HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 0828909 is Approved as written 9/25/90 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUSUST 28, 1990 Mayor Lilley called the meeting to order at 6:12 p.m. for the special purpose of: 1) receiving a presentation from the Recycling Committee, 2) hearing a request from Wil -Mar Disposal to extend their contract and 3) obtain an update on a proposal from Dennis Bryant of Atascadero to provide a pick-up service for discarded appliances. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Shiers, Dexter, Borgeson, Nimmo and Mayor Lilley Also Present: Muriel Korba, City Treasurer and Lee Dayka, City Clerk Staff Present: Ray Windsor, City Manager; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Andy Takata, Director of Parks, Recreation & Zoo; Greg Luke, Public Works Director; Gary Sims, Senior Civil Engineer; Lisa Schicker, Natural Resource Specialist; and Bud McHale, Police Chief. The Pledge of Allegiance and Community Forum were deferred until the commencement of the regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilman Dexter noted that the August edition of Western City magazine was devoted to the topic of Recycling. Mayor Lilley reported that he and councilmembers Nimmo and Shiers had attended a League of California Cities' conference the prior month and explained that the major source of discussions were related to solid waste management and the legal issues related to it. The mayor commended the Recycling Committee for their serious efforts. CCB/28/90 Page 1 ITEM #1 RECYCLING COMMITTEE PRESENTATION At this time, Mayor Lilley introduced James Patterson, Recycling Committee member, who gave his report. Mr. Patterson introduced the other members of the Recycling Committee: Renee Silberman, Chairperson, Michele Velasco, Bill Gibbs and Councilman Shiers. He also announced that Ellen Hay from the consulting firm of Recycling by Nature was present in the audience and would be available for questions from Council. After giving background and history of the committee, Mr. Patterson gave an in-depth report on the issues of mandatory garbage pick-up and curbside recycling. Additionally, he outlined a proposed recycling program targeted to the residential sector of Atascadero and concluded his report stating that he and the committee members would be available for questions. Mr. Windsor noted that the City had just received data relating to costs and advised that in order for Council to make any meaningful assessment of the presentation (as it relates to mandatory pick-up and curbside recycling), that it allow the data to be analyzed by staff and be brought back to them for future action. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilman Shiers to receive the Recycling Committee report; refer it to staff for preparation of specific options relating to available rate structures and the scope of the proposed alternatives recommended by the Recycling Committee; and direct staff to come back to the Council for further action and public hearing; motion carried unanimously. ITEM #2 REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF CONTRACT - WIL MAR DISPOSAL The City Manager reported that staff had received a request from Wil -Mar Disposal to extend its' contract an additional two years based on the capital planning needs for a move towards mandatory collection and recycling. He noted that if Council moves forward with public hearing on those issues, it must also decide whether or not to go out to bid for the contractor who will implement the program. Councilman Shiers indicated that the Recycling Committee's report noted that there are special types of waste and that the recycling of those kinds of waste might require the use of independent, specialized contractors. He stated that this could CCB/28/90 Page 2 affect the extension of the Wil -Mar contract. Betty Sanders, attorney for Wil -Mar Disposal, pointed out that the City is bound by a contract with Wil -Mar for the next two and one-half years. She stated that if mandatory garbage collection is adopted, Wil -Mar will be required to provide that service for the remainder of their contract time. She added that if programs recommended by the Recycling Committee are implemented, Wil -Mar will then need to make substantial asset acquisition and urged Council to extend the contract. Mr. Windsor responded to Council questions relating to an estimated date to receive staff analysis by recognizing the sense of urgency and proposed the first meeting in September. He added that if staff could not be prepared by that date, it would come back to Council during the second meeting in September. Helen Hay, consultant, explained that she works for the Local Government Commission and in addition, had been hired by Wil -Mar to develop a program for them to present to the Recycling Committee. She further reported that her work is funded by a grant designated for the City of Atascadero and offered her services. ITEM #3 UPDATE ON DISCARDED APPLIANCES-PICK—UP SERVICE PROPOSED BY DENNIS BRYANT Mark Joseph gave staff report indicating that the matter had been referred to the Recycling Committee and reported that the committee was not supportive of the proposal. Brief Council comments followed. Consensus was that the Council was not prepared to accept Mr. Bryant's proposal at this time because it was premature. Councilwoman Borgeson noted that new members would be on board soon with the Recycling Committee and that they should be given a chance to look at the proposal. Public Comment: Dennis Bryant, SOS Appliance, announced that he had not been notified of the Recycling Committee meeting and was not afforded the opportunity to address the committee regarding his proposal. He stated that he would like the opportunity to defend his proposition. Mayor Lilley requested that, for future meetings of the Recycling Committee, Mr. Bryant be given an invitation to address the committee and provide his input. Councilman Shiers added that during the last meeting of the Committee, it had been decided CCB/28/90 Page 3 0 0 that the meetings will be announced publicly. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to defer Items #2 (Wil -Mar Disposal contract extension) and #3 (Bryant proposal) for further discussion until after staff has returned their evaluations on Item #1 (Recycling Committee Report) and public hearing is scheduled; motion unanimously carried. At 7:08 p.m., Mayor Lilley called the regular session to order. Councilman Dexter led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Lilley called for a short break and the meeting was reconvened at 7:15 p.m. Proclamation Mayor Lilley read the proclamation for "National Check-up Week" and noted the dates to be September 9-15, 1990. Celia Garrett, representing the local Diet Center, was present and accepted the proclamation. COMMUNITY FORUM: There were no public comments. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilwoman Borgeson thanked Mayor Lilley, newly -appointed Planning Commissioner Marty Kudlac and the Department of Parks & Recreation for their fund-raising efforts on August 25, 2990 to benefit the Lake Park Pavilion. In addition, she commended Chief Bud McHale for the Police Department's Grand Opening Ceremonies and Block Party held that same date. Mayor Lilley added his thanks to the Friends of the Pavilion Committee. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Lilley read the Consent Calendar, as follows: 1. AUGUST 140 1990 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2. MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARINGS HELD JUNE 25, 27, 28 & JULY 59 1990 3. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT - JULY 1990 CCB/28/90 Page 4 4. FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT - JULY 1990 5. ACCEPTANCE OF FINAL PARCEL MAP 9-87, 9000 ATASCADERO AVENUE TO DIVIDE ONE PARCEL OF 1.0 AC. INTO TWO LOTS (Kuhlman/Baumberger) 6. ACCEPTANCE OF FINAL PARCEL MAP 26-871 11300 VIEJO CAMINO TO DIVIDE ONE PARCEL OF 27.01 AC. INTO FOUR LOTS CONTAINING 8.529 4.23, 6.59 AND 7.67 ACRES (Bordeaux House/ VandenBerghe) 7. AUTHORIZE POLICE DEPARTMENT AUCTION OF UNCLAIMED PROPERTY AND SURPLUS CITY PROPERTY B. RESOLUTION NO. 109-90 - CREATING EX -OFFICIO YOUTH REPRESENTATION ON CERTAIN CITY COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES 9. ANNUAL RATIFICATION OF AREA COUNCIL JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT 10. EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION: A. RESOLUTION NO. 106-90 - ADOPTING A SALARY/ CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE & BENEFITS FOR CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES B. RESOLUTION NO. 105-90 - ADOPTING A SALARY/ CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE & BENEFITS FOR MID- MANAGEMENT/PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES C. RgSOLUTION NO. 107-90 - ADOPTING A SALARY/ CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE & BENEFITS FOR MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES D. RESOLUTION NO. 108-90 - AMENDING EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT FOR RAY WINDSOR, CITY MANAGER Eric Greening, from the public, asked to pull item #A-8 for further discussion. The City Clerk asked to continue item #A-1. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilman Nimmo to continue the Minutes from City Council meeting of August 14, 1990 until the next regular meeting; motion carried. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilman Shiers to approve the Consent Calendar with the exceptions of items A-1 and A-8; motion carried. CCB/28/90 Page 5 & 0 8. RESOLUTION N0. 109-90 - CREATING EX -OFFICIO YOUTH REPRESENTATION ON CERTAIN CITY COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, congratulated the Council on the inclusion of students on advisory bodies; but stated opposition to the restrictiveness of the requirement that youths must be "high school" students. He stated that "home schoolers" should also be allowed to apply. Nathan Coren, 7365 Valle, echoed the comments made by Mr. Greening. Councilman Dexter offered that the words, "high school student" could be substituted with the words, "between sixteen and eighteen years". MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Mayor Lilley to adopt Resolution No. 109-90 as amended; motion unanimously passed. B. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES: 1. RESOLUTION NO. 103-90 - ADOPTING ROAD STANDARDS AND POLICIES (Cont'd from 8/14/90 Henry Engen noted that hearing items 2, 3 and 4 all have to do with road requirements and gave brief history. The Community Development Director reported that even though item #2 (the Gearhart parcel map) is on a Class III road, Council has discretion to make a determination based on the characteristics of the lot, whether or not they act upon Resolution No. 103-90. Mr. Engen commented that items 3 and 4 deal with so-called "Gordon Davis roads" which are subject to a 1986 agreement between the Public Works Department and Mr. Davis to install roads in a stage sequence to later be reviewed by the City for acceptance into the City -maintained system. The Community Development Director recognized the unique circumstances involved with the two parcel maps and offered an option for solving the disputes. He suggested that areas subject to an agreement be exempt from the existing minimum road standards and in those situations rely on the terms and conditions of the agreement itself. Councilman Nimmo referred to Mr. Engen's classification of Bella Vista Road and stated that it was his understanding that the Council had not yet adopted an approved list of classifications. CC8/28/90 Page 6 0 • The Community Development Director noted that Mr. Nimmo was correct and stated that the Class III status of Bella Vista was indeed proposed. Mr. Nimmo opposed the resolution and voiced strong support for an additional study session relating to the road classifications. Other members of council concurred. Public Comment: Joan Okeefe, 9995 Old Morro Road, stated that the Council has had the material for quite some time; and asked what the Council would be looking at during a study session and at what point would it begin to address the issue of roads. Councilman Dexter stated that he stood by his request for a study session and asked the City Attorney for an opinion with regard to the other items on the agenda as they relate to roads. Art Montandon stated that Council could act on the Bella Vista Road appeal. He noted that it may be confusing to act on the second two appeals if the road policy is undecided, unless Council chose to "grandfather" those roads. The City Manager reiterated that the issue was extremely complex and urged the Council to act on the Bella Vista matter. He stated that the other items could also be resolved if the Council stands by their resolution (Resolution No. 61-90), which states that it will accept the standards of the 1986 road agreement. He added that the only thing that has not been resolved is exactly what those standards are. Mr. Windsor advised that the appeals be compared to the minimum road standards. Mayor Lilley asked for a motion to continue the road policy resolution and proceed to address the appeal items. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilman Dexter to continue Resolution No. 103-90 and schedule a study session at the earliest date possible; motion unanimously carried. 2. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 19-89 APPEAL BY CITY STAFF OF THE ROAD IMPROVEMENT CONDITIONS RECOMMENDED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION! 7675 BELLA VISTA (Gearhart/Sierra Vista)(Continued from 8/14/90) The City Manager clarified that this appeal does not fall under the proposed road policy standards, because they have not yet been adopted. He stated that staff was requesting approval of Alternative II, a modification of the conditions related to the CC8/28/90 Page 7 improvement applicant acceptable. Councilman Vista until do with the s 0 of Bella Vista Road. Mr. Windsor noted that the and his attorney had indicated that this was Nimmo made a request to defer the status of Bella Council has had a study session and decided what to various streets in Atascadero. Mr. Engen noted that should the Council uphold the appeal, then consideration might be given to reducing the twenty foot road way requirement for the back lot, which he described as a flag lot. He suggested that a sixteen foot road with two foot shoulders could allowed under the subdivision ordinance. The mayor asked if the proposal would violate Fire Department standards. The Community Development Director explained that it would not and added that there were a number of trees that would be better served by making a narrower road to the back lot. Councilman Shiers clarified that the subdivision could be denied if Council could not meet any of the findings of the Subdivision Map Act. Councilwoman Borgeson noted that the matter had been before Council earlier in the year and that the application had been sent back to the Planning Commission to determine other reasons for denial, aside from the road, based on the site planning. Public Comment: Kelly Gearhart, 8851 Palomar, stated that Alternative II was acceptable and remained available for questions. Councilwoman Borgeson asked the City Attorney, acknowledging the receipt of a letter from Mr. Gearhart's attorney, if there was a threat of litigation. Mr. Montandon stated that he had discussed the matter with the attorney and indicated that he did not feel there was. Joan Okeefe, spoke in opposition to the lot split and stated that there would be considerable impact to the terrain, if approved. Jim Hahn, a Bella Vista resident, explained that the property has been used by transients, for parking and target shooting, and as a dumping ground. He stated that he was in support of the split as it would be an improvement over its' current usage. Mayor Lilley commented that he was concerned about the manner in which the matter had come before the Council. He stated the CCB/28/90 Page 8 0 0 Planning Commission serves the City well and was disturbed by the staff's appeal of their decision. The City Manager responded that Council could amend the ordinance by deleting the applicable provision if it was not comfortable with it. Councilman Nimmo stated that he shared the views of the mayor and that he was prepared to revise the Code. Councilman Shiers noted, for public record, that Council had received a letter from a resident living at 7455 Bella Vista who was opposed to the project. He pointed out that the parcel does not have to be split in order to be developed. He stated that it is currently a buildable lot and reported that he could not make the findings for approval. He specifically noted that he did not believe the site to be physically suitable for the proposed density, that the design of the subdivision was likely to cause environmental damage and that the design of the improvements were likely to cause serious public health problems. Councilwoman Borgeson concurred with Councilman Shiers. Mayor Lilley stated that he was very comfortable with making the findings necessary to approve the subdivision, adding that he did not feel there would be any environmental damage. Councilman Dexter stated that he would give reluctant approval to the application acknowledging that the applicant had competed all the requirements. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilman Dexter to uphold the appeal of adoption of Alternative II. The Community Development Director asked if the motion was to include a sixteen foot treatment and exemption findings for the driveway. Mr. Nimmo indicated that it did. Councilman Dexter affirmed his second. Motion passed 3:2, with Councilwoman Borgeson and Councilman Shiers voting in opposition. 3. PRECISE PLAN 28-90 — APPEAL BY JOHN FALKENSTIEN OF ROAD IMPROVEMENT CONDITION OF PRECISE PLAN, 8705 SANTA CRUZ ROAD The City Attorney referred to earlier discussion relating to "grandfathering" the Davis roads and exempting them from any consideration on road policies. He stated that if the Council agrees to do that, that action would resolve this issue as well as the next appeal. CC8/28/90 Page 9 a, 0 Mr. Windsor explained that matters could be simplified if Council would indicate, without vote, whether or not it supports such a position. The City Manager stressed that there was not an indication of who might be responsible for those improvements, as that was another issue altogether. Councilman Nimmo stated that, assuming an agreement is reached with Gordon Davis, a required punch list of improvements would be made by Mr. Davis or by the City based upon reimbursement. He added that he hoped the applicant for the precise plan would not be held responsible for additional improvements that were not part of the original agreement. Mr. Montandon advised that the applicants could protect their appeal rights by continuing the matter until after the Gordon Davis Roads matter is resolved. Public Comments: John Falkenstien, representing the property owner, stated that it was not clear to him what the City was asking of him. He asserted that if the City and Mr. Davis cannot come to an agreement, that it was not his problem and asked that a decision be made on the matter now rather than be continued. Glen Lewis, 1065 Vista Road, reported that he had purchased the lot with the understanding that it was a legal, buildable lot and that the road would be accepted by the City of Atascadero pursuant to the agreement. He stated that he found it hard to see why he would be required to make improvements to a brand new road that has not yet been accepted and urged Council to make a decision. William Barnes, 8785 San Gregorio, declared that standards should not be retroactive and that it was not right to hold private citizens ransom. Joan Okeefe, proclaimed that the roads are not in a condition to be accepted and asked who was going to pay for the improvements. Robert "Dan" Gardner, applicant for Precise Plan 70-90 (item B- 4), protested against additional costs being placed upon property owners without warning. He stated that the situation is very unreasonable and the added expenses would create a burden on the average builder. George Luna, 10600 San Marcos Road, noted that his road was put in by a Davis and asserted that if he was being asked to pay for CCB/28/90 Page 10 0 0 the road improvements on Santa Cruz Road, that he would ask that the residents of Santa Cruz Road also pay for the improvements on San Marcos. Bill Barnes clarified that it was Bud Davis, not Gordon Davis, who constructed San Marcos Road. Mayor Lilley called for a short recess at 8:44 p.m. The meeting was called reconvened at 8x59 p.m. Mayor Lilley acknowledged Glen Lewis, who stated that after consulting with his representative had elected to request a continuance of the matter (item B-3). In addition, as the authorized representative for Dan Gardner, he requested a continuance of item B-4 as well. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilman Nimmo to continue items B-3 and B-4; motion carried unanimously. 4. PRECISE PLAN 70-90 - APPEAL BY ROBERT GARDNER OF ROAD IMPROVEMENT CONDITION OF PRECISE PLAN, 14405 SANTA CRUZ ROAD Continued (see above motion). 5. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2-90 - APPEAL BY RICHARD MONTANARO OF PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF PROPOSED TRACT MAP (Continue to September 11, 1990, at the request of the applicant). The City Manager reported that the applicant had asked that the matter be heard on September 11, 1990 and that staff had inadvertently published the item for public hearing. Mayor Lilley asked if there were any public comments. There were none. MOTION: By Councilman Shiers and seconded by Councilman Nimmo to continue the item to the September 11, 1990 meeting; motion carried. C. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF HOOK-UP FEES ALONG A SEWER EXTENSION ON MOUNTAIN VIEW ROAD (Jacobs) - Recommend Denial The Public Works Director gave staff report and recommendation. Mr. Luke responded to questions from Council relating to fees and noted that to his knowledge fees had never been waived before. CCB/28/90 Page 11 Public Comments: Harold Jacobs, Grover City resident, stated that he was representing four property owners and gave history behind the request. John Falkenstien, Cuesta Engineering, stated that he was the Civil Engineer employed by Mr. Jacobs and gave support for the request by stating that the project was a benefit to the community. Gerry Taylor, 9375 Mountain View, reported what his additional expenses were and why he chose to hook up rather than use a septic system. Martin Weiss, 9300 Mountain View, also spoke in support of the waiver noting that the benefits were to the property owners as well as the community. Councilman Dexter sympathized with the applicants and applauded them; but expressed concern that the City had not been notified ahead of time. Councilman Shiers stated that he was hesitant to approve the waiver, fearful that it would set precedence for future requests and voiced concern for future revenues. Comments from Councilwoman Borgeson and Mayor Lilley echoed those of Mr. Shiers'. MOTIONm By Councilman Shiers and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to deny the request and require the fees to be paid according to Ordinance No. 181; motion unanimously passed. 2. CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING OFFICE REORGANIZATION AND IMPROVEMENTS - REQUEST AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED The City Manager introduced the matter indicating that it had previously been reviewed with Council and that the staff was now looking for firm direction to begin the necessary improvements. Andy Takata, Director of Parks, Recreation & Zoo gave staff report and overview of proposed reorganization options. He also reported that the elevator upgrade costs would range from $70- 85,000 and that staff had determined that this may not be feasible option. Mr. Takata added that, if Council desired, staff could look further into the matter. CCB/28/90 Page 12 A. - 0 Council questions followed. Mr. Windsor clarified that the City Clerk's Office was proposed to be relocated to Room 208, not in 208-A as the staff report indicated. He added that the triangular room (208-A) would be a vault for storage. Mr. Nimmo also inquired as to the need of a conference room on the first floor. Mr. Takata reported that the room currently being used for a conference room (Room 304) would be taken over by Public Works and highlighted some of the many uses of such a room. Councilman Dexter gave support to the concept of using the first floor to serve the public. Mayor Lilley referenced requests from the Atascadero Historical and Genealogical Societies for space on the first floor. Public Comments: Mari Mackey, 5504-A Tunitas Avenue, spoke in support of the use of Room 104, first floor City Hall, by the Historical Society and urged Council consideration. Alice Large, 10025 E1 Camino Real, spoke as the Librarian of the Atascadero Library of the San Luis Obispo County Genealogical Society and listed the services provided. She stated that if allowed the expansion, the library could be open more often and asked Council to consider their needs. Additional Council comments followed. Councilwoman Borgeson recommended that the Council office be located on the first floor - to allow easier access for the public and added that she believed all City officials should have offices on the first floor to enable the public in identifying them. The City Manager noted that if the City is successful in getting the RSVP program going, the Clerk's Office would be manned with representatives from that organization and that they would assist the public in locating the essential public services. Councilman Nimmo remarked that the Historical Society and the Genealogical Society are not essential City government services and opposed their location on the first floor. He stated that an attempt should be made to recognize that there are many people who make daily visits to City offices and asserted that City services, such as the Community Development Department, should be on the first floor. Mr. Nimmo added that he was not in support of the upgrade to the elevator. CC8/28/90 Page 13 Councilman Dexter suggested that the RSVP Office could be located in Room 103. The City Manager agreed that it could be and reported that the RSVP Coordinator might also need separate office space. Lengthy discussion followed relating to serving the public. Councilwoman Borgeson insisted that the Genealogical Society Library and the Historical Society do indeed serve the public and stated that it was time the City lives up to its' obligations to the Museum. Councilman Shiers agreed. He also stated that the Parks, Recreation & Zoo Department needs room to expand and concurred that the Public Works and Community Development Departments should be located on the same floor. Councilman Nimmo urged that long range planning for a proper City Hall must begin in order to provide a seat for City government. He further stated that someday the administration building could be turned over to non-public services, such as the Chamber of Commerce, etc. Council was equally concerned about the elevator. The City Manager indicated that staff would obtain updated information on the elevator to present to the Council. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Shiers to follow the recommendations of staff for allocation of space; motion passed 4:1 with Councilman Nimmo voting in opposition. Russell Goodrich, representing the Historical Society, reiterated that their request was for a general purpose room to be used for meetings; but added that the society allows others to use their space as well. He thanked the Council for supporting the Historical Society's endeavors to serve the public. D. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: A. Committee Regorts - Informative status reports were given on the following ad hoc or standing committees: 1. City/School Committee - Mayor Lilley announced the meeting date for September. 2. North Coastal Transit/S.L.O Area Coordinating Council - Councilwoman Borgeson announced the September meeting date. CC8/28/40 Page 14 4 3. Solid/Hazardous Waste Management Committee - Councilman Dexter reported that this committee would meet the first week in September. 4. Recycling Committee - Councilman Shiers reported that the meeting results were of public record (special presentation at the earlier session of the meeting). 5. Economic Opportunity Commission - Councilman Dexter reported that the committee had completed a full year of reorganization and that there had recently been completed a successful financial audit by the Internal Revenue Service. B. Council Comments Councilwoman Borgeson asked if Council could have their agenda packets sooner. Staff reported on the turn -around time for receiving the final copies back from the printer. Discussion following relating to whether this item had gone out for bidding. The City Attorney stated that staff had complied with requirements and Requests for Informal Bids had been obtained. 2. City Attorney - No report. 3. City Clerk - The Clerk responded to questions from the Mayor regarding preparation of minutes and indicated that she would be working full-time for the City beginning the first week of September. 4. City Treasurer - Ms. Korba reported that Council would receive a good Treasurer's Report at the next meeting. 5. City Manager - Mr. Windsor had no further announcements. MOTIONm By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to adjourn until 5:00 p.m. Thursday, August 30, 1990 in the Club Room for the purpose of interviewing candidates for the Parks and Recreation Commission; motion unanimously passed. CCB/28/90 Page 15 0 THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 10:10 P.M. MINUTES RECORDED AND PREPARED BY: CCS/28/90 Page 16