councilman Nimmo commended the staff and the Recycling Committee and spoke in support of Wil-Mar Disposal. He assured the public that the Council does not wish to impose unnecessary restrictions on the citizens, but explained that state legislature has taken away options and that there is no other choice. Councilman Shiers acknowledged that some will find mandatory pick- up burdensome. He stated that he had received many comments from the public and that it was evident that the community was split on the issue. Councilman Shiers also expressed concern that mandatory service be implemented efficiently and at the least possible cost, adding that it is up to the Council to ensure that this be done. Councilwoman Borgeson stated that she wanted staff to receive CC01/22/91 Page 6 Council input and outlined a six-point plan, which included support for each citizen's choice, modifications for senior citizens and those on low incomes, the purchase of a shredder, a public educational program, mandates for the provision of space in all new buildings to accommodate bins for sorting recyclables and periodic audit of the waste management program. Councilwoman Borgeson also indicated that she had received excellent service from Wil-Mar and was supportive of an extension of their contract, as well as the rate increase. The City Manager pointed out that the staff report reflected the recommendation of an educational program. The mayor concluded the Council's comments by expressing support for addressing the problem and accepting the staffs' recommendations. He emphasized that the program could be monitored and evaluated on an on-going basis. Councilwoman Borgeson reiterated the desire to see the City provide a chipper/shredder service and suggested that the sale of mulch would bring revenue back to the City. The City Manager pointed out that the matter had been addressed during the fiscal budget review and that Chief Hicks had reported that the initial cost of a shredder would be expensive. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilman Dexter to adopt Recommendations #One through Seven, Agenda Item #B- 1. Discussion of the motion: Councilwoman Borgeson asked that a roll call vote be taken on each, separate recommendation. Councilman Nimmo indicated that he was not willing to amend his motion. Councilman Shiers referred to Recommendation #5 calling for staff to work on the details of the proposed rates and asked that, as they do this, consideration be given to those of low- income, senior citizens and disabled residents. The mayor remarked that he did not presume that Council will not be given the opportunity for further input. He stated that he would assume staff would consider the comments made to define the components of the integrated waste management plan. Councilman Dexter concurred. CC01/22/91 Page 7 The Public Works Director assured the Council that their concerns, especially those related to green waste, educational programs and alternative programs for those in need, had been noted and would be taken into consideration. Councilwoman Borgeson emphasized that she also wanted to see a modification for citizens who generate less than one can per month. A roll call vote on the motion to adopt the seven recommendations of staff was taken; motion carried 5:0. 2. TREE REMOVAL REQUEST, ARDILLA ROAD EXTENSION (Continued from 11/27/90 & 1/8/91) A. Appeal of Negative Declaration (Joan O'Keefe) B. Tree removals for road extension Henry Engen, Community Development Director, requested a continuance on this matter and reported that the applicants had requested that the matter be scheduled for March 12, 1991. He noted that since the agenda had been posted, Council had received more information on the matter. This correspondence, he explained, was a packet (dated January 18, 1991) amending the appeal from Joan O'Keefe and a letter from Elizabeth Scott-Graham (January 16, 1991) refining the appeal. In addition, Mr. Engen explained that there had been some work done by Vaughn Engineers on behalf of Mr. Barnes which would, therefore, require preparing a final map. He added that ample time would also be required to re-post the map and give proper notice pursuant to the City Attorney's written opinion. Councilman Dexter stated that he did not object to continuing the matter again, but shared concern relating to paper waste and suggested that the agenda information be saved for the next meeting. The City Manager noted that if Council and staff would keep their copies, he would be sure that everyone received any new materials. Mr. Windsor also assured the Council that a full copy of all the information would be available in both the library and in the City Clerk's Office. Councilwoman Borgeson reported that she had received a call from a property owner in the vicinity of the Ardilla Road extension who was experiencing delays because of the continuance. She acknowledged the necessity of the continuance, but expressed hope that the matter could be resolved without further postponements. Councilman Nimmo concurred asserting desire to see the matter resolved on March 12. CC01/22/91 Page 8 MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilman Nimmo to continue Items B-2 (a) and (b) to March 12, 1991; motion unanimously carried. Joan O'Keefe, appellant, stated that if a new Negative Declaration is posted she may not find it necessary to appeal it and requested that the $100.00 appeal filing fee be returned to her. 3. ZONE CHANGE 3-90, 7970 SINALOA AVENUE - CONSIDERATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION'S RECOMMENDATION FOR DENIAL OF REQUEST TO ESTABLISH A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY ZONE (PD7) (Best/Cuesta Engineering) Henry Engen presented the staff report and indicated that the Planning Commission had recommended denial of the rezoning predicated on not making necessary findings in support of a planned development. He pointed out that the staff recommendation was to approve. In addition, Mr. Engen asked that, following judgment on the rezoning, Council give direction regarding criteria for approval of future small lot subdivision planned developments. Council questions followed relating to zoning, appropriate uses and conditions of approval. Mr. Engen explained that current zoning would allow three two-bedroom units and clarified that the issue was the request to split the parcel into three separate lots. He also confirmed that staff's recommendation to the Planning Commission had not changed and was consistent with adopted ordinances. Prior to considering the specific request, Council exchanged views regarding policy making, the Planning Commission's role as an advisory body to the Council and the topic of minimum lot sizes for PD's. Public Comments: The applicant, Russ Best, spoke in support of the request and highlighted the benefits the proposed development would have to offer. Deborah Hollowell, Cuesta Engineering, emphasized that the proposed project meets the density requirements and presented an overhead projection comparing lot areas of similar neighboring projects. Ms. Hollowell asked the Council to recognize the benefits offered by the proposed rezoning and urged Council to approve the request. Council comments followed. Councilwoman Borgeson voiced opposition CC01/22/91 Page 9 to the rezoning on the basis that affordable rental housing would be lost. Councilman Shiers agreed that he could not support the request noting that the Planning Commission had gone over the findings in great detail and had determined that they could not make the findings to approve. Councilman Nimmo debated that staff had made findings for approval consistent with the General Plan. Councilman Dexter concurred that the request was in keeping with other projects previously approved. Mayor Lilley reported that he had no difficulty in making the findings of approval and could support the project. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilman Dexter to adopt the Findings for Approval of the zoning change contained in Exhibit J, Draft PD Overlay Ordinance. Henry Engen reminded Council of the normal, two step process of adopting an ordinance on first reading. Councilman Nimmo amended the motion, as follows: To waive the reading in full and adopt Ordinance No. 217 amending Map 17 of the Official Zoning Maps by rezoning certain real property at 7970 Sinaloa Avenue from RMF/16 to RMF/16 by title only; motion carried 3 :2, with Councilmembers Shiers and Borgeson opposing. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilman Dexter to adopt Ordinance No. 217 on first reading; motion carried 3 :2 with Councilmembers Shiers and Borgeson in opposition. There was consensus to direct staff to schedule before the Planning Commission a review of planned development standards and determine where policy direction is needed. It was also agreed that following such a discussion, the matter would then come back to the City Council for further deliberation within a month or two. C. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. ACCEPTANCE OF CERTAIN ROADS IN LAS ENCINAS II AND ATASCADERO HIGHLANDS Greg Luke, Public Works Director, gave the staff report and recommendation to accept, by formal resolution, certain roads and portions of roads included in agreements between the City of Atascadero and Gordon T. Davis. He noted that physical construction and repair of the specified roads as designated in CC01/22/91 Page 10 Resolution No. 111-90 had been completed and the work inspected and monitored by both staff and North Coast Engineering. In addition, Mr. Luke pointed out that Jaquima Road and Sausalito Road would remain private. Mayor Lilley commented that he believed the recommended action was a result of a productive resolution of a problem relating to roads and indicated support for accepting the roads. Councilman Shiers, read a portion of the staff report: "Fiscal Impact. . .The maintenance cost per mile of road is not expected to exceed that typically required by the rest of the City's maintained road system." He emphasized that he hoped this expectation would be borne out. The mayor thanked Steve Sylvester of North Coast Engineering for his assistance in resolving the matter. Public Comments: Bill Barnes, representing Atascadero Highlands, thanked the Council, staff, the City Manager and North County Engineering. Gordon Davis, also extended his appreciation to Mr. Windsor and the Council. He added that although times had been trying, he was glad to see the work completed. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Dexter to approve Resolution No. 4-91 accepting certain roads and portions of certain roads into the City maintained road system; motion unanimously passed by roll call vote. 2. WATER STUDY COST SHARE - RESPONSE FROM ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER COMPANY (Verbal) Mayor Lilley reported that the Council was in receipt of a letter written by Gordon Davis, President, Board of Directors for the Atascadero Mutual Water Company (see Exhibit A) in response to a request to share the cost of a water study. Because the Water Company had declined to participate, Mayor Lilley asked the Council what action they wished to take. Councilman Shiers stated he was supportive of moving forward with the independent study because it would provide information pertinent to the City's water supply. Councilman Dexter agreed, adding that the information would provide tools for planning. CC01/22/91 Page 11 Councilman Nimmo reiterated that the water subject and its' future availability will be addressed during the environmental impact study prepared for the General Plan Update. He indicated that he could not support paying for this information twice. Councilwoman Borgeson extended appreciation to the Board of Directors of the Atascadero Mutual Water Company for considering the City's request and reaffirmed her support for proceeding with the study. Mayor Lilley concurred that he, too, was prepared to move forward with the study. He recognized the Water Company's position and indicated that he would look forward to working with them on water conservation efforts. MOTION: By Councilman Shiers and seconded by Councilman Dexter to proceed with funding a study to be completed by The Morro Group in an amount not to exceed $10,000; motion carried 4:1 with Councilman Nimmo voting in opposition. 3. CONSIDERATION OF SELECTION OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (ROUNDTABLE) The City Manager suggested that the Council give direction to the staff on the composition by affiliation. He indicated that the matter would come back to them at a future meeting for further input regarding policy. At that time, he stated, Council would consider specific individuals to fill the positions. Mayor Lilley explained the purpose of the "roundtable" and Council exchanged ideas about the specific make-up. Councilman Shiers indicated that he believed that the roundtable should consist of only one councilmember. There was consensus among the Council that the mayor should be the council representative. Councilwoman Borgeson suggested that three or four financial institutions be represented, as well as four Chamber of Commerce members, to sit on the roundtable. She did not support the appointment of a planning commissioner. Mayor Lilley pointed out that there are only three banks in Atascadero who loan locally. Additional discussion followed relating to members-at-large and Chamber of Commerce representation. The Mayor suggested that a representative from a utility company might also be appointed. Prior to taking action on the matter, the following motion to continue the meeting past 11:00 p.m. was made: CC01/22/91 Page 12 MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilman Dexter to extend the meeting beyond 11:00 p.m. ; motion carried. There was consensus to set up an Economic Roundtable consisting of the following: Mayor 3 Representatives from Local Financial Institutions 4 Chamber of Commerce Members 2 B.I.A. Members 2 Members-at-Large The City Manager indicated that he would be coming back with a list of potential appointees at a future meeting. 4. SET DATE FOR MID-YEAR BUDGET REVIEW By common consensus, the Mid-Year Budget Review was scheduled for 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 26, 1991. D. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council: A. Committee Reports (The following informative status reports were given. ): 1. City/School Committee - Councilman Dexter announced that the next meeting would be Thursday, January 24, 1991. 2. North Coastal Transit/S.L.O. Area Coordinating Council Councilwoman Borgeson briefly reported and indicated that additional meetings may be scheduled because of the many items of business now being addressed by the Coordinating Council. 3. Traffic Committee - Councilman Dexter reported that the next meeting would be Wednesday, January 23, 1991. 4. Solid/Hazardous Waste Mgmt. Committee - Councilman Nimmo reported that Greg Luke had attended the last meeting and had distributed his comments. 5. Recycling Committee - Councilman Shiers reported that the results of this committee's efforts had been addressed earlier in the meeting.. Additionally, he announced the CC01/22/91 Page 13 next meeting date to be Thursday, January 24, 1991. 6. Economic Opportunity Commission - Councilman Dexter indicated that he had recently attended, the Board meeting. 2. City Attorney - No report. 3. City Clerk - No report. 4. City Treasurer Muriel Korba reported that she was striving for more complete and meaningful reports. S. City Manager - No additional report. Councilman Shiers announced that he would not be present during the second meeting of March. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to adjourn the meeting; motion unanimously passed. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 11:10 P.M. THE NEXT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL WILL BE FEBRUARY 12, 1991 AT 6:00 p.m. MINUTES R!3CORDED AND PREPARED BY: LEE DAYKA City Clerk Attachment: Exhibit A - Atascadero Mutual Water Company CC01/22/91 Page 14 CC1/22/91 EXHIBIT "A" 5005 EL CAMINO REAL - P.0.BOX 6075 - ATASCADERO,CA 93423 - (805)466-2428 ATASCADER0 MUTUAL WATER COMPANY ESTABLISHED 1913 January 17, 1991 JAN 2 2 19Su Honorable Robert Lilley CrrY A4GR. Mayor of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 Dear Mayor Lilley. Thank you for your letter of January 10, 1991, which proposes that Atascadero Mutual Water Company join with the City of Atascadero in funding a study of the current underground water situation in Atas- cadero. As we understand it, the proposed study would essentially be a compilation of data currently available in various studies and reports of record. As you know, the Atascadero Mutual Water Company has as its charter the furnishing of water on demand to all shareholders; shareholders being, of course, all persons owning property within the boundary of Atascadero Colony whether or not the property is improved. As you also know, almost the entire state of California is under- going a water shortage of unprecedented proportions due to diminished seasonal rains over the past five years . Further, it does not now appear that any significant relief or replenishment of underground aquifers can be expected during the current season. Accordingly, we can expect that relatively severe water conservation measures will have to be taken at least until winter of 1991-92. That does not mean, however, that Atascadero will be without water. It does mean that Colony residents will have to change from a level of consumption that has been the highest in the County to one more consistent with that of hundreds of other communities up and down the State. In order to insure that the Water Company can continue to meet the essential water needs of present and future Colony residents, we are investing very large sums of money in improvements and expansion of our water supply system; we are drilling new wells; and we are adding, at a cost of nearly one-million dollars, a new reservoir which w .lL vastly increase our storage capacity and provide further insurance against potentially devastating fires In sum, while we appreciate the concerns expressed in your letter and the concerns of many of our citizens, we believe the best way to allay those concerns is to insure that our financial resources are used to effectively improve and guarantee water availability rather than to dissipate those funds ou an additional study; a t Mayor Robert Lilley Page 2 study not calculated to either add to existing knowledge or increase water availability. Again, I appreciate your letter and want to assure you and the City Council of our sincere interest in mutual cooperation as all of us work our way through this junfo ate state-wid roughs. S1 yours, GT. Davis , President BOARD OF DIRECTORS