HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 100990 Approved as submitted 11/13/90 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 9, 1990 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p .m. by Mayor Lilley. Councilman Shiers led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present : Councilmembers Shiers, Nimmo , Dexter , Borgeson and Mayor Lilley Also Present : Muriel Korba, City Treasurer and Lee Dayka, City Clerk Staff Present : Ray Windsor , City Manager ; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Greg Luke, Public Works Director ; Lisa Schicker, Natural Resource Specialist ; and Bud McHale, Police Chief PROCLAMATION: Mayor Lilley read the proclamation for "Fire Prevention Week" , October 7-13, 1990. COMMUNITY FORUM: Sarah Gronstrand , representing the Friends of the Lake Pavilion, announced that on May 5, 1991 there would be a benefit event , "Festival of the Oaks and Antique Show" . A. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Lilley read the Consent Calendar : 1 . SEPTEMBER 11 , 1990 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2. SEPTEMBER 20, 1990 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES (Study Session) 3. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 11-90, 8065 AMAPOA - Request to subdivide one lot into four four airspace condominiums and a common space (Academe Enterprises, Inc . /Summit Engineering ) 4. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 12-90, 8045 AMAPOA - Request to convert CC10/9/90 Page 1 common space (Academe Enterprises, Inc . /Summit Engineering ) 4. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 12-90, 8045 AMAPOA - Request to convert an existing four-unit project into airspace condominiums (Shutt/Summitt Engineering ) 5. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 13-900 6655 TECORIDA - Request to subdivide one lot into four airspace condominiums and a common space (Borba/Cuesta Engineering ) 6. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 13-88, 6375 TECORIDA - Time extension (Grinnell ) 7. FINAL TRACT MAP 3-90, 7715/7745 SINALOA ROAD - Creation of six parcels ranging in size from 3,206 sq . ft . to 4,775 sq . ft . ( in conformance with Ordinance No . 198, Zone Change 8- 89, Planned Development Overlay No . 7) (Jones/Cuesta Engineering ) 8. FINAL TRACT MAP 15-89, 5900 BAJADA AVENUE - Amendment to a previously approved condominium tract map to allow an addition to unit #1 (Low/Cuesta Engineering ) 9. FINAL PARCEL MAP 20-891 14205 SANTA ANA ROAD, 9800 & 9850 GARCERO ROAD - Subdivision of 17. 19 acres into three lots containing approximately 5.7 acres each (Atascadero Highlands/ Volbrecht Surveys) 10. RESOLUTION NO. 116-90 - ESTABLISHMENT OF A NO PARKING AREA ALONG A PORTION OF EL CAMINO REAL IN FRONT OF THE K-MART PLAZA 11 . RESOLUTION NO. 115-90 - ESTABLISHMENT OF A STOP INTERSECTION ON ARDILLA ROAD AT THE INTERSECTION OF BALBOA ROAD 12. RESOLUTION NO. 117-90 - ESTABLISHMENT OF A NO PARKING AREA ALONG A PORTION OF SAN LUIS AND PUEBLO AVENUES 13. AUTHORIZATION FOR PAVILION-RELATED EXPENSES (PHASE I ) 14. AWARD OF BID #90-12 FOR BUILDING DIVISION UTILITY VEHICLE 15. AWARD OF BID #90-5 FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT COMPUTER EQUIPMENT Councilwoman Borgeson pulled items A-13 and A-15 for clarification. CC 10/9/90 Page 2 0. , 13. AUTHORIZATION FOR PAVILION-RELATED EXPENSES (PHASE I ) Councilwoman Borgeson noted that she had pulled this item off the Consent Calendar to ask why there was a 5% discrepancy in the contingency. The City Manager , Mr . Windsor , stated that the 10% contingency previously approved by Council was not necessary and added that if it increases above the 5% speculated , the matter will come back to Council . 15. AWARD OF BID #90-5 FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT COMPUTER EQUIPMENT Councilwoman Borgeson stated , for the public record , that she had spoken with the Police Chief regarding the award of the bid and that she had been satisfied with his report . Chief McHale clarified that Witco Computers can supply the most well-trained backup and can support the entire department ' s computer system. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to approve items A-13 and A-15; motion carried 5:0 by roll call vote. H. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES: 1 . CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 09-89, TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 21-89, AND ZONE CHANGE 15-89, 8555 EL CORTE - Appeal by Ray Bunnell of Planning Commission denial of proposal to subdivide six (6) existing lots of 21 acres into 79 lots for single-family homes, including one common lot , and to revise standards of the PD-6 Overlay Zone relating to the elevation at which structures can be built on the site (Continued from September 25, 1990) Henry Engen, Community Development Director , gave the staff report describing the proposed project and the additional amenities of a hiking trail and a common recreational lot . Mr . Engen reported that the initial staff recommendation was to support the proposed development and adopt the ordinance, but that the Planning Commission had recommended denial . He reported that the issues of concern included density, impact of off-site improvements, drainage, the request to change the 960 foot contour elevation and the impact of increased traffic . Mr . Engen responded to questions from the Council regarding surrounding development , building heights, access routes and minimum lot size. CC10/9/90 Page 3 i I An alternative to the proposed 77-unit project , he added , would be a 72-unit project , which is the scale schematically presented in support of the original re-zoning in 1986. Mr . Engen responded to questions from the Council regarding surrounding development , building heights, access routes and minimum lot size. Ray Bunnell , owner-developer , clarified that he was not requesting a re-zoning and that the proposed development would not be unusual or new for the area. He gave background and related comments in support of the Planned Development . In addition, Mr . Bunnell addressed the 960 foot elevation, tree removals and off-site improvements. At this time, Mr . Bunnell introduced his design team, who individually addressed the Council . Rob Strong , planning consultant , gave a slide presentation of the location and proposed development . Steve Pults, architect , presented slides rendering architectural concepts. Fred Schott , project engineer , addressed issues of drainage, road system, traffic and on-site grading . Mr . Bunnell then responded to questions from Council regarding lot size, side yards and property lot line design. Public Comments : Art Wells, 9105 La Linia, spoke in opposition to the planned development claiming that it create major changes in character and traffic levels. David Mosher , 8895 E1 Centro , stated that he was not against the property being developed , but asked that it be kept in line with one-half acre zoning . In addition, he opposed the proposed opening up of E1 Centro and expressed concern relating to drainage. Jay Peterson, 8519 E1 Dorado , submitted a petition (Exhibit A) signed by property owners who were asking that the property be restored to single-family residential zoning . He spoke regarding the initial development proposed by the former owner , Bill Poe, and opposed strongly to the planned development because of density and expected increased traffic . Mr . Peterson asserted that the proposed utilization was not in conformance with the neighborhood . CC 10/9/90 Page 4 0 0 Ronetta Davidson, 8545 E1 Dorado , spoke in opposition to the number of homes proposed and the opening up of E1 Centro . Mr . Sahl , 9083 La Linia, expressed concerns relating to drainage and traffic . Mario Perez , 8531 E1 Dorado , quoted an earlier engineering study regarding traffic congestion, spoke in opposition to opening up of E1 Centro and to the number of homes proposed . He urged Council to restore the half-acre zoning. Larry Waugh , 8580 E1 Dorado , proclaimed that the area already had inadequate culverts, stressing concerns for drainage. In addition, the resident stated that the proposed project was too dense. Mike Cox , resident of Morningside Drive in Atascadero , commented that he was surprised that the matter had become an issue and referred to the proposed development by Mr . Poe. He indicated that his concern at the time had been that the homes planned were to be duplex units and suggested that the current proposal was a more appropriate development . Vincent Lavorgna of Atascadero spoke on behalf of Mrs. Van Ryan, a neighboring property owner , who was in support of the project . Bill Watton, 8990 Arcade, voiced opposition to the planned development stating that it would be more appropriate to cut the proposed number of units in half. He also referred to a past traffic fatality in the area and commented that the traffic problems have not been adequately addressed . Kay Wells, 9105 La Linia, noted that the development would add to the problems of drainage and would disturb the natural floral and wildlife habitats of an existing " live stream" . Additionally, the resident expressed concern for the safety of children if E1 Corte was opened up for through traffic. Ruben Diaz , 9085 La Linia, relayed concern for increased traffic , drainage and street surfacing . Richard Schenberger , 10535 San Marcos Road , spoke in favor of the project noting that it offered the feature of pride of ownership . Eric Hagen, 5500 Santa Fe Road , commented that the proposed project would blend with the hillside and topography. CC 10/9/90 Page 5 Mayor Lilley called for a fifteen minute recess at 9:30 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:45 p.m. Tim McCutheon, 786 Horstman in Templeton, referred to another Bunnell Construction project and stated that initially residents had similar concerns. He stated that the Cherry Meadows development was a good project and urged Council to approve the proposal . Janet Fillmore, 8830 E1 Centro Road , asked why there had not been an Environmental Impact Report done on the project . She expressed concerns relating to density, elevations and to the opening up of El Centro . Mr . Bunnell responded to concerns raised by the public regarding off-site improvements adding that the City has good control over follow-through . He indicated that he wanted to be proud of the project and had no objections to leaving the live stream open. He explained that once La Linia is improved , the streets will be safer and commended the staff for their report . Mr . Bunnell urged Council to approve the project . Discussion came back to individual comments from the Council . Councilman Nimmo stated that change is needed and that the property is an eye-sore. He voiced support for the proposed development indicating that he favored it over the alternative of apartments and added that it offered an opportunity for improving the infrastructure. Councilman Shiers opposed the density level stating that it was not consistent with the neighborhood . He also noted that while he was supportive of alternatives to shielding cuts, he did not favor lifting the 960 ' contour line restrictions. In addition, he reiterated concerns about traffic and drainage. Councilman Dexter stated that there was a need for the kind of housing proposed because of the amenities it afforded ; but asserted that he could support the project if the number of homes was reduced to seventy-two (72) . He added that he was not , however , in agreement with the extension of E1 Centro . Councilwoman Borgeson declared that the previous re-zoning was done so inappropriately and stressed her concern that "unusable" land had been considered for overall building lot calculations. She expressed concurrence with the Planning Commission and their findings for denial . Councilwoman Borgeson referred to a comment made earlier by a member of the public regarding an E. I .R. and stated that there would indeed be impacts to the neighborhood . CC 10/9/90 Page 6 She concurred with Councilman Dexter that development should be limited to seventy-two units. Mayor Lilley indicated support of the planned development describing it as sensitive. He noted that the area had outgrown infrastructure and that staff had used planning tools to mitigate the residents of not only the new development , but also those of the present neighbors. The mayor commented that seventy-seven units were too many, but added that he would approve of seventy- two . Discussion ensued regarding the building height limitations. Councilman Shiers stated that if the 960 ' building height restriction is lifted , he wanted to ensure that the building height would not go above 30 ' . Mr . Engen reported that the applicant had indicated that he was not planning on going any higher . MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilman Nimmo to adopt an amendment to the official Zoning Ordinance text of the PD6 overlay zone relative to proposed buildings extending above a specific elevation, as set forth in Exhibit K of the staff report . Discussion of the motion followed . Councilman Shiers asked if there was consensus that there would be a reduction in the number of homes and reiterated his concerns. Councilwoman Borgeson asked for an opinion from the City Attorney. Mr . Montandon advised that the action before them was the introduction of the ordinance and that it would be back for second reading in two weeks, at which time Council had the option of adopting it or not . Vote was taken; amendment to the ordinance was unanimous. Additional discussion ensued regarding the number of units and options for Council direction. The mayor asked the applicant if he would be willing to reduce the amount of homes to seventy-two with one lot reserved for open space. Mr . Bunnell replied that he would be willing to amend his request for a Conditional Use Permit by reducing the number of living spaces to seventy-two with one uninhabited lot . He added that he would surrender an earlier request to waive the conditional off-site improvements associated with that reduction. CC10/9/90 Page 7 0 0 MOTION: By Mayor Lilley to approve the Conditional Use Permit subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the staff report in Exhibits "L" and "M" ; as amended at the request of the applicant for approval of seventy-two residential units and the balance of the lot in undeveloped open space; this motion contingent upon the applicant submitting a revised site plan and staff revising conditions of approval , all subject to further approval as a Consent Agenda item for the meeting of October 30, 1990; motion unanimously passed . MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilman Nimmo to continue the matter of accepting the tentative tract map , as a consent agenda item, to October 30, 1990; motion unanimously carried . 2. CONSIDERATION OF HERITAGE TREE REMOVAL REQUEST, 12550 SANTA ANA ROAD, FOR PURPOSE OF PROPOSED DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCTION (Sandel ) Lisa Schicker , Natural Resource Specialist , was present to respond to questions. There were no comments from Council or the public . MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilman Nimmo to support the findings of the Natural Resource Specialist and approve the heritage tree removal ; motion unanimously carried . 3. CONSIDERATION OF HERITAGE TREE REMOVAL REQUEST, 9405 JAQUIMA FOR PURPOSES OF HOME CONSTRUCTION (Lund ) Lisa Schicker gave brief staff report . There were no questions from Council and no public comment . MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilman Shiers to approve the heritage tree removal with a 2: 1 replacement ; motion unanimously passed . C. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1 . GARCIA ROAD TREE REMOVAL ISSUE (Cont ' d from 9/25/90) Lisa Schicker reported that the application for the construction of the Garcia Road had begun approximately 18 months ago and that an acceptable design for Garcia Road had been proposed following a series of designs, redesigns, prior City Council meetings, public hearings and field meetings. She explained that a tree cc 10/9/90 Page 8 removal application and protection map had been prepared by the applicant ' s arborist , Jack Brazeal , and that the map had been used to determine which trees were to be saved and which trees were to be removed . She continued that on the basis of this map and field visits, Council approved the tree removal application for the road ; explaining that a maximum of sixty-nine trees ( 12 of them heritage size) would be removed. The Natural Resource Specialist stated that road construction had begun in early September and on the 20th day of September , it had come to the attention of the Public Works Director , the Community Development Director and herself that the trees removed had exceeded the permitted amount . She then reported that a stop work order had been placed on the job and that she had , along with Mr . Brazeal , completed a field survey to assess the situation. Ms. Schicker stated that there were a total of eighteen trees that had been removed that had been slated to remain, according to the map . She clarified that eight of those trees were of heritage size, and according to the existing Tree Ordinance, would have required Council action to allow for their removal . Ms. Schicker also noted that she had prepared some observations and suggestions as to how tree removal applications during road constructions might be addressed in the future. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilman Nimmo to extend the meeting beyond 11 :00 p .m. ; motion unanimously carried . Councilman Nimmo asked whether or not the applicant had been required to post funds for replacement of seventy-five trees in the amount of $15,000. Ms. Schicker responded that no posting was required ; that the applicants had agreed , based upon the sixty-nine trees to be removed , to replace these trees as well as an additional six trees (representing some thirty trees possibly impacted by the construction) . The City Manager clarified that Council had made it clear at their meeting on July 10, 1990, that $15,000 be determined as the amount to be paid by the applicants. He added that the applicants had concurred with this amount . Ms. Schicker read a portion of Mr . Engen ' s letter to the applicants which outlined the in-lieu donation to the Tree Replacement Fund of up to $15,000 based upon the final tree removal tally, noting that there might be a credit for costs incurred by the developers for additional survey work in CC°10/9/90 Page 9 • 0 relocating the alignment . Public Comments: Don Vaughn, representing the developers, explained that the contractor on the job site had been sensitive to tree removals. He stated that it was very difficult to put a road of this size through a forest of trees and reported that there had been two cuttings. The first cutting , he explained , had included those trees marked for removal . Mr . Vaughn continued that two weeks following the first cutting , a request was made to the Public Works Department for approval of a second cutting . He remarked that it was "understood" that approval had been given. Jack Brazeal , arborist for the developers, gave background on the tree removals. He stated that it became evident that there were more trees in the right-of-way that would require removal and that the contractor contacted the City to receive tentative approval . Mr . Brazeal asked that , even though there were more trees removed than originally planned for , the applicants not be penalized because the end result would have been the same in order to get the road established as required by the City. Mayor Lilley asked Mr . Brazael if he had been on the job when the request was made for the removal of the additional trees. He replied that he had not , but that the contractor had been in touch with him by telephone. Council comments followed regarding action to mitigate the unauthorized removal of trees. Councilman Nimmo stated that the developer be required to pay $200/tree for the trees cut down. Councilman Dexter asserted that Council rule should be followed and not circumvented by others. He added that the owners should pay $200/tree removed and let the City do its ' own assessment of blame. Councilwoman Borgeson stated that eighteen trees were removed without the consent of Council and proclaimed that $200/tree was not enough for those of heritage size. Councilman Shiers observed that proper procedure was not followed and that the Tree Ordinance could not be ignored . He indicated that he would be agreeable to $200/tree with an additional $100/tree for the eighteen infractions of the ordinance and acknowledged that even that figure was not really enough for the CC 1.0/9/90 Page 10 heritage trees. Mayor Lilley recognized the efforts made by the applicants and expressed concern over the situation. He stated that he was upset that policy made by Council was not followed and indicated that it should have been clear to anyone who had the map in their possession that the additional trees should have not been removed without further action by the Council . The mayor then suggested assessing $200/tree for the non-heritage trees removed without a permit and $300/tree for each heritage tree removed without a permit . Councilman Nimmo pointed out that Council had adopted an interim policy of $200/tree without any distinction between heritage and non-heritage. Councilwoman Borgeson asked the City Attorney what the fine was for an infraction of the Tree Ordinance. Mr . Montandon explained that it was $100. Councilman Nimmo asserted that he recalled that Council had approved the removal of seventy-five trees at $200/each for a total of $15,000. Lisa Schicker , in an effort to clarify Council ' s previous action, read a portion of the July 10, 1990 staff report recommending the tree removals. She explained that the replacement formula she had devised was a 1 : 1 replacement ratio for those trees to be removed (69 trees) , noting that the figure could have been reduced if minor changes were permitted in road building and alignment. A ratio of 1 :5, she explained , for a total of six trees was assessed for those thirty trees anticipated to be significantly endangered by cut and fill . Ms. Schicker stated that no money had yet been collected ; that funds were to be collected based upon the final field conditions, less any additional survey costs. Additional discussion followed regarding the assessment and the following motion was made: MOTION= By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to assess $200/tree for every tree removed beyond those provided for in the permit plus an additional $100/tree per infraction: for a total amount of $5,400; motion carried 4: 1 with Councilman Nimmo voting in opposition. CC'1:0/9/90 Page 11 0 i The City Manager indicated that there was another matter to be resolved , one regarding money being held for progress payments. Mayor Lilley clarified that an oral agreement had been made by an agent for the City and the applicant to retain the original collateral for the payment of the project subject to pay-up to the contractors and that it was necessary to ratify that agreement and to allow it to continue. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilman Shiers to ratify the agreement between the City and the applicant entered into with regard to the commitment for funds; motion unanimously passed . The City Council , by common consensus, directed the City Prosecutor , Mr . Montandon, not to pursue these infractions criminally. The City Manager asked for direction from Council to amend the ordinance as it relates to the issue of penalties. Council gave such direction to the City Attorney. In addition, Council was unanimously in support of directing the Natural Resource Specialist to incorporate proposed amendments to the Tree Ordinance for the implementation of tree removal plans as it relates to roadways within the City. 2. CARLTON SQUARE PROPOSAL Mayor Lilley introduced Norman J. Norton of Norman Norton Construction. Mr . Norton referenced his letter of September 20, 1990 addressed to the Council and outlined plans for an extensive revitalization of the existing Carlton Hotel . He reported that if the developers were mandated to construct an additional parking area in order to meet existing parking requirements, the project would become financially infeasible and asked that consideration be given relating to parking requirements for the proposed commercial/retail mini-mall . Mr . Norton clarified that the institution considering lending the funds for the remodeling had asked for assurances that the parking issue will be resolved by the City. Brief discussion followed . There was consensus that the Carlton Hotel was a key to the success of downtown renewal and that the City may need to show some flexibility relating to parking . The Community Development Director , in response to questions from Council , reported on the number of units required and noted that the Conditional Use Permit process before the Planning Commission offers some latitude. Additionally, Mr . Engen announced that the CC10/:9°./90 Page 12 W, W Draft Downtown Master Plan would be before the Planning Commission on October lb, 1990 and that the Commission would be considering attendant ordinances, including one that gives a variety of alternate ways of providing parking in the downtown. He also noted that the Planning Commission had also received Mr . Norton ' s letter . Sarah Gronstrand , Downtown Steering Committee, reminded the Council that the consultants for the Downtown Master Plan had emphasized strongly that it would be necessary to modify the parking requirements for anyone moving into the downtown area. John Himes, President of the B. I .A. , expressed enthusiastic support for the remodeling of the hotel , recommended cutting the parking requirements by half and favored in-lieu fees to provide parking elsewhere. In addition, Mr . Himes voiced concern for the long term parking needs of residents of the hotel and asked that this issue be given some consideration. Mr . Norton reiterated that he needed some kind of assurance from the City as soon as possible before the project could go any further . The City Manager indicated that he wanted to meet together with the developers in the very near future so that he could come back to Council with a request for firm direction. Council acknowledged that there is no present on-site parking and concurred that in-lieu parking would be appropriate. 3. PRIDE DAYS The City Manager asked the Council to give endorsement to a clean-up project initiated by City department heads. He indicated that he would , with the Council ' s blessings, send letters to the school district , service clubs and organizations, and the Atascadero Homeowner ' s Association in an effort to stimulate interest so that it might grow into a community-wide program. The mayor , on behalf of the Council , thanked Mr . Windsor for the initiative and gave approval to the program. John Himes, owner of the Paper Works on Entrada, congratulated the City staff and Council for the Pride Days project and thanked those who participated in the clean up of his store front . CC10/ 91/90 Page 13 4. SET HEARING DATE FOR MANDATORY SOLID WASTE PICK-UP & CURBSIDE RECYCLING Mayor Lilley noted that the tentative date for the hearing was November 13, 1990. The City Manager commented that he would use discretion and keep the agenda light for that evening , as he expected lengthy discussion of the matter . Council concurred and asked that staff give appropriate notice to the public . D. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1 . City Council : A. Committee Reports - The following represents ad hoc or standing committees and informative status reports were be given, as follows: 1 . Recycling Committee - Councilman Shiers reported that the committee was happy with the new appointments and had set up sub-committees. 2. Solid/Hazardous Waste Committee - Councilman Nimmo reported that the committee had met and had aired frustration with County government as it relates to funding . 3. Traffic Committee - Councilman Dexter gave a brief report and referred to items A-10, 11 and 12 of the Consent Calendar as those recommended by the Traffic Committee. 4. City/School Committee - Councilman Dexter reported that the committee had met for the first time this year and referenced the action summary in the agenda packet prepared by the City Manager . 2. City Attorney - No report . 3. City Clerk - No report . 4. City Treasurer - No report . 5. City Manager Mr . Windsor gave a brief status report on the investigation of an incident at the Waste Water Treatment Plant , noting that Council would be receiving a full report within the next few days. CC10/ 9/90 Page 14 • a MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilman Shiers to adjourn to closed session for the purpose of discussions relating to personnel matters; motion unanimously carried . THE OPEN SESSION WAS ADJOURNED AT 12:02 A.M. COUNCIL ADJOURNED THEIR CLOSED SESSION TO THE REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 30, 1990 AT APPROXIMATELY 12: 12 A.M. r MIND E ECO AND TREPARED BY: LEE DAYKA, City erk Attachment : Exhibit A (Citizen Petition re: 8555 E1 Corte) CC10/ 9-/90 Page 15 CC 9/90 EXHIBIT A .mac.• �.''.�..o, �. 7-*14"., o R E C E: VV 9 D ADERO PETITION TO RETURN PROPERTY TO SINGLE FAMILY RESIM4&XZONING The under signed being the residents and/or owners of real property affected by the development of property located 8555 E1 Corte , City of Atascadero , California hereby petition the City Counsel to amend section 9-3 .650 of the City Municipal Code to revoke the Planned Development Overlay Zone Number 6 so as to restofe the property to its original zoning of single family residences in conformity with the existing neighborhood instead of the present multiple family dwelling. Date Name Adress �%-►4��t0 C•c.�r•�\ ��y�^ ���G 1. \ ��^c� ��0.�:rc �•-z ccs Cf 1 t - t ZZ cl- S qJQ 7 1 , S SS S . d I Pate Name Address ,;X0 �-;a&W rt. ,�„ q �L �(pL j.c Ru AZI-5 t PETITION TO RETURN PROPERTY TO SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE ZONING The under signed being the residents and/or owners of real property affected by the development of property located 8555 E1 Corte , City of Atascadero , California hereby petition the City Counsel to amend section .9-3.650 of the City Municipal Code to revoke the Planned Development Overlay Zone Number 6 so as to restore the property to its original zoning of single family residences in conformity with the existing neighborhood instead of the present multiple family dwelling. Date Name Adress Lli14 --,�: � "'x �, � ccd La. o e7��_.. '�:�. � I.C04— All G��� e —L u ✓ 3 Jz1al-46E ka;'� ' -AA& Q:,Lirz aLj 11V L&- PETITION TO RETURN PROPERTY TO SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE ZONING The under signed being the residents and/or owners of real property affected by the development of property located 8555 El Corte , City of Atascadero , California hereby petition the City Counsel to amend section 9-3.650 of the City Municipal Code to revoke . the Planned Development Overlay Zone Number 6 so as to restore the property to its original zoning of single family residences in conformity with the existing neighborhood instead of the present multiple family dwelling. Date Name Adress �-v�-�U ,JLcrcL�cv d- Csi 19 qA b X37 57:5G �C/Yr-i« 4a, ,4 >c i