HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 092090 - Special Mtng MEETING AoODA DATE,..JW_a Z ITEM N A_.-� ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES STUDY SESSION: ROAD STANDARDS & POLICIES September 20, 1990 The Special Meeting was called to order by Mayor Lilley at 4 :38 p.m. Roll Call: Present: Councilmembers Borgeson, Dexter, Nimmo, Shiers and Mayor Lilley Staff: - Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Greg Luke, Public Works Director; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Gary Sims, Sr. Civil Engineer; Muriel Korba, City Treasurer; Cindy Wilkins, Admin. Secy./ Dep. City Clerk. (* It was noted that City Manager, Ray Windsor, was absent due to illness . ) Council Comments : Mayor Lilley noted that this is a continuation of a previously adjourned meeting [7/11/90] . Mr. Engen added that today's dis- cussion is for continued consideration by Council of a draft policy resolution to set road standards and to establish (7 ) different classes of roads in the City. Mr. Luke announced that there has been, what staff believes to be, a fairly substantial violation of the conditions on the extension of Garcia Road, and a stop work order has been placed on the proj- ect. Mayor Lilley requested that this item be placed on the Council' s 9/25 agenda for a staff report. 1 . Study Session for the Purpose of Discussion Road Standards and Policies Mr. Luke made opening comments underscoring the importance and ben- efits of establishing a roads policy which could enable property owners to be aware of the classes of roads and any conditions for improvement which may be imposed on developments, as well as to enable staff to achieve some long-range planning for future road improvements . He showed a video he prepared which reviewed present examples of the road classifications (I-VII) as they've been pre- sented in staff' s report. He then responded to various questions from Councilmembers The concept of assessment districts was discussed, with Mr.. Luke noting the advantage of the City' s ability to obtain low-interest loans which property owners pay off over long periods of time (e.g. , 15-20 years) . Mayor Lilley added that an additional bene 1 fit, hopefully, of future assessment districts will be ultimate public maintenance as well as public ownership of the roads, with the latter not always having been the case with assessment dis- tricts . Mr. Luke was asked how many miles of road he would recommend against acceptance into the City-maintained system; he responded this would pertain to Class III & Class V roads and that there are approx. 3-4 miles of roads in that category. Mayor Lilley expressed that a fundamental area of the proposed policy should be the Council ' s stated commitment to study roads, using a traffic engineer, and attempt to adequately warn and alert the public to hazardous road conditions by appropriate signage and other devices . Related discussion ensued, which included the mention of speed control . Mr. Luke responded that he and Mr. Montandon have discussed the retention of a traffic engineer, sub- sequent to input from the Council at the July 11th study session. The subject of liability was discussed. Mr. Montandon concurred with Mayor Lilley' s suggested policy statement, responding to Council' s expressed liability concerns that it is the drivers' res- ponsibility to exercise due care, which they can only do if they know there is a danger, and the presence appropriate warning signs & devices provides for a better defense in liability, cases . it was the Council ' s consensus to have Mr. Montandon work with Mr. Luke to amend the proposed policy as discussed above. Councilman Shiers asked if the City is legally bound to accept a road into its maintained system because it has been City-main- tained. Mr. Montandon responded that it' s his understanding that the road classifications are based on a road' s existing physical conditions, adding that if the City has maintained a road for a period of five years at reasonable intervals, the court can deem that the City does, in fact, own the road and has assumed liabi- lity. Councilman Nimmo expressed the opinion that, before adopting the proposed resolution and policy ( including the map) , they should be put into a form which can be reviewed by the public, so that all will be made aware of the types of streets that exist and what it takes to get them into the City-maintained system. He would like to see the goals clarified, feeling that the draft goals appear more like methods He feels the principle policy goal should be that all Colony roads, other than those abandoned by Council ac- tion, eventually be accepted into the City system. He expressed disagreement with some of the road classifications feeling they, as well as the map, need refinement, and that Atascadero' s rural atmosphere should be retained in the policy' s goals . He personally feels that we should not impose CEQA on the Lewis 'Flan of 1914 and encouraged the Council to ask for a formal legal opinion as to whether or not CEQA in fact 'applies to the Colony roads . Mayor Lilley noted that there will undoubtedly be situations where, because of the nature of certain roads or the development history around them, the City will be in a position to "bite the bullet" and, at its own expense, improve the road as a condition of accep- tance. There is a need for a platform to stand on when citizens ask why one road was City-improved and not another. 2 Public Works and Engineering Division staff were commended by Coun- cil for the work which went into the proposed draft documents . It was noted that this subject is a monumental task and will require a lot of additional work before everyone feels clear and comfor- table with the policy. Mayor Lilley asked the members of Council to draft their individual thoughts about what goal statements should be included in the pol- icy in order to assist Mr. Luke with refinement of the document. Related discussion ensued, and it was noted that consideration should be given to providing for safe pedestrian and bicycle cir- culation in addition to vehicular traffic concerns . The repeated mention of CEQA in the policy statement was noted, and Council consensus was to seek a formal legal opinion from Burke, Williams & Sorensen as to whether the original roads in the Atasca dero Colony are subject to or exempt from CEQA. Councilwoman Borgeson asked if the roads policy could be designated for local rural roads . Mr-. Luke responded that it could be titled "Local Rural Road Policy" , noting that the Circulation Element Up- date will also address many of the road concerns . Councilman Shiers would like to see the policies specific enough to outline strong grounds for not granting waivers from the adopted standards . Mr. Luke indicated he would like further Council input on that topic. Public Comment Gary Sims, Sr. Civil Engineer, commented that there is no ordinance to address the administrative process involved in issuing encroach- ment permits, and he asked if staff could initiate the process of drafting such an ordinance; Council agreed to give staff the go- ahead. Mr. Luke noted that such an ordinance cannot be imposed where the City does not hold title. Andy Takata indicated that the Parks & Recreation Commission cur- rently has a committee working on the subject of bike path and pedestrian circulationrecommendationsfor the Circulation Element Mr. Luke indicated that he will prepare a staff report which will summarize the concerns and desired goals expressed tonight. Motion: By Councilman Nimmo to adjourn to the Council meeting of Sept. 25th, seconded by Councilman Dexter; passed unani- mously. Minutes Prepared by: CINDY WILKINS Admin. Secy./Dep. City Clerk 3 Approved as submitted 10/30/90 JOINT CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION STUDY SESSION MINUTES SUMMARY October 4, 1990 Mayor Lilley called the session to order at 4:36 p .m. ROLL CALL: City Council • Present : Councilmembers, Borgeson, Shiers, Lilley, Nimmo and Mayor Dexter Also Present : City Treasurer , Muriel Korba; and City Clerk , Lee Dayka Planning Commission: Present : Commissioners Luna, Lochridge, Highland and Kudlac Absent : Commissioners Waage, Johnson and Hanauer Staff: Present : Ray Windsor , City Manager ; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Greg Luke, Public Works Director ; Steve DeCamp , City Planner , Doug Davidson, Senior Planner ; Karl Schoettler , Assistant Planner ; and Gary Kaiser , Assistant Planner PURPOSE OF MEETING: To review the General Plan Subcommittee' s draft Land Use. Conservation and Open Space Elements of the General Plan and to give direction to staff for taking the document to public hearing . In addition, the City Council and Planning Commission also discussed Council/Commission relations, the proposed Condominium Conversion Ordinance, the Downtown Master Plan and Planned Unit Developments. JOINT CC/PC 10/4/90 Page 1 SUBJECT HIGHLIGHTS: General Plan Update: Henry Engen, Community Development Director , gave background and in-depth staff report . He indicated that the General Plan Subcommittee had requested that authorization be given to solicit proposals for preparation of an Environmental Impact Report and to refer the draft to the Planning Commission for public hearing . General discussion followed . Councilwoman Borgeson expressed concern regarding the predicted water supply. Planning Commission Chairman, George Luna, suggested that before the EIR has been conducted , staff contact Bob Hamilton of Atascadero Mutual Water Company and request that he review the General Plan Update ' s chapter on water supply (pages II-17 & II-18) to ensure that there has not been any changes in the projected water supply as it relates to growth . There was consensus to direct staff to contact Mr. Hamilton, acknowledging that the City was to be soliciting for preparation of an EIR, and request that he take an additional look at the matter of adequate water supply. Council approved the request to authorize preparation of an EIR and refer for subsequent hearings on the draft before the Planning Commission. In addition, Councilwoman Borgeson made a request that the population figures quoted in the General Plan Update be addressed and amended as necessary. Mr . Engen reported that Doug Davidson, Senior Planner , was working with the Countywide Census Committee on that matter . City Council/Planning Commission Relations : i Individual members of the Council extended their appreciation to the Planning Commission, commented upon the necessity to maintain good communication between the two bodies and expressed support for additional joint study sessions. Planning Commission comments echoed those of the Council . Priorities/Policy Direction/Comments : 1 . Condominium Conversion Ordinance Discussions reflected consensus that this matter was a high priority among both the Council and Planning Commission. JOINT CC/PC 10/4/90 Page 2 0 Staff responded to questions regarding the pending conversion applications. 2. Downtown Master Plan It was noted that the Planning Commission would be addressing the Draft Downtown Master Plan on October 16, 1990. Commissioner Lochridge asked the Council for policy direction as it relates to parking . Lengthy discussion ensued regarding parking and signage. 3. Planned Developments - Small Lot Standards Commissioner Highland urged Council to give direction as to minimum lot sizes and to express whether or not they were in support of planned developments. Individual Council comments followed . The Council was generally in support of the concept , especially with added amenities such as open space dedication, but there was a difference in consensus as to appropriate locations and minimum square footage of the lots. Concluding Comments/Next Joint Session : Individual members expressed positive comments regarding the study session. Discussion ensued relating to Commissioner Highland ' s suggestion that the Planning Commission meet for an additional meeting each month for the purpose of long-range planning . Mayor Lilley suggested that the matter be placed upon the Planning Commission ' s agenda for further discussion. There was consensus among the Council and Planning Commission to meet in a joint study session once every two months. Henry Engen suggested that the next session be scheduled for the first week of December . The City Manager indicated that he would be getting back to the Council and Planning Commission with a proposed date for hearing the consultant ' s presentation of the Fiscal Planning Model . Chairperson Luna requested that the Commission receive copies of minutes from City Council meetings relating to controversial appeals. MOTIONm By Councilman Shiers and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to adjourn; motion unanimously carried . JOINT CC/PC 10/4/90 Page 3 0 THE STUDY SESSION WAS ADJOURNED AT 7:00 P.M. RECORDED AND PREPARED BY: LEE DAYKA, City Clel9k JOINT CC/PC 10/4/90 Page 4