HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 103090 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 30, 1990 Mayor Lilley called the meeting to order- at 7:05 p .m. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Nimmo . ROLL CALL: Present : Councilmembers Shiers, Nimmo , Dexter , Borgeson and Mayor Lilley Also Present : Muriel Korba, City Treasurer and Lee Dayka, City Clerk Staff Present : Ray Windsor , City Manager ; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Henry Engen, Community Development Director ; Greg Luke, Public Works Director ; Andy Takata, Director of Parks, Recreation and Zoo ; Mark Joseph , Administrative Services Director ; Mike Hicks, Fire Chief; Bud McHale, Police Chief COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilwoman Borgeson congratulated the Department of Parks, Recreation and Zoo for hosting the successful "Haunted House" during Halloween. Andy Takata clarified that congratulations should be extended to the Atascadero Jaycees, acknowledging that it had been a joint effort . Councilman Dexter noted that the City Manager , along with City department heads and members of Council , had initiated "Pride Daze" and invited others to participate in the clean-up of the downtown. Mayor Lilley reported that he, along with Councilman Nimmo , Councilman Dexter , the City Clerk , the Community Development Director , Fire Chief and Police Chief, had attended the Annual League of California Cities Convention in Anaheim the previous week . The mayor relayed that there seems to be a major war afoot between the State Legislature and local governments as to how to fund County government . He reported that decisions made in Sacramento have put that funding onto cities and indicated that CC10/30/90 Page 1 I the cities are resisting those efforts. PROCLAMATION: Mayor Lilley read the following Proclamations: "Hospice Month" , November 1990 - Mayor Lilley commented that it was a pleasure to recognize the work of Hospice volunteers and asked the community to support their efforts. "Key Club Week" , November 4-10, 1990 - Mayor Lilley presented the proclamation to Nicole Lowe, Key Club Representative. "Pornography Awareness Week" , October 28 - November 4, 1990 COMMUNITY FORUM: Ray Jansen, 6655 Country Club Drive, read a prepared statement urging the acquisition of Stadium Park . A. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Lilley read the Consent Calendar : 1 . SEPTEMBER 25, 1990 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2. OCTOBER 4, 1990 JOINT CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 3. OCTOBER 131 1990 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES (Special Meeting ) 4. RESOLUTION NO. 118-90 - ENCOURAGING THE APPLICATION OF WATER CONSERVATION METHODS 5. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 09-89 AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 21-89, 8555 EL CORTE - Consideration of Findings and Conditions of Approval for proposal to subdivide six existing lots of 21 acres into 73 lots for single-family homes ( including one common lot ) (Bunnell Development Co . ) (Cont ' d from 10/9/90) 6. QRDINANCE NO. 211 - ZONE CHANGE 15-89, 8555 EL CORTE- Proposed amendment of language of the Planned Development Overlay Zone No . 6 (PD6) applicable to 21 acres at subject address (Bunnell ) (Second Reading & Adoption) (Cont ' d from 10/9/90) CC10/30/90 Page 2 0 • 7. RESOLUTION NO. , 119-90 - ENDORSING DESIGNATION OF THE CENTRAL COAST NATIONAL MARINE SANCTUARY B. RENAMING OF TRAFFIC WAY PARK The mayor indicated that the Community Development Director had requested that items A-5 and A-6 be removed from the Consent Calendar . Councilwoman Borgeson asked that item A-e be pulled for discussion. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilman Nimmo to approve items A-1 , A-2, A-3, A-4, and A-7; motion unanimously carried . Discussions followed . 5. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 09-89 AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 21-89, 8555 EL CORTE - Consideration of Findings and Conditions of Approval for proposal to subdivide six existing lots of 21 acres into 73 lots for single-family homes ( including one common lot ) (Bunnell Development Co . ) (Cont ' d from 10/9/90) 6. ORDINANCE NO. 211 - ZONE CHANGE 15-890 8555 EL CORTE- Proposed amendment of language of the Planned Development Overlay Zone No . 6 (PD6) applicable to 21 acres at subject address (Bunnell ) (Second Reading & Adoption) (Cont 'd from 10/9/90) Henry Engen reported that at the October 9, 1990 meeting , the Council had approved , on first reading , the zoning change which eliminated the 960 ' contour elevation constraint on heights of buildings built below it . He indicated that the planned development had been approved , but at a lower density of 72 units rather than 77 units; and that Council had directed staff to bring back revised conditions of approval . The Community Development Director outlined the re-design and indicated which of the five homes had been deleted from the original application. Additionally, Mr . Engen noted specific language pertaining to the Conditional Use Permit and Tentative Map had been amended to reflect the redesign. Councilwoman Borgeson made reference to a letter dated October 30, 1990 submitted by Jay Peterson, read a portion of that letter and asked the City Attorney for direction. Mr . Montandon reported that he disagreed with the opinion of Mr . Peterson and advised that the Council was not violating any codes. The City Attorney clarified that the matter (pursuant to Section 9-1 . 111 of the Atascadero Municipal Code governing appeals of the City CC10/30/90 Page 3 0 i Council ) does not have to go back to the Planning Commission because it had been affirmed in part . He also stated that the Conditional Use Permit is considered a master plan for the project and does not require an overlay plan. The Community Development Director concurred with the City Attorney ' s assessment of the use permit ' s purpose as a master plan for development . Councilman Shiers remarked that when he had voted for the project before he had anticipated that the houses that would be eliminated would be ones that were fairly close to the 960 ' contour line and stated that for this reason he did not support the redesign. Councilwoman Borgeson stated that perhaps the map should have been denied and sent back to the Planning Commission so that Council concerns could have been addressed . Councilman Nimmo commented that the Council had asked the applicant to reduce the project by five units and had not indicated the location of any of the homes to removed . He stated that the developer had acted in good faith and that it would be unfair to dictate which homes should be eliminated . Councilman Dexter remarked that the developer had shown a spirit of cooperation by the elimination of one home just below the 960 foot elevation. Councilwoman Borgeson stated that she thought the Council had given unclear direction as it relates to the appeal . Mayor Lilley recalled that the original appeal was a request for a density greater than the current plan reflects and noted that the applicant had been agreeable to the reduction of five homes. Councilwoman Borgeson reiterated that the zoning had been changed under a previous Council and clarified that the map for 7e units was bought by Mr . Bunnell , who then requested a density of 77 units. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilman Dexter to approve Condition Use Permit 09-89 and Tentative Tract Map el-89 at 8555 E1 Corte; motion carried 4: 1 with Councilman Shiers opposing . (NOTES Please see Pages 8-9 for clarification of this vote. ) CC10/30/90 Page 4 MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilman Nimmo to adopt Ordinance 211 on second reading , by title only; motion carried 4: 1 by roll call vote, with Councilman Shiers voting in opposition. 8. RENAMING OF TRAFFIC WAY PARK Councilwoman Borgeson, who had removed - this item from the Consent Calendar for further discussion, reported that she had spoken with Andy Takata about the naming of this park and noted that the playing field had been known for many years as the "Henderson Park" . She added that some of the Henderson family was still residing in the community and expressed interest in keeping that name for at least the playing fields. Councilman Nimmo commented that , while he did not recall the park ever being referred to as the "Henderson Park" , he had no i objections to the name and spoke highly of Mr . Earl Henderson. Mayor Lilley stated that he concurred with staff recommendation to develop a policy for naming parks for something other than individuals and naming playing fields for individuals in recognition of the commitments to the City. Public Comment: Jerry Clay, of Atascadero , noted that there were three fields named after three different individuals: Earl Henderson, Bill Willhoit and Mr . Healy. He requested that if one name was continued to be used , that all three names be used . Councilwoman Borgeson agreed with the mayor ' s comments. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to name ball fields after individuals and that the names of parks include the street name or other geographical identification; motion unanimously carried . B. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES : 1 . BENCH PROPERTY PURCHASE AGREEMENT (Parcel 3 of Tentative Parcel Map AT 88-307) (Requires 4/5 Vote) A. Resolution No. 120-90 - Resolution of Necessity Mayor Lilley announced that this matter was on the agenda to allow Mr . and Mrs. Tom Bench to object , if they so desire, to a CC10/30/90 Page 5 possible condemnation of their property for a fee of $65,000 involving the parcel of property located in the creekbed adjoining their home. He stated that it was also open for public comment as to the City ' s appropriateness to acquire the property by way of condemnation. He clarified that the Council had not made a decision and that this negotiation was a prelude to determining whether or not they will make a decision. The City Manager made a correction to the staff report indicating that the Community Development Director ' s name on the letter of transmittal should be stricken and changed to the City Attorney. He reported that the matter comes before Council in this format in order to comply with statutory requirements relating to eminent domain proceedings for possible acquisition and the adoption of a resolution of necessity. Council then directed questions to staff. The Public Works Director responded to questions relating to the Curbaril right- of-way, noting that it is an established Colony road and that historically the City has proceeded as if the Colony right-of- ways are, in fact , City right-of-ways. Mr . Engen reported that development of the creek property would , in addition to meeting necessary building permit requirements, have to gain approval from the Department of Fish & Game. The City Attorney pointed out that passage of the Resolution of Necessity would require a 4/5 vote. Public Comments : George Luna, 10600 San Marcos Road , spoke as a private citizen. He remarked that the staff report seemed "a done deal " and opposed eminent domain proceedings. He added that there was no need to purchase the property. Joan Okeefe, 9985 Old Morro Road East , objected to the City ' s purchase of the property because it was a non-buildable lot , was not a part of the Circulation Element and would not promote the kind of recreation the City wants for its ' young . Mari Mackey, urged Council not to approve the resolution and stated that it was inappropriate for the City to spend any money on the property at this time. Ellen Heinz , 7555 Carmelita, opposed the City ' s purchase of the Bench property and urged Council to use its ' funds for other park projects. CC10/30/90 Page 6 Bob Powers, 7505 Carmelita, also opposed the acquisition and commented that there were other areas of a higher priority. Joe Ramirez , 5405 Mercedes, stated that he represented tennis players of the community and pointed out that the City is not currently meeting their needs. He asked that the proposed funds be used to provide recreational space for tennis rather than on the Bench property acquisition. Larry Sherwin, 2755 Campo Road , spoke in favor of the purchase noting that the creek property was part of E.G. Lewis ' plan for the community. Virginia Powers, 7505 Carmelita, asserted that the proposed resolution does not exhibit public interest or necessity and declared that the acquisition would represent a waste of taxpayer ' s money. Marty Kudlac , 4740 Del Rio , addressed Council as a private citizen and gave support to the property purchase. He debated comments of others and urged adoption of the resolution initiating eminent domain proceedings. Sarah Gronstrand , 7620 Del Rio Road , voiced concern over the matter and asked the Council to listen to the expertise of its ' staff. She added that she thought it was unseemly for Planning Commissioners to lobby the Council and asked that money be appropriated for the purchase. Ron Mathias, 9195 Curbaril , opposed the purchase and asked the City to spend the money on tennis courts instead . Don Saueressig , 10735 San Marcos Road , commented that he believed the acquisition to be of a low priority and stated that there was no expenditures budgeted for this purchase. Additionally, Mr . Saueressig shared with Council his version of a traffic plan and outlined the area that would be best suited by a bridge. Celia Moss, 8040 Coromar , debated the level of priority this purchase would represent and stated that if Council were to approve it , they would be setting a precedent . Olive Bishop , 7655 Carmelita, opposed the purchase at this time and urged Council to wait until the property is needed for actual construction of a bridge. Individual Council comments followed . CC10/30/90 Page 7 ! • Councilman Dexter affirmed that he would not be voting with any one particular group and could not , in clear conscience, vote to purchase the Bench property. Councilman Nimmo observed that the Bench property is not under threat of development and stated that there were other areas of higher importance. Mayor Lilley voiced his commitment to the Creekway Plan and quoted the General Plan as it relates to easements and acquisition. He commented that the easement is adequate and saw no necessity for condemnation. Councilwoman Borgeson stated that the General Plan recommends j that , whenever possible, the City purchase creekway property and asserted that the opportunity comes along once in a lifetime. Ms. Borgeson also commented that policy is made at the Budget Hearings and that is where priority was set for the acquisition of park land and open space. Councilman Shiers stressed that the City has the opportunity to purchase the property at a price below market appraisal and that it may not have the chance again. He emphasized that the only way to protect the land , creekway and ecosystem for future generations is by acquiring the property. Councilman Shiers acknowledged that although the property may not currently be in danger of imminent 2development , it may be so in the future and reiterated his support of the purchase. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter to deny the Resolution No . 120-90. Councilman Nimmo raised a point of order noting that the only appropriate motion would be to adopt the resolution and clarified that absent such a motion, the matter would then die. Councilman Dexter withdrew his motion. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Shiers to adopt Resolution No . 120-90; motion failed 2:3. Mayor Lilley called for a recess at 8s45 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:02 p.m. Councilwoman Borgeson requested a change in the recordation of her vote relating to Consent Calendar #A-5. She indicated she had inadvertently voted "Yes" and wished her vote to be recorded CC10/30/90 Page 8 as a "No" . 2. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 10-90! 6905 EL CAMINO REAL- Consideration of appeal by Gaylen Little of signage conditions approved by the Planning Commission for the Century Plaza Center (El Camino Associates) Henry Engen gave a background report on the appeal and outlined the applicant ' s request to enlarge the shopping center ' s existing pedestal sign. He noted that staff recommended denial of the appeal and upholding the conditions established by the Planning Commission. Public Comment: Gaylen Little, appellant , apologized for not having been at the Planning Commission hearing and indicated that he might have been able to eliminate some of the concerns. He noted that he concurred with the other recommendations (Exhibit I ) made by staff, which included a re-design of the proposed bowling alley sign. He also explained the reasons why he was appealing conditions 2(a) and 2(b ) pertaining to the existing pedestal sign and stressed the importance of listing the anchor tenants on the sign. Mr . Little indicated that to avoid theft of the removable letters used to advertise the cinema, he was seeking to maintain a height of six and one-half feet from the base of the sign. Henry Engen pointed out that condition #3, calling for a demolition permit , would also be linked to the appeal . Mr . Little clarified that he did not wish to demolish the present Sign. The mayor asked if the appellant was willing to go along with architecturally what was previously approved in 1985. Mr . Little indicated that he could soften the corners of the requested sign to make it look more pleasing . Councilman Shiers concurred with the Planning Commission ' s decision, remarked that the style proposed in 1985 ties in with the architectural layout of the plaza and added that the existing sign detracts from it . In addition, he asked Mr . Little if consideration had been given to electronic signage advertising movie engagements. The developer replied that it had not been considered and emphasized the cinema owner had already invested in the present sign. Councilwoman Borgeson agreed with Commissioners ' Johnson and Lochridge, who felt that there was too much signage and supported CC10/30/90 Page 9 their decision relating to architectural style. Mayor Lilley also agreed with the Commission in their decision to require the developer to return to the architectural style of 1985 and stated that there was a need for originality. Councilman Dexter gave suggestions for remodeling the top end of the proposed pedestal sign. Councilman Shiers opposed the use of a pedestal sign. Councilman Nimmo indicated that he did not object to a pedestal sign but asked whether or not the proposed sign could be revised without increasing the height of the sign. The appellant indicated that he was willing to revise the sign and reiterated his need for adequate height to avoid vandalism. Councilman Dexter proposed landscaping at the base of the sign. Mr . Little replied that additional vegetation could indeed be planted there. Henry Engen suggested that the existing non-conforming pedestal sign be remodeled in accord with the architectural design approved in 1985 and add a requirement that the base be landscaped to give it the look of a monument sign. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Shiers to deny the appeal ; motion failed 2:3. Brief discussion followed . MOTION: By Mayor Lilley and seconded by Councilman Dexter to adopt the conditions approved with the exceptions of 2(a) and 2(b ) and modify those conditions to provide for the remodeling of the existing monument sign to retain its' present height and dimensions and be in accord with the architectural details set forth in the 1985 approval for the project ; and should the sign be pedestal in style, that it be landscaped subject to staff approval . Motion carried 3:2 with Councilman Shiers and Councilwoman Borgeson voting in opposition. 3. URGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 212 - EXTENSION OF CONDOMINIUM CONVER- SION MORATORIUM ORDINANCE NO. 210 (Requires 4/5 Vote) Mayor Lilley introduced the matter and asked the Community Development Director to describe the necessity of extending the urgency ordinance for twelve ( 12) months. CC10/30/90 Page 10 • i Mr . Engen gave background and reported that the draft ordinance had been presented to the City Attorney for legal review. He stated that it was his hope to have the condominium conversion ordinance go to hearing at the second Planning Commission meeting in November and explained that the one year period was to accommodate unforeseen continuances and/or revisions. I Council comments followed . Councilwoman Borgeson and the mayor both expressed concern for extending the moratorium for one year . Mayor Lilley suggested shortening the time frame to six months and asked Mr . Montandon if it would be necessary to continue the matter as a result of such a modification. The City Attorney noted no continuance was needed in order to make that change. Councilman Nimmo stated that he was not prepared to go beyond six months. Public Comments : Tom Vaughn, Vaughn Surveys, asked for an exemption from the current extension of the moratorium for the four applications which were in the pipeline as of September 25, 1990. He indicated that there had already been a great deal of time involved and that 60-day notice, as required by the Subdivision Map Act , had been given. Mayor Lilley expressed concern that tenants had been given notice and asked for clarification. Mr . Vaughn stated that a Notice of Intent had been filed, not a Termination of Tenancy . Discussion followed relating to those applications for conversion which were deemed incomplete. The Community Development Director reported that staff was guided by the Permit Streamlining Act of California in making the declaration of completeness. Councilwoman Borgeson stated that some consideration be given to two applications which were substantially complete. The City Attorney noted that the original cut-off date determined was justified by case law and statute. He stated that the ordinance could be amended to exempt the two applications, but advised against it because of complexity and the added fact that one of those applications had withdrawn. Mr . Engen emphasized that the reason behind the moratorium ordinance is the desire to not process conversions without standards and stated that even though it might seem a bit brutal , it is consistent with declaring an emergency that needs instant attention. I CC10/30/90 Page 11 0 • Councilwoman Borgeson stated that she was in agreement with both the City Attorney and the Community Development Director . Geraldine Brasher , 3202 Monterey Road , spoke in favor of extending the moratorium for a period of six months. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Shiers to approve interim Ordinance No . 212 extending the condominium conversion moratorium for up to six months; motion unanimously passed by roll call vote. 4. HEARING TO CONSIDER REVOCATION OF CITY BUSINESS LICENSE #90216 8052 CRISTOBAL (R & S Plumbing) (Cont 'd from 9/25/90) Henry Engen reported that Mrs. Brard had picked up the Transfer of Business License papers and asked that the matter be continued to the meeting of November 27, 1990. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Shiers to continue the matter until November 27, 1990; motion carried . C. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1 . LOCAL WATER RESOURCES REVIEW A. Questions raised at the Special Meeting held October 13, 1990 B. Proposal for Water Resources Study Greg Luke, Public Works Director , gave a brief introduction and indicated that he would be happy to respond to questions relating to his staff report . Mayor Lilley thanked the Public Works Director for his in-depth , informative report . He stated that he would have difficulty authorizing a study to determine if the mechanical operation of the Water Company is as it ought to be. He indicated that he did , however , believe that the City has an obligation, in light of the drought , to do some independent study and suggested a cooperative regional study along with Paso Robles and Templeton. Councilwoman Borgeson referred to items #1 and #3 of Mr . Luke ' s staff report ( Item C-1-B) and expressed support for his recommendations. She also suggested that it be proposed to the Water Company that it allow an ex-officio representative from the City to attend its ' meetings to establish rapore between the two . CC10/30/90 Page 12 0 • Councilman Shiers stressed the importance of bringing the Water Company in to participate in the study. The Public Works Director emphasized the need to develop management strategies and concurred that the process could not go any further without the cooperation of the Water Company. Public Comments: Doug Lewis, of Atascadero , suggested that the City, if it owns a substantial amount of property, have a representative on the Atascadero Mutual Water Board of Directors. In addition, he pondered where it was that the reported millions of gallons of water per day go that is used by the Chalk Mountain Golf Course and if some of that could be reclaimed . James Patterson, 9312 N. Santa Margarita Road , reported that he owned a nursery in the City and has been following the drought situation across the State for quite some time. He voiced support for the direction in which the City was moving to assess the situation on a regional basis and urged the City Council to take a lead roll in establishing a Water Management Plan to ensure water resources for the community. Eric Greening , 7365 Val-le, relayed a word of caution relating to the Statewide Water Project and asked that the City not assume that it is guaranteed . Fred Frank , 3615 Ardilla, supported the comments of Mr . Patterson and urged Council to take advantage of a $10,000 contract to get a good , ball park estimate of what reliable resources are available to the City. Dennis Loftus, 4885 Arizona, implored the City Council to send a message to the Water Company asking them to give the City a plan the people can live with . Jerry Clay, 7285 Sycamore road , spoke on behalf of the Water Company, stated they were doing a good job and that the rates were very good compared to other cities. In addition, he agreed with others who stressed the importance of having a liaison person between the City and Water Company. Nancy Rice, 4245 Arena, remarked that the Water Company has not planned well and emphasized that water conservation is important . Councilwoman Borgeson noted that the Council does not have the benefit of reliable information at the present time and gave support to authorizing the funds for a study of water resources. CC10/30/90 Page 13 • ! She added that if there is not enough water , the Council should not continue to allow new construction. Councilman Shiers remarked that other cities are much farther ahead of Atascadero with respect to actions in dealing with drought ( i .e. , moratoriums, low flow fixtures, etc . ) and agreed that it was time to hire a consultant to conduct a limited investigation. MOTION: By Councilman Shiers and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to request staff to 1 ) prepare a request for proposal to hire a private consultant to conduct a limited investigation on the long-term yield of the basin in the vicinity of the Water District ' s well field and 2) to further investigate the option of encourage and participating in a large long-range water quality and water supply study conducted by the Department of Water Resources. Discussion of the motion followed : Mayor Lilley asserted that it was time the City started developing and exercising a conservation program that patterns water use that is consistent with the environment . He added that , in addition to considering a request for proposal for a study, the City must encourage water responsibility among the citizens, independent from what the Water Company decides to do . Councilman Nimmo asked for clarification of a " limited investigation" . The Public Works Director reported that it would be a desk top study to provide an overview of what the reaction of the groundwater basin has been during the past four years of drought and what it is likely to be with increased pumping . Mr . Luke reiterated that the efficiency of the study will be greatly increased if the City can work cooperatively with the Water Company. A vote on the motion followed . Motion carried 4: 1 with Councilman Nimmo opposing . MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilman Nimmo to extend the meeting past 11 :00 p .m. ; motion carried . CC10/30/90 Page 14 2. BACKYARD BURNING RESTRICTIONS ORDINANCE Chief Hicks gave a brief report noting that he was seeking Council feedback on establishing a local ordinance regulating backyard burning . Council , by consensus, directed staff to prepare a formal ordinance for Council consideration. 3. BID #90-11 - AWARD THREE-YEAR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE CONTRACT FOR CITY PARK PROPERTIES Andy Takata gave staff report and recommended that the bid be formally awarded to Banner Landscapes of San Luis Obispo . Mr . Takata responded to questions from Council noting that Banner Landscape was a licensed contractor and had agreed to do all the work proposed. In addition, Mark Joseph indicated that Banner Landscape had adequate insurance. Public Comment : Frank Grim, Frank Grim Mowing Service, pointed out that even though his contract had expired in July, he had been willing to continue the service on a month to month basis and asked Council to renew his contract because he is a local resident . MOTION: By Councilman Shiers and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to follow the staff recommendation and award Bid No . 907 in the amount of $2,700 per month for a three year contract to Banner Landscape; motion passed 5:0 by roll call vote. 4. ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE CONTRACT RENEWAL Andy Takata requested a continuance on this matter indicating that he would be meeting with Tri-County Elevators on Friday, November 2, 1990. D. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council : A. Committee Reports (The informative status reports were given, as follows) : 1 . City/School Committee - The City Manager reported that the committee had met two weeks prior and announced that the next meeting would be in December . Councilman CC10/30/90 Page 15 Dexter reported the discussion had related to City/County funding policies. 2. North Coastal Transit/S.L.O. Area Coordinating Council - No report . 3. Traffic Committee - No report . 4. Solid/Hazardous Waste Mgmt. Committee - Councilman Nimmo announced the next meeting date as November 1 , 1990. 5. Recycling Committee - Councilman Shiers reported that the committee had formed three subcommittees and had composed a letter to the business sector of the community. He also stated that the chairperson was seeing to it that there was more public notice in the local newspaper regarding the meetings. I 6. Economic Opportunity Commission - Councilman Dexter gave a brief report noting the success of some of the programs, i .e. Headstart and Family Planning . 7. H. I .A. - The City Manager reported that he had received a request from the Joyful Noise Committee (Christmas decorations) asking that the City share the cost of equipping poles for lighting. Mr . Windsor recommended approval and Council gave consent . 2. City Attorney Mr . Montandon reported that he was researching issues related to the delayed annexation fee of $850 currently due for each parcel in the Separado-Cayucos Assessment District . He stated that he was hoping to come back in thirty days with a report and asked that , for that period , no fines or liens be imposed for late payments. 3. City Clerk The Clerk asked for Council direction relating to the recruitments for two citizen members-at-large on the Traffic Committee and for youth representatives on the Traffic Committee, Recycling Committee and the Parks & Recreation Commission. She indicated that there had been only a minimal response to each . By common consensus, Council directed the Clerk to extend the recruitments. CC10/30/90 Page 16 4. City Treasurer Muriel Korba reported that a $99,000 CD had been transferred from Downey Savings & Loan to Century Federal Savings & Loan on October 16, _ 1990. She indicated that even though the former institution ' s interest rate would have been going down, Century Federal ' s negotiated rate was locked in for a year at 8.45%. Additionally, Ms. Korba reported that an annual investment policy is required by law and that it will , following her attendance at a weekend workshop , be presented in time to be adopted by January 1991 . 5. City Manager Mr . Windsor requested that a date be set for the next joint study session with the Planning Commission. Council agreed to schedule the meeting for Thursday, November 29, 1990 at 6:00 p.m. to receive the Fiscal Plan presentation. The City Manager also requested a closed session to discuss personnel matters. It was agreed that this meeting would take place on Wednesday, October 31 , 1990 at 5:00 p .m. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilman Nimmo to adjourn to closed session on October 31 , 1990 for the purpose of discussion relating to personnel matters. Motion unanimously carried . THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 11 :30 P.M. MINUTES RECORDED AND TRANSCRIBED BY: LE KA, ty Cle CC10/30/90 Page 17