HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 092590 MEETING 0 0 AGENDA ..L�. ITEM# AA.W...1..,..... Approved as submitted 10/30/90 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 259 1990 The meeting was called to order at 6:09 p .m. by Mayor Lilley. Councilman Shiers led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present : Councilmembers Shiers, Dexter , Borgeson and Mayor Lilley Absent : Councilman Nimmo Also Present : Muriel Korba, City Treasurer and Lee Dayka, City Clerk Staff Present : Ray Windsor , City Manager ; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Henry Engen, Community Development Director ; Bill Wittmeyer , Code Enforcement Officer ; Andy Takata, Director of Parks, Recreation & Zoo ; Greg Luke, Public Works Director ; Lisa Schicker , Natural Resource Specialist ; Lt . Bill Watton, Police Department ; Mike Hicks, Fire Chief and several members of his staff. Mayor Lilley deferred Community Forum and the reading of a proclamation until after the special presentation of the Fire Master Plan. CONSULTANT'S PRESENTATION OF THE FIRE MASTER PLAN: Fire Chief, Mike Hicks, introduced Jim Hunt and Don Perry of Hunt Research . Mr . Hunt gave an overview of the city as it relates to fire and medical emergency services and commended the City of Atascadero ' s Fire Department for its highly qualified staff. Don Perry reported that he had evaluated response times and has provided guidelines and recommendations. Mr . Perry also praised the Fire Department for its fine training as it relates to wildland fires. CC9/25/90 Page 1 The consultants responded to questions from the Council relating to response and reflex times, criteria for making land use decisions and additional fire houses. Chief Hicks voiced strong support for the master plan and acknowledged the presence of many members of his staff. The Fire Chief reported that over the past ten years, calls have increased from 250 to 2,000 with about the same services. He stated that it might be reasonable to put another fire house on the line sometime over the next three years and added that his department is currently implementing some of the recommendations of the plan that require minimal expenditures. Additional Council questions followed relating to educational programs. The Fire Chief indicated that this is an issue of high priority and reported that there are educational programs already in affect . Council was in favor of this concept. Councilwoman Borgeson stated support for setting forth a Fire Prevention Element and asked for a written response from the Fire Department as to how they view the document , with an outline of what recommendations they are currently following . Councilman Dexter concurred and further suggested that the Fire Department set specific goals and priorities with recommendations for follow through . Mayor Lilley agreed , adding that input and consensus from departmental staff should be forwarded to Council along with a basis for implementation. Councilman Nimmo arrived at 6:56 p .m. Councilman Shiers congratulated the Fire Chief and his department for their excellent service. The City Manager recommended that Council accept the report and refer it back to the Fire Chief and City Manager for further analysis and concurrently refer it to the Community Development Department for bringing into line with the General Plan Update so it does become the Fire Master Plan Element at some future date. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Dexter to receive and accept the report ; to refer it back to the City Manager , Fire Chief and Community Development Department with the long-term view that it will be incorporated into the General Plan; motion unanimously passed . CC9/25/90 Page 2 COUNCIL COMMENT: Councilwoman Borgeson noted that , during the previous weekend , the Police Department had been called to investigate into a recurring problem of unlicensed drivers of recreational vehicles in the creekbed and stated that she would like to see the Council take some future action on the matter . PROCLAMATION: Mayor Lilley proclaimed the month of October 1990 as "PTA/PTSA Membership Month" . PRESENTATION: Jack Stinchfield , President , Richard Summers and Bill Carroll of the Atascadero Rotary Club presented to the mayor a pledge in the amount of $25,000 for the Friends of the Lake Pavilion. Sarah Gronstrand , Chairperson, accepted . COMMUNITY FORUM: Eric Greening , 7365 Valle referenced Councilwoman Borgeson ' s comment relating to off-road vehicles and suggested that any action taken might also include Pine Mountain and other rural areas. Mr . Lutge, 4155 Tampico Road , stated that he had been attempting to get an item through the Planning Department for approximately three months and had sought counsel to interpret regulations. He indicated that his attorney had tried to correspond with Mr . Montandon and had not received any response and provided copies of the correspondence to Council . The City Attorney explained that he had been ill , but would have a response by the end of the week . A. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Lilley read the Consent Calendar : 1 . AUGUST 28, 1990 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2. SEPTEMBER 17, 1990 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES (Special Meeting ) 3. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT - AUGUST 1990 4. FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT - AUGUST 1990 CC9/25/90 Page 3 0 5. RESOLUTION NO. 112-90 - AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 5-90, WHICH ADOPTED BY-LAWS FOR THE CITY'S RECYCLING COMMITTEE 6. UPDATE ON SOLID WASTE ITEMS The City Clerk made an amendment to item A-2, Minutes from the September 17, 1990 Special Meeting . MOTION: By Councilman Shiers and seconded by Councilman Dexter to approve the Consent Calendar as amended ; motion carried 5:0. B. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES: 1 . CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 09-890 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 21-89, AND ZONE CHANGE 15-899 8555 EL CORTE - Appeal by Ray Bunnel of Planning Commission denial of proposal to subdivide six (6) existing lots of 21 acres into 78 lots for single-family homes, including one common lot , and to revise standards of the PD-6 Overlay zone relating to the elevation at which structures can be built on the site - Applicant requests continuance to October 9, 1990 Mayor Lilley announced that there had been a request by the applicant to continue and asked if there was any one from the public who had come to speak on the matter . There were no public comments. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilman Nimmo to continue Item B-1 until October 10, 1990; motion passed . 2. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 27-89 - Appeal by Alan Volbrecht of Planning Commission' s denial of proposed tract map to re- subdivide four lots of 30. 16 acres into eight lots of 3.77 acres each at 8700, 8850, 8900 and 9000 Santa Cruz Road (Ryan/White) The Community Development Director gave background and staff report . Mr . Engen noted that the staff ' s recommendation to the Planning Commission had been to approve and further recommended that if Council was to uphold the appeal , appropriate road conditions consistent with Resolution No . 111-90 would need to be substituted . He then responded to specific questions from Council regarding driveways, grading , lot size and easements. Councilman Shiers noted that the general neighborhood character would be affected by the subdivision, if approved . CC9/25/90 Page 4 Public Comments: Alan Volbrecht , agent for the applicant , stated that the project was fifteen months in the making , referred to the Map Findings and debated issues relating to fire response time, tree removal and flag lot determination. He pointed out that in Mr . Engen ' s report , it was noted that "Staff remains of the opinion that there are eight reasonable building sites on the property and that the Findings originally recommended for approval are reasonable, subject to the proposed conditions. " Mr . Volbrecht added that the applicant does not have a problem with the original proposed conditions. He then responded to questions from Council . Councilwoman Borgeson made reference to a letter received from the neighboring property owner , Mr . John Martin, who had requested that the applicants construct a fence between the two properties. Mr . Volbrecht stated that the construction of any fencing would be done by the owners themselves, explaining that this was not a conditional requirement for development . Mr . Volbrecht then responded to questions directed to him by the mayor relating to fire sprinklers and private roadways. Dennis Voss, Ranch Manager for Mr . Martin, spoke in his behalf. He indicated that the owner has experienced problems with teenagers trespassing on their property and destroying existing fencing . He stated that the proposed road butts up against the Martin Ranch and requested that the applicants build a five foot fence between the two adjoining properties to create a buffer zone to prevent trespassing . Council discussion followed regarding fencing and who legally was obligated to construct it . The City Attorney advised that the City does have the ability to require the fence as part of the design and improvement of the subdivision, but it is not legally compeled to do so . He stated that the City would not suffer any risk of liability for not making that requirement , but added that the matter was within the discretion of the City Council if they wanted fencing for subdivisions of this type. Further discussion ensued . Councilwoman Borgeson stated that the Council has a responsibility to protect the citizens and shared concerns for the safety of young children. Councilman Nimmo spoke in support of the appeal and expressed frustration over the unnecessary burdens the Planning Commission has placed on the applicants and staff. CC9/25/90 Page 5 i i I i Mayor Lilley commented that the applicant was working with the staff and commended both . He stated that the application was a reasonable and legally permissible subdivision. Councilman Shiers stated that he could not support the project because the project did not meet the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance and expressed concern for future subdividing . In addition, he explained that he was uncomfortable with the 3: 1 depth to width ratio and minimum lot size. Councilman Dexter was supportive of the project and added that the Subdivision Ordinance should be looked at to determine whether or not it needs amendment relative to design standards that seem more appropriate for small , urban lots. Councilwoman Borgeson opposed the approval of subdivisions when emergency services cannot be met . She stated that she could not make the findings of approval and supported the Planning Commission ' s decision to deny. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilman Dexter to grant the appeal of the Planning Commission denial of Tentative Tract Map 27-89 and delete Road Conditions No . 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 consistent with Resolution No . 111-90 and substitute Conditions 3(a) and 3(b ) as set forth by staff recommendation; motion carried by a 3:2 vote, with Councilman Shiers and Councilwoman Borgeson voting in opposition. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 114-90 — CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO ABANDON GUSTA ROAD RIGHT—OF—WAY, ROAD ABANDONMENT 2-90 (Off of El Camino Real between La Linia and Principal ) (Peterson/Devencenzi ) Henry Engen gave staff report with the recommendation to approve. He reported that the Planning Commission had made the necessary findings and described them as 1 ) that the road abandonment was not inconsistent with the General Plan and 2) that it would not conflict with the circulation goals of the City. The Community Development Director highlighted the seven conditions of approval as follows: 1 ) a hold harmless statement would be signed , 2) lot mergers would be completed prior to or simultaneously with the recording , 3) fee title to Gusta Road will be obtained , 4) there would be a thirty-foot easement reserved on behalf of the public for drainage and utility purposes, 5) a City-standard drive approach onto E1 Camino Real would be constructed prior to recording, 6) all conditions would CC9/25/90 Page 6 be completed prior to or simultaneously with the recording and 7) ! there would be reciprocal easements for thirty-foot access easement granted by the adjacent property owners. Mr . Engen responded to a questions from Councilwoman Borgeson relating to property appraisal . He stated that traditionally street abandonments revert back to prior ownership and sale is not sought . Public Comment: Steve Devencenzi , representing the applicant , stated that he was in concurrence with the staff recommendations and made himself available for questions. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilman Nimmo to adopt Resolution No . 114-90; summarily vacating a portion of road pursuant to Streets and Highways Code; Part 3, Public Streets, Highways and Service Easements Vacation Law; Chapter 4, Summary Vacation; 8333 (Being the Gusta Road Right-of-Way) (Peterson) ; motion carried . Mayor Lilley called for a recess at 8:40 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:53 p.m. 4. HEARING TO CONSIDER REVOCATION OF CITY BUSINESS LICENSE #902160 R&S PLUMBING, 8052 CRISTOBAL Mayor Lilley noted that R&S Plumbing had departed from the Cristobal area and deferred to the Community Development Director . Mr . Engen noted that revoking the license would no longer be appropriate and requested a continuance until the next regular meeting to ensure that the new location of the use was in conformance. The City Attorney advised that past conduct would be relevant and indicated that the house in which the business was illegally operated had not yet been sold . He concurred that a continuance until the nexy regular meeting would be appropriate, and added that if the .matter resolves a report would be submitted as part of the Consent Calendar . Public Comment : David Peterson, attorney, spoke on behalf of the owners of R&S Plumbing , Reggie and Shannon Brard . He indicated that the owners were trying to satisfy the neighbors and had shown good faith by moving . Additionally, Mr . Peterson stated that the Brards were CC9/25/90 Page 7 ! i i i i i intending to continue their business at the new address and would make an effort to conform. Mayor Lilley suggested that the Brards, or their attorney, meet with the Planning Department in an effort to reach understanding of conformance requirements. Mr . Peterson explained that the owners were anxious to resolve the matter and noted that he was in agreement with the continuance. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilman Dexter to continue the matter until the meeting of October 30, 1990; motion carried . 5. ORDINANCE NO. 210 - CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION MORATORIUM ORDINANCE - Consideration of an Urgency Interim Ordinance to place a moratorium on new condominium conversions pending completion of a study to develop a condominium conversion ordinance (Requires 4/5 vote for passage) Henry Engen reported that staff is preparing a Condominium Conversion Ordinance and , having been directed to so , had prepared an interim ordinance. He noted that , if passed , the urgency ordinance would preclude anyone from the date of its ' passage from applying for a condominium conversion of an existing rental unit . He added that the Planning Department would return any applications that had not been accepted as complete. Councilman Nimmo asked the Community Development Director to clarify "applications as accepted as complete" . Mr . Engen responded that there are four (4) applications submitted that were not referenced at the previous Council meeting when the moratorium was discussed . He reported that of the four , one had withdrawn, one had responded to technicalities in time, and the other two would be sent back if the moratorium was passed . Mr . Engen reported , following a question directed to him by Councilwoman Borgeson, that the condominium ordinance would be addressing standards relating to density, indoor storage, open space, soundproofing , individual water meters and a formula for determining how much existing housing stock can convert absent new rental construction. Public Comments : Ed Sheehan, 3280 Hidden Valley Road in Templeton, stated that he had an initial application for conversion of a nine-unit complex . He indicated that , in his opinion, there was no shortage of apartments but that there was a need for low-cost/purchase CC9/25/90 Page 13 housing. He added that he did not see the urgency of the situation. Tim McCutcheon, President of the Atascadero Board of Realtors, spoke in opposition to the moratorium, but said that he did not see the urgency and urged Council to let staff prepare the conversion ordinance in a timely manner . He also pointed out that the City receives revenue from property taxes. Tom Vaughn, 14555 Del Monte Road , asked the Council to consider the long process some may have already gone through for applications now pending and urged them not to pass the moratorium ordinance. John Faulkenstien, Cuesta Engineering , reported that there is a mandated sixty-day notification period in order to apply for condominium conversion and asked that this criteria be used for determining the "cut-off line" . Comments came back to Council . Councilman Dexter sympathized with those applicants who presently were pending , but spoke in support of the moratorium while staff drafts the condominium ordinance. Councilman Shiers indicated that there was an urgency due to the fact that the City had lost over 27% of its ' rental stock and agreed with the recommendations of staff. Councilwoman Borgeson referenced the staff report and indicated that she believed the City was overdue for this type of ordinance. Councilman Nimmo asked the Community Development Director if the condominium ordinance could be in place within forty-five days. Mr . Engen reported that it could not , as it would require proper public hearings. Councilman Nimmo then stated that he was in favor of an interim ordinance to avoid the City having a flood of applications. The mayor concurred and indicated that a cut-off line is a necessity. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to adopt Ordinance 210 by title only; motion carried 5:0 by roll call vote. CC9/25/90 Page 9 C. REGULAR BUSINESS: I . CLOSED SESSION FOR DISCUSSION OF PROPERTY PURCHASE SETTLEMENT (M/M Thomas Bench - Property located near Curbaril & Carmelita Ave. ) . The City Manager reported that the Council would be adjourning to a closed session to allow its designated negotiators, the City Attorney and himself, to report back on the terms and conditions of a proposed acquisition agreement with Mr . and Mrs. Bench for a parcel of approximately 1 .2 acres abutting the Curbaril extension. He indicated that Council would then adjourn back into open session and would either take no action, thus terminating further consideration of the purchase, or direct staff to give notice to Mr . and Mrs. Bench of the City ' s intent to hold a hearing on said acquisition, which would be held on October 30, 1990. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Nimmo to adjourn to a closed session for the purpose of discussions relating to property purchase settlement ; motion unanimously carried by voice vote. The meeting was adjourned at 9:32 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:45 p.m. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Nimmo to set the hearing date as October 30, 1990; motion carried 5:0 by roll call vote. 2. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT AMONG THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO AND THE CITIES OF ARROYO GRANDE, ATASCADERO, GROVER CITY, PASO ROBLES, MORRO SAY, PISMO BEACH AND SAN LUIS OBISPO FOR PREPARATION OF COUNTY AND CITY SOURCE REDUCTION AND RECYCLING ELEMENTS, AND THE COUNTY-WIDE INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN Greg Luke, Public Works Director , reported that the Agreement moves the authority for waste planning from the County to the Area Council . The City Manager indicated that the Council is on record conceptually to this format and that the Agreement puts it into action. In addition, Mr . Luke noted that the agreement in the packet did not reflect the amount the County would be shifting to the Area Council budget to front the effort and reported that the figure would be $645,900. CC9/25/90 Page 10 Public Comment : Steve Devencenzi noted that he serves as vice-chairman of the Technical Advisory Committee to the Solid Waste Task Force and explained that the Public Works Director ' s input had been valuable. He also acknowledged the efforts of Mari Mackey, Councilwoman Borgeson and Councilman Nimmo and encouraged the Council to proceed with the Agreement . MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Shiers to authorize the mayor to sign on behalf of the City; motion unanimously passed by roll call vote. 3. APPOINT COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE TO SERVE ON THE CITY/COUNTY PARTICIPATION GROUP TO ADVISE THE COUNTY IN THE PREPARATION OF A COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE STUDY Mark Joseph , Administrative Services Director , reported that the City/County Participation Group would be addressing the costs of county-wide facilities and improvements within both the incorporated and the unincorporated portion of the county. He noted that the cities would then pay their fair share and development fees would reflect costs. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Mayor Lilley to nominate Councilman Nimmo as the City ' s representative to serve on the City/County Participation Group ; motion carried unanimously. Councilman Nimmo accepted the appointment . The City Manager designated Mark Joseph as the staff member to work along with Councilman Nimmo . 4. REQUEST TO PURCHASE HIGH-RANGE LIFT TRUCK FOR TREE TRIMMING Andy Takata gave the staff report and recommendation to approve the purchase. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilman Nimmo to authorize staff to purchase a used 1974 Ford High- Lift Truck for $6,000 from Denny Tree Service; motion carried 5:0 by roll call vote. I 5. LIBRARY FACILITIES - BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BUDGET POLICY #13 STATUS The City Manager reported that he had written a letter to the CC9/25/90 Page 11 • 0 Board of Supervisors asking for a two-week continuance of this matter, which had been calendared for September 14, 1990. He explained that it was decided by a 3:2 vote to go ahead with the item and to approve the policy amendment . Mr . Windsor indicated that he had also received a letter from the County Administrator , Robert Hendrix , which outlined the action. He added that he was hoping to have the opportunity to air the matter at the Mayors/Manager Meeting on Thursday, September 27, 1990. Public Comment: Sarah Gronstrand , 7620 Del Rio Road, read a prepared statement (see Exhibit A) voicing strong opposition to the Board ' s decision to go ahead with the item, rather than continue it as had been requested , and to the passage of the budget amendment . Mayor Lilley asked the Council if there was support for official , formal action by the Council to request a reconsideration. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Dexter to formally request a reconsideration of Budget Policy #13, to be written by the City Manager and to be signed by the Mayor ; motion unanimously carried . Mayor Lilley added that the matter would be shared with the Mayor/Managers Group during their meeting later in the week . 6. REQUEST TO RESCHEDULE THE REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 23RD TO THE 30TH DUE TO CONFLICT WITH ANNUAL LEAGUE CONFERENCE The City Manager indicated that this request was due to schedule for the Annual League of California Cities Conference. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to reschedule the second meeting of the month to October 30, 1990; motion carried . 7. GARCIA ROAD EXTENSION TREE REMOVALS After relating background information on this tree removal , Greg Luke reported that on September 20, 1990 a stop work order had been given on the construction of the Garcia Road Extension. He explained the counting procedure used in determining how many trees had been taken and indicated that there had been more trees cut than the sixty-nine (69) trees that had been approved by Council on July 10, 1990. The Public Works Director noted that the stop work order had been lifted and that there would not be any additional trees taken. CC9/25/90 Page 12 i • Mr . Luke indicated that Lisa Schicker , Natural Resource Specialist , was present and had prepared a preliminary report . The City Manager stated that he would be meeting with all the parties in an effort to gain a clear picture of what had taken place. Discussion followed and the Council was in agreement that they each wanted an accurate, complete account of the incident before taking any action and wished to postpone hearing Ms. Schicker ' s report . Public Comments : Don Vaughn, owner-developer , indicated that all parties were present and would like to have the matter heard . Conrad Langille, co-owner , asked how input was to be received . Mr . Windsor explained that he would be in touch and would set up a meeting . He added that the public hearing would be conducted October 9, 1990. D. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1 . City Council : A. Committee Reports - The following represents ad hoc or standing committees. Informative status reports were given, as follows: 1 . City/School Committee - Councilman Dexter announced the next meeting . 2. Recycling Committee - Councilman Shiers gave a brief report of the last meeting indicating that the committee had heard the proposal from Dennis Bryant relating to the disposal of household appliances. He also announced the next meeting date. 3. Solid Waste Management Committee - Councilman Nimmo referred to item #A-6 on the Consent Calendar . 4. Traffic Committee - Councilman Dexter reported that they had met in a long meeting and approved several items. 5. Economic Opportunity Commission - Councilman Dexter CC9/25/90 Page 13 announced that they had met the previous week and had received a very encouraging report . 6. Area Coordinating Council - Councilwoman Borgeson reported that there had been a public hearing for the 1990-91 transit projects to be funded , which included the prioritizing of the Atascadero Dial-a-Ride replacement bus. She also noted that the Regional Transportation Update had been studied and announced that during the next meeting the Council would be looking at funding that may soon be available. In addition, Councilwoman Borgeson reported that the 1990 Regional Transit Element was discussed , as well as the Bikeway Element . The Area Council , she reported , had acted upon the Memorandum of Understanding delineating the roles and responsibilities for preparing the Countywide Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan (see item #C-2) and addressed the Regional Housing Needs Plan. Councilwoman Borgeson reported that she had been asked to get the Council views on the priority of the re- routing of Highway 41 . Discussion then followed relating to the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report and the Council was in agreement that they prefer to take no action on the matter until after receipt of the E. I .R. 2. City Attorney - No report . 3. City Clerk - No report . 4. City Treasurer Muriel Korba gave a brief report noting that she would be postponing the change in format of the Treasurer ' s Report until after attending an educational seminar relative to the item. 5. City Manager - No further reports. MOTION: by Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Shiers to adjourn until Thursday, October 4, 1990 at 4:30 for a Joint Study Session with the Planning Commission; motion unanimously carried . THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 10:50 P.M. CC9/25/90 Page 14 i i i ' ! 0 MINUTES ECORDED AND PREPARED BY: LEE DAYKAv City Clerk Attachment : Exhibit A (Gronstrand ) CC9/25/90 Page 15 CC9/25/90 Exhibit A Sarah Gronstrand 7620 Del Rio Road Atascadero , CA 93422 September 25, 1990 Atascadero City Council 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero , CA 93422 Councilmembers, On September 18, I went to the Board of Supervisors ' meeting because I was concerned about the contents of a letter which Mr . Hendrix , County Administrator , sent to the Supervisors. In his letter , Mr . Hendrix recommended that the library system in this county cease receiving capital improvement money for the General Fund . The rationale is that being considered a special district for tax purposes gives the library system an advantage over other departments in the County. It must be remembered that historically the County funded the new libraries entirely. The money supporting the library system comes primarily from real estate taxes, with some additions from the State. After Proposition 13 passed , the County decided to fund libraries on a 50-50 basis, with local communities supplying a 50% match . This accounts for the fact that since 1983 only two libraries were built : The Atascadero Library dedicated in 1988, and the San Luis Obispo Library dedicated in 1989. Mr . Hendrix states that with a little belt tightening in their operating budget , the Library could begin a rather substantial capital projects saving program. " He bases this on the fact that $200,000 was left at the end of the fiscal year 1989-90 and the money by law reverted to the Library Reserve Fund. This is very interesting . This is a question that is very important . Why the surplus? The libraries are short-staffed and inadequately supplied . We know it and the Consultants know it . The Consultants have told us that the financial support of the Library is five dollars per capita below the average of 169 California libraries. This accounts for the fact that our libraries have a lower than average number of volumes and periodical subscriptions and has fewer professionals per capita than other libraries studied . And Mr . Hendrix says we have too much ! Why, for example, did we have to wait 7 years for a duplicating machine: The reason, according to Mr . Perkins ' letter to the Supervisors is that the Auditor-Controller had a consistent 0 • pattern of under-estimating revenue beyond the point of being prudent and conservative for good fiscal management . By the time a clear picture of revenue emerged , it was too late to budget it and the money had to be placed in the Library Reserve Fund . Mr . Hendrix had an additional reason for removing Library funding from the General Fund . For the fiscal year 1990-91 , the Library budget increased 9%. By the way, the entire Library budget is only 2% of the County budget . But what are the possible reasons for the increase? An examination of the circulation figures may provide an answer . Circulation in the Atascadero Library has grown from 12,700 in FY 87-88 to 17,000 this year . San Luis Obispo has done even better . For the same period , it experienced a growth from about 28,000 items per year circulated to 38,000 items circulated. Since percentages are a concern, here are two examples from County Budget Form Schedule 7: Financing for the Morro Bay Golf Course increased 22.5% from FY 1987-88 to FY 1989-90. General Government expenditures grew from FY 1987-88 to FY 1989-90 29.9%. This is a brief background of the item on the agenda in which I was interested . Before discussion began, Supervisor Blakely read a letter from our City Manager , Mr . Windsor . On behalf of the City County, he respectfully asked for a two week continuance, since the item was only made available to the City on Friday, September 14. The Council asked for an opportunity to review the item and clarify its ' possible implications, with an opportunity to provide input to the Board prior to its ' decision in the matter . Mr . Windsor also suggested that it may be appropriate for this issue to be aired and clarified at the Mayors/Managers ' meeting . Mr . Hendrix took the lead in making it clear that he was not interested in continuing the item, nor would he meet with the Mayors/Managers' Group . The ensuing negative vote, Supervisors Ovitt , Johnson and Coy supported Mr . Hendrix . Then it was time for me to speak . I did not get very far when I was unceremoniously interrupted by Mr . Hendrix . He was obviously angry. He harangued and lectured , trying to explain how good deletion from the General Fund would be for the libraries. Amazingly, Supervisors Ovitt , Johnson and Coy agreed with him. The four of them put on quite a show. The prize statement was made by Supervisor Johnson, who said that there are other priorities besides libraries--there is Lopez Lake and the golf course. Apparently Supervisors Ovitt and Coy share Supervisor Johnson' s priorities. The three of them voted to remove library funding from the General Fund . The way in which this was handled demands an explanation. Why were the Council members not informed? Why wasn ' t there a public hearing? Why did Mr . Hendrix , Supervisors Ovitt (who represents our city) , Coy and Johnson insult our Council members and our City Manager by disregarding their requests? And lastly, why is Mr. Hendrix controlling the Supervisors' meeting and why is he interfering with people ' s rights to speak to their elected officials? Signed , i i SARAH GRONSTRAND i i I I I